New York Clipper (Apr 1915)

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•USE ISTBW YOHK OISEPPEB. Apkil 17 IN THE HILLS OF OLD KENTUCKY "I''KAIII.KKH (jiiKiiiiH."—A Hi'iisalloiiiil free nc(. Hen 1''. Wdi.coTT, you urn wcloomi! ah Kcn- cral agent u( XU-Omnn & rolllr. Iti'ii V. Ih well kuown aloriK Hromlwny, New York. Illn many fricmlb on tim 01k Htroot will bo plrnncd to Iciiro he Htnrtrd right (or tlic! Summer KeaNon. He linn hct-n In nilvanco of aouic of tlio biff Ilrimdwny jirodiietlnnH, and was fur many Uiimmer Kensona at Luna I'arh, Cunoy l.Hlaiid, N. Y., BH onp of tlio gcnthimiinly tiilkora.' to maklnjr llic rounds Id tbc Inter- cKt of Illn carnival, lie drupa Into Cbleiigo every to often. J. A. MAoy.—When will the next Olympic KrecTic make Itn appcarnnce? It la a daady little preMH Hhcet. I'HivATH c/irH and electrle llgltt plnnta arc not all lliat la'neroHHary to make a HUeccMs- fill cnrnlviil. Yon have K'lt to have aomo Iiard-workliig, traliiy sliovtnen ae well. Yes. Ye/. VeK. Carnivals, TOM W. ALLEN SHOWS OPEN. iHptctal to Tub Xkw Youk Ci.iprKu^. IIK UICK CdU.INH. Vbbd Citt, Ho., April 7. The Totn W. Alien Shown oiwueil it Wchli Oily, litiiler lilt) nuHriUfa of llic.morciiuntH on llic elteon, Mojiilay, Aiirll S, ami Morcd an Immcillalc hit. •riic iwifBiiniiorH of llio cliy «re full of encomlumt fnr the riri'llPiiM.' of lli« oulDt anil are coUiUmI- anlIC OTOr llic cnniUal In ||«ncriil. Wli<>n the oTKotilinilon wan llml lillleil. tncro were vkeiitlcB among Ibe public a» to (he nenalao- jiciiii of llio iwcnlv-nTC cnrs of "liow iiroiwrty Hint wnH nilviM-llavtl, anil nuiny tliou«ht that Klnlenirnl was but linaxlnnllon on tin- part i* iircsH egriit, hut whoii the «nlcl IrHliw came In In livo wcllnnM. one from Irfavoiiwnrlli and nev^n- Ici.n inrs (nun Hlirevojiorl, Ihp tlilc of nubile liaiiKi^il rnpliM)' nnil iiovr nnihInK is loo ZE©MAN & POLLIE SHOWS. Iir TIIK L. wii.aoN. nnaMD IlArina, Jtlch. Tlio flrnl Rtnke driven of the Zeldman & I'ollic fltKiwn, wra Hlarled at their hcailtiiurlcr*. Just ow Ihc liter, off Brlilrc Hlrect. Dhowa will lio Incaleil a^ljacent lo tbla Bircfl anil on Pearl .strwt Ten men ore on the Job at iirewnt. Tlime will be auementcd dally until the whole r<icc of laborers and aclors will ccme drutlr4; In. In th^ Inlerlm, work will be niaheil Inalric the hU «iH) llioimanrt fort alorerooro, ami new eiTlviilH wUl be met and welcomctl at tbe cara. AiLonir a^iPnlH anil artlata who are present hera , , now. are; .\ilraiico .Manneer an! Ptoinolor Hen - , . 17. Welroll, who pnt In laat week worklns up ennaRO- Ihiit wnB nilverllaeil. anil many tliouKlit that thle (i,^ Zelilaian & I'oUlo Shows In Kal«- nlenienl was but linanlnnllon on the part (< the i|„i||e Creek, Jackxon,* l-'llat, Iianslii< .... ..... _,. .-1,1 „ In i,,j„„a«., Mich. Mr. Woleott reporla en- OenvoTB of other and lesa prctontloua sliowa to "run the T«|ihl»" and come in llrtt In tbe ran; i„"«i..i It fi>r locution. Itut lie had no d!nieulty In "cop- 'j.i, I,,., pliiR" ll.ein, aii'l making agreeable coulracta wlta je all their at-^""' lodK". "oclotlee anil busineaa orjanlia. noj AHlilanil niiu'k. Cliliiiu'ii. tenVrV to 7n\e in e^Vyiii'h^^^^ • ^^'iiiMi.iowoi-Hlrelns of ten lnone ton ami wlm Wai.vkii fJ. Itii.Dl.r. known to nil aloppem ro wy Hut llie nllrncllona are gelllpg th« , I,"'," ihi'^re inline act la 01 the WelUnKtmi llol.O for thCflpaHl live |„wli,eH«.''N lo put ll inllJl.v. et. rj.inr Is*^ .IoImk ?, "^^'''VL'''" roDtlni...UH.year.H,.!» now the mannKcr ..f tlio es.vllonily well./ The hi,: -«,ir'!<-ll"';''..n«.iil!'; "Xr "iXal. TI.e »?irlcM O?^, Vlirw^^^ ■ " " e act In flaiikey, (•ahi-kk' Nathan la, nccordlng to hla card, S«;i''V,,r 'iTiJ''All"i''''"ho«"a"'' Tl^y"-!. '•n. Hiaff" of tlie Weal em Ituren.i of l lie ^ ,e ar«'.t ilin U-'? «iiiIirctJ.'i ci'r ^.►^w \imK fMi-i'KR. )riip In and Hce lilm, p,.,,^ ,„ ^liy and mlvlae Leonard Hotel, Clilea^n. lie waiiVs to aoo p.-lrome,' wh^ Imrm.llalery JiM"""^ ^0^0^ nSSiTt'daViiua'and'Fan^'iw'fr^ tlie_Hlinw folkM. _ . . "Aiitoa that l-taTla the Air.- ami UIiKt mhh. K,../Ai,KT>t jiAMi'roN.^cii t.H about ^i;;;:-;;;,:;:^-j!;!;!:^ S^he'luuMl?^^^ll''^^;hT';l^i iy^ ^'^.^j^p'^ ^^.lf^'ii^.^ tlio flreat lOmpIre HliiiWH. WaI.TK.II K..NI1I1.KV A.NIl HiDNK Imvi! t'lviMi llii' rnrnlvnl iiiaiia evennd .tlioiiRlil. Will In-I Walter K tlfllit III IiIh rellceled JiidKinciit. A. T; WiiiiiHT may be uinoiix tlio prnml- neiit oiiea when tbe lot eariilvabi get tu Clil- eiiEri. ■ Wnleli A. T. At.. K. (inii.MAN Ih Inoklni; over Oliln and rdlchlgan lerrlli.-ry. .liiiCK.—A. II. llurklev „ . , , , , inonlli laat Wlirter wlien the rumor Hiarli d loniiiete kIUi an.vlhlnc In the l«i«lness nml ccr ■■ tiiliiiy dm'* it well cliiK thing a oiK-'hii) nUln'i'l a hllcU at tv ^^^^ ,^ herewith his coitis of turlnta and iiller K. wus ..N„min" I).dly r.yoni.' Show was one of tlio "'?n"Vnln(f here will le on Saturday. May 1. blR nioni'y Kellern, aiMl aiire ciniiiKh Ihe Keiilal t,.,|,|,iu|iip to 8. hicliwlve, on Pciii and adlacent I>illy hnil hiB hnnils full nllemllii^ to llie mail- „„^,„_ i)|,trlct Oounclia aad Ilulkllnii Trade* niHMiipiil uf llie mime, lie has the most prolralli as <;„(|nr||,. The latter connirlse an enerwtlc bodiy nlltnclloii in a lerpsic mr.-«n wny llml <|f |M„»ipr» and each nnU every one in working Fi en on ii nililwn)- nuil llie c1i;iii5c.< of wiirilro >o j^^,, 1,,,^ eonlrlbute to the sacoeaa iiiiil ln'Hiily of Ihe oliiiriis niid ilresses wns ono bad ijccn working n of Hie fi'slnri's of Ihe show. It l« frnmnl lo that be would be wltli the World at lloiiio. Con T. Kennedy knows his hiiMlneHs. So <lpeK A. II. Unrkley. You never cun lell wlintV Can yonV liniv" WllUnnis Is nil here with Mnnile. "Tha Khnw Iteiiiiliriil." he baa Improreil ll inurh. and IhiMitlht tli;it was nlinosl Imisi'/illile. Never- nf the hlg iinUiTlnklnc. Ten great »(ieclal-featnte aliiin'.i nre booked miit will take lops next week anil Ihe week following. Fifty-eight conctaaloa- er.s Imve slfrnod contracin to nfipear, and it is l.nihnhle Mint the rntoiiraEe and cavalcade will •l.irt onl wllh twenty-four lo twenty-six cars. Iliiilerwond and Smith, Ihe latter aa athlete n icalllv after all. Wonder who piny.'t It first. IlAHNKV 11. I'AiiKKn.—Tell «s Tvlinf ta »'bnt. We are lllllkill^ for :i surprise. Waiiiii;n a. rATiiU'K aiiKKe.stH tlinl all car- nivals earry vaiiium elcaiiors. With tliem tlioy will luivc I II tniiible III keeping tbe nir.t eleaned. lie fiirllier s»gai'st« llint tliuy iiilglit be iihimI on ".sIiIIIh" In advantage. Ik vof want to know what la wliat and wlint real allow folks In all.lines ari- iloliii;. j-ou miiat got TiiK .N'KW Yuan CMi'i'iiii ouch week. > C. 10. Pkiici'Son haa Just rcooverefl from pneumonia. Hint kept lilni 111 at hla home In Oileago for alx wreka. Tlila la tbe aeeoiid ♦ipi'll of alekiiess thnt bna vlj!te<l blm fhU WliUer. Some bard Uiek thnt isiv Is havlni;. friii'.i Hint evoluK'd III Mniiiiel, the celehrntnl llra- tllliin nrllsl's lirnlii lie had a real nhow to iiffiT, mill wns rnklag la Hie sheckels all the e i.n iii/ if Ihe omiilii5 iiIlMiI The caldnin la a «1">"'0 lo|> oy linKnam ec y>.. n" ve wrlet.' ^lin vS will. Ihe Allerillilflt. file Cry..lnl Tanglo Is naolhcT otiractlon Uiat r/i^nnj^'^^.i*''. .iM'h^T ' iiliuHW, ami will well repay the outlay It cost lo liistiill. The Trip lo >LirH Is nf an eliiliunile nalnre. and (he Kal7/>njniiiiiier Kiislle did KoOil business. A. J. (iwiksey, wllh his Kcrrls wheel, liHiks fiirwiird to cleiiiilna up. for this town la one Ihni rlih-s Ihe wheel, ami Klmer .Mel nugh- ■ , . i »/ i , i , „ Iln. wllh hlH »in,om) e«rry-iis-all Is isTfeclly day meals, nud, In a Ceatrnl Africa Lnitteral gives «..iMmi uiili BviTvihlm... l""'™""*? voelferoiiBly lo ManagiT I'oUle exclas ye- ly. 'fills n-onilerfid al(rac(k>n l» (he animal line orcmo (Ills coming season. Ill Its i.liire, to keep pnce with the aensallonal, will be 'The Olnbe of Death." precentnl uadiT Mparate lu|> liy Tinkham & Co.. feiliirhig Maria eycllat in tho motor cycle, irorelliig sixly ndles an boar. Ill iieit week's Ihsiki of Tiia CLirraa the full inslei of Ibetto great ahowa may be given Ui dc|i' tall. ' "neorge," the Afrlcaa gnrilla. la allll In good health and Kjilrlts, ilernurs hla severnl-tloiett-a' ■■ --.V . . . , i ■, ■ ..i 11 . K<^'U u mil iiiiirni iiinb C. K, was elo-lrleian for tbe World at Home ,„ ,,„,,,|p „„,ru„„no. ualUkHl nlUi everylhlug, lien Kiirr lina hla pit shows -wllh the orgnnlzo- (liin anil iire nttmeiloMH par exei'lleiice, not thu oiillnary klml < f Ten In Nolhlng, hut sure enuuuti liilen'slInK fealurvs that are well worth while nml.Klve the inihlle a run for their money, ao gisid a run liiileiil that tliey ore mighty near tho will bo loealed In the eenlro of the ten-ln-oae, bi a Hiieclally hullt race, Mlth otrnngcst tNira. Circus. THE SPARKS SHOW OPEWmG. SALisnuBV, April 12—The city to-diiy took oa Dlaplar No. 0—Iroa Jaw, the Fisher SIslorj; donblo traps, tbe MeLnlns. Display No. 10—(rulce Faaiily, on ihe hurl- Eontal bars. , . , , DIsiilay No. 11—Capt. Tlelior's tralne<l seals nad Koallona. , „ ,. Display No. 12—The Orton Family, on Iw ^'Dl'cplay Ko. 1.1—Double Jockey act, the .Mayw, C. M. A. HOLD BIG HBETINQ. There was a big meeting of the Carolvai Uen's - ,, - -— i 11 "-r "' 1 - Atnuielatlon on Wednesday, April 7, ■when over - . - . - _ . biHl HeiiKoii. He does not expeet to Ue well Profvssnr Wise has his frisky dens to entertain one hninlred uieiiibera look part in a discussloo a Jinllday aane«t on the occasion of the aniiuni Oliongb 111 lake (lie rond (his year. . wllh sml Hie llllle Inseels work overlliiie hirr«"n«- on llie fubjeet of the diapoalllon of Hie club rooms ojienlug of tlie Siiirks Show and it secmeil an the'ciuTee Han Mamonky, the talker, leRt Clileagn ing his hank mil. He docs severnl alunla Willi Oiirlng the Summer niontha. liluiiy argunieuts were It not only the elty, but the entire county unlte<l DIauluy No. I-I O'Neill and Jancllc, Ituniiu last week for l.ravenworlli, (o Join Hoe 'with (he Ilea" lha( are new nml viTy Interealliik'. fiat forth In favor of retaining the rooms and a in a niieral effort lo iiiuke the event the nioal rlngh' Ilnrry Slick, hoop rolling; Sliss Mel.nio, 'I'linier's troupe, witli Con T. Keiineilv. lie Al. I.alio bus n nui»l>er of innceiviluns and nil nioilou was al laat adopted wliereby It was ogcveil auKtileunui Ui Ihe blalory uf the show, on Ih'r ehick wire. lust bad lo loin Ibe worthy doelnr, lie auld, Ihe wliwls with IIk- Allen shows, Ihev all dhl a tg nuilntaln the jire.s«ut quarters until (he close At the request of the Chamlier of Oomnieree, Display No. 10—Mayo'a poay oa Hie revolviiiK "ll itarllni; from llie Wellington liiiiieh. "be lnnlnrss niid Al. la lUo most optimistic uiau of Hie roinliig senson, when larger quarters will a|i of tbe iilaees of were closeil at inwu tnble: Ilezeklnh, Ihc uiirldenlile mule. ' ■ ■ ■ '1"' Kcciinsl. Jns. W. Ileek, of Messrs. Uiigrock end tho public sdiool children ciijoywl a iiollday. ' '■■" ■ and Carnival /n,e fcimw looteU vilghty pretty on the lot, the njiHirnry socj iiig show groaiuls being covered with anowy new and tliese will caiivua, and irom every |iole and ivngoa only "Old lake ears of Hie ai'cretnrlal dirties fnna the New <iiory" lloalcd. T^e fhovir lan't nenlral, ll'a "all .,„ York end, eooisTalliig with lU'uIwi I^alolklu, the American" said (he boas. And (ha( la aliout bo, trnek b»foro the show, kopt (be crowd hi s> I he rliy win pronmled by OaTry Ilofer, loaned penniuienl ^Twlnry. who leaves New York, A|irll us there Is not « rvrclcn act or a foreigner as humor bv C. A. Wiirilism fur Hh> purpose nml he was 20, to lake care of tbe deslbiltles of the Lsgg tar as is kuewD on (he pay roll. s 'l orn Allen's liiilit hand iiinn nil Hie Mine whilst «liows, of wlilcb be Is Mie Ireataurer. Among ™ ii.rndo wai the l>le mornlne feature and _ , _ _ „ k rVTB Ki lling .v,nly tor Ihe llrst dale. The mbior dif- tjie new „niei,,bera.,«leele,l^,al the n«;M^^^^ It ^aVv "»^fd'y th^^^ DIHNER TO MR. McCRACKErl, In' iiarl ni: from llie Wellington liiiiieh "'le binlnrss and Al. la Ike most opllmlstlc uiau of Hie ixiniliig senson, when larger i] il.»v i,,,,,r «.|ii vniir iiiiir lio mill wlieri> will on Hie nililiv.iy. Ih> ncciinsl. Jns. W. Ileek, of Messi If i .V'/ li.ii v.oi l.niiih?^.,^^^ "'"k''" "11 bi all. Tom AlkMi has snrrK.nmle.1 liros.. „,i,l Dave Hpsleln. of Ibe b'alr i It Ike u»it Had > «i 11 .ini. lt <•! h i . ],,,„^,,,r wllh as g...d n lot of "resiibir f-llers' .>.„|,|,iy r.,,.. were nppoluteil as ten Tni: Mowiiieii s I.eagili. of Al lerlui linH ,,„„,^,j. ,„„„„,.„,. ,„„^ „. ,|,|., «oas<iii. nnd ,..|iirl.w for Hie Suniiier nioiiiha an. d ine inneb good, It la coing lo d.i ni.ire. liaa j,,,^ ., ^,,„„. p„|„.„„.,| of showmen, ond that Is a nn „t Hie ai'cretnrlal dirties fr villi fiirgolleii the ll.iud at I'erii. Intl., nnd the ^„,,t j,.,(,icr,i(iiMi. relief work done there? Well, don't forget It. Join now. _ _ „ , . , Iliv. J. roi.l.ot-K.—"Tho nrent rontliieiilal Sliows." Ilieiii were the ilnyo. It Is ii great title yol. tiKonoH W. Paiiilkv pnslrarilfl from Sau Krinelsco., Miireb 311: "If JUiiey busses ■n-er- niiiiiliig lietweeii <'hli'iigo anil lier.'. wliai ;i |ihiv lliev woupl gel fr.nn lb.' bnin-'.i •llial would Ilk- lo get bnck." Heaven h.dp lliem, Ihe "Onion" said. iKis'T run too iniieli on (be (iib al Ihe oponliiv of Ibe siMiKiin. It takes uonio of >iiu 0 b"'K time to get off. DIspliiv No. 1(1—Ilerr h'rllz llruimer's b.iim- tlonal lion act. In steel arena. The clowns were there nil through Ihc sliow. bv Waller Young; "Doc" Grnnt ami llnrrv Mkk, as (he deacon ond (he innhl. on (lie l«ii Ihe pro- i;erlK>rt C. Tlce, Frank Olark, Max Adaiia. Jas. ^'■„,7" h,; r^nn^ . H,T „f rM„r nn,I ,,r .sinr«i *'""1*'*^ ""7™, uioiuii: or so lurge an aiirneiio,, wire coushler- W. iu^-k, Dave'IV.-lelii, .Moe nairls and 'Eddie £^l'„7'2,Va^d allractlve fea^ui^ l^\mi9 ot Samuel McCmckcn, niMagtT fvssemd by HI- for.'ib.i.mlil iiii.l e.xperh.iu-... .MeAiidn-ivs, Ohas. Itelch, »rm Iteleh. anil (3horllo f'"\^Ja Sid Sa nlr calllSSe ^urieea dcnS S ot ISnrnum & Ilallcy's Circus, gave lilni a The irnlii is now piiliibHl lu brllllnnl orniifO C'.dl.'li. The n.w biillmi was on sale aiKi riaely iXnair Ave elei hninl camels .HIItTirlse dinner April 8, at tbc 'T nee nnd uiud old eirciis .i.lors, nml hsiVs as nl.-e ,.e.- «-nt, of the Iladoulns lefCtlie elnbroonis wear- •"a a^iios of ,,o mt«^^ genllemen GcorgO Hotel. New York. Moyor ClllTord . , lis iiK. inii.rlor n.n.f.iris ini.l ciuvenlencea tenlly dug Ihe ntlractlvo emblem of Ihe organlaatlon hamlaZelv curved nn.l derorat^^l^^^^ WIdfiM of nrldgcport. Conn., and George H. "'■...T'": ""')..i"'r^''".,.H^.j. T5i'' "v:^-"::r?!,.^Y«'"".''».^ fen'll'rgt.'^n^rciri^,»1id'iVrcn"'hU"s, ^"-*^"' -^^ "''<'k<=p°^'- - - CHiaGO BULLETIN. ffiprrlal iriro fo TilK CLireEn, ^pill It.) TtliwUiiL' Prolliers' flreir- Is'Kiin ridienisals at Collhenni m liiy.' for elii.-ui» lla-iit opi.iir Sal- niihiv, 17. I.a Salle <ii«'rii House will ln'iimn' (laiilioraiy home of movliii; pl.'liir"s. Is'clinihig Tliumlay, in. "'riiiis' Wis'ks" Is (o llisi f.'ii- tnrO lilm pwsi.nUsl.—Wllllani Jlldkllm ll.wKl left lasi iilKliI for Kn'isns Clly and l/'aveiiworlh. —Wilbur S. Cherry. Kriiernl ok'.'iil "t Harrlnalon's Oreat CoiiHieni Shuwi.. Is hi Ohleago. Di.ii'i'rn eiiller loda.v.—Ilnu.'iilKvk-Wnlliin' Olreim .i|»ns III Chu'liiiintI, Apill '.il. for thiw dnys under eniiviis, llien Mhl.lli'towii. O., 'J.>>: Dnyiou '.1>, 4>>luiiibiis Mil llehiwim- May 1. Newark M, t'nni- brl.liie *, I'liTlehsvllle n, Onal Dover n. Kast I. tverinol 7, .WiiKhlii;ilon. I'n., K, I'lKsbiiruli 10. II. — V'nine ll. M. Wi«i.l\vnrd has Uvii nniiolniiHl «iiu(:Htniit 10 Ihe ,iri.s|ilniii of the I'lillisl I'lmlo I'liiVH Co., H. A. llniulMiri.' having severed his .siu- ■—Ilnrry Meltu" Websl.T. iirwbx'liiK lunnn- gi'i. Is nrrnimlng for Ihe Inuitasllule pnHlueihiu of llvi'-reid feiilun>, "'Iln' Vb'lorv of S'lrlu.-." lie bwives for N.'W Y.irk ulnnl May I.—I. (Tllut Svis.'Uinn will iigiilu with .Toliiinv J. Junes' l<'.K)h>slllo)i Hliows this *"ensoii,— C^hi 'P. Keiim».l,v won elclit loinilre^l ibillnrs en nglil. K. C. 'I' won six hmidre.l. Wmiuiw .\. I'Axnn'K. » . » 1 NRW STATE F.Vin COWMISSIftNFn. ■Calvin .T. llll.wii, wlio hnn held (lie olllee of'r of .Vgrleiilture .since .Innuarv 'J'i, IIM'J, now lieeouiea a New York Stiit* I'^iilr Comnvlaalniier (uiiler Uexlgiuitlou by (lovernor Wbltinaii. 4s » SAN A'XnrjlA TT.-X.—Divtoa for IioI.Hiir Hie nnnnal l<1ill fair and (Ninilvnl at Sau Angelo, Tel., bnve U-eii avi for Nov. ", 3, 4, r< ami 0. TAMHINtA. OI\T,\.—The KInmlcliI Val- ley Kftlr Assoelatlon have llxiM Sept. 'J'-', in, 24 and 2r> for the nuniinl l-^iU fair, 'rids will he the llrat fair ever beld In l.e I'bire Coniily. Okln. ."^VI.VANIMIM. Hie now annis.iii.iit piihie.\ at Aurora. III., will Itinovii .Hieii lo Hu> piiblli* May .a. l'rfs|di-nl Thleli-iiri. of ilie .N»nii>iiii\. has wiiK* ih>vel Ideas for Uio .^uniiiier iiHinllis. This |iabie<> will si^il 'JSl-'n. ■piin NA'PioXAi. xi:i;i!ii I'.xi'iisrrinx win be held al Itliiiiiioiiil. Vo.. .Inlv ■<■ '.'7. INOsnitViiIll I'.MIK. I'lirls.' 111., has ehaHUcd 0)ieiilng dull* lo .Miiv 'J. TUP. South Candliin Slate b'nlr will \v held Oct. ',!il-:iil, lit ( lis pan lail srou to bo ouo Hint can show- as many new r.'niiirea tud Eo coniplele an eiiulpiiieat lu every wny. ED. A. EVANS GREATER SHOWS. ben uf (bo U M Ol'KN'Kl) IN IMIKI'I'TNUKNCK, KA\., IMtl'lll TtlOS'l' I'AVOIIAUI.M WtlllTlIAM AND A1,LK\ TO MAKD UANVII.LR CAIMTOL OF CAIINIVAL WOlll.n. fSiirdal to Tuu Nkw Yobk Olippkb;. DANVii.i.e. III., April 12. , . Clarence A. Worlham's frequent trl|is to this im«i. Tlio big'ehow tent was pick".! isjtii aftor. iTies s^parka nnd a party or nVpopTitcd Bleod on a prominent ciriier ni It pnaseil .md smiled a smile of gcualiie nntlsfaclloii as tho pi rude ewept by. It wns a splendid opening fea- ture aail K-nt tlieuanads out to the rliow croandu. A firo exhIhIHou was given by the Great Iteyinril, end the nldo shew, Willi Cnl Powers, tbc bustling veteran at Hio helm, nml Ihe (ive-iii-oue, wllh ''Silni" Keller, manager, did a land olllee biisl HOWE'S GREAT LONDON 9II0W S. Jerry Muglvan is ready for the 0|kiiI nt. 1b coll iKlng iTsucd for A,.rll 10, «' "'«>;."•, "'J',, II. Dockrill, hi cbargo of arena; llaf^J-' cckhouae; Mrs. Ohas. Tiiylor, w""^'": • Hnidley, propertlea; J. J. Itqgcra. eaavasmrn. ST w. J. hdiior. elly have left a trail of runiois (bat has aet noon and evening, and the perfonnances weto Harry Sells, canvnsmen; Jack Kcat, drivers a" i (he lown og.ii:. la company wllh a parly ot local i.i.Ued off wllh, inl.lsummer nnicolhiierti, thanks Rrooma; Archie Duidap, aolmoi men; w-m i"- eapKallala, Wortlinm motored out to the abnad to the efforts o< Kqiiesirlon Director Bert ilayo. lor, lights; Dick Jeffries, privllegw; runs. . eiieil DauvlUe Car Works plaat, during his Inst visit here, and now It bi whlsiiered that Wortham and Allea. at Ibe coaclualoa of the present aca- The Kd. A. Evans Oieatcr Shows oiieiieil here sail, will bring their coniblned equipment lo Dan- ville and make It their (lermanent Winter quarters, 'J'lie car plant will lend Itself admirably for this purpose. "■■ " * April r<. An liiinHaisc throng luuk n.lvnnlnKe uf till* good w«'.itlK'r t.i |iay hiuuiige lo .Mr. l-;vaiia, who has Wlnlrnsl hew for the |iasl iwo yenrs. ^ _ _ .„,, 'i'he al trai l Ions are nmhjr the nuspUvs of (he enough to coinforlnlily bouse twenty to one hun- did not win Menautlle Spring l-'eslltal and Oirulval Assorl- ,),e,i tar organlinllons. The plaa le to macu- bend, bolh during Ihe coii.'ort ntv.-r.iin aad iier Tlicru were aonw acis tiint received moTO aiiplaaae Kenna, Iralnmen; Tlios. narloo. tickets , [ ' lliau others, from the fact that the performers Oarvln, iwrtcra; W. II. MoPariand, sine bi" ■ vci'o HO well known I<.«ally. Mr. and Mrs. Mayo, Alex Uowles, band leader. I*^vIh Kcvd aii.l Mlas Uarllelt, witb tho ele- . « phonts; Ilcrr Fritz Pninaer nu.l his Iluiis, (he nOBINSOK'S FAM01TS SHOWS. . „ , lleyiuiribi,- blcycUfte, aud the Orion Family,'were noblnson'e Famous Shows 'will start reh.;nr-.iis There are a niimtxr of buildings largo the big faTorlteH: but there was iH>t aa act that A„rii 21 at I'enj Ind Geo; Connors will hi" t . .- ... .. . - _ 111,,.! .n|'"i il, "_»>-'"'..•'_,.,, hand load.". hearty applause, as did Jack Phillips' ull.iii, and «o Bioiie has hwii U<fi unturned to firinre ears, wngoaa, show fronts, canvas and mnke the evisK a lasting one la (he of (be general show equipment. The Worlham and Allen ahow going public. Winter quarters will be equli>|ieil.wllta all ncceS' All the Mdraedoiia are loenieil on Ihe s(ree(s, i.ary nmcblneryi now waltlag for the Ures to bS de,»iille Ihe fact Hint there Is an onllimuce here llghlisl. Iinihlbltlug same. To TiiK CLiri'F.a man In Danville, Mr. Wortban) New fr.ails have been built lb.' |>ast Winter "Xuw Ihal yon have asked me, I may aay _ . _ _ and iiiniiy ni'vv fe.iliiri's mlilnl, ni.iklng Uic show ti,„| |t my „|ni and ninliKloii (o init Danvlllo Every bit of wardrobe Is new. and the nhow was oil.' of lb.' sirvngest on the roiwl. pM|ierly oe llie map »o far as (he show hualneei practically rebuilt (lie past Wlii'.er, Owlnjff to The outlook at the jiriwenl lime auro looks (, ouiivriied. nnd If our plans do not go away tlio Mrlct quarantine laws reKiirdlug animals, tbe like a siu-.vs<tiil se.ison (or Mr. l-.v.iiis. ami iiii.ler nml we nwlto the pnas-r local eneoiiragenient. camels were left Iwhlml for a lime a( least. The iBirnial eiinillilniis. lie l» Uniiiil lo rank oiuoiig we will make a dream eoine true. K.ver since I show train ]iulled nut al midnight for Its trip the l.'iidliig e.iriilvnl owners »l the eloso ot liio i,,,] tho HknIIng rink In Dnuvllle, I have bad Norlli. The progrnm wns ns follows: fomiance as well. It was a bu'-y .lay for Man- (■KCT Chas. Sparks, Mrs. Sparks, O. 11. Fredericks, OliflOB end John Siiarks Jr., lletcber Smith, .,j,„„ „,„„„„ „,,>,u .~ and all Ihc exccutlvo force, and they were km,1!i and ranvas: Doc Wllllnina. properties ahowercd with ooogratuladona. — ■ --'— 1» It is sate lo aay (liiK (here will be no neater or more' pleasing ahow oa the .riuid tbla season. aeason. The ahoa' iisefl Ha own siteelal Iraln of alxleen cars and eonslsta of tifleen shows, two rlilos, Iwo baiitls niitl Iw^nly.llvo I'ref. Wnlll.h'.s iwuvn band of iwenly plecw la one nf Hie lliii-st earrlisl by uti oivnnlzatloii of this kind. llarlli'MVllle, nkhi., iieM we\'^. lloffeyvllle, Kan,, my eyes on the ear works.' TIIK nice & Dore Illver Kxisislllon oiienB ftlay 1. 'i llK Jessfip-Maxwell Shows will open April 24, atr Sprliik-llrl.l, U. 'i'lllO Crejit Maicppn Shniva open .May R. at Odinuhils, 0. J. II. (Ilbsoa nnd I.. U. llnek.iiatou ate ueniTnl mnnan'rs. IIAMITON'S CIIHAT KMIMIIK SHOWS will 0|H<u May 1. at llainlllmi. O. IILAINF.'S t!NITHl> SIWWS open May 1, In St, l/ouls. Mo. TlIlO .MufWl AintiseaienI CV>. Sliows ui>eu Mny 3, at Cnmmia .Mo. I'llK (iiaiil.dl Shows o|ieii .May H. TMK A. V. MiiiiH SIbiws iday !h? Norrlslowii, fa.. Spring (Inmlvnl. A|irll Xt to May 10. TIIK II. T. f'lerson Sliows will o|>eii .May S, la Oinndn. TIIV; lir^'nter llliqwidrome Showa oiii^n el Porls* nsiiiili. II.. April 2-1. Is ROpd limke-iip; lo provolt, Bcnd HH'. for irlal sl/e and cata- log, Montlou color wuiiloil. Kvervilunc In ninke- upToilAllUKS MKYKll (Ksl. isasi. 1.3 \V. Ulli N.Y, GIGANTIC STREET RAILWAY PARK CARNIVAL CIRCUIT. (Sjinlul lo TiiK Nkw Youk Ci.ipeKn.; I.K.tvHNWoaTU, Kaa.. .\prll 12. Adaiicl Clmrlos \\*. I'srker. Aiiierlea's Amuse* uieiil Khi^'. has ln*en npiirnai-hed liy ti strtvl rail- May magnate wlili ix^fciiauv lo f-stnlillsliliig a elr- eiiK of siiis'i rallivay jinrks playing carnivals, ilii' laii.T III ls> balli inr HiIh mihm'IsI pnriBiNe. The Rolii*iin' Ih lo liiov,. the eariilvnls on llie 111- I.Tililian isjulpnH'iil. fruin luwu lii town. Ojlonel ^^^^^^^^^^^ I'aikiT has llic nuller under advlseineal. Just now he Is ki'in luislly engaged In li>.ikliii: afler thn "I OONSIDRIl the Oi.n Itwi.iAai.u (^t.ieeKn lo varliiiis isialpiiieiils ho Is liimhig oul for a half Iki tho llrsi ami af-ntrol aid to ilu- inaen^.'r vho a iKijiu I'ainl.Mls now or aooik III laVo the road. Iwks iu.le|>eii.lei»Hv," said V. I<. Hoeks'i'lir. 'Ihe sirwl rrlluiiy pro|<osUIon looks feaalble. It inr.iiager nml |>TO|irlcior of Ha- Onrrlek. \Vllnii|i;- ivoulil belli irallle willH)Ut a doubt oial It would Ion. Del.. If.vl wwk, as he plaecil the S. n. (). iiiliird a iie» iiid.l fur eariilvnl a|K"Claeles. 'I'o eUn hi the lobliy aa a reauK of a bill he ao'eelcl, 'Pin: Ciii iia: n";in>iiMilnllv.', Colonel I'nrker said Willi llarnarl smiI Ixmi Anwr aa h"id- tlial ll was. Ills liiieull.Mi lo write a eiieclal or- llmra. 'iliero are few manager, who bave <wlab- tlde (or Tin: Oi.u Uki.uui.k, oulllninc nia vlen-3 IWicil Ihe reeiMil held bv Mr. Doekiitailcr, of Hie ennilvnl ot Ihe fiiluw. This will nnke in- IIAIIIIY V.. n.KKXVn'KK waa granted a illvoreo tire<Hiic n'adlni: a« Hie iviloiiel'a viewa are ol- from hla wife ICryalnl Vlasnl) In I'ort Clinton, wills v.muhi aiiil viilmsl by showimsi. lie will <>.. .Vprll II, ami Is now al Ills home In l*at-lii- iiwell al <i<ia<< leiiiiih upuu this atrvvt rallwiiy Hiy. ll. Me will 0|ien oeit sceaoa In a now cumlvnl liuiovailuu, comi^ly skelcb, Iicrt Mayo, eiiuestrlan director. ' Iiilreduclory concert—Prof. I'hilllps' Dand. Display No. 1—Graa:! entry. Display No 2—The ll^ynanls, come<1y cyclists. Display No, .1—Ilurdle mule riding, Myrton Orton ; I,Isle Coall')r^<, coineily acmbits; Youas, iMervb Trio. risplBT No. 4—nisi school menage acta, Mlaa Mayo, Mr. Mayo. Dhiplay No. B—Swlaglog ja^ch, Fugi Aahlma; B1iB.< l4xn, on ladiler. Display No. 0—I'rliielpnl riding. Flora BMeni, Waller Oiilc*. I.'hpiay No. 7—O'Neill nml Jniielle. strong men. Display No. S—aimrks" bnsebnll nnd iierform- Ing eleiihanis. Indwlueeil by U'wis Ilevd and l.lKk- llnrllett. ^Iiril £1, ai'K i^iu, i».,,l,.r * cliargo of Ihe arena; Dick M".'«"',,'''';J,,' J. J? McNully,; Joe wolf, pr vllw^^^^^ r. K. Sclgel, diping- car: .T. J,. ^"'1^''*' k,* ". tnaaler; Jaa. Orr, tiekels; Ohas. B- K>*;J' llgh(8; Olaudo Orion, hoas'tler:. Jainca «nsiT. ueals wd eaavas; Doc Williams, proper Mm. i h» ; Davis, coflkhouso; Olirls ZeKi, animals, Ih" Bow en, general mnaager. THFJ HAOENDECK-WAUAOB SHOiys^ Tho 11. W. .Shows will mart 10. rapt. n. O. Jack Is band lender: drivers and helpera: Qeo. 'Worobold, «;al': cauvas: Rndolf Slerlz, grooms and Tingincn. • .^^^ H. Wilson, wnnlrobe; Tom Dunn, "fhts, -i - D^vls, cookhouse; Doc Sprlnwr. carpfal"• J;[."^ MSnroc. ani mals; O. II. Wllllnnisoa , proisri.. TWO TTEEKS MORE. Tlio Doraiuii & Ilollcy Shows will t™''"";;,,:;, tho Maduion^ flquaie Qardea. New York, " April 24; from there the sliow goes to Plili:i fhio, ■ TlIF, in-)INZ nKOKMAN COMP-Vrn- hnve 1"; entnr, HI., bllle.1 for (heir "P?" "^.'^''Vrt ,1 The n>KUlar opening is scheduled for 1". ''"^'lIK*-ela5o";ated Lalla Ilookh «an:h "-J tbe „i«nlng pageant with (he 5«ni7° ,'' Show, tins lieen. compoaeil by Major ranis- ALL PEOPLE ENGAGED FOR THE WIU r«po¥t far rebeariBl at TrtinloB. W. J., April M. AekBowlrJf• «•»•» ....-J" »"••'• Only reaalBttiom Clr«aa Trunks can bo baBdled. WAMTFU—A row more acta; ladles preferred. Also more downs. , PllANK A. nODDINS, Jersey Olty, H.