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14 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Apbh 3 Fullpa^es in THE SATUIKPJIY EVENING POST about the RUNAWi'tt' JUNE liCALIFORNIA TOIP CONTEST Appeared March XJth.. later in THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL and "Wbmen'fi Magazines. — the Bigger Business^ buitding Idea in the His^ toty of Motion Pictures. — get jf our theatre in quick s jPorticulars from SERIAL PUBUCAnON CORPOnATlOIf 49 Union SquBre^ PRODUCE^ 5^ i^LIANCE niiocKiiiiis ON FonniKN coNniTio\s. J. Kmiik llroi'kllii!i, iOiiiiijiimiii r»prvsoata- live of till' I.nliln Ciniiiiiiiiy, iiiid ii wIUkIt hiiou'ii iiiitliuiity oil Mini riiiiilllliiiiM nltroiiif, Iiiis tiiTlvcd III IhU CDiiulr)- fiir « briof tIbIi, (iimI.Ih MiiiklliK IiIr lir.iil'|iinrU-rs ut tliK mnlu <illlic ut tUv I.iililii i'uiii|iuii>, In l*JillB(t«<iililiu r^kul niui't-niliig Uhn coiuIUIodb abroad, Ur. llrui'klliui mild: '"Xlic vnr. jintiirnlly, hit «TftnQitn(t «n I III' iitluT hIiIo lini'd. Tiiko tlii> alllM cHiuiitrlva -Kroiicv, UcIkIiiiu iiiiU UiihsIii, fur InNhiiiiv. In Krniirc, L'liii-umtoKniiVIi biiiiliii'ss Is iiniL'tlc- IIMy nil ln'ciiiiiii> of tilt! -war. Wtitti I wns In I'lirla recently, tliv K^'urnl ulr of aadu:..i lircvontrd oni'. from tvni UiliikliiK of cliie- fiiiiliiKrnplia or any other uiiiiisi'iuunl. lu Ili-lKluui, n-liU'h ImH nlwiiyu lii'm a Kood Drld, liiixliii-HR In di<»d. Kiissla lius uhvuyd bccu n illllliMilt country to biiDdln becnunc ot Its crcnt illiitnnci> from l.muloii iiiid Uiu llUHslau iiii^Miod of dolui,' bUMlni'MH vltb lone cxtcndod lilll.H whlcU are hurd to colloct. Wc iHd • >:iiml |iii>iliu'>n Hicre with I/ihIn- lllmH bvforo llii< war, but wlii'U war wiih di-chircd, hnMln(.>!« was cut down. At lin-si'iit, liowuvor, It !• bk'KlDnlug to iilck up iiKahi. "1 can tell you little about Ocnnnny «r AiiHtrla, for all our Iiii.sIik-ss tlii'iv wan cut iilT Hliort and I lost (|iil(o a lot uf uioiioy by II. 1 iini duint; liulncN la Spain. In ifcan- dliiiivia, hulDi'ss la piM.slblf, but transporta- tion of llliu Is dIOU-nlt. itwll/.crlnnd Is In alHiut till' same class wltli Spain. llii.s-hii'HS with Italy In di'ad—thii uf pavcols In (ranHpnrlatlun n-adcrH tlir dilpinifit nf lUina ImiioHHilili'. Clilnn Is Ix-clnnlUK to iiso tlic l.iililii pictures and In Jaiuia and liidlii laisl- IK'OS Id about the siinic. 'I'lh- liiilila Coloahil laiHlDo«9 Is quite as Hiillsrnclnry as It w:i9 Inst yenr, "Conditions In KiiRlnnd are <pillp dIfTprrnt from Ihdiie ou tbu coiillnont. Oar inutto at liitiac iR 'lUmlncsB hb Usual,' and uwliig to tlu< fact that I bavn been one of the ii|t- lioldor.i of that policy aluc« tiie Eiiropcnn t'liafliKrailon began, iny aim Iiiix been to keep lay uuiinl weokly turn-over—co-d what tl will. I am Kind to siiy that the anuaint fit Mini I aui Kcllliii; now coiaimrvH very fa- vornbly wllli what I uold Insl year at this time, and this In Kplte of the ivnr. "No. I am uol afraid to make kouip fleurp.i, Vor liiHliince, tbe lolul «ir tuy hiiIcs for tlin I.iihiu Company IIiIk inoiilh nmouiila lo au averace for Creat llrll:iln and the colonleH «if Juki over lOO.diKI feel every weak, and Jdennp l>rnr In inlnd this docH ii»t Include Aimtrnlia, wliicli 1h ipillo ii |,'oi>d Held, bat Is excluded from llic.tc IlKiire.i a.s I.iihln lllms .-ire de.ipniched to Ausilralla itlrcctly from I'hiladelplila. "Thrre In ao doubt that much of tM.i Buc- loas Iihh been duo to the l,ul<ln tdclureM^ Kiich pictures, for luKlHiice, iih 'When the I'jirth Trendiled" UdLB freineniKiimly piipiiliir llirouKhout ICiiKland. While I nni here I nm t:oliii( III UH>k over all the uc»° xnhjects that are liehiv made nl the l.idiln plaal. NNIiat I liavo already Kiva 1ii(v< as^teiinih'd nie. and It JltIvch ine Kreiit plenHiii'e (lint aiiionc Uie Hiili- .ieolB I linve ppp'n are many that Imvo treat Kile poRslhlllUoH In Knclniid. Mi>'<t of us difrer. iif course, on what we like In picliires, hut leinpodier I look at the siibjecl from a sulPH point i<f view. Vm dellKbled that the Imhiu Coiiipaiiy Id prodneluR Huch n ^rcal nauiher <if HRiisntlonal and cmolluiinl xuhjerts, for which there In n bir; demiiiid nt liniiie. "The Hiib.lccts which linve the crentest sue- cpHH In (Jrpnt Utilala arc Minis of esncclMlly Honsalhiiinl clinnicler. 'I'lie crealer llie sen- xnlliin the Krenler the Kale lu tbc open ina rkcl. "We do Tiot roiulrc for llio. open nmrltrt lilniM uf greater IciiKlh (liaii two tlnuisnnil fiel, niul If a siib.le'l Is Iwo tliouRnnd fi-ct l"ii" It must lie very Htroiii; huUtil, espi'- ilally from a Kini.iMllonnl ih»Iii( of view. If It iKM't. 11 will only brliiK n |HHir sale. To Kcl liuuic n ^<od snie It U upi'i'i'sary tiint n fltan tfiould have a ntroni; ntorr and at least tYTO or Oircu BPnsntloaal 'p""*-"'"'"'' "I'llniH of tlirco lliousaud feet to four thousand fcvt Ionic I deal wUb on the cx< elusive market which lu becoming of creator lni|M)rtanci! than the oi>cii innrket In Urcat llrltHlii but there is no deuiund for the Uve, nix and Rpvpn bhouiand footer nt all hi our country uulcus (t In Homrtblng uolosaaJ. "I'ukon as a whole, tho clnematogmpii trade lu EhiKland is still In aiicli sbapo that we have nothluK much to coiirpluln of, Lon- don 1)elnc In darknpiis on ap'-oont ot the niitlcipatcd Tlslt ot tlio ZeppcllnB, the Lon- don i>lctiiro houses aro dolne a ra<thor poor liiishicss bccausq l3iore Is no greater dnmpcncr lliaa dull lamps to Indlcntc a show, and cveryono knowo 'what a great advertlidDB asset IlKht Is. ICvcrythlitff 18 dono to pro- Tent IlKht ahlning upward. "Anyone vussliii; b!s first cvpninjt In Lon- don 'Is ijultc Ijcwlldcrcd by euoh a atnio of nfTnlrs. It Is woudcrtul aow easily wc get used to dsrknesH, and we •are doInK all wo can to live up to tho motto of 'business as vsunl.' "On the ollinr hand, In Enghnd 'wc havo a Kreat luniiy Uioiisaud of rufURees from all imrta <>f the continent, hoth rich and poor, and cinemalOKrapha IipIuc « cheap form of niniisemrut, arc lionolltted hy thts Increased oliserviitloa and tl\e pn)vlneral shows gener- ally are nil dolnir |^>od buslneis. "Da oo'ount ut tbc big ndvanco I have Cecil <it the Lubln factory, my llrst busliwita on my return wlU bo to Incrrnse considerably tile uti<'ii0h of my nrgunlintion and tdvcr- tls'.MK, to cope iinvporly wilh Ihe Mk b'.isluess ve Mliall certainly du wIlU the now l.ubtn UUud.- WIl.inTONS BI'V LT.OVn nBMARBST STOIIIUS. ^^1lll^ton, Inc., anniumcRi thp pitrchnse of tho picture rights In the l.loyd Demarost do- lecllve htorles, written Jiy Frod Jackson. n'h«.-«> Kli>rli<n Ihey will probably begin to film bomellmo this iJunimur, TUCKEU FOIlS.\Kr.S n.ATFOnM FOR I'ltTHUKS. .lack 'hirker, comedian, writer and artist nail a iiiciaher of the famous vniidevllle tivini of \Vllllam.9 iiiid 'l^icker, has Jolninl tlip I.iihin |ihi,vrr.i mid hiis pine to tlio 1/iil>lii t!ontliera Ktuillo at .lacktioiivlllp, Klu., where lie will Iv fontiircd In a mimlier of his comedies. 'I'lii'ker will liiiK,' !>,> n>iiicmliorcd as the cri-- utiir of the ahiiii: olnsslcB "Sklaney's riulsh" mill "I>rirtwiHHl," two plnylets that wero cnonaouselv iMiimhir In vaiidevlllp for yenr.>«. Tucker lias had loiii; thentrlcnl Irnlnhig oa the Ick'UliiwilP stnu-i.- and In vnuilcvlllc, tuiii It will lie iiiidor the l.iihln bell tfat ae will aiiike Ills deliiit as :i plmloplayer. Tucker *lll bo Bc«>n ll.'sl In a number <t one rr.'l ceii-iilles. wrltieu hv lilniself. "I have been writ Ing-Miefches nud plnys for n good many 'ycai-s," siiKl lu\ when nsked about his new wcrk, "hut only n'cenlly I'nvo 1 renllzed »vlint a treiiieiidoiislv I'li; Meld the photoplnjr oIlerB for the janii wli> bna srcut as rnu-^h lime 4:s I have thinking up new Ideas tor Iiiays and playlets. ■"nie Inlllnde "f flip i>h»t'i1>lny. In com- imrlioa witji Ihc Ilmltatlnns of tho alain', at- tracted iiiy l;wae!«t Interest, nud I shii-eri'lj I'.i |H> lliat' my ih<w comedies will strike tho Hew keynote In srmm fun that I want th'^in to. and will bu just as wholesome as tliey luugbablc." .TtricsoNviM.n jottinos. A. I>. Ilotallnc. direclor of the Lnbin Rtiinlo, Iin!) returned, aud la now working oa ^ome comedies with a new oompaiiy uf liliiyer*. A now flim company hail been nrganlsod to thK'rIty under the unine of tlie Klorlda Kllm <'oiiipnny, .'I'JH SI. Jalaec IlulldluK. This company lins not as yet stRrtod" aetu'o opor nllnns In studio 'Work, but will do ho In a frw weeks. Omr OoodIm la dlrecMnR ■ irtr pletnre at the kntm etudlo, and oa Tneaday, Mnrch 23, had ahoat one hundred citraa working Id a battle scene. It seems that In some manner a few buckahot found their way Into some of the blanks, and In tho sham battle two of the extras were sHKlrtly hurt, one of the shot entering the forehead of odo of tbe men. Ilnhp TTardy, formerl/ of the Lubln comedy ccnipony herp, fonaeo a trio lo this city Bine- tUe closing up of the Lubln studio sev- eral wc<^ks ago, and they are now working at the Itcpubllc. It ha<< boon rumored aroand that the TTol- versnl Company bad leased the old Dlileland Tlicalro. In South Jacksonville, formerly oc- cupied by the Kdlson Compnny, for a term of IIVQ yenra. and were coDtemplnUng coming South tbia Winter. No conMnnatlon can be gotten. Things In the fllra buslnMS, March 16 and 17, were very much iip«ct When the Imperial showed the Marl* Dressier picture, '"Tlllle's l*iincliired Itoroance-" They showed this picture Hi and until six r. it. of 17, when an Injimctlon was lsfliie<l by Bert Levey, oInlniInK to O'wn .State rfehts for this pic- ture, ngoliiKt the Imperial Comp.iny, restrain- ing them from fnrllier Khowlng the picture. Tlic house was crowiled and the film was Immediately t.ikcn off. U seems that Mr. Smith representing the Chattjnooga Film l':.'<cliHni(c, and Hcrt I-evej aro both Oghtlni for .Sl.itc rights, liert Levey Is now Bulns the loip.Tlul Company for showing the pic- ture. SOMCTIIIN'G MSW IN DRESSING IlOO'nS. A modem di'esslng room, nometh'ng never iH'fni'c known lo man, l» <>elng hutlt at tbe Centuur KUin t'ompany. This dressing room Ih for the exclusive uue of the Irnding actors, and contains all tho modern cor.vcnlonreB which v,!ll add to tbclr co,-ufort, Clasel; . adjoining this apartment a small smoking ' room has been iiLslalliHl. wh.>re tlic actors can go between "shifts" and take a quiet smoke without having to call on the fire re- scr>-0B to stand gnard. This addition was found abnoUitoly neces- snry, because of IMo the studio has become oo popular that the hKrpniied miml>er ot sctor.4 liave greatly overtaxed the present occonnnodatlonB. SLAVRICE TOCnKEUR, WORLD FILM'I CHIKir I'llUDllCBR. Of motion picture producers you might any, oa It Is soul ot poeta, they aro bom, not made. Maurice Touracur, a young man Judged by years, Js rlpo In eiferlcnce ia lUculrlenl and motion picture producing, hav- ing passed naturally from one kind of work lo I lie iiilier, and by force ot ctrcumstanrea ilndliii; lilj great opiiortunity In the United iitales. Touracur was a stago director at tbc Qym- nose, the Antulne, the Forte St. Martin, la I'arls, niid among other notable adaptatlona from the American stage, put on "Alias Jimmy Valentine" (tbo play) In Frcncli. Jj'ort rineniatographiquc, at course, attracted 'r<iUrneur, and ho became a producer for tho Krcnch L^clolr Co., In i'arla, coiuequcntly the AjDcrlcan public has long beea familiar with his work. On tho formation of the World Film Corporation, Ut. Toumeur, who-had (omc to iJilB country to continue bis motion picture producing activities, began dlroctlni; for the ,Sclzolck organization, and pot on such notable sacccaBes as "The Man of tbo Hour,"-"Tho I'lt," "Tho Dollor Mark,""Tho Wlablnif ll'.og" and "Alias Jlnanv Valentine." ■A. scholnr, gentleman, man of culture and artist, Tourncar's work Is characterized by roUncment and strength: It la dramatic, logical and Imaglnntlve. "The story la always obvious; hlB characters aro well rehearsed; Ihe pbotograpMe cffccta, the ecttlngs. tba lighting, the pMorlal coopoeltlau of hia oncrliiRs are alwavs artistic because, belDS an artist himself, be knows exactly what he wants and how to get It. Maiirlcp Toumoor'a earner aa an Amerlcnit nrodncer has probably only Just commenced. ''Trllbv," with Wlltoi Lockaye as iivcngalL and Clara Kimball Young, ns Trilby, shoulcf be one of his best efforts. With the fa- cilities that will bo Us In duo time, Mr Tour- ncnr may be safely trusted to oulargo on hla olrcady cataliUehed icputatlon, NEW YORK HIPPODROIfR CAN- TRACTS^ FOU WORLD COMEDY BTAH9. Phil Ololchman, prosldcnt of tbo Comedy- Ktnr and S. J. n<>rmiin, manager of tbe New' York oBlce of tbe World Film Corporation, arc more elated than erpr over the results iiroduccd t>y the Coniody-Star releases. Fol- lowing ewltUy upon tbo heels ot the order from tho Strand Theatre to run the comedies, cnino a contract from the New York Hip- podrome, also culling for tho output. In- osmuch as these theatres arc the Hnest la the United States, It Is a decided compliment to tbo worth of Comed^Star pictures. Vbe Btrund, a theatre Beating 3,300, hnd been running tho Keystone hrasd, and It required a branil of exceptional merit to break In on them. The Illppodromc has lately turned Its 4,riOO seating capacity over to audiences tJint raro for tho finest obtainable hi tbe photoplay world. MURIEL OSTRICH JOINS VITAGRAPH PLAYERS. The newest addition to the forces of tho Vltogmpli <\>mpany Is .JIairlel Ostrich. iMIss Ostrich will be seen In n number ot roles that aro distinctly dllTerunt from any work Elio has done prevlouHly. Iter first uppcar- eaco for 'be Vltngraiph Company wlU be in n three reel tcuturc. ALLIAWCIC WEW TORK Rf>OKINQ IIIGIITS CIIANUE HANDS. One of the developments during the past %rpak In Now York film circles was the pur- chase by M. II. Blnclrwell of the majority of the Htnek ot tbu A1I Theatres Film nud Ac- ci-Hsory Company, which controls the booking richts ot tho AlUaDco program 'in New York Slutc. Tills deal places Mr. Riackwoll In control of the coucoru, aud notwithstanding that ho already holds tbe olUceri ot Wco president of tho Alllnnee Films Corporation, treasurer niid general maunder of tbo Favorite Flayers I'llm Coinpaiiy, be hits assumed tbo presl- tleiicy and geuernl jnunngcment of tbe All Theatres l-'llm and Accesi.ory Co., 'wbllc S. S. V'elistor vlM reuiiiln In charge of the Bnllalo eince. Mr. ninrkwell Is a hrotlier of Cnrlyo Dlack- vell, aud Is well known lu tho Mlm fra- ternity. It Is safe to nssumc that Ills wide c-lrcio of frionds In the business will extend the best wishes for success In his latest 'venture. «'SIGN OF TRE ROSH" RTCADY 9001V. Unless uuforiwrou couilltluiis nrlao to de- etroy the smonthiiess of tho schedule to 'Wblch he Is cllnijlng. Tlios. H. Incc should establish a prcce<lent for spcc4l and celerity In the production and release of multiple rcol fealurea. Sucb a slalemcnt Is Inspired by the fact that, according to reliable Infoma- tlon, "The Sign of the lloec," -B-hlch Mr. Inep' Is producing tor the acrepn, will be ready for jircacntatloa within tbc next few tteuks. Loss thnn six weeks ago Mr, nchnn ar- rived nt Incevllle and Immediately went to work bofcTc tho cimrrn. This week there eomea from tho shores ot llie I'.\cl(lc the announcoraont that the pro- duction Is more than half fhrished Prior to the noted actor's arrival, every- thing poRslldc hnd been done to permit of a lendy commrncement of octlvltlos on the In- terantlonal nnstcriiloro. nnd to this fact In a frrent measuro Is RRrrlhisl the roiBou for mirti iinpreeedonted Bwlftness In motion picture ninnnfecliire. Hiippleinnntnl to' ilils, hiiw- over. Is the careful mrlbod empluyed In his (iic) sen Dniynic iiiiis 1B6 WEST 45tli ST., NEW rORK We coach and prepare for tho Diatnatlc and Vandevllle Stage, We hove put more oerfornicrs r mi ^,1. on tbe profeaslonalHiago than any other arm or Individual. Wo will also furnhih ^oiir -ici oi ,k.i,'h and let jon pay for It w hen working, and wc gnaraniee to pnt j on on. "I have fhoronghly Inveatlgated the Dramatic and Motion Plctare Schoow in Vcw l oric City, and I hsvo no hei-llatlon In strongly recommending 'Wloton Fischer s Si-liooi for Dnraatlcsnd Motion Picture Acting. U la the most thorongnly complete Instltntlnnotits kind. FLORA H-IMCII. Danes Acta not featiirina the "Cakewalk" aro mltsliiK their big opporln'nit^ tor pattiag on the Dance llena»llon or the bpxlng and Hammer, Uet That Cake Walk Parade "The" cnkcwBlk number. Instrumental, or fast song, with snappy lyrics. Surc flrc luolody ;u iii«n'h time, Will put "nep" lu aoj act. Send ]2c for rcg. copr, ITc fur full ori bc.itrailon. A. j^cADAH f UB. CO., A408 Ii.a«t End Ave., Chlcaao, 111 {RANK GARELTON GERTRUDE OBIf. BUSIKES8 lUoth rcllBblc; appearances, ability. Bcal one.<i, wire. Address INGEITUE8, COniBDY FIlANK CARKLTON, Caro Ooneral Dclivory, Norfolli. Vs. ■work by tho director-general of the New York Motion Picture Corp. Producer Inrc Is a man who Aota n 'nt ot thinking before he acta. In his mind's eye ha visualizes cveo'thlng he Intends to do. That which Is Qnally adjudged imuecesmrj Is eliminated, so that when tbe time arrive* for the toll Involved In productions not a minute Is lost, NEW YORK MOTION PICTURE COR- POR.ITIO.N SIGNS UP BIO STARS. Harry Woodruff, Duetln l''ainun, II. B. Warner and Lewis J, Cody, stellar lights of the theatrical world, recently alllxed tbclr elgnatures to«a New York Motion Ilctore Corporation contract, to appear in Tbos. H, Inrp fcnturos. Mr. Wotidrulf, who Is well known to the thcntrcgolng public of America for his inter- pretation of different Sliakcspunreau roles, and also for his wonilerful success In "Brown of Harvard," received many offers from film manufacturers hut rejected lliem •11 until he Qnally succumbed to tbe Induce- ments of Thos. U. Ince and Ad. Kesscl. Tills ivlll also be Mr. Cody's Hrst npiK-.ir- ance In pictures. Cody was pcrsnaik^l lo join tho ranks of photoplayers a few days ago, following his appearance In iMs An- eclea In "The Whirl ot tbe World." Ot DusHu Farnun and II. D. Warner tlien; la little to be said, as their work in i.>:j illent drama b well known. AGr. iDce says that now ho tias the grent<'<t collection ot stars ever gotten bosrther by one comikany for In addition to tho nrop'nun. Uoaed players, there are now at the .■"inllns filtjing: Geo. llcban, Wm. 51. [Isri. ll<Ksit> larlivale, Howord (Tiehmnn and WnliiT K<!. wards, and with these players worhlnc In large productions It looks vcrv much like tlie New York Motion Picture Corporatlnu In- tends doing big things, for It Is only rccfndy INt the corporation look over the invge WIHat studlot and labo^ntorles Ht Fort J.i-r, slai'ted bulldlnjf of the Inrge Ktudio). nt Hull;- wood. Cal,. and rebuilt Key.<«tone and Sajita Monica studios. OUR LONDON LETTER. ■BXIBT CnOBOa BIBBEaT, BPBCIAli COBBBSPOSDBn. Cllpp«r Banaa, S Baatb Bfuva anj*a, Ina, toadoa, W< MABcn 13. IManngeclal obstinacy persisted in pro- ducing, ou tbc somo night, "ISxcuse Me," at tbe Garrlck Tbcatrc, and "lie Didn't Want to Do It," by Ueorge Broadhurst and Walter Ilackctt, produced for tlio Brst time on any atage at the I'rlucc of Wales Theatre. The veteran Billy Swcatnam Is not forgotten here, and haa had many a reminder of bis old minstrel days. Joe Coyne had a royal welcome. With Mr. Sweatuam, In "Excuse Ue," Itobert Fisher Is associated. Other- wise the cast ot Itupcrt Hughes' farce la Kugllah. It laado a bit all right. As for "He Didn't Want to Do It," the story la Ingenious, but certainly complicated. Tlie authors keep on fooling the audience, which got a little tired of liovlng tricks Played on It There aro plenty of good linos. The authors {ilaunoa to asslga the American parts to American performers and tho Engllsu parts to English performers. In tbe cast as originally '.9fit out was Diva Ma- ralda, who would thus have made her Lon- don debut Nat D. Ayers, I should say, nude the popular hit of the piece, leaving aside the great affection which the I.,oadon public lias developed for Joe Coyne. Marlon Lorue'a work 'was much liked, too. Nat D. Ayers appears as Washington Dem. mlng, a brilliant writer ot detective utorlca who professes to be tired of the ^legation that his plots are Improbable, and the ex- ploits ot lilB detective hero Impossible. So he undertakes to solvo a real criminal mys- tery of the day—the frequent theft of Jewelry from Riviera hotels. Ue hos, In fact, put 'up the robbery in order to detect it, and so scoop the grcitest-ever ndvertlsement. tils selinme has opposition from two quarters. The girl thief whom be employs Is of n mind to go hack on lilm and do the trick outright for her own henellt and he encounters a set of genuine crooks, -who really want a big packet of sham emeralds to be stolen and so to claim the vast sum for which they hare insured the rubbish. Ilnally, thco'c Is O, Vivian Smith, an easy going, nnmorous traveler, who professes that ho 'would do anything, could he butt into a real romance. But alas, says the cynic, romance ia dead. SnilUi scorns to make a useful catspaw for tlie knowing people In tbe piece: but ha groves to be tbo clevcreet one of all, at the nlsh. SompthlDg like this Is the plot of "He Didn't AVant to Do It" though It Is all eo intricate, that I dare say, I too bave gon« astray. LltHo Tlrh Is -the defendant In a cnrlnna and Interesting action, lie agreed to nppenr nt Uolder's Green Hippodrome, a North ixm- don vaudeville bouse, run bv Walter Gibbons. His salary w«a to be $7Bt> for twelve per- formancefl, and he undertook to pay Gibbons 97riO It he failed to appear. At the last minute Tlch said be could not show, as the rnllndliim hod put np a bar. His lawyers admitted tho breach 'with Gibbons, but It was claimed on Tlcb's behalf that the dtmagu should be reduced say to $400, -which sum Tlch tendered, the plea being that the Inci- dence of the war hac upset all values. Jus- tice BulUacho has reserved his decision, though he spoke strongly on the casual treit- ineut of obligations by performers. It wis clear that Tfch knew tbe Palladium had a right to bar htm. He was conscious of his peril, In respect of the second agrecmrnt, and he should not have left It to the laic moment to regulate bis position. For a long time there has been very freo talk In musical circles about (jerninn or Viennese operas held by I-Ingllsh inunaKors vho, it is sold, have resorted to all sorts ot . tricks for 'working oil these properties, -which represent so large a capital outlay, on tu* unsusDectlng British public. The "books.' It lu said, have been vigorously Anglldr.ed -. Eng- lish composers have been procured to revise the muBic and make personal nddrcses. tlit Idea being to produce the opera as an Kug- Ush for perhaps American) origin and com- position. IVo well-known newspapers hnye ventured to refer to the matter so preclx-lT as to give George Edwardes and Fan! Rubens an excuse to aesiime a reflection on theni, In respect of "Betty" which was produced «t Manchester lately, and Is coming to tlio Adelphl Immcdlnlcly. Kdwnrdes ond iliibens Etrenously deny the Imiiutntlon and have commenced an action for lll>el at onre. Sir James M. Barrie's revue—by Uie war, the style "revue" has now been nl>andoned in the advcrtlsementi;—will be produci'd at the Duke of York's Theatre on Tuesday neit. .Tnek Norworth has been engaged to .support Goby Ueslvs. In the company also are. Eric Lewis. 0. B. Clarence, neleii nnyp .iini Leon Qunrtormnine. The nnoio of the piru Is "Ilo.sy Rapture: The Pride of the I esiu) .Chorus.'' A one act play, also by llarrle, entitled "The New World,'' 'wlll Iw,,''"";;'". association with "Rosy Rapture." Ere U esi linos reach von the secret wlll he out. ""i everyliody connected with the show is oa Ibis solemn oatb meanwhile. "Wii(w Is the censor?" cries Tltf ^ryjl Dcfpatch, perhaps In good faith. "/'>■»/;','''; the dance called "Temptation," which llnrr.' nicer and Teddy Gerrard are doing nt ' London Pavilion. It certainly Is o1 w naughty type. But The WeeMy Dri.|»i(('i '« wrong In crying to the consor, who.'e n"- thority does not cover fluch fl*';"f*'-^''";i stage plays. In the meantime IIarr.> "' ' Teddy may go on with their dimce. I'J County Council might, on its I«V;t-."V^.t",! Pavilion a hint that its license will '";,.,! over very shsrply—next Novoniber. <'n anme program et the I,ondon rjvllinn tl .-^ week l3 Mrs. Eromellne rankhiirst. « » apoaks on women and the war. Hcfore lae war Mrs. Pankhnmt used to rent the i " ylllon for her salfrarette "ro""^' Voo tho police mostly smashed up, ao she i' familiar ground. TITR Winter Garden management has placed Minerva Covcrdale under a Ore year co tract to appear In Its productions. . , „„ ^fUnroCK PRMnUUTON'S comodv plavlet, "My Lady's Honor," wlll be presented oo Friday night, April 2. Helen Westley will plav the role Jnnc Burr was to have taken- HnilllERT KELC-ET AND EFFIH SHANNON returned to vnndevUle at the Allmnii)" Theatre this week, in a playlet called "At Sunrise," by n. S. Sheldon. . . ,, i_ the TUB fourth annual hall of I,ocnl No. 3-1, I. A. T. B. E., New York, wlll be hehl In mr Amsterdam Opera Ilonso, April 4. . , ...i.-. DAVE GENARO AND iVDA POR-raER, of the Jardin do Dnnsc, gave thc'r ' '"""^ walk dnure In the Winter Garden, 2(1. , i .vine A OOLD MIJDAL awarded to tho best sUgc dancer appearing on the Keith v-nuuoi circuit WPS won by Ronnie Glass. . „ „„.,,, of "WHEN YOUNG WINE BI/XjMS" will be presented at the Lyceum, under direction Enmianuci Rclrher. THE rnmcfly Club bnll will bo held April 7. „ „„, .,,„.rl- TO M.ME. LhTHSE IIOMHR, Amcrlcnn grand opera ,'ontr«lto. and Sidney nomrr. Am cnn eompoBOt, was born night of Mnroh 2R, a llt-:lc daughter. ,,,,„ nir,.et.'' JIMMY COLE Is laid up with rheumatism at the Hotel C'Brion, 224 t ml'Imiiei rhlladelphln. Pa. I)r. Hammond, of Philadelphia. T. M. A.'s. hns hto Ip charge nnu to have lilm about soon. , m her LOII-TBLLEOBN has roeolved a letter from Mmc. Barnh Bernhardt, rcfemng i fnrtheomliiB tour In this country nnxt Fnll. ond icquesHng that ho do her the Honor the first fnatlnre wltfli her when she arrives. . _.4_,jtrf« March IIOIIN. to Leo I.: I.eifn and wife (l)r I eon UlackbOfn, Florence Leon), Sotnruay, - 13, at their borne, MInatarc. Neb., a six jnuad boy.