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THE NEW YORK OLIPPEB, M INERS AKEUP Ill SHY ( MINl ll i" STOCK NEWS WADSWORTH STOCK. WiDiWOiTU, N»ir Took. KioKtijiB a ilow Holr W«*. J,l>« Will- nloT. Tbe ttttlieat compmny, by CTWilmt jet- log, mate "Tb* P«tl»h Prtar STOCK PUFFS. _ M. to" tiSTuie flnt Mrftonnance o< W» QHABLM 0, WiLBOK bu been •howUif •onw real «ctlng o»er it tie Ot««eot LIQHT COnSDIA.V WAPgWORTIl THKATKE. \ f. 111 it M7 wonder Ittt tbe eubwrtpUaa iitt ol Ibf Wadnrortb Th«tie bM Uwd irovflng r*wpUhly (acb wwkt OTW ikowi bite »»."? ihe coopuy work In btrmooy with e»cb ort«r. ine cvwinu/ ^l«n|Hd. mil tbCW IS DO b»lf- ELLEN four tbcnlros In I'orlB nmountcd to 800.000 the enme period last year. Of the 800.000 francB. about twcnly-llvn per cent. lieB been ■ ulTcn to the poor anil to war chorit ca. The thcolrcH ilosed, an uaual, during Holy ^Bacha Gultry'B new comedy. "JcoIoubt." ■will be produced on April 4. All Ibc pronu are to be devoted to wnr ohnrltlca. The Tauaetlllc ond Sarah llcrnhnrdl theatres will alao re-opcn aoon. NEW GRAHD OPERA HOUSE PUYERS. Oron4 Opera Eo—e, BrooVvn. Hie new itock ti^ p«" T f*'* • '"'e'^t NEIL PRATT acting, guiliallon to win tsen Tbey went long wtyi rfonnoDce of ihit TffT atnxasberle piece. ' Little woman. It le a S5e«t jlay Uiit win appeal, and ttea ooSh It wai ifely week, tbe bouae P«»Vi- "TADAIIIN «inL8" NOTES. AT JACK l.'mll. nun-Ira anil Ollmaii Joln^il un at Wllmlnglon. V 0 wiii'Se fnan miiHlcal alock at WaalilnRlon. D 0 lUliy "IKnla". 1« '*llh thon, of courat. Met fl»o other lalw die .S\iJnlay. changing Iralna at' Oolilaboro. N. O. .Home re union anil gab- '*nialn<«a kept <1P '"7 .il'","; Unt. Init now a big linprOTement li looknl for all along the line. Thia tobacoo coonla la al- wajB proaiieroua ami barilly «T«r eiperlencca a ''"rh* wboli> coinpniiT waa lakon IhrouRh Ihe Bull Dnrham plant, al Diirliani. N. 0., am I waa an Inlereallng .Ishl. I ««w morr J Mer thoiiglit iKiMllile. Talking alniil hjill«. Mta. Neiman-a pet «nn Inill p"P haa Jiiat Jol""l. »"'■ Ing all Ihe way rrom New York ila the crate ronie Ilailn't awn Mn or I'n Nomiian for nearly a year anil bail an nwfnl lliiio. . Roller' I>QVC Nowmnn. Onrrle llawloy, JncR I.oril. I/ew norilnn. .lark Ran-lra, raUo 1,b Porle. Onasle Vrninn. Tliflma I'onlou. lliilb Gllmnre. Mna OaWerl anil I'olihlr^ ^ Newman. llallle WIlllBnw will ahorlly lie af«i In Tanile- Tllle In a now nnr art coniiKly iilaylel, eiitll nl ••TiTe nrhcarwil." by IV>>>ert P.. Snillh. anpporlM liy a cwnnanT <rf nie. Alf. T. Wlll.m la now ar- rnneliiir tlie loiir. , m i„ . Al II. Wllmin nlll r<'liim to TamlMllIc In a new oirrrlna. Iiy Jimle McCiw, orillllnl "r.ii' Di'M- calofam Mprrliniil." , , „ Par anil I'Mnrenoe anirliicy. wlin Imitc tual re- tnmwl from a aiirronafiil Icmr of Ihe Oipheiim Mlilille Went lliralrrB, will rimkr Mirlr 'e-nrpear- anco ICnal. at Kellh'a. I'.ilnro. New York. Win J. Wanl anil hia MiHlriil nlrls, liirliullnB Janiile Jinhl. Ilir rlrvi-r iilniilnt. i Kwil a Iwir "f Ihe U. II. O. .SdiiiliiTii llmi- at Ilir I'urJ.vlh. At- lanta. April 10, mill iix-ii a' Iliimiiifr»lrlii a Victoria, 12. 4 WKHSTKll NOTKS. Mra. Jenny WelmliT. owiu-r "f llir Welmlrr Vauilerllle Olrciilt, haa Mini a Biilt In ihe Kii|>erlor Oiurt, at <Jlilr:ui>, asliliii! ilniiinK™ lo Ihe ».Tlriit of llOO.nOO fniin the WinU-rn VaiiilOTllle Man- agera' Awuclalliiii. SlialTiiiT ft llniilT are the atlnrneya. , llie Welwlrr drriill's new ipurlora are ele- gantly nitiil ii|>. ^ .,- _ , Korfman I'lmnjh ihmI OiniiiTB ii|hmi«1 the Caaino Mnrrh ST. 'I'lio Onalim lias liooii .lemteil lo hur- leaniHi tlila ai-Hyuti. anil hnil a chi-rkornl career In the la.il i1iv:mIp. aHiry will play '^Ix aelB. Iwok- Init thtoucli tlH- \\Vtis;iT CIn-iill, ;n Ihey ilo In tlielr olhrr himm'd. Abe Oihi'li. who oixinli's Ihe Mlil-.vay lllppo- ilrome ami the m-w .\|»illi>. n-i'irti liU Imaliieaa at hoHi lioiiM.-. lie ri'ii-iilly \m\);M the pround on which Ihe \ii.illii h lornltil. Ohria Jacknon, ruriini'i'r of Ihe Sn-iilr. lll^omlng- lon. III., waa ii riTi-iil vlnlnr nl the Wrhster AKcnoy. In Olilcjfii. plctore In her rolea; John lanat ea alwayi be depended on for alioog acting, and to oo down tbe Hoe. eicb member beUf more than at to be a part of _one nf ibe beat aloek iLacblnea In the Beat. 'Tbe Pariah Prleet" la > almfto little play. The women all applauded beartlly at the eiul of each ocl and ae«in«4 to be Intenaely IntereeteJ In lb* loTe UDRle. It U a coroparallTely cheap play to produce In etock, aa tbe toraltyja low. the caat normal and only two accnee. Tho parla require „,„„^„ . „,„^,„. _ ,^.„ atrong acting from nery cbaracter, OarroU Daly , , openlog piece, the company oujie tian bruabed Ibia winpany oP In l^elr roica In kM ' y'ln^ thcmaeUe* well. Let ns bope Uiat tbls than a week. „ ^ atock compaoy wUl be a pennanent orgoBiMtton. Re». John Wbalen wa* eiwlltntly portrayed ,nd thVt the patrena of tSe Grand Opera Hooac hy Oarroll Daly. The droU Irtah wit and bninM ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^re and more each week, waa not > Wt OTerdone. and eretr line of ue _^ lorable character of Jo was reroark- gentlenraa of Ibe parlab priett'a natore wab proml- ^, ~,rt„Ted by Ulna OamWe. with a charm- nenlly diaplajed. It U a remarkable character in/~nonallty and a certain flneBM In her acUng and could not tiare been better acleo. which made her a tHf meceaa. , . , Wtnla Howard ihowed real perBWiallty^ai^NeUlo D^,ucy Ayrea waa eieellent aa Kurie. Jndjing " " fronj bla aplrlled performance In thl5 hoylj* caar- Durkln, a Byinpatbetlc cbaracter. through her CuiaiM SoHon«u> baa a record 5» «" h. mmd of Ho h«J been working ^ff'?™ w«£r^rtll?ut a iSy oft. In tbe Ortacent Stock Oo. '"A"fth'o'Xa1ir£it'^!ni pmduce a coatume, Z Ueatre. niuiuuD ,(,,„ Block oomoany at the Orann Opera book la^m! ?t tbe^t In the city. Erery tjeiaber B a worker, and tbe new company looks Tery much like a "aUcker" for Brooklyn. ItowiiBH IliLt has recovered from bla recent llln« and la again playing the lends at the Bronx Tbeetie. _ BiBi Wilcox, comedian of the \ladawortn Hlayen, la one of Ibe Ihmeat belle»er« oC talented acling bbe gained tbe aympatlir of tbe whole anillence. John Loieni, ea Dr. Edward Wclah, waB Tory atrong In tbe bad aide of Uie Ml hearted, ore Erown boy. and Loraia certainly old play bla role lo perfecHoQ Bdltb Spencer atmggled rory well with a moat unaympathetlc cbaracter, Agnea Oaaaldy. She niake* a good appearance, and la a clevet female beary. Nell Pratt was eiceptlonally elerer aa Jamee Welch, lie look bis bearT dramatic altuatlona In the aecond ami third acta very eailly. and liroTcd that he waa quite an artlat. Ue makes a Kood appearance, and when he entera Ibe stage one knotra that there la aonethlng to be done and he doea It. He la lery popular wltb tbe patrona, and an eicellest lUibt comedian. TO hate the power to make people langb Is a tvnnderful gift.. Deit Wilcox la bntowed wltb It. He had the au<llence 4o a contlnuons laugh *ac<> lime he made an eclrance. The character of Ibe old Irish gardner, Michael Sulllfan. la a funny character, hut It rnjnlrea a gowl deal of "ad milling'' to put It OTor. Jerome Renner. as Prank Douirlas, waa TPry Koml. hia role rery natural, and be ahownl rent emotion Ui bis big eceeea. A good Jurenlle man. Dr. Caasldy was very well played by Richard Ogilen. Henrietta Ooodwyn. aa Katherlne Oirrli^n. Iniproiaed one aa coming lUrect from tho "old Hofl." ner liiuKOf wag eieellent and not a parllcls orerdone. A very nod Ingenue, and popular. Tlila week. "The Time, the I'hioe and the Olrl." JfKfM. ROYSTBn A DUDMSY IIUST. Itoyater & Dudley have leaae^l the Summer the. aire at Rorlck'a Olrn. KImlra. N. Y.. for twelve wreka, beglning June 7, This aame Drm bns the Caiie Theatre and the lUverron Tliealre, Portland. Me. Munlcal stock will bo preacnteil In sU three lioiiara. ncler."blgThln«a oin'be erpecled from'blin. He makea a fine spppearaiMje, and li of the perreci matlcfe Idol type. Hli peiaooallty Is T.e^ Iom- I'rancla .McOnih, as Ibe wlltall, slnohon Amy, was remarkable. Miss McOralb Is a talented actreu. Her mullon and ber panaes are correctly llme<l and Uie technique excellent. Elaine Foater was very good as Mt», ■ Msicb. Tbe aympatbcUc role wss very well played, ana her altualloas were specially well met. A good second woTian. „ , William KUlott waa a reTelntlon as Prof. Bhaer, the Oerman aulhir of Jo. Hla dialect wbb not overdone, and bla makeup waa very natural. Uarold Vermllye was a very good, neat JuvenUe In the character of John Brooka. The good com- eily connected with the part waa well bronght out. Rarl Simmons, estreaiely clever ss Mr. usrcb. Simmons. Is a talated actor and can lit Into any part. The henrt 4brobs were felt In evevy line. Aa Meit. Katbryn Vincent excelled. Tbe role waa made doubly Important by ber good acting. Sickly Beth waa roflrayed by ISdiia Wallher. who demonstrated some very good acting dnrlng her ecene In the third act. William Oulllngton rroved thi|t he waa as excellent character man n the role of old Mr. Laurence. ifarle Reela provided aome good comedy In the role of Uannab Unllet. Olara Wallher gained ber point aa Aunt Uarcb, She portrayed the cbar- ncler very well. Tbia week, "The .Misleading Lady." Jf|/>c>. ad- inMng on ihe stock stage. _M^-/Wllc»i resllaa the value contained lo good press work, continued anccesa la a proof of It. Non, THAVDiB-lB«Ni Donoias and Asaoclate Players opened at tie WcltlngOwra HouM, Syn^ cose, with "Ilebecca of ananybrook rarm, ' to Wg business. Tua CLiPPaB wishes the now company | lots of sacitas. Tin Cuppn win be glad to pay attention to | all signed commanlcatloni^ STOCK SUCCEEDS VAWDKVILLB. The Broadway Theatre, at Loiinsport, Ind., which has b(en playing vaudeville, under the management of V. P. Jeffries, bns been leased by Joa. Schmal, of Chicago, a man ot wide'ibeatrlcal experience, who will Install a permanent stock company. The theatre la being ronodelri, re- I'eco-ated and much now acenery added, and will re-open April 12, "The Well" being tho Initial I'lll. u .1 The hill will be changed twice each week, anil Mr. Schmil will be assisted by Ohaa. nolden, rs ticaaurcr snd Geo. TBppen. director, from the amoudc of Interest already evidenced the move should orova a succeaaful one. rormer -ilnnager Jeffries la undecided regaidlog Ills future activities. BACK TO WATERBllRy., I'-rnnk Kltk, formerly of the Poll PUyera In Watertrory, Coon., snd later st SprlngSeld, Msu. VONKKR8 STOCK Co Warbprton Themtre, Yonki- r .. \. y HAROLD ~ VERMILYE JUVENILE Permanent ttddreas. IIOTKL ST. I'Al i. .. v c DUDLPY ~~ AYRES LEADING MAN New Ornnd Opera Konse Plii}i<ra ype; Brooklyn, N. Y. WILLARD EARL SIMMONS NBW (IRAND OPERA IIOUSK l'l,A\l,l:s Perm, Add. Z2ri Llvliigatoii si., iniyri. FRANCIS McGRATH NEW GRAND OPERA HOUSE PUYERS DROOKIiYM WILLIAM H. "ni.Ai'KKAca" l'*iiiiiH lloHH was oiio of the lll^ hits at tlie Aiulllorliiiii, In Otilcnt.ii, Krl.lny, March 10. OUT OF TOWN HEWS OMAHA, JV]©13. UsiNiuaB (Crnwfonl, I'llVy ft Zi-liriiiig, mur".) — Mario 'IViiiiM-st, In "Ni-.irly MiirrUil." April T. 8; ()iniih;i KlkM (TliiiriiH (liicnl) U. IiOTii'H (W. J. IhiritiMH, innr.l —ll,i.nl ITieiilro Blfck ai.. Ill "Tlir NljiniT," l-io. OiVCTV (K. I.. .lulHiaoii. l"ii,T.)—TTlo (VilliTC Girls. Willi AlK" Itrviiuhla. 1UI. Dni'iixuu (\V. r. llyriM'. iiiur.l—lllll IID: mifiiliclh ,Munny, MHIe .">-'ii|i, Mr. and .Mrs. ICrwlerkli Allen iinii|i«iiy, lliiey nml Iw, Allci- KIs Mill llerl I'-n-iirii, Ilie.Kour Aniariihtlia. Ilrt'ot Hoys mill tlrplieuiii 'lYavi-Uiifiie. KiiPRRHH JFrniik llarria, iiirr.l—lllll 4-7: Kar- llboiin Kllffonl, Win. 11. Ariii«tT«ii-,' iiuil compaiiy. Laiar iiml Dale, ami "Cflyile nml Marlon. Last half: Kciiiuily ami Hurt. U-aler Trio, 'l-brve Ouys. mill llo-tlowMliy 'tVuuiv. AUaillCAN. lllP, t'AIII.IIM, CaMSIII'IIUNB, Alhak- iiiiA. lIiri'iiimoMn, Ki.iTn, l-'iiiii,i>'. Sviiuiiuan. . 1-'i:ankun. Moniiob. l.oTiimii' mid I-'ahnau. luo- loii pirtimi' only. SOUTH O.MAIIA.—ll»N:ir. .Maoic and On- rilBUU, \niiilevllUi mill pIcliircM. TUB lu'w aplll Mi-ek |iilu'y nt lhi> l-;iiiiiri'-K acdiui lu Iki Jrnwlni; piu-U'il limura daily. AlloofKi (ill- — Allniiln (lli>iiii>r CiMrKC, lUKr.) "A i'air uf Klxea" April S>lii. fim^VTii (II. L. Onnliua. nigr.i Hill 10; Six Anurli'iiii OaiiciTi, .Monro ami Yinii'k'. llllly Vnii. Mine. Mnry'a Olroiia. llogiiiiiy 'rnmiH'. airl llarrv llcresfonl ami c»iii|mny. llljou (II. I,. IX" (live. liiKT 1 - I'lie itri'iit aclreaa, l";iiiln llotfeiman. and all m.-ir VliMlsh Co.. lieadlMg Ihe bill .March :il-A)irll 1!. f MiiJ, (A. K. Jviira, nu;r.)—.M»il.':il comely playliii; to fair lunisu'e. lliiNiTA (Ceo. OiMiplKill, mgr.)—T.-ilili-nii niiil million ploUirea, lo i-ooil houses, OBAHU, l.TBIl', .STBANn, SAVOT. VAUlirrTB, TWO Al.AUOH, MllNTOOMRltT. .Vl.VltA nllJ At.SllA, pIC- liiiw only. AnKUatit, (:n.--l!r.iiid (11. II. Trsnt. mgr.) Seiior AniloiH'iKiifa Sacreil Conwrt. April 4. llijoo (Spftrku ft Si*liranuvh, iii|m.)—OITerliig one of Ihe U*:*! Intiloltl allows t\f the seaaoii In Zarrow'a "AimTli'nn IMrla." durhiK week of March 20. Ihls bouse wn* well imliviiluNl. Tlie cimi]iaiiy Is now In IH Bi'venty-aUtli wwk. Aiuuiig thoae featiireil wilh llii> nlmw aro: Lillian Xelgliv, lUMilah Pmiiiny. Jack riuiuay and l/Cirla and llnol. Mr. Zarrow l» t»<iiiiHirarlly wltb the coiiiiuiny as mananT. Al. Wllllauui' Mualcal CV>mnly Ou, April n-lO. .Stiianp. .Miiojrhka ami l>aiuui,ANn, morion liny City, llllfh.—W'lishliiKlon IK. 0. Ueatty. mgr. 1 feature lllma on oiieu ilatee. "Damagol ISiiHla" Aiirll in. May Itobimn 20. llijoii (¥!. r. U<-;iiiy. iiifr.)—Tim Ted Dallcy Rlnck IVi. 1 ivk nf 1. i>i>enliie with "The Deeti I'urple." OnoTTii (W. T. l-'Hvitrlli*. 1 lugr 1—Vaudeville and iiliotiiplnya. WSNIINAII. Stau, Ai \iikis, Kauilv, PlOTUa*. I.ANII, ArxNi'B. lliuiAiiWAT, i'ahk, Tkui'LI and OiiowN, MiovlnK plcliinn only. YORKERS STOCK, IFarfturlon. A most timely play waa aelected by Director (ieorge barren for Holy Week. Perhaps from a liiialness view, the piece la not .a auccess. but from a view of brotherly love, there la not a more beautiful drama with a better moral. Prac- tically a aermon, "Tlie Sk-rvant In the Ilouae." comiiellnl a spiritual feeling and It was not broken until tlie fall of Ihe filial curtain. F.ven hack xtage, where Jollity Is always prevalent, there ivaa a aolemnlty that was awesome. The actors had Ihelr whole heart In Ihe play and aceraeil III lltc through the tenae eUuatlons. The ner- fiimiance could hardly have lieen lielter given awl every member woe perfect-In hla or her char- neler. A play like this hiillila a lielter patronage. The setting waa good snd the environment eeemed IK'rfect. There prohnhl]' la no role that aiv aclor loves lo iiliy mote than that of .Manaon, the butler. ThIa Clirlatllke gentle charncler was remark- nlily well played Tiy Joseph Glllow. Ho gave a illgnllleil. dramatic performance. His make-up waa excellent. One of Ihe strongeat characters In the play was liortnyed hy Oeorgo Varren. As Robert, tho sccIoIIbIIc brother, Mr. Farren diaplayed a re- markable piece of acting, ami his big scenes In the ttcenit and llilnl actn were gripping. His ci»ler dialect waa very gooil. P.llen aieriim wan well east nn Aiintlc. She waa (plendld throuiliout, ond showed great tslent, ar.il nuiile a doe apiienrance. In tbe absence or ne):liio Wsllace. no better snbatltute ss a leading viniiaii cnUd possibly bare been fonnd. Dcr gen- llnieui of nuinner captivates the audience. Alrheua Lincoln waa vety forcefnl aa the Vicar, with llros eloniienllv dellveroil, holding tho honee In tho lost act. particularly. Howard BouJden. as tho pompons English bishop, was eitimoly clever. Hie role of the mercenary birhop demands a good knowledge of cbaracter ncling to portray, and Ur. Boulden waa not found lacking:. .lean Brae was awcel and charming aa Mary; an eieellent Ingeniio, juat made for tbe part, imrMMing really charming penonallty. Arthur Do Ixvd made a typical middle class English nrvant, and lupplleil good eomc^ly momenta. Tills week, "TTio Only Son." Mylei. CRESCENT STOCK. ^ OrttemI, Broofclyn. FV>r Holy Week the management gave a feature moving picture before tbe abow and between tbe acta of 'llie Vampire." Bvory seat ot the house waa Oiled by 1.41) r. K. Wednesday matinee. March 81. "Tlllle's Punctnred Romance." fea- turing Marie Drvaaler and Oharlea Ohiplln, waa put on between acts. Tlie anilanse at the cod of each act and dat- ing msloaramatte momeots proved that the offer- ing waa well liked. After the Monday matinee performance I,eah Wlnslow waa forced to retire from the cast on ni'count ot a bad case of laryngitis, and Ratberlne Pumell, who bad played the nle of the Vampire In the Bronx, gave a very One exhibition of acting. Miss Pumell u a clever actreea, wltb a remari- abla penonallty. and waa very strong, living up to tbe Tequdrementa of the part. Robert Sterling tbe yoimg man who just barely escapes the trsp of the Tamplre. was well played by Robert Oleckler. Alnawortb Arnold did full Justice to tbe heavy role ns "Loole, tbe Hawk." Charles O. Wilson st<9>ped out of bis usual Juvealle character and portrayed John Olennlng. a middle aged gambler. Wilson went ibrougb some heavy acting In tbe flttt and last acts and was excellent throughout. Clara Mackln. again wltb her great peownallty. charmed and vras a snoceaa as Helen Madlscn, She Is talented and Id a abort time Bbould be doing leads. Ohss. SctaoOeld wss funny as Oeorge Botta, naturally a comedian, be could not have given a better performance In the role, Beatrice Moreland was very good In Daisy McOurk, earning some legltbnate laughs snd was a big bit. Artbw Mack pleased In bis doable roles. . "The Slory of tho Jlosiaty" (hl.-i week. ifples. NO STOCK FOR TBRRE IIAVTD. Young's Qarden, tbe favorite Bummer play- honse of Terra Hants, Ind.. which waa to open May IS with a atoek companr, boa beeo leased to an auto aalea company, who will convert tbe Oardeo Into a garage. Manager Bam Tonng received a good offer and long leas* on aame, and ao concluded It a better Investment than alx moDths of Summer stock there, WILBUR PLAYE»S OPEN SEASON. Tlie Wilbur Players, a musical stock eompsny, opened a Summer engagement at the Spreokeu 'rbeatre. Ran Diego, Osl., April 0, with Vera Stanley In bbe leading feminine rale. "A NIgbt la thi Waterbury, Coon., and later at Sprlngneia, siass., i ■ ■ ■ Is sgstn appearing In Waterbury wltb (be Ohaa. ■ ■ ■ Uook Sbick Oo„ at Jacquea' Theatre opening In M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M I "Rebecca of Bnnnyhrook Farm," April B. . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I Ix>ulee Leblane, who was also a member of the B ■ M ■ MM ■ ■ Poll Players, and later of the Morley Plsyeis, Is I ■ ■ | RKMAINS WITH TIIK NEW (iUAN'U Ol'EKA HOUSE I'l.AYKIiS. IlKI-X LEIH VIINSLOIIf LEADING WOMAN CRESCENT STOCK CO., BltOOKI.VN. CHA8 C. WILSON CUE9CEKT STOCK CO.. HKI,V> Ix>ulse Leblane, who was also a member of tbe Poll Players, and later of the Morley Plsyeis, Is now seen wltb tbe Cook Players, bi Waterbury, as Is also Rutb Fanuing , a Waterbur y girl. PAYION FOR FOUR WEEKS. Oontracta were signed last week for Corse Pay- ion to put four weeks ot stock on at Court.S(|usre 'Pheatre, In Hprlngfleld. Mass., commencing May 3, Mir. Payton'B enterprlso oppeatB certain to re- calve a warm welcome, as tbey hnvo always been rcry popular wltb SprloiBeld tbcatrrEoeta. NEW LXIADINO WOSIAW. Ftancea Mellton, one of the beat known leading women In stock, will Join ttie Bonslell^atoak Co., at tbe Jeffetaoo, Portland. Me., In 'VnK Snmii- atead-LeIgh," April 0. Ulas Nellson la Kbtl™'^ loadlug lady, and It U a feather in MM Bon- atelle's cap lo secure ber, V JOINT STOCK STAR DNGAOBBUCNT. Tbe Wsdsvrorth has secnred the services of Harry Oorson Clarke and Margaret Dale Owen, who will piodnce "Why Smith Left Home" and "Whose Baby Are Yon]" Mr. CHarke liaa ap- peared In four hundred and twenty-six different charactera dnrlng bla career. They will open 12, supported by tbe regular members of the stock company. LBADINQ LADY ILL. I,eab WLislow, leading Isdy of tho Crescent I Stock Co.. was taken 111 after Ibe Monday matl- { nee. March 20. wltb a case of acute laiyngytls. nnd was uuublo to appear for tbe evening por- formanco. Katheilne Pumell. who played the | "Viimpire," at the Bronx Tbeatie. substltuled, I'lid gave a capital performance. NBW COMPANY. B. V, Keith will atart bis Snmmer Block at the Hudson, Union HIU, N. J., May fl, producing all tbe latect Broadway plava at a low price of sdmlaloD, and Is aire that tbe natives of Union HUl, -will take kindly toward It, as tbey have done. Win. II. Snlllvan, now leading man at the Qot'uam, will bead the new company. SECURE BROADWAY SHOW. ISdward Rllcy, tbe energetic manager of B. F. Kelth'a Creaceat, Brooklya, proved that be was on tbeJob snd olive when be secured "The Seven Eeya to Boldpate" tor his attraction week April 11. Mr. Riley has done much toward tbe betterment ot I stock In Brooklyn. MACKIN CRESCENT STOCK CO.. UKLV.N. On the Isthmus" he Inltlnl atlnetlon. niCVIVAL OF PARISIAN FOLLIES. Jack Reklaw. the owner and manager of the "Olrl of My Dreams" Co., bas entered Into so nrranBement whereby Poaraon's Psrislsn Folllea will be revived and tbey will open s stock en- iracniient April 10. at the Grand Opera Bouse. Hot Stirlnga. Ark. The company will be NEW LOAD AT HAVERHILL, Olive Templeton bas succeeded Fhnenee Sblr ley, aa leading lady of the Academy Players, at the Academy. Haverhill, Mass. STOCK AT TEMPLE. HAMILTON. The Temple Theatre, at Hamilton. Can., will not s^iringa. Ark. The company will be com- —AiiHi lo wli».' !r mii^r^ .t^i^^!i„.,,^ imwil of twenty-eight people, and will be eqipped xr%2? ^n? ? m.S hvJJw^T^ ?Ji Willi aiioclal acencpy aiS^wanlrobe for earti blU. with OiarelB McKay and Lillian Kembla In the 111 a|>oclal acenery and wanlrnbe for each blU, clvlng two bills a week. The company Inclndes: Harriot Hoanier, Iva Hlder, Ilert Jack. Lloyd Oiilnn. and ae\-er«l others as yet unannounced. I'racllcally the e«T«e chonia as was employed In Ihe original Parisian Follies which closed, throe or four weeks ago, a very successful aesson, wlirin' re-encacMl for Ihe new company. THE POLI PLAYERS. Poll's Stock, St Waahlnston. D. C. la playing "Within the Law" this week. On Aortl 11 mov- ing pletin-ts ot .Maodo Gilbert will be abown, with JItas Gilbert lecturing. Kanon Welch baa also iiosed for plcturea. Sonvenir pictnns will lie illatrllnitoil on siicclal occnalona. In ihe Poll mnirniiy are: Helen Tr.rcy. Gavin Harris. Roae Mncnonald, Ilockcllffe Fi'llnwa, Naiion Welch and ImM ITaliics, nhd Mnuil Gilbert, leading womnn. A COMPANY A MONTH. II la announeni hy Alex. Wall that atock will bo plrycd at tlie Majeallc, Birmingham, Ala,. IVKliinlnjt about April 20. It la planned to place a dlffereat company la the house each month. mder the management of Wood and La nt canpatiy will consist of elgbtecn peo- the NOW IN VAUDBVILLE. Klliel Ollflon, formerly leading lady of l-'offlHTg Players, of Newark, N. J., vrill appear at Keeney'a. that elly. In a vaudeville sketch. iutllle<l -^Salnt snd SJinner," April 12-lT. Jt>raFy rily, K. J iluji-sllc (Frank K. Ilenilemon. mirr.l Olara liv). In "Wllhln Ihe Law." April d-IU. AoAoaur (Ory Mi-Ailow, nigr.l—Tlie Cracker Jnrks (110. Olty Sixirla neit wn-k. (inniBUM (1*11. M. Knutor. mi;r.)—The Ori>heum Rliirk On. pre?run "Stuii nili-f" n 10. KiMTii's iWiii. II. Ciiryii. iiit:r. 1--11111 8-1: Al. tl.'wlhoii. Miniltnra l-*.li;lit Itoyal lir.-ii.iiona. Harry l.el|;lllOil. IMi'l: l''o\ Rliil .*,Mii|i:iliy. i'lm^. llciillllij;- lllll, Brul.Jniiosi mill llvan. I'ur-S 10 IVrae Paj - tuii riiil iMUiiMiiv. Clsiiiic tloliliMi and utiiera. ANOTimn show under canvaa will bs Ihe Mary Oarrw-R. G. Kingston Oompany. now being nrKanlacil by II. Q. Kliigatxi. MARRL KSTBI.IJ? AND .HOWARD VAN SI.OAN are lhi> only remaining Forebeig Players iiiiw lu Ihe company at the Orphenm. Newark. N. J., which la noiv headed by Mabel Biownell mill Olltrord Stork, tbe establlahed Newark atock favorltee. HO WAR PRIQBS ON Price amd (tasklltr AlwarB tke •••• SOLD ■TSnrWHiDM. leads, ADKLB BLOOD AND JBSSIB BONSTKLLK will each have a atock company In Buffalo, K. Y., co mmen cing April 10. TRB BROwNilB BLTB STOOK OO. are pre- paring to open the Sammer season of lUB, early In May, - - IMace, pie. band and orchestra. Brownie Blye will be M«B In tbe Imding rolea. Although Mtas Blye's health has been very poorly for tbe past sea- son, she stoutly malntalna that ahe will be ready for work when tbe tlaw presents Itself. The man- agers have been making extensive preparatlona and look forward to a prCTmeroua aeason. 'PHB SDWARDe-WIISON 00. la stUI doing hustoess. During tbe cngaRement at Republic, 0., nothing but praise was heard oh the merlls ct tbIa company. Tht RepuMlo Aeporfcr rays of tbe company: ''By tar tbe best tbst has rdared before a Republic andlence In many years." Be- rAihltc people are sot sU>w to recognise tbe merits ot a good abow, and It la aafe to aay that other companlea will be Judged by tbe standard set by Ibe Kdwarda-WIIson Ob. tor many vean to coma. Dnr'tng tbe retnm engagemCDt at West UaseSeld. O., the prevlona -keuae record, vitldi wma belA bv ibia ooopaay. was badly ahatlered, lo Ut. Metory tbe boslneas waa tar abend ot what It has ever been here, ney sre convincing man- agers everywhere tbst this little abow Is a teal nuiey getter. LHXIAN KBLLHa Is la stock at Syracuse, N. Y. OSOAIt O'SHElA and his Prlnctsa Playrrs are playing to good buslMas In Illinois and Wlsooniln. I/ent bas not been aa bad aa the drat oart ot Ibe season wltb tbla company and for the last few weeks bualneas bas been capad^. Tbe roster: Oscar O'Bhea. manager; Ohas. Ftaaklyn, nennle Gould, CUrcoce Walten, Oea StodnvU, Harry Morgan, Katber Evans, Merle Rtasell, Ruby Bergen, Kitty Malone and Bex WUaon, agent. F, MAOK will open bla Vandyke and Batoa stock, May 8, at St. Joseph. Uo., for twan^ weeks, and at Des Moines, la.. Hay 10, tor twenty weeks. MAJ<A0BR a K. VAN ADKBN, Of the JoUy Delia Priogle Ob„ Is I'card from In Boise. Idabo^ wkere tlie company Is playing an Indefinite and aiiccesiful engagement. iMARY BOLAND opened as leading woman ot the Block company playing at the Denbim, Den- ver Oolo., April B. THB OOaiPTON-PLUU STOOK 00. will open May 3 under canvas, to play Illinois and Wis- consin. TlIU HYPERION PL,AYBB3 (New Haven, Conn.) are meeting with fbie success. Tbe oom- psny Includes: Obss, Oslver, Jane .Morgan, Will- iam Bonney, Frances Williams. Malcolm Owen, William TbWDsend snd Hsny Bewley; Director Oazeneuve has charge of tbe stage. SPEDDBN & PAIOB have tak«n over the lease ot the picture house, tbe Orpheum, Bristol, R. D.. snd will ma ssms In connection with Ibetr other Intercet. THE .MALLEY ft DENNIBON STOOK 00., which started the seaaon at tbe Colonial Law- rence. Mass.. and was later Innsteried to the Empire, at Salem, onjoyod a lay off during Holy Week, nnd many ot the membera spent It renew- big acqnalntnoces. Among those remsloing In I,aviiei-ce being: A. Gordon Reld, stsga director; Rita Knight, leodlog lady; J. Warren Ohnsa, mbtcger of the company; John J. Chvens and Harvey Hayes. THB PEARL STOOK CO. began an Indeflslte eDgsgiment at the Oliver Theatre, South Dcod. Ind,. April S. THB .\TLAS MUSICAL COMEDY 00. Just closed a fourteen vneks' engagenent at the AtloB TUatre. Cbeyenne, Wyo,. and E. 0. Belvllle, nurncger. Is now In Omaha. Keb.. looking for a locallon for a Sammer stock eompsny. THFI Block cnopsny at tbe Btppodrome, Protia, III.. Is now known as tbe.Payccn Block (jo.. E. n. Livingstone having retired. Uanrloe Jenkins la tbe new director. Alma PowcU Is also a new meiLber. "LBNA BlVmS" waa glren for the week of March 39 by tlie Temple r'ayera at the Audl- torlnm. Maiden, Maas. U ,'aret Bralnard was Been to excellent advaslage aa Lena, aa was MIsa MeOaskey as Oranny. Mr. Ootdon was seen aa Durward and In tbe port ot Joal Sloenm, Eat! Hovrall csosed screams ot Iingbter, The pro- dDCttoa staged by Frederick Loomls, LEADING MAN CRESCENT STOCK CO.. DKLV>, CORLI!!!! CUES UKADINO With MISS JESSIE Weat End TIaeaire, IVIAIM BONSTKLI.K. New Yoi-l< BERT WILCOX COMEDIAN At the Wftdsfforth Theatre. Kcw York i '-j^ ■WAHTKD FOR PHIL. NAHER STOCK CO Addrsia as S01>BIS TUOKKR haa retomed to the West to oompletc her tour ot tbe Marena Loew circuit, openbig lo SacramtntD, April 10, and will play EisstwsTd. Mlai Tneier, togelber irltb other heidllnere now tourhig tor Loew, are proving a drawing card In tbe Western booses. Loew's Western theatres sre dolns so vrell that sU cf them will remain open all g uu Mu er. Middle West- ern bonan booked by Loew will also keep open during the entire season. BURTON AND SKRA recently Intradnccd their new set "Bongs ot Yesterday and To-day" at Poll's Bridgeport. Tliey use new wordrobe. a special drop for th ferlngs. Including Mrelve changes running nineteen mlnntea. A. II. McADAMS' ''U»l'' ^opW Turv). playing two weeks on the Caew^ Shafer time, opens on the Sun time, lu Erie, Pa bla Is ono of the clas ncla in vamlevllle to^'^i-was ''. . aud all special scenery. tor nvc weeks si the 'Talace, Detroit, i , Billy Gross and M,«T"«I'^JSc v Potel, Arthur McAdam, Little Toolsie and s chorus of Ave glrla. . ^| VALBSKA SUBATT spent week of S,^,^L^'2"«id>"'h5?«Vo. "'^i:.'^ ",;oi'*»'vTuDBVlLL« a- nient at the Union Square, New York. A_ James B.'a suave methods sod Mi»s ' way and clever d'"""'.'?JJ'',*„"Rra material put the new act over In K«P' faahlon. BIINA OLAJION put In which Bhc Bucccsirfiilly Ion. Ottawa. Ont., last weei ' nfHT ' nn-l .:ll 0; ■ Rl'l -..liljlll' ; 0'" ■.lit: \ bni. V ...t la •hAiii In nrOnUCC ■ "'^ . aeaaons a- foalure'l 90 a new P"^ appeared al ili' nr Md 'a^J^rlaT; Sew York ami Is «bo"l '".PSj" their different of- act. In whlcli be "PW"^,, lies of wardrolic, I Lambs OamM. which will uc ,;li<i: i- o( ever aNV .-.11.1^ I-'- perl .Ilia- .: I" nil- Ibe tlic Marcus Losn circuit.