New York Clipper (Mar 1915)

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26 THE ISTEW yore: CLIPPER. Maboh 27 Circus and Carnival Men Fully Eoped Circus Tents W ild w est Canopy Side Show Tents Side-Show Banner Fronts Circns Seats Folding Canvas Benches Reserved Seat Netting Tufted Eing Mats Write for Btook List of Banners Carnival Tents and Banners Concession Tents Pin-Hinge Portahle Frames Wheels and Serial Paddles Stnffed Toys, Dolls, Etc. TENTS AHTD^Felt and Leather Pillow Covers Aluminnm Percolators SEND FOR OUR ins COMPLETE QTALOGUE OF NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS Bend $4.20 for Six Sample Pillow Covers "Write for Bpedal Prices United Stales Tent & Awning Co. 225-231 N. Desplaines St. CHICAGO, ILL. Circus. BEN nosRvrn*.!, dbad. ■IWn lluiH'iillm). f«niJll«rly kuowL aa "niR Hon ilicil Hi liln rfulilcncc In Clilcago. March 10, after n lirk'f llliiom of tjiibolil iJiwinnoiilii. At lUe llinc of hlH dcinliw. IV;i» JloHonllial wa« nlHIlRlcd wlUi I-'. M. Ilnriiiw. Int., Chlcnito, aa ►iwclal travtlliw rfiircwiilaiUo. II* waa a .Maunn nml mi Thf f«iicr«l MTvlcMi wrre iH'IcI from rni-lliH tliicliTlalilrg Chaiicl, tbttLyarili Slrwit and Urand Uoulcvard, Cbicago, Ma rcli aa. TIIE fbllowlnj Bilvnnof ngciiln have mnrlrt for til* Brat cur of the Dnriium & Unlley Olroiui: W. Scoll. Win. J. I/«nlion, T. Ilnck, V. noaa, a. <^iiilij-. r. Iliirk. I!. I'orliiT, R SiiutIc, .1. 'IIpMlor. <;. .Mnililcn, ». I.lmlwall. J. Klnn. I''. Wllwni ami .1. On-KH. Tlif iH-it cull of tliv iii'i'iils will 1« Marcli 2(1. TIIIO KIT OAltSOS IHNCll wm- ai'lil III mictliin. at OliluaKo. W. II. II. IIKMANK, llii- .lew il.>vvn, who wna Milli llii> UliiKlliiK (llrciiH lii«i Bpawiii. vlslinl lila ri'Imda at Kli;lii, IM-lvoiliTC au<l Ilnukfiiril. III., iKHt Hi<«li. He ciiH-clH to br wlib ItlnKllnif KruH.. Ill lli(> miiiHi cnimclly llila wuwm, opviiliiK at tliu CollHciini, III Kl«lii, April 17. fur n ivM'k'a gtr.iiil. A HI'KXJIAJ. iniiKlt'ali' mm ^Ivi'D nl llir fictory nf llic riimiiuatlc CnllluiK' (.H>., In llluoniUvId, N. J.. Krliluy. Ill, <iii llii' iK'^v riilMiiirc foiialriictdl fur llio Uaniuiii fc llnllry .siiuw. Ma'iv kIkiw fi>lk illNiikil. It la (lie liiriii'Hl iilr cnlllo|H' In llic wurld. vDil wap o|M'rilti>il liy twu playiTa. I''IIICI) .\. TOM NO. furiU'Tly well klinn-ii iih ii 4-lnvi'n, illcU at 'Mb Vvnuuut Avoiiuo, riuvldi-iiLV, .March ii). 11. A. (KVCKI, <if Torre IIiiiilc. Iiid., iirlTata fivriMary to Onwforil Kalriiaiika, wlin r"«'nily 4ii'i|iili\*«l th* ronliulliii; iflovk mI tli* Hageiiliet'k- M'aMact* OlrviiH. nud who. at u lueolhitf of tlic t<iwklii>li1rn, waa >Mcct«l tKrrlnry and trcoann'r, It^vtn tli« rarly pan uf April lu ii^iihiiiii' cliiir:^* of hia (hitla. Show ojitna at OIncliinatI, 0., Ai.rll U. lll<:i\7. A IIKf^MAN MHOWN. The Uulililnif ttinvkca are \k\uk imt on Uio II. & II. allow ei|ul|>iiieat, at the Kaat Ht. I.oula, III. , Winter giiartcia aad urbvn Ibc guiii alrlkea 4111 April ID, cverylliliig tvIH Iio Id roBiUnoafl fur llic Ojieiilnir. The rolllup atock. according to all niHirlH n'uchhiB Tiia (Jurriu. li ini|><>rb. Au nilillllon nf tun alep|>rra, Iraaed from John II. Warren, waa made laat week. Decalur, III., will Ix' Ibi' next aland following tho u|iealag week in Kaat ill. l/oult. IIAVin (S, I'OLLOCK CALI.8. Mnvld U. I'ullot'k, Uje "Overall King" vrna a v>'li-ani« caller at llie Wcalern lliireau of Tiim <'i.ii>riB, lu Chicago, I'ridaj 10. II« nttcnde'l a inoetlng of ganiieiit uiakera In Chicago anil left t!0 for Tolciio mill llieiiiT to New Yiirk. to cloae a BoveriUQCUt contract for KliakI o«|ulpnient. J. C. MoCAFFDSnV IlKTIIRNS, J. (". MiOftffory. wlio will haw Ihe nrlTlleites ulih one of llie lilg earnlTal iiricniilzatluns. liaa Trinrniil to Oliltago after a aoonlliiM trip In <he Ni>rllnv\«t, wbcrv' he found iNniilltloiia pronilalni;. 'riie rruu outlook lu the wlicnl ciinulrj la lui- iiM'nite. Burlesque BURLESQUE ROUTES. Colombia WheeL Al. Ileovca Hhtm (Irrlng Bogle, ia«r.)—Oa^etT, Dolrolt, tt2-21. Oalely. Toronto, 20-A|irll :i. Amerlcaa neautles (liOii EpAtdu. nit,T.)—dtar, at. Paul, 22-27; Oayelj, ..Milwaukee, 2U- Aiirll 3, Itroadwar Qlrla (Do^i Oonjon. mgr.)—Oaxety, Omaha, 22-27; lar oft 29-At>rll 3; MlnoeMnlla, E-10. Ilrhinan Show (Jack Singer. niRr.)—Olympic, Cincinnati, 22-27; Km(ilic, Toledo, 20-Aprll 3. linn Ton« (Kraitk XfoAleer, mgr.)—<Rm|ilre, To- ledo. 23-27 ; fltar ft Oarter, OUctgo. 2U-AprlI Dig Joblleo (Maurice Jacoba, mgr.)—Oppheiim. I'Btcrton, 22-27, Kinplie, 'liotwken, 2a-Aprll 3. II<Mi Welch'a Own Oo. (liarty Sttaplro, uicr.) — Kmplre. Ukln., 22-27; New Ilaicn & Urldge- |iort, 211-Aprll :i. Ba. tlchaofer. mir.l—Gayei.. «. IlVVIVt^S r\K.K IVAI.K. 1.1 If^nal \V'Ml,liiii,ii i\f lltA Miir Mtiiiieti l''n'<l Wal Ininii, nf the .Murray ITIll an iilil fii.sliloiud Soutliiin \t....l«.^.l.. v.* itA ri'i.. ..ini Tho Nell' Yl'Pk, nillli)lllliv>l mi imu iii.-iiihuku .-iiiu rrlr.<' t'nko Walk fur Wcilnmlay iilKbt 24. Ill l.i'inliiii.s aix" iliiTi- IliU wwk. 'riiK <i«)i.i)r\ (iv rio iiUti.s, ll'ng. </iMhiiinii, (tf Itte ('ii.i|iiii iii-1.oilcr Miiali'al Ooineily tXi.. on Icar'ilnu tlinl r-Imi. IC. TnvNir v-tii,lil put oilt the ilolih'll dale (llrl»i (^l.. Inr-iniH lir4 llnil lie Unt Imi'11 11:11111; llih tlllo for liN lilii- ».Ual i-oimnly t\>niii:iiiT fnr llii* pail i-lx liiulilhs. ('«>iiTKi,i,i I'OH nonv, Tony Ciirlt'lll ivplaivs .->iuii |i,>il,v ullli tlio ••.Million l><illar Hulls.'" nl AHmiiIIi- (.•liy. .N'. .1.. Mnrrli lili. 'riu< sliow pliLjH ^•iiilix' Holy Wwk III Ihf Nlloii, .Mlanlli' Cll.v. ATTICNTION—I.F.W <;«)l,nK\. I am In piw*,(i>s:ilim of lnf,>riiiAili>ii nf Tnlno III Ia'W IIoMoii, foniU'|-ly .li'W r.tiiiotlliin Willi IhlXh Sbllira Show, mill If li,> will lOl.llvsH II. J. lOol. NHW YnllK t'LlPl'LlI I'tilTi-ilKinill'llI, 1-114 I'rh^k lllilK-, l'liwliiiii;li. Tn., In- »lll K^iirn Boiiii- tlilin; to hla nilv:iiiiiii:i*. niiii. IN iii.M': .v(i.\i\, Mllllo De Li^iii. apixarlni: al llu- .Majivllc, ami i'.illll.ll-, nt till- iVillllllMil. ImlliiinilH^IN, liKl.. lust vi-i'k. \rerc nrr\*wlvil on u iliai-ci- of lii(h<i-«-iii ovolii- 4101, 111 daiicliiK, worn lu-iiiillioil liy ii liiry lu JiiKlli'o .Maliolin'a nmi-i ihi-n-. I:iil wivl:. UriR HAM Ti>N Kiik will U- n«.'.l oror llie nniii'x wluvl iivxt iti-aMin. .tai'k MisUv will 1k» fi'.ltiirod Willi llio kIiiiw, mill n'lll lake IWrt Jiiikor^K Tx>le. Unhci* will .^ilnr In n now l04>k of Ilia «m-ii. llll.l.Y '•.•"-MIMNiC W.VPSON did the lafkvat liii!tlni<Ha ilio Piiliiiv. llalllniim*, liaa «4*en ao far lllla Hoaaoii. HlllMM JKII.MdN hiu .lli4iMvi<r\<il IheMy-ttorlonn MIhh I'arr, ^\liii will pr-ilialily la* Hwli 111 the prlliLl doliiia ri-h> nf olio of liN hIuiws. A. J. KKNOAI,!., forniorly atoiit for llio Wal- mili Slum. Iiaa forsakon linrlc^qiio and Is aivinl- lli: l-lH time pi-i-fivlliig m-vitiiI pan-nlH of lils own. lie luTeiiii'd Ilii* aiil.iiiiallc roiininlii uimiI 111 ••IIIkIi JliikK." mill Olio of hia niher am•lvas^ll pnloiilH la a now i-iip for Pili'iiiii Uttili-a. I>AN (l|ll1UKSlll:lMI-:il. iniiiinKor nf n'nlnnli'n OrlonlalH, la aallio: ;i:»iii; lliioly, nml linn kin n (.•vnal deal of UHni"\ f-.r iho .-iliow ao far llila !»oa- Miiii. He !m one <<r ilio llvnt nnil itnvtl up-to-dulc iiiniinirorH In tnirK'^iiti,- TUIC olil Rnipir,' Wlh'i'l. which. ia<t ao in;iiiy ycara upi. waa voiy )>owi'i-fiil. luay conic Iniii llin llniollKbt aKiilii iii'Xt ia>as4ili, TIu^y nlrojiiy I,lire ti.oiity-two lioiist'ri, a'ld iin' iiiakliik* arnii^ci* iiiciila for ton iiairo. 'I'lioy Imvo llic worda <ff laanv pn<nla<iit Ooliiinliln iiiai:iiali';i to have Khou-a over lliilr wlicel. II will work l-liisl and Weal of I'hlrak-n whore their nialn iiirnv will Iv loi'aU.l. IIII,I,T "ItKHIc TltUsr" W.Vl-SON haa riMii- L'nz4'<l JuliM jHi<ob9, ua Iluich iMnicdIau of Lla -urlintal cg.niiiuir, tor uut wiaoa. IV'iiutT I'nrade (Hd. ijchaofcr. mgr.)—0a»et7, Ihirrnlo. :!'J-27: ajrnciiia ft Utlca 2n-Anrll <- Ikmery Ilurleaqiiera (TV* Ooheo. iB«r.)—Jiinplrei llolaikcn. •J2-27: Kmplre. Drooklrn. 30-Aprll 3. Jlllly Wnlaon^H Illg Show (Billy Wnlaon, nik-r. 1 — (lulely, .Mluncuiulbi, :U-27; iltar, .St. I'aul, 20- Aprll 3. Carnation Deautlen (Ram Ilofclrwui. mgr.)—<>a9l- no. I'hlln.. ;!^J-27; l-nhiw. Ilalllniore. •Jn-Aprll a. CollPXO Olria (Max Hplccel, raur.)—tmjierlal. «t. I.oiils. 2:1-27; Oaiety, Kanna Ult5, 29-Apr1l 3. Dri-ninlnnd IlnrleHqueni (Boh Tpavera, nigr.) — lliirllg & Soainon'a, New York, 3'J-27 ; Onihnim, Piiteranii, 2U-Aiirll 3. riilllcs of the Day (Jnck MoVnnuirn, mtrr. i — .Sow Haven ft llrhlgeimrt 22-27; Wcvlnilnater, ProTldciiee, 20-Aprll 3. Oohlen Crook (Janioi 0. Fiillom, mgr.)— iUjetj, •I'liTonio, 22-27; Oayety. Iluiralo, SO-Aprll 3. Oaletr Olrla (Jacoha ft Jermon, mgrs.)—l*alMe, Ilalllniore, 22-27; Oa)-ptT, Waahlnfton, ao- Aprll :i. C'ligee Olrla IV. W. Ohlpmin. tngr )—OajMy. ritlabiiTRh. 22-127, Star, 01«T*ltnA. 3»-Aprll «- Olohe Trtillera (Waah Martin, in«t.)—tlngtewoOd, Clilcagu. 22-27, UnyetJ, Detroit, It-April B. Cypi-T Malda (Wm, V. Jennlnga, lulir )—AlhoDT aud Hartford 22-27, Oalety, Soaton. 29-Aprll 8. n'rlB of the Moulin Itouce (IIiiTtIg & 3«tnKm, lagra.)-WealinlnnlcT. Protldenct, 32-47, On- aliw. lloklon, 20-AprlI b. Oiiy New Yorkera (Jake Ooklberg, mgr.)—fllar & Onrter. Ohlcaeo, 33-27, Bnglenood, Oilcilio, ID-Aprll 3. RlrlH fMro Ilappjiand—^Mlnor'i BrooT, Kev Tork. '.2-27, lay olf 20-Aprll 3. Ehnpltv, Nawirt, S-IO Hiipiiy Willow* (FeiineMy ft fleck, ingra.)—Oo- limlda. New York, 22-27, lay oil 20-Aprll 3, ('iialno. Ukln., n il). I'l iioyinooii Olrla—(Inlety. Huston, 12-27, Ilkrt- r«nl and AllMoy leo-Ajirll H. HiollnHa' Dig Show (Il.irry Ilaallngn. tnft.1— llnrlford and Albany 2t-i7, Illper'a Dnnx, Si-vr York, 2n-Aprll 3. MU'ily till la (Alrx. I). GortoaD, mgr.)-Caalnn, Pixlnn. L-J-27. dnluinhla, Snr Vnrk, •JO-Aprll .1. laivo Makora (W. M. t.onlle. njirr.)—Star, Olere- iiiiil. :!::-^.>7, nlvmplc. ClncliiMatl, 20-Aprll 3, -Million Ihillar DoIIh (Ira Miller, mgi-l—Rmplr». NoMi.rk. •^■il. Nixon, Atlantic City, 2D-AprlI 3. I'rlBi' WlnnciB (A. Penrnon. mi^r.)—Onyoty, ICnn- Bcn Oily. 22-37. (lalety, Omahii, •.iO.Aptll 3. Ili'selniid (.Irla (Wnller UrcnTeu. nun'.)-OauliiA, I'kln.. :.2-27, lliirtlg ft MetDion'H, New Vort, :!li-Aprll :i loliv-H'l. Itom- SvilelPa (IIrttv 'Hininiwon, niin-.)—Oi>lnni- Mil. (Niliak-o, 22-27, Iinprrlnl. St. lAjiila, •Jil- .Vprll 3. lloK-y I'liwy Olrla (P. a. Clark, nij,T.)—Lay off •.■2-1I7. (hialno, Ukln., •.lU-Aprll 3. t-otiiil Mania (J. J. Mcberman. mgr.)—Lay olt •J2 ^J7. Kin|ilr<'. Newark, 2D-Aprll ;i. til'diiix Illlly WnlMni (K1..,M. iWolhal, niiT.) — Cnli'ly, WnabliiKloii, 22-27, Oajcly, I'ltlalinrgli, ;;;)-A|ii-ii ;i. Slur ft OnrliT ((•'•rnnk WVIslKig, uigT.l—Qaletr. Milwaukee, '..i-27, Columbia, (Kilcagu, 2n- .Mirll 3. TriK-mlonii (Frank S. Tierce, iiih'r.)—I^ay of 22- •.'T. Mlniica]iolla •.Ml-Aprll .1 Wiiinlii;! WliloWH (Lioiila Ollbert. ing.'.l—Onvetr, .^, 22-27, Albany nnil ll.nnford 211- Aprll :i. W.-itson SNlera* C41. (>rax (^degol, nii:r. 1—»SyTfl- oiiiH' niid i:ilca 22-27; a.Aloly. .Monl.ival, 'JU- Aprll 3. Ciihiiiilita Whcpl—Aildi-a. Anio OlrlH clVilily sliip-iiiH, mgr. j—llintireia, IViliiiiiliiis. 2*J-*J7. l-^iiipliv. Clovulalid. 2*J-Aprll 3 rit Itovli'w (lleiiTy P l>lxnn, iner 1—I'1ni|ilrc, <':ovolaiid, 2:;.27, Victoria. rillHlinrgb. Uti- April ;i. Hol-ouilani^iMnmiy Hill, Now YorU, 22-27,, Kklii.. '.Ill April :l. r-4v;iily, ^lln^ll and l-'olly (I.(iula Rt.irk, pigr.l - .•<l;ir. Si-iinlnii. 2-"I, Pli.gliaintoii ajiil Sdioiuv- l:oly 2ll-A].rll 3. i;U; s<>nsiniiii i.MorrlH Wuliiatm-k, nikT.l—S'ar, llklii.. •.-.:-27, 'l'ro>-ailoro, I'lilla., ]|)-Aprll 3. Ciiy Simrla (It. l-; Paliiiii. nui.l—.Vlclinla, I'lla- hllru-h, Li: 'JT. f. i:ii Olft-iill :^U-AlTil 3. t'r.n-kor .lai-ka inuu-h-tf Kalko. mgr.I— i\'H\x 'Olr- . nli. •Ji; •:! ; Nii.v York 2li-.Vprll 3. t'hi-rry lllot«.onia i.M.-inrUv J:04di«, iiikT.I—.Ilurk- Jiigliain, l.onlaTlllo, i:2-2T; .tlnndard, Olnela- iMII. •.■Ii-Aprll :!. Oil;.- Veiloa—Cndlllao. IVlpHt. 22-27; Kminvaa, Kl. Wayiio. •JH-Aprll 3. Oiaiinlng WIiIowk— lli,-.niiii,1iaiu and iicliiawfllaJr 22-27; tVirlulhhiii. ll.k-tiiwler. ^li Aiirll 11. I'olllca of UI2I1 il*w •Pillwi, iiicr.)—.^iBiMlard, .St. l.iail.i, 22 27; Ci>iilnry, KniiKiiK Oily, 29- April 3. rolllm of l'|.-a..<uio (llnla> neniateln, mgr.)—lay off •JT l-'ar 1-VaiiT IV>. (.In> OiiiH-iihclmcr. mgr.)—Aca- ilolliv. Jorsi-y Cliv 22-:i7. l-"n'ii,-li M.alolH (Dlok Zx-lalcr, mgr.)—,^prlngnoM •J-.: 2-1. lav olT •Jii-Aprll 3. Olrla of the l-\.Hiiw ill. M. Blronse. mgr.)— i;.-ivolr- I'lili^ai;,!. 22-07 ; (V>lumliua, IiidlaDapdlla, liiil.. 2n-A|irll 3. Oiiy WldiiwK il.oiiia .7. Olienrnrita, mgr.)—Sinr, Tiirtmio. •JJ 27. s.ivoy, llaniilKui, 211-Aprll ;i. Olrls from Joylninl (Slin Wllllnnis. mgr.)—.^tavov, llaiiilliiin. 2'J--J7: I'.i.lllliio. IVl-mlt, 2n-Airrll ;i. tianlcii of (ilrli (l.onU llcranl, in|.T.)—Slnndaril, fiiii-liinnil. •J2 27. Oar MnrnliiK (llorlivi (.l.ick llllinw, mrr.)—Con- iiiry. Kaiiaaa Oliy, Mo., 32-^7; lay oft •J'.i-' Ai rll :i. I'lllo. I'arls (Will. IPudim, iiu;r.)—Olvmidc, New \ork. :2'^7, Aoailiaiiy. .lona-t Utt. JU Aprll 3. Klk-h l.lfo CIrIa il-'raiik Cnhlor, nii;r.)—Urand, liii>ioii. •.'2-27, Mam-licalor, N. 11.. niid Wor i-'ilor. Muss.. 2!i-Aprll 3. Ihi-l. llollori.—( il:ililinorx», W-27, IMilla- ilolidili •Jii-Aiirll 3. Ili'.irl rii. iin-ra (Have Oomlroii, ii'.RT.)—Onyoty, IMillii.. '.i'J 27 Ml^o f .Mnkora ((■'. W. i;ilinnlr. ui(T,)—U» off 2J-aT, UnWit; Cliicwo, iUAiirll 3, Monte 0:iTlo Glrl.» (T. SulllTan. mgr.)—EnnHwi, I-\>.'l Wi^ne, 22-27, Ilnyianrket, (%lcago, 20- -April 3. _ OrlenlolB (HlUr Wataon, o«r.) — Trocadero, l-hlln.. ^•it-27, HcrautoD. I'a., •J9-31. Ripkmher Morning Olnrlea I Asa (>imTulD«a, mgr.) Atlantic Olty 22-24, Trenton 15-27, aayety, I'kln.. 'JO-Aiirll 3. Tonco (llria (()ha«. B. Taylor, mgc.) —^Minchester, N. II.. i2-27, New York 29-AprlI 3. Imso yiK<n8 (E. I'5. Unly, iner.)—HaymaTket, Uilcago 22 21. Standard, St. Louis, 20-AprlI 3. Tail Olrls—OalfltJ. Bkln.. 22-27. Tcanploni (Oua Kolin, niffr.)—Oolninbl*, indlin- n|«lla, i2-27, Ilucklnfitiam, Loularllle, 20- Aprll ;•,. „ Tram AtUntlcs (Choa. Dor.ohoe, mgr,)—Howard, Puaton, 22-27. Oranil, Iloaton, 29-Aprll 8. UiKle Sain'B IWto»—I'erlh Amboj 22-24, South I'4Mhleliein 26, Haaton 26, Oayety, Daltlniore 20-Aprll 3. . V Z.illiih^a Own RiKnr (John Rckbann, mgr.)— Oirliithlaii, Itochialer, 22-27, Stai, IMOuto, 3S- Aiiril ;;. I'ENN CIRCUIT. Hearer Falla, I'a.—^Monday. MoKeeapori, I'a.—^TneBilay. (irwrrthuM. ra.—Wedneadny. Mlahler. Allo<ina. Pa.—Thursday, llrphetun, York, Pn.—Frhlay. Acudiniy. Iteadliig, L'n.—(iatarday. THE HAPPY WIDOWS. This Feiine-ity ft Herk attraction, mis ireek at Iho Oolimihln, ."^cw York, Includes Jos, K. Wat- aon, Will Uuhan, Uiden Vau Uuren. Irrlng Hay, Krv (>'l)ell. Margie Oatlln, HowanI Hall, Harry Voiiiig, Mickey McOnrry and Klale Smllh. 'I'ho bLow win bv fully rerlewed In our next l»i ue. CARNATION DIIIAUTIE» NOTES. Sam Ilolilnaon, manager, was atlmltted to mem- tientlilp and Initialed In Ibt N, Z. Lodge, Ko. 1, 11. I>. O. h:ika, laat week. Hob UayuKind, of tt* City Comedy Fotir, has liad a tough season. After flghtlog throat Iroiilile for aorae time, bo baa had the mhfortuno to be stricken wllb tyi»Uold pneumonia. Ua h now Id the boapllol and It la reiurted Ibero la no hopj for hIa reeorery, .Vicral memberj of tic company at tended the White ll&ta Uall Itat week, and had an enjoyable (biio. I'ullr Aarunson will Eoon commence rebearaala <if the ii*w lion act, to be preaenied In rande- Tlllc at the close of the aeawn, lu which he will bo aoalcteil by Uura Rogerii. Aiiiin iMiit clonil nt Newark to co Into a yauilerllle act with Wlllard Kent, mllUed '•Mlaa 3IH.'^ Philip Ii.-illnii niid Mn. Uolton (formerly Nan Iliuwlll have oiikiiKnl :i Iningalow al Hockaway lleacli for tlio Siiiiiiiicr, adjoining tlic Itobliison Octlngf. Low Spoolor WIS txiyally enlerlalncd at New- ark liy llio St. (Xx-lle Lwlge ut Maaolna, aa the KiK-at of .Mr. Miller. Lillian Lawrence and Ilolly Kdwnnia will be- OMue plctinii Ihe.ilrv ' Irej^uivra at the clOiK' of lltU Ik'MMlll. JOK SOIIOUIllNO'tl UIUTIIDAV PARTY, On Wo'liiC'idiiy nl^flit, Murdi 17. ut the Qulncy lloiiae, llroohlyn, rt largv blrtbiloy pnrly waa Klvcii to Juo Schoorliig by liln wife Julia. It waa a morry Kalherlug of vauiluvllU and hur- jTOi)iie folk. The fun .•iturlc^l at 13 o'clock, when mi|>iwr waa .sorrial, wlili lol:i of goml c.Ua and plenty of Uitt (icriuau diatiirlier, Anioug Uioae jiri'Bent wen-: FloroiK* Talbot, of the Million Dollar Dolla; otlo Dlelliv, Irrlng (jhnpiicllc, 'I'homaa MoDonnall, PllUaburgh I>ully Arrunaun, Al l.lnde, millo I'erluiiu, Marlon MiilUjwee, Oba.a. Uanlner, Jiilliia Willi. Chaa. Yeiike, Mra. William (Jnaey, I/orvlta Oiisey, John Mwards, Mr. Ilnll, JuUua Maiirvr, Jack Oraurford, Joo I^yooa. (Jhrla. New« man. I,. Hclinildl, Tliomiia Olnylon, Pole Hit I'hell, I.oul8 Merti, 'linn l.alaako, Tom Oelaiier, ( Matklen, Mlaa Clark, Andy llyrnM^ r.nj. ^k•lmlldl, II. J. I<'n>i4iiimnii, Mae Mack, .Mil- dml LHiyle, Deiwla Tucker, llnrtlia Knox, ltlt« Loralne, lajttle May, AniLi Illlla, Stella Otbson, lUMilah Kennedy, Mao Oarllu, Pearl Uuma and Helen I'lllou. AU.\l.>»rilONO AND iIIM-MjL are inaklni; ar rani^aiicHt-i to lliilali the hoaaon In \aiiilcvlllo. 'hniiiay w.ii* Jitit oia.>ruU'd fur an nllniout wllb Ilia iliniat. SA.M DODT will la.> foatnriM In a lilg randc Tllte HCt. pnidiuvJ by Max ILirr. la'Wia la iiii ili-oidcil wlielliiT lio will I'ciualu In burlcaquo or lh»l IM-Xl M-.IMMI. _ IIAIllO l--|ilUU-;STRn Wt J. Theo. Murphy's Ooinjiiiny Inat wwk and rctiiriiiil to Wnalilngton, 1). -0. Her pl;o-c waa taken liy O.ilu .^Ionllllla. Tlir, PAT WIHTH lll« Jubilee Show wUl close Al Allwuy. N. Y. Kit Wvvks lienci'. iriT.; WIVll)*) was Iho adilcil fcaliitc nt Hie Ai'aikMiiy, PlllalairKh, la«t wivk. llvr idiyslcal cnlinre e.xlilbllliiu Is well done. JnllN 0. .Mi'fdltAllOlC bad UHCiieeilcil Jlnuny .Morrlu, wlio r<\aluii«il owing to lllueaa, uhend of "lliicle Saiu^a Il4*lle»i." NKhLIJil l<'U)K10IM4 la reiiorlvd to bo dying at UHJ Warren .VToniH!. Ohlca^.-o. OLAJIK KTANS hna Jollied Uie Orand OiKfa lloniie Mlivk In llruuklyn. KDUhK (lOlinoN haa Jolnnl the Pnt. White Bliow aa leader. KHI.I.A IlllSSraj, AKI> irAIMlT K. MORTON v-111 Hall a^nlii next M^n.nai under 'iho Jacoba jind Joniion t^ialni. (lYOl.l.NO la llie adilisl nlrlnclJclou at Minerva nront with TI10 nirla fi/m llappylaud thia week liioluillni; raclnt; by l)i-<iri.-<' (lauienni, Harry Kal AiT, Jaa. I'apeaca and l-^lnier Onlllna. I-'ANNIH Vnuiticn. itf ihe Olty ti|K>rta la re ferrcd to In the Culumliui Knmlnp J'lial of March 11, aa lielng unable lu wear all her Ji«wi-lii ut oni'e, niM aa U'liig the '•riclieat wuniau on Ihe lairlc»,pie atnue." (rn<al. l.iii^t It! JiiK lUlll'I'lO la <ai a lour of liusiiectlon nf the lliirll;; nnil .Seniiiun honm^. They will t^orlly eiH'ii niioliior linn*» In Toledo. O. •I'lIH MlLI,Il>N llDT/LAIl DOT/.S will nil an extra week nl ilic (Viliiintila, OlilcB[;>i, clir^lug the aciiHon ihcre May 32. UonKnT .MANcimaTLR, of rahKSTllle, 0„ woi (11 New York la.-*! wwk. MIANK WAIII), who left Uie Qavety Jllrl-, Inst wrik. played the Itlveralde Thenlre. the Inst Diilf. ntiil imiiv than uiuilc oaid. He reoelvi^l a h llie lliiiiiisllalely iijion aliowpg; IiIh net. I l-;0 STI':VKNS is mnklni; idaiia to 00011 over (he n. 11. O. route until lila now- .show o|ien.s .iiilO ICNNIS, nKcnt of Ihe tkialno, Phlhi., la lip on H vlail to Alv Miera. I<)iiiila wait Mvnily wehviiMHl Pack mi Itroadway, uiiil will tic mly-'cd whi-n he rv-turna u> thj thee.lnr. TENT SHOW MANA6ERS AND OTHER AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES We want to call your attention T^it now at the beginning ol the season to our prices TOf^rlntlng. we carry no shelf-worn stock paper. We make every Job to order from your copy and cutset our stock cuts can be used. We give full count. Our service « verv oromot. Our shipping facUties are good. Union label on aU work Our terms are cash with order. No shipments made C. O. D, Do not ask it l_oolc ei-l: Thei HERALDS 10,000 6x24, two side* 10,000 7121, two sides 10,(K)0 9112,4PP-1 ""ch page 619 10,000 10JXI4, 4pp., each page 7H0J 10,000 12x18 4pp., each page 9x12 • 10,000 9124 two Bides 10,000 141ZI, 4pp., each page 10JXI4 10,000 Iolx28, two sides 812.60 12.60 12.60 ia.60 16.00 16,00 18,60 18.60 1200 18.60 16.00 10.60 4.60 7.60 6.00 S.60 8.00 12.60 7.00 11.00 8.00 12.60 10.00 17.60 Write for prices on book paper heralds. TO-NIGHT BILLS 30,000 4x12 to-nlghta, I side, 6 changes, no casts - 30,000 4x12 to-nights, with cast and synopsis 30,000 4x12 to-nlehts, printed both sides - 30,000 318 to-nlghta, 6 changes, i side, no casts • ^ HALF SHEETS 600 half sheets, from type, black on yellow • 1,000 half sheets, black on yellow, - BOO h<lf sheets, from type, red or blue on white l.Otil) half sheets from type, red or blue on white 600 half sheets, from type, two colore - 1,000 half sheets, from ^e, two colore ONE SHEETS BOO one sheets, from type, black on yellow . . . f 1,000 one sheets, black on yellow 600 one sheets, from type, red or blue on white ... 1,000 one sheets, from type, red or blue on white 500 one sheets, from type, two colors ..... 1,000 one sheets, from type, two colore ..... THREE SHEETS 100 three sheets, one color, $9.00; two colors . . - 200 three sheets, one color $15.00; two colors .... 300 three sheets, one color izo.oo; two colors .... 600 three sheets, one color $30.00; two colors - . . . TACK AND WINDOW CARDS .^00 11x14 tack cards, 4 ply blank, one color .... 1,000 III14 tack cards, 4 ply blank, one color - - - - 600 11114 tack cardi, 4 ply blank, two colors - 1,000 11114 tack cards, 4 ply blank, two col jrs .... 600 14x22 tack cards, 4 ply blank, one color l.COO 14x22 tack cards, 4 ply blank, one color .... 600 14x22 tack cards, 4 ply blank, two colors . . . ■ 1,000 14x22 tack cards, two colors ...... LETTER HEADS AND ENVELOPES 600 letterheads, one color, bond paper, type . 1,000 letterheads, one color, type - - - - 600 letterheads, two colore, type ..... 1,000 letterheads, two colore, type . . : . . Envelopes to matoh, aame prioos. All shades of paper of ink In stook. We do type vvork only, no block or pictorial. We will have blocks out for ouatomers at cost, however. We have plenty of Stook Tent cuts, etc. Write for flam- plea, prices and proofsheeta of cuta. Being special lata In type work, we do It rtght. 12.00 19.00 2e.<io 40.00 6.00 8.00 7.60 10.00 7.60 12.60 - 10.00 - 16.00 8.00 4.60 4.60 6.60 and oolora MATTOON, ILL. AT lilBBIlTY. FIRST TINE IN THRBBl TB1AH8 Harry-KERSHAW & STONE-Fannie INQENI/BS & 80UBRE1TTKB 1.BJVDS Age SO, height Sfeot 2 Inohca. Or Bii>'ihlDg SINGINO COBIEDIiVN Age 30, belRht G feet, I.litbt and clmnctcr conicdj, UlreotuDd mansKO sUgc. I lor.' APwanlrobe. Qood quick Hiuily. Slnglo And Doolilo BiDglng and Danolife Spcclaltlea. Pl'-iitr of Bhort cast acrlnts, 4 and 2 6 and 2, 6 Hiid 3, that go. H'litry ;uur limit fur it liurd workinii, rolluble sober uaiii. Address llAlini KKUBUAW, care Oeneral Deliver;, Detroit, Mich. WANTED Irish and Dutch and Straight Comedians Pianist, Iilve Agent, Sonhrette, Ohoms Olrls, Eto. CEO. DUPRBE:, Qayety Theatre, Bt. lionls, Mo. WANTED -For UUDSON MBDICINB BlIOW, for Siiiiiiiicr Bcuatin, under cnnrtui, goml Bkuti^li I'uniii tiiputnuucUnudniiikotlioin go. Oiioio play pliiiio fur mtlCH. Novelty Muii to cIiuiirc fnr a wvlIc, blii^'lo ComcdlATi. Illlllc lIchKii, Viiriicll, Arviln mid uiliuruKcfiil muihcluuiiviMilo, wrlii\ Slnpiit hutclH, Open 111 curly May. AddrcHH .Mid, II, L. IludHon, I'rn plielatown, 111. AX LIBERTY Edwin Brandon JirVENILES and CllAIt. Florence Burroughs SECOND lIUSINlvSS V AddrcHal43BnillhSt.. Ilrooklyii, N. V, AT LIBERTY THOMAS ALLEN Levis, UoRVlcp, BlK frc!t, 176 pnnnda. AddrcBU, CKri! KVANB, i;i4 W. :i4ili Siri-ct, Now York GUv. FIRST CLASS ORCHESTRA Dciilrcn .aiimnipr Kinrniffniiiiu in MIchlptiin. Fi'ii- turc.H:Siili>lsVHInglnK. KKTlrlciil I'eiilnruM, Klixtric Bella or t;iiliiiis. A, W. WKN/,, IjiiisIiir, Midi. ni^N WF,[/iri lin.i ciphnwl n prize nlniirr by BldiliiR ii|i l.llllnii TriviMw, fonniT iirliiin iloiiiia ut Aiiilorniirii iSnyiMy (>)., Haii I'rQii.-Jsco, «» priiin ilo'in i nf his show for ni-il s<<.tM,in. TIiIh U Miss Tiavi>rip'» nrnt vhit Id iIip |.;;i«t. aiid It will Iv lipr Ural iiiMMMMiHv III Imrlitiinic. IIAIIIIY ItOdKIIH, f(ir .vrnrs wllb Honilck. )« i,<nv pn iliic'.ni; :ii i>. slnuvs niul inlilniiU In ii,ii- Jnicllon Willi Jiifk I'»ii-i,lniii iiiiil .Icic lU'iii 111.111. Ill' will jirubal'ly iln ibp pnnliuliiu- for Jiicoli? & Ji'iimiu for 110x1 ik'nsun. rum IiwiH w«nt Ml l,i»t to Join Oni mil'i "Drlnslnc op Filhcr" cvmpanr u dmb. THE ONE fiRElT m of tho present diiy la not for bread—or work or pc»"e. It's for iiewnintorhil—yea, tlmfs It! —NEW OOniBUY niATERIAlL. Miili-1 aeuru RboQt—ttudloncea sbont—BVEKi-I IIODV shouts . . . OIVBUSSuMl^-r THING NEW. I am ready to answer tlicl cnll ol with that np-UHlato oaoyclupcdla oil original fua _ | MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15 —tboljlg laugh rost, contalnlDg my newchtE nionologoes. parodies, sko obcs, mlimtrcll nrgtrpartB, stories, gags and oros3-flro Jokes i Remember I writo for Nat U. Wills, Jnol Wolob, Uowam and Howard, Rooney uiid I Uent, and mooy other great Taodovlllo nutni. I ir you winliod all tho matorlsl contained In I AIADIBUN'B UUDGBT No. 10 wiiMrnl c.Ycliislvoly, the price wonld bo OVER I 93,000.00, bat aU It costs you Is ORE DU^ I 1.AH. Bend for YOUB oopy toKUy.f I Money back If yoa want It. I JAJHBB BIADI80N. ,.„„, 10611 TlilllD AVBNVB, MB W VORR I WANTED FOR Manhanan Theatre Co. Al INGENUE LEADING LADY PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Spcclnlty People prefcrtwl. Two a week .Sjock. Wire or write. JACK rAItBONB, Monroe. U. nVllnl"ii^ri?xpVtloncod! VIOTOH tk lackv. Tel. Cedar 2605. 11 Crown 31., Worccalcr. w n-^- In answaino ads. ploos* mention CLirvy-'^- t