New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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fBBBUABY 13 NEW YORK! OLIPPER. t>nT_Stz mwiDtrt mile r(d«»—OMowd 'bmil on t!bl»ai tUMl wtff>n—Bl«plMnt» tnd umels—Sin* "T^Tcoiclnila* I »n« Ml to JOQ that oon nUl t> • imI TCfoltr atioir. "A mfle Mrr on wlU «jlTl«e yoo as to aoioa rf'oor oOTWt !(!«•• tni derlct* oonteoipUUdd, wuSTwlU «irprl3» th> oinilTil woild." KENNEDY AND PARKER CONTINUE • THEIR ASSOQATION. HARRY CJDWTER SHOWS. KERNEDY STILL GUIDING GENIUSOF PARKER CARNIVAL INTERESTS. BT TOU U WILSON. (Beaivurteri Horrg C. Umter Skout). . ■ loUNQttTon.y, O., Fob. 4. ■Til. forrtollon of the iboT. Mrural-clrcua-WlM wil »h«w« tor tb« teaaoo lUip oo May 1. la ).to. Ir^iiit ItoelT. "Tin place *tere" may remain KSet for a brleT few ilaya. Mr. Uuuler wan ZcamJed aucb carJIal wlcuin. laat attmn, and mVt witb «>■■ maiiy urgeiit luTltw to jlie tbeir bwn pKCCtleuw, Uo bus Uo«u at a lomi to kuow iuicb town to Wiiect ;or lUe prciiWer oirrrlog. TwtBtj-four car. 1> the alio of the i^vM ahoir tralD aa It op at ib« prCMnt, Ibtble to cut or onlargvoieat, according to ou-cusb ot apecUil talcut, ftaturca and neccwItlM. Ptrliaiia tbr ino^l llirlllliig and eneelal act witu the iJiowa tbiB aeaaon will be the free act, "Thu Dl^e For Life ■llir.)0iU Fire aud Water, ' pic- ttuled by I'lof. D, ti. Da Balla. Tbe iwrforiuer. from a lii'ljiht ol sevi-iiiy-. feet, Juiiipa out bilo il>i:« throuDb a bOon ')f flro aiid damea, lindiug 'lu n lilif tank of water. Tlirrv will be sarerjl otber fioe acts, aa "tilin- u'lifB." a« It were; ineto nppctliers tot Iho uriiicr eicnt, , " „ ^ Mr. Hunter has engiiged tbe same excelleat llalian band of ttrcolr pieces. Each maa la an •rust. Tlity have been busily cngngnl all Winter Dlayinir for parks ond parlies at tbe homes of the oilliloaalrev In Jac'iaoDvlUe and other claas r«- ■crta. Their return oiigiixenieiit Is aa -Indu of ■uulasl cordial relallous existing. Tho "bigaeet motorIcome ou the road," or, an-cng the biggest, will be taken from Its Winter storage for another (aupnlgn-. The big Parker carrousel, under managmient at the Negaata Btotbcrs 'Jnraoesel will lecelTe lia osw coat of palut aud gild shortly, and vlll nrann proudly around In manner to t;rlng happl- DNS ti> little and big 'una. Tbe athletic top sliow Is under contract—» liiger tent epic, xrlth a genuine llght-beavy weubt, V'ho will nuxt all comers: two skilled laZy wrestlers, who \rtll also give defl to any of Sair sex who are imulatlre of physical prowesa Users. Tbe management will make a special (catoie of thU Httractlon. ; Ttiera will alto be a clicua and Wild West com- Used -wltti Uie Hunter Shows, both adorned by moat aklUtul asd "t« tbe manner bom" actirs aod riders. <■ lit. Huatar !• tlilnklng of extendln^r hia Hbo^r lODte tUe ooolliis season, taking la fatlbcr East, On T, Ktaoedy oomea (otward ullb hh plans for the oomlng seaaon, and at once tela at rcet •11 raicors of any break between himself and 0. W. Parker. In a-conviTHatlon wlib tbe U«n<in City special renreeentatlve of Tui .Nnw YniK CuM-ii on Friday, I'eu, 5. In the Baltln.ore Ho. tel. Mr. Ktnnedy aald: "It has been my goo.1 fortune to have been iil the bead of the O W. l'Lrl'«r carulral lnter?9i« f»r the past siTlwn yviirs, uid our aMoclatloa has always been pM-rfknt and proStabl.v •To-day I closed coolrncla with C, W. Parker for anotbcr two years, which has alwajs l)ecn our arrangenents In the past. By :he agweuii-ut Jwat slgred I uke oror a lblrty<ar show rom. iilelo In all physical ojiilpinent urW'iiarT lo niaas It Ibe premiers organlaitlon In Aoicrlca. . "Again 1 wlah to eniiibaslie the fact that Ihoro lias nsTer been any break of any kind bi-lncon llr. Parker and myaolf during our entire sixteen years' association, It Is my wish tbot tbit alale- mrat will maka It plain to all who mar be in- temted In tbe wruar. at the Oca T. Kennedy Show.: as tbor wUI take tbe road <h Afrrll 13, .tetter eqalpped than erer before, °'.\.s you know I bare mad. two Toniol trips oTer tbe entli* Oontloeot of Amerli^a, Tlaltlog tbe two big expotltloui, Interrlewing ttao leading amusement men, and constantly on tbe ontlook for new Ideas, .with tbe rle^ at prorldlog tbe fhowfolng pabllc wltb something entirely new and meritorious. Yoa will Ond that man; new Ideas bare been eTolred, and will make their appearance on our opening day." When asked aa to the ontlook for tbe aeasoo, Mr. Kennedy replied: "I am oiillmlsllc lo apltc at •be calamity howler and dyed In the wooT pnisl. mist. When the Spring opens and the aoup bouses are clos«l and foTKottcn, money will come easlrrt that naturally will fullnw renewed Interest and octlTllli-s In all lluoa of buithiesV emlearor. My tour over America has oponetl roy eyes to tlio future iMisHlbllllles la our glorious Amerlcs." WORTHAM & ALLEN INTERESTS. BT PICK COLUMS. TOM W. AILEN SHOWS. Trem Sbrevoport comes Ihc nfws that Dolly Lyons will have a ber.v of beautlm. such ns Lnlly koows so well how to get together In a musical orKsnlzatlon ttait will be secoml In nans In tbe country, with the Tam W. MUa illiowj. The allrnctlon will be a revelation In lis spiiolnt- raonts and Is tbe matt?r of much discusilou be* tweon the iwwers that be as to Ju^t hotr rlabn- rdtely It shall be flttxl up. Sufflce to siy It will be In Ibe "<Ie luxe" claas, and that. wHb tbis allow, olfans something in a class hr Itself. Barl Htrout. In adilltlon to handling Ibe Iwsd, which will bo of the nsusi Sirout calibre, will have his Miracle Show witb tbe nrnaolaatlimi under tb« niiU'jgement of Mrs. Stronl, aud Beu Carr will have two pit shows, ooo conQoed to strange and curious animals from all parts of tbe world, a verllable JungMand,, and tbe other tilled wKb living cariosities and reatoiv pit ahuw at- tractions. A neir crystal maze will be a part of tbe equip, [nent, mouliled upon modern lines ond of a some, what dlfforent order to those hitherto presented. Ok>?onlal mualcnl act and eight trick dogv In tbe atttactlon. It Is of a most pleaslni; clisrnrti<r, ami one of the bent nttractlnofl In tho lniiiln?!>H. J. 0. McCatTery will have the privilege car with the Worlham & Alien Sbnws, this clinnp) brving been niado at tho last moment as we go lo ptiTS. The Tanderllle show will hnva ss bcedllneis the Trio, sensational cvcllsi^. In s re- ared coireily act. They are Just teturnln-r from sr. eitentlve tour over the Orpheoin Olrcut, rnd were for twovyeirs tbe closloe feature with the np^^nlieck-Wallacq Hhows, Five other acts of -Rell-kuo^n -trortU will dll out the progrini. The welcome'arrival of John A. Pollltt, In CTil- cngo. Is also nnnouncetl, oml no ooeL, 's wsiitoil more lu (he Wortbam Allen camirat Winter quuTtera, which opened Monday, at Valparaiso. Ind, He will be of material assistance to Sir. Powers, Sfl U.tb Mr. Allen and Mr. Worthsn bav. full cflblMence In bis ludgment and ability around Ibe consiractloo and building headnuarten of Ibe show. DON TUTES, t natlTe of Laramie, Wyo., joined the Kmplre Mosleal Oomedy Oo., aa lead- Inn min. when that organlatloa played tla tinvo week of Jan. 23, WONDERFUL SONGS Send for New Catalogue Stating Kind Desired, THEATHICAL CATAinCUC ol Sho« Prli.t- MAGIC PRINIING. Hypfio'tlini. llluiloM, Iny. ReocfloifO. StncK. Circui. Wild Mind Roilinq. Etc. ■ ' ■ v Wall, Tint Showj. Elc. MINSTREL PRINTING. While oi ColoreiJ, FAin PKINTINn, Filrj, Ric.5.' Avialion,- With or Wllhoui TillcElc _ Aulo. Horse. Slock Shqw». tic. MOVING PICTURE PRINTINC. Etc' WESTERN PUrS, Etn. FOLDERS ol Noii-lloyBlly Pliyl with Prinling. Show and Tliealrical Prinleis Lilliogiaplieis, Engravers IV jJ^*'- _■ Stock Hangers and Posleis AmusemenI Enlerprise WRITE ST. LOUIS OFFICE - 7TH AND ELM STS. neatrlcil eoloslati In tho old Quoni Olty wero In the aiKilllght of attention during Kehruary's earliest days. "PoverIT pnrllvs" and charily balls src listed for the slil <>r Ibe unem|iliiyc\l, and Mveral of Clnclunatl's thealrloal mantiiera bsvo taken a vljtnrous Initiative \o ilo llioir Hhnro fi>r the cause. Tbe Oral frulta will come from II. K. Keith's, where, on Feb. H, a "nionilun apeclnl" will be given—a nistlneo n Is New Orleans of tlio olilm times. To leml InK'rcst lo thU uniuual event tbe vaudeville folks who are on the currrnt bill "tnok to tbo atreets," and sold tickets lo the popnl.>rc. Manager Hobble Shirley, of tliu ttoclely llu>ls, msde tbe first sale, ami a Weslmii Union mcsscniirr boy was the llrat )iur>'haM-r, Among the cnnis of actor-salesfnlk were. Walter Vaimbsn. Henry llerinnan.Jack Cbilre.Olauile l,»ror, Heih, Mulligan, (llaiirs CInrk. Abre lloyi, Anna Vane, C>pal Rsseni, OerlruJe and Charlotte Kleld- Ini, Linian Vogelle, Klla Oold, Dull Matthews, Antoinette Schado and R. llrelter. .Manasvrs Jolin K. Hoysl. (korgo F. Tlsb. of the Walniit, end Carl llnbert Ileuck, of tbe I.yrlc. ace alllce In thia movement for lelM. On Kountain Square, on the aftcmoon ot 10, tbe "llankv I'onky" eora- risay will give a concert ami acll iiaiicrs, and «iMre Verlcb, ot "Tho .DIrd nf Parsillae," will give a sale at kewplee, at tbe'Slnton, R, all proceeds going to tbe fund. During llie sale .a concert will be given by Ibe ITawallan niuslolana, Aaotbrr langblag week of aucceaa made brilliant tbe story nf the. fifth week of the new rear. (?aiNn Opnii llouaa (John II. Ilavlln. mgr.)— "tte Cindy Bhop," seen here during Its early wspks of Srauser trial, cmiM back Krl>. 7, marked O. K., and with • raclS<: Ooast reeonl for run- tlaunii pcrftraances. Wlllism it<ick and .S^aoda rolton sre featured. Last week, Jnllsn itn^e and Jillus Tsrnen were seen In "I'nlsah and TctI- nutter." Crowds of overwhelmlnit nuinlieni en- joyed the humor ot Obsries Klein's drsmstle idsptatlon of '.Mnntsiiuo lllssn' character atoiles. kfanager A. II. WouiU gave bis ilars an adndra- bis suppOTtIng eompsny, and "A lie" and "Maa- ntt" w«ie aislatoil by Uolen HallngiT, Oari>lyn naiel Crosby. .<<he was every Inch a little aocen, clean as s whlalli*, smi nhe wtin 'oin snd belil 'cm. Klorrnre CsmplK-ll was simlber n'rl who was full of Khicer snd lield high court. Tin' chief iiimi'- ■llsn, 1). K. Mall, la very fnnuy. VTukcyeia." the dtni<er, was dracrlluM na n vlsiiriina cxpinrjit of Iho nrt graivful. The Frx-nch Kr<illcki'rs U. OanuxH (t)lti> Kriiat HcbniW. in«r.»—The (b-r- msn I'lsye.-s will pniK'nt "IVr Zi'chpri'ller" T. Kmrrt Aimuiiihiiih. —Klena ili'rbsrdt was lbi> •nlolm nt ibe ivinnTis nf the Cliiblnnail Srm- Kbri.y Orclu'ilrn, Dr. Kriiat Kuinwald, cunducior, , U llKIICK'S Ol'SHA llnii'O, ORi'iini'U. Famii.v, Stlinp, inolluii plchirv.i. rannirAnv'Tnit.La. IsviH CiiPn, Ibe buinorlat, is to tell bli w ir evitcrleiicrs at .Mnalr Mnll, 14. ''Til*! Siiriicrt lliiim," n I.afiky pm?lupih>n. eenlered about the clever in'rannalltles uf Ulsrk snd llergmin, wlu> were In ''The Trained Nnr:<P', ' Isat sessun. This act waa a real liipllneT at 11. v. Keltb'a. Porra IlraHniinaiis, Itiisnlsn playwright, has taken out his first paix-ra aa su American citlaen. Vkjo IS a Jugvler wliu ploaanl In tbo olio irllli tbo Ilruadway (llrls. J. M. ABatuN waa taken III nt Indlanaiaills and Bent hums to Ni'w York, whito bla worli In ailvanoe ot "Tho Candy Hbnp" waa taken up by W. V., now IngOlnclnnatl. CinciN.tan Is tiling ot war pictures, Tli-* sight ot ruins snd carnsgH psils very soon. TIh< llecman war picturea, which came to Uuslo Hall tor tbur weeks, clooeil after Iwn weeks. Jnn Uoni», Nst Baker and Harry O'Neal are a Irk) fun makers with the llriNiilway Olrl*. "Uua IIUHBANI)," In which llertha OrelEhlnn atarrtd, was a bright play-spot In tbo II, K, KelMi bill. - - • Tin Three Dolce .Slatera were cheerful aildlllisis to tbe Kmprcas bill. The erowda llke<l 'em su well lliey were alwajs encoreil. .\ "Hi'i.Ahii (ir t.ira" U what nn enlhualnatli' critic oalird Ihp Karls>r lllria, wlwi niada eilri good at U. ff, Keith's. I WORDS BY SAM M. LKWIS WHEN YOU'RE A LONG, MIIHIO OY UBUllGB W. nBYBll PERFORIHEHS JLOVIS IT, TUB PUBLIC CAN'T GBT BNOUOH OF IT. IT'S TUB HIT OF BVBRY BILL AND THSl ONE BIO HIT OF THE COUNTRY WILL VON TILZER, Pres., 145 W. 45th St., N. Y. Oity CHICAC09 I23.N. CLARK 8T. I J tneslbly Into aonjc of tlio^blj! cllli-s ot New En^- ISM. Dut that will depend upon conditions of trade, opposition ami |>ertenaclty of onibtas eom- nuttces who are sure to repent their luvltntlous or last Summer. -From the Lumber of letters '.he raiinacom-nr Hre Ij recolvlu,- dally—applications from all ow the tJnItrd Suios (almost)—the r»|iutatlon nf tut' Uunter (iLoivs must have recelvc<l ,a blir i.n- oiWMing Inst year. While the Midway will still be the centre of WH unoonnned, there will also he an SBtonlnbliii: array of conceealonalres, store keeps and dealcri in rare snd curloiw wares. OtciipaMlB of the ten-ln-one nit shows are te- r.acloim Ui their apidlcailons. It will be oa.v jucKing amoMex; so many aslonlahlngly carious iwiile. Later letter will give more personal ac- (ourita nnil dewrlpllons of. Ibe condng Iliinlcr iMiows, with routes aud Interesting side lights. 'CAnxiVAL lilEN'S ASSOCIATION. P.ri^ney Wire, who wss elected president nf the iJin^val Men'a Aniwlatlon, Informs us that tbo •-tctory iiiwlliLg wna well attended, ami many In- jeiestlng ei.whes wore inado by th« various car- nival men present. K. II. I.oncks, the teiniiorary "J^."' orgauliatlon, sUtcd that be, with Sydney Wire, had licen In receipt of mcny leiK-ra from chownu-n In all parts of She conntr.v. ine n.ajorlty of theni rtqup^tlng application blanks ?*,j;lnff for hiformatlon reg.irdlae the new .fbe club bvailquarters, nt H31 Drosdwiy. 5^1. v' .""on'lol. and all carnival men v1s|iIp,i new \ork ore-Invited to droii ln. . Applications tor membereblp should be made to Sydney Wire, P«»'<lent or to Iluehea K alolkin, aeeietary UOI.VG DIQ BUSINESS. '"i'*.'"* Sfhfrnl business depression In sll i,.?lJ?""'""' fair Amusement Comiuny vSiu 1 '"lU'uslly brisk. The concern wss com- Knii o "»» loora In their present en ^''f"" Avenue, New York, and an 11 . "'1I" I'" iielghborliood. Tbe ssleomoii ?h! VI ,° ^"'^ gettlug tbelr goods resily for •he comlni season-. Krlwlnuin' nisnagcd by Mike ARMY AUCTION BARGAINS Arwr Rvvatf •!* 9tM n " u-L mats • . .sa ** • Il>«r4l ... .It ' 'IRkal CutlDal.SO' law Callarms . l,ao ' ■Wilts W,Ms» ■ rlalti .**^ . saHiraw ll.SI *r«sli(l,»alr . .It '•■u . . . i «,9t C«1liC>l.4S, Cl|i. le eacli. IS Aerei Gavaromcnt Aoctloa Barsslat llluelraled sad deierlbvil la iU laraa pais «boIe«al« and retail cyclopedls catslofaa, nailed 25 renti ^~ Easttni30ctnti W»t ollhaUiailailppI Ulvai. francia B.^ mrman. BOl Broadwnr. New yarlt Tills feature Olr. Allen Is now building In .Shreve- |iort. and so tar cannot announce tbe name of Its IiT-iiascr. Joe Oonley Is busy, os msaler of con- Rlrucllon, superintend lug all the Imlldlug arrange- UH'HtM, which oro most pi;eientlous. Tuin Allen baa vurcbaiied a new privnie cnr for Ills iiersousl use'tbis coming, sesson, and In having the srimo sblppod to-Sbrereport. where tbo reirt 1)1 ll>e rolling stock Is now being reiinvated In Winter onarters. Tbe train, when It puts out for the coming season, will be one ot the best .sml tiioit up-to-dnte In every respect In the carnival buslaesn. CLARDNCE A. WORTDAH SUOWfl. The "Mttle Olant" In bnay sronnd Winter quar- ters at Hnn Antonio, and torwarits the following imcllal list ot attractloua that are now ready for the road, or will be ahorlly. . ..^ ., Ills lUppodrome, wblcb will be one of the tilg feslures of tho agrgegalUin, will be gre.iily Mlrcngthcned by the addition .of Jsm.>s D.rer a animals, wblcb will be exhibited Ui oonJunciI'M' with Ibe Wortbam animals and eirnhanls. Tlili will make up lion acts, bear acts aud o>her animal fenturea, together with two aenaatlonil clrcua nets, with clowns and other clrcua featurv.>s m«k- Inx up a teal all .iround attrncllon, -wjllcb will iM given In one big ring aud two an-nas. Kasle Kay will present a new feature Ibat will. Ir Mr. Worllioni's wonla. "astonish Ihe worlil." It will be In the "orlitlnal" class, and furth.-r ibnn this Mr, Wortbam ylll pot go at prewnl. Another new spectacle will be "Mysterpina She," In the form ot a miracle. productl-/n. to Iv of a most pretentious nature, whilst tbo WorLbam adranccl vaudeville show will hare six nnmhers. headed by a well known vaudeville team, at pres- ent plajing the big time. .. ... Tbe musical comedy show will be under Che nmnniiement of D. II. Kujuell. wllh Ilussell's Dan- rliig Modela as tbe big feature and Wortbain's Trip lo Mirs will aialn be found In tbe Ilne nii <ii: opening day, under tbe msnsgement uf "Ueafy ' lto);en. Worfham's New Idea Water Circus will be aiMilber headline sttractloo. and be someibliig 'nay nut uf tbe ordinary In an aquatic aruse. I'smoua water i>erfaTmeTs have been lined up liy tbe management to make It a big drawing card this season, and, of course, the Kslienjsminer Gostle, Aolodrome. Crystal ifaie, wllh three rid- Ing devices, will lie lncluile<l as usual. Sir, Wortham la eipecled In Chicago, ahorlly, and will have furtlier ilelalls tor imWIcatlon. onent two other novelties that he Is producing Ibis seasuu. WOKTnAM /k AIXR5 SHOWS. llr. Powers anno'inc"s that the set ImoVnl tiC WrtKlfnrd's luslng liorv-s aid dc«n »!K>iild linvo l«en llio I'our Ilradburrs In! lesd. Thej ore -lul- tine on the posing show WUh ihHr Iiotpic. four doifs, .ill |teople, snd In add (Ion there .-Ke ttiree lady buglers, lady ond aia!I|JB i>osIoe act, a OUT OF TQWH HEWS Oraaba, Neb.—Rrandlei (Crawford, Pllley & 'Muuuf. mgcB.) "I'elr of Slies" Vth, T, H, Cielghlon 0>llege tlbe Club 0, John Ilonny, In '■I'umiy In KuunyUud." 10, 11; local tsli-nt I'J. IlbiD's (W. J. UuriTM, mgr.)—Iloyd Tbealro ftlock CO., In "Big Jim Osrrlty," 7-13. .\'e>:t week, "A Woman's Way." OiTVTT (E. I,. JolinMn. mgr.)—Cllobe Trotters 7-13. Next week, Osy New Yorkers. OHriiBDU (W. r. Dyrne, mgr.) — Bill 7-ia: rianche Iling and company, Kervllle I'amlly, Hen U<-«ley snd Marie Wa)ne. IMerrv Pelletler snd couipsny, Uldley snd Viemlng, Bamham and Ir- win. Helen Bcholdler, and Orpbeam Travelogue. ° KupBIsa (Krank Harris, mgr.)—Dill T-U: Cbss. and Anna <llo:<(rT, Talior and Olalr, Fields, WiLchell and Oreeu, Kens and KIdtId, and Harnli I-L-ruhardt, In "giMKD lillsabelh" (pictures), la Uve parts. ITirr, I'lii^R, Osunupnoira, ALniuBaa, IIii'i'uunouH, Kutn, Kiiouo, HonuaiUN, KiitN.(. LIN, 'MuNnoB, LoTiiBOP and KaaMAif, motion pic- tuica only, Sermnton, Pa.—f>yceum (K. If. Kohnslsmin. ner.) ".Spring TImn" tmotloa picture) b'sli. t- 10. "It's a Long Way to 'llpperary" II, 12. Puu (John II. Uncklng, mgr.)—Bill 814, Lr.c.wo na Blue Rlblion Week, Inciudea: Day Dooley Trio. Ihrilo and Noll, (he Bertens, Horetll ond Antoinette, Will J. Wsrd snd Olrlt, Ksmotis NIkko Trou|>e, ''BUdlng" Hilly Watson and company, and Krsiicia and Boss. ACAPHUT (IT. Jarnm Carroll, mgr.)—ror weeic of 8 tbe Poll Block Oo. present "Tho Ulvorco <)ueetlon." Hraa (Usrrr W. Storms, mgr.)—Jcsnetle Du- pree'a Own Hlg .lliow S-13. ni/ou Dauiia, .MiNOsTTAiv, WoNoiniH, Oonn Riiniaa. WoNoaauiKn, Vic-ronii, OaFiiacu and i;ii-rouau>iB, pictures only, ' Johnatown. Pa,—Csmbrls (flcherer A Kelly, mar<. I Arvns'I'larcr's, la "Tbe Third Degree," Ft-ti. N-1.1. Majbhtic (M. J. I'oylo, mgr.)—Vaudeville anil ptrtiirea. diMnu (J. 0. Foley, mgr.)—I'lctures and vaude- ville. I'Anir. Nuo, OAiniir, PiLiCB and UaiND, pic- tures only. THAT ^"pIiP^FOB "yOU" (tn antwtriuo 9**. plta»« mention Curpi*.) ■ Lllja, Ilarrr ntnlon, Lei> D< oily and .Mniirli-u Uariclt. "The Kcllow Ticket" 11, I.TBio (Carl Iluliert Ileuck. mur.l —"Tin- lllnl of I'aradlae," that lluwallaii roiiianco hj lllrtinr.l Walton 'I'ully. Is coming hack 7. wPh I^'Moru l.'lrlrh ouil Wllllsiii Ihnumnd In (lie i.-nHt. I.j-^c reek audlenccH of K'wd Hixe welcuiiiril (hfiiir o,il monarclis uf black fai*e, Mclntyre nii'l HpsIIi, In "The Ham Tree," the faiinvl ilcur^la uililHlrel sketch, uo'w blosiMiineil Into a wlnile cveiiliig's d»- IlRbtful eutertaliiuieni. The strniiihil iiilnKrels found Iho sorrows ot Aleismlcr, from Ibe livery nalile, uulte as amualng as (licy were to lliealre- diiers ot hy-gone genera (Ions. Jubn <Vir( has recruited a nplcndld company for the atari. "Tbe Ham Tree," brimful nt Oeorgs V, nulinrt bnmor«ls well stsged and brigbtir costumed. 'J'hn chorus'eerlslnly csn dance. Kdward Wade, Ar* thur'Barry, John Lorens. Otto Jr.hnion, iMwanl N. Holder, Nurman Wuoilward, Mildred lleverly, Ifaliel Ktsin, Winnie (IrNp, Jack Criap and Jm'k Uell were clever members of tbo utara' suppurt. "A Pair of Hliea" 14. Walnitt MTBsivr (Oenrgo V. Iflsh, mgr.)—I/ew rielila' big niuaical counily, "llinky I'liuk;." Is reining 7, with Ihjbby North and uthera ot tho original cast. That Kate Douglas Wlggln pas- toral, "Itebe^a of Hunybrunk Farm," 'vnjored a week of prosiierlty. iMarcnerlte Ilenry was IS Ileliecca. An old, old friend was rt-oufnleeil In A. P. MaotjollliiB, ss tne'stage driver. Uthers Included: Jein MoAlpIn, as Aunt MIrsndt, amly llottfrt Utevens, as- Adim 'I/Sild. In fart, tbr wbole cast wss adniuste, liicluiling Kannle D. Hall. Dana llowland, Ixtulae Il/iwlsnd, Ituse Fielding, (llailjts Tulliert; Wllllnm 0. Duan and Itlcbsrd Usriuws, "WlUiln tbe" 14. n. P, Kuril's (John F. Iloyal, mgr.)—Itessle Clayton Is to tie the Ttwpslcliuresn star uf Ihe Mil, 7. Hbe will be saalsted by l.«ater Hliechan ami tbe Olsytoo Sextette, In ''Dance* ot Vealerdny,., Today and To-morniw." Others Include: llaver- man'a animals, Jack Wlloon and Franklyii llallei In "An Impromptu ftevus;" Kthel Ureen, Joseph Adier, Harris and Manlun, tn "(Incle Jerry at tlie Opera," and Ilymack, the chamelefMi comedian, In -'kriasit Junction;" jaunts and Jourueya In pic. lures. Ruraasa (Oenrge A. lioyver, mgr.)—Joe Welrh, the Hebrew eumeillan, li the hesdilner 7. (libera: Van Oello, Btta llrysn. Boy Humner and comiianr. In K.lgsr Allen Woolf's playlet, "A Odlege l>r»|H>- •itloo;" Johnson snd Decii, snd tbe John Trou|i<. Motion pictures. Oltmfio (Cbsriee r. Waller*, mgr.)—Troca- dero Hurlesquera sre due 7. Last week, llllly Watwin (bliuselt), ot Ileet "Trust fame, waa^ given a boisterous welcome Isat week. ' Tli*f creator of Krauaerapy^r was seen * In new rnrlroiiriieiil-- Japan. Walaou haa a gosl toll In Jo>in Jmh. Ihe Oi^iiian ot Ihe mat. The liurlpsi|upa, "KrauHi*- treyer's Obrlstmlng" and "Krsiiivmeypr In ,Ta|iafi." wore Uitli Klven 4'lnliorste staging. Lil- lian Franklin, Ms Wsllliii:, John Wpst snd Itulif Marlon were 4Tiii»|iU'uoua sin«ili;r I In- UMlslIng (ilaje's. I).ive Marlon's ()wn Hhnw H. Mtaniiabp fCharles II. Arnold, rnirr. I—Fay "ni- ter's lliirlesi|ue (Jo. Is oiiiiing 7. Tlie Ilrondwaf (Itrli |Hit on "A Dar liiiid s' .Nlslil" tit ilie de- llKht^ fit f-Mlowera or (he bijrles'iiH', who foand ' ' ' : little pcrsunallty over wkon lo rtTOi— "llii.i.T" .Mai:aiit AHii F.Tiiri.i.NB IlntOKonii were (ho clilrf niugiii-lH of (lilt I-:in|iri-.ia oirerlng. Tin*/ uere nioro Ihiiii clercr In (liclr sk'-tcli, '^A I>egl(l- ninie IIoIiIhiii." Two rNiii'lniiiillnjiH were on llin Keith bill. Waller Vi;iluliiiJi nitiilo lih vniiib'vllli' lU'liilt nH ii vopsIIhI. sllnoiiKli'lM* bus oflcii Ihm'ii ln*nr'l In ron-.. irrl and oiK-rii. Mii(llii''.vs, of .Mnlllieiv'i* mid Hiin/ne, was tlie oilier iialUi* win. The liit'i-,'' iireseiileil n evuiedy skotrli, "Hri'anilsnd." wlilrli lisrveHled (lie lilKg4<st npiiluusii of Iho bill fur l-.s fsnlaadc orlnlnnlKy. At TliH iiial aoplal the (Miiplnnatl Press liliili. n. Julian Ibi4e, Julius Taiiiirn, OItu Krnat Hchinid, Willy DeldrliM. Liulwig Ko|i|ie,i, 5li-lnlyri> and Heath, and (leorge 14. ilann are lo nmlrlliute to tlie iirtigram. TImi Volunlwr Mliiatrel and lluwl- lug Clnli will bn there. In full hloaaoni, na slinie'i At tub Faiu, 2, an Innovation Was ufferiil' In Ihe uri'sentutlon of "I'otasb A I'sriniiiller," In the llesli, as clerks lo the viosk amt suit ilc|itrt- ment. L'lOiH ViRToi Haab, miialrlan, liss recelveil csbli> sdvlces of the deslh uf bis iiHilber, Fanny Husr- Jneger. at I'.ntlsweller llsvarln, at llw ago ot elgbly-two. In her rarlv life she wss a dramatic aoprano nt (Vivent (lartleii. liumlon. laBNB llMi.n. a (llnclnnad girl, wllh "Dm llnni Tree," eiijoyiil lior Itrst visit (o tlin hfsiH? (own since lier (irofifsslonal i-ntrH- us a ilniM.vir. I'lcniy' of flowera and s niunlaT irt sorlul sffalrs In her liiinor made her alsy iiienioralile. Ai.rnKii Hbau canio In advanro uf ','A I'air ot «llCB." Akron, O,—Oilonlnl (liiiils Wlae, mgr.) bill Irli, H IO: Two Alfri'.lH. Word and Ciillni, LciiIkii anil (Irela, llruiinrll ninl llnrry Klevriis, Wllllii Weston and llnrry F.tii and foriiiiniiy. Last liolf: lUdihliia nml I's-In, .Maud 1'irrniiy, an<l Illlllard piid Lyons niid Yox'o. (laaitn (l^iiils Wise, mgr.)—Irvin H. Cobh H, ".Mutt 4nd .leir III .Mi-il,,ti" ll-i:i. .Muaic IIai.i..— Hun Oarlo Urand Oiiera Oa. 11* 1.1. WAMHiur, DuuAUi.ANO, OilCiiBirH, F.Mrnirag, Natiiinai., I'laza, Luna. Hank, TiinnNToN, Pm- TiMR, WiNTKn nnil Main niuvlng pictures. ~ Ma. WiNTrn, wner of (be Ilsnk and Winter, moving piPtnrn lliiMtres here; will bulM a now tlie- atre on Main Hlreet,<on tho site where tbo Ui:a t'un vandevlllu Ivhiho was Vt la-. Tub TiisATan «lll be erected hero eooii. nainlltnn. O,—JelTurson (John n. Dmnm- hiill. Ingr.) .Mrlnlyre and Ilralli, In "Tlio llsni Tree." Feb. 17. Omaki) (lolin K. ■.MnOnrlliy.. mgr.)—Vaudovllln and iilcliiroH, I'niNi.-BsH (ICd. Kullinan, mgr.)—Vnudevlllo and plelurea. Jbwcl, Utah, KiOLg, Uotaii am} Ltbio, pic. '■urea. pnicna ai.wa tb tiib ba mb. NO WAR PRICES ■0U» ■VUYWUDUB.