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FBBBUABT27 TIMELY PICTURE TOPICS- THE ISTEW YORK OLIPPBRT _^ -- 13 BY LEN. UTIIE DACHBLOR'S ROMAHCB" (FOUR ■IKEI.S). FAMOUS PbATBRS FILM CO.. PARAMOUNT PROGRAM-SHOWN AT TUB STUDIO. '- CIBT. Divid Bolmts John Emenon %i;..)via Lorraine UullDg l4rrv George Le Ouerre <;?,ard Robert Cain l Sybllla Popo AuDt Clem Maggie FWher. Qjarace" Fbtllp Ilabn niiluiS • Tbomas McQratli Mnrtln J. Flndlay ' "A Barlielor'8 Romance" Is notable for somo excellent acOn«-and the clever manner In Tbicb the producer liae handled tbe all too familiar atorT. , ^. . . « To <>e sare taere la the ciwtomflr; Una rbotoG<'aphr and 1^611 choaen locations, sup- Llem^ted OT natural looking Interiors that Dnvld Flanagan Walter Craven Cotton llandlcr , Wllnkey Davis..Bert atarfcey ulrcctor. Mainlce Touraeur. o.HSr* If..^ P'rtuw that h«B everything. Starting with a cftrklng story, Director Tourn- tur la tO 'bft ooDKratulaitcil In not overlooking a bet In the matter of atmosphcra and detail! • 2,7.';. •presented In srlpplBtr fashion, with every^ evldctKe. that the director who 'nsuollzed It kncrw exactly -wihat he was doing at all times. I'aul Anmatrong wrote the play or Jimmy valentine," whlob Traa an adapta- tion of onp of O. Ilcnrv's storlea. ^,2?^ netlpg, too. la of an excentlonoUy hlg'o JJSS: 1';''*'^ Warwick plnyn J,e role of the aa/e*rcaklng chap with an air of repreaslon and a skill that betokens extensive dramatic experience. of anloat, from the ptnn« to tb« elephant. He hai hnnted and captured wild beasts In Africa. Canada and Uouth America, and tnloys a bigh rating as a lecturer upon animals and Ihelr houts. Two years ago, while directing a Motion picture producUoo In Florida, Captain llnna- vita wa.s again attocked by Baltimore, the enme Hon that formerly tore his arm off. During the Oerce atniggle the Intrepid «T the I - ■ f - trainer, while prone the ground, dboule<l to the panlc-strlckcn camera men to "kct-p turning." The Hon wan finally driven off, but not before It had badly Injured Uona- vitas other arm and torn hla body and leg so severely that for many weeks doctors despaired of his llfo. Wben he finally did recover h« organised an animal show of hla own and toured the country, continuing to work the savage beasr, Baltimore, up to Inat November, when It was accidentally poisoned by disinfecting fluid which aptllcd from the roof of the cage, and wan Hckcd up by It from tbe fioor. Captain Bonavlta Is as able, acttva and fearless to-day as he has ever bc«n. He ,.u.„»e—i--f . , ,- ti 1.1 ■ 1 I. ©'.realism pervades the entire pic- brought several beautiful Hons with him ilementri ty natural lofl*^^ K'-u'^^i'^,'',?'"n""S l|i Hs fldollty to tho wben* he ??Jolnil the Rostock Arcn^ are 'laually found In all Famous Players pro- llle it so excellently portra.vs. n order to Ine a threc-ycar-old son of naltlmore which mo^e t'tlo'r'^lg'bt^lSvrbl.en '^UT'^'lll ill lV.5S7_?'J„r'-a .the"iJr?u'm°l?aS?? ^o'f X'^a^vTig h^n Mcurcd for the second appearance on the flniabcd CfCUl^- .-. — -. E(r(cn of that consclentloua and actor, Jobn Emerson. Mr. Emerson makes the most of hla limited ooportunlttes, however, and gives a perform- sncp at all times convincing and pleasing to the artistic acnsttillltles. One scene that possibly might provoke dls- ciisiilon Is the ease In wnlch Sylvia breaks ofT bor engagement with her swcutbeart. rmli seem to take H as a remarkably simple nroniliire. and sever their relations In a {.rnillnrly cold-'blooded fashion. It seems ecenes, these were taken nt Sing 8lng Prison sfofy '9 'o'"" >n <i smootf ondlntaresUug manner, and Is developed with screen tequlrcmcnta of the ^fTSfS "l^uS'YIf*' strikingly vivid scones or the breath-holding sort. I'osnlbly the best Ot a number of well played situations Is the scene In which the child Is locked in the safe, and the ex-convlet, torn by conflicting emotions rescues her through the means o? bis nimble lingers. A bird's-eye view of the interior of the tank In the first reel Is a Dinstcrplece of camera artistry and tOlclent ih.ii the young man In question might have directing. Ilcllcvlng the dramatic tcnBlon'at nt least registered « ,',l<j|inK,,o'_r;^.S|;ft_,«t times, n pleasant bit of comedy by-ply Is the loss of Buch a delightfully mctty girl I/orralne Huling, who plays tlic part of t^vlvlu with dalntlucss and charm, 'inaction In the first three reels Is largely nKHJOtl for by the rapidity with which things hii|>lK'U In the fourth and concluding reel, KdllowlDg a melodramatic feature Into a picture theatre, "The Bachelor's Itomance" Khould prove entertaining and draw well, partly through the general excellence evl- deiicnd In <the production of the film as a uult, nnd partly through the name of John Knierson. net. "rilB WARHBNS OF VIRGINIA" (FIVE IIKELS), JE9SB UiSKY FBATURB PLAY CO., PARAMOUNT PROGRAM— IIEVIBWBD AT TUB STRAND. CAST. General Warren James NelU lArthur Warren P. E, Peters Mrs. Werren Mabel Van Burcn Agatha Warren Blanche Bweet Ned llurton lUouse Peters (icnerol Grlflln <Dlck La Iteao (ieneral Hording. Sydney Dcano jlloke Kaymood flatten Znkc 111','BS-. ,(Milton Brown nil! I'cuvey Dick La Strange 1'iiin Ujibney Luclen LlttleOeld Hull Wnrren Gerald Ward Hi'lly Warren Mildred Harris tinpho Mrs. Lowla McCord .Notwithstanding the enormous amount of h\|)eri>olc spread through the columns of llio numerous trade Journals by the most riliclcnt and Industrious Lsaky publlcltv dc- pnrtmcnt anent tbe debut of. Blanche Sweet Gs a Lttsky picture star, "The Warrens of Virginia" Is not a master work of filming. Kny It Is not even, a j/ood picture, expbna- 'i<on of the why and wherefore which shall lie (ortbroming directly. To begin wltb. the story a conventional Inic of the Civil war, with Its namby-pamby Norlliem hero In love,with the goody-goody Koiiibctn girl, and tbe attendant conflrct of hive and duty lias been done to death In innumernblo single reclers, commonly desig- nated In the vernacular of the trade as "prngrnm stuff." I'^l^therm;ore, the - Eal«m Co., to cite a rtHf-lile li^s'tance. ^s produced far better liaiile scenes and Civil war stories that were liiilnltcly sirpcrlcr os regards detail, iptc. iliiring the Psst three or. four years and niado little noise about Ic at that. liianche Swvvt'ii histrionic talents arc totally Inadecjuatc to a proper portrayal of the lolo of Acatha Warren, Miss Sweet, imder Orlillths' master direction. In "Judith," waa a revelation, but a couiiparlson of the two pcrforrannces would be fatunuH, Inarmuch as there Is so little to compare.. Miss Sweet, In addition to wearing a remarkably decol- lete dress In tha closing scenes (for a girl Willi lins never been kissed, and we are so Infnnned from a sub-title), has her lips ovcr- iiinde-up throughout. Her eyes, on the cou- iriiiy. were not properly lined. . Ite.sldcs lacking the emotional qualities ncri-ssary to a ccnvlncing conception of tho olinractcr of the Southern girl, MIbj Swd-t Kccnied entirely lost In s.jmc of thp simpler situations. Tills fact, coupled with nliBurd Iniises on the part of the (llrertor regarding ili'l^l, Innds on air of unreality to the cn- tlri' performance, and stamps It as out and out "pliiy acting.'' In rela tion to the oboive mentioned lack of de- tail ovldencod throughout, the union soldiers iil'jH'nr In nice clean unltonms, with up-to-dato (1!>U model) hair cuts. Then acoin a hcnvy Fllver dish Is sent to the Blacksmith's by tho rmanclally hard pressed Warren family, and tliat woTtliy iperson Is instructed t» melt tho «aine Into a silver bnlck. This he docs,, and lo and heboid the sliver brick, which must weigh at least ten pounds, nieortUng to Its size, la handled by the mem- bers of thi> Warren hoijsebold as If It were nn empty cigar tax. The Southerners surely must have had great strength In their arms, Introduced by John Ilincs, who plays the part of "Red Jocclyn" cxiictly as it sliould bo played. This is never Irrelevant, nnd cnu- trasts neatly with the big moments that Invariably follow. ■Scenlcally, tin; Interior .si-ts are wonderful. Nothing 1a overlooked, nnd llicre Is no nklmp- Ing or faking, Tlio exterior locntiouH are atmospherically correct and all well pboto- grnpbed. Kobcrt Warwick, as Jimmy Valcnilne, makes tho gentlemanly cvook who reforms and stays strnljilit,'n living, breathing pec- ccnnlity that stamps him as a Class A screen ortist Alec Francis, aa Billy Avery, one of those dycd-ln-thtf-«ool crooks, who lins spent tho belter part of his lite behind bar.'). Is an- other actor who lends a touch of realism to hla characterization that Is startling. Evcrv look and action betokcuA the criminal, Aiec'ij make-up Is also a subject for high com- mendatlen. Bert .Starkcy Juet does a small '*it," and docs It In highly artistic fashion. Starkey ployfl tlie role of Bllnky Davis, n forger, and In a convincing scene is shown in the act of raising a check for the edification of some visitors to the prison where he la an inmate. This scene alone In a work of art, and Btnrkey cnn be credited with making tho character one of the dlstliictlvc features of a picture containing an unusual assortment of con^pctent acting, Itobcrt Ciimmlngs, aa Davie, the detective, looked the ceatral oQlcc "bull" to the life and acted the chnracter to perfection. Kuth Shepley, as Rose Fay, had fewer oppor- tunities than the male members of the cast, but made •a. pretty and appealing sort of heroine. For a genuine feature screen entertalu- dicnt, the World Film Corporation has pro- duced a model In "AIIsa Jimmy Valentine" thot should establleb a standard for pictures of tills characicr. Ilex. . DIRBCTOn SEBLYE TO BE AWAY THRBB MONTHS. C. It. Seelye director of sales of the World riim Corporation, left New York eoaie weeks ago planned to be gone three weeks. Ho made part of the tranecontinetai trip wlUi tieneral .Manager Sclzuick, but decided to take more time than orginaliy laid out, when b<3 realized wliat eshwltor.H were doing In tho motion picture flcM on tbe Pncllic Coast, lie found out that there woj much !o bo leam-d from their operations, nnd instead' of three weeks, tho time allotted for bis tot;r has lengthened out Into three months, Mr. Scclyc has established salesmen echools In all branches of the World nim, and In tliein be Is oppiylni; tlie methods that tnadc 6UCCCBS for the sales org.'iuizatlons of the 11. II. Ingersoll & Uro., watches, and tbe South Bend wa|.?lic.!i. From the Information received It Is ovl- oent that Mr. Seelye has bccomo an entliuai- oxt about the West. He is rohictunt ahoiil leaving that fa^cinnting portion of the United Stales. During his absence his work Is being looked after by his a.sslstnnt. I.eoa J. litimbcreer. MAYOR OF WILMINCTON. DEL., DE- LIVERS AIV ULTIMATUM. Feb. 20 all Wilmington, Dol., motion pic- ture tl;catro8 .were formally notined by Mayor IIarrl!ion W. nowcll that they ho'l exactly four H-ecks In wliidi to make cbangcH ordered by the building Inspector, or else close their doors and keep them closed. OREGON LEGISLATURE SLAY SHOW KLEINB FILM. Tho Oregon State Legislature Is consider- ing a prorposltlon to'project Ucorge Klcine's big Roman spectacle, "Julius Coisar," In thi; council cbamocr next month. It is proposed to recure n lecturer who will talk on Itomnn government as pictured In the film, RICHARD CARLE TO DE BEEN IN ••TUB DANCING DEBTLB." <I1he World Oomody Stars announce that their first release will he Richard Carle, In the Miark Hwtn rotnody, "The Dandng Beetle," on March S. This -will be Mr. Carle's Intro- duction to the camera, and those who have foMonrod his career in the realm of munical comedy arc awaro tliat he is a fun maker of the highest type. ' ■ At -present be Is appearing aa a co-star with Marin Cnhlll. in ".Ninety In the 8hod«"," ■t tho Knickerbocker Theatre, Now York Citv. President Gleichman, of the World Comedy Stars, has put his beat foot forward In select- ing Mr. Carle as the first etnr to bo Been on his schedule. _ CAPT. DOJTAVITA JOINS HOR8LEY- FAMOUS ANIMAL TRAINEU TO DD BEEN IN MINA FILMSr" Cnptoln Jnc* Ilonavltn. for many yearn one of the most celebrated lion tamers nnd ■trainers of wild (uilroaia In the world, his been engaged Uy David Ilonley. and has al- ready Joined tbe .Bostock Arena and Jungle, at Los Angeles. . . ^ i . Arrangements have alreody been completed whrr<by Captoln llonavita will appear In nnd assist in tho production of MinA films. The nIeasCB of this now llcenaed brand have heretofore be.;n confinci to one rfti comedies, so tiiat the announcement that Bonavlta would t>e associatetl wltb them has fiven rise to much spcculntlon as to the iirther policies of Iho manufacturer. Captain Bonavlta hta a world wide rcjiu- tatJon. He wae for aeveral years the prin- cipal feature of the Frank C. Bostock ex- hlbltlonfl. and It was during this engagement that he trained and worked a group of twenty-ROven lions. Four jears ago, while appearing with the Bottock Arent at tonny Island, New York, Capt. Bonavlta was at- tacked by Balliraore, a tremendous lorest bred lion, nnd In addition to being terribly mangled lost Ills richt arm. Since tha:. time he has conlinued to perform thi same leo 11 rTO.ni'i rtnring nets willi i.nly one nrm, an nccom- ^U-fitmR^^ daT^tnar 'VB^' ' h^^^ pllshment vhkh Is reganle.) by ciperti'nrcd fS5 ^' ' •■ Uuth Cl^y nnlmn' men everywhere mi slmpl/ marvelous. It'-^l Jo?&i'.V.'.; .yibn Illnei Bonavlta boa trained almost ivcry specie i!-peclally the tadlea. House Peters, as the young Nortbem of- ficer, manages to go ali 'through the.war with a snick and span uniform' that looks OK if it bad been proised for the occasion. In the last scene he appears In a very modem >:ngllsh cutaway, which Is suppond to repre- ^ nt the cIvUlan style in vogue during 1805. .'>n old portrait, album at hand makes tbe suit appear ridiculous. I>lrk Ui Reno, programmed as <9cn. QrllSn. appeared to have had 0>neral Grant In mind y lien he decldM on a facial make-up for lie part, . It's Qen, Grant all right, even «> the historical cigar stock In the left rorner of his mouth. Iiotb House Peters and La Reno have ap- '"t>u^ }° '>ett«r advantage. ine Confederate regiment was excellently Bugfosttd, and a ellhouette effect of a sentry pacing up and down outside a latticed win- am- was a mark on the right sido of tho icdKcr for the producer. llie shadowy horseman riding over a rldgo V..^P olstance was decidedly reminiscent of Ubirla," with its camel caravan. Tlic story Is poorly visualized, abruptly Oevnloped, and becomes tedious to a degree oiler the third reel has been passed. It would be interesting to note thi> wny in which "The Warrens of Virginia" Would be received by an audience without the wonder- • <il light effects'and musical accessories >f too Strand. Tbe Strand orchcatra, by i:ie ^'ay, outdid Itself, and throughout the pic- ture rendered highly appropriate Southern niolodics. Outside of the few little above recited details, "Tho Warrens of Virginia" Is Ibcre. Ilex. "ALIAS JIMMY VALEHTniE" (FIVE Itr.F.L«(>, PBBRLESB FILM CO., WOULD FILM CORP. rROGRAM. CAST* •J'.ii^my Valentine Robert Warwick ['".vlK Robert Cummlnps • ■ill Averv Alec B. Fmrn-ls born in this country, has been christened MlnA (Made in America). The nrqulHltion or Captain Bonavlta for MlnA Films Is re- garded as one of the most .promising of the many Important moves their manufaoturer has made, and opens up rcmarkablo possi- bilities iu tlie way of animal flinvs. HARRY WOODRUFF. LBGI'NMATB STAR. WITH mutual: Tliat th^! CrrilBtliiMutinil forces in I^os An- geles, arc lo he aupnented from now on <n'ith ftellar recruits from the legitimate stnKc, bc- cam.o known last 'week, when It 'U'us an- nounced that Harry Woodruff, famous for his appenrance In "nrown of Iln.rvnrd" and "\vlicn We Were .Twenty-one," shortly would begin relirnrsing nt Uie Ilollwood kMuHos In a four-rei-l feature 'iiroductlon destined for release iu the Mutusl progrnm. Director D. W. Grinith intmds using this linndsomc yonne actor in special feature plays only. MRS, PRANK REIFSNBIUER A DELKGATB ■Mrs. Frjink Ilelfsnelder, ■manager of the Ori>hi'irai ricturo'IIoiKK", Urimnn, ()., has been cIrvtiMl dcirgate to the Natiounl Convention. PIIILADELI'IIIA PICTURE HOUSES CHANGE HANDS. Tlie ImncTlnl, a big motion picture bouse on Siitictb Street, below Walnut, was con- veyed Inst week by the Active Ileal Kstnte Co. 10 Mver Mnglll for a nominal considera- tion, subject to a $72,000 mortgage. The theatre occupied a lot 80 by 200 feet, and has a l.noo-seating capacity. The photoplay-house at No, 2212 North Front Street has been bought hy the St. <.'harleH Amusement Co. from Francis K. Ilennoesey, for a nominal consideration, aub- Ject to a }35,000 mortgage, "HEARTS IN EXILE" STAGED AT SARANAC LAKE, N. Y. Jnmes Young la engaged in putting tbe flnlsblng touches to tho photoplay celled "Hearts In Exile," In wlilch Clara Kimball Young will be seen, on the World Film Cor- poration schedule, April 5. The locale of the picture Is Russia, nnd the recent snow- fall made It easy to tnko a raajiirliv of tho scecDS in and near Fort Lee, but there are reony seenpH yet to bo toh-m. nn-1 on that account It has been arranged that the com- pany under Mr. Young's guidance, shall go to iicrfnac Lake, New lork, to g;t the winter scens that remain. Spifclnl scenery nnd contumes have been supplied fo." this production, and it is the largest yet mado by Mr. Young for Clara Kimball Young under tho World Film auspicen. It Is understood that many of the scenes that have been takon at tho studio have tlic tnng of the Russian atmosphere In them to bucb cn extent that the beholder will haive no dIfflcuMy In tran.-tportlng blm-iilf uentailT lo the land of anowa and vodka, PICTURES THE BILL AT MAXINB ELLIO'IT. PIIINCESS, BROADWAY AND LIDERTY THEATRES. N. Y. "Th4; IMrth of a Nation." .D. W, Grimth'fl Tisimllzatlon of llov. Thus. Dixon's novel, "The Clansman." opens at tho Liberty, Wed- liCHday, .March .1. 'I'ho Brcadwny Tlinatre, ot Broadway and Forty-flrst Street, under tho direction of tho (.-tnnioy Company, re-opened iSaturdny night, Feb. 20, with an entire new polltiy, ombroclng the I'nrajmoimt nlelurcs. The 0])enlng attruc- tiuu waa "'l-hc Country Hoy," Tho last half of the week Mary I'Ickford will be seen In '"Mistress Neil," a I'uinoua I'hiyers iproduction. It seems that there was some sort of mlH- undcrslanding, which is said tu hnvo lieen Miieedily and amicably settled, regurdlne tho leasing of the Broadway. The Famoul Players Film Co., which is to c!itabllHh a Circuit of large picture Iuiuhcs nil over the country, recently announced tliat the Rruadway had been acquired by the Wnv Brood Co., a corjSvration In whlch-Adolph /.iikor, the Famous Players execulife/Us the dominant foctor. Following on tlio heels of this announcement, the Paramount Co. Iiisue<l a rlntemcut to the effect that thry lind leaaed the house and would present tliolr fea- tures tlinrein, A representative of lie Famous Players Film Co., thoroughly qualified lo Np^ak, In- formed a CtirpcB roan that 1li.>re was nt friction of any sort between tbe Famous Players Film Co. and the Paramount Co., and that the announcement of tbi; Famous Play- ers acquisition of tlie Broadway had been made In perfect good faith, but It eeems a trlBe prematurely. "The Eternal City," the Ftanio<is Players big feature, made In Rome by. Ilugb Ford end Edwin Porter will .bo installed In a New York theatre of large rapaclly. The name of this house will be disclosed tbortly. Tbe Barnes J!)xploratlon piotures opened ot the Princess Ilonday afternoon, I'eo, 22. Tbe pietitreii, comprising alx reels, and en- . titled '*rhrough Central' Afrlea." have al- leady been Shown privately ty Mr. Itamrs, before several aelentlflc Boeletlca, and have orouBcd great enthuaktam. They not only depict natural life and scenery In tblo dark comer of the world, bat show many phasM of animal life, as well as depicting lutlve dances and costumes. "Hypocrites," the sensational lUsworth [ileture. opens at tho Maxlne Elliott next week. SAM T. RYAN RECUPERATING AFTBR 8BVBRB ILLNBBB. Snm T. Ryan, .of the old vaudevlilo team of Tom Lewis and Bam Ryan, who were fea- tured In several of George M. Cohan's earlier productions. Is recoyerlog slowly from ■ severe attack of pneutnonla. Mr, Ryan, when attacked wltb the cold that, led to his Ill- ness, was playing in tbe picture production of "Wildfire," In the support of Lillian.Rus- sell. He hopes (0 shortly be back Id har- ness again, "comedylng" iM-rnre the camera. In which field he has made an excellent repu- tation, notably liltU tbe Patbe Co. UNIVKRSAL CITV AGAIN FLOODED. According to our I/oa Angeles correspond- rnt, Dnivoraa) City has been deluged again. The river whlrb flows thro'jgh the town Is norw roaring over lt^< hanks and has carrletl out the rustic hridge.1 along ;:s course. For a block on ea<li sld'! of It riibblib floating down from the Ban Fernando Mountains Is backed up against tho barbed wire fence* crossing fho city's outskirts, and every two or thre hours a shack on the mountainside. Its foundatlona undermlneil br the floo'l. (ollnpses and romeH tumbling down rtream. Extra forces of laborers have bc<n em- ployed to repair Ihe damage doni during the i3ccnt ftonu liixt bave (wept Uie coun- tryslde. Other workmtn are doing tlieir bi'st to rebuild tlic concele liridue lu-ur tlie en- trrnco to the rlly, cevoral Biian< f.f which have been carrliMl out by tho roaring lluud which sw.ept benentli it. PETITION IN DANKRUPTCY FILED AOAINST ATHCO, INC. A petition in bankruptcy -was (lied Inst wvi-k aKnloflt Atsco, Inc., of 218 W, I'Nirty- UTond .Str,-ct New York, nio At.>«-o concern •KHB mid to have been a Burt of dopnrtinent of Mm defunct AIco Fl\m (.tori'orntloii, cuid lunnufactiiriMl' Curtnins and .moving picture Kcreeiun The petition was algnni bv tlU'se creditors: Ilnrry M. Spence, tlOO; Vniil J. Kainmcrcr Jr., $in2, and Ilose C. Kregnn, (20::. Liabilities ore figured a,t 121,000, with ansels, approximating |n00. UNIQIE FiSAiTUHK FILM CO. ON TUB ROCKS. Aiiolher feature Aim producing concern fouud the going too swift last week, and in- viiiuntarllv gave up tho tough battle. A Retiliiin In bankruptcy, olgned by Thns. lernberg, creditor tor IS.ln; Jennie Hlern- bere, $2in, and Rose n. FUher, l.'ino, wuh MOVINO PIO- TUllB Hachlnes Cunipioto fur Htan- dard HUo Klira, IW.OO; Uiiving I'lo tiiro Caniurn TrI poiiH,.$11.(10; Hture oiitlciins ciiiiiplele, uiiy stylo or light, tl'i.un; Ciiluium l.lRlit JCIH, I'i.SA; Ae.oljrleiiii llHS Uen- onttiirs, I'JJO; Arn Lninp, H,Oii; Rliciii.talH. f^.W; Miivliig I'luturu Olijccilvcs, f2M>; llnvliig I'lcture l.<ins Jacket, fiM; Hlereii|itlcim I.viih, any fiiciia, MX).: Moving I'lcturo Uitcliiiin Keort Hiirockcta, Mc, L. IlKTZ, aw* B. M3d Mtroat. k. ¥. UUr. FILM and SONG SLIDES, A lilg rciiuotlon In Film, loo reels at l cant a foob aomo at la a realj bsvo Westaro and Indian Keels, BOO fleia of Song Slldsa, uk: to 11 a let; Power's No. A Ifaohiuo, |;e; also otiior ctieap Ua- ohinas: Model "H" Valdum Uuohlne, lao. I klso bar Film, Slides and Maohlnea, Ifaood. a.r. OALliOT. 10 Mlghtb Ave., If. Y. It geiipi ii> dule. filed against the Ilninue Keature I'lliu Cn,, doing hiivbiess ut Hn West Korty-dtib Ktri-i-t, New Yotk. Tlie asse.tH aru eald to bo (2,000, and the liabilities (,'i,')00. W. 1.IND8AY OORDON ORQANIXICH COMPANY TO UUILII PICTURU BTU- JlIO—WILL PRODUCE KEATUHKfl. After working quietly for aeveral munlliH on Ideas and suggestfnns as to where to Incato their studio, the Heaver Film Corpora- tinn niinoun:'c that they will build ut l>on- cnn •IllllH, flinten Island, New York City. Tills would ncem to be a wise decision as It will bring the new studio to within an hour of Times Hiiuare. Outside of tbe work usually done In Iho Hliiillo, SInlen Island nbnunilH with IiIIIh, valleys, roads, wonds, lakes, mountains, anil liitth wild and modiTn acpiicry, nil of which will nlTurd widn Kcope to the Tinidiicor. I'lnns nro now beiug (ll«d with the uullding depart- ment, and around will be brnkeii nt on<f. Itr (Inruon snya the studio wtll be com- pleleO' liy June 1. Tlio Heaver Him Corporation will prnduco single, double nnd triple re<:l fentiiroH, liiit Just along what lines they will relen-ie lin not as yet been decided upon, ns I1iv.v considering several offers from Htatc right liiijerS and others. WOULD PILH CORPOHATION CELR- BRATRg I" NEWSPAPER MEN AND othErb ouenth OK nir; film con- OEHN OH TWO AUSPICIOUS OCCA- MONS. The World Film Corporation celebrated Its Unit aunlvensary quite Utliugly Miimlay even- ing, Feb. in, by giving n beefsteak dinner to. Ihn concern's empiuyees and scrmo sixty giii'Sts, including tlio trade paper digni- taries, daily newspaper reprcsentaliv/^a and several iiinlnsrles from llin theatrical and '(Vim flrmnDirnts. The affair was held at |[«itey's celebrated Nnw York restaurant, and wan notable for plenty of real food, lots of the other stuff, muair, song, and the usual appropriate speeches indulged in on (tuch occasions. - ^- ., Lewis J. Helznick, the World Film's gen- eral monuK<'r was,-of coprae, the giicsl of h'lhor, nnd ivhen called upon.by toostmnster A.'S. Kane, he-rcnponded With an cxreilfnl Kv<}eeh. during the course of wtflch be touched bu-aiircnt condltlonB In tho niovlo game. HIU. TO DE INTRODUCED IN PENN. LEfllBLATURB LOOKING TO RE- PEAL OP STATB CENSOR LAW. ' n«preseiktatlve HAIn. of Pittsburgh, Pa., nt tbe behest of t/o local branch of the M. I>. H. L. of A., if HarrUburg, Pa., will In- .trqdoco.a bill In/the legislature looklug to the repeal of thcl present State censor law. Peter iMagnrolls Ibe president of the 1.1-nguo's irarrinbiirg Ineal, and Is the chief Kpoiuior of the bill. Ah if to offset the r^ ppol ulll. Ixnils J. Ilrettlnger, of Phr.odcl- pbla, who was appointed chief picture cmsor foi* Ih'j Slate under tlio present law, Intends lo huv a liill prmentcd Increasing ihe num- tirr.4 ot censors and otiienvlse broadening tho Kcope Of the censor board. LEHTER POTTER RE-APPOINTBD PICTURE CENSOR KOR DETROIT, men. Lettter l'^rttcr lias been rc-agipolntcdplcturo inw>T tor the city of Detroit, Ulch. Tlie oen- (.iirshlp restrlctionH, which were off alnc^. .Ii:lr. honre liecn again put In force. Potter will he anntstcd by a ipollce oflldil. llox orricB attractions co. now FOX PILH CORPORATIO.N. The lipx Office AttractlonB Company, rated In till) tride as a "Wm. Kiox" oonrcm, haa Ik <;n succi'<<.U<d by Ihe Fox Mhn Corporation, 'llic Fox Txoipio claim tlie new name Is more representative of the backers of the eonnpany, :ind liesldes easier to pronounce. Fox Film Corporntli/n Is capitalized at (fiOO.OOO. I.ICIIT.HAN AND KANR LBAVO WORLD KILM. Al. LIchtman. of the speclnl featurn de- ijiirtjntMt of the World Kliin Corporation,.' dots not hear n name, It hns como lo b< leaves Ibis comlog 6atutday. A. H. Kan*^. fenowo as tbe "Krl/crioa OollillDg." V - - " b'"" retires un the Niiiiie HAWHON ANTARCTIC A.VIMAL PIC- TIIIIEN AT WI<:UEIl'H TIIEA'l'IIK. Arraiigeinehts liuvo bei-ii runeiudvd by la>a Keedirk lor an eileiided run of lliu Mawsun Aiitiirrtle Hnlinal pleluroH nt Weber's Tliea- Ire. im llroudwuy, New York City, biylnning Mureii 1. Willi Iho opening of this fninous Ihenire, another big llroudwuy pluylioiiHo will he add- ed to the list of liigh grailo llliu altructiuiiB on Ihe "(Irent Wliito wiy," 'i'lie MuWHon nicturrs urn Miid to bo won- derfully (Iriiniallc and excnpl tonally eduiii- tloiial. 'i'liey were taken In the greiit un- known seventh continent Houiii of AuHlriillii, tlinl wnii siglited In iHMt, but waa not ex- plored unlll Hir HougliiH Miuwhoii, tlin e»- (IlHcoverer with Hhackliituii of tlio Hiiuili Pole, nrrived tliero at tho hemt of his own ei|ieditl(in and niii.ppcd out IIki const iliiu in IDII-llili. WALTER EDWARItN l>IIOI>UCKN AN INitlAN THUII.LEII. juni. uiui.K iTiiui ,iiii-n ii.t.T f»iii iv,--iii>: ,,„d. A 111T11iUig liiitile hi'tivecii Wiilter E<lwnrds not M yet been decided ujion^ ns the;/ nro .\|,„|| „ |,„|„| of IniliniiH Jh u fcniluro of "Hnlun .M<'Alll»ti'r B lileir," a strung Hlory of Western life, JiiHl cuimiileled nt the Inccvllii* HtudinH of the Now York Motiuti Picture Corporn.tii)ii. 'I'lie 1)01 lln Is only Incldeiitiii tu a cleverly written and eimcled Htopy, nnd henco diM'i* not CUM vert the production Into a bU>atl und (ti under nielodramn. 8'1'KICN, PIIILADBLIMIIA RBPIIENEN. TATIVE Of KRITICIIION, I'ALKS ON aUAKEIl CITY CONDITIONS. A. U. Hteen, vlro fireMdeat and Rcnernl nanoser of tho Krilerlon Film Company uf inilladelphia, hrceied Into .Vi<w York Inst v/vek and let looso of a bit of his enthimlasm cn motion picture eoDditlons In Ililladclplila and Ihe Hurruundlnir terrltorr. "Phllodclpbia," said Mr. Hteen, "I believe is the greatest motion iilcture rlly In the (ountry. Perhao* I am a little bit biased In this atntemcnt, but it has been proved so to me, We have a cIssn of motion pirture Ibeatri) o«'nera that ore dlirrevt buyers. Tliey arc real business men, pe'ipls who buv on morit aud not on mere surface arguments or condlllons, They are Inclined to treat Ihn motion picture the same as they would a bit of merchandise. It must contain the essential qiiBlUlea to make up a picture, not mere names, paper and titlfs. This Is siirtly s condition to make any man entliiialSMtir. You can exercise your tictier Judgment In 'the purchasing of your wares, and not let ynuntelf be Influenced by a foreign condition that really Mhoiild have nothing to do with the business. To theoi the nrnlse of a few does hot mean that a certain elasa of pio- tures ore appropriate. They seek tba satls- raetlon.of the majority. I believe tbnt every one In tbe business Is prospering In and about I'bllnilelphla. I know that we arc making kplendid headway, and are nonv opening branch offlcrn m Illcfamond and Wllkea-Bnrre. Our Ilaltlmore oOco la already In full op«ra- tlon. "The moat convinclog proof of why I should feel so keenly elated over this territory Is that we have succeeded In closing with some of the largest houses In the city. The Tioga Theatre,^wbich ■eats ciglitteo hundred peo- ple, in my opinion Is a real achievement on our part. W« bavo them booked for Kri- lerlon nimi, and aecured this contract over ail rompetltloo. Tbe Orpbeum, another Holendld theatre, which cost two hundred thousand Jollart, Is another example of the class of theatres tbat are running Kriterlon victures. In tbe short time that we have been operating our exchango we bavo closed with seventy-four houses: this Is a splendid record, and onoliard to beat." The entire second floor of the building nt iaOI> Vino Htrett has been Inken over by Mr Hteen for the handling of Ihe Krilerlon urr- vlc(. In view of the fact that the bulldlof