New York Clipper (Apr 1915)

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20 THE ISTEW YORK 03L.IPjRER APKIL 10 INTME HILLS OF OLD KENTUCKY ■ ■ ^^■r^".^. O^fT^TAU SUMMER SOKiC ANID A OPEAT MEW BALLAD r^,;-,. ■rgO^ ready: LIVELY OPENE»»,CLOSER, NOVELTY DOUBLE, ^f^'^r^^'l^'J^^^'l^^^^ r. J. A. FORSTER Publisher , Prof. OFFioe 6^ Grand _Qp^a^£^se_ Chlc?ago, ni not tlio "Till To)) 'J'lpppmry Mary (^nmpany and miiHic (Editob'i Notb.—TW» columfTTf for BepoOHon, Park. Pair, Carnival, Oireui, WIU Wett, Antutrntnt Pitr and Huf»r»«r Rnurt OonotMiunoiTM* „ „ Bend in pour newi rotet for publication to Biltor of "WhetU and Ringt," Nbw xobk Clippcb, \t W. Tifenty eiuhlh Btrett, Heto York.) W'jKi aro Toil wHh UiIr urnmn? llovr loni Mn8. Nat Rnns will liondln nil the targe ., „„.. ..„r.._ •.. ..In..-/ -r-u "^MAi/'t <:oni'".-Klon/i with t)io FBmoua Nut lUlss (iooii annds QDd hard 'work iwln in tbc con- cx-«i'<liin buRlnciw. IlAiiiiY lldWAiiD In Id Ohl(!nj;n. IIo can bo nncn nuiMt nny time at the \\ cIllnRton. .IKKKY IlKAiiii lin^ Komo crnicesslon con- trnrts ulth thi? I'norlrKH KxpoHltlon tVhows. Jin U muklni; lil.i licnilqiiftntcrs In nttnhurgh, rn. The Neiv Yhhk f'l.iiTKii hno never plnypd tht. imrt of n "chiimi)" cdiicntor. Keop tlilB In rcjiir mind. W. (;. Wii.i.iAM.s \n non" nround nraong the lio.VM of 111!" ('ink teniR Holling coffnc. ItiTiKN (liti'ii)'.iio.—IIo* nre you nnd whore nre you? Hone you linve fully riicovercil from Hip nuto nci'Ideiit you hnd In Mont- Kinnerv, A In. .1. IJ. (fv»i,.) SwT.KNKY lias three of them with the firent fllfirfti-Kelly Shows. lie hiid u nice time during IiIh rei ent Ktny In Chicago. TiiKV cnll hhn ".MidKo" Mellvlllc now. II.viiiiY (loi.tii-.N Ih Hilll In Chli-ngo. He nays he will he Independent thiH Ncnxon. Wif.vr 111) you think of the "Iliiii Scotch- ersV" Are tliey good lor the busliieas? jire you Kolng to »t«y'/ Try nnd "«Hck' iiwIUIc onyivny. Witv not the DollV" Tip Top Toy piiblUlierii, plen^e nolii liKAN J<AT>M(OI' ASH .1. S. nAOI.KV 'n>lll 1)0 with -the .1. v.. AWnffery eonci'mlouH wlien llii'y open -n^lth the Allinon Kron. In Uin- i M-itcr, Mo. CnAH. IlAUTiiKi. left ChlMigo, Simdny, Miireh 2!), for ikiIiXh ni'nr Sf. fiOUlH. Ilo w-ns not pnrtleiihirly cnrrlud ow«y with tho windy elty. riiANK llAMTi.ToN Biu-s he mny Join A\. \a\U> In Webb (Hly, Mo. At pri.wut he l» III (Milcngo. Wiiv not n pnrtfipllo of winsfi thnt lire ^io|jiihir nn a wlirel iiTlleli'? SonK puhllHliers mill roni'CMitloiMilri'i*—W'liiit do you myV A. H. Smii'ii iMiiy l>i' with I'elece Iti'rniirdl. iKi: P.U .ST rei-cirtly reiimied to t.'lilmco ri'oiii Mliiiii'iipollH. "I'.IIIM INIillAM A.NIl IlKM.SI.MKII Al.A." YoU iiiiilf'rsiiiiwl. .Iiiii.s T. Ai:uHE Is renlly a king among (■oiic>"<sloimlr\'s. Circus. 101 RANCH NOTES. K.\i>o.sriio\ NiKiw. The eiiiiipii'iii froiil dimr rosier liieliideH: .loKcpli >'. MllliT. iinxlili'iil Mild (,'i'iiiTiil dl- ii'c'lov: I'ol. I'niliTlik 'f. ('iiiiiiiiiiiH. .Miijiir I'Iris. ItlimlrH. Al. I'lxliir. iliiirp- of rioiit c!iior; \V. A. r.riuikN. uriicnil 111:1 ii:i kit : It. K. I.oiic. prws a;;i'iil ; Clili r i::iKh' I'^vc-, Indlnii vllhige: C. A. Iliilh-y. lii iisiiriT; Al. Woilh, l.einl liiiiikki'M|ii>i': Cnrrli' Wll.fiiii. sIimiuk- Miplier; lim-. W'phcr, iishIhIii iil lU'eiiii illri'clor ; I'epl. Iliii'dln. Mildli'i'.x: Iniki- II. I.i'e, ullli'liil MiiniMiiM'cr; Turk II. Tri'iillss lljiiirl. The rnittd.H nre ^Towlim every ihiy. nnd we lire nil Innkliit! furwiiril Ici n pri>spi'niiis mid pli'llSlllll .Sl'll.'^llll. Ilefore lenvliig for the rnneh In open ihe mild hIiow, .loHi'pli C .Miller nroiliiri'd 11 lilg I VI' reel feature pleliire. enlled "The 101 l.'^ini'li nl Ihe Pnlr: or. The Kliv<t Uoiiiniii'e III' Ihe ICiipimllhiii." Diike It. I<ee niid ('hire I'ireinnii pliired the lends. During the |ili'. 1111'e Keveriil of Ihe priiirlpnl shows of Ihe /one nre liil roiliu'ed. Aiiioiig I hem wore ih<' oslr!eli fiiriii. New /.imiIiiihI vIIIuki*, uiid I'N- leliiili C'leineiilii. .Me.\lriiii e.'dilhll. One of Ihe lilg fi'iiliiri'K of the sliow I.m <'::;!!. Ilnrdpi nod hk sixteen sulrtler boys, el.'ilined III he Hie fiislrsi mniiiiry AKkTc;:.': Hon 'III the llnlli'd Slnles loilny. Willi Iheir iient iiKlforni.s, fuKi work nrd Kpeeliil iiiuxlr, Ihey cei'lnliily present n iilffy net. During i\T. .Mlller'ii nlwenee Duke II., SEE HEREI 'Wlinnvon luiy IilghliiforHhnwB or conni.HHUiiiu you iloii'l wniit to net /IglilH lliikl worv iiiiido for TiimierH—wi.'ll, llglita tliiit nro very g I for rnriiiurHurv hclug oirereil luid Kold nn hIiow llglilH. Ton will lie liesi oir In llic end If YOU diin't pill your niiiney fiilo II Hhow or (i>iii'.i.'ii.slon l.lglil niiill you tiike time 10 'wrlio for ItUS iliilnlogiieoriho "I'lllMU" QAS- UlilNK bIlOW I.KillTS. Tliey linve been mil do for 8I10WH nnd (VuieeHdhUiH lUKl Olil- iloor Aiiiiiseiiieiit ti'itile for (>ver tenyoiu'ri, nnd meet every Kpeelnl lieeil mill IiiiiiIhIiIp of lliu biisl- No, 100—Ilnl-nesH. Tliey are perfected iinil Iiiw Wli'o Hysiein inoileni opto tlienilunte. I.tnip, with .^iili. (-lltCI'S CHANDRIjIBH- I'lnnie Atiavli-HRN invited lo ri'^timor 111 our inelit, $3.ftO. Kl'iio Kluplnyiuonl Ikiraiill. 8PAOIAL lilOIITS POU till' iilllelal nnnoimeer Is riding tho .«10,OnO dl.inv>ii(l Klndded Kiuhlle, nud IvMdliig tho pni'iide oil the Arnhinn Htiilllon. lleii-IIur. Iiiike lays tlinl IL l.s liiird to believe that a few yvnrs ago he was Just 11 loiiiiiion actor. jiiiii DIx, iirliirliial eomcdliiii with the kIiow. lins rerolvi'd (Hiiiie llntlcrlng offera from' Kevernl mnvliig pleliiri' eoiiiiianle;" for himself iiiid mules, 10 hi' tealured 'n a .series of eiiiiii'dy pinnies lo lie prniliieed (Ills Knll. Diii-iilli'y .Mori'e!! Is on the lio.spllnl '1st, .^iilTorlng frimi lli:' elVi'ds of a hiid full re- ci'lvi'd while rilling a hitekliig Lorse, "Tango Aiinli'." Mil Itniii'li g.'ivi' n spi-rlnl performance tJils wi'i'k to iiuiiia:;i'i's nnd stars of llliulnnd. Among the iiotubles jiri'smt were: I'ld. Kcsse, I'ri'sldeiil of the Now York- Motion I'Icturo I'orpiii'iillon ; Mahi'l N-oniinn. Jlrs. Maven- iiiirt. (.'Iiarles Clniplln, Mnclvn Arbnckle. Ned Dundy nnd others. After Hie show. Manager W. A. Ilroiikii eiilertiiliied the party with an old fnsliloned niiuh dinner. «!ll((iUSI-:s Wtl.I) WKSTS •I'KXTKl) TIIKATRE3 .•-TAtiK I.KillT llu\- 011 INKS rillir i.KIIIT MA- t:|IINK.S MKllUV-OO-ROlINTia CAItNIVAlj CONCK& MldN.M OAIISIVAT, MIDWATS CANDY COOKKIIS" STOVES rOKTAIIhK nABOI.lNK OAS KANfiK.S forWr- ciiH anil (lAniP'Cnnklng .STIIKKT aAl.KSMRN'S IIANDV AIIl-l'nKSSUnE TOIICII, ihiil BcllHon night. Till-: IIYimil.pilOI'O I'OHT.MILE MCIIITIVn MA- t'llliS'K, wlilcli makes llrsl etins night pholog- rupliy inaelleal ami inulltHlile. HINDHORSI LiGHT CO. '•''8»T~"i:JSlS.''A'«r l':.stnlillslie(l ISU7, Knsteriitmdo Riipnileil (liiiiugli aiobo Ona Light Co., ili-i- Uiilou St., Iliistou, Mess. rAIINI'\'AI^, Tho llenipNieail I'lie l)i-|inrt- iiieiit wllU-oniliirl an open nirnirnlviil In l oiiiiee- lion with Ihu Ciinvenllon nud Toiiriianieiit ofHie sonlliern New York KIleluen'sAKsiieliUlon,during Hie week of Jiinu T-l'.!. Kor conei'sslons iiml all liifornnitloii njiply lo \ril.t,l.\M 1,. TOWKltH, au Terruce Ave., llumpstciiO, N. Y. STORM HITS CIRCUS. SAT,iBnt;iii, N. C, April 4.—rfho scrcro Know b'torin and hllr.xard that vlalted tlUs sm- llon jeKti>rtlny, I'lie seoonrt In a week, did Herlmis dnmege. out al the Winter qiinrters of Hie Spnrk's Shows. The three big tents were er.'eted Thursday lo remain up for a neeli, 1.ill II the show moved downtown on the lot. 1'I'hhy night Hn' weight of tin' snow broke off nevernl of the' centre poles, nnd 4lie wuikliiKinen were moused shertly after ■e.ldr'glit to lower 1he (opi. Aided hy ttie Hhows' .si'Hreh lluhts tlie men worked until 4lnyllght In Ihe drlrtiig slonn. and succeeded 4r Having the toiis. 'J'hc big to,i and me- pagerlo were dnniflged coiialdernbly, nnd neai'l.v nil of the quailer poles broken short elT. isevcral scetlonn of uciits were also diiin- aged N. r. lloIiertH, clnlnilng ito be n showmnti nnd c.x-neiWHpuper innn, hivlllng from 8alciii, Mass.. Ib In lull here In drfaiili cf SI.'JOO Imnd, on <n cliurge of pnHsIng bngii.s checks niid ohtotikim; goods under falBC pretenses, while acting uo buslaess .maimger of tbo .Vpr'iicO' d'cdccnf, a week'ly iMiper pnlillshed here. ItoheKs came to Sallsliiiry last Jiinu- my looking for work witli the Spark's Show, nnd liiliT i>ei'Hre4l a pos'ltlon on 77ic (.'iCJiceiif. He illsappoai-ed ul'nut a month ago, .nnd wan linenl lo fiew York, Halthiior..' and Ulcli-- mond. ITc wns arrested .'it S|Kirtnnbiirg. S. <■.. n few days jigo and brought bade Ucro for trial. 'J hc Keasnn of llie Sixirks Shmv opens hero next -Monilny, April li;. Kverythiug Is In readlticsn fur the openltig. Kt.KTciiKii Smith. niD OF rATTiji; diskasf:. New York State Is wholly fri'e from the foot and laoiith dlseiiue, says Oulvln J. Ihmun, eoinnilsHloner of agrleultiire. "The llrst of foot and jnonlh dlscflflo In thiH State," 'sald (Commissioner lIUBon to- day, "was (llagiiiiBed N\»v. .1. 1P14, nt Seneca Kiilld. Slaee that date (ho dlHease has ap- peared III elghteon eotintles, 'I'odny, how- ever, (hero Is not one single case of foot and (iiKUlb diNiuise In the Stale. Not one animal alTeelid. or known to have been eiponed to the dlsenne. remains alive, and there Ifl not line furni. on which the disense Jin.s netnnlly been presi'iil which hns not been carefully ami thoi'diiulily dlslnfceted." LOOKS nAHK pon nnnisES. Owing 111 Hie recent (piareirtlue of anhnals going from on,> Staite to nnoliher. as the re- sult of the "l''iiol and Mouth l"»," a nnnibi'c of which were found In the vlelulty of Siiiliigllehl, Ma.--s., the oiilliMk for n circus vlslthii; iliat illy, or even In the State of Massjichiissolts, this SiiinniiT. Uukks liopeless. Mll.'l\-v.\- IlAKKll lias Joined the Sparks Shows. He will he on the advance car. fi. I ill if s All OPENS mBERLY, MISSOURI, APRIL 19 People Engaged for this Show Report Moberly, April 15, lor Rehearsal. Party Spoclal leaves Kansas Cl'y for Moberly, April 16. r.-« - , Anawer this call to A. B. MILLER, Manager. Can place a few more Concessions. To hour from a gm\ Oriental Show. 1 Eh^!»haiits and CaiiieKs for sniao. 1'. S.''"'m^^^^ *V.vsiim'lt.N, .Ma.mKer Wa^lilnirii's .MIgliiy .MMwa, Wiowh. c-|ic»:er. Pa. SapDlemental Mb(— ReoefTed T«0 tiate for CloMlflo^iM. Allouuin Bra.' Sbotra (W. J. Allmon, Oil.) ((aralTulj—I-aiic«ntcr, Slo., 2''.-MiiT 1. Alltn. Tom Y!.. Shoivs (XVia V!. Allctt, mgr.) (CornlTol)—Wrt* City, Mo., 24->l«y 1. "Along C'urae natli" .Correction)—Dniralo IJ-IT. ItrumliMjo. 8. W., Hhowii, No. 1 (.S. W. Bnm- i!»ne, mgr.) (CarnlTal)—LeaTonworth, Kan,, 12-17. nninrtsge. S. W., Shown, No. 2 (Homer V. JonM, Digr.) (C5«mlTiil)—l>eavenwoTth, Kan., 12-17. nirpreu stuck—lifllwauiico, Indrt, KTone Oreatcr Sboirs (Ed. A. E.oiii, mgr.) (Cainlvoh—Imleppuilfncc, K«n. 10-24. Empire Sintk—Syrnciise, N. Y., 12, Inilet, (IlBEton, Mclbi. Piojrers (UorbCft.aloutoii, mgr.) —AndCTKon, Irrt., Inilef. _ Ilfolb't, L. J., United PhnwB (I,. J. Heath, mgr.) (Carnival)—E. .St. I.oul«, III., 3-10. "ircnrt. In Eillc" (PIcturw)—HIpp., New YoTk, D-IO. "Heart of .Maryland" (Plclnics)—Delanco, Waah- liiKton, S-IO. Jorvla-llo«maa Shovs (Adolph Scetnan, mgr) (CnjnlvaD—.ScdnllR, Mo., 20-aiiy 1. Kir.nedy. Orn T., Show* (Obn T. Kcr>neily, qigr.) iCnnilTol)—I/«;iTca«ijr(h. Kan., 12-17. Murray's, Hoora, Hep. Co.—IlaonaU C^ty, III., 12-17. Munlell, Ilobt.—Oarrlok. dIcacD, fi.lT. .Muck's MuH. IleTuo (Stock)—.St. John, Can., 12, li.ilcf. .Miller, A. D.. Shows (A. H. Miller, mgr.) (OaT- iilTnl)—.Molinily. Mo., ll)-24. MrKliiley, I'atI, Players (Stock)—ZaDesTlUe, 0., Il;ilef. , Oilman's, Ellly D., (34. (Tab.)-Shamokin, Pa., D-lO. Pnyei'n Hik—Peoria. III.. Indcf. I'eorl <>t"K'k—.So. Ik'ail. Iml., Inilpf. "prince of To-oliibt"—(narkadale, Mlas., fl, Meniiilili'. 'n-iin., lu, 11. Ulee 4 Dore'B KItit Vxvo. Co. (W. H. Rice, incr.) iCnnilval)—I'lttyburch 24-May 1. tninrt Set-Athiatic Cliv ia.l4. "Sheiihenl oi tlie Ifltls" ((indklll & MacVllty. ni|:r.s.)—Dnirnlo n.lo, Onloiital, llaKlniore, 11!-17 ' Trull of (tie I>nnesiTino I'liie"—Itafrnlo 12-14. ■"lea Xlchls In a llnrfoiMa"—^niiffoio 12-17. ' Tecs of the Storm (3ouniry"—(Jrowo, OitcaEO 4-10. ' To.Dny"—'N'ntlonnl, ChlcnEO. 4-10. ■IViinliuni 0. A., Sliown tC. A. Worthnm. mgr.) irjiriilvnll—San Antonio. Tej.. 10-24. Wenctitt Pnlteil Shows (.M. II. Wesieult, ragP.) (Carnival)—^YVIitflai;. linl.. May U S. XVorlil at llooip KliiiU's (K. C. T.ilbnlt. togt.) (CiiTnlvnl)—I)aven;iort. lu.. .Mny 1-H. "Within ihc Liiw"—luijietlal, (nilcago, 4-10. VAUDEVILLE SOUTE LIST "THK SirRAM Il01,I,Kn." "The Steam Holler," a come<ly bit put on by .lolin Itliiglliig himself, Ik attracting n lot of attention with the Ilnrnnm & Ilallev Show. It Is the exact roproduetloa of the real machine, with n dummy at the wlicel. and workisl from within. It rnns over a victim, tvbo Is swallowed up In Its Interior. FnTAR<) TO DINE niNGMIVC. John IHii.'llng ■Willi be tendered a dinner by the I''rlai''s Club on Smidny nlBM, May 2. It will be the last bnnquot to bo glTcn by tbo club IMs scawn. TFTE M0OI5I! LODGE, of Decatur. HI., have secured nelnz-Ilecknmu (Carnival Co. to onen a week's engsigomnt there A'prll 10. TIIK G1U5AT KOIlT.V'SON SHOW'S wHI iilny Decatur, III., oltilier April 30 or May 1. rims. Cessna left Decalnr Insfwo'k for Peru, Ind., to start tbc season with tbis opgan- Izatlon, AH treasurer. Mr. Osema visited In Decatur nil Winter, as did his brother. J. li. Cessna, who will also kold a poKlHon In the business department of tbc Itoblnsou Shows this Sumimer. ■PUR HANKIN30N AUTO-rOtiO will llkclv he In Uei-atur during April. The 101 Itnncn nnd Itnrnum & Uallcy Sbons later In the reason. "MY LADY'S HONOR." The Diliovc is the title of a fourth playlet added to the current bill nt the nantlbox Theatre, New York, it' Is by .Mnrdoek I'em- berton, n well known New York newspaper man, and proved to be n cleverly M-rltten satire on soiil-matlng. A husband, arriving liomo unexpectedly; Ills wife and a poet, who is rending Tngore to her, form the three sides of tho triangle. After berating them both for tbclr cavc-moa ideas about winuen, she leaves home. lielcu Westlcy gave a clever perforj>iiuco as the wife, ana ^VaItc^ Frank- Ivu was successful as the poet. Robert 1^1 rouge, as the busbanil, wns only fair. The production was by far the best seen nt ttic Jlundbox. **¥ ni'nANK A. TOTTNC. an old time pcrfonn- or, died of heart Mluiie. March 20. at Duck <5rove. la., aged fitty-six years. Dr. J. M. I4> Vere, Tt'lio is mamger of the Camolla H'omedy Co., of which Mr. Young 'wa'i a mem- l)er, would be pleased to henr from anyone knowing where to reach rclaitlvos of dcceosd. Address Dr. La Vere. !Vt Arcadia, la. WANTED—Theatre, irlth Pictures, for .Tab- loid Stock. Poroculago or rent. O. K. 0., cnre of OLIPPBR. 'WANTED—DrHiiiatlo Pooplo for Stock and Tabloid Slouk. State ago; lowest Bnlanr. P. K. W., care of CLIPPEH. WANTED—(ioiid Song and Daucn Cninedlans, who pat oil good afterpieces; Hl.sogood Slluiit Acts, Knitalilc for Med. Show; wont niHii and wife, iiiiiii for eniiviis and woiniiii foreooli, (ino<l,Hobor, reliable people only Avuiitrd. Show opens Muy 1. Mitko sa'ury reasonable. J. F, Siiungior, UlUorft- t own, I'll. LOCATION WANTED For Strong Dramatic Stoek Co. CNF. OR MORE IIII.LS PER WKEK. Atao vtmmt (o hear from Snniiner lioca- tlona. Tabloirt or Pall P.rrnrmoticc. AddrrH. IIAHRY CLAaK, Uen'l, Uel>^, Sprlngfleld, Mo. WAMTEO QIICK %"..^T.Hrc^™ AI Houl>r«ft» or Inirvnae. with sood HiUHaalty. Cornft, B. and U. Tuba, doultin SlBgo. People 111 nlU.lnea write. Ilotol Show. Pay own. State lowest Biilarv. Join on wiro. Tlekots If known. Aililrcss J. M. COLR, Mgr. Diwiuunnirla. N. Y., April lu; Clinz}', N. Y., 12; Rouses Point, N. Y.. 13; JohUHon, VI,. 10; Ilanvlllc, Yt,,17. PlRAniKS* pn "Tlppemi-j," "I DIdn t lUlse InUViriuS* My Hoy lu lie a Soldier," "Don't Tako My Darling Hoy Awuy" and "RUNAWAY JUSF," 4fiir$l. 4 fort'. 4 fur $1. Bend a Dol- lar mil for theso I'AIIODIKS. ACT3. PI,AYS and SKK'I'CIIKS Written uiid rroiliiccd. FIlATICB & (lAMIII.I':, 1,<M1 Kiiclld, Cleveland. 0. At Libnrty, FOREST WfllTIHKI Itesvlcs Juveiillcsand Olinrueiet^. NoHpeclultles. Age twenty-seven, height llvo feet nine, weight I'lO. I'refor oiiu place or Hon, f, WUITIHU, 3«i) Ciccut'lpv^vc., UtU(»BO, UL aSTbto Himia Trout-. lllriJei.tJc. i"^"*". Adl« k Amine. Hajtstic, Hinwnukee. Adams, nniy 4 EdlOi, Victoria. OUatlestoo, S. C, 8-10. Adnns. Rex, Eugllsh'i. iDdloraipolK >bean, Chaa. , t Co., Maryland, Balthaate. ALOHA TWINS ha'^^^b In their Wonderfol Bargfoot Hula-Hula Dances Featu red 'fflth the "MIsohlef Matera* Akin FIJMS A Dulfy, Pantages', Siiokane, Wash, AMi. Yf^^ke* nuhe. City rolnt .Mara lodcf AlTln! I'etcr H.. F.mnroM. GitmH Rapids, Mich.; Palace, Ft. Wajne. Ind., 12-17. Alilrlch, Mm., Oipheum, SlInneapollB. Allman A Btone, Kelth'a. Cincinnati. .'lilDOS. Miulcal. Poll's, eci'onten. Pa. Alex (3). Amerlcnn. CJitcogo, B-in. Al»ln & Kenny, American, N. Tf- <'-.,?-l<'-, . Allen & Allen, Orpbeum. CJrand Rapids. MICH. Air«rlcan Dancers (0). Forsyth, Atlanta, Oa. ADH-ta, Prospect. Bkln. « « r. ri. Amoras 4 Mulvey, Ornhenra, Y. O., 0-7; Amerk-an. N. Y. 0., -Jlu. „ v „ Ati>erlroD Tnraipeten;, Hnrnmetsteln's, N. Y. Q. Aeuapolts BoyH, OramI, PIllBhiiish. Antwerp Oltle (4). Kolth'a. 7>>lp'h', 0; „ "Apple of Paris," Pnlnee. Sprlngileld, Mass., 8-10 /,jnimt Br«., Keltli's, Doslon. Aiih-ll, Froiiklyn. A Co.. Kmpreas. St. Paul. Ad'ht Qnlnlelte, Or|iliouni. Meiii;>bl« A'tiilr Kreil 1 Adele, Kelrli'.^, l/)nlsvllle. Ashley k CnaHehl, Orplioum. N. Y. C, D-7; Flat- befHi. IlWn.. K-IO. AtwellM. Tlie, Oross Koyn. Phlla. AciilTallaii ■\VondcUopiiors. Colonial. N. T. O. "Anrora of Llplit." Garrlek. 'Wtlmlnglon. Del, Avon Oottiedy Fotff, Kotrti's, Wnslilniiton. Arallos, Musical (4), Hipp.. Bnltlnoro. Hall A 'West, Pnlnce, Cliloaio. Kerry. .^Ir. & Mrs. .Ilniniy, Orpbemn,- 91onx City, lo. ' CLARA BAUERINI Tnr I DON'T OARR OF THE AIE OMTRD TIMB poll. Ement, Rusliwlck. i;kln. Ilnrnt. Artiinr, Keith's. 'I'oleilo, O. Hume*. Stui.rt. Hiiilsna. I'lilon mil, N, 3, Harry & NeUm, .McVlelier's. Ctilcnuo. HiTiieH. Gerlraile, Unliiue. Mbineapoils. Etrlli. l/K. Uoulevard, S. \. C, 6-7; Shnbcrt, Hklu.. 8-10. Ri.Ila!nlka Orchoslrn, 7th Ave.. N". Y. O., 8-10. Hnriies & Crawford. N. Y. O. Pnrry A Daly, rmelor's. Troy. N. Y., 8-10. r.prker, Ethel Slay. Keith's, f/nvcll. Moss. Baxter 4 Roiith-.viek, Olohc, Phlla. HuriKttB. Tlic, Globe, Tl/lln. Boyoa, Nora, Palace. N. 6.'. O. LEE BARTH BTUJi m IHAUICT Bbkcff. Pete, Orpbeiini. I'fraeil ItapliN. Atlcti. Urrher. Emily. & Oi.. Olympic. BuiTalo. I4p.Der & Saunders. iMuJesiie. I'ateriwii. N. J., 8-10. VoTWly 4 Mackcj-. nrtniii Olrciilt, Indct. Bendlx, Tbeo., Players, Majestic, San Jjitonio, Tex. Bell FamJly, Palace. Oldcofio. Bervaford, Horn'. 4 Ciu.. VoKjOx, Atlontft, Gn. Ceoi'imoDt 4 Aruohl. Uai'>4aad. BalMmore. ECTions, The. Ikolth'«, 'Olevolaiul. liergen, Alfrod Tomiile, Brtnlt. Kell Boy I'rio, Hipp.. :at. XouUi. Ikmatd A 'HarrlngtoD, Qelancey St., K. T. O., 8-10. BfllB 4 Sones. Folton, Rkln.. A-10. IhTnard A Roberta, Pnhice. 'Phlla.. '8-10. Uent, Alderman, Proctoyt, ^HzahotU, N, J., 8-10. Dellcira 4 Temple, Proctor's, Alliany, N. T.. 8-10. Ik'riianl Scurtli, Colonial. Akroo. 0., 8-10. Dip (;ity I''onr, Orpluuia, Ix)s Anpeles. I'U'kel & Watwin, Otiihcum, St. Paul. HbKTtt 4 .Scott, Orplmnii, ,TueksoDrllli>. Fia. P.ttv 4 Gcr.inl. KiuprriU, CUiloaiio, 8-10. I>l;(.rak Hr08. Orphcuni, Otvnd Roplila, Mid. I'.lioii iCity Four. -Colonial. Akron. 0.. 8-10. "HIrlhilay Party," LIncolu Sq., N. Y. a, B-T; Honlovard, N. Y. O.. 8-10. TlendyH (3). Oolumblu, St. Ixiuls. Pluck 4 ■\\'hlte, Orecley flQ., K. T. 0., 8-10. Blnhdell, Lola, Olobe, Boston. 8-10. Pun era, Walters 4 l3rooker, (jrpheam, PotUbbI, Ore. Boganny Troope. Fonyth. Itlanta, Go, Bouolnl Eros., Temple. Utetrolt. K-gort 4 Kelson, Oriilicinn, N. T. 0., S-7: Ttk Ave.. N. Y. a. 8-10. BC'lihe 4 Dole, 7th Ave., N. T. O., G-7; Sbobctt, i;i-lD., 8-lU. Ikjthhy & Ererdeea, Prootor's, Albany, I„ Ikmnle Soilette. Olympic. BiilTalo. "IIcwiT uf Melody." OLjhB, Uosum, 8-10. Brown Bros., MontgDmory & Stone, N. X. O, ludcf. FRED & MIMTA BRAB pint 'Vmcatnt WMk, IBay Srd, 1015 Mgr (Jha.s. A, PonehoUJ^l. Theatre'Blflg..N. Y. 0 rrunelle SIstm 4 Stcphera. Majeiillc. Chicago. Preuuor A Wlirekir, Urpbuura. y)iiluUi, Minn. Hrlce. Fanny, Majestic, Mlln-niikee. Hiuch, Frlti & Lucy, Orpln'iini. New Orleans. Brown. Geo, N., & Co., I'hiiprvss, Grand Unplds, .Mich. Broeklunk. HarilMin, & On., Graad, I'lliHburgh. llryants |21, I.liiei.lii Si)., N. Y. C. 8-10. Brown. Harris & llro\Mi. .\caikMiiy. Fall Itlver, MnhH. 6-10. lliM'ii. tlurry, Ilniiiiiii'rsiebi'o. N. Y. 0. liratlllaii Nut 4 .Arbouz. 'llaninuTsteiirs. K. Y. -0. Iirown h Buitowe. Mxitn .I'blla. Itrlphtons. The. NIxoii. PIdlii. Iiri:dlc7 4 Norrls, Orptaeom, UanOshiug, Pa. LOUISE OllLTE HUIIIFII1' I XIH'Jii-lIX UAIIRY YE OLBES DAYS XSO PRESENT WAYS BUOKBD SOUP ON BIB TIME PiiilB, A<t1i1, MnJesHc. Chicago. I'live Hi'pe. Stien'B, HnfTalu. PtiriiG 4 l^ilum. l£nii)iT«<i, Qruiul Rapids, Mich, Inn I, Havi'let, Keith's, I'lillu. Ihiri-e's Terckrs, Keith's, .phlla bi:.;li, l''rniik, Anierleau, N. Y. C, 5-7; Till Ave., N. Y. C. 8-10. I'.iirke 4 llurrls, Dolmicey St.. N. Y. 0., 8-10. Iliiriun. Unbu & O'Dnniinll. Onhiuibln. Bklu., 8-10. Ihiekk'y, Jack, Oriilu'iiia. 'HonIoii, S-10. l:iiriw & Kh>».n. Proctor's Ciith St.. N. Y. 0., 5-7. Ihirns Slstcn (2), Dljou, Jneksua, MIeli., B-IU. Hiiiklialilcr, IIo^vaTd, UIJ<iu. Jacknon. MIeli.. 6-10. riiii'he. Don, A Co., pnril.iiid, Piirtln:id. Me.. 8-10. I<i',.-4ic, J<Jin A Mae, (Mlonlnl. Akron. O., S-IO. Iljioni, Musical, OrplKMiin, Bt. Paul, l-yal 4 Early. Keltli's. 1'rovlik'nee. Oiisad A Do Verne. Dayton. O.. Inilef. OiniKvell & WaUicr, Oriilieam. Memiihls. Oiirr Riidle. 4 Oo.. i'MiiU'Ct. Bkln. Ci-.iii)il)ell, Mlnses, I'Ttwiiect, Bkln. Cnuindlenn. Ohtcf, Maryluml. Ilul(lniiir\>. Cnrier 4 Wutei-s. Lycle. Jtlrmliigliiiui. Ala. ('r.iniiin's .Mlnntn'ls. Orplieom. .lui'kwiivlllo, FlS. Canu'rvn Glrln, On>hfiun. Mnnrrent. Con. CuTtniell 4 Harris. Teniiilc. Hnehester N. 1, Ci'lveyt, Oilherlne. ft Oi.. IVmple. RneliestecN.Y. Ci.rMm 4 M'lllarri. Kmerv. Provlilcni'e. S-IO. Oinii t«<l 4 Hrndf. HaBprxsM. Ohlcagrt. 8-10. Calve. I'^mma, OrptaeiiB, llkin CanvU, Nettle, Ttuuiie, Ociikeum, llklo. 111! I SIB OotIb:, Ur>. 'Leslie. Alhamlini, 'N. T o Crntor ft 'Lee. tVilunltl. N. Y. X3. Ci/plln, Mr. '4 Mrs.. Ameilmn, K. Y. C t. I.lncoln Sq., N. Y. C, 8-10, '' Calaiflt Trio, Orjlheuin. .N. Y. 0., C-7; Vmionni Orjurls 4 Cleo. tlreeley Sq., !R. y. c. .- in OanMTOs, De Vltt & Oo., 7th Ave, N. V u s io Camllle's Dors. Orpbeuui. Boston. S.|(i ' Onse, Joe, Howard, Boston. Con^lnoa. Tlie, Flammirr-teln's. N. Y o Oaflos (2). Proctor's 12.Sth St., N. Y v OsUerlnl Four, Nixon, Phlla, CiintweU, Jamea, Oasluo, Waslilngtoa Cl<aIk>B. Jean, Eolth's, Indlunaiwlls. (Tbcf. Mnslcol. I'rocior'a, Trny. N, Y., Clbtolds 4 Bogem, Olobe. Phlla. Chase. Howard, 4 Co., OjInnlM. llarrMmr-; p, (Hilp 4 Morlilc, Keltli's, Syrnciise. .N. y ' ClarahelU Bros., Bowdoln Sq.. Hnslnn. 4}lliiton & Beatrice, Brennan & I'liller, .\iL<iril'a hidef, THE GIRLS BEHIND THE (il NS CLINTON amdBEATRIGE BRENNAN k FDLLBR. Australia. Indefl nlta Clark & Tamer. Rose Svdell's Co.. Iiiiler. Clr.rk A Venll. Hbea's. Ilnirnlo. Clayton, IteHsle. 4 C!o., Shea's. Hufrnlo. Clown Seals. Victoria. CliurlesPia. S. 0.. 810. Cliff. Ladille. Orplieiim, .\loiitreal. Ciia. Clork tt liew!, Kni;ires<. -KanpaM City. .Mo. • CTIflnn, Ktliet, 4 Co., Deluncey St., N. 1. C....'!;:^ Ixiew's. Newark, N. .1., 8-10. Clevolpnds. The, AnH'rIean. N. Y. C. S lo. CKteland & Dowerv. Grwiy's. Tnrllaail. Mf. s 11 Colburn, Jennie. Hilly "Swcle" Ilnll ,( C".. Ii .| ' Ootton. I,olo. San Dleun. Cnl.. Inilef. Ct-rton's, <3ora Younitilixid, InatTaiacalalHt-, I'mi- tones', Cal-.'iiry. Can. RAY CONLIN Dlretaton MORBI9 St FEIL Coek. 3oc. Mojestlc, Chlcn-^-o. ('dims. .Tos**, OriiliOTim, Xevv Orl"iiri'.'. C<*-'to Troupe, Orplieiim. New ('rli^iiiiR. ()cniiolty 4 M'enrleli. Ciihiailila. SI. I.^jujii. (xlOKr A Smith. KelMi's IMevolmi 1. (Vile Deaiiliv. Kellli's l''l. Wayne, tint. (Vrllin;< U Hurt. Keith's, ri. Way..-. Pel. Ccv.-bo.v .\[lii!.trels. Orplietiie. .MoiiifMi, I'nii. CorruiItnrH AnhaaLs, Keiih's, I'ro>'lil'iii'i-. CeuHev, Iluaver & nniilevv. Keith's. 'Inli.l.i. l. (k.nifort & Kliif. N. Y. C. Oif/ii'liH & Aldwell, Aeaileiiiy, P'alt HIver, .M:i-«.. 8-10. Oerrlcan, Emniett. Palace. S. T. C. CX; Sisters, Proclor's, Portcbe^jlcr, .N. Y.. 810. WILL CONLEY The Blllr Soiidar ot TandCTllIe United Time, Direction JOi: llAnn iS Oorelll A nillelle. lllnp.. Terre Ilnnte. Iiii!.. S in. Courtney Sialors. I'alnee. N. V. C. Cieffy & Payne, Orplusini, ilaklninl. Cnl.: iir- Tlieum. Snornnvnio, ll-l'!; Oi'plieuin. Si.'.kmn. 14-10; San Jose, 17. Cross A Jasephliie. Orplieiim, Dalnth, MI'iii. ftiosnian, llinrlella. & ('".. I'ejfiis'cl. llkln. Oxcln. MorrlM. .Shea's, lliirTnlo. Cammlncrs &. tilailyliics. Kul'.h's. Plilla. Cutty, Mnrenret & Wllll.iiu. Coloalal, .S. V. (' mm mwmm Cin-tlB, Julia, Orpbcum. St. P.iiil. rnvl«B Family, Orpheiiin. Den .Molnos. la. Daiiubca (4), OrpUeuiii. 1X» .Mo-aes, lu. Iiuinty BnRllsb 'Trio. Coliiuihia, St. Louis. Dole, Violet, Oolonldl. N. Y. C. rial" A Boyle. Aineri..'.'.ii, N. Y. 0., 8-10. Unvis A Jlulthe«8. Oipheani, N. Y. O., S-IO. rmvlH, Kin:eiie. llowiluni Si;.. Hn-^lon. Dallcy Uriw., Uowilolii Sii., lloston. DniitclB-Stcwurt 4 Co., Proctor's 125th St., .N. »• C, 8-10. Davis, Billy. Keith's, Ixjwoll. MnHS. Darlings (7). Win. Pemi, Phlla. _. "Dolry MnlclB. Tlie," .McVlrker's, CIdcaqo. De lluvea. .Mr. 4 Mrs. Carter. Orpbeum, .Mlaiie- • spoils. ^. , Do Scirls, Henrietta, 4 Co.. Acaileniy, Ser.olk. Va., 8-10. ,. TK'vefcaux, Jack. 4 Co., Slien'B. Tomiito, Can. Do Alma, Geurgo, Buinic's, St. Paul. .... Dc Wlnlcra, Grace, rmilevaril. N. Y. 0., ■<'• • Fluthush, BUn., H ID. r<<'liDore 4 Light, Pultun. Ukln.. S-10. LV Gascoyne, (Tndelu, .M^lcs. J'lltsliiu'gh. r.e Wilt A Stewart. Hipp., BaHlniore. Dewur's Ctomedy Olreus.- Hnwilohi Sq.. Husioa Deiinc, Dore & Duaiie, Colonial, LocauBiiorl. Hi I-. fi-lt). Devlno & 'wniioms, I'niuce, SprlngflcKl, - e-10. Dc Haven & Nice. I'nhicc, N.'Y. C Devoy. Kmuiett. nCellh's. anillanaiiollB. Deeorsln & Co., Grplieam; ■ Grand Itnplils. >'"'' Dell & JMeHlno. Oitiinlill. ;IiidlnnaiiolK D.iaihnrt, Allnn,^ A Co., nrpheum, -Monm'al, I« i- Disev. lleiii'}'. Kclth'i', Toledo. O. I.ilunioiiil it Grant, •Orpheum,^Bklii. rl^nll & lUxon, Greeley Sq., X. 1. C, J i . ' i"' lush. Jikluii., 810. riero. naniiiK-rstelu's. K. T. C. ... D'l.bra. V.uud. Proctor's 23d St., N. i. ' •• ' ' • Pioctor'H,^'F;il-/ttlietb. N. 3.. 8-10. IK-oley & "niiRi-l. Keith's, Clevehinil; drpliviim. HIrntliighnm. Ain., 12-17. Pevie & nixon. Mal.-Btlc, Milwaukee DoanlB (S). Emiiress, Konsas City, .Jl"-, ... Di'ice Slstoni (H). clnvley Sq., .V. >• 1-•• • ' • 7tli ve., N. Y. C. b-10. . I'l.wiis. Marv. .V Co.. l-.'vctor'B 12nih ."'i ■ _> C. '■1.7; Pcw'tor's '.;.'id St., '<.,^;..'-"..'^-''' ,' Diirseh Kussell. Pr.y.'lcr's 123th St.. >• ' - ' 5 7: Prneli.r's nsth St., N. Y. C, S-'"-. . .. Di.wvaii .V- t«'. Proclor's 23d St., N. > ■ < ■■ ■ " I'roelor's llir.lh. St., N. Y. C. .s-10. l;<.oVey, Itny. Trio. Keith's. Lowell. Mie-;- ^ , ''L>n'am l'»rale«," Oriilienm, Altoonn, I ■• ■ Dnafce, Ji«<'phlae, lirnml, Syrnciise, V ^ Dniihar's Dell Klogei's, Keltli'B, ■^^ iislilin-i"' Dully A I orenze, •Ornlieimi. ntln. Dugan & naymoiid, <>rplioam. "?"!»;;', .'''v i Du HolB. tvaitred, Proctor'.s, PInluUel l. " . 8-10. V V - I' riinn & rteveaa, I'nielor's Albany, > > - ^ .. I'naliur's Solou Singers, Temiile. Syrninse. D.ver. Ilnliert, 4 Co.. Kiapn'ss, <■•''"'"' ''' Mich. -,„- pjirl 4 Certls. St. .Taiaes, IVor.ton, 8-in. ^ Pari 4 DarllL-te. -Colonial, I.awroiicc. Mas!-.- J'Miia, Itnlhc, Oleun, N. Y., Inijef. IMwiinlH' "SoDg Reviie." Keith's, Cloel.i.M I'.il(ie. Violet, nijou. Boston. . y. I'Miiinnds & Ijirelle, Proctor's 23d St, 810. „, 1, I'llMire Wllllami, Orpheum. Sloui Oll>. ' • Mlii'Irlec. McVleker'a. i^ileago. r.illcnn. (Hen. Albnnilmi, K. Y. C. i;i Hey Sl.slexK. Oulonlal. N- Vo.' vv r Plllvon A llnwks. Pinstor'B 2r.d St.. >.l , imiott, "Uruomatlck. ' Proctor's, PlaUiBiJU- . 810. . r.Miie. Marie, (lisliio. Woalilnglon. ^ KlllMjiip. Mnslcnl. Lyric. Iiiilltti.aiiolls. !J i ^. Knimctt. J. K., 4 0>.. Knipre!<5..1v0ir>js I . Kinbs A Alton. fVlanrey St.. T*. 1. O ' hnnibrn, Phlla., S-10. Knnlllo Broa.. Unique. .Minneapolis. I'^k! ft h^mJc. Orphcuin. Alcuiplds^ DABRT- EVENS S SMITH _1).\M' tH-enentlnfi •'BETWEEN DAT-TLKS'^^ SiK'ciui Sccucryi piTccta, rioylDg u. U.