New York Clipper (Mar 1915)

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u THE NEW YOHK OLIPPBR. Maboh 6 IIODHR RRMODRLRI) AOCORDIKfl TO ttOIENTIVIO -ADJOSTHBNT OV KOCAli nBttUIREMKHTB. PLAYINC LIBERTY THEATRE At rrlw Ringing (torn 25c U $2.00 Tu- --J'lroo'J^K^"*'" D. W. GRIFFITH'S "^^^SSE^^BTSf^SW w^££&" k FED BLOODED TALE OF TRUE AMERICAN SPIRIT THE: TOO GREAT FOR COHPARISORS LOVE AND ROMANCE HIDST HISTORIC SCENES i COMEDT WmCH RELIEVES THE THRILL OF ADVENTURE GRIPPING HEART INTEREST AND SOUL STIRRING EMOTIONS SEE THIS MASTERPIECE THE MOST REALISTIC ARD STUPEHDOUS VIEW OF STIR- MNG EVEHTS IH THE DE- VELOPMENT OF OUR COUW- i CONCEIVED, INSPIRED AND CREATED IN AMERICA THE EXPRESSION OF GENIUS mANEW REALM OF ART A COHPOSmON OF NATIONAL FIGURES WTTH THE UNIVERSE AS nS BACKGROUND RICH m HISTORICAL VALUE FOUIfOFD THOnAB DIXON'S FAMOUS NOVEL AMD PL.AT CL SVHPIIOIIV ORCHESTRA OF 40 NOW 18,000 PEOPLE 3.000 HORSES g MONTHS ■■ THB MAKUa COST $500,000.00 MOVINQ PIOTWBB Uiiclilucii. Couipletc fur HiHUrtJvrd B1/.1! Kliui. tao.uo; Movlug riciiiru Cuuiera 'frliwdH, »; Slereoiill- cuua cuiii|ilG(v, HIV, xi>>e of llKlH »!■•*•"»; tulclum Uk'iii iaH, Aci'ij- Ivuu Oah UiidviuIoi-h, tMl; ArcUiiiii,»1.0UilllieobUilB, iiM; Moving riciuruOlj- jccllvcB, $a.76; Movlugl'lo- (iiru U'liK Juc.kci, ft-ib; tiUTOU|ill<'.nU LvUB, uiiy fiii-iiH, iiuc.! Moving I'lclure Mnrlilnb Feofffinrnrkcl". ii''"-'- , „ ^ L. IIUTZ, 3ua K. Mtreet, W. 1. City. TENNEY SAYS: V a ^ MBH B ana BotaTcnney Act, anil got a Tcnney Act, iDltll OftUorwrllc. AL.L.KN SPKNCKK TKNNKY. 140i» Act I Do iDitlee to jonr abUlir MOW Sketcltor MonologMt There's money !) Bro»d-w»y, Betr Vorfc City. INA CI.AIIIL: ■with l.ASKY. Ina t'liilri'. Ilic I'U'Vcr iniwliiil cunii'ily • eiri'OH. linM KlKni>rt with Ilic I.nKky Onm- piitiy. to iipiH'iir In ii fi'iiliirc A UkIK i-mii- rily will iirolHilily be ilii' volilclii lo rtplolt lifr Inli-ntN on the kiti'i'ii. .iKiiuV Ai MTIN, Miss Itml nntl Mr. rnrry- miiri', of Ilic Uiilfin HHnllii. In JiukHonvllk', l''ln., took pjiit In llU' nnisipii' Imll In front of the Miisiin Hotel lliiTi- iiM-cntly. Jorry wmild iinilonl)l(<(llv hiivc won the pilzo, l»it llir crowd wnsi loo Inrcc to Jnilne llio ui'Bt (Iniirrr iinil I'DHlninc. CHAMO wii.iu ii wit:i i,i;iiin. Cnini' Wlliinr, whli-ly known aa u Inidlns miiii mill l)1iutiMiliiv sinr. has Jolui'il the Lnliln iVniiiiiny du riillaih-lplilu,. iiiiil Is to lh> fni- luri'(l In a nnnilicr of novfl proihn-ttons Unit llio IiiiHiln r<iin|)iinv Ih'Kmii milking' this wi'ik. Wllluir ivlll hiivo ns his IlmiIIo:; wniniin. Miirv <'hnrh'son, anil will iv illii'i'tfil l>y .lohn 11. Iiuv. NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES Utiunic CiliiNii tV Co. (DiiiKM-fi). 12 .MlN., Kirl.l. Sim:k. tUtloiilnl (l-Vli. ■-•71. ■ - li.>::iili' lilnKS. lif- rhliv <'<-«ili'i'IIHK 11"' Cii/i Mi':iiini.iiiv ir>irimrlj tl'o Krlll iif ilii' I'li/i- liviil>' Ill Kiiriy llrst SInvl iiiiil llroiiilwi'j. III"! ii'^' il'i"<'"t thi'ii-' iilk-litJv Willi Hiiilnlpli Oil-Jiiii'll", ilivliliil 10 Cnki- II whirl III v:iiii'.i'vlllf. iiiul «iih Ui'r i>«n iml- ,ir»vl) HirlllX or.hcslr:!. sill- illil ill Mils boiw. unhIsMI I>v IIu- I^iscnii-ll.> llmlli.TS. .\> li;is Uvll ii" ihi " itriiiiiiniT l< f<'iiliiif<l iliinnn llii-lr six"- I'liill;. Ill' ii|ii:|ls liny III hl> lliii' ilinl Ikim ii|i- IH'nriil 111 iliU IniiiM' Willi oilirr mixlt-ni slo|i|ii'M. >ili<ii OI.'.Mi Is II |ii*i':i\' >i>iin;: Mfiiinn niiil a •liiiiisr who liiis 101 iilr ••( frM, iiU>iii Iiit rn-ry 11 IliHli' sis 's mi till" slii.:.'. :Mu> Is :l>sM|.,l li.T .Uiil'xIiiIi I'r.M'llli-ll.l III fi'iir of hiT iliilliV:i, llH'lr *lPhl l<i*lliK Ilic olil filViirltc. Ilic cill;C'\\illk. wUli » K'kKw iiil'Tliil llsi cf \iii l.>.l i.ic|i< liy .Mr. (\iKiiicTlii. wlili li ilic (Viliniliil uii llciuv illil nut i^niivk. lie ifi fur lie' Iflli'r ihiiiriT cf ilic l^i'MMiicHo'd. Ilic tiilin- merely ):clllii\; In (or ilir r^.iirlli. liiiliiHl II iMi'lly mic. n lrli» tbiiii-c lli:it WHS nil iirilpili'iilly nn'.iii,:«'il ilirinllmi fi^illi* Hint • llillr brcili^til iml llic "illirchMil" |Mrl i>f lliclr ltlll:cc oITir'llK. TIlO 'r.lll.iv licsll:lllcil. Mll^lxc. ■Iiil iilliiTM wen* nKi as crtiwriiliv e\(s*iiii<il. lion. llle'<:lnB> Ims II H|ieeliil hr.iMil of eniitlviitlii^ iht. »i4>n)ll.v nUtiii Imt, iiii'I Willi Uiiilolnli niiil 1^. Of'MMluOto rliiMiliI ^ct 11^ iiiiu-li li\>ullll!<iu Oxinl lilu liiKc vi.iiile\ llle iiiiilleiii'e> us' ll>o<c tliiil li;iv..* fT'llwIisI iilienil Iif her. i'lili'iii:<> slunilil i;lvc her i KT^'nl Mil sriiil-iiiy. for llieiv she w:is lielter blsAvil Ihni* licr^\ iliilieliii; wllli .XIIhtt HnvN. fcr one, niilll licr liiklnc over uf the Muiilmnrlri', oil ulil lllciiilu-ny. 'J'(iir, Lucy Dnly & Co. (SonKit). 18 MiN., IH ONK. Two AHB TUBEO (Sric:iL I>U.ll'8.) ilnrlom O. II. ifeb. 20).—Lucy l):ilr ha* n welllnlil ont iici. with wen ^.-ooil-hioknv; nl-nis ly iJlrlH. mill n Kuul rnullno of hhikh to put her olTcrliiK 111 lliic fur n trip, uvcr the lili; circulu. She pruvKl to be Ihc nuiiic isipiilar ;.iio.r Uiil;. aiul llip '1. O. II. iiiiilieinx' luuile tier Uv\ Uiit Uicy wciv Hltll "for" liw by Blvln^ her a One i-iveiillim nl her ttrit eotraJicc (In one). In a iKniliil white ssUii K'<wn, for sluslns "Tie Cu.o I.llllp llliil In Ihc •fne," clever coiiile mim'icr. A ihrnn-i; to white llcslilnw (whlcli .Miss Daly weiirs iimm crcillliilily) ami while iiiis' anil Imt (sun of lullliary tn-^t) ami carfyhi; a slalT; llie hwi.iij proviil a i:;«iil iiovcliy iiiiiiilH'r. Ayl;n l.iiey sliDjIiii: frcin the slaite, oinl ll'.e clrls, la KTiiy Ucsalniis, Jaekcls unJ hats (i'e|iT\wn(lov ninll-iarrliTs) niiiklm «ltern»to entrances (ma the rear of Ihc orclie.'liii anil lioiiillnt; what was In Iht null-hat;, to ihe palron puhiuil <int hy M'sa I>Kly, at the rinielnnloii of each verw. It lock kIx vcraes. fur lliere iirc six reimilc niall- ciu-ruTH ckil the UiIukii Ihcjf IncUiUea a iniir silk slofkliis. a Uix vt cainly. a park of clKiireiliw. a ninukcy na u stick, a "wee biu«' i.iilr of fniiliiinc iMUtles. uiiil llnl-hisl up wltU l.aev'B siiMilliMi 1,-lrl lOurliD; a k'l.iss i>f beer I mill a milk enii aii l havliic It with n ilescrv- liii:lv ilry liH.kliic vha,) In the Urst tv\i nt tlio on-lu'Slra. 'I'lic ulrli na In hIm^c an they ilcllvcr Ualr iirtUle.s, fur niialc iviwal hy all, anil tlicn liiuk iliri>ii:li the oivlie<lrii. ii^islin; lluivew about us llicy weal. It M.-un-il sollilly. .\iiiillicr rlianuc 111 while Kuwii. nail In "T' (.■iselal Willie I Kulil velvet ilroii). l.ncy nail II male itiiiicLT iilVcretl a koikI iiiiiiterii ihiiuv. after n drl In while ilcslihifs ninl knickers ilhl tho vsh l aet M icllevliii; l.ncy of a while cluak ami "evvllnl." .V lunch uf class was lis lilcn—nail ciTei'llve. The ICial suiii; Is la fuiir sis'lH>:l, ailil-lu u ile.HiTi]illve. llliisli.niisl iiiiiiiIkt. wllli sci^iHSI iii'leil liv Ihe irlrls tiiiil a man. iilitl cntlllcil "'I'lm l.lfe uf the I n Icrwurhl." l.nev. Imkln;; "rlppliiR" III male ntlll*e. ilre<s suit, silk hill. 0|M»ra cajs*. «Me.. slm;s. 'rticri- Is a tiiunil to llie nniiilKT— ili'iilelliiL- llie nr.. uf thii4> wlio liiliiilill haunts of ••llic iillicr shic uf the wurh)." ami Uiihihlni:. Bhow- iii',' Ihe elioreli ul llic iimlcrwurltl. wIhtc Ihc prv* vluiisly sluwii siRitl llvcrsv liiiiilni,'c to .«|ioinl part or eieiy Sinnlay. ' A Kn'nl hlc lliilslier, illifercnt fruiii any vanilevlllc has ulTcreil lo ihltc. Tod. I'^iiiiilo AViinl iiiiiI Coiuiuiuy (Skoicli). ::'J .MiN.. iNTKaiua. roliMiliiI (I'Vli. :i:!-27).—Fannie Wnnl was Tnlher a ills-ipiHiliitiueiii lu llie CuliHiliillli'd Inst wivk. or III least at the Thiirsilay evening; show, fur nt the ciiniiitsloii uf her sketch the n|iplaiisc liiiil a fiiriNU rliiK lu li. IMfar .Mliiii W'lsilf ilhl his slitin* III wrilliii; Mils i<oincily.ilniMiiillc (lirty.llriyl sketch, ami ulvlin; II a mivol niut ap- pmprlalc lllle uf ".V Table ami Two Olialrs." Imt I'aiinle Wiinl in1ssi>s iiialiy upiiurlimlllcs. In ilc. Itvcry. wlierc Ihc iiniicliivi ar*'. and tJic nmlleliiv iltilii't n^iirc her II ilraiiiiilic nclrc-i:i. when she u'ot lo the j>:iiliiw of II. .\ mail inarrhil n woman, ninl' he ...iici».s..loil wiiiulci'fiilly well, but Ills over* pciih'i: vf her sjHilleil li all. anil she lHMi;.'hl a huiiio till Ihe lliiilson, hsl a spisily. hut clean pnts*. sneiiillic.: iiiuiict at will, amen); sis-lely. ami liiiv. •lie; i-.ilahio u|s'n slnoTs' ami iniisti-l.^iis as Inlilo t:uesis: uiilll Ihe er;Mli *cuines, uinl they arc left wllh 111'.* bar\' "laMc ami two chairs." is-ihles all ■ cmply iilL'h.rhiilr—In Hie ihnl. Then tliey fuuiiil cut ilieir folly aiitl |ib>ili;isl lo tilarl on Ihc mmisIIiIc, iiarriov path. In Ihe euiac.ty uinl can'-frei' iiio- iiicnls -if llie slici.'h Miss Wnnl ilM her heat work. She iipis'iireil tee uvcrlaiteli with coins to salt, nfler iiiiiLlii-,' n chaiit;c fruin n clilc iimklnc Tchvt i^ins't i>k.tiiiac lu a sinirkllai: lart'v piwn. One will like In-r iHvitiHc she's Kaniile Wanl. nml at Ihe sn'nc IIiiK' n-spwi Mr. Witilf's akclclioii. Sun* IRirtlii-; are; Juliii IV>:iii. hh llie Iinshailil. who dnn well whni Is hlni: liwrfc llrennaii, wli.i m iik> nil l':ii^-llsli builcr role stnnil out fnaii H I'lumslv ivtnt of vicir tone of his stroiii; llnin hehic. "uiict' an ns.«. iilwavH an iiss"!. wlillc Amy pla.xisl n ilery luiiKihsl frlcml of lhi« wife; Jolin Uanly wna a fwlmaii. Tod. MIxNf!! Cniiiplicll (.SonRB). 10 .Mi.N., Two (liPKriAL Strr). Coloiilitl (h'Vh. 22.17).—nic .Uliws Camp- lioll Jre win-lIi Ivlnp "Iiclil over for another \'wk" wherever they ploy. This W what "was dhl" hen-, fur they art> nt Ihe Colonial npiln viek of March 1. Aa hnniioiitiiiis ilcllnoatorv of MiiiKS In n'all.silo-'^imilhcni "ilnfkcy" atylo. no viniilevlllo Klni:tc. iliiuq^Je, or other Tarlely turn eipinU Ihcin. 'Ilicy atiuiil ahnic In lh<4f "At Ifuino" I' ami ami; turn, while the sllitlitost of the Iv.o. who ilm*:* most of the Fliiglni;, ulso iilayv ;he for a iluet ])luun ami Boof mi^lloy of ohl mill new* lupuliir soug», aa well as accouipiuiy- 111'.- llic lust on a liuuju with her Ristcr at plauu. 1'licj' otfernl Qve 1-0114^1.■ and' could have QuabM up the ilino nllotttal the rent of the fllioir ac- co'dlnR to tho lilg wiiy thoy wont. ToJ. The .MlilninrH (nyiiiniiHtK'). II .Mi.s'.. l.srKaioH. City (ri'h. 271.— (.Man ami nuimni). Ilcn>'s .■> (.trciit'ih ami hninl lo hnml Uilaiicliii: mTulmilc turn thai inssli Inn lliile elalHiralli).- im to 111 It for the hlK tliiM-. in a H|«vlal "chue ln" i-lass wnnhl lie all aronml ilicin. 'llie man. ihe mw- Mxsiir of n iHoierfiil nliysh|ite. .-inrls the act wllh n "display iir.miM,.|e<>' iwru umlcr sisii. nml aficr a.IiliPK tup plisf or ileshlni;.!. ri'lnriia. cnrnhii: Ills l-ortiKT. a M.u'ky sel Mule wonn;n wPh apiicar- iiisv, sciitisl nluft on one iiainl. .e.he illscmls n .ln « lu ib'siiiiiKs. , ,.„ ||,„j. |||r,„,5i, , ".'"J ",' '"' »lth ail csihM'lallT irouil Onnl bit. Tlie Slliluiara sliuulj "make" ih.< Inn .1 d.vya - 3'wl. ' .Siatc<>r MItlRrrIa "Iloviip." Tl o»i> .nlm-lecn clever Mttio i>crforincr.i iihonwt il'i'lr iicB' revile, witli which thev vlll p)«r Ihc .><hnherl iliitc. ninrtinc nl .\llanT (his wcvk. at l.iK'Ws !>cv<«iib ,\vciim>. New York. Ia.s| wpck, ami the Miappy ncthni iiml ihivcI pt«wi'.al!ou iiinilc a h1|; lilt. Tlicy outer la i«m.r cirts for n Bcwml liilro- diicllun. Iiiclndlni! Ihe riv laillc*. "It's iv Nme Way to Tlpis'riry" Is folktwisl l<s "The Klenhant 'I'ralrcr." thci; by a ■>Minlo In n kur nml dnnco, Hen the rcroliailc timiis-, leil, n hlsh schiol liorso acl by a l.ailr, (hen n planlathin nnmlicr, will' a chicken dins', hy (he blarkf.irr actors, a daiic* l>T debt, wllh nioslc by ali banjtilsts; I.It'll all l.tin In n [mn I clnoplii^ dniicc. full of •cllun, with thi uicu In blno and blgh bati, and t'elcste (Scuaatlouul Wire Wiilkcr). lu .MiN., l'm.1. .Staob. .14(11 St.—'nils would inuko vltlirr an cicel- lenc o|iviilu(; or clusloi: act for n bli; time hill. tVifPlo cimis wlUi a lltllo set of «|icvlal scenery hupinocil to lie a tent In a gulden: at u rciioTt of a plslul Ibo Rn'iicry itm|ia au.l rcmls lihn nteiidlng there. WIrf l« Ptruiig obont twcuty fci t Ir the olr anil be iicrfurm.^ miuiy lilfllcult tricks fnrni Ibo KlacktrlTP nuaiitiidcd In a hUh altltuil*. Wire Is dni|>(«l. and be gws tiiroufh aooir hair- inlslag f««ta while tho witv la awln$1ng. lie per. fnnni his foiturc (rlo'et on a ladd'.* aupportid on the slack wire. II« lias .>n vicoltrat act. and chould liavc no Itouhlc lagcttlDf booklngx it^lei. SKW I.RAnS IN WATKHDl'HY. Jan<<t Dunhnr, funwlT with DaTld Warteld. In "The Music Mast«r.'* made her iVhut as IcLolna laily of (he Oook Stocn Plaim. at J»n,uea' Tbctitic. WaterhuiT, Oaun., March 1, In "The llllndiM-M uf Virtue." Kiaok WlleoT aim made bls'dobot aa leadbix roan of thla cumpaiiy on date. Mr. \nicoi was fornHTly IcAdlDK man of tbe l-oll Stock Oo , bi Walrrbutj'. Harrison Sisters Diroo-fcion M. TrufVur't (F»4 Casey Agency) Bemlla, Best flirl Banjolst In the World CHICAGO Clipper Post OfHce. Uic ladles In i>lak. Then the etijog imd doM li» etuiita lift ng Ui« bone and riders; the mld- i4? IZn mA^<x big hit, irjth lUe oo»ody 8«;- onib ana Italiwni, and concludiug with everybody '*'rfumo'''d)i.«"!-h. hl-ackface, la followed by a cnkcTvnlk. Tlien the scenery rolls uj), and the "March of tbe Otvaadlom." ,<'">i^„'«Vf<>'Si coiiciia'^B the «i)torMlnmeDt. The drill U «*5 Wi!Tl,utn*s work, and the marcheii are perfecUr HChoolcd, tlie sQuaiw. elfclw. wheel* «n* «tint««- whKls by the little gooso-sttWMCT, wbWi tapt Die little fellows at the code bustling, wore twr- fwily executed, InelnllDg a bH of a eadet work" ut tho Onhsh, and tiiey had tu Itaenp for a tlou'U bows. ■\Viu. MoitU and Compony (SIcclch). 24 MiN., I''ULL STAOS. iNTimiOB. Colonlnl (Keb. 32-27).—"llw. Teraple'a Tcl- ♦Kram'' had WUllaoi Uorrla ctwiUng the ' cbam- iilon liar" part of Kr.iuk Kuller, wh<n It was pro- Iliicwl In New yoik ten yeere uco. In three acts. Tho /ul'Sliiice of Uie pluy has Wn Polled dovra lu what the titli: wurjuntodly elulms "an ex- cniclatli Riy fnimy fRr«!," and barlDS Mr. .Morris fcaiuri'd ad tho "sick friend" of Jack Tisnplc, u in.'.rr'.ol man who "mide a iHsht of It. and cvpluhictl to lil» wife Ihil he was sitting up with a mythlcally-lll John Droivfl. of IMcdleloo- on-'ninmes, Ihe notion taking plu;c nt the hmne of the Twiiplei, l/ondnD, Kne. Hho doubts, and Uniillv ncnds a lolcitrvim -to J. B. llushaiid and frlenil Icom of his py reading the liuprlnt on a IJoiKtr held before lb/.' mirror, and Immediately (he laller pnAcetls t.> unswer the wire's summous, llo^lllK I'a Ji>;in llrowji, ot IMcclctoii. A rrol John llrown, of which tliero bopiicns to be such at ricclelnn. nbio answers the wire In is'rson -niid Is followed by his shnrii tongued '■Ivttcr hnlf." Hut "the friend" Ilea tlieui all In nial niit nf Uic altiutkins to the doubting wKo'a I'onipleto aathifjctlon, and Joy of her "Itlcal liiislniinl." Mr. Morris U a "dellgUtful ftncc liar." siid eai'b niiccisslPig Ob to fl( the cn rushlns ticht outilocs tbe preceding ouc, nnil mnhCH llic sketch a great big Inugthlrg success fnnn hrxlnjitng to <ml. Walter Oonm-lly. as Ihe hiisbind: llutti Sin- eliilr. IIS Mrs.. Teiiqilc; WlUlani .Morran, ns John llTOWTi, and Klomico Fslncy, as Mrs. Brown, cocii pave sterling i«»rfoniLincea, anil lunnctl towanl Ihc net hclikg n rl|>-8iiurtliig comedy succcm here. rod. VAUDEVILLE (Special irire to Tub Ouppd, Jforc* f.> Xlnltrntlo (t.ymnn B. Olorer, "Sr.)—Ootjl bill, lllleil bonse. aaudwhinldts. cccenlrlc e(owns, witli ixKdIes; Oias. Debafen and Kreudle Nice, that illlTerent dno In dances; the Tliree Kcutons. fuu family; Four Bwnnw, clialc dancers: Henry DUey, In monotogue; Princess &a)ah. In orig- inal diinece; Joae-.ib Sanlley, le'e "taf of ' Wheii Dreams Owne Tn*?," asalsled by Italh B.andaU nnd JoMmhlne Kemell, In son^s and dances ; ller- t«r( Williams and Hilda Wolfus, In "Aln>wt Pianist;" Pascba Plalov, asslsled by Mtenon^c- Olliony In whirlwind dances. Next we«k:.War- lolte Walker and wmpany, Madame Doree and company. Bert I'ltsglhboa, Ball nnd West, Dun- bar'a Bell 'Ringers. Splnette Qnlntette, Oeoige Moore and Oordella Uaager, Frank Mollane, Seven Itotnns. I'alace Ittaalo Hull (UortiH. Shiger, mgr,) Gnpaclty house and got<d bill Monday matinee. .Meehoo's cunlne comollans, Juan Cardo and Frltsl Noll. Inle stars of "Naughty Mnrlclta;" Tel- lellor nnd company. In "The 10.4(1 West;" HniTlet BoTt, In son^s; Joe Doganny's Lunatic llukeni. lo "Fun In a BAkesbop;" Dwiy and Wayne. In "The New Bell Boy;" Jose (Mllns, a»- Klaled by Bobert Evelt, In mnslcjl Incident; Ly- (lell. Rogers and Lydell. in "A Natlfe of At- ksijtas;" La Ullo. In reprcaentattons, and Otulckrhnnk. tbe llgblnlag caricaturist. Next week. KlttT Oordon. Jack Wilson, Laddie CIIIT, Oolllns and Hart, rrjTllia Biolbetc and Seals, .%flnnle Allen, .'arrow, ImboB, Qon and Coreene, the Hlondn. McVloker'n (J. X Mttrch. mgr.) —WclMlllei bonne.. goO'l show. VIna'u Models, (be Seymonrn, Kmiib, Franda and mmpaDy, Viola Duval. "Ante Dciidit," the Ksmedys, Three Bums Sisters, Hni- ley and Noble, Manila Tiffany, Fanton's Atli- Iclni. Great Northern Hippodrome (F. C. Rlarrts. mgr.)—Well-balaoccil bill Includes: Rr- nettc AEorIa T^lo, dancen; lleracbell HendJer. at piano; Melnott, Lanole Troujie, tlglit-wlte artiste; Lyric Qoartette, the Mozarts, anowsboe danceM; I1u(rord end Lockliart Slsieni, Frank Pariah, ec- ceikttic dancen: Lnts Broe. ard craipsny. Con- lUiigham and Marlon. ncrolMts: "When taie Is Iroung," Dolly and Mack, music and pleasantr; ; Cecllc. Ehlnd and t^arr, Alf. Holt, aUmlc; tho T)irella, dancen. In order to awold mlstakea niiti to Inaaro the prompt delivery of die lettem adwertlaed In this liat, nn cuvelove plaluly addreaaed uinit l<e aent' for each letter, nnd a nrltton order for the letter, sicned wllh the fa.l name and addreaa and the line of baaitieaa folloned by the aeiKier, maat alao be enoloaed. Plenae mention the date <or num. bcr) of the CLIPPBR In which (he lettera aent (or were advertlacd. AimstiODg, Dorothy Andmon, Thelma Allthorpe, Ull; Allen, May Baron, Minnie Brandon, Uabe Brooke, 'Obaa. H BoTls, Mrs.Wm. Brltloo, Edna Boulars, Adele linker. May Behind. Sue liyal, Dora Borre, Miss Itcnnelt Cbrlstal Ounnlugham, Mrs. Jerry Oopeland. Mrs. Cbas. 0. Campbell Engenl Cokinna, Olaodla Crane. Bllen Carter, t'nonle fkurtney, I'aullae (topeland. iln OUnton, nclen (lilcagno, Salrator Oampbell, Bessie Dcvere, Adelaide Doooghne, Mrs. J. W. DeTcre, Eilale Duncan, Dorothy Dinyea, Hazel Do Wllde. . Chnlotte ADIIEB' LIST. Derlne, Clairo Eyfetlh. Mela EUriy, Ileleu Knrigbt. Madge Bdnwnds MrsIiCe Bvans. Nan Fellds. Dollle Porewter, Helen Oardner. Ittoe Griffin, JeealeK. Gillette, Viola Olenmoie. Lottie Oottscbalk, Josephine (3ower. Marie HIU, Edna Harvey May Height, Mae Halpin, Nan Hoftle. Myra C. Knowlton, PeaM Kennedy Mra.NS Kennedy, Mr*. Walt Vernon Luder, Mrs. Joe Luuie:). Kay l^rrslne, Agnes Lewis Frankle, Ira I^ester, Violet Iio, Marie lorralne, Rita Morgan, Marlon May, Helen K. Morris,, May Mh.v1Iu, Teggy Mann, Grace Mortis, Lily MoTshnll, Ida MenarJ. Rdlth Marks, Snsle .McOralh. Anna Uaxam. Millie M 10 Mnxwcll, Oeiict'leve Oiigooil, Nli.'i' Park, .VnaaMl.t fnlracr. .Mnil,v Plefwr. Anna Qainn Hose Itam«ey. Clara I>cni'e Bennert, llirili.i Baiiilnll. Mrs. Ilay, Knibrvn RtCTlIng, Kill7 Swnrez Mcrce.l.'t Snmmcrs. C'hir.. r^cbnld. Mrs. Vii Bnnwdrn. Klih'.. Sonuners Emolsc Tradwell. s.illy Lrek. Dorolhy Tbompfoii llelin Thompson, Mrs. P.. 1.. Tan Brunt lleliy Vine. Fliirenc^ Von .Mncllcr llclwlj Wotthlcgton, Mn. M. Winston. Kalil.i Wslab, F.tlirl Wlmmer. Sldls Westmnn Mrs. r Waunelnh. Prlncrsi West Mrs. L"w CHICAGO WIRES. March 1. Bice & Dopc'a Water Oamlval.and Blve- Ei- POsKlon Company will open at PltlshntTh, April 24. Hanngcr, W. II. Rice; aanlntant maniger, T. B. Hoyt: (reasurer, 11. T. F"eed; 8ecr«(ary. Harry Bore; auilltor, C. II. Parker: iivneral agent, A. A. Powers: manager In advance of boat, ikOTge .\Iatama Florida: press agent, rnnch Wheeler and Imcr-State Press Service; maaaKcr of exciin:ion boat. Frame ,1. Noetbin; general eunperlntctdeot. Jobnnr Bowen; advance banners, Oerald Fltzgcrahl; idvnnce program. Ike Frlcil- nian; BU|>erln(emlent of (irlvllegM. Harry Fink; steward, Uert Earlo; .musical director, V, R, Ward; superintendent of Ihlltts, James Austin; twenty-faiir hour man, IlLn^' Farley; announcer, nick Davcniiort; scenic artist, BUI Stiirgls. CSilcago dmud Oiiera Band nnd Orchestra has Ism granted pcrmlssl-in to (our and play big faim and cdebradons, and will be hookcil and innnaged hy Inter'State VKan Scrrlce, Chicago. Heinz nnd Beckman l^bows will open scimon wKh n wc^k at Bast St. lyius, HI., April 10. Manager lleinx Is there now, popervlslng con- ■Utictlon work nt qtiarters. 0. H. Annstrong will have two pit iM one platform shows with the World nt Homo and Cnlirmnln Frank's Wild West will be fealnrcd. Cliirtiice A. Worlham arrives In Chicago from DniiTlllc. Wm. Parquotte, local l.rric writer, was found as(ihyxlBted In La Salle Awnne bo.inUng house, l'>hlay nionlng. Bellevcl that he committed sni- (llle In nt of deepoodency. Mother arrived from Ilechcster, N. V., Saturilay afternoon, and ninile nrangeroents to cremate body. Al. Ballln, Chicago niorjigcr for Harry Von Tllrcr. and Onspor Na- than an> pliuiing a beneOt al a local theatre to defray funeral expenditures and tender assistance to needy relative. Alton, Tbos. Annsiroag, Ed. Ackcrmao, TI, Arcby, J. H. Akets, H. U. Allen, 11. 3. Ilelmont. M, Deal. Arth, O, Barrett, Tony Brooke, Cbaa H Baker, Walt Ilenbam Fred D Boucher, Clin llaker, Jobn H. Borry. lUcb. T. Baker. Doc Buker, Nick Berry, J. W. Bbcb, Robt F. Bcnwny, Happy BIssctt & Scott Ikinilo, Art Brown. Kirk Bird, Hnrry Barney, Wesley GENTLBUBN'S LIST. Flsk, Cbaa. L. Fitiglhbon, M. i^cmlrlch. Wal. Qarvlu, Mr. Oreeneger, m Toiild. Oeo, G'Tnlon &Oordon Goodwin, Ben Qartland, Jns. (loturlcb, D.W. allien, Frank J. Orindl, Bobt. (Srlffln, J. T. aordan, lag. Golden. M. M. Gtry. Dob Qttgory, Prank L. Clarfleld, Bert U Hill. Jas. P. Hickman. T/OW Ileron, I/>uls Unrland. Jis. Hstton, Henry Hnvllnnd. Jas D TDtSSDAY. MARCH 0, Is tho dntc of tho next regular mooting of the fihowmcr.'s Lcoguc of .\mcrlcn, which will be bcl.l In Ihc aeniuin Romu nt (be Grand Pacitic lletcl, Chliago. As the State Fair Secretaries' mcellng. at the AwlKorluro, will oien In (he aftcmonn of tliat day. It has been dccldtd (0 hold the Lcneuc n'<«tlnK nt (en o'clock In (he moruliig.* A largo attcnd.iiicc Is dcslrwi. • Joii.N B. Waiihen, President. IfELRN WARE will close her Taudcvlire enc gaginncnlH nt the Alhanibru week of ^(arch 22. NAZIMOVA will play ot the Orpheuu, Brook- lyn, for two consecutive weeks, openlns there this week. In her "War Brides" sketch. THE MISSES OA.Ml'BBM, are ^>talnc<l for a ccccnd wci-k at the Colonial. Tlio Initial "Sister" ccniblnallon to ik> uiich a trick, OAIlTEtt DI! 1IAV1WS new act. "Step Lively," Is helping to nil the gap Wt on the Prosiwct bill, In Brooklyn, (his week, owing to the iion.appeat'. ancc of Evelyn NesbK. who la undcrip>lug au opera- tion on her throat. ' JOHN 0: BIOE AND SALTA OOTIFJl ate presenting a new net a( the Colonlnl this week, called "At the Breakfast," by Herbert Wins- low. NBIL O'nniEN reports fair /■business for bla n-.lnstrels. After the New Orleans engagement thej' Hinrt townnia the N'tirtli. CECIL I.KiVN recently turned out at short no- tice a (hri'e net farce, on an order, ood he may be feiturcd lu the lAay. Iloldwlns Flying Hanson Harry I Peban, Oeo. Harrison, Joe L UoiHllce, Jimmy Hrgnes, Chas. Cutter. Wal. K. Hnyes, Oeo. P. Campbell, Hy. Htstt, Dan Carey, I/rana.'il Hndnon, Don Conuery, John Ingram, Fran.M Cr.rletoa, Al. Jobnson, Ralph CirlMn W. S. Jackson, S. A. Clark, (in. S. Joavons. Tbos. Ciilhiiiie. W. B King, M. T. (Sorbin, Ollmore Kralce, Wm.. IVilIna, a. D. Kclley, Francis Cock, Woody Keasey. Hunter C^nrson, Jas. KImbMI, Obas E Clilfonl BlIlT 3. Laylon. Harry Olark, Harry Ilnecmn, L. O. DlelB, Edw. Llntt, Hor. W. De Wolf, LlntoD l/>avltt. Mur. 0. Devlne, Edw. Lea, Motk De Stefanl, Joi. Lurente Check Darling, S. R. Long, Sam Denning, Jack P r.viise. Tony Demon. Ilnrvcy Lombard Bros. Drew, Herls'rt Ijinne, Eiisene PcVere. Hairy Leinnincl, Jnck Dyer, John M. Logrcnla. Chns. Drew, Clay T.nkens. Hnrry Duvcnporl. Ilert Maltlnnd Capt 3 Dixon. Will . Mereillth. Geo. Dudley, Edgar Melville. Jas. Davcniiort Bert Mackenzie. A. l>ayton, Geo. A. Mitchell ABrlgga F^dwanls. Jack Morsan, Oeo. R. Erhart, Vic. J. Mornn, Billy Kvnns, D. J. Malasso, Mario Kvans, Harold McShane, .lack Eniervon, lliirry .MacKcye, Colin Einorsons. The Mattox, P. S - Fsirle. Jay SIcAllcer, PranklWhlte. Gni. nidrcdjc. Mr. Mcaarery, J. 0.1 Yeonians. tleu. Evans, Eddlo ^IcSweeney. fieolVuril. Coo. .^forrlsoo, Jack I SEE NOTICE AT HE iD OF T.IST. EVRLiBI'JN DUNiMORE was anoUior forccil to ijult due to sure throat, Inst week. She ilroiM'"' out ot the Albombra show. 1 RENEE FLOniGN'Y, a planUt, Is^aklng li" debut Into vaudeville at the Pnlnco this wtvk. She was formerly a mumbcT of Uie Boston Sy:ii- phony Orchestra. Uathcwa, Myers, Bol McOoverii. Jas.T .Mix. aayton McVlckcm. Knht McEvoy. Win. J. Moiey, Ber'. Miller. Joe Metaose Don Moore, I'M K. Aloeon A IVnu'h Uocllac, Mort Nobles, .Milt Jr. Nelson, Earl Nvc, Th-.i. 1'". Niigcnt, twn Oclrlch. C- v.. Owen. Wm. Pnnllneltl P. H. Plant, VIC Prlc". .lue K. Pratic, W. Paul. o. Prultt. Walt Pace Jim .\. Perry, Jnck Patrick, B. 11. Ray, Jay Bice, Sum 0. Roy. Wnlt Riifscll. Mclvlllo Richardson. V. Roscnbcrger .M l'i ItoRcn. W. I). Renney, Jas Uusseil, Dan RalTerty. Ja». Smith, Lorry Samiison, Scanlon, J. Soiihlcr. It. '". Sterling. I/irlan. Sullivan, Ed. J Schidlk, F. J; Stanley. J. n. Sldninn. Snni SweiiRon Aiiri'it Sloctlnii, Sainl- Slcwarl. ,C. "Wliltm y Testa. Ilci ly Tnvh.r. I''. Tis'lily, Harn- Volta. Dr. J Valdo Mr. & Mrj VlaiM, Mel; Wilbur tti IlnrrlnElun Womlrnff. Ih-nrT Wlnfion. I'hll' \Ve;-.t. Oca. Wai'il. Ilappr Wiighter. Sli,'. WllllamB. 11. '7. PKMUY PliAVi;nS IN TANAnA. The Perry PetTlefn Plavers Onmpnay will «fm a Siiniwr nciimi of slock at QriOn's Tlieaire, aamUtoo. Can,. Marok it. I FREE! FREE!! FBEEIII By IaACRENCE B. MONTAOinB Illgli 111 fi, mcdiam In E-IUt, Ix)w Iq I)-ilat PrloA, 2&0. Net, Postpaid A Htnnnlng concert Song In thin—with a tiaumlng melody such na ninilc Bartlett's DREAM famoiis AT Di^WNINC- By CHARLKS WAKEFIEXD OADMAN nigh in A-ilat, mcdlnm in O-Ost Prioe. t&t). Net, Poatpa^d Song by John UcConnack. nnder tho nianagemeiit ot Ohailcs L. Wagner. WIiHt mora can be aaldr Will fkirnlah orcheatratlena of thoan »wo aonsa rt»t to any one wbo »»lll ■grea to sing aame in pnbllo Ollvor Dl-tson Oompany 180 TREMONT 8XRKBT, BOSTON