New York Clipper (Mar 1915)

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THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. March "BY HECK"»THIS IS k UPHW-BY HECKl IF YOU MHT SINB "BY HECK"-BY HECK YOU C*H DMCE IT RIB TICKLING COMIC SONG Music by S. R. HENRY Words by L. WOLFE GILBERT 1 I I Comic Singers, Comic Oanoera, Comlo Jugglers, Comlo Acrobats, Comic Musical Acts, Comfc Quarcettes, Etc., You Are Ctieatlng] Yourself if You Don't Proceed to Put "By Heck" on at Once. The Music Will Be an Inspiration to Your Act iPnOF COPY FaEE—To raeognlitd AftMa Mndlni liU pregrami. Othar* uM Bf. tn milling. Oreb. 10c. lii ■ VJk# CATPBim A. l02-l04W.3eth8t.,N.Y.C. ■ SI I EMPVr^ W^^^-y L WOLFE OILBERT. Mgr. Prof. Dipl. HAVE YOU WIARD THE BALLAD BEAUTIFUL, "MY LITTU DREAM GIRL" T ? liiitrune*UI OrchoitralJoni far Danca, or lor Mualcal aad Dumb Acta, tSc; Full Brua Band, 1 Sc. STATE FAIR MANAGERS MEET. BOOK HALF A MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF AMUSEMENTS FOR THE SEASON OF J9J5. STRICTLY BUSmESS SESSION LARGELY ATTENDED SY BIG SHOW INTERESTS. (Ki)ccial lu 'I'm: .Ni:w Vdhk CMj-fKii.) (."lllL'Aiio, Murct 11. Slntc full- iiiiLiuiMi-rH licld II two rtnyn' moot- liiK III (.■lil<'iipi. Ill llic Aiiailiirliiin lloti-l. ■i"iios(lny iiikI Wi'iliRwl.ny. Miircli 1», 10. Ovrr a liulf million (Ii.llarn woilli of MMriiillonB wore bflokwl for llir m-iiHon of 11)1.1. Till! ini'otint; wiih lurKcl.v iiltcndiHl, niiil u gront voliiiiii' <>t liiisliiiiSK trunwictcU. W. R. JfcJIor. iirralilriil of llio AmcKrnn ARsorla- llon of KiilrH iiikI lOxpoaltons. was chnlnnRn, anil .liii' .Morion, sncrelRry of Uie Infer- Btnk' I'lilr. Hloiix City, In., wiih ancrcinry. Tim folltnvliii; falni nml celoljratlonfl were roproBciilol: .N'obrUHkn Hlnlc I''alr. W. R. Mcllor, Llnioln; Inillmm Hlnlc l''nlr, Cliorles Downing, IndlnnapnllR: <'lmii. W. Travln, I,a IViyctlc: Wnrroii T. Mct^rny, Kciitlnnd. Ind.; IlllnoiR State I'MIr, II. M. fluvlHan nnd B. K. MnilU-y, SprliiKlluld; W. V. Alcn. liny: J. Prod Toinpic. (JiiIi'MlnirB; II. II. Ilolde. Olil- rngo; Intcr'Slnio Fnlr, Knnknkco, III.; Iicn Hiilnll; North Diikoln Slnlc Knlr, Don V. .Monrc. Qrniiil I'orka ; SoiitliniBt Tpioh Talr, llonuinnnt; <.'. It. Hone nnd A. M. Urook ; Ak Hnr lion, Oniiilin, .1. n. Wonvcr; Illlllnes Mnnlnnit Kolr, f. 1/. llnrr's; Dodto County rnir, llonvcr Diun, Wis.; t.'. W. Ilnrto nnd C. M. Ilnrlii-y; Moiilli Iliikoln SUlo Kolr, 0. N. Mcllvnlnu: Okliiliiiiim Slata Knlr, I. S. Mnlmii; lown Hlnlc I'"nlr. A. It. Corey, Clins. I.'ninpron, A. 0\huh nnd r). .T. C.'urlln; North Iowa Mn«oii (Mly h'nlr. \V. I,. I'litton : Inter- Hlnlc l-'iilr,. Slonx Clly, In.; Joe Morion; .MIniieBOl.i Hinle I''nlr, J. C. Hlmpnon, Ilobcrt Orlckmorc, (IporRn Atrlilnsnn, Tom Cnnllcld nnd K. J. Sllllwcir. WyomlnK Slnlc I'nlr. C. It. Irwhi: (InlcBliiirit, III., I'^nlr, h'rcd Jncohy; Mii'lilKun Sliili! I-'nlr, C. \V. Illcklnson. W. II. Strnllon. ncrrclnrv of llic Slnlc Knlr of Tcxn.i. -ivl.-cd from I>allnn timt ho wns mi- nvnldnblv ili'tnliu'd there, liiit would nrrlvc In i;iiUnRii iivxt Mniiilny lo book biR kIiows nnd fcnliir(>i<. rnONIIMCNT HIIOWAIICN I'lmsiSNT. .Vinnni; Ihc iiroinliii-nt showmen who were nttmeled to iJie inet-tliic nnd In ovUlencc In llic f.)ycr of thi< Aiidlturliim Hotel throiiRli- nut I be two iliiyH' Hcsaloii were: Al. I'\ Oor- innn, Bcnenil nuenl K. (1. Itnrkoiit Shows; M. 11. \Vi«lcoll, proprietor Wpstoiili United Rhnws; JnincH A. I'nttersnn nnd Ilnrry S. Noyes, the fJrent rntlor.iiin Sbovvi: Dan .Mf- (JhkIii. Kcncrnl aKcnt .liyvli):S«>i'niiiii\Shows I'on T. Kennedy nnil AMrllnrklcy, Yon T. Kennedy Shown: K. CC/Tnlbolt, Joe 1li)t(imnn. Hon Ilnnic!! nnd \V. C. IhiEKlnH. of Iho At llonio; I''d. 1<. Il(<lii7„ lOnrI lOnns and tor lloae. of Ibo lIolir.i tc Ileekinnn Hhi ()C0. II. I)ei;ni)n'; Kdivard ArlliiKtiiii and 1th 1,. nill, of 101 Itnnoli Wild Wcvst Slunv; J. It. Auslln. Keiiernl nKCiit (Unlry Ilnia.' Dni; BnJ I'cny Shnw; Nat Itelss, pniprlolor Kninoiis Nat Itelsa Shnww; Steve A. iVoorta, (:eneml nBPMf C- A. WiirUinm Sliowa; Dick Cnlllna p.nd A. T. WriKht, of the Inter-Slnto Tress Hervloe; Tom W. Alien, of llio Tom W. Allen aiicrwn; \V. II. Itlce nnd A. A. Towcra, of Itlrr Dorc Itlver I0x|H>8ltlon (?0DipHny; M, fl. Ilndkin, Roneral anitiHPincnIa; John II. Warren, priwideiit Sbowinen'H Ix>n(!uc of America; I'Vllre Ilernartll, mniinKcr of con- rrn'lonn with World at Home; AI. I.ntln, (iiipcrliilcndent of oonrcKHlons Tom W. Allen HlinwH: Al. llentli, of the Unvln A Heath Shown; Joe ICnd, of Ihn Kalr Aniiiacment Conipany; Ilnrry Q. Melville, WMlern mnnn- cor New 'I'ov Mfi;. l?om|mny: Chnrlea Dut- ilold. Rcnornl lunnnKcr, nnd Januvi OnnlllTe, Thcnrle rnlii I'Ireworkn Dlnplny I'oinpnny; W, a. WIlllnnH. the "Cotfec IvliiR;" J. I/, riiich. lomeMsloiinlre Ilelnz & llcfkmnu Slinws; A. 1.. Snlvall, maimRpr aldo show, Yankee Itohliison Olreu!!; Clinrlc."? Andriwa, of the Sellii-riiilo-lliiirnio Hill Shon-w; Jnnie^ T. Cl.vde, Keiieral inannKor (Irainl fnclflr Hole!; Ilerherl A. Kline, pniprlolnr Herbert A. Kline 9hiiw.<; Homer Wllsmi. nf tlie Wll- non Upox.' Wild West; (' 11. Invln. of Irwin Ilroa.' Cheyenne Dnyn Wll.l West : 10. l\ Cur- riilhera nnd Sam J. I.evv. of the llnltisl Kalri llooklnir AaniKlnllon: Chnrles Marali. Indc- ppndnnt l^^lr IlooklnR AjrencT; Kdivanl Jf nrsli. Harry V.' Iloye nml 11. V. TreveHeck, Piilr lleimrlnient Wi'slern VniiilevHIe Man- «Kt>rs' AFSOdallon; Klhel Itiiblnsoa. Mr. Miirnn, Pellx lleleli. nf tlio Itobliison Ainnsc- ment Corp^rntlnn : l-'red M. Ilnrnei and IUmi lloaertthnl, of I-'. M. Unnie.s. liir.; Chnrlea Kllpatrlek. of HihI Mnmi Tnlr. llniivllle, III.; J. T. Whidhoisl,'of Windhorst I.lpht Co.; Waller V. Driver nnd Kdward 1'. Nen- man Jr., I'niled Shiies 'IViil nnd Awnlui; Conirnnv; John 11. Snlllvmi. Mi-ouflii> John Wild W'est ; HiOrKe f. Newton, of Nen'ton riroworks (^>.: J. Sannders Onnlon. North Anierlenn I'lreworks Dlsplny (\).; W. K. Ilrel- nllp., l><innldxivi) liUbovrrajih Co.: IMiarlcH WiIrIiI. Aekerinnn & <)nl|!ley I.IIIio Co.. Kan- uni City ; C. A. Sherman and Orvll'c Unnnell. XaHoiinl Show Tiliit ; Kred Clarke, Itlver- Ride ShowJ'rlnl ; W. 11. Ilnrker and Walter Stnnton. Co-openillve h'alr nnd Dark AcIh; Mr. Ilnldvvin, for llle Itelmoat: anil Ihinter, hlpiHxIroine race aels; Mni Ornberi, elephant nnd iinlmni noli; Mr. JnoRor. for S. J. Aero Com.: Dr. 0. V. War- >l,s. Newenstle I'Irenorks Mfir. Co. : CliRi. Ynn Norinnn. bleycle lilch dive: SHvestro t Ilros. Ilreworki: S. Tomnson. Tomawia (innd; I'l-anelseo [••iirrello. Impel; llnllnmn. 'nnd: Kryl. Iwiid ; A. II. Nnsslvinin, ChlenRo Irnnd Onern Ilnnd: 1,. (\ Kellev Cllflon- i^elley Shows; Charles llerkell. World nt Home; Unbn Dcli-nrlan nn<) Mike /.Innev. W. J. Sweincy. John Miller nnd J A 8ler- nnd. C. H. Ami.slroni;. Itlvervlew P.xpoKl- lion ; John A. I'ollllt nnd Lew I) Nlrhola, J. If. DiitTy nnd W. II. Lewis. cnnVmilonalreB. IIANKIKSOK I,.AM>.S CO!«TUACT9. .. ?".' ?' /.'"^ .¥» i"H>tlng wn» Itnlph A. llonkliiflon. eeerelarv of.the Han- (Inc.)," of Dc Solo, kliiRon Auto-I'olo Co. Ivan. Mr, Ilanklmiou hta made an eavlablu rvpiitatloD for Mipsclf with the StAte fair .suvrotnrle«, practlcnllT all of whom lare dcno bUHlDC.ns wllb blm In the Ifst two years. As ao evidence of tbe popularity of IlnnklDson's Auto-Volo, th« (act mag be cited tbut Ills attnu;Llon has be«o bookiMl for the lo^'Q and Mliiocaota Shows tor lOlB, iiotwIthatandlDc the fact that they playod biilh of these laat scasoo, Mr. Ilanklneon also closed contracts with tlic North and SonUi Dakota State V^alrs, the Intcr-State i'lilr, BIoux City, la., end the Mtesourl State I'alr. Tho llanklnaon CompODy Ima prnc- llially a new onlflt tbis senson, the only old thing nboiit it belnR the nnmo and plavcrN. Tho American team will be cnptalucd by Itny I.nnipkln, und llic team by Illondy Slerllnu. Owlne lo the number of ( iipncoments offered Uils season, Mr. Ilnnkln- soii has decided to have two companies. The ononlnR of Ihc Foasnn will occur al llic St. l.onle CollsMim, St. T.«iils. Mo., on the nfternonn of April -1, for a flerleii of eluven Kiuics. Immetllotely after the dose nf Ihls enxuKOinent both teams will begin their road tours. Mr. IlankhiRon has ciigREed J. II. Maver ai Tnanagor nnd director of publicity for his companies. Mr. Mnyer was formerly editor of nn amusement pnper. nnd enjoys n wide ariiualiilaiicc aiaong showmen, lie was one of the most popular as well as one ot the moat ncllvc men nt the fair mnnagcrs' ncct- Ini;, nnd mn.v be depended upna to kenp the llankliisoii lotorcata well In the public eye thh nenson. THB WAIl OK N.VTIOKS. 1'hc Thcnrlc-I^al^ Klrcworks Display Com- l-nny was nl)Iy rmrcjffntcil by Charles Dnf- ndd. Jnniea CunllfTu and Georec IClrchner, nnd Innded a number of vcrr attractive con- Iracta with some of the big Stnte fslrj. "The Wnr of Nntlona" la llie ?pectaele for 1018. The picture Is 430 feci In Icnarth nnd nS feet high, nnd It prnmUes to be the npolbcBls of pyrotechnic nchlcvemnit. ThO' model WRB on exhibition In n private jmf- lor nt the Audllorlnm. tho Mecca for scores of Interested spectatora who marveled at the Hinge craft nnd InRonully of Ihc speotn- cle In miniature. Aeroplanes nnd Zopnellns, with human operators, will be utilized with tho Thenrle-IMIn production. Three hun- dred pcoipio •will take part, there will bo a ballot of titty nnd tivolve circus and spc- rlalty acts. George KIrcliner deslgne<l the siiectJicIo nnd evolved Ihi' srenic InvesllUire. "The War of Nntlons" will he a thrlllor, nnd tranRport the onlooker to tho bnttio fields of Wnropc. Tho Thenrlc-I'nin spectncle, "1 nnnmn Canal," will open the season nt Itlvervlew Rxposlllon. Chicago, July 10 for an engagement of thirty-one dnTs. "'Tho \}.ir Df Nations" will opfti In St. T'/Oula early the sjin.o month. The new Thearle-lViln plant will open In Roby. Ind., April 1 and II'F prodiirtlons nnd supplies for this llrin will lie turned oat there. AIIT SMITH, HOY WONDEn. \rt Smith, the darlug boy aviator, (tnorkcd the ancient axiom, "there 1a nothing new iiiider tho sun," Into a cocked hit when he looped the loop In nii aeroplane at night. Michigan Iloulev-nril Chlengo's Cliamps de" 1',1.1-sses, WAS packed and Jammed with ex- pectant liumniilty Tiicsdav cvonlng, 0, when Art Smith mndo a (Hrtit that will go down In the aiianls of nvlntlon history an the most ivmarknble nnd npeclnvular exhibition ever viveii la the upper oilier. To properly de- MTlbe It, and iirp n Just f]uotn of adjectives, would reiiuiro a pngo of »pnce. Tho Chicago ilallles the following morning rnved over Sinllli'a "death cJmlleace." The blplano he used was of Ihe Oxirtla-Wrlght type, and s mllar lo the Anierlcnu army aeroplane. In the afternoon Smith hnd broken nil world's rerords for loops In the air by turning twenty loops In four iiiliiutcs, a lullo above l4iko MIeblgan, opposite the Auditorium Hotel. I hat font wns enough to Insure lUm Stale fair bookings, but what he did at night ■•Inched Ihc mn'.ter for him. He made Boven li.nckwnni lonin amidst a meteoric display of ilreivorks. mndo ixwslHo bv the InatJlIation of special apiiarnlus on the biplane by the I lenrlivDaln Klre\vorJ(B Dlnulay Compnny, of rlilcngo. Ilrllllnnt inngnciiln lights sot the sky nglow, and as Art Smith ovoluted In tlie :ilr, performing the "denth dip," he iWt !» trail of tlrp liko n laonater glow-worai or the tall of n comet. Smith has made Chlrng.i he mdlnllng centre of the nvlntlon world. Ills exploit will he rcmemhortMl for to eoine, nnd TnllUoiia t\-111 marvel at his daring tills coming «ea»on at the hlg Stale fairs, a .number of which hta mnnnger. W. S. llaalar lias bonked. I.ooplng the loop In a blaze of llio has made Chleng,i:iiis forget tliev have ever f<vn nnother flyer. DOOKIKG .VlSKNTS ACTIVK. Wlien W. II. Ilnrker, the father of the coo|)erallve nel.'j iiropjigaada. appo:ircil In the foyer of tJic hotel anilltorluin and as- cended to Uooui -1:10. where the fair man- agcrn were In nesslon, there wns n hush for the nonce, nnd n wnve of wonder rlpple<l around the main floor. It had been pre- dicted by the Coopornllve Acts that thev were confident that n rfvolnllon would Inke place and that tho regular lH>oklng ngctrdes \voMld ho "put on tho blink." Wien Mr. Jiarkcr iynerge<l from this confnb with the fair mRnngers. It was learned that little could be expiHtnl by the Co-operative forces n» nn org-tnlrnlloii. During the course of the meeting some of the acta booke<l IndWld- uallv and weunxl contrncta 'hv reaRon of merit, nt n price aatlafaetory lo the fair lunnnper^. In the inenntline lha Robinson Amiweaient" <\)iTioratlon, repie!.-eutcd by Bthpl Iloblnson. l ellx Ilelrh and Mr. lliima; the Wettern \''audevlllo MoJincertf Association, reiircseut- e<l by r:dward Mnrsli. R. K. lYevellfck nnd llnrrv R Rose; the United Fairs Hooking Acsoclntlon, represented by I'). K. Cnrrutbers nnd Sam J. T-cvy ; Charles (himself) nnd K. M. Rarnes, Inc., represented by Fred NT. Ilnmes, Joe Itanmnn and Hen Itoeentbnl. were right on the Job, and placed contrnctB riinndng Into hundreds of thousands of dol- lar.". CAIIMVAI.S ■•rtPULAn. Carnival mangers Beciirc<I desirable dales, which will be duly anDOiinccd nt a proper lime. At this writing It Is loomed that the K. (I. Ilarkoot Shows, Great rattcrson Shows. W„rld at nome, C. A. Worthnm Shown and Tom W. Allen Shows anncxctl dales satis- factory to all concerned. Sevcml rarnlyal organizations by reason of prevloui book- Inga did nut enter the bidding, among Ihem being Con T. Itamcdy Shows. Herbert A. Kline Shows. Kbmous Nat Reiss Shows, Wentcott United Slioivs, Rice k Dorc Eipo- Bltlon Co., and Cllfton-Knlly Shows- It Is learned that AV. II. Rico bunked the nice J: Dore Water Circlus as a special feature at a number of the State fairs. DIG MBBriKR SUCCKSSKUl.. Joe Morton, secretary of the Intcr-Stutc Fair, Sloiii Clly, In., said lo a CLirPER rc- linrter upon the ove of his return to his homo clly, Thursday night; "Our mcotlng was not frnugbt with social activities. Wo were In Chicago to do bu.slness. and 'wc effected our nunioae. It was Ihc best meeting we ever had. The booking agencies hnd everything In Ihe way of amusement fnre roady for ua li) choose from - nt a price governed by the merit and atrracllveness of the features nITered. We did not have to haggle over lerms. Hooking nttrnetloiis for fairs nnd I'eloliml Inns has resolved Itself Into a regular business proceeding. We have cut out all Ihc old time frills and gotten down to rnspji. The carnival manager lias nvduted nnd be- I'ome n produc-ir of class entertainment properly presented. Altogether, what with loiiict (llnbta •with nn aeroplane, anto-polo gnme.-j. big bands, mito races and cnrnlval attractions galore, the patrons of the State f.ilrn thbi season will have a menu of enjoy- ment placed boforc them that should please even tho most Jadod appctlto; al fresco en- tertainment extraordinary, ond then some. The Chicago meeting wns a delightful re- newal of old time acquaintances and the mak- ing of new friend.'?." FOYCn BCIIOIiS. W. n. GoornEV. legal adjuster of the Yankee Robinson Shows, mingled with tbe tent show boys nt tbe Auditorium during the fair maragors' meeting. CiiAiii.RH Kii.r.VTiiiCK wrote over sixty ac- cident Insurnnro polldea on tlie floor at the • Audltorliun. Kll. Is a canny Scot. Hei> Oniom was the biulcst man nt the meeting. Popular—what? Tub State fair managers went over the plans for their Jaimt to the ranama-raclflc h'xposltlon npxt I'>ill. It la prettv cort.iln thnt tho speclR'l train will Btart from Chi- cago over the Burlington, and then take the Northern route ovor the Northern. The fiilr managers' meeting In 't'Yl.sro will proba- bly he held about Nov. 10. The secretaries n re desirous of being tliero In time to take In the big $20,0(10 horse race on Nov. 13. TiiK IlANKis'so.N AiiTO-Poi.o Co, made a nae display In a private parlor at tbe Au- ditorium. Ilanltlnson believes In advertising. [In •win have a wonderful billing dUplav this ?e«son. nnd Joo Mayer will nee to It that tlie newspapers nro kept supplied with material. Job MATim had no Idea how RtrdacTnn New \onK Ci-iri'sa was with the Stnte fair managers until he ntlGnded the'Tneotlng and thenjeni-ne<l thnt Tiib Oi,d, TlRf-fAnr*' n-ii's conaldered the nitthorlty ' Irt^ the -ontioor amusement hiuiljir**...- ^— xt^\h n^nnj^ "tli.c big niali from nilllnga. Mont., was given.n, boarty welcome to the doing? nnd made n Jnt of friends during his L" CT'l'^nPn- The C. A. Worthnm Shows will fiirulsh the carnival-attractions nt the nilllngs celehrntlon. IIOMKH Wilson- loomed un with his big Stetsoa chapeau—a typical Wild Westerner. KATiiEnj.vK Stinson, the avlatrlx, was on Si'l'v .^^odnoEdny afternoon mnde n night w th Art Smith, but did not loop the loop with him as conditions were not suitable for the nliint. OnACB DARLiNn and Art S.mitii were very miieh In pvldonce nt the Auditorium. They rertnlnly received n !ot of publicity In the dally papers. Alex. Si.oan attended the fair managers' meeting nnd placed cnntractR for his nuto rncere, ns did Rrnle Moross for his day and night auto racing. ^^'"■^I^'?" ""^ Ak-SnrReu at Omaha will be greater and grander than ever this senson. That will be going tome. nBN Ito.sKNTiiAL Rnld tlint the Rarnes olBcc slinnly "mopped up," whatever that means. .1 "JIV^', * "KCKSiAN Siiow.s (Hd not enter the bl.lding at the mftcllng by rnison of the fact thnt routlnss alrefldy conannmatod made !t unnecea.snry. In Ihe iiieantlme llcinz, was busy In Chicago closing up some affairs prellmliinry to the opening of the aonson at Knat St. lyouli. Tim Illinois Assodntlon of County Fair vV""'5,?" Sprtngfleld, 111., March IT. There will be a large attendance from (-lileago. '^o'?. P,!"<*n'>I<'. according lo rumor, that Ihe Sells-noto-IUifrnlo Hill Show will open ,11 Hlverelde, Cab, Instead of Kt, WorUi,-Tex CiiAhiRR ANnMr^ss. will hnro a Parker earr.y-iia-all with the Yankee Robinson Circus ■'f well as with the Denver aggregation. J. I.. SiMraoN Ifl planning some wonderful Ihlngn for tbe Mloresofn State Fair. One :liie gentleman and n keen Judge of values. Dan MrGl.'aiN wns here, there nnd everv- whore. Ho will be with the Jarvls-Soenin'n Shows this senson, and Is most welcome to ilip carnival fraternity. He knows the game from all angles. Co\ T. KRNNEDr'n Showmen's League of \merlca (ipeclnl train to tbe I'nnnma-raclflr bTiposltlOD wtis one of tbe great dcvelon- menta of the week. W. C. nuooiNS. of the World nt Home, returned to the Winter qunrlers nt D.iveh- port. la., where things nrp Rlinplug up nleelv for the opening, earlv In Mav. I ON T. KrNN::nT anm A. II. n.*nRt.BT re- turned lo l.eflvenwerth .ind Kansas Clfv. ARTHUR H. MILLER, 333 W. 44th 8t.,N. Y. B.t.stu&oth a Manufacturer of CHIMES, BELLS, MUSICAL NOVELTIES, XYLOPHONE, OHUWS. TRAPS. Etc. ELECTRICAL CHIIHIES and BELLS. The Con T. Kcimedv Shows will have a li^incli of Hurprlics tins season. Tub Ilvao Bros.' Doo and Tuny Siiow.s will open tbo season at Marion, la., la April. I'liEnB was spirited rivalry between the .'-li'>w printers at the mcctbig, ond all did well, according to reports. Tiic printers are IMiylng more attention to Oils class nf bual- ncsa, as they realize that It Is a profitable and growing field. IlEDREnT A. Ki.iNK shook hands with the fair managers. He has been up In Mlclil;;nn booking the Herbert A. Kline Shows for Ihc early openings. Nat Reisb told some of bis characteristic stories during the lulls, and as usual, hnd li!.-; hearers convulsed wHh laughter. Some reeontour. Is Nat. W. M. Ewixa secured several fnt contrccis for Kwlng^s Zouave Itand. Job Knu. of tbe Fair Amusement Co., a ad JIarry 0. MeU'Ille, of the New Toy Mfg. Co., placed onlers to the amount of about one hundred iho'Jsnnd dollars, with the conces- sionaires. A. T. WnioiiT AND UicK Collins did con- siderable business for the Inter-State Press Service. i;. C. Taluott, geuernl manager of the World at Home, and Steve A. Woods, general ngoirt of the C. A. Wortliani Shows, nlong with W. H. Rice. Tom W. Allen, A \ I'owers, Dick Collins ond A. T. Wright. in:i(le themselves active lu serving as a son nr re- ception committee for visiting showmen ni the meeting. John A. Pollltt helped the 'oikI work along. " RROTiinns BONB & DnocK, from nenmnonl —"that Texas Fair" got acquainted wlih r.verybody and bought a lot ot mnterlnl will add to their fair tlUa year. Rlgiii on the Job from start to finish. I'nBsiPBKT John D. WAnniiK, of The Show, men's League of America, added a degree <•{ dLstlnctlon to the gathering by his genhii presence. Kb. Cabrvthebs, for the first time In ii .>.. lory, closed contracts with the Heaver li^rn l''afr for United attractions. lie recmh returned from t^c South, where he chis'il contracts for many of tbe big fairs SBCiitrrAny Job Mobton', of the Intci-St--:o r'nlr. Slouz Cltr, la., filed bis applliiinoji for membcrshdp In tbe Showmen's ix-ncue oi Amcrlco. Hq Is tbe first of the State f ilr secretaries to Join. Others will follow, .ne cording to expressions made at the fan meeting. C. N. .Mclr.vAiNB said that the fair nun- ngers were looking forward to the Spcc.ul Outdoor Amusement Number of Tiik .Ni:\v Vor.K CLirPEH. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ARTS Connetted with Mr. Charle* Frohman't Emplra Thaalra and Companlaa Recognized as the Leading: Institution for Dramatic Training Tn America anaon nfc tdiictccs e i.i ..^ BOARD OF TRUSTEES Franklin H. Sargant, Praaldant FOUNDED Dahlal Frohiun John Draw In 18B4 Binlamln F. Raadar Augiialua Thomai For catalog and Inlarinatlon apply to tlie Sacratart Room 182. Carnagia Hall Naw York MINNELLI BROS. MIGHTY DRAMATIC CO. VNOEH CANVAS Wai lotnll.v dcslioyed by lire at tlic Winter QuHilcrs. Delaware, ()., In Xovembcr. Now being iuImiiIi III a coHl or tiu.uuu, iiiaklMg li Ihc greiiicsi of lis kind en Kailli. Voiina, clever, iittracllva Ingenue, with atrona 8|ieciul«y. ' Young, proUy .liiv.- nirv Woman, capable of playing Leads. G«<n. nun. Man, tTlIU Specialty. Capable Actor, to direct. Oosa CunvaH Man. OlherB wrltn. \\e demand nbllllr, wardrobe, appearance and Hobrlety. You get vour Biilary. Good treiitmciil. I."m;; Season. Make salary low. It's abBolutely sarc. I'av your own. Seven t'ei forniances a week. I'lioi" and program musl accompany Idler. I'rejSfcy jour "wires. TIckcis from Ilong Kong If you are wlmi wc want. Itelitame April 10. 3U AVeHt Fountain Ave., Delaware, Olilo.) | WANTED-STOCK PEOPLE ALL LINES. FUll SPRING AND SUHIMBH STOCK CHATTERTON THEATRE, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. OPEN BASTEll SVNDAV WANT SCENIC ARTIST THAT CAN PLAY PARTS riioiOH, prog.'iiiiis, lowest Hiihiiy, In ilri-i Iciiei', Aibliess OTIS OLIVEIl, Mgr. Ollvur Drama Players, OrpItHuiii llinatre, llockford. Ill FUH STOCK on UEP. UNUEU CANVAS LOUIE E. RAMSDELL ETHt RAMSDELL Leads. DIreclor wllli Scripts Gharactars andlHeavies Uauugoni waiillug something a little bvitui- mis bcuKuii, write or wire 210 Orove Avenue. Kigliin BEAUTIFUL HAIR IS NATURE'S GIFT TO ALL « by rulu It with expensive concoctions thai mrely deceive even llie ciibuiiI observer? Your hnli reveals yourngo. Keep It ,voiiiig, benltliy. In ii tliiiry growing coiulltloa and it imlural color by Hi'; Hliniilc, hamilesB, Inc'ipenslve, lioiiBcliold remedies of MADAM AMllKAl', wlilch have been usiM III the homes of h<ir Krancli Hncestoi-s for yearn with coiuplele bucccbh. Send 60 cuius In coin or moiii > order (not siamps) for this MADAM AMIIEAU fonuubi and home treutiucut of the hair. Itencws <>!': und faded hair, natural or fnlse. Docs not stain the aralp nor rub oir. Addrei* THE AUUEAU AQKNOY, Went DIv., Uaylon, Mont. WANTED-DRAMATIC ACTORS and MUSICIANS All must douhlsjll. nod 0. or stage. Ononlghler. Hotel. 1'Hy your own. Long season. Itellcal'^<|>l- MarcbJO. Tcllltall, I.niieroDly. Tickets, If tlilHflldo of the war »ma. If you get a reply your »Hlnn liiUBl he right. F. O. WIIETTEN, Davia, So. nak., Cure The Cow Faneher (-o. YOUR MONEY BACK ' WITH THESE PARODIBStll "Valley of Moon," "Oamo of Love," "Start Vlclrola," "Juat for To-Nlght," "Yon Wore Tallp." "<";; My Love," "Finger In Fie," "Kill Oaken Uncket," "One Idea About Girls," "Kvcrylhlng tiy Yon. "Tlppcrarj" and "Michigan." Last 6 Jew. 10c. each: 3 for 26c. Other material. Catalogue and en- doraomonti KRF.K. BIAKY B. F. TIIAVEH. aino Droad St.. Providence. B. !• SONGS UND ACTS TO ORDER Special, cicbinlvo and I'rof. Bongs for Vniidovllle, Iliirlc9i|ue, Ualiarcta and Olnba. Skotcbes, Mono- logs nnd UurleaqucB to order. Kvery thing in Songs nud Acta. Stnnips for circular, terms, etc. HOllT. II. Illlt'WMJ.V, 14S3 Uroadway, Kcw York THEATRICAL IVIGS 'roupcea, Ladlra* Hair Oaed*. U. Btdn'a Uak*- Up. Send for Price UaL OBO. BHINDHBLU, L'lrj W. 41 at St.. New Tork. 'Til. 8T2e-Br7aBt. Exceptionally Preny Girl Ciood Volco and Good Figure, Join well-kuown nci. Smart nppeamnce on nnd off easeililnl. <•""'! money for right party. Amateum save siaiiip^- Writo ASTORrA, 221 Weal «d St.. N. Y. IVAlVI^Bi^l^ Conccsnlonn. whecl> W AH JL KlMf Shows, Hiding Devices for Cheater, New Jeracy Carnival, May O^.^l- lllageat event la Jeraev, Address IIII.T. PONM-.. SON, I«3 Hroadway, ^^ V.