New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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Febbuaby 27 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 9 CARNIVAL CONVERSATION Bj WTTiT.TAM JUDKZNB HHWITO, ("Bad Oniaa") ballIiachine Did yoa tbe kind oif a proiwsltloii you wanted? _ Well, wby not? Wbat kept you froni nttlng It? ■ •Uavk you got sometblng really new and worth wilUe to offer this aeaaon? Ba Sims you pick out tbe rlgbt carnival to go wltb. ; iKBtntiostn Sbowu>'M.— \>'bat bare you decided to do? Two of tbe over twenty-car carnivals aro now open. - Db si'BC and get started on tbe rlgbt foot tbis season. On ready to answer Ibc call. Ub beaox full and complete for tbe open- ^EXT season la bere. All hall to season lOlG. M.\Y yours be a long and prosperous one. TOM w. Allen Biiowa will open In bhreve- port. La., on Marcb 20, accoraing to Infurnia- tlon at hand, ' THE SmItU Greater Shows will opcntln Aagusta, fla., some time In March. This Is tbelr regular annual custom. , The Sbeesley Greater Shows are going to' lie one of the contcuders this season for big time and honors. They are coming to the Iroat rank i>oon. ' ■ J. H. Thonbt. —llow are you? Why not some news and the route of tbe Sbeesley Greater Shows? You are tbe general agent 1. II., act accordingly. S^Y, did you get some nerw music for the carry-u(-all and other riding devices? Well, you Eboold pay some attention to this. WELCOUfj to the Sibley Superb Shows. After these many years we have at last landed Walter K. Sibley as a carnival mag- nate. Watch him. He has eome great Ideas be may now ezecote. Anyway, he is entitled to enter... En.~K. Smith Is one of tbe rllent but mlgbty efficient ones. E. W. WUAVBS.—DM you really retire? For bow long? When the bee stingy you once you aenerally come back. Adolph See- oan, for instance. w. B. jABTis, of the Jarvla-Seeman Shows. Is now out on a long tour in tbe Interest of lis organisation. He ia sure some classy (vneraf agent. Ed. a. Btans, of tbe Ed. A. Bvans (.Greater Shows, waa a visitor In Kansas City Tuesday, Feb. 16. He returned to his Winter .quar- ters at Independence, Kan. 1015 will go down In history m the year «( the big European wars and the war In the carnival world.,. Will G. Jokes' Is now under the manage- ment of Jule Selth Dcno. Will G. adoilts Ibis. Jufe Keith arrived In Kansas C4ty from ber home la MlnnoapoUe some weeks o^o. A. B. Millbb.— ■'Will' you kindly let ua Vnow'who your seneral agcat Is? Thanks.' The A. B. Miller CTreater Shews arc scbedurcd tn open on tbe streets of Moberly, Mo., some thne In .4.prll. 'niings around^-tbelr Winter quarters, there, ere very much alive at pres- ent. Jbknie Kehob wlil probably have a sbow with the T.A. A. E>rans Greater Shows.' Wo also learn that It is very probable that W. J. Kc4ioe -^111 manage a show and bsndic the press wltb the same carnival. It looks that WOT now. Latbst 'Kansas Oty rumor Is that Harry W. Wr^bt will be Identified with the canilval the.t HomcL' V. 'Jones will probably have fliaree of for 3. W.- BrimdRKc. Well, we Just wonder what Is what. Don't you? We should «ce soon. "Hf, kUied her on tbe gane plank, oh, oh, . kear tbe seagulls cry." Has hit the cnmlvsl btmch alt over tie country. It la a long wny to that plocp In Ireland, but It Is not' so far to the (fcning. Is It? FnED W^nii, last season treasurer of tho Vcm W. Allen Shows, is up and wnlklnc •round Kansas Cltv once more. He Is very nnch intproved. His many friends will be pilcased to learn this, we knorw. JnsT to give yoo some Idea of what a car- nlyal centre Kansas rity Is, wo will ]u!;t name • few of the real ones wlio were policed on the streets there last week: James Patterson, C W. Parker, Con T. Kennedy, SPECIAL NOTICE Hknagen of the following and otber State Fain wlU meet at tbe AUDITORIUM HOTEL, CHICACO ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 AND 10 at wbleb tine they pleased to meetany party or parties having good, clean feature attnctlon to offer Fairs. Something uew In attractions Is especially desired. IOWA> STATE FAIB, Dea Moines. Ang. 95-8ept. 3 WISOOWBin STATE FAIH. MadUon, Sept. 13-18 niNNESOTA STATE FAIR, llamllne. Sept. 0-11 IIBBRASKA_ STATE .'FAIR, Ji'n05»l'?i,9"EV_ q 134T I HIsioVRl'iTA?rE"i^Am, Sedalla, Sept. US-dot. »^ TRI. STATE FAIR, llemphia, Sept. 9(M>ot. » Addrasa all Qo^^^nicattons' to the BeoretarieB of the above Falra. MAKUTAOniBI OOKTRAOT ^. A. IVIeHU FOLfilNI OPERA ClflCUl 30.000 Chain—50,000 Qrand 8tii>d»-60,000 Clrcui Stils oo.Hind lor RiiUi| PorywM ' IJIlROKBI BBATIHO CX>IITItA.0TOR8 OLA-yaiiAlf D, OHIOt FACTORiri CRIOAOO, IAiIj.l "IBga w. Id St. Tel., Main 861. ConneantTllle. Pa. ao» «. ttookwU St. Tel., West»M CHAIRS 8MND STAND PARK HAU ALLMANN BROS.' BIG AMERICAN SHOWS WINTER (ICARTERSl LANCASTER, MO. ^ 'WAlf T SHOWS of All Kinds. Trip to Mars, Musical Comedy, I'snoma Canal, Crazy Homo. PrIvUeBes of All Kinds for Salo. Wo play the real money territory, S'ebraska, tt'yoming sad Monuna. Jack Bhodes, pleaao write. ' JARVIS-SEEMAirSHOWS MAIK OFflOE: Edward Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. WU. U. JAIIVIS, aencrol AgonU WINTER quaHTEKS: Leavenworth, Kansas. ADOLPII BEKUAN, Ocoetsl Manager. mUSICIANS WANTED Want UnalclaDB to completo twenty (20) picco band. Alto to Doiiiilp Violin. Want to hear from others that doable. Oood salary, good Ircnimeot onil good accoinmodailnns to good musicians. Address JOHN U MAIION, llandmaslcr, 12M McOtc Elrcct, Kanats City, Mo. nSi^itr KUHICELY OF NEW YORK Mr. Manufeoturera of CIRCUS AND SIDESHOW TENTS TENTS TO lUOEi FLAGS AND ALL OAltVAb WORK Bntt IBTtli Street. Under the Personal Snpervlsloit of VAX KtiNKKLY PLAY Fer ■i.iuiT. wim FIFTEEN CAR CARNIVAL pi-ri-s B..t Ton Pay IW.oo per week and uke all We fnmlsh transportation (rc» Addresa B. O. BUAOKBCRR, BOS Aahland B1d|., Chlcage< 111. W. J. Allmann. Wm. B. Jarrls; Adolph See. roan, Ifal-old Uushea, Walter P. Stanley. Ed. A. Evans, W. D. Miller, D. W. Den Nar, W. A. Spencer, Mrs. Wm. B. Jarvls. Mra. Jamei IlottcrEon, Harry Brown, Itozell, M. V. Davis, Mrs. W. J. Allmann. F.' A. Oilman, Harry Oilman, Irving A.- Keiiipf, Fred A, Kcmpf, Mrs. I'red A. Kempf, B,-uce Kempf, Harry Glllam, Dtta l/oulse Blake Jo^n T. Bacboion, Lawrence (Moiey). Ilanley, J. U. Sullivan, Mrs. J. 'M. Sullivan, Mrs. J. H. .lohnsou. Mm. D. J. Lund, J. II. Johnson, Chas. H. Johnson, Johndy Mabon, Frtnk MoTgan, Frank Wclde. Dave Stevens, Gddlo Moore, Rodnev N. Krall, Jameti Shlppi-yi Mrs. James Sblppcy, Mrs. Morris Ilossmdn, .Mrs. Walter F. Stanley, Doc. II. NicColloiigh, Ben K. Meyers La Belle Uosa, L. R. Mere- dith, Mrs. L. R. Meredith, John Scott Andy Carson. Fred Poole, R. O. Kennedy, Earl D. Strout. Floyd V. Kennedy, John C. Aughe, Artlff Pralnerd, Ilird Bralnerd, Dad Bralnerd, A. U. Ksllclc. L'cida May Uochelle. R. C. Kl- ein. James Lake, Mrs. James r,ake, Jamo.t Laird, Jennie Ki-boe, Shorty Ilecd. Oenigo Tnnnsend. .Matt Thomas. Ifenry Sbcppard, Barnsy Beal, Thomas McLaughlin, L. (?. Kelly, T. J. Cannon. Cbas. E. Meyer.» Will A. Dickey, Mules Kasper, Mrs. Ju'es KHsprr, Doc. Turner. Mrs. Doc. 'runicr. Joo N. CjIHb, .M;fl. Joe N. Callls, O. A. (Dolly) Lyons. Mrs, CT A. Lyons. Uomcr V. Jones, Will 0. Jones, -Mrs. Win 0. Jones. J. II. Usrvev 1\ M. Wnrrcn, Amttrobe Kennedy, Harry W. Wright. M. Crow, .Mrs. M. Crow. Percy Co'.irt. Mrs. I'ercv Court, C. N. Fairly, CbaiC Bartbel. Iliny Dozzcll, II. H. Duncan, Budd Boyer, Ssnford N. Billings, Harry J. How- ard. George Psterson. Roy Potter, Hay Tren- holm, Pearl Trenbolm. Budd Turner, Ohas, R. Colby. Bertha Montgomery, Tom A. Allen, Captain Mundy, S. W. Itrundage, Bessie *Iar- bor, M. B. Wagner, Viola Warner, W. M. Moseley, Mrs. w. M. Moseley. Alice Melville, Homer Roberta, Purity Akin, Mri. W. A. Spencer,. W. Bennett Stevens. Fred Ward, Frank McLaughlin, Rufus ITuck, James H. riesaots, >Sam Myers, George Hogan, C. D. French, Mrs. C. D. French. laiy Outer, Clyde ^gers, Frank NIctdilson. Nona Sharp. THs dragon used br tbe Chinese In San Francisco during their recent New 'Vear's celebration. Is said to have cost-' $15,000 la money to constntct. How many cities can a carnival manager' get) that will give, up anything like - that amount for one p.irade feature. Parades arc many times the thing and ehould be given In every town. 'NVbat cbu sa7 Walteb K. Siblet writes from Now Tork, teb. 10, In port: ".Vow for tbe explosion. I have at last..declded to be a carnival 'mag- nate.' Have purcbascd a half interest fn the Vlctor-IIcnry Shows, that was - In the process of formation,' and have Incorporated the SlhlgyiSupcrb Snows under the laws of the Smte of New York, with the following officers: Victor D. Levitt, president; Walter K. Sibley, vice president and general mana- ger ; Morris Tailer, secretary, and Ucnry Moyerboir, treasurer. . "SinLRi's SuPEBu Snows Will absorb all of the stock of tho Vdotordlcnrv Shows, and that show, for the present, will go out of existence. The show will be booked out of ,the Levltt-Meyerbotf oOlcea, with Oeorge H, Hamilton as general agent, Sidney Wire as press agent, threo promoters and a special agent Mir. Levitt to give his personal nt- teniflon to tho general contracting. The Hbi>w ^\-lll travel on Its own traJn of fifteen cars, or more, tbe major portion of the shows will be' on wagons. Will have n cnfc car and sleepers. In fact the train will be thorouKliJy up-to-date and look tlit part of a real show train. "Havd already plenty of time booked In tho Bn,stern territory Including a number of oi l home weeks nnd home promoted colebrntlons. Feel Ormly convinced that we will have a real good show, and look forward to a proflt- able season. "Am qoi.n'o to make some changes In tho water show, and for tho present will feature It. At present have eight shows, and they 'A'dll be nice and clean and satdBfactlon giving. Will carry a nice froc act, and, ot course, a good band." "WHEELS AND RINGS." BT QOIH DABHIT. (HDRoa'e Non.—TMf coImimi U for V*pet<lloa, Port, foU, Oornleol. OtroM, Wild Wut, Amutomtnt JN*r aad Bummtr Rnort Ooaossstonolre*. Sand in year newt note* for petllcaifam lo «d<lor of "VAeal* and Rtngt," Niw Tou CuntM, 47 1^. TtMiity-elpMA Btrt«t, Wsw rork.) COlfCBSfllOIfAIREB ARB NOW UIQII CL.^I BUaiNBSS UEN AND VfOm^. CoKCESSiONAiHBS.—You mako It poaalble In many instances for the organlicd I'R.'olval of to-day to live and borro Its being. Uany ot thm could not live ond prosper without tho concessions. Are you Ug enouph to gratfi'thitt Cau you-foro9eo that In order to oontlnuo you wiiat originate new Ideas, put forth good warea, deal fair vrtth the iKiWIc, cet close to your public end buUd up your bualncas JUBT as any men-bant or abownun? Be honest wttli yourselves. Be honest wltb tho show or camlni you are wlUi. 1)3 honest with the public. In the last few years you have established a field of labor for-icood proflt miles la ml- vance of tho old time so-caUtd /'iWIcA men." It is up to eadi ot you to moiutain tbe pteseikt etandarda end progicss wltlb Out tlmei. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ^^^^'^^^^^^^^ It will soon be time to line up tor the season. Some are at It already. WiLTCB Wiu,MiN AMD Win are on ao auto tour through California. . Sau ItaicH, of the Fair Ajsusement^Com- fiany, la a bustler When it comes to'doing one distance thinking and future protpect- Ing. Must alve it to blm. Brbsib IlAaBOB, who had several coocet- alona witli the Qreat Patterson Shows for the past three aeasoni. will again be with that carnival with a hoop-la. LiAWBtNCa (MoxiB) Uanlct, J. U. Sultl- Tsn and Mrs. Sullivan aro operating a phot> gallery In Kansas City and doing very well, conslderlug general coodlOons, Tbey do conslderahle professional work. It Is ibeir Intention not to go on the road this Reason. Did you get the exclusive you wanted 7 What do you Intend to do with ItT Sau mbtbbs ia working in and out of Chicago this Winter on several lines ot merchandise. He recently made a HU(.'i:.;Hsful trip to Michigan points. Ho goes bni'li with the Rutherford Greater Shows when tbe sea- Hon opens In Pittsburgh, Pa. Pai;l E. I'BBLi. Is one of the claiisy fellows that gets out and Bcts wliat-he wants. Louis Lsn (brotnor ot the late Henry I.,cc, the actor) will be connected with tbe Al. Lotto concession's wlie'h tho season <ipuns. He Is making his home In Clilrngo, whore he Is In the fur buslncsH for tlio Winter. Al. Latto'b many Irlends ure worried atnnt bis general health. "Fry a hamburger" ran now bo beard oo many Intg. They nro laklug moro pains in frying tbem now than they did In former years. Madam Rrno Is now In Pnola, Kno., wber« she has been for many wevks resllug up for a long season that Is ahead of her. Shu will read tbe lines wltb ono of ^hc Westcru car- nlvnlo again the coming senson. Daviu Latlin'okkkh, ns.HlHtPd by D. W. iWhItIo) Tate, nmiiRgc'd the coni'i'arilnos at the bike rnco recently held In (Milcogo. ViDi.A ^Vaonbk will linvo tlio i-idiislve Ralmlatry with the I,ouIa J. Ilentb Sbows. he will open the aennun with tbi>m lu I'^st Rt. Lou.s, III.,-In April, when tliey open. Cadteu wns In Denver Bom'< tlmo ago taking a rest, after a tour of tbe I'aclflc Const. Who have you got the exclusive doll wheal with? Are you sure It Is an exclusive? Maubicb ItossuAN Is touring Florida at prcacDt. He bas been there for sumu weeks running some keg stores. He made tlis Tampa doings last week. It's salil. Jakk Davis Is Wintering In I<aredo, Tel. He will, wltb H. B. Dnnvllfe,'have "Days of '411" nt the Oeorge WsHblngton Blrtndajr Celebration In that city this week. PAti, Hunter has some very nico storea wltb the Potter-Mansfleld Shows, now tour- ing Texas. That's a nice new top you have. Juit tbe kind you should have. UuiiD Linn, send your addreHs to the West- ern Bureau of Tub Nkw 'Vodk Clippeb, BOB Ashland Block, ChlcagcNill, RuDHN Obdbbbo Is a|UI a merchant In Montgomery, Ala. Rat TnBNBOLM, the welrbnnwn among the live ones, Is this winter Rxnloltlng a tabloid musical comedy, known as l.eona Itemlngton and her 'Cabaret Girls. A very recent and successful engagement was played In- Omabs, Hay visited bis wife In Kansas City Inst week, where she is running n ronccsslnnalrcH' home. JonNNT BsHOND, It I« to vonr advantage doubtless to communicate with .lules KnHner. Address blm csrn WoHlern Ihireaii of Tio Nrw Yobk CLiPPrii, QOS Ashland Block, Chi- cago, III. A. GAiJTniEB. well and fovoralbly knvwn aoMng the knife rack Mnge, -was n i-lsltor In Kiansris City durkic Oic niito irtiow. Ho is now 'n IliC' KonemI morcluiudlse hUHlness :n >.<(alina, Kan., where he-has been Wlitterlng. You will find blm'with tho .JarvlH-He<-man Shows when the season nprns. .Mtss U. Stevens'Is sUll the treasurer of the Ooutbler btores. Ike (Tiump) FniRDSiAN Is smlil to linvo offered a Hubetsuitlnl rjiKh ili-ponlt tn n well kn<rwn carnival mnimRiT bell board «ould positively b<; on afc lot when tiie sea- son opcn.9. Kate Wabo Is stlTl in ICiin.Hnn City. Tub Fair Amiisemont <Vnin>nny of New York will bavo the rEcluslvc'doll wheels wllii Ibc Allmann Bros. Hliows. Many cdco prominent conrntslonailres are nyw carnival mnnaKors and iiwnnrs. CiiATia AND Ki.MKit Yklaihe Irave lioen nnd are still openi4lng nn nimisoment iMrlnr In KannaH Cltv, for l1if» Winter. Tliey liift tJio Milnsourl city TiiPsdA.v, Fob. n, to vl(i|t Ihc'.r luxnc and motlur. In Hpattle, Wn-sh. They will rcMirn Kast by the wny of Han Vnn- Cisco sliortly nft'T 'Ibo oiienlnc of the I'nn- ama-Pndflc nxposltkm. In Hint city. Tbdr trip will ln«t tmu> four oifcflvi- weeks. PERcr Coi.'nr, of HiKit-Uii>-H|xft ifame, has some rnal nomlty lu- -vi'lll Intmduci! on his store the rmntni; nntiion. Ife will spot-Uie- spot In anoQier plnn*. loo. •CiiAS, K. JfKTr.MH wns n yrccomt business visitor In KannnR City. Wilh- there bo rlined fontrnoli for ivrnf oonro-tlons with .Tnrvls- Hoeman Shows. Ili- n-tiirnwl to 4.'bIi?igo, ivhi-re ho hivs a i>li'i-, vir/.y homi>. Tun Vrlairk lpo)^^ 'nmiiscincnt pnrliir In KsTisns City. Is one uf the ncututt franuil up »t»re9 Id this country. Char. I'.AnniKi.. kint scavm wllh It. fy. rvirroll's KiKiwM, Is Wlutoring In KansaH (Ity. He looks forwanl to n gvnl seniton. II<> Is I'f tho oplnlini tliat n-nl Hlorr^ ^^^U gi<t rml ii!Oni-y. HAidiF.i. Cii.i'HKiN will lie one of tlio big fellowo this sonHon. Wnnto .wnfrh Iilm. Harrt (J. MeLLiii.r.i; has lots of "New Toy" callers at bis olDcc lo Cblcogo, Car- nival managort are begianlog to notloo bis new olTer. A. Pbtcbson AND U. O. Smith. —They miss you at tbe La Grand Hotel, Ifanaas City. How are the aheots from lowsT D. M. Atwood. —We bear you will b.ive some' cnncrsglnna of tho bljrtaer order with the A. B. Miller Shows, \vbat 'bout It 1 LoRi a portion of your anatomy If It will save your life. But don't lose your liead la an effort to save your lite. Get behind that store and stay there. Ai.CKRT llBATii makes his Winter homo la Racine, Wla We bear lie will have somo real stores with the Oavia Aiausomeot Coni- i«ny. Yoq .tell. He makes frequest trips to Chicago. ■ Jnii.<< C7~Auolia bas a oico Winter hone In Kansas City. Ho goes to Pania, Kan., very often of late. 'Ho will have somo of tho very newest and best stores out wltb that carnival wben tho time comes. Ho may bave a Uiow, too. „ T. J. Cannon announres that tho Great Western Toy Compnuy will bocomo a reality after aU. Ai.L the concessionaires rend Tiiu Nkw VnuK Clippbb and patnmliQ its- advurtlaInK columns. Placo your orders now fu.' tli>i Special Outdoor. Amusement .Numlter, to bii It sued 'M'drch -"27. Many of the big out* nru already In. Get with them. Mbh. Rohrman nnd the Itossman kids nro a<t tbelr homo In Kansaa City, whllo father la traveling through Florida. Mns. FuLfcE UERNAnui left Knnsn* City some time ago for ber Boston home, stopping on the way at St I/Oiils, Chicago and Now York. Mrs. Ilcrnnrdl, it la Mnld. 'wlll have n number of stores with the A. II. Sillier S.iowa. Who Ih your concession manager'( Wm. Mai: Is miniiger of coiwiwlons wlt3i the Itoberts United. Shows, now touring GeorRln. H. r. (Candy) Weiht ano I/BW Wkimiino- TON httVf ilUsolved ,]minnershll>, ncconlhiK I'O Ibo former gcnlleinan. M. B. I'liKHHKV. of tho I'nwi^ Mnis., Is row verr bnny w4tll this comliHt ncnsoirs cm- trncts. of wJiJch ho lias many to look after. It Is a i)0))iilnr gntno tliey liavi-. SIIINEV SIIII'MAN JH. AND iMll.KH Hlfil'MAN <'All tb(inKi-Ive!« the "Ihunanltonu KIngH." No one sc.-nas to dispute thi-m, so gucKS It Is all rlirht. Th*-/ hnripcned bo Ihi In Wunipc, near Iterlln, wtii-n ihn war broke out H, II. DoiiBMiiH modestly proclolms hlmsplf tho king of WfM>lnK sonio men. ' Wli«,t uo you my, ninrlcM lllc.kell and oth<Ts7 Iziif Firehidbs, Ii* the boys heor from '"s'oMBONH Ihis suggested Oiat tUIow ngbts on Miilwi.vs be Introduced In puicii of con- fetti baittles. I/Uoka good from boro. nit em out for two bits. Try It somo town, and let OS kBOW how it goes. Sbnd Tub Naw York Ci.irrisB your right addrcn. Thanks. Wihcro will you bo wltu your store i . . , > r> I-'Bi.Eca Uebnabiii wants to knaw A. F. O.s right mimo end nd/lress. «•'. I,. Mot.'LANAiiAN. ono of I'sul Htmter's agnnts, miikcs bis Winter bonie in Ilallns, 'rex. .Mrh. Caubib WAONRn Is known a,t all tho |pa4llng Htato felrs and erhlUtlonH as Ibo. popfiime lady. Do you know h(!r7 She nlway* locmtes In all tbo big exposition halls at carb spot, AiiTltUli Fuw.BB.—iLot us hear from vou. No coNCBNHiONH of sDy kilud weri> allowea Insldo tlie Convention Hall, Kansna <.1ty, during tho auto show. How do these sound for wheels? Bcbapps, washboards and borso sho» soan, pitch forns. buggy whips, plow and axo iHUidles? Wo may expect just ns mOeh from somo of tJiriu after vnist wns pulled In St. I-ouls last Fall. Hot Pottem left Kansas City for (.liU'Sijo last weok. Ilo rails himselt tbe "CoScyrliln KIdli-t." ^ Mautka Pottbr did not go to Han T>lei|'>. Slie Hinyfd In Chicago. Walter Wii.luan is good on pillow top wheel] us woll as phMo gallerlcH. MiiN. Walter Stanlmy will manage tho pliolo nottrard gallery with tho Con T. Kfn. Lcdy HlinWH tho comln.t Heason. IIow about tbo percolators'? Will ther go this Hi'nsim ? lliey wi'iit In some places lost season, not In all./>f lliem. CiiABLiH I.iAiiUENCB-—Who oro you wllh now? "8asii;bi, Gluskin." —^Tho all alono von'es- aloiinlrc. Vioi.A Waonek left Kan>«as City last week to vliiU her homo In Rnnsns. Am, tlio'manufacturing nnd opernling rnn- ceHHlunalriis will lie roiiresTnleil In the ilpeclal Outdoor- Amusement Number of Tlie Nmw YoiiK Cmitkr, to bo Isiiiied on March '11. .Mniiy novrltli'H will tw ofTiired in Us ndvcr- tlHlng columns I'lavo yon order now for eilrii copies and adverllslng. Play the ine' brttt het of tlio year. Ilemembor Tub Clip- I'EH iloi« not dlitnpi>olAt nt nny time. 'FiiAS'K Gauvkr uiuy wild eat a(aln thli cenoii. J. II. MiM.H.—Are you still In Chicago? J. I). HWEKNBr AN'> h\.\.v.s. Who wjTp lust Koniion wlMi llie r'lIflon-Kcllv <<hows, kindly lot the writer know where you will Ii^ikI at op.'-nln3. (Icou'iH Harmon knows how In ninke plenty of maruiiin out of concessions, Ilv will n4Cnln go with the Con 'I'. Kcriivdy Nliows ns rlili'f of Mi^lI di'iHirtinmt. lloii 'r,tTl,4>R Is on''' of tho coiiilns bis lows In lb«T*gaine. Ho wns with tlie H. W. Ilnin'InKn Cnn;lval Is it scaiion. tml ho will lie (liiTir ax.iln tbiw season, with maoy ojoro un'l liner slorei,. (?oNrrHHioNAiuKH. plesso . Dote. If yo<i want to And a friend, itet or ovrliango an Ides, or do anything that will advance tho Interesta of- the r'nnresslunalre, you arc In- Tlted to use this column—yours tnly and rtally for you, "Uosh Uarolt." John C, Auoiib claims to have dU-.-ortred «,real novelty tor wheels. Wo do wonder wtial It Is, If It le a winnor you will bear •bout It. Lbvinb has at last landed among Ibc big ones. He deaerrce his success. He should find tbe J. George Lobs Showi a very proftlabic place lo be tor season IDIB. , Will not live poodle dogs for wh>>,^s7 Ain't It great? Same as gold lUih, only Ihey got four legs. Wki. (Siiurtt) KuixNiiBtMRB, for many years In tho Kastcrn parks, is lo bullsa, Tex., where ho has been for some time' taking a conHncrclal course In local business collrgo. He cipects to be among tho bustling pto- srsnunera at ibo Panama-I'aclllc KiposlMon some time later in tbo aeaion. IJoys in UoatOD,,you know tiborty. Carl and Mrs. Nblson, let us know what you did after tbo Dig Four Amusement Com- paoT closed last Fall. Hear you bad wms swell ccocesslons with thrJD. O. J. BaowN Jumped from Burllniton, la., to CliUago. to Biiend the Winter. Ho will b(i ono of Fclece Ilernardl's agents this sea- aon with the World at Homo Carnival. Hauuy IIowabi) is still In Kansas City, Tim writer saw a new ball game at tho Texas State Fair laat Fall, It was railed tho 'Mlooftr (loofty Hens." The wooden beni won lined up as like In a beu house, aud oviry tlmo tho thr0'^ver knocked ono off tbe rooat nc was given n hnril boiled pig. Ii would go great with a good IIto coninllaa behind tho store. Did you over hear of it before? Where, now? ' ilKiiitUB Hiivmamoyia tlilnks notMog or having a nfty foot JapnnvKO rolling *'all Btoro. Ho 1;«<1 ono at tbo 'IV-ias H'oOton I'al- iH-o last FlMl. Some of Ms ngents were Y, Jaiiboo, M. Mntsuo nnd Kin IlMhiJakl, <TiiB Japanese Mn and do frojno up some swell stores. You do .likewise. lliLi.T llAHRRmiK, make 'MJtwaiikco a good spot for tho Wlrter—sometimes. Jack Csonin. —When are you going lo start from (ihllllcotho, OhJo? *Mm? Tliat la bis home town. Fblicb HRRNARni will mako Chlcairo his home now, for aiwhlle. ('iiRTiH Ircijino. —Wo waDt to hear from roil. YoH, too, Mrs. Ireland. IlERT itdss lives dn HaM St. Ix>uls, III. mmiB FiNB, irtM -waa asaodatod with the Delmar Hardona, St. Uuls. last lenson Is roportod to have tho boars end Caitdy wheel v'^Si the C. A. Worthsm .Shows, tbIs season. Why do so many auoresstuil ooncesslonalros aspire to 4m show and carnival toansaers, when all that they know about the laialness Is from obaonratton? It Is not belter to bo a ki-cresahil ooiKesrtona4ro than a failure as a carnival manager? Vorr tow nmke goort. Although 'nennlo Krauso illd, and (Hd great, too. Well, lot's givo thorn all a cbanco If they want ft. _ II. 0. MFil.l,Yit.tB, ot tho Now Tot Man'i- fnrtiiivlDg (>»., announces that tlhls Arm has moved their factory frnrm West TwentleHi Mtrn't, Niw York, to Newark, N. J.,-*herii It In occupyliifi an entire liirikling of some nrty thousand aipiaro feet of floor si>nce. "Tli.' of. llrcH nro to remain at the old Kmv York ad- (Iri-.n for tile itresmtt, nt li'n»t. Ho snjs tlm rioilucts that nave made lUs flrm famous will lio.kept up to n very lilgli.wandnrd, I" tart It'Is erpocted thSt the itomis turned out will ii'.ark a pntT that will lie hard for others to follow. ISmtlvely p.-rfeet rn^Iix*' '« <'> » Kii-nt way'thflr iiMdto. 'nii'jf will, we knirw, have somo dlstln-Mlve noypiMi'S to offer i:ir..imli the (lOvertlsIng wKmim vt Iwt New York Cmpi'M. nt a vft?y early ilnlo. IltPOll J. NoRMli.ic (liii'H Mill hcdlute lo '.iv that he Is tin" fastest i-nmly innher in nil llm world. Ho can nnd iloen make goml Honils, and ho sells It loo. CiiAH. PuEHsnr.—Whit 'lo yon Intend lo do I lie coming sea*Mi? Mow wns Florlilii this Winter? Or were yon In Texas? H\Mi!Ei, Oi.liHKiN dill put over nn awful lot of dulls at the Ar-Hiir Hfii last Fnll. nnd S'lme cniiily. Ion. The esjidy wns s.i Kmicl thnt a fellow tried nli-nl n lot "f It nbum wllh HOinii nllier vnhinlile (•ohri'silon itooiIm. Chnrley l,nwri'tiri> wan tli.'re, no wns Hninniy IliiriiH (of llio vniidevllle li'nin of lliiriin nnd Fullon.) Ilu sn-iiied lo enjny his wiek's Iny off from thn Orpli-iiin (I'rciilt, denllnsr out tho dolls for the Fiilr Ainiiiionii'nt Cimiiiviy. 'I'lic candy went woll theri'. "ni" pen-nl.nlor't n>rt HO' good, but tbo dolls were a pertei t ilot. RamMT IIiirnn may have sorae romesslm this si-asvui wllh one of the roni iilg onw. I.BT'H hear from Cliarlny Lawrrnei', IMva y^ndcrson, t'hss. M. -PrwHey, Frank Ofllo, Mrs. I.aiira Harris (Iraee Walton, Itny Ilrui'o, John Taylor and (.iirley King. At tub Texas Ht.itb Fa in some fellow tried to put over somo of llist Hi-pli'mher Mom rot, Hern Is whnt onn iMlInn pu|i<'r said obout It and Ur. Asderson. tbo con- cession manager; " 'Ht<plember .Mora' lu a plrture gallery may bo art; hut when slie Is aom on the coat lapel ot a fnlr visitor alio \i decidedly something else. At least Hint Is Ihc dcelslim uf J. \V. Anderson, superln- loidiTt ot roncenslonI nt tho fair, wli.> slopped the sale of siiggi-sllve iilctnr^ and rrluled hac bands. One ot the uiitlons bun he figure of a woman and a innn. Printed lilacards for 'plimlng on i-mt lapola, lmti< and muffs weru nlnu banned." WliT does the law Imvn lo force Kom>< cnn- ccislonalrcs to bo dooeiit? Ilu that fur your own good. LArn LnvnNB (n sclioiilninto one lime of 0. A. Wortliam, tl Mttio lllnnt" of rnr- nlvaldnm) makm his lionnr In linllnH, Ti-i., where he expects to remain ri'gardliiw uf nil Hie good offers ho golN to go on tint rond, Itn Is worth n lot nf money. Ilenl ii,oney. Pacli year flmlH liiro at the 'I'exss Htniu Fair with the exeliiHlvh liainliiirKor nini'i-Hxl ui. 111! NOT forget tho big number, our .Mnreli ''.7. A dandy number for nil Wlio are In any wny IdentlflrA with the conreHslun hii^lni'H'i, clllier as makers or dlslrHiutors. I.KANKiiH and lianger-onn do not coiini. Tlid rings UMiHl go over the object comiili'li'iy. Pai.miht. —Why not gel a Tcmiile of f'lilm- Islry on a wogon? t^iiii you nee tlie Id'?ii7 It rould bii 'made some hw,-1I store. Vou knoy It. Ho It. t;, I>; HKAni.B.—Who do you go with? Mow. Is Han Antonio this Winter for the Htoreii'r IlKAnii In a cook tent: "Hit 'em down nnl wait On them." You linrn heard It. iim. A. Il, IlKNIII.EII ANII COMI'ANY bill Ihoin- ■I'lves ns "the real ni/velty Iiousn of the I'li- c'lnc Cnrnt." Tlielr hendriuartera arii In tho exposition town of Hnn Frnii. 'Hie cntnlnguo Issued by them cuntnliis iiinny novHtlrs uf Interest and mho lo couceHiilonnlri'S, They tvlMli lo aiiniiuiieii lliriiiiuh the ciiliiiiins of 'I'llH Nbw York Ci.irr>:ii Mint tlxiy linvo n bU surprise In slorn for lliii hoys when they (OHIO to Hnn l''nin. I»ii1h First snys: "Htop, look Hiiil listen; ii» fooling." A. 11. Ilendhir linn returned to 'FrlMci) from a reeimt busl- iii'Ns trio to I/OH Angeles, Han I>U'(;-> nud Venice, (.'al. A. H, llRNiii.KU announces that they havo lots of ofllcu rtmm nnd sKutluiKTy on hand, nt all times, for the lioys, at their uftico In 'l-'rlsijo, and that iniinngirrs oMi-iits siid con- ( are always welcusm^ at tbe real i.ovClty Iioiiso of the ItiAJIIe (.'oast. 'Wiey l-nvo a sort of nuinlier two Amen corner In their offlee, wboro the Toileting timiiorary ('■mst det'indcrs may \», found at most anv tlmo (ncMi'dinff to Uiwls Klrstl : OHcnr (!, Niilili'. Os^TSr WalkiT, II. II. 'Himlam. O. A. liny, W; J. Mot7,ner, <v»l. W. I). Wostlnko, Sam ('. Ilallor, J. M. Ilatlin.uiiy, (Irorge I), I'.ennett, G. A. r>>linn. H. W. f;ninplK.-ll. Mnx French, A. V.. llniincher, WJnglo I<ee, .Marlln lloss, OeoPtto I<oiwery, Frniilt 1)artd and Johnny Helton. Is TUB "l>ay« of 'W a »h(«w or conces- sion? .Answer, nil of you conccairlonalres. 'Fblbcb ItRnNAUiii recently returned to nitcago from a most sirccessfnl trip to Uio r.?nn4llan Northnvest, In ttio lotcrest of his