New York Clipper (Apr 1915)

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APRIL 17 THE JSTEW YORK CLIPPER. MUSIC BOARD OF TME HOLD SPKIIED MEETING. firip nf tlic moat spirited mcetlDga of the itonrd of Trade wna held last Tliurs- .I'.v ( VMiiiig. Ihc attendance being the largest ...fiv I lie (irganhatlon wbs formed. Two new ^ZZ, -. came Into the fold when O. Bhlnnor ?r n 1(1 J. Ulcordl, two of the largest pub- llshors "t miieic Id the world, elgned appll- *°i>r('.'s''lr i)t Louis Bcmsteln Is very entbiisl- ..ric I'lHut the future of the Board of Trnde, S„rt i'i.ii:irlfcd recently that many evils that "jl5(,,l -.imo monthfl ago have been entirely •^^''AMlpii'iih the paying of o«ta still goes on *n ««m'> i'xK>nt with a few of Ihc publishers, ft vi-l!l ii'it he long before thig ovll will be a ihlne i'i the past. Kiiii^ Imvc been entered against several rpconl iiialfers who have been pclcctlng the hits o( the day without any regard to royil- '''tIu- report, some weeks ago, In reference to -loiiii' of the Board of Trade piibllsherj iMrIn" nrts, Is without foundation. So de- ,'lcU<r~:i<< Investigating committee appolniod liy the uicmbers to look Into the matter. 1 Kit Don't forgot the first ball of the "Popnlar Bonn Vritcrs' Association," To be held Saturday, May IS, At Tcrroce Garden All soDgdom will be there. DALY'S JOTTINGS. Cmupbcll Sisters are a riot sincing "No- body Knows Where the Old Uan Ones," nnd li3d thorn sitting up and taking notlrc nt tliu AlImiDbra, Colonlali Iloyal, Orphcum and rrosjxK-t Theatres, and will do the same nt Kritn'a. \Vashlni;tOD, neit week. It's the one konp Mint stands out above everything else hi ihelr aet, and hits home. Iloiiry I^ewls la atlll pnttln" over "1 Won At What Will William Tell" at the Keith tlirotres, and he has to repeat the chorus M> times before bis audiences let bla go on tvltli his act. The Southern Sisters are doing "No Ooe Knows Where the Old Man aoes" as n double, and are scoring repnntedly on the TEDDY MORSE'S MUSINGS." J!^e;ti.ic.:;iV;i;;^;.„;y';^.!;^f^..'^Tci!^i: Ch"Pln" .song, nillcl ••('lurilo V\m>\\n Wfllli." publlshwl by llnrnld U»!.sU..r M!."lr Co.. nnd they sny this In tliolr ad.: "A mm- 1>v„'',°'''i"??..""V""« ln-nd- J,J„Ti7" " "eld Is ^'J?*?";"' the posHlbllltlPs nrc unlimited, belst could .sny: ■•(loi one of inflf^f Til .'nnrklnR Ea.i llgliters (for Hale nt all Wonlwiirth stores) and lleht un your audlenc™ with our 'Little Spark of Love, and llomlck: "Wo can furnish yoii an ntomlzer and n hot He of miiKi-inim direct 7^, .''"•"'n's fnir wnlers, nnd vou can sprinkle and .iprny ns yini wnrble our 'Dublin nn.v ditt.v, and Slmiilro-llern.iteln : "A little folding p.Tper house briiUElit on In vour net anil our 'llouse on the lllll' will make you top the 1)111." At nny rate, n grcnt load Is off our mlud. for the Chaplin song Is hero at last t TjfE Englishman who wante<1 to know what "Yonkcr.i" were Ik Just as much In tho durl( as we arc ivg.irdlug "Clilncse llhic.s." John McTorm.kck U billed as the "Song rnir..ti!r." I low would tlioy bill Meyer t.'olu'n'/ It's a .STK.ixnE. slrangc llilng. tills music game, and "follow ymir Icndci" Is ns populnr M ever. A .-.•hort while nco wc were "Tlpper- arlrd" until noililnR mon- cmilil iw due up will! '•'riupcinr.v" In It; llieu wc wen- "Cnll- Inp Mc'd."' "(IhlnnloHTii'd" nnd -Toklod." "I'armed" nnd "MiehlKniU'd" imlll we couldn't see. nnd heaveni, hon- "Solclilei s." ■•Mollicrs," 'Darling Leys" nnd "Wnr' imd "ri'iicc" did fill the nds.! Now, lo nnd behold cimica "lliiln IIuln.H," ■•llU-kl Hoys.' "ItlrdN of ranidisp" nnd Iho race Is on iignln. Whnt puzzles us Is why, oil! whv, go to nil the trouble -if having soniefiiln; yiivf m,Y the >/f/ier fellow. wHien it would pnv better lo have somethlnc illttcrcntr Our'old friend, ecbo, nnswirs, vhyV 'Simw.vT cuards nre evider.llv tlreil of boosting IrvhiK Ilerlln's "Wiitch Yniiv .^tleji" «liow. At Times .'^niiarc Hie other ihiy one •was honrd to shout "lie careful gelling olT!'' "Pat" lIowi.KY had a regular "old liomo week" nt his olllce recently. Tlio' 1". .1. iii;iv not have flue oificcs. a blR sinIT or a IiiiIuIhb bank account, he has assets to odset Iheni In n plensant smile, n cordial hnndHlmke. n kind BT JACK Flin-ABDI. iiowi.Kvs <<min ruo.<i<!' <;ATCilIX«i .''Inve Inst week's nnnnuneenieut alMiiK Will MiihoMoy's new son«. "The tilrl Who Weara the Ited f'ross on Her Sleeve," r. J. Howley has received dozens at rc<iiieHta for the nnm- lior, and.many acts are puttlns It on. It's x new, different Idea, and while Ft toiirhej on a wnr tiiple. It tells of the "lied I'rosa" girl In a ivay that nppinls lo i<Tery one. Any '--- - ■"'- ■ " you •-»ec- I autry. In a ivay that nppinls lo i<Tery one. J Kind of apt can use this song, and If write to P. J. Howley, lO'J \Vcat Korty-' ond Street, New York, you won't bo aori NBW YORK'S FBATURB SOHGB. "Tho Little IlnuAP Upon the IIllI" (SlIAriBO'llKH.NBTHIN CO.) "Don't Take My Darling Uov Away" (IIhoahwat Uuaic Co.) "My IHrd of rnradlse" (Watkhho.s, k Bntdbb.) "There's a Spark of Love Still llnrnlng" (Lto Kkl-it. Inc.» "Virginia I,ee" (Jon Moukih Co.) "Sweet Kentucky l.iidy" (M. WiTJfABE & Sons.) ".My Mttlc Drcnm Olrl" (Jn.H. W. Strbn & Co.'i "When My Ship Comes In" (Haiiut Von Tilzbb.) "I'm On My Way to Dublin Uny" (J. II. ItRMIOK & Co.) "San".. (("HAS. K. IIauiii.s I'o.) "All for the l/ove of n nirl" (Kai.maii a Puck.) 'Ulckl Uoy" (K. A. Mii,i.M.) I'oi'iiLAn RONR nr.rHnn. The llf!,' of a iKHiular song gciieinlly rnUKcs from three to nine inonlhs, on neniiinl uf the Irmnendoiis ninoiimt uf si.iics piilillshe<l, nnd niso on necoiint of ii perforiner, nfter sinchig n HCHig two inuiilhs, llgurcs a song old. Nnl Ko Willi the Hoiir Hint hnIdH (lie record for long life, and Al. I'lnntadnol and Jack (iloRiiii ari' the proud owr.erit of Hie song. "On- the Shores of Itnly," wns horn Jununry. II»H, nnd at Hie pre'cnl wrllliig Is one of the Icndlin; HellciH In (he Telst entnloKue. ll Is now hIxIomi inoullise old nnd Koes bIcKer (o-dny with n perfiirnirr llinii It eviT went, a melody (hnl n henrer liever Hri'.i from IIsIimiIiik I". Kiic':i (i-rrlde hlis. MS •Maiiilnluy." "Ill(;li t' of Lovliic." AMATP.rn "so>n wnirp.ns' comtkst. Aniatour Konc writers are having their Innliiga nt Prin-tor's Klflh Avenue Theatre this Week, 'nirlr songs nrp liol:ig aun« every night thrniighoiil the wivk under the best fnvurahle conditions. Most of the iiroinlnent music puldlsher^ In town are conperjillng with llio managitneni of ithe theatre In ills- Idaying the wares uf Hie nninteiirs. iif Hie scores of mmgs siibniltled In the contest, an oilniliintlun conMiiUieo of experts selr<-le<l the tK-sl nnmliors. This was dlineiilt, and Jn the culling process, ninny renlly nerltorl- ous entries had to lio laid OHiile to uinke room for the very best soim.s. The ninune<-iueiit 4>ellovcH (here were more entrlesi Into this contest than In nny other of Its kind. Tliret- (if the selected songs nre heliiK sung each night. Judges, whose chief eoiislilern- tloo Is Uie applause lK<slowe(l l>y the niidl- t'UCC. eliose (he hiwt iiiiiiilier each |iIkIiI, nnd tile six songs tliiia seleelnl will lie .siiiig fur the prizes. |'jr>, fin niul fli>, on ^I'liesdny evening next (April W), riiUss llie iiiiia' leurs dcNlre lo slug their iiiinihers them- Helves, ]irofc.<»li<nnl.i from the niusle |iiili||sli- Ing houses render llieiii. The niniileiirn do not relliiqiil.sli the riKht to their songs, nnd the pulill.slierH, who Sny Hiey hnve never seen HO niniiy renlly Koiid soiikk siihniltleil In siieli n Cll|||i^Nt. hiive their eyes open to Hie elltrle^l with (he lilen of iiegutlnHiig for Itie prize v/^niiliiK. iiniiUiers. Two iiiihllHlierH denioiistrate songs eiieli night, 'those who nrc eoniieriillnK nre: Sim- piru. Ileriisli'lii fc Cn., Ilrondwny Miisli' Cnr- jioratloii. I.eo I'elsi. Inc., Tell Taylor, Wiiler- Bon, Merlin & Siiydi-r. K A. .Mills J. II. Iteinlck & Co., .Miiiirlre Alirnliniiis, t'hns. K. Ilnrrls. .1. \V. Slerii vt Co.. .loe .Morris Miisle Co., ntol M. WlLumrk Sl Sou. WIM. IIOMSi riOH ••riMKI.V TIPN." Add. Iluyt's Mlii.sln'ls ropurl l>lt; lilts wllli '■I'lu n l.oni: Wiiy I'ri'iii "I'lpiienirv" iiiiil "I'm Coining Muck In Siirluutliiie." They also have "l.ovi'liiiid DnVM In ii'tn'iirml. The Kossdi'll SliiKers iiTliiliily ii'tjislereil n liie lilt nt liie !.o);nii Sii'iiire 'llieiilre. "I ovelniid Uiiys'' :iimI "I'm .('oniliii; lliii h lu SprlnKlliiie" Wfrr |iiTliiip.'4 Hie iiiosj proiiil- r.eii( (if their jioiiiiliir iininliers. Siilllviiii nnd NlaHnii iip' iiiiikhn; lln lr iisiisl IiIk hit Willi "I'lM ,\ l.iinL' Wiv I'riiiii Tiji- Iiernry." "Wlii We Say IIoihI liye" mill ■"llie Mliislrel Hliow I'lirade." Claiiille TiJicey w;is iiiiolhi'i' lili: lilt :il the Dream Oirl," lioth In p<mMl«rlty and anleii, follows "I»y lleck" nnil "Ween More, My Kidy." In conrlunliin, dear lender. I modest- ly eialoi "My l.ltllo Di-enin fJIrl' to be (lie nrllsllc and leirUiiniile liiilhul hll nf Itlin. CHiaGO VAUDEVILLE (Special uirv to Tii»: Cr.irrKn. April tBJ l*aliirr Muklo llnll (M»rl II. sinkTr. mir.) —AliMMlny nflrriKhiirH o|km)Iiw; illHrliRwl rnll Iiiiiiih\ Kaillo nnd Uaimtdt'ii, In "ChnrlIi''H VHIl," innklitif k'lMBl iHttHUT. l'*l4>rtMi« Kolh mill Ailolnlilo irirlniul iitMMv«Nl rmnlllUr. n)M<t'iirlit|{ in iMiirli mmt. nllmlnalj (NHiluiutil. IkTt ImuhmiI nml Mm i-nv- U^yn KNTO r<ilr M'llrlU* j>rtwiiiHil<in. lHi>irt MlnuiT lii)Hi;4<r(riltlA vokv. MtHl miii^'.h miiiiowIiuI hIiI. l'nik*rAiini)nl lyric mnlrrt tvritir hhuiuIi llki' pinlit 'fiilMi'llii. iMMtliy ]lr\*nntT, "iiH.<4lKh<il Iiy," :«litiiili| rnnl "ihhI*' I(i<ninr<l Wliwlcr. lu* hl« fn'itk iliin- rliiK Hii.H mil liU 4if MM, iVmiiliy ninilp lM>lhT llitli^ tflrl (hnii »rni\viiii|i. SkriHi vcvnk. hnl iliinrhiit Hnvi'K l(. Mr. Ilynniok itrovm wiimlrrfiil witli Ilk'ttllitR iMmiiki'^ lltnt Hiir)iii!«H un<li>rriinii<llnff. Illn imtriiior itf prikhii'Iuir rlnlitM fntin ntiwhi'm rfiprnriNl nuilk'niv. .Mliv l.loytl illil wi'll wllli 4Mii('lniMn); iinnklKT. "SInIit .Mu-^Io'h St'wliitf .Slilrit fur SdilUTH," 4nii)iloyli>»; l^wMinr Htunt llmt tHvincil \iu*K .\nuTlniii tluin KiiKllrili, tlMtniTti lillliil 114 KntfllMli (iNiK'il(t'(UH\ WVIIhiKlnn Cuit* ninr Nih JiM4'|>tiliM\ iPKul nrt wor. frtiNvlrtllir In nM ruililniinl miillll.iii. Mr. nixl Mn<. Jni-k Mr- Uni'vrjf lllll if.hi.1 rhnrncKT AInfT In rnU» innkp- Mji. Mr*. iUA iitir ttmxl ixtiiipniiliin Ntnnt in nlil ntitnS llilillc (ininMly. lA<iim^ nml ShTlliiK. K|tli<nil|i| tM-nihiilH, rtliitiill liiivo Uvn fuvurcil wlili hlkW^'r r'<M)m: nniMi'nrr. Wnrk I'li'nii mtil (lirllllnti. Nt'il w*v:(: I'Mlilt TalliiffiTii. I.llllnii t^>rr'iiin>. Mr. nml Mm. lViii|;lnrt l!nini>, llriiry U'wIh. KrnrHl Mull, Knilcrlrlt It. Ihtwrrx. Mlli»ii uml m>l,<ini( .^Isli'i-M. llrtwtliiirni* :mi*1 IhxIIh. Arrlnl llihlN. MuJrHOv.—I'lidii* Kllnw Mliirii'>l tlitiiu-* for lilu Miiiiiliiy innlli-iiiv. )U'\ty ILnnl nnil .Iluuny I'ns- Min. rli-viT In Mi>iit.'lnu<l. Wrhli nii>l Hnrn-* ilo n Khiil lliilinn niii«kii| nrl. UmIxtI I.. Utillcr wllli It. llitlMTM. l^'ftiiT Ann^lhiiitr. itnniHirMiitt. rt'ii- iN*n'<l ii|i|im>lriii*i| (iMMi'ily In "< ^ir lliiii." l>i»y|«t IItill lltxiill, nriuii* uril(l>fl>l i|iHli*llitf fitvorllfrt tti^t nini|<> VVIniiT ilitrilcn mIiuw fiuiKiiM. Avt Ik rlinr- itclcrlitcil hy im'mI niirtircfit work Wllllnni l*rn''t!t\ xir|i|H>rtisl hy ('ihiiiimiiv liu'liiilliii; 0)nirli'< lirr, ««llll\vl^l |{(Nnl vtijiv rornt In inlnlitlnrt' (»|nTii. U4>lm> JttivIcK, itiiiiu* old (*1ilt-iiK<i rnvtirlh*, with nrw f'MiVM. ni>rtK.<4 nici'l.v. .1 imui Hii\v}i*r*ri uniitnnl dnnrliiK ni't wMli t'iiliir«'i| ori-lirHirn «in i(Ihki>. hnumlil ImI(*'4| hiillrtHMn t|iiiii>ln^ tn nn<ll«>niv. (1. r. Hnitlli'H iirllxllr liilnHltii*lli<n whim Joiin I'inortnNi fnnn rnnni'. imivoil imvi'l rit'-irL."*' llnniMirl iinnU* ^hli'inllil ihiiii'lui: rniii|tnnli>i( fur \ll'44 HiwyiT. l-';inuli' llrlii' .--niiir iih n^iinl ri'iuli'rMii; Krcitl vnri; «*l.r clinriK'dT xnnifH. tlnuirlnu with urcliiMirn li'iiiliT. rnniiy. ImiI not new. I'*:iiiii.v kiiow^ litiw ('• IN)! |Hi[inlar Kmiiiri. miMhl ili> innn* Hlnvliu (han AT B. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE NEW YORK BERNARD GRANTILLE SIXGING THE MOST SENSATIONAI. SONG HIT N IT'S ALL OVER SCORED THE HIT OF HIS CAREER, AND SO CAN YOU. SEND FOR IT The muslo he uses for his Dance Is called "KERRY MILLS CAKE WALK." KERRY MILLS -WROTE, RA8TUS ON PARADE, GEORGIA CAMPMEETINO and WHISTLING RUf US. THE PIONEER CAKE WALKS. The new one Is out for Band and Orchestra, and professional copies. »ubli8hod by MIIL.iLS, 1,71 \A/es-t 40-fcH YorU I-ocw time with this song, 'i'hev snrc ire ln'o very clever girts. Uene Ilynn, the Beau Hruraniel of llliis- irniod singers, Is surely boosting our new i'j'S' .. I^on'' Tell the Folks You Saw Me," nt rolls, Waterbuy and New Hnven theatres. .^ ?M► ^J"'"! B"' n^lMllad over, and Is a iridlt to himself la tfals line of sonss. I .V -VPEHSONAl, APPEAI,. in the hopes of making a tremendous hit 01 lis new. number as a eone and also ns an !?,«!"'■""'.! Jac* Ologau, of the Kclst "lan. Is making .a puraonal apiieal to all Hie flrciiestra Icaderfl and cabaret entertainers «ii over the country .to put on Ids newest "My pwn Vonellan Hose," ^^Ji i •JurlDg the week of April 2(), on ^ \<-\\ date a national camnalKn will be All' n"*' "'^ "''ove number. „„„'' the-lending orchestra Icader.s are re- q levied to write personally to Jack Ulogau, 11,1 "nd performers.who cnu do wJi , '*''"■ """F' The sone Is a high class 1,,'r song, and also a character number " p.1ttcr chorus. A rrcat number to man your voice, and siiltabro to sopranos as WIN lis tenors or baritones. Qrcat for duet .w;",'",'^' . "nnelng acts take notice, a won- '•T.'iil iKisltiitlon. s«w(} HITS NOW nnivr. svyr. by AL. O. PIBIiD'S GnBATICa r, „ MINSTRELS. II V.'"",' conditions on the road this year, r biggest season the Al. 0. , ,''"Jter Mlnstrela hove ever enjoyed, Niirii ? "'.fj"^ reasons Mr. Meld particularly ' ""'^V"" '8 t"c fnet that he has this 1 iir ,H"",'«''<'<1 arouad lilm whnt he con- vrir -eK,''^' singing party he hns had In iii^ i;,'„ together with nn enccllent se- Mrit,,. K^,^^' hU flrst part very inliKtl'„i""^i' there is anything oi-earth a 'I'le fML"?^'""?* enjoys, It's ffood singing, w 11-J ', arc some of the singew and Thr vi„»?* *?,to make up this great show: Illllv ^'''^'-'I'r'.?'^* Illchards, Ilaymond NVylle, n ■ .yK""' P«>il r.a Load, Joha Worlanrt K ' lt, ei'v'*'! ''""nian- The songs—"Sweet <; . k" "'*,J''"'J'' "In the Oardcn of the '•(•J/., • (^fter the IlosoB Have Faded Away." '•M,; ,' ,Hcah Me Cnllln", Caroline?" ••il ,: ".J^'nchrce," "In the Candle Light," I) I • , '"'^^.J""!''' "Auntie Skinner's Ohreken w'i.,1 V. ^Prlnlile Me With Kisses If You M U ii.nn If'V i° Grow." all published by I,•.„,;."'",'"'^,*,Sons. -J'hlB nrin hns prae- tl.ri ;\f"f."'"''f<l Mr. Field wlUi all his raa- luZ.J" '"^ UftecD or twenty years. ,.'"/''\Q,I»EIH.IN'« HBW HIT. Is-i - ii I- iooVed for Berlin hll has aL I'lr ill." .5," appeamnce. In "My Illrd of <'"iM .'Mv . Waterson, Berlin & Snvrter 1'"|||"' •„iih' A'SP^t'^e wonderful things to let VhiV tt'? ndvertlslne v.r. I. " that Is the best song Irving ever ■W'ord, u world of optliiilsiii, and nn eye doesn't roam from your collar lo Hie top button of your vest iiiid hnik iikiiIii. And, liy all the "liliio lli'll« of Scolliiinl." when "i'at" was "oil tup" 111' wiisii't one iiiltn dlir'rnnt. "1*. J." Imd iIiIm llock In nil In one afternoon: Neil Wnyliiirii. Will Cobb, \Vm. V. Peters, Waller Vaughn. Aiidv .Sler- llnj, I'nul linrncs, 'I'liemlore Morse. Hartley (?ostcllo. Henry Snyers, llniily mid .Malioiii-y, Cov De Tricky, Hiiyiiioiid llrowne. Ityid I)uughcrly, Julius Voglcr uiid lilll I'olla. 'riiK compositor must have been short oa "I'".s" and "Cf." or niii.vhe he Imd In luliid some bad sliigcr. for he set up Krank Clark's uume thid way, "ronA; lurk I" IP THE song booster could only tack onto Jess Wlllard nnd "jnit a ]>h\-- over" |i> Hieso crowds that follow hlni .iriMind. Whnt Joy ! "MOBSiKOWNKl's Si;ui:.VAiiK" opens LI. .No. 1 has been selling imicli lielter slnc-e ".Spark of Love" became nopiiliir. • , . . THE closing cliiipliTs ot nn anfor|uiiiitc Ef'air were written last wi'ek. when llllly Col-. 11ns was sentenciHl U six yrai's lieiirlsonnieiit In Sing Sing. Kverytliliit' was ilorn: for llllly tlMt was possible and .liidge (."nine showiNl mcrcv hy his light seiiK'nee for siieh n seri- ous We snw Hilly ln-fori! he wns taken awsy. He promls.'s to to; n good Ixiy (he's only l-wenty-'lie) nml ilo nil la lila power to uinkc iimemls for tils iiilslake. He Bends his best wlsleis (o eveylxiily. nnd hopes llie hoys won't Ignore Ills lelluis when lie wrltcB, Wrli. knows ai.iiiis : , . » 'lliu rubllsber—"The bookkivpcrs out to "''nJe'Writer—"They didn't plnu; It r\m:' The I'rofeslonal Manager—" Hia bo.cs la out of town." , Tho llooster—"The doorman woiildn t let '""iV'"iKAnnu would like to l-noie the writer of Oiat delicious dIHy, "Who Threw (he Overalla In Mrs. Mornliy's (.Towder. I'r;'"l<ly. we do not know, and wo trust our Innnlrln? friend has no uMerlor motive. If I would •heh) any thouu'h. we can b'*'' him l"e %vr?tcrs and nirlllhihcrs of "At the (Jnrlwge (ientlcmen's llnll!'' , ,.„„„.,.„.. The "United Song Vrltcrs of Ainerlen It Is now. Instcnd of "Poimlar Hong W riters Association." The elinnee (Kii(rg"<l''<l ''.v 'J™ Urnnen, title by Kd. Mornn). was .■llll^J^l by wieh men as Victor llerlHTl Henry » "sson . .Tcrome Kern. Silvio llein Hnymoml I'' "j ojtpresslnc a desire to J-ln. Hi" "f *:! " Idea was for popular KmiK wrlti'rs oiilj. but the whole selii'mc Is s" »:"'.'; ,!'":,,'"L",, "'; tlon" men want to belong. With this ndd..I strength, things will Inke a "'•";,',"'""'',/'■ when von see "11. H. A..' In nddl Ion lo t reminding you of our glorious couii r>. let It nlso recSlI Hie "Unllcd Song Writers of America." "You're Here." "Alia l>iil>i IIoiieynwMiii," "(Innieeof 1/ove,I'ullp and IIoni'." "Didn't Itnlsc My lloy to lie a Soldier" iiikI niiiiier- oils otlii>rs linvo come anil ;,'iine, but "Shori'S of Italy" goes ou as If It wt',- a new song. It certalnlv deserves the lllle "A clnMHlc that will live fur years." oWII.LAnn KNOCKS OUT JOHNSON." 'Ihc above imiioimeeiiient wns IhiKlieit around the world last Monihiy. creating nioro Inik and uewHiuiper cumiiiciil than llie ter- rible wnr now niging In Kiiroiie. "Who'il Take Cure of (lie llnrein When (he Multiin His'S lo War" tRillifl i-li;lit along together wlHi the almvc news. Certainly must liu siinie Ming to be nlile lo do a thing, like that at .viicti nn niisph'loiiri iiioNieiil. (Certainly ought to lie worth your wlille to llud out what (Ills great "llarem" song Is all about. There nre balladB galore Init only one real one, I'amcly, "You Are Hie lloiio of My Heart." It's mate, "I''or I'lvery Hmlle Yoi> Uavv to Me Yon (Mused n Tlioii.sand Tears," 'Is nnotlier beautiful ballad wurHiy of much praise. .\s for double niimbcra. "I^'rom Now On" contlnnes lo hold first jihiee. "Dahcliw at the (.'oltoii Mali" Is n worthy Hiicci'SHor (0 t'hif fiunuus "Itoliort M. Iioe,'" aud can he used the snme wny—great opim- liig, great dosing number. The slalT of the Maurice Fllrlimond Music Co. will be ]ilensed to take caro of you on (he above numben. A CinBAT ClfANCK FOIl HO.MR rUliiilNIIKIt. I know a eraok song writer irlio lins had world wide lilts, .H (iresent iiii»IIii''Im <l. who would make an Ideal manager for Hie .Now Y'ork olhee of some Western piibllHlier. lie has a big following, ean get great lyrics, and writes greot melodies. He knuwM all tint "Ins nnd outs" of tliu music :nme. and would entertain the right proici.sllIon ; or If .iiiy- liody wants to iMirk iilm un ilh n piibltHhiT ho'll llstci to that. too. Ask me about liliu. The Cadillac Music Co. has Jiisl l.>iHued an Irbih march ballad eiillHeil "I'm (lidng Home to .Mary" (In Dear Old Tliiperaryl. Tills number Is thnniiiglily Irish nnd (ironilsi'.s to be one of the big hits of (he yi'nr. IioIiik Hie romposKe wnrk of IferlH'rt K. .Molir and Will H. Illllon, both young and versullle Hong wrIterH. This Is Ihe Ihlnl numtier of the Cndlllac Co.'s piibllcntloiis from the pen of .Mr, .Molir. the olhertt being '"Pliat llngllinc llannoiiy Htrnin," a real novel coon song, nnd "He'd Keep on Klrtdlln' Along." It Is niMo Hie sec- ond number hy Mr. Dillon, whose iillier niiin- lier. "In Uiir Front itoom," Is proving no uni|iinlllled success. Nat l>. Mann died at Ban Kraoclaco, April r.'. M;ijeslle Tlienlni'., Inst week. rioni all ai'oiiiils slii''s'11 yoiitig riot wltli "lie's n Kiniill Town Hfi irl" nnd "The .lltiiey Huh." Viritliibi (ii'iiiil, till' girl wK'i a Tiiiiiitiriil viilii'. Ih I'oinliig iKii'k III vniiitevllle, and will fi'ulure "I'm Coiuliig Hack In Hplnt;tlnie," "l.oveliiiiil Dnys" mid "i'ln II l<<>ng Way Krom Tliiperury." IHIvc Callaway, .i loenl rnvorlle who hns lieen winning tin; so'ig cniileHls with Will llosNllcr'a HongH, K'les lo (Iriiid lliipIdH for a two weeks' enfr'iKenienl, If von v/niM |i> know ivlinl a rent "sniig riot" lixikH arvil soiinils like, go niid si'o Mont- gomery nnd .Mooi'e iil tlio I'lilaen this 'A'eek. Ilrown and llrlHtnl nre easily Hie liK of every hill. If provi'S (ho piiblii: apiiris-lntu <dnsH If .vou'll only give It to them. pre- dict "Ix>velniid Unys' and llieir own song, "Df.n't Keep Me Watting," will plil Ilrowa and Uriatol on the big timu by next Hcason. (;ii.iii':fi'r riliiut Hlirn I'liliUraUotui.) Have been hiMi'iit from this pniie for a eoupie of weeks hecaUHu I'vu been piling up news lo tell you. I guess I ran .Miifely anil triithrully tell vou that "My I.Ulli' lireaiii lllrl" Is n iiosl- tlve "lill." 'fills arllHili' Heiiil-chisslc ineliuly, with Its cuphuulous lyric, ho simple In coii- HtriKilon that any tyne of tdnger can sing It. Is the best prnuf tliat tlio public as well ns iierformcrs are gelling nwuy fnnn kind- npplauHc, mandllD, seiillnienlnl songs. Among Ihe many nein doing this song, or coiilempiating doing it, are Paul Morion, Iliirkhnrt anil White, Naoina (JIuhh, Victoria l'"(iur, Ilnrmnn, Zarnes nnd Dunn. Kletclier .S'orton nnd Mniid Karl. Tllford, Illnllo <'oni- edy I'liiir, Three .MiisketciTs, (.'liarlotle Ht. Klino, Kreiln Klein, Joi' .Miller nnd Kva Doug- liw Itudolpli, Kleunor Klsher, Marino Hlslers, and one hundred more. It Is. Iiidend, grati- fying lo think Ihnt a song of this be(ter doss type should "cntcli on" so ipilekly. As a rule, this Ivpe lakes n long lime. All of thoHC who linil sung Aiiiitol Krledlanira "I'er- Hinn Hose" unniilinoiisly elnlin "My IJItIo Dream Clrl" to lii^ not (uily Its HiicciwHor, but a far siiperhir soni;. 1'lie Hade ili'iHiriini'iit gives ine a honn (liln Hlateiiierl t" the elTeil Hint "Drenni (Jlrl" iiMs sold one biindriil HioUKiind copliM In four weeks. Miss Rlielnhom, of the llron.lway l(lieln>- horn .Music Hlore. iiiisolleHed, ("Id ,MI(cli('ll 'Marks, our hend salesman. Hint "Drenin (Jlrl'' was IJie best coiinler seller she's ever handled. Jsek Il<il5i. general inniiager of our or- eliiiira deiflirtiiii'nl. hns iinHlliileil praise from Hiieli exi'i'llenl orelieslrnl iiiiPiorllles; Itoii ItlebiirilKOii. JiimeH llii'-ie Kiinnie. N'niiiin Franko, llllly linker, .liilliii I/eii^.m-rg, etc., etc. Following dose OD the heels of "My Ml tie Itilhliii;. .Miif<i lli'd IIiiiiiIiIn AniMiiil Wlllrlwliiil AcrnliittH riiriiK-il iMi|0(ijirliile i-ti,4liiK in-l. S'l-il Wii'k: IIitImti Keli-ev mill Kllle Hlmiiiiiiii. .It,.ii CiilllliH, Iliil|ili lliiiiltrir M Wlille HiHHFirH. Iti'li llvnii loiil IliirrU-lle l4v. Aniinit llrim., Jiuih'h TImumii- rvMi iiiiil Oh. Wlllli' linn.. Ilnrr; I.Imomi unii Anita Lnwreiiro, Mm U'lim-ii nml .Mile, lliiiiri'efe. ■•IIOCTOII'N MOW ■•DMCV, A new (lolli'y liioi p*lie liiln 4<lTeel ill llie lni'iil rrorlor Iioum'h, »\ih ilie eintiiilun uf IIh' Kirili Avenue, 'llie Hniile r\n<*^ nt viiiiileTllte (-(ililIlliMii. lllll llie [ilrliire finrl tit IliM hIiiov now eiiliHlMl of IiIkIi I'ln.t r«'iitnri' |ir<.liii-ll(irifi. miil'Ii nn KuMamt'n ^'iMirlfH Olinjillii eiiiiHtlli-fi. AlilH'Me Ki'llennniili. In "Niiiliiiie'N ■ liHiiirliier." ICfi'iiiior (llyiiii'H "Tlireii Wei'Vl," '"I'lu- ClilKHiin" mill "Tlie H|iulli.TS." TO HftVI'l n II'I'IIKII l)I>. Arisibl llllly Im li'itkliiir fur ii llieiilre fiirllier Ulflown 111 wlilrli III jinwiil "Ynii Ni'rer (*iin •Ti-II." fffl- III' ili»es IKil en re to pn'iMlit llie uliow elit^Hle nl llie l)Brrl<'h. wlieli lllat limlMf Im'(^iiiii>s an fill hllflll jitrliiiM liiiiliic, olHniLliK III iiiIiIiiIkIiI. <.1isrl<« Ijiltn met Mnliel ICreiiynir will leave Iho c<jiii|iuny iuvmi. IVIuslc^^ul>ll8h< MA lllll': sow OWMN "Ilim.'WI'V," "ilToiii[iy" In ihhv Hie wilo prtiiH'rly of Oyrll Meisle. ilixirun <). Tyler, of iliii ^>nwT Orui of l.leliler (V>mjHiiiy. Imd nn Inli'n Kt In ll for Inenly wii'ks. mill iIiIk liilt.ri'Mt eiiiln.l liiHt. wis'k. OH,UNCLE SAM! New Bong by HUDSON Tills Vnra« la TImnlyi OomrHiliis wno eiinm from alien coiiiitrlM, Kitr Iroiii your homes itcrosH the hob. Ours I. Iho ilsg Mint guvo you oelcomo, I'ledgo yiiiir nllegiHtieii rHlHifiilly I Keep from ihe old woHd's feuds aiidquarrolB Hot, sliould their strlfo affect our land, Then! Is Fur .roil Jiisl onu thing lodo— Bland fast for your Uiic'o Huiul Oh, Uncle Ham, utu. Professional Oopi*8 U. S. DISTRIBUTERS 614 St. Harks Avaau* Brooklyn. N. Y. Dont Worry ME NOW OrlgiQal, Oatohy, Vaudovlllo Bong, It's Oreat Bond lOo to CIIAH. 0. HIMPHON, Wvllsliurg, W. Vu.