New York Clipper (Apr 1915)

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THE nSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 23 HOW IS THATSCENKRIO COMING ALONG ? Almost evciybody Ib wrlllng plays for ilie "Movies." bnt not e7«rybodj who Is irrKlDgthem la ncUlnKtheni, Are joiir Don'i you think »n ablt, frank criticism nf TOUT work win bo of retl adrsntagc to your future effortsf Yoo may have a sMnario which Id AL- MOST but NOT QDITB good enough, for Hcccptince by the scenario editor, You could remedy fsult« It they were pointed out to you, conldn'tyour Hero Is a bureau of crlUolsm. Its aim Is In b« of real help to the woold-be successful Hi-enarlo writer. It offers a critical reading nf your particular maonsciipt and a truth- rul opinion on its poeslburtles. For the n<ithon who are on the right track, whose work might be available were It not for their linorance of certain forms, who are not aware that many scenario editors de- mand the carrying out of certain arbitrary rules—for these there are suggestions, •■polnteiB" to make the journey towards success less trying. Are you intcrestedr Ask about it. ADDRBBB CRITICISM BUREAU 43 West 31st St, Rew Tork PARKS AND FAIRS. Circus. COSVENTIONS IN ATLANTA. JIS^ i^! t>i*nt7-Hgtit oanmtloiM of followlnf hktoniwtlaii concernloj tddltlonil eoo- Testlou flt » bualmas ntusn to be held In Atliota l» foml»b«d by Prrt Hoiuct, awretary of tb« Atlanu OonTeDilon Duruu: AjiTll 8-9: Trarelen' ITalMtlre Anociitlon GRAN CIRCO PUBDIONES. BT t. ruNK LONOsorniii. Ilthana. Cuba. March B. 1»1D. Tbe wtIMt .,„,rwii.r nnaniuon J^*" Pi*"""" nollfjtll« hU frl«Ddl at OetTglB DlTialon; J. U. Ar<lc»w.. secretary, wst £> "''•■'•bouta, ud tbat oC many •«»,, both B. Auatrll BnlldlM ah.m. ' t™"' KiiropaiD, and Anwrlcao. now torarloc tbe Ulaad B, Austell Dalldln«, Atlanu. . -• - April U-IO: Soatbem Supply inri Slacblnnr . 9"?» f»i!''<*S!iI Dealtra- Amoelatl<)n. Alrln JI. Smltb Mmurr ^°J52".^- ' nb'Hon** »ier««l almoit Uaa eoUra care of Smlth-Ooortriey Oj., RichTOnJ Unltjd Stain, and loanr of the priinlpal title. ACTll 15-lT: Oattle Show; J. U«ll ilUler. car* ilJ.'*^ V» ^S. of IJnloD Slock Yinla. Atlanu. Ml «nt«iprla(«. and the rolknrin( lltt of a«t9 April 15: Q«ong1a Electrical'Ooolnctora' Hmo- S?^.'*'?? '"'•""« coopanka will apeak elation. J. it. Boynton, vice*reeldent, Atlanta; "'Jt**"- T. N. MoKenney, aecretary, Atlanta. ^e Br*t conpany oimmmI ita scaaon in the Oian April 21: SoutlMMsttra PaiMocer Aaaoclatloo, Theatre, PoWeaisa, In Habana, and after a ne- Joaeph M. RIchardaan, ehalmao, AAJaota. cosfol ran ct elsht w««ka took to tbe road. tiM April 28-30: AmCTlcan Aaaoclatlno et Railway *«»nd compaDy tollowlni shortly after. (Mia Acconntlng Offlcera, W. H. Smith, chairman, com- I* 'n One coniUtlon flnaDclaliy tola y«aT owlni — , - - to the adranced price of angar, and the crop wUl be tbe beet in year*. The No. 1 clrcoa la a Ibnrtecs ear tfmw. ceo. slatinf ot one adTaaee ear, three aleepcn, all flats, two itocka, two hacnie can. Tb* ptv- aonoel o( tbe No. 1. circus U u follow*: Sr. Dob Antonio T. rnbllloota, feoerai manaier aikd vniirtetar; Sr. labloro Ral>a|D, aaatatant nunaitr Rail- mittce on arrangenienits, cate o( A. A W. 1' raid, Atlanta. Uiy or June: Oeorda Eclratie Medical Aaao- datlon, Dr. C. H. Book, accretary, Klrkwood, Qi. Uay or Jonc: OeorUa Dntal Aasorlatlon, Dr. M. U. Fotbee, aecreUT. OaoUlrr Uulldiof, At- lanta. . . . .-. iS>j: OottoD Jfanafactiners' Aooriation ot ^r. Pranclico R. Vlllamll, aeeretary and tmnrer, Georaia, Allen P. Johnson, prealdent, care of Ki poalllon Octton Hllla, Atlanu alao ictinc in the capacity ot atmt; Sr. Joae Plnera, Oeoeral anpetlnl e udeo t ; Bastlaio Oartla May 12-M: Soothem Wholeale Groeera* Aaso- eaoTaaron; Oerraaio Bnla, tnlmnaatar claUoo, J. H. UoLAurin, prreident. JackaonvlUe, Beyea. boas hoalier FlK.; R. L, Adams, liirector, care of E. L. Adaffis OO., Atlanta, « n,w luv uvuvifti^ hvib mm uia |rivBr«iu • Mar 19: Georgia Oommerclal RieCDtlTes' Aaso- Les Jatdys, combinatloo haodbalaoeer*. and feats Bntlqae Diss Is eqsesCrlan director ot the No. 1 clrcoa, with tbe CoUovlnc acta aa hla profiam: elation, Kml llouser, care o( Atlanta Ooovratloa c< atrcnctti; Trio McDonald, Mcrcle act; Leach " ' " ' La Oaioley, wire aot: The aie«raat Itodpe, tbe Barcao, Atlanta. May 24-27: Soiithe.Ti Maator Be%et^ Aaaoeta' tlon, Donald Lojlesa, mrclary. Hurt Bnlldlnii AUanta. June: Southern Nenpjiior CIrcolatloa AksocU' world fMKjwned aerlallata; Oapt. Webb's Snla, Lawtoo-Bei>tank Troupe, 3nai>lah dancera; Mattel Jordon, Sylof ladder: Olaa Drather*, triple bar*; Maria Joeefa FWntea and Joee Rooian OUT OF TOWH NEWS Minneapolis, Ulnn^-^etropoliUn (L. N. Scott mgr.) "Pet o' My Heart," with Eloa Byan, l„k of April 4? "Tbe Yellow ■ncket" 11-lT. Siik'ncBT (A. a. BalDbrldse Jr., oer.)—Tbe jlnlnbrlilge Players, In "So Mtrcli for So Much," »«k of 4, „ „ . , OjiriiEuu Thutbb (G. E. Baymond, mgr.) — Dill 410: ill. and Mra, Carter De Baren, Moe. Marl.ika Aldrlcb, Foor Romanoa, Harris and Manion, Radio and Ramadtn, Ocorit Srhtndler, -OlaytoD White and company, and Orpbcoa Travel. Oii'tTT iWm. Koenlg. ni(T.)—Broadway Girls ve«k o( 4, Ibe Prize Winners 11-17. .New Ob*nd (Wm. Koch, mgr.)—Bill 5-10: rour I'lring ValeatlDos, Gaines and Bivwn, Casa- lilr >nil Loncton, Frauds Dyer, and "Zndora" tirciiirrs, llMQUB (Jack Elliott, mgr.)—Bill S-10: "The Tas^-lp." Dllly Klnlinld, Von Hampton and Joalyn, Gcrlni'lF Rnroes, L'qIUo Droa., and photoplays. Sr.w PiLiCE (H. E. Billings, mgr.)—Vaade- Tlllo nnd pbotoplays. Lti:ic, Stiund, Oaaaroii, Ibis, Buhoilow, rBi.v>-B.4H, SourniniN, Rbobnt and Aiiebioan, pictures only. Noras. Sr. ANTnoKT Aebib Eaqlbs will give an Indoor carnlrol at I'Viglcs' Hall. April 19-24. The pro- ^itm yiU Include a cabaret show evctr eionlng, and thnre vlll nlRO be a "gneen of the carnival" co!iiF8t. A committee of eleven, under the gu'd- once of James O. Keen, secretarr, bos charge ■of the affair. Mi.>.'KEiroun LoDOB, 60, T. U. A. will hold Ita innuiU beiieUt porformnncc, at the Sbabert, mld- nlfhi. IS. Ail local and St. Paul theatres will ^-ntrlbule icisi, besides considerable other talent. Tbo sole of wnts Is in charge of Arthur Tyson, treorurer ot the Sbubert. Tub aob-conunlttee of tbe Minneapolis Olvlc and Oxnmerce Asaoiiiatloa has reqaested the Mlone- apolla Pork Dooid to permit a one nf part ot tllncclnho Pells Park for an Indian vlMaie, and a.'so a dramatic spectnclo of Langfellow's "Hla- tratlia," which has made these falls famous Ihrougliont the country. These are to be gtvea by real Indiana, and a nominal charge la to be made for admission to both attractlooa It la planned III iBTe same In operation by the latter part nf June. Rlirin, Ind.—Grand (W. B. Newman, mgr.)- Jack Trainer, in "Henpecked Henry" (tabloid) April 4-7. Sherman Stock Oo„ la "Help Wanted" S-10. OBpncnu, TEMrLH and Stas, moving pictures only. Tlie Sherman Players continue to drew good ousln««s at the Grand. "Tnn Bldb .\fousB," 1-3, scorctl splendidly. Tns CoiissDU roller rink is well patronlted. Eaa Claire, Wla^^Orand (0. D. Moon, ogr.) Allen Stock Co.. with Ethel May aa an addjd attraction, played to 6. B. O. here March 21-28. "Potaah and Perlmntter," followed April 1. OarnEoii (E. 6. Peeisal, mgr.)—Vaudeville and feature fllms. Kl^bb, Ltbic, Ulnam and Sris, featnre llms. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX Advectlaencnts aot aoecdlig ooa llna la iMft* will he pnbllriied, nnparlr elaasUed lo thU 0si at tba nt( ot lltTfor ooe year (81 IBBBM). J copy ^ Teb Naw Tobk Cuppia wUl be asot tr^ tOMCk adrertlaei while tbe sdrartlscmant U m AIDEaTOS OURTAIlfS Aim PIOTimB - „ _ BOOTHS. 0. W, TcUoer llf(. Co., 7S PevI Bt, Beaten, Olaas. CARjiivAii ntoirra Aim raow D.^O. BBDpkrya CP., ail Aiek M,. PklUdalpfela MpSIOAI. BBLLS AND HOTBUTIBS. Bdain a Btnat, 38 Brook St., HaitfOvd. Com. a^wif^J?^ » Sob, 81 inileiifebr it. ureoUys, N. T. , „ _ miSIOAL IPBOIALTltfl. 0. Deaioi, 8S0O H. OUrk St., OUeago, 10. A.^Branadaa, lOlt Baplst Ave., KlAiBaa« im Planet" Show Prtat A Kb*. Bom, Okalkam. Oat SOOITBRT rOR HIRB AITD BAIB. Amelia Grala, Bl» Bprlns Oaidea Bt, PhHa., Pa. 7>IB SIRQllfO AND BPBAKIHQ TOIOB. Tbro Tan Ton, 91 W. 88tk St, Krr Tork. Tel., Qrceley 1701. _ , „ THBATRIOAI. QOODB. Boiton Regalia o>.. 887 Wasfe, St.. Bosloa. Maas , _ "niBATRIOAIi PROPBRTIBB. ■ Walker, tO» W. SBth it., Naw Tork. tt PIGVRBS. Bin BobsoD, ISM Amteidagt Ave.. N. T. Oily. I'-T'^"'. BBARDB AND BHIBTAOHBB. ^ cj Ewlng Supply Hooae. PetatBT, 10. - KLL OR BXCIIANOB for M. P. Tent, mftK- ■' cut »-plcco set Dlnmond Dye Sccnor;; Trunit, ^ il forSacapoAct; MaRlcinn, Mind Heading, etc. : ''>w cBt,Ooo.BttrDard. 10 Main St., Arlington, Md. '•'^DV 'WDKBTIjBR WANTBD-Mceting ■ omcra, one or two shows a week. Must also K, in cook tent Wsnt plaDlst, sight reader, do- "I'cclnltlcs. Sketch teamn, comedians, low auro pbolo essential. IlICTON'S GREATER '».S, Cleveland. Ohio. > LAYS SUPPHKD—AllclosalcPlays,comc- ■ "lid iip-to-dato plajB. Host of them 16c per »• Others 26c and 60c. Alao recent royalty ■;c»9c.i. .Send stanp for Hats. Bennett's Dro- A .Musical Exc, Suite 301 Delaware DIdg,. itro. 111, A. Mllo Dennett, Fred A. llyiira, Proprs, ^ « 212 PA6E ILLUST. HA6IC CATAl P- LMtT. 10» nmPwfL. BnatoB. M«bb •ONC WRITERS! '"M^ ■IKHTOR WIIiI.80N,8aii Diego, C»I. l<on, Jobn D. Slnmoiu, care of Atlanla Journal, dlalotulstaa; principal downa, Peplto and Tito, AUonta. with a mmber ot otlier fan iruken, whleta kr«p June 2-4: Intenttnte Association of Oil MIU the aodience in an uproar from the opening of Supcrlntind«rTta, tYed Strlcklanil, lecretary. An- Ihe ahow. dersoii, S. C.: Fred Merera. aecrelary ot aoiil- The tide abow la lo charge of Joe Henry WUaoo, lary, (.rant Bulldbig, Atlanta. Jose Garcia and Juan IrTpea have the ticket hoiee; July 23, 24: 01na!>.-»' Araoclation; addrtaa the Jose Qocaalea U bon canraannan, with dve aaalat Asanrlatlon. Menipala. Tenn. inta; Marie VlotorU, the Jolly fat Blrl; Mario Sept. 14-17: Natlonnl Asaodatlon of Bnlldint y«naclo, Uttooed man: The Three SevlUaollea, Owners and .Managers, «. F. Wilkinson, pieatdent Spanlah Ulllputlana; IMIa Yama. haodlea the Atlanta Association, care of Gamller Dullillng, At- snakes and nnmcraua other acts comfirloe tbii lanta. Nnremher or Dec«abe.': Georgia Oom Show; W. 0. Cooper, care of Ghomber ot Oomoicrce, At- lantn. highly entertaining annex. The riden with the No. 1, circus are the Stlekneys and the Corleaa. The No. 1 advance car la In charge ot Enrique Oixlona, who hoa a runiher of well known adTertlnen at his roninund. Saluatalno Vicente, li bamUminlcr wltb fourtem mnslclann, making a total of flftcen mualclaika In all. Tbe No. 2 clrcni la a ten or clrous, conatatlnc BIG MONEY FOR YOU In roast-beef and qliloken ssndwlohes at Fairs, eta Attraota the hungry In bunohea by moans of our PORTABLE RQTISSERIE fci. (Ro asting Jacks) ^ ^"aein^Tnr the start Your oppor- tunity. It travels with you as bag- gaga. Band for oat&logue and prices. ITOTISSERIE RANGE CO., Inc. ae Sullivan St., N«w York HAMUTAOTDBB OOHTRAOT RIHT CHAIRS aRAND STAND PARK HALl FOLDINQ OPERA CIRCUS 30,000 Chslrt-BO.OOO Oftnd SUnili - 60,000 Clrcui SmU on Hand (or Ronling PurpMM X.AROKBT SKATING OONTRAOTOIIS ALLMANN BROS.' ^ BIG AMERICAN SHOWS WINTBH UVAHTBIlli LANCABTBH, MO. WANT flilUWH at All Klnd.t. Trip to Mi«rs, Musical Comodv, I'anaina Canal, Crar./ Ilnuas, m*leJcH of "muils for SMo we play tl.o real tl.oi.oy lorrllory, N'il.n.-ka, Wyou.lMK ainl konlana. Jack Itliodes, please write. DISPLAYS OJILY. The Thearle Pain new Orevorka minafne- larlne plant is located at Roby, Iml., (ouileen relies from the loop district of CllcaKO, and la , , _ , , . - the meat uo-todate mnnafacturing plant In the " odrancc car; two ale«pcr3: four IHta, Middle West: oIeo mogailncs and apectacle atudloa '"^ '>"««"«f car. Tbt Penonoel equipped with modem machinery nml manned by f'.'"'' c<inpany Is as follows: J. Franlt a force of the moat expert and efflclent pypotech- bothain, general manager; Sr. Manuel Acrto, nists. Men who have iarte the pjTotedii.le art a '^"H'^l, '"S„;i?'',\'',V/ ™ JiT li.i^^i^An.KS?- life study. Ther do not make n^ handle m callnl "P""': Pci1it> Orlla, Rcnernl auiwrlnWidMit Ambrofila Iliils. euperlnleiHloiit of cnnraa; Sr. Nar- ciso Marrero, trainmaster; Sr. Jooe Denlles, twsa lioatler, -nr^u^n... Jiato cnslloran la the equestrian director ot ,„ W0NI)EllLA\D PARK SOLD. No. 2 circus, and baa arranged hla projram Wonderland Park, the pleasure apot ot Ocean uio, me following acia: Tlie Horen Man«oa«, Beach, Ca!. was eolil at nucUon. March 10. to <icroliala; John Dackman'a Btc lion act. worked wtlsfy creditors' claima. O. H. Wagner pnr- by Miss Jlarguerlle; The .MaRlnleya, double trap- cfcascd the pirk tor Sino, aob}cct to a mDrtsoipi and teeth ailde; Tlio Vma Asnatoa, acrobata ot $160,000. No announcement has been mailt ,nd Illilcy act; Hie rowolla. wiucittrlana; Mile. life study. They do not make nir handle n> callnl "coiLiEtrclal Oreworka," but dcmie their entire attcptloii to the display and spectacle Qeld, OBIITLBMBW .-^^^^ ^ aa I am. lo public apeaklng- Awl ForgettlmtBtuir-(Ilcd liiiloii,! ^ MACHINE la now •Ol>.00 Nel. P. O. 8, Aarora. THK CONCMBIONAIRrS MIHT-NOW READY FOR YOU Wrilo for special lllualrHtcil lllcriiliirc-HlKh. .„„«i, » ,, , TIIK PLAY BALL MACiliWK <:U.. Foa Theatre illilH., AUHOKA. ILL. whether the park will l e opened tills season. Sanll Troupe, ilance'a; Kr<Hl Uarllng'a Does, Ponle* and Mules: Mile. I.atia. allde for life; Manuel Uortado and Maria OInna, dialocirlstaa; prlncl|ial donns, JnseKo anil I'anuelln), with a half down otbem iiiimllr n« good; Ilemanaa Nancy, contorllonlats; VeyUa Slaters, iknible-Irapa and rings; Merced,,rerolving ladder':',The O'Hal- lorana, jiutRlers; La FViinllla VeyHs. acrobatSv. Sr. Antonio Oheo Is Ijanilmasteo' with ten must- CARNIVAL NEWS J GEO. E. LA17 writes from Dratll, Ind.: "I noticed en attl'Tia In yonr paper ot ilnicb 28, IQ ivbich It says that Ragle Ball Park has tieea ab<,peoned, etc. This la a mlatake. Otto Hill, of Omaha, Neli., baa been engaged to manage Bill Perk for the craaon ot 1019, and It will open ^lanaV' Thi So. 2^adTwUsInf car, which doea r«f«f P^,^^J^^« ^hlJ^ n^>nr,P??S,f IheWfertlalng tor Ibe cirma fa 1ii charge of AJ- roifft Park, Cailcago, thrpngb nichard .^ttot... Berlanrt, who haa sli other men under him. and willing to do hla bidding. •...vai^M r^^mm .m^^ — . __«_ Thc wrltcc wlahca to atate for the beneBt o< NOTES FROM GEO. McSPARROW. i^.s^.'^SSJ-Strn,'%Si^;'Savr,aK TBANK BA.JS, a one time alnger tor the |,|g(c in Ihe clrcua gome, due to the enterprlalos THE RUTHERFORD SHOWS. Wemtrm or Tm•ln•on^ and a nlro lineup ot llilrlj omiTaaliuia. ^ Dllldal atalT: Olla f.. Ailaiiia |m>prl«lor and II. R Mnyncs, ■who orliflnBtcd tlio inp ,„„,|,^r. Mrs. Olla 1.. AdaiiK, aocrelary lo Mars," will have Ills lulual nml iicweH ^,^^,„urr■, illlly Ward, lencral agMit; (le<.. uiccbaulcal appliances i-uibodlcU In IIH" wen Matilirws, apeclal ar-nt; t;ii«". HnyniiNul, knYmn' amuscDicnt, . ■ .■■.'.v" - >-i-- iierirrnl arKiiniiicrr. A nuiul»r of pxxl liiirua are Mo (llani will prwcnt tlie orlKlnal ll^mo airi«,|v contraotrd for uinier ooimnlttce* and wo ni^a in their natlvo- Afrlcnudcrs ntlruclloii, i.wk /nrwanl to a |.nx.prroi« aeaaon. 22. in number In clmnlS:'annccs, simipi aud frivolous pastimes of their old forclRn lioinij. WORTHAM & ALLEN INTERESTS. er uiuK iiuLiiNs. Beaton Hand, wUf sine this ceaaoa for MeSpar rwi'a Daad. AUSTIN BDTTARDS L« studvlnK nnder Vt. Weldon, In Oblcago. Last season with S. 0, Bamee' Show. IT IS stated that Karl Klnt will have sen) real band on tbe S. F, D. B. this coming COY aLBVE)LAND. boas player last with KoSpairon'a Band, and bis partner, Btai- l«y PhlUlps, have pnrchaaed a cafe In St. Louis, Ml., end are doin g flsely. BRANSC OREFVITB goea aa seccnd band leadtr spirit ot Sr. PahiUooes, who at all time* la on lie alert, and taking advantage ot On msdsra and np-to-dale Ideas. We now load tbo wagona CD tbe tot, haul to the train, irp the mna on to the flats, the eame na you do It over there, and Inve done ao for tbe last three years. Folimon Trsllbule cars take thc place ot the oldtlme ooacbea. BAN ON BEAST SHOWS. on the Sclls-FIoto^nBaio Bill Show thla eomli* Ooo, ol the last '"."'jl"* '™J'"55! gffggQ anclenta was aimed at in Bacramoito, Oal ., H arcn A. PERKINa, ban drmnmer, la playing at He ■=!.„ '.""Tli?!??/™ Ban Dle«o Fair with Vlra's Band. killing and iMlmlng for hire of n>en and women HUOI&E E1REIN3, comet eololat with Elwta ^„ n.iir<m,l. h.A bmr. fTA^^ •s'aoMi"""- ^ ssrt5r"ng":n"d ^\ ^ss: '"pHOMX"m.n;°^Sw?;!i'ms read every week la «? ,?Ji;"SJ^ '£jen*lt"{ui'lS{ dllferent mnsic bboks, yoo find Jiwt aa much to "'~yi'^5iJ"fJ5 'S^aSS" JSlIi. i2J fn";o^!r''n.l;" So get boay, h^, sead j;^"" XlL%^''it\'SS^ '° lSr3"he« about your hand. Park. :*,2JS:i'';i?'i^heioJiff blSU'^A bStSuJ* „hJL"<n^''^lei' fir"* '° ^^^t":^.:^^^''^o'"S^^''lli SSliwPqTOTAjS?'!. ni.Tlfi» otne with tka anhiMl tortorer. ao frequent are Ihe blood leltlsgs .^^i^SE??. ^-?'^.,".,.?K?f •*'•• Ihe rending and the killings that the accident frivolous pbni.uM« V. w..--. — — , « ,i# accompanied by their own natlvo V»'"f„?S'/: teen tnuslcal arUets. 'llils oranniiatloD 1ms juat completed tliclr fourteenth annual lour of contlntntui Kurojw. I-auiBon'a llusy City has intcrcstc*! build- ers, architects, sclcntinc iiicchanics, and even X\°oTthl^«tMon''"v:^s"a"?i -CSy of Mo.r-.iide^-n.o ai-pTc™ of Iha Webb City .!.>: l\r ••MecbnntcSl CTll«" so hard and Intrl- chaila' Aasoclallai, ou tlie atreeta, Honday, Aurll S.L t5:^2iliir« and Vamodcl copyists hnvo B, with a anlMuUd lot of cwnlval cuulunent, has cato to produce and romoaci copyiaw uu ^ .oamlied here during tbe panVlnler under •"^I!. R"^.'° IS A t Irinmron aimlo Ho able dlrcollon of Joe J. OonlCT. aaalaled by Paul Bowser and <^>"„'j'Vi?/l?,,« ^vSCTld. " carpenter ani uualer oia- have tie Interesting physical cu't"'" "P""^,; clisnic, and a corp. of alJout twauly aaalalania. tlon known as the '•Corgress A"''"''*;, Hie ftonla hsia slI liteu palotnl b; lha celebrated 'MlsB Llvtagston holda mnny tncdnls for su- ji,fguun arilst, Mannel, who will reaalu with premacy on the wrostllng mat, while raul ^ Tom W, Allen Hbowa the eotlrs ei«auo, tak Uowaer, anociate with her, holds a record \„g of them ami rraovallng wheat oeceMary, second to nono aa a master ot atnletlc The llclland Troupe will take ortr the manage (Bpnial lo Tiia Naw Yoaic Ourm.) Hnaavci'UBT, Un„ March 20. Tbe Allen Rbows ouen lbs sesaoii at Webb Ully, science. Reardmorc's Illusions and magnetic mTstl- tying program Is a featitre card. Illlon'B Carrousel haa this year Doen em- Royal Boman Band, at the Fair. i'r'r«~MH •iy~.^mi<iil« will haw larn hante liability Inanranee men will not take a flak IT IS said all earmrala will nave large nanoa ^ ^ ^„ woman who rtwStr' ar.«>>ipiu>» inrf uani til. Bin^ entors the csge at the fretful, half-cowed beasts, 55.''-K.?.V.¥f^*?'^J! !j;I,'^n?".J"H: S«,ator Herbert Blatcr, o* Snnla Rn«i. and JJS?t"'.."'d&"o*f U'csX. Brnd! "sJSl: A««nblyman Har^ lincell, of Oakland record, JAOK HANSEN Is to be drat chair bast this •on^ aeoaoa with McSpsrron's Band. ED. uriAW wsB a band and orchestra leai*— tbo deeka of the two hoiiacs a bill to stop ttie torturing ot the liona' den and the bnlallllea ot the tigers' cage. The humanitarian ntenairra will nDdoobtcdIy lart iason with the Lewla Stock Oo, Now he JrfLii,'''V„''l'S,5lii''*.r^Mi'?.''rh« SSTSJlS la eenerai manaaer ^' CTOeitr to animala, aa well aa tnoae who wan T?7p. DNOLISH haa a new march ont. It la and work againrt the unnecearary rlik and aaerl. jjj^ • '"'>»'"»^'» " ,f hUDian life The bill roada In tow and THB Boalon Ladles' Fadetts are atlli playlag <Mrect worda aa ftdlowa: In Sehlltx'a Cato in Detroit. It shall be nnlawTul tor any antnuil taocr MB. BDEIIL 'me haa tome ladlW orcheMia. " "J''" ^^-IS" J?-SiS'nt"S', 'SSi.F^l-JSJn Hoa dsrer closed In eight ,ea.n.,. . _^ ^ t '^^^'^^^vl'.VT'^'i^L^^l Mva'bS^ h?s"th'e ladle,' oreheatra I. "Im.l « ani™^ pard Doy.; Diant of llie largest and brat injiilppnl blptralronia, eighty by una hundred and iltlr foet, the prr- toruaace being given In tiro orenaa and one big ring. — —- , .lllako's Honker, Dog and I'oiiy Actora have an- Urged snil equipped with tbe racing ataeao, u,,^ |, ^\nm\. la prouor. jumping horses ond lowers tuiM, all aa oni- yyt^t, and la •lalnratrly iltcoralal lo an orlalnil llantly llRlltcd t>y nlifht as to make It a< onoe .manner. Ikilb at these ahuwa will be equipped attrncllve and nfe for the ohlldren and wUh a ntw ooa ihouaand lire hundred caiiill* jQ^ip, lower lighting arraiigtuieut, Inatnlled by Jus awan'a now Auto-ilTome ■with four lady OiMiley driver* la of mich a daring novelty as to „^0«Pl, Ainent haa pofeclcl bla Undon Ohost lT!... . -«-.Urit, ».« .ulm 'round the ■oef- Show, inolhrr b^ feature. i^^SSi^ni.^ i^iVl J deSth drfwSg aPM.r Tom W. AllenTiaa buuabt soim, splendid e-iulp, -WnriS'sSnolfnS^^^ "«••" ■"■» t'otterTlIo wiOl hnoffn showuian II. O. Cater will o''",'?eJ"^»»^who la ninnlng a picture theaire liete, also two In mualcal cjocdr. JIJU apwlacular cihlblt .".acrtl;! cow frum Mr. Ilaag to en- Is considered the blithest class Unglng or- hipp,,!,^ ,b„,. - gQiitintlon oyer given oiitaldo tJiB tlimtres^ ^_ -WOHTIIAM BllOWa, and the vnrloua mualcal attd girl cnoriuwa „ n,„^ ^ rn»rt from Hau Antonio, are equipped ■witn new costumes ana Jjnnei- ^,f»pt diows and parapharaalla aro ready Ushed wfvb proper scenery and atngfl snttinn. („ n^n at ones It necessary, Mr. Worlbam paid Theodore Rdwlns will have tho "Ills Ml « u, w,bb Olty to wltocss bis parlner'a Ferris 'wtieel, ut«nlng there, after which be returns to Han Ted Ueta Ten in One or Oongrraa Novel- Antonio to attend to the Ooal detalla of hla own ties will offer many now and atartllng prodI- atlracllona for tbe Bailie «f Iflowera, April 10, Ilea In freaJ<s of nature, lie -will also have V!la well known "^mia," , „. Ocon 'Pannor offers thc mavcloua "I-o the Albauy Hotel, In Denver. CDW. DDllKEE lias the orchestra In the OraM, at Everett, Waoh. ~ So In all probaMllty this relic ot pagan gro as Uoinis MiLUD, once a touiisslnnalre. Is a*w g(«g ^nd blood luat will be no more fa Oallfomla a nccossful carnival nunofer. 3S Tint' BipntitlM Biek li Em Tiri r^v„«» SHOW UOSS CANVAS Carnival Tents Sand for Catalog aDd SscaaUbad LM J. C. GOSS CO. DETROIT, Mica IFOR SALE SSl,d opcr^nng comimon.^ .Vdd^^^^^^^ New Drops, $10.00 PAINTED TO OHDBn SCHELL'S SCENIC^STUDIO CULUnBVS, o. Mr. Wortbam baa loaned tbe serrlcaa ot Harry llirfcr to iironote Webb Oily for Mr. Allen, llr. Hater la Ibere now and making an eileuaiva Biltertlaing caim>algn for the local anaiilcea. Ha Vr\^lnU m American Pcnlttmtlarte. Is Worlban. flu after that event a moving display. There will be twenty-one shows with tbe Woi- A well known aopmno, northa Kamnzlca, ihsm acgrrgatloai tor the Han Anbinio dale, nont will "Sing With tho Jiand" st thc dally con- of llinm srr already on tho apot ami concesiona ar*' conductor-hip of Prof. M,r. •'•;7.,;„'«,t''&'''Ha''n""In,o»lo, th. ev«t to .j.r;"t ^aSa^or"M?A'rth»irwo;u i?uTi:!;?";?iir'a.S'r;r'.'i' ±s;.'"'of'''tS; BAR CLOVEN HOOF ANIMALS. T^<^T^MiJ^S.S^£l ^^\^o 1*JM\ vbvvadv aavva naaauana,^^* ),|n„eif a y„j capable atiUtant t<i tno man ,„ i„|n, .rrangwl for by the community. Iiertormlng or are betog eihlbtled, for tbe pnrpoae ot directing or participating la snch performaaoe* or exhibitions. Any person vlolstlas the piml- alona ot this act ahall he anllty ot a nUsdeaneoor." after the adjoonunent ot the present a t sal uu . Tbes« one time drcns animala, tbe camel, the giraffe, tbe American blaon, the tebn, tbe llama and tbe peccarr, will probablr be missing when tbe cfrena paradea tbta Spring. Secretary Hooston, of tbe Department of Agricultura, baa pat tbe ban on tbe trana- porlatlon of tbose six beaata from State to Slate, beennse they're all llkdy to catcb tbe foot and montb dlaease, vrtileh baa been affecting domcatle cattle all over tbe coantry, Tbe camel, tbe giraffe, tbe blaon, the zebu, the llama and the peccarr moat remain wbere they are at present. By June 1, when, it is expected, tbe foot and montb disease will be nnder control, the Intentatc ban may be lifted. 'The tough Mde and feet of tbe elepbant (who hasn't mnch of a month, anrbow) makes blm Immune from tbe dread diacaae. Mons, tigers and other cat beasts never catch It OAIILI.SI/E'S FBONTIKB WIUD WMT fUTOW will play parka and fair date* aa a apeclal tie* attraction thla ooming aeoaon. Tlie show will carry ten epeelal free acts, as a free sctraetlon. Ilesrldes tbe regular Wild West pettoraunoe, Oapt Adama. eipert rifle shot, is n engaged, maklna hla Ofth aeaaon. Dock Ulller, biondio rider, and nearly all the same people w1«o were with lbs show laat aeaaon. wlU be back eoandng aeara, P.RNRST OOOKB Is slowly eonvaleseing at Was- aeon, O.. attended by hla dsoghter. He baa lc<t Ibe hoaptlal and la able to lake an oocasloaial noting In a wheel chair. a!LBPHANT9 and m e ii agei l e anlmada are hard to get this sesBon as the tbe war has Btspped sMpments ef snlmU fr«™ nsmbonL. OjH^ •WttAi 3. VLOemm and on A*. HABIII*, at Tfm Ilauta. Iral., will be wllk Ike Bafeataik. Wallaoe Bbowi sssaoB ef ItlB. ASK FOR INCREASED RATE* The following concesslonBlrei bare alreaily contracted the number of Cnv'lw; ecribed opposit* their names: wPf Ojy™""; aostin. Tel.. March 24.-iA revision of tbe rcok-hnuse. said to be the ni)ate«t ana ruwt u,„,,jt,i „ nnriy taelir bta been asked by tbe npcnulvc frame-op of Ita Etna ever on a lot. ,,iifp,^, ^ iViaa, and the Railroad Oorainlssloa Eph will also have the cider mill and pop |,„ 5,,^ ^ liearlng tor Ajrrll 13. 'cm in atore. Jennie Allen, B; ll»rry Wllt, 'n„ rallisada are aaUng tov slight advancsa 7 ■ Morris Tader, nerealator and dell wbeel: in tbe matter of tnlntamm charm wbars soch Stella Kevin, eandr wheel: Pesale Velder, trame reqnlrei speclsi eqolpmeaL A mlolmuffl cuBhIon and pillow top wbeel; "enry Iletb, rharge of •30 Is oontempUlod In aoy Uiatanee Cor rairr?^ n«T« 1 • flavlB TalBoe, M,OOT lbs raorement of car and party and a oilnlmnn Jntn .JI,7o™ ™ion •■ tX Ooldcn novrtl^ marie of »M tor nrlTate car or alemer will b* ?5i°-t^a£lAJK «. nSert fiau^^^ cona'deted aa a unft where two or n»re private Joseph AtmBhaker, 8 • J«*;i'J!"^"ll'u5SJin can an Involved, and a ralnlmora of »1(J shall BtaoS; T'<» nK'»»'j.P*'?l"J7' i Vh, widl be considered sa a unit la all InaUnces wherw a 1; Dennv Butler, 8; Sam Merert, tn»'[«" uuaie ear U InrolTed. known "Iriab boy," will have the vaae^wjieel. ^li,^,^ |, niade for tho e«ahlh«>lng of a new • aectlOD providing that oamlTal ot amuaemnit eoD- panics, tent shuwa and other ornDlaaliona giving onldo>jT nhlbltkma, and carnrng In eareas of twenly-Hre people, and re<)atnn( n><<re than ooa irrlvaUi car or «ne bagga«e ear, or latb, ahall not lie handled under paaaenger train aervlr*, tmt ahall te rrferred lo lha frrlghl dmartment for V. W, ITHE ADAMS' SHOWS. The Otla I.. Adama' (Ittaler F.apoaltlon BIotct 0^ at n«dej«n. N. (T. March 2^ nn^" b« ^naplm of the Jlenderaon Voloteer Hoaa <»'2"J- handling equlpiw-nt nnder circus roofract. Clnody and chilly weather mwrailrf, but all *owa, "hangJa aabed for InrolTo Ibe theatrical TMIna devlMa opened at 2^30 r. »<•• companlea and eamlvaU. crwwd or. tho lot. and^ery^a «on>™J.'j^.i^ ohe irf the roncesaiona aaked la tlie eatabllah- on« or twti atoows. The ""A.f!;,'^ log of a parking ehaiwe of 13 p»r day of 2i In spite ot the cold wealher. Md bw"*" '*! houra or fraction for each car whm ocnrpled liy good. With 'arorable wealber JJ'T'rl one or inore perwna for dinltw or living piiriioaes. to a gooil Mf week. Prof. Ham Qilaaantl a band Nigro, of tbo NIgro k Hlerenaon Hhiiwa, haa atarleil a fund ao Hi* manager* can have nniroms, rav« — -/ T.—v-J ^-.AH »_ viA*'5P.« ^ri a'reiireaeiitatWVt'the mewling at Auatln v.. Cole, with his daring lOB foot hlgTi dive, twice ■ "^1 - of twelve pleeea, Irrllllant In m tbe opaiing concert at 3 P, K. %'ln.''^vl«'^nd'^c^e22Li'''.li^ 1 TIIK Worlds Fair Dbow. will open May 1, at R. O iS?a larniTrtmA and Oohimhoa, Ind., manager O. 0. Dodaon. aS^-'w«,;niS£ &:p2 ■ jssiJsSi.iTJssiS'tSTh^-^i^ii