New York Clipper (Mar 1915)

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TPIJi: ]SrKW YORK CLIPPIHR 32a il CUPPEB'S miH DEPIBTMEIIT. By DR. RAX THOREK, Chicago, rgeon-ln-Chlef /anerican Hospital; ConaulUne Sureeon county Hospital; Consulting Surgeon iheildan Park rpltal, Chicago; Surgeon White Rats and Actors Fund Theie artlelei Bre written raeliiilTelr ft>r the HBW YORK CLIPPER. (taedloB. pertAlnlng to health, dUeaie. hygiene, irlf-preterratlon, pre- ventlon ofdiieaieiand mattcreof general Interest to health -wlU he aniwered In thU colamn. AO- DRESS ALL Ill<),i;iRIES TO DR. MAI THORBK AnEUICAR HOSPITAL, CHICAGO. ILLS. Wher^ ■pace will not Fermit or the ■abject li not enltable for an open antwer, letters will he lent to the applicant perionallr. Dr. Thorek ehonld not be expected to diagnoae or preecrlhe In theee oolamni for IndlTldnal dlieaiei. WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CANCER, So '>i"tcn wc honr: •'Doctor, what Is tbe ^aiisc of cancer?" And, the doctor bowB bl8 icaU, -.M Inkles his brow, and then, with often 2 (.lj;h. you'll bear him answer: "I don't (mov." He speaks thdtratb. Wc do not kno\7 19 yet. speclficaHy what the actnal cause of ranrer Is. Tbo profcssloa of tbc healing art |9 dIvliWl on tbat question. Some are tbc ddlnToijls of the so-called Cchnhelm tbcory «r a lieredJtar; acquisition, others ore staunrli supporters of the belief that cancer <9 caused by an Infection with certain germs, Wc must keep In mind that despite our ef- forts cancer bos been on tbe Increase right iiloog. In other words, the enemy Is creep- iDC vn .1 iion-suspcctlng and Ignorant public, and sli.-ittcrs borne, rob.s brilliant ond Indls- peneublc persons, and slowly but progresslve- ij le$crl9 Its poisonous fangs Into tbe heart of our population. It Is stated on good authority tliat out of every eight women in lOngland, who attain the age of thirty-fire years, one Is slain b.T It In our own coun- try, In inf)8, /orty thousarKt people sue- oumbed to It. !>o ilicre you arc: Wo are confronted with a foriiildut>lc enemy and do not know just bon' !io attacks or whence be comes. How- ever, vblle the theorists are wrangling about (his or that pet theory of theirs bcrng the c.trrci'i oni.'—of one thing we arc certain, and that Is: Wc know that <rrJ(a(io» of anv kimi ill any part of the body is an eatab- liihei cause for cancer. Let us pause for a laomcnt and analyze this statement. It le a fact timt caucer most frequently makes Ite ' appc.'iran.''e In portions of tbe body wbero some I'nrni o( Irritation has existed for some time. 'J'nke, for Instance, cancer of the Up. 'I'bis l3 a frequent form of cancer and nearly .ilway.'i alTcois men. Why? And why the lower lip? Because men smoke, and as u rule 'noioen do not, and tbe smoker usually Irritates tbc lower Up with his pipe-stem or the clgnr. nad there, graduaUy but surely, (be Irritation going on for months or yearj usually plants the seed for tbe serious con- siKiucnces. Here comes a fellow who shows the beginning or {lerbaps an advanced growth of n portion of his tongue. Just examine the tooth or teeth corresponding to the site of his trouble, and lo! a Jagged tooth has been Irritating tbo tongue for many, many mnntlis or longer, and tbe tissues of the toDgue become affected with cancer. Irrita- tion ngnln. Uerc we see a pnllld Individual, leaving the onicc of. the stomach specialist, the vic- tim of cancer of tbe stomach. Scrutinizing his luiet history wo would discover that be hud been suffering ior some time past with n chronic catarrh of that ort;nn. a chronic form ot Indigestion, or Irritation If you please that caused the trouble and Implanted the llte-destroylng cancer cells Into this poor fclloiVs food receptacle. Again Irritation. Oiton wc open a gall-bladder, during opera- tions, for tbc removal of gall stones, and to our diagrln find that cancer bad started In the gall passages as a result of trrftaffon iiom the gnll stones scratching on tbe walls ot the gnll bladder. It removed In time the patient's life would be saved. An lrr((at(or» from a stone In the faldne^, tbe bladder, or In any other hoHow organ, In time leads to this fatal complloatlon. Thousands of mothers leave their hom"? untimely, through cnnoer of tbc breast and womb. The Irritation here from nurilng the '>''7 and repeated chlldblrthB are the facto.Ti "bleh Invite the cancerous formation. The volumes of evidence collected to prove the effects of Irritation on tbe tissues as a precurssor of cancer, offer conclusive evidence of ts Importance, The Irritation may be merbanlcal, thomal, chemical or Infective, lor Instance: It Is.not at aU unusual to find cnnri.r develop at tbe sites of cicatrices re- suiiiiig from hums, or In ulcers flsoures and P^J^ bos ot chronic InSamatlon.' .u Tc Is n certain form of chbnney sweeps ■eaiiiiT which results from the constant Irrl- 'flloii of tbe parts by the soot with which l ie sweep comes In dolly contact Other Ir- r lani.j, Bueh as parnniii and tar. and a vnrl- "^■y or others are known to have caused cai)ifr.<!. n„:\'"' world over, the sages of tho mm. •'' Pro'wslou are constantly at work, mi.iions and mUllons of dollars are being ni'''i?"",''"y- attempt to rtetoltely esiaHlsh the cause of cancer growths, but I'M'i'e nil the effort and energy we arc Just we were a century ago. has the medical world changed I'J ",>iMlon8 about tbe treatment of this ter- li; "oxree of tho human family? Are n"'^'"c'l'O'ls of flifhttog tbe trouble different r,.. ,1. "> the past? Are tho ii,,i .°' modem treatment different thnn <ii .^1,?' forefathers? Thepo are bnmlng nrUr,i ?■ "l''" ?<»" "nd the modem and ai ■ r ,. physician answer with a smile of "ai--.'actlon, "yce." inVf/'v*^."""^*' Which were deemed hope- 11,".7,°'t time ago are looked upon now ti- I,,, '■'^^ progress made In surgical trfV i""" the general Improvement ot av Vi'.Ti" "frveloua and tho results most ■ v'' '^^^^^ 'rtU notice that I said : _^^ical technique." "Why," someone ..'.niicry, •■has medicine not added Its n',.';'.'. enlightenment of thla important t.i!". f». .And here Is where we most "l.r 1.1 1, all interested—and all (• ■• J «noTv—that the sooner the Idea ot - c cancer with medicines Is discarded, •. ■ thus far no remedy Is at our li.. . In Jl^li"" .ofe™ the mlnutcat ray of ■ m l«neflttlng tbe sufferer with this r',..' •■(..""".'^"on. The cancer faker who - ".,1 V '"'th salves, medtdnes and paates " be placed behind Iron bars. He Is a 'ii i» . commnnlty and directly re- •ii-ie for the death ot thousands of nn- mates who happen bis vray. He takes VlJf unfortunates and makes .lv{ ''® hnowB are false, and for M.^j"'. hlB slimy coffers with gold ■• "ea from aching hearts and those In ■'f. only too often he rohs them of the ■ ,fu "".''"^7 •'•▼0 to obtain a cure by tJl ^P"*' ■^'"'•8 this Is the only care In time, before the canceroM i vLi 1^? 'n^ailea vital stmctnres and -enled lymph glands, tbe time la wasted by tbe quack with promises untU the con- dition Is "absolutely hopeless." There are certain established facts at the preecnt time which should be Inculcated Into the minds of the general public, and It this knowledge be disseminated In lay- circles, preached from pulpits, taught through tne newspapers and tn lectures, I can see no greater service that could pos- sibly be rcndere<l to God's children. "What are these rules?" They follow: Avoid Irritations ot any kind. Suspicious looltlng new formations should at once be investigated. Remember, cancer ia curable when taken In time. Discard Ibc Idea ot medicine. There Is no tnrrtfrfne for cancer. The only medicine Ip surgical remoi'nl by a competent man. Cancer Is, In the opinion of the majority, not contagious. To wait, me.tns death; to act, get cured. No case of cnncor la hopeless when given early attention. lie optimistic and do not give up. Pewaic of (iiiacka who promise cures from salvcH. secret medicines and methods "known only to thorn." 'I'hcy arc fakes, piire and :>lmple. The hope ot tbe cure of cnnccr lies In early dlocnosls. lliirc Is where the "rub" Is "i-arly diagnosis"—how nice that sounds Is where conscientious medical men shine .nn<l often show tho light path to their sur- gical brothers. It aji earlv diagnosis be made, early trcntmont mav h? Instituted and a cure hoped for. Dut who should make the early diagnosis? Tbe doctor' Ves, but tbe ludivIdii.Tl should consult hiniso'f first Here Is a rule which applies to both sexes: It jou notice something abnomioj about your bo<illy functions, which were normal to the rwent time, and your attention Is being dl- JWtod to a given set ot symptoms or tbo npiK-arnnce of a sivclllng or perhaps a hemor- rhage, consult a modem, well tr:ilne<l phvsi- clan and insist on a diagnosis. Dc not" be satisfied with doubtful answers. You should know positively. ■ For example, not so many years ago a sr.lfcrer from cancer ot the stomach wna looked upon as an Individual doomed to die, and with n sigh the physician ot yestcrdav Informed the Immediate relatives of tbe existing condition. It Is different In the present day. It an early diagnosis Is made wo do not wait, nor do wc give pills and powders, but we at once prepare to attack tbe encmv and eradicate him as thoroughly as possible. Tho result Is that hundreds ot Individuals who. In years gone by, would ho pnrrnlttcd to slip Into the downward road, are now restored to useful citizenship and are able to provide for their homes and make their dear ones happy. It has been shown by physiological experi- ments that halt or one-third of the stunmch will carry nn the functions necessary tor the maintenance of health, and the surgeon has token advantage of this knowledge, with the result that CHnccr ot the stomach—a hope- less affection In the days past—Is now re- garded as curable token taken earlu. So then, when your stomach rebels and you begin to lose weight or feel Indisposed, en- deavor to find out what Is the trouble. When the question "operation" Is broached to most Individuals It naturally follows that a certain fear permeates their being. But It must be kept In mind that It Is not the operation, If skillfully performed, that kills; 1'. Is the malady. Skillful surgeons. In theee davs of advanced surgical tccnnlquc, do not tear the operative mortsllty. When the ques- tion ot cancer Is' considered the student of to-dnv Is taught that "the risk Is not In surgery, but In the delay of Its pcrforro- nnco." Next to cancer ot the stomach comes cancer ot the Hp In men, and cancer of tbc breast and womli In tbe opposite sex. It Is a sad stat! ot affairs that compared with other countries our blessed Urion Is lax In liislTuctIng women about wliat they should know In regard to cancer, what they must know about It and how to rccognlie Its carlT manifestation. In the hope of redncing the appalling mortality from this dreaded at- aictlnn to n minimum. They legislate and ro- atrlct the sule of opium, and.mcpsures of equal or lesser Importonce are brought to lpe<-ome laws, but strange, this very vital question Is only lightly or not nt all dis- cussed. The result Ir that our women are kept In Ignorance; there Is no one who troubles to toll thorn the fhlngs they must know, and we stand amazed and wondor wby so comparatively few perish as a result of cpjKcr In other landa In view of the appalling fact sbown by statistics ot registration, that one out of eleven of all women die of cancer, and after reaching the age ot thlrtv-Ovo the mortality Increases from one to nine, and that most ot these are uterine cancer, the question nrlses—.'ays Dr. Chase—whether the medical profession docs not owe nn unfilled obliga- tion to this most unfortnnate class of suf- ferers. While largo benefactions and well organized efforts ore ministering to tho com- fort of the tuberculous, there is not In New York State, nor to my knowledge In any other State, any systematic humane plan to reach these more terrible cases. In which the patients arc condemned to belplcss suffering and torturing death. No less an authority on tho subject than Cnllen ejpreoacs himself as follows: "It Is absolutely necessary that the people be enlightened as to how to diagnose cnnccr early, and an to what can be done for them lo tho enrly stages. Informa- tion on this politt should be. and In some Instnnces Is bclngpubllshed In Journals read exclusively by women. They are being told what constitutes cancer symptoms, and this will mean that a largo percentage of these cases will he cured." The Bvmptoms of uterine cancer are Weed- ing and' discharge. If to this be added a losB In weight. I''abl"t7,t''"^'I'SrSL'^ifi^:^ a change In the general physical dlBposIt on nt the womnn, she had better be on the lookout. It Is folly to wait and say: -r watch for a while and see how It develops." This watching for developments permits valuable time to paBS, and very often II "■""""Vro be oontinued next week.) World ot Players, THE IIOITV TCITY UliSUUL OOURDT NCrrKS.—'I'tale company, dow plarlnc lie Mrimd Ktrk tt the AsUltotluat Theatre, oaUoja's Plor, Uiniui Qiristl, Tel., Lts •wrkcned a f«^v nt the noilTce ot tblt city. 'J he nmiiiany Is par tietl- lent inil should pack iinj l-euae at orerv pir- forniiuc?. Hotter: UMt D. Kclb, msDisn anil Uulch cuMdlui: liobb.r Vull, Dutch; Alei i-iiiiHlers, Jew comoliuii; Bb<riy Ot>l«, grncral busincoa: Blllj Utiwdl. iiralghU; La Neva, prima ilonci; Mario Uonn, lucnoo; Utllle Hoi- Mater, aoubrette; Uabe La ijitar. •pnltltlni, ud llM bnt (.'uielnc chmiia In a Ublold thoir, at follvwi: I'aullDe Uoscmonil, Lillian mnka, Mil- drtd TRTtDio, Bla Knat, Mlih Bay, Dolly 1,1 Star. Bei«le Uick, Mis. I.a SUr. minima ot v/jitbobe. end W. U. IIcndrLi, idTuce ntr»- •enltllTe. Ibis thow wai RconuDcniM by Iht police siatroa ot tUe city of Has Aotcolo. to b« iho clctoett ablold shew ttn wltntued la that ciiy. and tlii> reeoomeuded h/ the chief ot police lo this city. The Lli,yd'a Fler will open lis SuDTBer («(ioD, bcr*, March II. "OIHL AND TUB TRKli^" (Wetteni) Note*. —Tbe toilet ot our compisy leoilu the Hine i' wtieo wo (ntned tbe muoo la August, with the eiccptloo ol Alton Thomii, who JoluM i week Ub ts pliy the lead. Tbe cut Ineludet: ITred Klood, chixiclen lad maoifw; Vied Oirdiy. beavlei; L, O, Way. pliolit; Otto V, Uinn, icn- «nl muirir: D. B. Uunger, lo idrmce; Enle Ufniey. leads, lod Blllle HoblnMo, Hubrette. At OlrclerlUe, u., we bid tbe pleasure o( mcellj« Ceorte Ciior, cowpuocber lod rover, wtio wis vilth (he 101 RiQcb WTeral •*■»» mo, iDd «IU> fiwsee BUI for two leiioat. From VlrdcvlUe we went l» Pinjoltcta. On out trip to UrdervUle, a distince ot ahont alzty-aTc mlln. Including a trip uier the top of the aounliln, we encuuointd a bllsHtd, iDtt U wit with coQildeimble dllOcullj that we were aUe to piocced. After ouny ezperl- eocei ibroujh the storm we flutU/ tticbod our Untlaalloa, wbete Ke found i full taouM awiltlng M, Un the wiy, Mr. Uoicliy'i rlgbt fool wu pretty bidly froeeo, tint a britk rub In tbe wow MCTcd II a remeOy. li^om UrdcTvllle we went to l\auab, and ihe weither there wia ]uit like ttpilnf, I'Tom here we will to lo ^t. Ueoisv, lod then lo 't'rUco, wucie we will lay off i week to take la ilie fulr. Our hualneis Is phenomenil, u lta«y claim ouTt It the tint teil abow ibit hu beta teen here in yeari. bSU.UA WAKIVON (Mte. J. 8. Oankle), since ibe ucalb o( Mr, Ganlde, hu bt«n tiklug a inucb uccdcd roet. Hhe tpeut two weeks wllh lier bfvlher. ferce WiVrcn, it hit boioe In lo- illouaiKills, lud., and left Fob. 'iO, rot Bbieie- IKirt, La., u'liece olie will spend icTcral weeks 'rlih her sister, .'Vlrd. Chai. Il«(ilg, IWSl Jordon firwt. Niri'ES from Kibble & Mkrtln'i "Uncle l^na'a Calilii" coiiiyauy, Wiu. Kibble aule owner O. K. j'.ckeriuan. luauuger. Uiuluuis liiui ticeii good. K«b. ::i> Bi Wllllauuiwrt, I'a., ibc lueiiibvri ot the iMiLpuny's baud w«rtf llie gutBib uT Uhe faiDoud Kepoj llind of WllllamHport, and to lay thit ihe Itepid liiualclaiis irvatvd the cumpany royaUy '.ruulil De drawing It uil-dly Jcbunlv Uazel, who Is illrecilug the Uepae baud, firoml the cou- liaiiy wltli a cornel aolo, and ivery oue kuowa »'Uul Johunic cau do. t'euiisylvanla cerialuly U l.ruud at her \^illlaiiuporl Utiid lud Ibe Ituvptra Lxn't Hty «)iougU In ill prubwu. h^veryboUy had a t:ccd lliue lUd hupen to play Wllllnuivport urtt beHsuii. We Mill elude a teasuii oC lUlrty-llve Ktulif, March IJ, ai the Majeatic Iheitre, lluf- (alu, N. y., oud will oiwu Muwu uf lOlCU, July ^1 at Ohlcago. TUK CUt-lVN IX).UEDY COMPANY NOTES, —'I'liU cunipaoy Is pljylog to pocked hoaice lu lUe .Nurilieiu part ot MlBguiirl. ThIa la 111 thir.l sc:iiou, pud 11 haa one oC the tH^t ahoH'i for lu alze. Tho following people hare been with ui since wc o|viml, Jau. Vi; Jay I'olan'l, uiauocrr; Clnriaau I'olaod, AlTin Klrhy, producer; Uuby l'uliiu<l. aingrr; Orace Klrby, loads; Will Druwu, terlal alack wire; Uorello and Kyon, odom- (Jlous. aiui a aU plvce orcbcslra, under the dl- lecUuu of rrof. Jauite' Scully, 'i'hli Summer the eujuimiy will biTe a luuiuu tent, lul will play Oregon. O. II. IIE.NKRL, builneu manager of "Help Wuiited" GOmpauy. wrllcM iliai bualnesi 14 very fair, and thai the ahvw la Ivairlug an excelltul ii»pr«jaion evco'where. Vauaeville. llAItllY Ol'lilL wrllce: "We bare apcnt qalla a pii'jiuut Winter here In 'luletlu, oua ai'e uuw looiLiu^ forwani lo our Sumujvr tour, whiou will open variy Jn yiay. uiiu wbieii will make uur oiuUi luiMuni luur. i>ui-lu;; our Wiiiiei: lay on we put lugeiuer uUiiObL au oiure new sbo-.v, and bate tt'iuetl many iivw irlcLi. Wu wUl pivjem ouu ot 'liie ditt.iige»i iwo p4.uplo uutuii uu Uio ivau. \vueii yvu cTiiialiKir Ibui we give a ivfo ileum' vn- u.>ruiiiuuuiii, wiiu n^> litttinuiaaluu, and uuiy uij wile mill 01'lf wu.-klug, yuu kuuw wd have u> work. Wc Kvrk luuaily fur benailKi of cbureboi. eobuud uud iuJgeu, uuj cover tb« aaiue ruuie tnuili aei- t.<.li. We got 'i'uu OLD llHLlAilLH eacU week, tad li'a a faiuiy aena4> ut awe wuu rttuli It Onl, uiul IfcUeve lou wv duu'-l mliw a wunl. 'i*Llug0 tlieolrlcally here Heem to bw moving along In pretiy good vbape, ia we mauagv to mv u Coupio Bbuwd eacu wevk, aiul usuiiUy llnd Lbe Uieiii'ee lull." .\U.NI<IC11I KITAMUUA innouncce thit liit neck lbe tvllimura AiiracUvui, Ijic, pruducnl IHu iiiiw truupvB, whleu bjtve bwu bwkeu uud uu the big ILuie and the t>Ui«r ou luuii Ume, Mr. KUauiura la general nuuiager luu vwuer of Uie iruupea. He uos full luterwt «ud cuuiiul u( ail the b\ Kluiajura iiiraelluua lu Ajurru:a tud IM England. i^.UUl'^NLIi: Dh: LAfAYimV, the muslnl dolL baa laid her "ralace of Mualc" let lalde aud iiurcbaaed a tbrw itory rvslUence la Utalcagu, near Lake tihuiv Drive, and will lenjaln ml iba ruaU InUeilnluily. Xbuugb having auuie Mmptiuti oUera fruui the W. V. M. A., ehe declined iheiu aJI, prvlerrlng the eiijoyuieut of i i\il bvoe tu tbe uuc«rlaluil«i at (U« unaeiit viudevlUe roul- liiga. All bet frleudi. wueu lu Oblcagu, will be welcome. Wll^LIAM 01H>aa, who came to the I'alace Theatre, Deiroll, (or one week, wlut '"i'ba Ma>- queraden," waa held over fvr Uv« wveke iml put oil a new thirty mluuiu pralueilm ••di we«H>. 'ibe coupany clowd Muck 7, ai tbu Faluco, Ueiroli, aud it iivw ou ihe Ureiruwuud Uuie la Alliuta, Ua. The ' priuclpalt lu lbe cut ate: William Gruaa, the fealuiwl uomedlau. Lew PeieL Aribur McAdim, Mijriue OalvUi, Ultle 'X^tsle, and u cborua uf all glrlt. ALSEy SKX'iVM, tbe boy minatrel, wrilei: "I hive been down with a ool.l ibii ilaKwl put uie out of tho gime. 1 im nuw In Memphla, Indefinitely."' ALi. BOOT, the Rocbetter Taoderllle igrat, writet tbii he bu adUea teveral new houiea to bit lilt In lbe piat lea diyi. 'I'bey Include tbe I'rinoeu, Oanuiou, M. k.; Madlaon TbeaUe, Oueldi; Open llouae, DanaTllle, N, X.; Newark 0. U,, Newark, N, Y,, and la elao Ollliif lo acta at tlie Carroll Tbeatte, Uome, N. Y.; Uayre 'I'he- ■ lie. Bayre, I'a.; VIouvIa, Uocbeeter, inJ sc-vithI other iiuuaet In Weitem New York. AI, will bixik the (lee ecu i<alu ibli leaiMi it Oreiicr ODiurlo Ueacb Fark, Uochetter, eiul Ueuwick I'ark, Itbaei, and eipccu to hire eeveril other big pitka (Idi Hummer on hli clrcolu JULIE IIING U betduuhm ou the Proolor cir- cuit In 'The Wron« llouo." MAIi'ION MUaUAY Infotut ui tbit WUIIam n.tclirdl, Itallia cboraclvr aclur, left her act lu eiyrtcuae, on Huoday night, wlUMUt notice. Ml** Murray waa butkrd Ibe followloc week at Mbee'a, 'I'oiuato, and lud liuaia>ruittaa for barr cuuii.aiiy there, but bod lo caiicul tier time. Hie act la booked by Hirry Wtbbvr, and baa met wltk gral lucctai, bt\Bt hooked solid. JOILN T. UANUON lOd Uiybel Drew were CLirrisn cillen. 'Hiey npert a very lu rne M f ul ■eaaon and return [o their cherry orcfaaid. In Mlcblgin, aouielliue in April for their Hiunmer vacation. 'Clltt UEHItlLJ. OOMBDY 'nUWE, Ucnlll Cbiilaa, Wilier Otairlan, ukI llury abew, have Joined the Xhomu llroe. Viudevllle oompeny, under cutii a on* cir abow. Tbey report boil- uete tbmgh 'feui only fair. MAUY K. FUOSl'ISaT TUATEB wrltia: "I am meotlnf wltb Bne l uouf , worklof imder tbe guaiaiitcs .of nooey bock It wanted, ind Ihe n- prmiloM ot approvil ot my viudevllle nitetlil are enough to give roe a 'swelled bead.' " tUM ilAU'rUN, tbe allent tmnp comedlin, ar- rlve<1 In Kneland and ofmed March 1, at the llllHodrome, Liverpool, and repurta bic eucens. Ilarton originally sICDCd up for elgtit vmki, Int ai he wu lo bU a bit bo will raouin la Eat- land for a lon( 'Jme. If they weren't milcl yet wKolly satisfyin g' —if th^ hadnt a realty different taSte, how could FATIMAS have earned and held their sales-lead so far beyond any other 15^cigarette? This leadership New Victoria Hotel IN NEW YORK AT IIIIOAUWAY AND l,OV«J ACIIK Httl'AIlK 145 to 155 West 47th Street ••Tlie Very Heart of Npw York" AU80I<UTRLV KIllEPROUK 3,10 IIUOHS HBO PlilVATK IIATIIH Every noderi4 Conv»iil«nce Kiiropeaaii I'lun Kirlualvrly ABK MIKIIM, Manngcror Cafe. Drop In at any lliiiu. IIATE8 Single roonii, hot Biifl cold water (I Single rooini, private bath (Lnu ami up Salte, parlor,beilroom and bath (1 ami up Balte, parlor, '4 bedrnoiiii and batli (iv and up Flrit>Cla«i DInlDK Hervire at Heaeonablo Prirea O. A. lIOIiLlNaSWOIlTIi, New Ifork Clly GUNTER HOTgL, San antonlo. Tai. ■VaOFBAI. Abiolnt«l7 anproof, W« 'wut ibow peopis, ii tha reaaon w« tdvartiio in The Ollppn PBHOY TYUaBLL JOSEPH NOLAN IWanufaoturer of Leotards, Tights, 8hlrts,Pio- ture Suits, Contortion, Bear and Monkey Suits, Paddings, Elastic Supporters, Pumps. sunn KOV PHIVK I.IflT. es AND 67 BLLBEY ST., BUGOKLYN, NEW YORK GIASSBER6'1 nil nth Ave., near 3lit St; tiM Weit 4'4d St., near Tlmea Hq. Oil 3d Ave., near 10th Mt. Hand for IIIUHlntted ObUIokiio C. UhII OnlerH Uarefully Filled. tlYPNOTlS ~lB7lhtapD*«i&l*aiii«nfoTc« of oitDrt foamtf^ I CMtral e(k«n, creai* csdleu fua tod wmia, ^ Irefona tbs d»gttAtd, treat the laUk and Bfllctad, aiula jrouf Iuibltloo tod mtk« meosrcaij* YOU ntf tetn III Wriu dcKripdTsaullllutntedUUrfti 1 Ml ufikiilu* PRfiB. New Drops, $10.00 PAINTED TO OHUEIl Any al7.Q up to l>y ft.., in either l)iiiiniiM<l Dyo, Oil or Water Cuiora. t'i.W dcpoall wKii cucii unlur SCHELL'S SCENIC STUDIO COiiUMDUn, o." lEW 212 PA8E ILLUST. HiUIIC CATAL CootalBlnc cnta of ImOiat Otniuif, OOe. W D. I.I kr. 101 Ooart St.. BoatoB. Haa MUSIC ABBASrOBD PIAHO, OBOHBITRA. U«t««lM Wrltt«a to aoDi Boenia. W. H. NBLSOlf, Aat«r Tbeatm Bll IBSl Broadwar. N. T. PLAYS, HKKTCIIKH, wrote un tn your laate. for lilir lime and niiialeur. (Ico, II. Carilaln, I'lny, wriKlit, 1114 K. MonlKomcr/ Ave., l'hllaiiclphla,ra. DEAGAN NEW ORGAN CHIMES AUE A NEVKII-KAlMNtl HIT Wrltn fur Met of DISPLAY ROOM BARQAINS IN MUSICAL NOVELTIES J. C. DEAGAN DeaKan Bnlldlng 4!<UU llavnaewood Av. CIIIUAUU TIOUTS AKD SHIBTt at •▼•■T doioriptloB, rm**tmm, Vm** inako as* Haakar ■■Ita, ■1 aatia jm4 Oloih ■aaaortan, Of^nfatia Pdriapa astf Oaltan, ■panglea mn4 BaiUaB rriaca. Bnd tor eaUloflD* aa^ if tigbta—rSBB. JOHN BPICER ■acteaor to «pl<«r Braa. 8S WOODBINB BtLTM. M. T. DoYouWANTMILITARYGOODS! ?K«r'a''n"^ i?jur™»v» DESUIIIFTION. From aoTommeot Aocllon. No matter what f oo want In that lloe, I can iDPPly lu New or lecond hand. Hond for Calaiorue- B. D. ABHAIIAUH A OOHI'ANY, 60C Ifarkot BU, Philadelphia, Pa. I '^THtOlOIIIUABLft'^ \ PLANTEN.S BLACK 1 CAPSULE3' IFonOffAIWH giDISCHAWI