New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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j BBRUABY 27 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. . 21 TOD^S TIPS 1. , I'll AND UOOLBY are making big striacs KiwnrdB bccomlnit one of the best plnno song turns In vaudeville. I i \\iC WHITMAN, ever known ns llic " iirlKlnnl "Dancing Violinist," had n. srrlbo of The Brio Herald Hplll seme ilillit Bluff recently In : "If some of iho players could nave played tliq vio- lin iind some of the dancers; who havi! appeared at the Colonial, coulJ have lliinced as well ns Frank Wliltman. 'the (iMncIng viollnluf docs both, vaudcvllh would be Imracnnclv more entertaining." (And rrnnk dorft hall from Uric, inilhcr!) .\l I'A JOHNSON was nt Troclor's Klfti Avenue last half of lost week, doing the l>le feralnlac part with I'Xlwards' "Kid Kiibarct." Not only that, hut she scored Ihc'prettlesit kind of bits with thiit <.\vcct soprano voice In a couple of num- iiors, besides being the same kinduv suc- cess In "looks." This same girllo Is helng sought after hy Andronn Iilppcl fiir a lead In a feature picture he Is to produce. rr.l.NRY nUTMODOK AND .TIOANNK VICK- nillNO are In town, but linve "The Kitted Calf" packed away In wool for llie present—scoring at the MeKlnley Snunrc with their other clever rum I sketch, "Our Boy Jlra." last half of,Inst week. Pllney » on .nlways aef;;);al)ly cnfcPtailnlng lilt In Ihc "hirk" role. Willie Jeanne Is his nb'e .supnort .ilwdyi. I>e.<!ldes being one of the smlllcst, plump- pst "Ingenues." JACK TAYIXJR, a monologlst, -with IdlllnK ns ' frem Columbia I University," war roi)lnccd on th-; bill nftii- (he Monday innllnec last wepk at the Albambrn by Irv. NewholT mid Doile I'lielps, whom JJnnnger Hcrt Yoi:ng flc-urod "more edii- entcd" and lleenaed, eti;. Ml!. AND JtnS. FRED THOJL\.'? appear In linve a now throe-act In ''Mr. Slppy'<j Nightmare," by Harry A. Usher, thnt will make thoir former "The Dog "I'lilef" skcifh, ■ look like an Eleventh .Avenue mongrel, nose Milllnney, of Joe Woods' pilatlal ofnccs. did n coitplc a liniid- Kprlngs after seeing It. ro It niii<.t ho there all ways. (Tliere's "hvin bods" In II for one way), and the third pnrt In (lie en5;t Is that of a rrenelimnn. being very well cared for by one Arthur 'Jmnf. formerly of the Dslier Trio, who "dc.ubled" with Fivd In that slece of typhoid out In liny Shore a few monlhs hack. ret MRS. WIIITK'S" Is getting fiulle 'AW "YOU ARE THE ROSE OF MY HEART." / The Most Talked of Ballad In the Country. WHO'LL TAKE CAREA'c HAREM WHEN THE 3UI-TAN OOE3 ll>- JAHES KAUFMAN, AltCIlIB MAVKll ■nil WN. J. LEWIS Auk Al. Jol.on. A*k Dornaril Uranvllle, wlib are .Inglnfi thi. T«>rrHlr lilt '''^fn^.^C?'"-MAURICE RICHMOND MUSIC CO., Inc., 145 W. 45tli St. NewM "FOR EVERY SMILE YOU CAVE ME YOU CAUSED A THOUSAND TEARS." The Ballad That Is Different. D » I- •is IB « r PABKS AND FMHS ABTO-POLO. ■00 iiopulnr with "acts" recommending lio'nrd- Ing places. Mrs. White Is one of fhr-.^e lialf-ag'<l. dear, whole-.souled ol^:id"3 who ;.- .kfl upon her flock of stage folk as "lio" own." WILl, LAMP (Lamb's Manikins), tlio' not one of the latter, and bis pretty, setnl- llnxen'haired fnur-foot-flve wife, h.ave a riglit to yearn for that cute "Utile lioris-; upon the hill" In Red irnuse. N. Y., when "just looking" In New York. Some house, some manikins, some T.ambi. Niif! I'AI.'MNR SAION Ic dropping out some of her rural "Sis P,erklns" ''bit" from her net, and working more of a fltralglit fine- Ing single—tut we'd hate to see "Sis" tut much, for "Polly" Is pretty near alone In the 'tfrom the farm" single. "TUB GIRLS FnOM NOWHRnn," i girl not, came "on" nt the MoKlnley Srjiiare, up At Roston Itiiad and One Hundred and -Slxty-nlntli Street, last Thnrjdny— then went "off," ond no one kneiv where. OUT OF Town HEWS Altleboro, Mnxii.—Hales. bllK Feb. 22-2.'i: 'Knlibltt" Maninvlllo nnd Pnr.nnolint I'lctiires.' njiiilollo Gnry's Laly Crcliesirn 2'J-2S. I-Vnlu c niiiui ntno. CoMLviniA.—mil 23-24: Hbv-e Amlorson Slu'ers Three Jicks, Illjoii Comeiljt Trio, tl'.e Tlir«> Wnl- nys 011(1 .Miitujii flioM. I'AiiK.—I'Ictures anil .Mrs. Chnrlej, Ilnctelt, In r* ni;». • Coi.iiHiiiA.—On Siiitilay, 21, lln lilll Inclmled: "IJoii Coinedy Trio, Wnlley Trio, •nirce Aiulcrson •■^HiTf. IClKn Ix;\vlH, iiiMl Olrns. NOIUH. . tiib recent chjrity ei)nc"rl»-helil Siiiulnvs nt (ho Bales nnd I'urli, llie, Hmus of •Sl.'SI nii ! fS.. «-cro renlltcd.. At TiiD Oohiinblii. 21, .m exei-llnil |Toi;i-ain "ns iHit on and a fourleen-plece union orvliesira, ""■ 'T illrccllon of Frank Foster nn.l IMdIe Alex- UKler vobintcerca Ihoir Ferilcea. 'Hie Ciliinili':i rc((.iiily liiawumteil tljc ihrw a Hwk eli.niKo. " ,i,'e»nit Booil luiKlness In iK-liiir ilniw. u,>,r'"nl" °oi-*". fonner props wllli Sp.irks '■-'inmLfn ''''' ' ''''' """'"'i'^^ "'e 1 ''I'll "'^^'Stl" OunriR. a l>nv. Ims koiiO . r!i' l?''n'?""' 'o "> W 'ho sinse of llic (il.l Kiiony Ihenlre. ..■.VV^*^"''"' 1""""*.—Academy ( K. A. Cn.lilv, ^i,,,'^,)!'?^^' ™'- "2. (he Arn,|..|iiy I'liuerH ■ T Wl bin llie l.niv." with Roy C.nlori nn.l 1 ••Tnico Shirley n, th^ hniUnx tkUv. ('-IS. A. .Siiyw, iiii:i-.)—mil 22 r,. r.i • ''V?' '''":ln. Mnry riMoji nnil iIm": Kol"'>r3. aii.l Dllly ilonnecr and com I,.''"(!,'"?■""■ ^S'"""- 'rKMri.ii, .Majbstio iind MVK. n^liirc phoioplnja. Iii-"1,V,.V\ "«^"«'- —Oliver (S. W. I'kker- '■cnnin pleliiren Fell. 18-22. "!'ol- A.l'.l^o,K^7.'.^'"2r■\s'^-v■'M■^•;oh'r'''''• I-''■"■"!;"" ,(0. J. Allanlt, iiisr.')—Illll 22-21: ■iw n.!""^'''i "n^lO- ond Hmvley, Hay |.'|„r. I uv Nl"" -■"""I' niKl cotii- 'i r.?,^„'^7,''" '•''"■ 23-7: .I.^ronic 1, ? ' comiinny. I->ir Riitios, ';r. "rJ i '^'"To"'. m:rr.)-"-rhe Conier ... .^.">.- I'y the r.orr.ilno Miii.icnl Coniwiy Co., known IS UlrerTlcw Park, 'lociloil nrnr the Belle Isle l.rhl;;,'. While Dolrolt baa had n great ntimUT of the. ntres. It bus t)con lacking In AtniiHoinrnt rc^orla. atul the mancvmeiit of the ninv enleri^rlw coiitem. phites cItIii^ to the city one of tlif Hn.^t nnd niwt complete and up-to-ilale nmiivmeiit parks In thia eouiilrr. The fact that llie Knat ;|i|>roa'-h of ihlH r.irli la ihrce roiirlhs of a riille nearer to the <*l(y lloll lh:in any other rrcro.illon gronnil In the city, ami that o creot wharf la to lie c<>n. Rtniotoil .It wlilcb IVIrvllora may lainl at the park, haa ilrawii a(t<*ntlon to the i*nterpi*l<ie. Ou-lnff to Ma location. Wolft'a Park will lie a (Uslhiellie nilverllalni: feature of the city m ne- cniiiu of tli» large iiumt>er of lionia trnvollnv np ami (town the rlter to and (rom UufTnlo, Cleve- ami sriidl river report.*. Among the feature* of the pnrk will lie a liir?e anil eomninllMis dance hall, one of Ihe Irrgi.-!!' r^dler coflfller? In the u-i>rhl. nn atidllorlnni of ».'pent alie wher* refrrftlimeiila will be B"rvi';l, n roller Hkatlnx rink, m.try ?i-roiiml. Innlln-,' nllev^, flyliit; machine), anil lU (xiiicvMsldiia timt are necessary lo form an anmiei.iont'eii:erpTlsc of tlie klml. Mr. Wntlf iwya that nothing will lio left loekins lo giTe Detroit a niMt Intereallm: rennrt. and a re*jrt that will be irvdit.ible In every way to the elly. 24: . . "A M.iry n. A, IIA^KI^so.^', A Live, Hustling Amcrlcnii Showman with a Novelty. "I/Itc every day fo that yon oan took cyery man In Ihe eye and cor.aclcntloujiy tell hint i:int .villi h:i;c the greatest rllractlon In tU' world." When you can do that and feel It you can ap- preciate tbi.> callbto and metal of the nan tbnl I'Ut "Aulo-rolo" OD tje 'sliow map, and taaa made I', the maai talked of feature for out of door a>- Iractlons, cr Indoor for that m.itler, since Dlavolo eIrclrlDeJ the world wllh the loop-tlic-loop. Ralph A. llanlslnso:! la the man thot aat one liny III September of 1012, and wntefaed an ei- lilbltlon of the game. It t<ok him only n few ii:iiiutca to grasp Its pooalbllltles, aiiJ then to make a eontroct for Iti maaacemcnt and control. \ few towns In tlio Mliklle West were used for l-reak-ln exklbltlois, and then Madison Snuare Harden, New- York, th? goal of every real wiow- lean's ambition, vas the scene of an elahleen days' engagemeret. nnd succeas wai assiiml. Rvery Now York ilnlly paper, the hnnlesl In Ihe world to ecknawle<U;e that anylblog good enn eome out of the West, vied with each olher In coining etpteaslona which would convey the ai-tual (hrlll.s the writers felt to tbe readers. "Too Fiiat for llie Movlea." 'The Tlffanr nt nigli 0I.1SR Allracllo:ia." "Fifty Mlnuli>!i Fllrllag Willi Death." "A Dellghlfn! Mixture of Shinny. Aviniloii nnd Suicide." "All a riaycri Needs Is nil Kiilire Absence of Nerves. ■ Clear Oonaelence mill nn Insitranec Policy." TbCse are a few of Ihe headlines and expreulons the Mnvs New York MTltern- colRCil and sliowercil over the pages of I heir pajicra. In 1013 Mr. Ilanklnson organized a company In Cleveland .lo -firomote nulo-polo, nnd opencil at lAina Pack, In that city, oi<. Aug 13, to over Iweniy lh6iisniid people; on Sept. 22. of that year, ho purchnsed the InlereaU of the other owners nnl later organltcd and Ineorporateil Ihe "Hnnhlii- Kin's Original Auto-Polo Company." which has miplled for, and nmler dale of Feb. 2. of thIa .vonr, ncelred a bai>lc, iirliKlpol and niecbaslcal de."lgn patent. As an attracllon for fnlrs anio-polo came Into ll!> own during the seaoon of IftU'r^wo teams, the World's Champions mid Kngllnli Chamiiloni. eonipt'lcd for honors diirin:; eight monlhs, and !t Is evllmali'd' that over oiio million imple raw lliero teams In action. While many of these werv In attendance at the big Minnesotn and Iowa Slato fairs, a number of smaller fnlrs renllied the drnwin,: powers of aulo polo, nnd umnI It ns the foundation of their hilling ami tlie big head- liner; In every Inelnnco the judgment of the mnnn- rern was Jurllfled, cud many times the nttemlinee v'ns double the populnlloii of the lowim In which the eihlblMoD was Riven. Ilnnkliison's OilRlnal Anto-I'olo Co. nialnlaliis ;:cneral olllcn at iConsas City, .Mo., and De Soto, I.'nn., where Ihey have n training camp. It la r.eeetbory lo keep polo ployers In reserve at all times na the hazard of Ihe eport some'.nien make It oldlgnlory to ahlp on nn enllrc new corns of ridi r«. Fturlfen slylea of lllbogrnpheil wall work Is used hi lulvorllslng, and the ciilf and priwa ciini- iH'iila the eompuiiy la able to iirovlile committees Insure the best .and most dlvcMllled puMlelly iiiiiterlnl. mar.) —Vniiilevllle J-oLONiAr, (P. J. ciirr^l, "I reieres ■■••-J''mi''i1i'"" ■'•I'-keHii;:. iict.)— Ill-ih Piiliir.-s. niiiior the dIr.Tili.n of t!(or;e II. iT <:?,f J'™;''""! '^I'l-'i'dld .-iviwils. ' •■"■'•R. |ilc;ures c.iiiy. •■•'My''n*r?^*A' •'"•,-rC-'>'»'">ln (Scherer k ■' ■;'^''Miie" l.>b."^';27■" ■' " ■■.lfil!vl'° w"' ^'i^"".' vaudeville iinil niKliires. ■ "ifi-s o-nij."^"""' '■•"«' Slid I'AIACK, UniToniuM (Z. wslni^ln. nijr.)—Holler skat- • "^?i!'on^!;',''p- '^'"f I" L^'- ^: '''"Will I'Iny •i'.v hoii»,i' ^'«^"''' 10. lo ca- • ^'Kr'^«*rl'"''' TitHiTHU has Inalallisl a JI.Bnn big iioS^S!."" ■:'''"roa?l7bo'w**'''"'^'l"'°'' (^V. M. rilnlon. '.riJi""' ^'■"■ra. WioWAM ami Gaictv, pic- •' P^miil,?;'''"."'"' "10 "Calilrln" plchires al '^l, tiyJ'Z fT'i.''«f' "howing lo capacity V ii. o.\>h''i''j W'cbi" piclurca, playeil i iiEATB,;-A,, business, locally. Is very dull. I r'-'-lVil'V'.o.*!!.'"- —0™'"' (W. B. /one>", ''ireln 27 ^<*>. 2.1, Nell O'Brleii j versa"iin.l Ei.its, plchires. • 'ie?r"n"''?*vr'''—''">«f"'i< 0. II. r.tniiiey ned"\?|iL-"27"'"fl"'"'' 'run wi>i,FF.nK'raori' AMI)!*l-:.Ml!;.NT <!0. Incorporation for »250,O0n of the WolffDctrolt Ainitseiiient Company Is In l<> aecnred nt n very early dalo by .Maurice M. Wolff nnd his sssoclaleH, nnd .ictlve work will be slnrteil mi the niniiw- iKCiit park which Is lo Ijc constnietwl nt West r,Tnni\ noiilovacd, the river front, 't'wenty foiirlh Street and the Union Terminal Railroad trick. Arrongevnenls for Iho concefslona sre Iwliic made, nnd a recent nnnoiincfmcnt of tl.e plans of Ihe cimiiMiny has bnraght In many apnIIcalloMs lor early iillenllon. The amusement park, which Is to be a fealuro of Detroit life, will be one of the most beaiillfidly loeitnl enterprises In this connir/, and wilt Include all of the leidlnit features of arauaetiKnt parka found thrmighont America. Eicrythin* will be np-lodole In every particular. One of th* sreal features will 1/e Ih-t Inndaciplug elTccU which are now being arranged by Wllllnm Dlllcer. the lamlncape archllert. The alTiIrs o* tbe new corporation are lo be njntrolle<l by a hoard of dlreclom eleclcil by Iho , ronimon atoekliolders. Maurl'K .M. Wnlft the mov- hut factor In the new organlrnllon. hjs had eon- Klilerable <xpcrl«ice Iti amusement enterprises, nnd wos formerly proprietor of WoKT's Park, now W. V. M. A. CATAI.OtlUIO. The fair ileparimeiit of the Wmiern Vniulovllle .^(niiaKers' Af«oelatlun has l<Miie<l Its eatiiliviie f"r I'.'lfi. and It reflects crollt on Ihe A">s<ielull"ii. on .^lort Sliig.T. lis ciMieral mniiauiT; Ivlwnnl MarHli. iiiniincer of the fair det^rimiiil. ninl the iirlnlcr. 'ihe foroworil calls .itleniliat to the eserlleiil <i|i. I<irliiiilly Ihe As.soclnl1oii hns in secure li-aillni: iiltrocllniia. ami emphafllzes ilii' fnrr that everv- lliliii; In llrs! class hmiwi Is avnllnlil<<. The success of Ihe W. V. ,M. A. fair deinrlment III Ihe past Is referred to. and a -ilIll lnMler KiTvlee Is assureil for the fntnrc. Thr rljiliii Is iiinile thnt rot one illsnntl.illnl clli'iii !iii-i lavn ■heard of In the elKlit years the fair ilppi;-iiiieiil has liecn eslnhllshe<I. Ilesiionsllile .i','<>!it.< me nrknnwleilRed lo mean iniicli In fair work, ami ilu- W. V. M. A. clalma to have biicIi. ns well nii to hove lilKh riloniling with Clileai;o luniks, which. i>f cniirse, show folkn know to Ic true. Two pages are given to a lengthy iIoK.'.-lpMon iif the Palace Music Hall and Mnji-stle Tliea'ri'ii. In Clilcapo. which are opernleil In conjuiii:*.lon with the W. V. M. A. llie ae:s featurevi In Ihe IDI.'S' rnlalngiie are: Six Royal llusaar Olrls. Itolln. Murray ninl Wnnl. Bryant Cheebort's Marveloua Manehiirlaiis. Fii'is- nor. nownril and Oampliell. .Tamca B. flanly. IIo|. Innd and IWiekrlll, Delcrs ProilH'rw. NelsmrH coin- «ir dogs. Stndlimi Trio. Itlnek ami Wi'te, l)lvi»r and Barolar. F:i(rlit Soim of the Desert. Knwknslnii Troujie. De Velde and Zebln. Ilanvnril SIsterH. Wll- ?rin and Srhnelder, Capt. IleiiTleseii. l''ly!ng l-'ishera. Three Amers. Five Ciilinns. the Steiilinnns. Aerial Zernhlos. Klinl-Wa Japs. Kent's Honis, Al- l«>r(. Atlns Trio. Eil. II. Ilnlcblnson, Oreiiolre and Klinlnn, Knrl Kriieger. Zeno. Jorilnn nnil Zonn, Slownrt nii-l Mercer. Ti>rlle. Ktliel Vnne. Alexander .-iiicl flrlff. .Mr. and Mrs. Sliliannn. "Frank Rentel'a Ilerliert A. Kline Shown, Ihe .Teiiiiels. Tliree Ty rt'iics, and Honlon Rros. ami Itangaron. EXPOSITION NOTF.S. S'AN Diiuio, Cnl.—Piialneiifi la picking up womli.r- fi.;iy nnd the In/lux of Kn«tprn vNllf.r* hns l^-tun. T he fJhliM'KC New Team' felchrnllon was celi'ln-aleil niN the Isthmus, nnd the giant driienn limiulit down from I>os Aiige1e>4 for,tIio occasion. Tlie grismda were filled with pleasure sri ki rn, and nil the enncesslons were ninnbiR excepting the deep M*-i illvers. which la olospil jierinanently. firoee Darllnc. Ihe Sellg-lfenrst "MovIp nirl." ni riveil on the Orfat Vfirtltrrn from New York, fo pose In It aeries of Rx|v>Kli;on plel'ir,»s. Isit owing t** the rain did rot sx^^iire wlinl 'i-as. «lealre<l. Sill' mliirns after the Snii Frniielsco oiienlii;. ami will put 111 some tlino at the Pn'm-na-Oallforiila rrpii.. where sln» will b« Vrraiikeil" niiilil the iH'niilifiil hiirroniidliigs fif Hiillion ?*i*.rk ATTBLAOTIONB AT THE NEW VOHK THBATRBS. TIIR MinOBT VIM.ARr:. By orranconicnt w-llo Rlchnril I'llrol. the Ijina Park Amusement Co.. of flonev Inland. .S. Y.. will put on n .Midget Vtllace th'* comlii? srnifii. Tl-ey have .ilrendy'ol to biilld, and II Is nii- i.noiine«l lhat It will \y* owe r.f the fluent eon- Vflsslons In the pnrk. I'he village will lir oroiviliil \nl1i all kinds of nililirctn sorie of w-lilch will lio "pei-lally ImportM tnmi I'iiiT>fie. 'Ilioy wPI have n midget clren.i. .and n real mldgft tim'c hnll. The very natui*> of the enn-rlnlnmenl will make It especially allnollve to ladlei and rhll. dcen. PARK FOIl AUIinilA. Arllrles of In-?orpor-itInu wen- fllwl i»n l-Vh. Itl. Ill tJencvs. 111., authorizing the HylvniiiNdl .\iiiii«e. n-.ciil r/nnpanv to roiidiir* nn niiiiiseiu^iii pnrk mi the l-'lnnd of Aurora. III. Tim cajillal •■lopk nf Iho eomitany was placisl nt |iU).Onn. Thiro talk of the companr e:<l,i>dlshlng a similar ainn-e nK'iif reiort near Rlgln, III.. If Ihe pr<Nient v<-ii. . lure proves niicces'rfiil. TIIIC Fa'r AniiLSi'inent To,, after several iiioiitlis lit exiierlinenllng. are now roady to. plnrc mi ihe rinrket nn iinhreakshle' liinovnlloii doll. 'J'lils doll Is made exi'liislvely by I hem. AH!': OOlinN. iK.tter kiiow-n In Ihe fair and carnival world ns "Cnilicy." will lie marrh^l. Pi-Ii. C7. lo .Mlniili.' Afcrepviii. nt the homo of ilio lirhle'H lo ls» narent-i. 147;i Fnllmi Ave.. Dnnir. New York. IIUMITR KRASEY. foniiorlv |iro.1mlne eome- ilinn at the Ifnrt Tlienln-, Toleiln. n., Is now dtreeting r.iid manoglii'.; the ntnge with Iho Clait.1 Rteil Atlrikellnns. KIMD WOIIDH niOM IlICTOV. Prof, Itlclon writes: ".Sfi you are going to Issue niiothrr spi-elal Oiililoor .\inii<HTMeiit Niiiiitirr. II will lie we'conieil by the eiilire iiiiiii'>i*ineiit profin. Rioii. And you ore not going to InpicnHe tl-c ropv price . fhio page, by liKolf. Is worth a dliiii'. nnd the whole eopv Is worth iiKiro than the ;ir:pp of a year's aiiloerlplkin. Hut Titn Di.n RrLfAni.* i;evpr did l^llcve 'n rolihlng any Tiio ndver- llier fl'll lie one) will Is-neflt by this Ids num. Ij-r. I've ndverllspd In all Ihe iio-.'alled H'onlrl- pbI weeklies, nnd And Hint one small nd. hi anv iHsiie of Tun Cr.irprn will bring more answers than n Inrge one In eneli nf tin; other pnpi-rs. "I have icciired iny 101.1 war tsT llpensp It P'ltit me ciily a tenner, and I woiil I ndvlsp nil nidlelno Khowmrn to g»i thelra hrfcre .Tiiiip I. fur In h? without It after that tlnip ir^nni* pIIHit n Mg Hue or Imprlsoiinieiit. Itiyiiri'itng my tdg hliow would any that to dato I navp lusiki^l t'le Mnrieln'ii I/ealers. aerial womlpra. nml Prof, l/i f'lii.ov trnii|ie of cleverly trained dogs. My tent- biL' fpns'^i Ofipns April 21. at fTronksville. O. and will make week stands In all live towns.** AM. KINDS OF MIDGIvTUi Ladles Hiul tieiitledi'cn. MIdgi-t Perforiiieni. alsn Midgets wlili Hiiinll llnrsi-H, Circus. Acts. Kliv Kngagetiient rnninieoclng Ht I.uiih rark. Coiiev iHlniid, N. V.. from lUv iinlll Hep teinlier, IVb'>. State In flmt leller ynnr lowest HalHry. sl'/.<>. age, mid all iMrileiilarH. If iioiullile send pliidos. Address IIKIIKHK1.VY MAVKll, 2H K. '^Isl .Htieul, New Vnrk. HDD IHOTDDniH W. 4aBd St. Kfat, 9.II. HEn AHSlBnUlin llaU. wed. and SaL, 2.11. KLAW k KKLANORR, Uanngora, ClIAHIiKil IlII.LItiOIIAU Preienta a syncopated Uuilcal Show WATCH YOUR STEP HuBlo and lyrics lif Irving Horlln. Rook lir Harry p. Hmlth. With Wr. A Mra. Vernon Oaatle. Bioadway A 4Tth 8L KVB. 2i-U.7»-tl-tl.M Dally l!ata.«»-M.TI. SQD.Oono'KLKA 8.11 MME. EMMA CALVE. EDWARD sBELfS .li CO , FOUR MARX BROS &C0.> WEBB It BUAM.i MoDtKomery & Moore I THEA., 4atb St., R. of BWkf UlreoUon of JOHN OORT. Rvei.i Mats. Weil, k Bat., 116. Wed. Hau 100. to 11.10. 8RLWYN k CO. pt«ient CORT 1 melodrama of love, mystery and ibrllli. By ROI OOOrKH MRQRUK. I VAEIIIi B^'i Brendwnv. Ll UEUI Ktiw.1 llata. Than. k Sal, 3.11 Uharloa Frolimao, Rlaw k ErlanRor preaent ELSIE FERGUSON m a Play la Four AcM by Hubert lleor; UstIm "OUTCAST." Mlh St.i W. or Urnadway. Rve«., 8.16. MHtlneoB, Wed. and Hat., a.l>. 8£LWVN CO. Preaont THE SHOW SHOP lly James Korbea, Anthor of "The Chorus l.ady" With DOUGLAS FAIRfiAMS CUIIAN it lIAHniB H'way Hiiil 4lllh Ht. Kvcs. at H.lli. MttlH. Tues. A Hal. al CUIIAN A HAKRIB Treaent "HELLO BROADWAY" with Now York's Favorite Comedians GEU. H. UOIIAN, WH. UULLIKH. B'WAY i 4»a ST. RTE8. 8.11. HAT. WEU. A SAT., 3.11. Popalar Wed. Hat. Wo. to $I.H OOHAN k II/t1IHI8 PHKHKNT "IT PAYS TO MERTP" A Farcical Fact, bv ROI COOPER UEORUE and WALTER UAOKETT. TIIBATRB, We«t43d St. n«M Brosdwar. Tel. BiyaotaiM. Rvea. e.3Q. Ibta. Wed. k Bat a.». GOHAN'S CINDLEK New York's Newest Playhonse, Cohan k Harrla preient (by smngement wltb Arthnr Uopklni) it new plai by a new yonni American antbor *<ON TIUAL'' By B. L. RelunalelD. Beata I weeka lo advanoe. 4eih 8L nr. B'wiy KfenlnRs at l.'iO. Uatlnoes Wednoadai and Saturday BBLWYN it CO. PIIBBBNT By MAROAHKT MAYO and HALIBBURY FIELD W. 43d 81. Evenings 8.11: Uatlnees Wednesday anii Balurday at 3.16. A. U. WOODS PRP.tiKNTH <<KICK IN" vuWM ^ ■ Wlllard Mack, With JOHN BAHHVMOHB, JANB UHBV, J08BPIIINB VICTOU nnil other*. FULTON TWIN BEDS lAYO REPOBLIC Ki*^ 1. 4l% XKTl Hals. Wert. A Hal., 3.16. A. II. WUbUM I'rcsoiita an Aniprlcati Play In 6 Acta. THE SONG OF SONBS lly KDWAItl) HIIKIJIO.N'. Ilaacil on Ihe novel by IIKKUANN HUDKIIUANN, wllh an All Star Cast. HAEEIS TIIKATHK. W. 4'id HP. Kvonlngn at U.K. Mala. Wed. hiiiI Hat., 3.16. HKLWYN A CU. I'HKHKNT MIRGARET ILLINGTON X " 1^1 AltTIIUIl JONKH. HTIt A HT 1 B'wny it 4fth~Br. O 1. U A. in MW Noon to ll.BO p. m. WILIIIM CRANE " " OTIIKIl BUPKItlOR i'ltyrOUK ATTRACTIONS Hlranil Concort Orcbcalra and Holulsla .Sexl Weok-WAM,ACK KDIiINdKK In A OKNTLKMAN OK I.KIHUIIK IN COLUMBIA THEATRE BUOADWAV, «7til BTUBKT. N. V. This W«ek, DIM JtiUILBB. nn*T ikAf*t\ Wcat44thSL DCalrfAOwV l(Bla.,Thuni.ASat.X'JO, DATIU RRLAHCO Prcaenis FRANCES STARR ' IN MARIE ODILE lly KDWAItl) KNtMll.AIICII. VMirVBUUnrVBU X'way a MHi .si. KveH. H.IA. llllllRnilD«lllRl)IV Mala. Wuit. A Hal. 'J.Ifi. DANIKI. V. AllTIIIMl preHeiila Marie CAHILL. Richard CARLE In tbo New UiihIckI Conicily ly '90 tW„ SHADE" Nr\l Altnirtliin. Klaw A KilMii|fi-i'» -FAIIS AND KANflKS.' n AllTTV D'wny * 40 St. Kvch. s.l.'i. \Mt%XCAk S MiilM. Will. .lHat.,3.lll. KI.AW A KIll.ANIIKIl MniniKcrH RUTH CHATTERTON ' DADDY LOHD-LEeS A now Ooiiicdy by JKAN WKIIHTKII. ■JIMDffltUI U'way A 40th St. FiTea. a.16. ■MW** Mata., Wed. and Hat. iil ' CIIAKI.KS I'llUII.MAN UiiniiKor UliAHLKH FIIOIIUAN ITcaonla ETHEL BARRYMORE '"A^r THE SHADOW ...{'iin lly Darin Nli'i iidciiil A MIchiii'l Miirluii Hill Ave., 4:ii|.44lli HtH. Dully Mntliinrx at 3. J/iU. In f I. Kvi'lllllUH Hi H. 'J.'il'. til ll.riii. MAMMOTH WINTER CIRCUS SUPREME WINTER QARDEN iihroi;^^^' Btos. aia. Haia. Taea..Thun. nnd Hal.,xoo. Tliir New \V|iii(>r liiinli'ii ri'iiiliicilnii MAID IN AMERICA Wi l li A lillKA T t' T LYRIC TIIKATHK, 44th Ht.,woBlof B'way. riiiino. S430 liryaiit. Kves. a.ll. MatliievM Wild. A Hiil., ^.Iti. All-Htar CiilMjmiiy lilrucl friiui lliu Oaloty Theatre, Lunilnn. HMAIITKHT HllOW IN TOWN. TO-NIQHT'S THE NIQHT 4U UKNUINK I.ONIIDN (JAIhn'V IlllilJl 40 42d St. W. uf U'way. Phuna 6gi8 Bryant. Kves. H.te. UalM. Wud. k Bat. Xll. JOB WKUBU'B Musical Comedy Production THE ONLY GIRL JLA!kW ft* THKATHK, West of B'way ^*Vin Oln Phono, 7Wi llrynnu Kves. 8.00. MatliiooH Wed. A Hat., -i.uu. LAST WKBK •"T'"'MANTKI.L,.,j;.l,„,. nONIlAV I, UHMA TUKNTINI ANII ______ J. ''"»««nt tilrl TIIKATHK, 44lh Ht.', wT of B'way. I'hoiio^.oiao llryanl. Kves., 8.46. aUneus Woiluosilny A Hat., !l.30 A PillR OF SILK STOCKH VVIlIii IIAUCWll.HT'H COHBUV All Heals at All I'urfor'nmneaa fi.w. nOtVl Tliea., nr. Il'way. I'liiiMu 4I.'t llryHiil OOlU SJK. KvcH. S.ID). UntM. Woil. A Hat. -i.-Mi. MAIIIK DRESSLER in tliv latest iHiiRh vohlclo << A MIV lYD" <if horcarcur «• IIIIA-Ur A Cf Mfl U'way Aliutli HI. riiiiiin.'Vi4il(lrccliiy VAOinU KvcH. H.»). Mala. Wed. A Hnl.,'A'J). TllK MOST WO.NI)i;ilKl/l, I'l.AV I.N NKW YORK EXP ER IENCE pnUrnV '),l';iiHiiir H'mty.' I'hmm LUIHtUl ::.i"'".'■»""!■ .'•■'■K"-i?';i''' MaiM.i TiirnilayH ,<i .Sat., 'l.Mi. The White Feather THE 8UCCE88 OF NEW YOR K AND LONDO N HURRAY HILL THEATRE bailnftoB Ava. and «)ld it., a. V. This week, TllK IIKAIIT I liAlLtiiCU ' I'AUr, AIIMSTKONO, Ihu lihiyHrlKlit, niiiHt ili'fi'nd llin Miilt fur itl'_>,iiiiii hroii-.-hl liy MrH. Mii/.le V,. tluut, wUlotv of llm Inln Kirk Iji Hliclli.', iiiidi r ii 1*1111111,' of Uio .Viii'i'lhiie iJlvlslnii of tliu Buprrinc Court, rciidiTi d Kcb. 111. Tlll'i biirl(.'Hi|Uii of "Tl.'c Hiin'^ of Hoiiuh," wblirli hiM bii'ii Inlrodin'i'il liilii "Ili)lli> lirmid- wuy." Iu provlnu one of the hi;; IiIih of tin: sliow. TIIM l.ambs <.'lii!i will soon bi'iilii llii' ■'rcMI'iii >it nn iiddllhiii to Iik iin-iii-iM bnllilln^t. 'Ihu nililllliiii -will iMi'iipy Mil! slli'x. I.'ij'," III Ihe Harris wblidi In 12B and laO West Korlyfinirlli Htivil. nnd 1.14. U. \f. ANSON Is now l)lnylii« the roll, of HIr llnlii rl Slialir In ' •rin. •'J'ljpalrf. .New York (.'Itv. "A MOUKIIN UVK, H uiiikIiiiI iilnv, iniiy im ri.vlvnl l,y Hurry A«klii, .lidiii l.'iiii iiiid .Wllllnm MorrlK, 'I'lll'. inniinl rnlerlnlnini'nt ami bnll Ihe 'rhi>n'.il<iil I'mti-rlIvc I'lihiii .Vn. 1 will lake ■dure nt llin New AniHterdniii (lull nn Hiiiiinlny iil),dit, Miirrh i:i. IHiV/KI/f/, KIJItT r l/A.MAI.HO.V. vnllrllurK i.f l.<iii<li<ii. Kin,'., inilirv ns Hiiil tin- ri'|i<irl |.uhllH>iei| in a I.oiii|nn iin|ii>r llinl lli'h w I'linrlin U iibti'il <'■ iiinrry .Ii h,. .Imi'iiIkhii U mil Iriii'. AIIMCK I'Ar.tnOK A.N'I) I'KY'l'O.'i' liOKIHf.V. nf WniibliiMl lii. Ii. <'.. mid .1. I'-riiiik Dull, 'if WlliiJnKloii, Del., re<'i'lvi-rH fur I'ne .\rllii'tliiii lliilil di.. of WiihIiIiikIhii. Illi'd IioihIh (if xiti.Olki lii^rorii I'biin'idliir I'lirllM. In WIIimDikIiiii,, I'°i'li, III. 'I'lir iiliilnilir. !hi< .liiiiii W. I iHiiii'v I'll.. Iff .\iiw Vork. wrre iiIhh ii.<<|Ulred lo ifU'i; ImmhI In Ilin hiiiii of tMlill fur lobU. ".VIXr/l.y IN TIIIO KliADK" rIoscH Mari'h <l ;it Ihe Kiil.'ketlioiki-r, .New Vurk. • 'i'llI'MlnwHon pictures Woher's, Nlw Vork, MarcJi I.