New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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6 ^ THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. _ : ■ . OTHE^ Jg^^W YORK OI^Y ^H3B>Aa^ RE>S ACADEBIT. "THE WHITE FEATHER.'' MON SQUAKL Reviewed TnuBSDAT Evmiwo, FsB. 4. Comedr^(D. a hamg, bna. mcr.)—(wn xahh, man.) Under the new regKno the Acadcaif of v>«,»l?*J2^'i'°S; (Reviewed Friday Night, Feb. S.) MddIc M aitalD pro.perlng. Lent we«k Mr. ^J^^Tlt w?iJ?m a n^S*. t% A rattling good small tlmo show of Dine Koi appointed B. H WaUili ai.manner, and JJ^Xll f0^ w^ti tjKrtl^"" "« K«hn for Kcb. ^-erand ^Sh Mlcbacf Bawyer a«RlBtant. In place of Johii SSSnT^rStinM* T Arlhar Elliot '"^ "ehowlDg'' tie pro- Ziimft and Krcd Brown. TUe orcheatta of Jo™ iL^^"- * u»kJi Archdiw ?™™ entirely satlafoctory from the Mmo the bpoac IH very good. The theatre wis fT«\Tll»lbKiia •""^M.b^l H^ld "ap Uandy and company, bubble* rafuaed to jilmoat packed to capacity Tburjday nlgbl. Pen^?cVkk'^JnilSd e »"P ""t" <^'e^ »"'"t Llgbtnlng beld and lo taeoc hard time* It made yon led Jit^fiiyS^n^Vinf?^ 's^tl^ rt^l the audience glued to Oielr eeata Uuooghout riore conndcnt. '(bo fl^l was Very good an l SS'.^^pSSil?*""'JeiJ^Gi^mSS^e "ehowlng" "An Indian ClalmT^ ummgnoui Uicplctarea lr.tcre«tlng: . jfe"? ' •''**'joh?^BD?kS1 Alter the Handy cnterulnaent, even with Thu Bhow opcEed Trtth a funny RdiMn X^^V^ BiiiTlneaaSt "'O f"'"! e^^i ^""f- ^»ef coined^, entltlod ••Kount-A Ifjit lledocer.; cbriSSoh?? Bi^iit''iSlle fXt V"**'- UanraJmn.. and Bauer and Baun- McCrcn and iJiport. tlx mlnntea, In foil «7?"£P„aI^"i<»iithSa Brooke ^'e* followed In order Bloge. ThiB comcay trapeze team and bar- f "^ ^Eric ld?ion tJ"" Booni and Uelloa (one leaflue acrobat act Jb very.funny. Both enter cJ^L^f aJvj°- AleiiidVe J Herbert '^e-"* *»• apeclal aettUig, olTered a ni two Bailor* and cloae as two. Chinamen. '"'S^i^Liv. ^^:rW ll'Af»S^™^^ iooA "musk aitd aong" turn, In Colonial The comwly, although all «lap«tlck la good ,i!li?rr;"Teaf A(?r1lfi|JSi 1-Aft« «»t<™ea. with a dance by tw) if the ^rla jjnrr, ib very runny, juoy uorK wcii lo- oc-ne. nrn Bandrrann Prlvatn Sltrlne *> with ttodr quartette uunbcrs, e-ithcr nnd aliould have no tronblo In pinylue f^^"^ the "Wave C^" Ho?(d a^^ t^o'* mualcal Spcdaltles (violin ClK sinall lime hoiiHOB. Three Lotvb. AnoUa plnno and'cello) ore all well worked 4n. Kddle Ilowloy, fourteen mlnntce. In one. .Fur* ^ Wlllaid'a Temnle of MdqIc. also Colonlallv Mdlt Itowlcj/ln "Bvolutlon of bnnclnR/' ^^^^ eotloa cf tbe {tlay passes In fifteen ^^.^^JSi'Mi ™th the "uT w'ren In kn^ showed some very dlfflrult stops. lie flrst 0^,04 ii„>i_ ^ Direction of imfOi «r«s»e«>. met with the same succeeii allows the eood old dnya atylc of aofclng. J<aTow!iiw^ ' 'ho act baa enjoyed most rcgnUrly In pest Then he BwltclicB to the prime of, buck and j oon \.r»uw. eu. uPrtBons. Credit Is heapaUe upon the small- wing dantlng. After that lie Bhows the buck est girl, for Ae ptays In every one of the niul wluK nt preacDt. The hurdle dance, blind- "ereJB a military play ta wtUh ttiere are specPultfci folded, cnrnoil aomo honest apulaune, and tbf only three eoUUere (and they make their The Clipper Comedy Four'did well with-0 (hiir dnrro wa« i^ood. The »Sft bhoe daa-lng ftppcarance Just befo« tha Md of the ytay), rouch-hoiS^ line ™c6medy and fa^^^ and the fii.lOi, with an eiTentrle dance, in a fna eun Is flred unW the IjMt act, and WiiiinmJ. Kell7 (NiiTActa) got ovw n.i«Qucrn.I<; costume, made an excellent hnlsb. that "wat off In tje dJsUncfc" Xlere 1b with a moniloSe, knd the-li ■t hrre bows. »<L'""' ^' tern and comttSy (a man) closed thVrw^ ll.rry nhd Wllholm, ten ralnutci, In one. boort^lng houie In Bnglana, and to this on- ^^^^ TrtthTwrforronce on the wlrethat WoTnnu member of tfie tcnm Is pitllo and Jisoal pTay of war anS the dreaded apy sys- is worthy of bilig r^te^^^^^ j«sscB»c8 a Rood voice. She la an eicel- Jem there arc eoough thrllla and ajirpriaoB ;.^pcriea< acU of Ita^d In vw^^ lent comcdlcDDo and known the eclcnco to supply a Brady drama at thoJ>lg-Manhat- otui «» «» m yauuBviiie. of being able to deliver the goods. Ualu tan Opera ilonse, the Drory Lane (rf America. "wi-u-7«..»-..T «ifrT.^ •• v _ » t.„ij •netnber^leadB (he J?ehe«lrn. \A during the 'P'e P»«y "» w^tteD by. two Enrltstunen, „n?i?^?%'°''^ *t"«ha»«» o?°dil„2'" ii! time of )i.T clinngca he Imporwinatefl differ- and the (lemiBn spy eySem Is the theme ^^._'!?g_?*%„t"*"^^^^ H^^A^^Jn^S " .ent mdalrnl Icndc^B. Hhe slinp -Tlpperury." «pon whdch they have bnUded their work. S9«'S°Sf lSv?' "pS K O^^k^^U^^ "I'oor Pauline" siid 'Too Iflirh.* He fm- 1° the battle of w<t« they give the victory,, .rJi .VSr ^ U % r v'»,.''-'tS. "°v prr^onnt^ Creator" and BouSa BoUi of course, to the KngUsh.'bot they have, thtn, woTO very cirTor." r;e yonng lady -how., that the Oennnn spy, bo matter what' vaudJrtU^ l^edlte^v" *' fcl.ould sing one and two, Instond of two and Jtoe he or she may be pcrspiwlly, they are ^\?^^J'^\ony^T^<> »?£lo wmen^ ono two. Far muel. better rwtullH could be oh. faithful in aJleglance to their aoverelgn and „ duS5 ai5 one (vomit^^^ IK.II "'i^X.r'^ •""•^"■"'^ ""^o-Hn>e of .he play ^ early In the prea- ^0^JhMSllira^^ 'The Insurance N phtmnre- proved to be '"t »«r. and the icllin taie/phic* In'^the ''?i?"°J'^,^* f*?!™?,?,*""; an oxrenllo..nlly funny Kalera comedy^ i>rlvnt« rtttlng room of a senafte boarding ro"o«est VrlTiSiliyB^ Pe°t"^ HgCn°S.teB. la ''""-"^n-'■Tl'e room 1, occupied by a widow, a Sr^^-ig^J'S ^,1^^ bSt''she°i^n'crt''he^ three This blit tin.e not will cerlnlnir rlenn Mrs. Bonderson, and ihfir son, t>ar, who la o'g. cnuseu a nicca, oat sne soon got ner up on thV wc Lnl time TT.ri^^ emplo-ed In a responsfcle pirtUon In the S'l^^BS and repeated after many, majiy the hesr of t« kind The do-s are very well J^rltW. War Office. BcRpltc their nome. they bows. The two larger gbto have gooil voices, {rnlne.l nnd mind isinmy'perfJ^tly Th? com! ore re^My Oennans and Vcs of the Father- Si'-liVL'^l^'l "with^^e^'r" rdy nnd posing of the act U good. Four l«n<J- Uving there aJso la a FraHilela Bchroe- !™ „l"r„{"„? „„^I" ''"^^ bowB. 8 "I <J a<.i « B"w. r ur j ^^^^ ^ govemesB on rangement of nuinbers, so that the large girl iiTL 1 >r n 1 . ... a vaenllon and on Individual called -Fritz. ^eft Idle down front In the i:ihel M.1C Barker, ten minutes. In one. " 1,0 J^ls n', Mrs HanderSn? butlei Sere "Chlnotown"-"Burgundy" number, the three MlBs Ilarkni; wu« reviewed lust week In -riiii J 2l8o etaylw at this r«»rt jShn Preston ••'o"" round out a nice little, prettily dressed Or.iiTKii. Klie went very finely last Thursday w 1? nml hTo .{...^♦/.TiSii^^ turn for the "Pop" houses. ?^r\";:wrn,rdni?'e"n'ioVe' Vor n?/nt'V?:ttde'^VB''tl5.°e''p£^^^^ \2S™h^4Wndhe"??our-Picks'- (eJl of W(j time. l our 4)owH nnU na encore. tennis and refuses to enlist In EoElond'a whom are fumlllar to vaudeville as a apecdy ri.oD...B 1>. JnckBon and conjpany. sixteen ^JJ,™" Swiy. wh™loves hta innot nnder- Qonrtetto of eIngerB and dancera) scofcd a minutes; In three. Thnmns P. Jackaon and ^^•J hj" rftuMl to "gbt a^d eb^ heart- "'^e hit- Miss Xe Roy discarded a pretty tompnny pr«ente(l a corking good dramatic 3:on. when a clrl Sin" Mm a wMo Jellow fur trimmed doik to a showy beartea 'v. L', yoil'B '''o»e fcShM, whui meiSfl cowardice '^'tc satin jtown after lending "Dixieland" ro','r'nM,M frnm" 1." n"!., ?,n."5L^L?:S'hu 1^ valHlSly aTd^h?? filhM ask him Why o open, and during her elnglng of "I'm (Joins urorlrnllon frnii. It nn(1 has neglected his v. Jncq not enlist Uc ronlles that he has ^'"''o ^"U '-ove Me ' two of /the "Picks" (..^MnrfiH, A friend of Ills calls on him tj S^rwnal rSaB^Ss why he rStn^^ TheS^-rS^ nsalsted with a slow tango. "Bufus John- ron>lr,(l hlmthathc Bl.oul,lbeat thcolBceat SSm ^n uodcrBt^od^ the iXn^^^^ «<">'« Harmony Band" wSs Just suited for Dine to keep an ijppolntment. fie promises HTla wlM oa a '^llTasB^' 8^^ "*>'k bab4eB,' and it was flnlohed by and the friend exits. .lust as soon sa be la ^^^^^ the susSjclonB of the Germa" l^ the ^^^1 a 'l^lri at a dance specialty, pno the young man plrks irp fi revolver and Vor he Is n Swret BcrrlM aM With the 'Vlcka" dressed up Zarah can go enro^?" "rio "rlJid"; a'/^"?.,^''.? Vr'Si'' th'^; thSTniltlBh aover£n?S's'^nt d^u to**d°eUt 'ipht out and All all the tlmTehe can landi- entors. The friend has a letter from the pj j „„-nfy which be does bv and make good. f.;rj^.bT;?r^,ro*;'?hrwV^ .?»^i;d°?iSf«rpi •"'cfie°Srally'' shoot?nT?irriir plge^n2^^^^ ,^C. Joseph Rllev (who played a "Tad" on ti.kcs the picture of the wife out and replarej nJOfBagos. and destroying the wlreleas in- regular bill) Is a versatUe chap. He put ■e''V.^?^!e°h^'%rr,^rn no,°f?;finn''''-Ph2 stwicnt wh ch tl'c BcSdeMoash^^^^ monologue of IrlBh stories and Sls- vm.n'>i mnn i» T^ri r K l^l' w^l 'o the flroplace,-uDd sIbo by hdillug a dicto- payed a good singing voice that also landed iK"^ Tirn.nhnwr^ fan spcak p„ph In a large Jardiniere, lly dSlng these a eplld success. Full- worth a try t*;b llr»rpt HMf,:. nirMir,.. n-nv»rt In he prevented the German subMrlnes «ttj,e small tlme lonscB In n'single." . <or«i in J P"'""^*^' " from blowfnB up the British mon-of-war In , J,"''' ^.eet WJitnlng aud hia company of terpMllnif. . , » . the harbor. . Indians (two men and a woman) iind qd «nl''"Z„T''«t^„ X'''n^Vr'?,mnS^°nJ™^^ LrIIo Kabcr. hitherto known as an excel- interpreter, acting a half4>reed part, pro- .iii^^n^L i» v£ri ^?.vir ^^^^^^^ lent ploycr of ittalght dmmatlc parts, ployed "onted a. novel sketch In "An ndlan's n.o (llnlocue Is very clever and must have ^, • ,^ j Brent—for the Kreiitcr ijart a Claim," and moy soon be seen doing thp .o,t a good deal of money to collect. TTielr Joracdv oniUand surprised ev(S^^^ prewnt thrcc-a-dnya, and possibly 1ho big etutf, wllh f.arodles are funny, und for a change they wIUiTib abiilty M a7Snc«an, ^ « "ttle re^rlUng of the act. The Btory (ns ore nil clean. Ono suggestion to the act we seen o bitter niece of '"irfy "aye j,,;. told the audience by the h«lf-breot1 L*° ^r'^^rtY. "''^*^„J"" *';VS;«''l«^^^^ M«x<.rsi Cari Bandorson, contributed PJfty d»rlng the act'fl prryress) b"ow8 l;ow the parodli'H. -llipy ore nlwnyB suri-n«« (In- „ , ^ , actlni as a Gcrmaii spy. It 1b hnlf-breed tried to "bent" the redskin |!ln"ti,"r"" Klv^ml!;i'^^a'i,^!!),'k?^'''' a melodramatic role wen played by Sn actor *lof hv paying him counterfeit money for Icnn lisp. I l\e l)pw.s nnil an encore. .^s^ var had e%ldently much experience In 'and and cottle. nnd tie chase given by the Three Melvin nrotliers., elft mlnulen. full i<,,nrtrarna ^""'■"'^ """^"^ experience in Indiana of fo tribe. The hfllf-breed t Il-f nnJlicrn^nTiP ^m''' TiJl^-irlfenn I'^SnS Mabel Itold, as Praulelo Schrooder. looked loves f^e oMers daughter but t^c fart doefl I r nS,??- " tS,^S' „,? . " .n?,r V r rin^tnJm '"ery lnx!li the Teuton, an.l nmdc her perform- not eave him, for at curtain a struggle with 'nrJ,?r.„wc ^ ° "closing team. p„ce ^tand out. The same tnny be ml.l of one of he rednlolns on a cHtT shows the -n.^ vi )n\,.„ «i„n„« „f =,.,.1, I. n>, John Ihirkoir as I'-Vlti. Mr. nurl<nir« hnsl- "crooked" one thrown over the edge and into r?n" 'r,.'*,'?* ' was demands that he be very roughly treated * Bpecin roekv. water drop. teat. Aheloa, In Tnio Will Ion. riila la a good fea- Messrs. Fai)er and Mhxon. etc.. «ietllng added to the novoltv of It nil. i"r!;;m?*Jhi«"i^^^'''^Thl"»^^^^^^ 'jcsale Olmdlnmn- who IB a. sl.qter of Credit la due tlo chief for his good enough vIrlJ inJ/ Thi. T ^JS^hill """t Glendlnnlng, w»s sweet aifl charming psn'^mlme work. „. ^ ' . also very good. This closed a ^ery good bill. „^,„ pr^ton. and Arbhur BUIot, one of ^ Manager Knhn will have to step some to ■ UVM*. ji,^ ejigracter actom, gavo o very land live as good extras for this w eek. Tod. food performance of an egotlstloil and ex- • fflcKTNLFY SrtTIAKE cMatle ineinber of Parliament « Forty.fonrth Street Ilobert Mantcll iUkliWU:i Alan Mudle, well known here and In Lob- began, Feb. 8, his second week In repertoire. (iiGNUY i\ KBiviT, uon.) don ns o musloal comedy favorite, demon- Tbi; bliie for th*« week indudc: "King Lenr, • A good e«medy hill Is shown hero flret half etratcd thnt ho is at home In drama. Ho ••Macbeth," "The Merchant of Venice," of week, end vvus appreciated by tho andl- t"'*.". P'eoalng performance as Perdval "othello,'' "Klol.elleH," "lUchard III" and eure ou Moji(I.iy ulght, Fob. 8. Ponnlculek a young soldier, bubbling over «HnmleL" Mr. Mantell's company InclodM: ■Tho nr.icep, colored song and dance act, with boylsbness and patriotism., Vlrgtola Bronson, Genevieve Hamper, Ed- got a good 'ITie men'.'t buck and wiu« -.vnthla Brooke, as Mra Banderaon, and .^^^d Lowers, John D>H-ke, Frank Clanccy, dance on Hkatca was esj'o lnlly well received. Elaine Inescourt, aa Mlrtam Lee (who aided p^t^ Lelber, Walter Clbbs, Qily. LIndslcy, Hall nnd Ward also offered n song and p'ert In trapping the spdts) wero excellent Harold Skinner, Frank Petcoa, Jdhn Glbbs. dnnop net, with the wn.nnn playing a few 'n their rmpecUve-roles. Edwin Foos, (5harlea Rcnsoncr, Qenevlcvo selpcllons on n violin before clo.Ong fong. '"The White Feather" la now bclag played noyunids, Florence Aucr. EJthel Mantell. (leno Frur.Ier nnd company preaemcd n "t Ihe Kowny Theatre, I^ndoh, onder tho proctor's SUd St.—Acts Mlled for wook clover ekiifl., ouMtlod "'rhn WntcU Pog." nnine of I''nie Man That Staved at Home, „f g-lS aro:"nhe Ciitterfly and Iho There Ib a eonttnuni Bi.rprlw ut the tui-n of which Is a much better tlUc, In onr opinion, nose," the Gront Pelham, Den'tricc Morgiiii events with a big surprise and Wugh for tho KeKty. coinpany, and Bernard and iScaith. lluliih. ■ . • Proctor's Fifth Avcnae.—Tbls week's Ituber nnd Tuniiniou. In n DOvelt,r song act, lUUliUDCAIff hill presents "Neptune's :Garden," tho Five were very good. With .ho man In cavalier " JtmiRJUil* pnlly Fao^ly, Donovnm nnd I^e. ITowfrd ('nHi..mi), they offered Helcfilons from Severn Tlio bill for Feb. 0-8 included Julln Ed- Chase and eom^viny. J. Warren Kcnne and oporaa, which went over big. • yrards, lu a clever comedy ring act, with a Grace 'Whtte, tola BctUnl, and Leonard ond - Kir Walter Weens, •black faco comedian, little n.U talk i^t caught on. Ulss Bd- Wlllard. wns heartily recclve<l and wns encored acv- words strips well In pink. Colnmltla (J. Herbert Mack,'.'TDgr.) — fol tJuu's. . Tho Six Ovandos, marUnbaphonlets, played Ben Welch Burleiquera this week. The CloBO Bros., ncrobjilR, received thdr Intereellog selectJons on the soporous fnstru- Miner's (Dronx) <B. D. Miner, mgr.)— sharp of n|>i)l.-\..He. mot, n duct of "The Rosnrj" being por- j)on Tom this week. ' § "Onifei: fliKi' wan the fiiWuro film offe> tlculariy caecUvc, ns wos the closing popular Murray Hill (Fre<l Waldmann, mgr.)— Ing, nnd oilier picture? Iiirh.ilcd "The Cal)orct uedlev. ' • gap Widowa this week. WnKcr" (Kaleiu), "A Mother's Way" (lUo- Lou'is Chevalier nnd company played their olyiapta (Dave Kraas, mgr.)—Taxi Olrls .cr.Tpln nud a he.vstonu comedy, "Colored sketch, in.whldi au actress breaks into the this week Mllaluy." JSmiL Hat of a thontrlcnl n.nnager and Inipenonatcs Drooiriyn, .N. Y.—^Aciilenir (F. 0. Kdnall, — • ( u tough crook, to convince hUn thsit she pos- mgr.) co'ic<tIb. miiilcnl enterraliunenls, lectures, nl (llr«nx> (C. i"" Henn, sesaee suitable tJ\lent to secure a part for etc. Burton Holmes' tnv.Jlop.en ererr Weilnes- ingr.)—Thl<i wwk'M bill Includci •• Leonard which l.o has refused .her an Interview. The Front SpeaJgM, In ar«matlc piekene tp- niul itussolil I'vlur Muri Uros «ud\J^^^ filrl Is tough enough and gols the part, all ^t^to. ««ry fl.tnrdoy. SraiLhooy Society of N.'w Ki-aiie iiml Wl.idow. Monior Miles nud com- "E''t. . »^ , , , . Mmiirir (Rilwiinl Trail mir ) iMnnrte Adina u.ny. Angel.. I'ntrlcoln. Jnhn nnd WInnIo Monty and I>ot, a sprl-htly couple with UotSI? 8 i ? Wcl^lT lULuIngs, Valerlo Sextette nnd Arthur BaTot. tunny bright sayings, Bcored well. A bit with "PSiSinVTr (HertJrt Acher Scr.l-'The IHtlle Alhiimlirn (llert Young, nier.)—This him carry the girl nroiiud, oa If she was a oiife" this week. FHkc O'Hor., In "Jack's Ho- w.vk's bill'Includes; (Irnce l.n Itue. MInnIo dumm". made n lilt. Both aire thoro with na„ce," lB-20. Kuprco nnd compnnv. Ww lieorglo" Wood, tht^lniii li^ nnd Blue ng power. Majcttio (J. n. Plcrj?. niBr.> — "The llUo Vnn nnd Seheni'k, "'riie Ixii.psonie Lnssles,'' The Moffntt Ckilr Trio, two moa and a girl, noinlnb" tbia n-eek. nosworth's svas^atkinal Yn.i lloven. "Aurori. of IJght." Lew and offered tJielr extensive repertoire In dancing "llyvocrltes, .plcrturcB, 13-20. Mollle lluntlug, «.id l>e.I and AllH>rt. wilh good results, as us.ial. Dk Kald (!. FlhjxelmjTi. mtr^^^ K<>ltli> Ilroni—'IV..' stork company aro , Ajtlo ilnll. browned up, as usual, did well '^'j:. '•''» li^f- J,^„"' "TlnJ. pm,«.. <iirnliic neonle .wnV hero now. For this 'n her opening song, "Mlswlsslpul Cabarot," Oband (William Tlennan mijr. ^-^^Irti Pctroja w^k "The \\Ve '^^^^ hut fell down on tho swond. wfilch got tho , »'».^*,, ""P'^y. i*"„,l!i^H; Weat i.?n;i.'i:>rhe ,mO ley of this house has audience restless. Iler nuleldng with'''•Rcu- pj^ ..TjJ'-j'*''"- "M.^^ ot Sui^nTtrcV chnnsetl from plcturiw to stock, with Jesslu ben-.loiinson s llnrmony Baud saved the doy a^im (w,n. Wooltolk, n«r.)—Taniio CIrls llimslellc Stock tVniiwnv. and she went off towing. • this week. • ' w r«>olI Siioonrr Marcus Ixiow has ec- , "'e™ 'Jevlns «'>'» coinpnuy had a rnrnl si„ (y. j. jojet, miT.')—Qlrla from Joyland curcil this house, and opcue<l 8 with motion sketch, wllh Mr. llevlna ns n father whoaa tbU week. i.l,.iM'i-H runaway daughter returned with a "burlcg" Rupirb (J. H. Onrtin, Ri«r.l—«ioeUl Matda this StnnUnrd (Ilnrrv L. <5ort, mgr.)— Ho troupe, ns be called It. They ore re-unltra, week. OlrlB from TItprpWnd next wm*. Much fvr ^■u Ifiirh 'opene4l l.ert) ou Mondny nnd she also rejolus her hUBbaod, whom Bhe .Casino (Chu. DanlelB. nmr.)—Olrlii of tho /l.lght lo au excellent audience, 'rhla Is U.o hud left, at tl.e sauic time. Mr. llevlns did Moi.lln llooge this week. Follies of the Day next Inst wok of Wlllard Unck'a clever piny, good work ns the rube on* was well suslBted. ,_„„k . „,__, „ •, b,iio,,. Mlw Jlnoubeau K0«. Unto a new play at tho .^Ward and rjolmar. asThe cxprejamannnd j„^"S^..^^^^t,^Ji^l'- Sa^ii^? BHnchi to ItnhMavte." "W!'^,..'^'"*:??" S-i.TK-.m, rw,„r., ..„m™n„ ^e m.n .„A "O'l companr, nran and Tlernej, the Oteat I*on. I'rtiotor'a RNth St—Mill announced for The Bnulo Opera cnnjpnnyof four men and potwrlo and Vetera. Jnnott and Morweli, and H.llt luohidiw; IsnlK-llo Hetchor aTiil two women contributed good operatic aelcc- j,,,^) n„„. I'oinpnny. the Ikiehelor (llrb, Jcrgo and lliun> Hons. .... nuflfwirs (Henedlct Blntt mfr.) —Bill 8-13; .Ilia., iind l.avemer'B M«k'l«. John IVilh -gtkt the house going good with Ous K<lwnTd»' &mg Iterne of lOiri, Pool 0>ncbis. lionlKncrp (II. II. K.nnee. mgr.)—/n«*d« hlsjokes and comedy bits with tho oj-chestru. Evi Owidon ami Jcek IMewanx ai:il eompaoT. tfie Mmiji Li in <ven hore Feb 1" I""' iRl.lknwn Japs, oldening with all four John and M«e Burke. Wm. J. Kellr. iloorc and ■I.,>wls fstoaie, Kokirt SloWnde. Onopi-r tMlfTe! standing on one baud, offered splendid work '".'.""iJiriL ^JfJ? "M.Zr?^'JX.'*'i' ni.i «i<>_ WIVllniu Koli!hUn-, Il«niee IMlock. Carroll In the ncrobatlc line, thrce-hlpb bahinclnf I'aoBrKi-r (Mm. MasmJ, mgr.I—Bill 8 13— ■MiH'iHi.ns. 'Sulherlnnd ami others .iro nnd cnrrrlug. They ore well put up nth- r™™T^"™"~- —^ :.i 111.. ri-!t. Ictcs, working well together. IIHL aim. ... Grniiu opcrn liuiiBr The Cabaret Oirla » HITli jVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILft , IbiN wivk. Proctor'i* ISKth St.—n«x'6 marionette's. •'T'MIC RRIOK lliirtiir Nonmun'B (Ixiuls llurtig, C. nnd A. Wilson, As-lOo-'Mon. (VnlleM (iiid V||MT I Blllk mS VAIIII mgr.)—yiuucyiiioutt (JirM ihls week. Oarleton, C. U. Ward oad cooipDiiy. IHAI I rAlU ~ rUH fUU J . • Fbbbuabt 13 CONnmiED ATTRACTIONS. ASTOK—Oecrge H. Cohan and William Col- lier, Id "ileUo Broadway," seventh week. BEIiAHCU—FraiKcs iitarr, in "MarlcOdlle," third week. BOOTH—"Children nf f^arth," Dfth week. COXIKDY — "The - White Feather." CASINO—"Kxperlcnce," sixteenth week ; fifth at this liuuse. CANnLI'lll—"On TriaJ," twcnty-alxth week. CUNTUllY—I>avlowa and Utllet, second week. COBT—"Under Corvor," twenty-flfth week. COHAN —"It Pays to AdverUse," twcnty- tMrd week. EMPIRE—Ethel Barrymore, In "The Ulmdow." third week. I'lLTINGH —"Tho ijong of SoDga," olghU we<>k. FORTl-FOnilTH BniBIOT—Jlobt, B. Uan- tell, lu reucrtolre second week. FORTY-KltlllTII «TltHI.rr—"The Lsw of the I.jind," with Julia Dean, twentieth week. FU!m),N — "TVln Beds," twcnty-acventh week. OAH-ypV—Itoth Chatterton, In "Daddy Long- ■?-egH," twcutletli week. GLOIII.:—.Miintgomery nnd Htone, lo "C3x\d- Chin." seventeenth week, IflPI'ODIMWn.V—"Winter CIrcua," third week. IIUDSOiV—Ik>ugla<i Falrbanka, In "The Bbuw Hhop," seventh week. IIARIIIH—Margarol Illlngton, la "The Lie," sevenlh work. lCNlCKnillMK;Kl.;it —lllclmrd (Mrle and Marin Cnlilll, In "Ninety In tho Hlmdc" third week. MTri.B—"A I'nir of Bilk StocklngB," scvcn- l«Dlb "week. LIllKICrY —Oils Bklnner, In "Hie Bllent Volro." K(.venU) week. LYRIC-"The Only Girl." flfteeirtt week: thlrl<.<.nlh at this house. LtCLDM — l.:isle Ferguson, • la "Outcaat," flfti.'nM. week. MANlIAPrO.N niMORA HOUSE —"Life," sixteenth week. NEW AMHTK.ItDAM—"Wntch Yoof fltep." 'Will. Mr. nnd Mrs. Vernon Cnstle ojid I'n^nk 'rlnney, tenth week. 1»U^^CH AND JUI>Y —"Tlie Clever Ones,' third week. I'LAYHOUHB—"Sinners," slxlh we<*. PARK—"I'olyKuniy," eleventh week ; eighth nl IUIk hoi. ho. RBPL'HLK; — John Barrymore and Jnno (Iriy. In "Kick In." Kovente<^ntli week; tl.l.tcenlh nt tb.s house. aUtJlllOlfr—-I'o^Nlghi'B the Night," elgblll TIflU'^^.NINTH fimiHET—Alarlc Drossier, In "A Mlx-IIp," aeveDtb week. UN— " ■ WINTBR (1A1II)H> Doi.clng Arotmd," i^lglvleioitb and Inst week. WALLA^K'U—Lillian McCnrthv and Ornn- vllle Mnrher, In "Audriieles niiil tho 1 Ion" nnil "Hie M«n Who Married a Dum b Wife," third week. "THE RENTED EARL/' Mnxtno I!:ill»t<<a (deonge J. Ai>i)leton li.iH. logr.) 'V7ie Ucnicd liurl, a farekitl eun- Illy .li. tlirv*. notH, by AallKinjry Meld. Pro. duci-d by WillU..n. A. Bradiy, Ltd,, on Monday lilplit, Foil. H. witl. Uds oaitt: tlra. Sundciuon-Ilurr, I'Jvelyn Carter (Mrrlngton 1 loratby ■Milliners Aillee TilnaaliI .Mrs. Answomli TVrcsa Mhvwell.rMaovi'r '!'hc ICiirl i>f t'nruiomlale. .ixuwreiicc D'Orsnv |;hrry Riindoliili HchuyJer Ln.lM .Mamie ItJi.iihHtib. .'. Olive 'rui.t|»li.<r'>ii I ii.(ldy lio.teivoud •. .-DoukIua J. 'Suixl ' rdillKild J.-llt^uiT AI1>er' lirown l.lj'iw I,eoii. ra (irey .Sy\iirHiH OK HrnNKS.— Act I—'lie Mo'o- l|.g llooiii ivf "'n..; Wvirtn\tiy»," M.x. f^nnderMO- I irr'H Ilrtine. Act 11—'n.o Hnine. Next 'l.iv. /IT III—m.e Tivrnce of '"ll.o WiHtwivs." M:i davM Inter, 'lime—'PiX'seut. I'lnce— Lenox, >(. Y. Snillfix.ry Flehl wJio wrote the book upon • i.lch "Twin lleil.9"- Is horicd, a..d who aljo . lied Mflrgnrttf Mnyo prupare the work for Mnge, iilTered n new work fro.n bis pel 1:1 the ftlKiVf diile, ciilli'd "Tl.e Itenlcd Knrl." I I umii.Hliig iH.l ve.'.v light, whldi may ) '.ly to n.Kxl b<i.>il..|...w fur .i few weeks. Thj l>'ece 1h one nf those trllli>M that uu.usu yo.i «mic y.u. nre wj.tcl.lug It. only to rornet sU about It before your subway iruln reaches .viur stiMloii It has, iKnvcvfT, a plot that hi orlglnoj, sMhoUKli (lou.e nf ll.e ^'hUKlni'HM'* lutruduced- hUH d.Kie duty before In plays. .Arc}iU>i.lO J. Benmor, who may best <w> d.^icrlhi'd ns a "wise guv," Induces a rinl I'jigllsb I.))ii'l to eonic to America by telling M.u thn4 111' would mei<t scHue wnrm friends iJii're of Ills p...!, who Is rcferre<l to liy tlu! Ki.rl IIS "Deal. Old IMc*y.''ei sohcmc Is to rent out tho Earl nl $l,(HUl por day to fanilllM who desire to biTiik Into high society. A Mra. Bnndereon-' llurr. wIh> has mado strenuous bo r-pocnlied by the BOrinI lendcni of f/onox, N. v., h.llR for tlio schnme. Hhc Is Intrii- .'■■eed to the l'>.rl by Itenmer an n friend of "I'lcky," nud society stiirma her doors to bn l-ivseuliHl- III his loriMilp. Hverythlng goes on heiiutlfully until Freddy Gntewmiil, who iivH 111 the rlnrl n rival for DonXdiy Mnu- ii'.r's Imuil, pipoHea the sohome, nud not until llii-n does Hie |.)nrl Uurn tliut lie has been i.<nted nut by Uenmer for a flnunclal cou- t l.'rntl.iu. The.. F.iirl pees the humor of . Benmer'a rrhiMue anil f.^rglves him ou condlllou thiit l'<< ri'turu lo Hie Banderson-llurni and ikther I niillles t.lie money be re<'elv<.il for lite rental . ' the title<l gui«t. The phiy ends with liorotby MannerH' eugngeiueni In Hin Karl. Iflwreuce IvOrtiny plnyed Hie role of the fl'iiple, hiiw-l.iiwlug Bnrl—lu fnrt. It Is nu ■•llHl.of I'linliK-kot" "role" awl, of, i. -iirwl. D'tini.iy can only nlny these rolcw, lull In thorn he Is uiiexcelleil, .Albert Brown, ns'lbe Hiuinpy, busy Ileamcr, p'li'.'ed wllh dOHl. i.uil Nplrl). spli'iiill.l iwlresH, T.-nval Mi.xwell Cou- ov.T. i.nif Init a bit, hut she innde it tell. Huiiglrts J. WivhI, as GatewiH.d, a role that rive lilni no chance to net. did well, iloplto 111.' liniidlorvii. Alice Undnlil played with ii. ii.i.n the nil*' of Divroth.v Milliners, nud |.\i- iMi Oirtor 4\irrlii«}tou, aa tlie anclnl ellinher, Mrs. Kn.nilensoni.JliirrlKiive a it«oil nivount of l.i'...ielf. ('uii|iuii. Bronx Op«>rn IIoiiho (Mlwuril Mndilen, tniir.)—Siiin Iteriiurd. In ll.e u.uslnil (..uuihI.v, Till Holli! ()/ floiiil K/i'i'cf, will, n KOoil coni- t.:iiiv nud n chorus ot rorly. lu'uiiii n wii'k's I'liL'.igeiiiiMit hero on Moiiduv i.lchl. It looks I'k ■ II hit' wei>k. "The .Mlxl.'ii.llng Lad.v" iiiii'i'S 111 tills ]>opul..r llroux h.iiiwi for one w.> 'i, bi'glnulnK Moudny, I'vh. l.'i. SCENERY DROP CURTAINS^ Lee Lash Studios 308 to 31^ East 48th street :^ BroMd'vny Offlo** LONOACRE BUILDING J. NEW TORK 0^ WE HAVE PUT ACROSS THE ROSARY BY ETHELBERT NEVIN with • sale ezoeedlng 5,000,000 COPIES we are noir enfcafced In putting m romn 5 SUCCESSORS! 1. COflEMFORGiVEIHe M Br OREERE. 8 keys: High, Medium and TiOW. Composer of ''Blng Me to Sleep." 2. ADDRITION, (Tioun obu.) .60 By TBL<HA. 8 keys: High, Medlimi and Low. 3. ROSE OF HT UFE - -oo 4 keys; Br ROSE. High, Medium (1-3) and Low. 4. inOOIIIUfiBT mi DRI?E HETOUOmS M By BATREB. Set to music of "Destiny" Waltz. 2 keys: lligh and Medium. 5. LOOK DOWN, DEAR EVES .60 By FISBBR. 4 keys: High, Medlnm (1-2) and Low. The Ave BongB listed'above, In any key desired, will be sent, postpaid. If you encloao 91X)0 i^nd thia part of tbo adverdae- meat to tike pabll •tiers THE BOSTON MUSIC CO. (0. BCllinUER, INC.) aa and 28 West Street BUSTOft, IIA.SS. . FOK SALE—Somersault, Do.Nlng, High Dlr- Ing Trick l>og8 and lliiycs, 2 Mpn7-(lo-l(oands, Powers Mo. 6 P. U. 60 Keels of ontU^ all complete. Johnstown Flood Electrical f>how for sulo or lease. Wanted Hap.-r Playing hand Urgan, Prof. Uaxry Bmllb, Oraiz, Fa. SORO WRITERS. Amateurs, I'm having mj BougB published gratis. Nccdlnformatlenr Stamp. L. IlERTON WILLSON, San Ulero, Callt All Taitoo Marks removed from skin Icavlug no BCiir. Sufflclenc quantity to remove largo piece with InstructloDB sent postpaid for tl.OO In IT. H. A. foreign poslago auiljiucklnff, lOc. euro. H. K. BfcLli.iU. D., Jlermatoloalat, 44 W. 34th Wt., Sow York City. V. B« A. DIRECTOR Willi Short Cast Ullle for Fall and Tab- loid Shows. Must bo cipalile or i lea d wlihout notice. Bee ad. on pago 21. GEO. C. IlALl,. "MY RENT IS PAID" Latest Comic Bong 111 Agents making over eo Eer cent.- Sample copy, music, words and patUca- its, IOj. popular MUHIO AQK UY, 207 W 183rt St., New York. f-TR.tP DRVMMEn. Owing to closing uf Tandevlllo house. ■■I biubiii I Kxpcrlenced all lines, ll'-lls. Drams, Tnpe, A. RotM. JAMliS 0. ENGUSU, Trenton Tueatre, Lynchburg, Va. mi Jubilee Wi.«el>-: Marto and DuIT.t, Trtd and A.k'le Aatalr, llmonoi. on.1 Aiinls. Vlo Irwin ond com- pany. Mullcr :inil Stanley, I'ckhi WyskrlM, La I'elltc .Mltnnn, Wlllo Uros., lloey iind U'C, Itolfe » "Oolonljl Uaye," llcorjr ).r<rlB and Treat'e SOals. OaCHCKKT (Eilw. I', rielily. mp-.)—Ttic Otcb- tent Stock Oo. pie«ent "Tlie .'vlarrli«e Oauw" Uils week. "Tho Yeltow Ticket" uext week. aoTiuu (PnuHne Doyle, nigr.) —The OoUani Plnvers present "Ttie Vaiiiplte" Ihls week. "Within the Law" next week. Keunbt'8 (Frank A. Kcenpy, mpr.)—Obntlnu- 0118 siillt week Taudevllle. Illll B-10: Tlio Acro- C" le La4l(s. -Hong Kon,T noil comiuny, Oresory upe, Rlcbanli and Montrose, Tbm ami ber,' Sondles. and'tbrte oilier blB acli. Fnr H l-l,; lie. MInnI Amoto. hi "The Apple o* Paris;'' n.)M and Fenuin Playen, Jiaruioay Four, an« others. '• QRitENTOiNT, Ft.ATnDBU, WABWicK. SHimarr, OLTUriC, COLUMDI*, OoUltnT. FOLLT, FlTTH AvrNUR JoNcn, I.idbrt.t, IIijod, IIalsbt, Ubh roBit, Fcl.TON, vaodevlllo siid pklnrcs. ' OouBBLiND, nvmn.n, I.tnticn. Uisiioir, O:cr0Rn, Rotil, isotloa pictucoi uily. '<l'0-D.iY" STIIilj OETTINO IT. The- Soalhem "Ito-Day" Onmnany. ot which rmll Ankermlller la manager, plajeil a return dale In lint Siirlnsts, Art., to blgsor hnrtoess Ihao on llB fomier stop, Fet». .1. This company la la Its tncni.T.flrat week, only two of which, tn the cotton »latc«. being Iwers. Harry Von Til' Vrr wmt lniliir«l to Bend Ihe camD.niiv buck Into niilelnnd, wllh the that pnat efaceks 01 no mean amoaut ate agaUi ivllliic hlls way.