New York Clipper (Apr 1915)

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10 THE N^-W YORK CLIPPEH. Apkil 24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Foonded In 18^3, THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHINQ CO. (LImlttil) FBOraiROBB. ALBERT J. DOBIE EorroniAi. ind DusiHiias Maniod. T<EW YORK, APRIL M, 1016. Rnlrrcd Jont 24, 1870, at tbe I'oit OOlcc al Nctr York, N. Y., as mvodiI clasa matlcr, ooJer ilic act o( March i, 1670. AdTorllaMDfola—t2.H0 per Incb. alDgle colamn. AdTortlaemcalB set wItU Inrilif, 10 per cl. extra. 9i;oscnii>i'iuN. One year. In $1: «lx inonllis, |2; llire« mniiil'a, II. Oan.i li aiirl rurclxii iwaiagc exira. Uliiulc cople* will '«! aeiit, ik«I|'"IiI. "a r<2ei|>t or lu uiiia. Our Teroia arc Cash, THE CLIITEB la Ueucd crcrr WEUNESFMY, I'lic Forniii - Cloalnit rromptly un Tuvailiiy, al 10 A. M, I':ci>ae remit liy eiproa money order, check, I'. O. urder or rcglatcieil teller. All ciah CDclogod nlih letter at risk u( wiiiler. Addrcas All Coiiiinniilcadon* to THE New TOIIK CMPI'KIl, 47 Wcat 28(li i^trcrt. New York. Tel. :;>74'Modl9on. /lci;li(ered Cable Aiircu, "AuriioniTT." THE WESTERW BUREAU of The CLiri'Ui la located at Iloom COS, Aahland Lloek, Chicago, Wnrrco A. I'atrick, maoager aud coireiitoiidcjit. OMAHA BRANCH Dale Mnraholl, rhannifi'T and corretifunUeot, ll'joaia 3UU-310 .McOjgue Uulldlog, Umahu, Neb. BOUTHWESTEHN BUREATT Al. Maklimun, manager aud correapoodeot, 1136 CIrand Avenue, Kau>,ii City, .Mo. The CLIITKB can IIE ODTIINIO nUOLSSALE iXB ncTAiL, at '.'Ur agvula. Daw's Hlennixhlp Agei'.cj, 17 Creen ftreel Cliarlng Cruai Itnnd, Li'nilon, W. C, Kiigland; llrenlaiiu'a iiowb de'iol, 'it Afeiine dc r«>|H'ta I'arlB, l>'raiice; Manila Book and Sta- tionery t;«., I'M KNcolia, Mrnila, 1*, 1.; U>irdon U (;i'icl', 12U Pill LUrcet, HyilDcy, N. B. W., Aualrulla. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDEIiTS. DItAMATIC. J. U. M., New Vork.—1. Tbc Harlem Olicra House wn.t upcoeii Hejit, HU, 1800. b; tilt' Lyt'uuni TliL-atrc Co., lii "Tue Wife." J. The CuliituljUH Theatre was opened Oct. 11, lUUU, by .Muriiuret .Miithor, In "Komeo ouil Juliet." The L'ulumhud wus luarlverteut- ly pluecU before the ilarleiu Upcra House Id Ibsup of April 10, .MiHH U. J. U., Tampa.—Sho is playing vaudeville. WaU'U vur route columua each week. LOEWS PiiLACE OPENSa with tbc o|ivnlng of the l'alac« 'Xheatro, In llruoklyn, Saturday iilirht, anollier aboiv hcniBe waa addeil lu the long atrUig already controlled by .Murcua Loew. Thu opening was leiileic with ull lliv cvrvmonlcs allvndlug au CTeiit or Its kind. While tbe theatre waa taxed to lla capacity, and a crowd alinoal twice as largo turned awar from the box omcc. Located at liail New York Ave- nue and Douglaaa street, tbe I'alace Theatre la right In the heart of tbc busiest aectlou of Uruwnavlllc. IH'Splic the fact that the iierformanco waa de- luyeil In alarllng and there wua au eicentlonally Ibie bill, but the audience was not aatlslled uutll Ur. Ixiew made an addreaa from tbe Blase. He kpoke brielly and aald tbut he lung rvallactl the iiei'i'ialty of a theatre fur Ihe section, and that be would du vrerylhlUK poaalble lu earn Ihe palroo- nge uf the public. In addition tbcre Here a num- ber ol sigrs who did a Utile bl( ^aldes Iho fcKiittV' |S6r?Athianc«.'' Among' lUein being: Irvln llerlin, the aoiiK writer; Joe Weber and l/ew Fields, Mollle' King, Dave Lewla and numeroua others. ° (■ccupylng a alagv'hox waa .Mr. and Mrs. Loew, Judge lleiijauilu lloirman." Nicholas M. Scheuck. Jiwiili M. Scheuck, general booking manager of Ihe l.ue'w cnierprlaea, aud Joseph Vogel, manager of tlie llie;itre. ■ ■ 'I'lir bill pr\'K"tcd Included: Andy lllce. Pour IviiUTlalners. I.ucy and Ktlwl Ilaker, "The lllrlh- (lii.v Tariy." Uuguu aud lta)-moiid, and tbc Juog- mnu l''riully. . . ^ 'IT.O hill .Mirll 10 41 Is Jlao Francis, Itobert T. IlnlMs' playlet, "The .Mail In the Dark :" Olroril iind West, .Majo anil Tally, Four I.a Uvlln Conili|iK'3 ond "lllllle" Srull. : A STATEMRJiT, Jlelnllve to a iiolltv prlnuil In last week's Ol.ii'i'Kii, headed "ClLarles .Meyer Wins." referrlns li> nn Injuiielluii ul.lnliied by ouc Charles .Meyer, iiiiiniirnelnn'r of greniK' palnls aKaliist riueker ^ .MiroiiK, Ihe lalli-r flrni wIkIics to add that llu' Injiiiicllon uiis nhigliied l>y Kugene R. Scaring, IriLdliig nn OlnirU-s -Mvyer. ninniifuiMiir«T of grcaac pnlnlH and Klves Ihe eicluslve rlwht to said Scar- lui: Co nniiK* "Charli's .\I«')ht" as to grease Viilnis, bnl iwmiltH the dcfcndanls, Pliickvr it .Mireiia In utH* the nptiie itf "Charles Merer" In Ihe fiilliMVIng form. "I'lueker A Ahrens. Inc., wig makers, aucrrseora, to Charles Meyer, wig ninker." SI'lT ARAINST r.liS IIIL1,. Injniiellun vr«wdliii;« were InstlluU'rt In To- niiiKi, I'lin., April 17. liy 'I'- W. Itoliblns, of orlllln, (Int., against (Iuh lllll. to restrain hini friini prewnling "llrliiging Up Kather" elsewhere than In Drillla 0|icra Iluuae un April 26. WII.LARn-rAl.DWnLL. .Tohn Wlllaril, tho act«r play»TlRht. and Gladys (.'nlilwell, an actreas. were niarrle<l, April l«, ■ the ecri'inony-lieliig iierfornied at the Marblv Ool- h-k-lnlo Church, 111 Ihia city, by Dr. Uarld J, llurrell, ri'ctor. - LEAVES HAMHRIiaTElN. Helen Samoro, tbe clever yomig preas reprvsen- tnilve of llummoiatclu'a, left Mr. IlainuierHiein'g iiiiplcky April 10. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Indlnnapolla, Ind.—Aturat (O, 3. Darnra, niKi.) .Mile. Anna Povlowa ,Vptll 24, KtiTii'H (Ned B. llaallnw's, OUT.)—RHI wrek of 1(1: Kvelyii Neahlt sihI eoui|iany. F'arlK'r Slaters, WhKlleid ond Irxdond i-onipany, tliei^'.er II. John- eon i.nd cisnpnny, Krank 'IVrry, Maddm uid KKi- |)alTlek. and tlM« Beveii Itoinans. Knui.iku'b (llarion & ulseii. ntgr.)—mil IO-2'I: .IniH'N ItisK'ii, lleiiny and WiwiIh. .MarguriM .Moss, Mint niid Weria, iiihI Nowlln and SI. Clslr. I'llomai. (lllni.'iiHni, Crose & Cohen, uicr^.)— 1>III IU'24: Oracle liininetl and cinnpaiiy, I'alfrey, llnrton iiiid llruwn. Tlioie 'Itiree lllris, Uordou rjid Kliihy, and IJooley llnnovan, l.\Hiu (llartoii K Ulaen. niL-ra.)—lllll I!)-2I : 1,1 lIoiiK 'niwaiig and ivinpaiiy, Itie llexw, lu^rt* ritn; May and company (Ic^irge OutqII, and Z^mio Mill Mindell, Kor 2:!'°Jl: Tlie OrsKTH, l.\ill»\v:iy iinii ItnlHTls, llrailley Martin and eompniiy, l.vwls mill Nvrlon, and l.aily Alice's l*vls. I'DLUMiiiA (0. K. Ulnek, mgr.)—I'ollles of 1020 ^.<eU of 111, KvaitHvlllr, Ind,—Wells nijou (C. Offult. mgr.) feature pteliirea. Nhw OiiANn (Will. Metlowan, mgr.)'—lllll Aiirll 10-21; Willie Ilale and llro.. I'nineroii ami Day- lord, liny siiil Jlllllard. Stiiiitey hihI Norton, and .\erlnl l.loyds. Kor 22 2,1: l-"rvnioni llenlon and i-i'inpauT.' .MiirKhall Monlcoinery. I*» Ulodstlls, TIm'O Aiiierlean illria, and lli^ith and Ix*niider. iiiiiiKiiM ANh NoiiTiiNiiiB (Ohni. Sweetun. mgr.) —Amnti-iirs. vaudeville nnd motion iilelut\-s. I'ni.irKHs, SAtoT, l^iTiisinN. IIivbbsipk. Novxl- TT, ColJiNIAl,, KSANKI.I.N, VlHOlNIA, Col.VMlUA, I'l l.TiiN, Vai.aha. Staihum. (iovriiNoH. Ai.iiauiiiia, ■li:i-Ki;n»fts. Wimuj.AnN. Walsiit. Kavouith, i t^ri.i: 'IIali< aud Auauu, luutluu piclurea only. KiVKSi^SI OI'TY. SiitiiiinT (Karl Htrward, mirr.)—"Tte New Ilcnrletia" week'of April IB. OaAND (A. Judata, mgr.)—nillle Burke, la "Jerry" 22-2-4. . ■ , r AUDiToniuM (Mela Ulller, mgr.)—"Poll/ of tb< CIrcua" lH-24. Oavktv ((leorge Uallagher, mgr.)—Lew Kelly ami Ihe Ilehman Hhoir-18-24. CTntubt (Thoa. Taafle, mgr.)—Th* City Bellee 111-24. Oni-iixuu (M. Lebman, ogr.)—SIU week cf 18: Kitty Unnlon and company. Jack Wllnn and I-'ranklia Halle. Harry Watklns, Adelaide and lluglies, "The Wall lletwoen," Durdella i'ateraoD, and Marie J-'lKglhbana. Khi'Dehs (Cy Jacobs, mgr.)—mil 18 and week: llorlley and I'ecan,. Richmond and Mann, "In ■ lie nrey of Ihe Dawn," .Mayor Lew Sbank, Beck- llesa Trio and two to Ull. IIiiTounoMi (Frank OoODberr;, mgr.)—T«o nela. continuous nbow. (iLiinR (II. I,. Newkirk, mgr.)—SercD acta, Itarev shows dally. Dniralo, K. Y.—fliar (P. 0. Oomell, mgr.) Ilie Jeaalc nonslelle Block Co. began Its aeaaoa here April 10, In "Nearly Married." 20 will be n'lehralcd an Ihe one Ibousandth Donstrlle local u|>|X'orance. when ".MIslresa Nell" will be given. Tki:k (Meairs. Sbubert, rogra.)—Anna I'avlowa 20. 21. "Wllliln the Law" la the Initial offering of Ihe slock, headed by Adele Ulood, starling 20. .Majkhtic (J. Latigbllo, mgr.)—"Uaoagcd donils" 10-24. "Diplomacy" 20-211. I.vnio (J. W. I'ayton. mgr.)—^The slock company lireai'iits "A Child uf the Regiment" 10-24, '*Wby lie Divorced ller" la underlined. Ki.Mwoiin Musio JlALL (C. L. Wagoer, mgr.) —.loliii .McCnrmack 21. Biika's (il. Sheo. mgr.)—^Blll 10-24: Orvllle Ilnrrold. Ilradley and .Norrls, Comfort and King, /Minn Dineliart and company, Mang and Snyder, Kllda .Morris, Rnbblna, tbe Oleeaooa and Houlihan nnd the kineiograpb. OLrui'ic (Chas. Denalnger, mgr.)—Dill 10-24: Happy Jnck llardner, Clipper Four. Three Jolen- (lei's. Four Musical Lunds, and LIule Wilson. (lATDir (Julin M- Ward, mgr.)—Mollle Williams nnd (lay New Yorkera 10-24, Star and Oarter .Vhow 20 .mil week. . • ^ ACAiiaur (Jules Michaels, mgr.)—Dill 19-2-4: J'ranklln and Davis, I.ucoto Uros., Ilaya and Uajs, .Newslwys Set telle, Itllly Heamoo, (hjllron and .Newell, Three Ilolsun Droa., and Thrall and .Manilell. Kamii.t —Bill 10-24. iRIIIy Oroas and company, Joe Crane and Mack Bohan. FnoNTiM (CHinrles H. Dove, mgr.)—I'lctorea only. Albany, N, Y,—Harmaous Blercker Hall (Kdwatd M. Hart, mgr.)—"Tbe Whirl of Uia Worhl" clnxnl lis i-enaou hero April 17, to crowded liouMv. I'lillliaruiunic Orchestra In concert 10. l.viell-VniiKhnn Stock Co., In "Tbe Obuntry Boy," 26-22: "The rna^lni; Bhow of 101-t." 23. 2-1. KHi-inn (Frank Abbott, mgr.)—Golden Crook Ui-21. Den Welch company 22-24, Al. RccTea ecnipuiiy 20-2H. llowery Uiirlestiucrs 2D-}In7 1. I'RotTon's (Job. I'. Ojyne, mgr.)—lllll 19-21: "Neidnne's Garden" (enlire week), RItael Uane nnd eiiiipnny. Itelily and C^irrler, Dynes snd Vaa Kpps. rnd Natalie Norniaudle. For 22-24: Qal- lirtcr ond .Martin "The Oheatera," .Miirroy K. lllll. Iwn to nil. I'liui-roa's I.Bi.Asn (Guy A. Oraves, gen. mgr.) — (Viillnuous nnd moving pictures. Maji>tic (KiiiII Ilclcbes, mgr.)—Vaudeville Olid moving piclumt. Cl i-cKiAU. Cmnton HQDAnn, llnoAnw/.T, Peoo- »OK'B ASNKX, I'AI.ACB. WlllTB WAT, HTAS, FAIBT- LAKll, I'KAUL. I'EOI''S, HUDSON UUd OBPUIUH. luoviiig pictures only. SyrncDae, N, Y.—Empire (Frederick Gage, mgr.) l-:inplre SlocU Co. presents "Ready Money" wei-h nf April 111. "Within the Law" 211. WiKTiNo (Frani-ls V. Martin. mCT.)—"Passing Show of 1014" 10. Travers-Dnugiss Block 0>. pre.'CDls "nahy Mliic" 20-24. "Tens of Ibc Btoro Country" week of 20. Farbes-Iloberlson will ■(>• iiear here May N, |ir\'scntlng "Tbe Paaalng of tba Third Floor Hack." matinee, and "Tbe Light Thni .Failed" nl nicht. llAHTAnLii (Slenlien Bastable. mgr.)—Globe Trotiers 10-21. .Miner's llohrmlana 22-24. (iRANii (Myron J. Kallelt. mgr.)—Bill 10-24: Triile l-'rlgnnti, I^eo Jackson snd Mae. Eddie Cnrr and efunpaiiT, Mack ami Walker, Aubrey and Itlclie. U'aeh-Walleii Trio, Lyona and Yoaco, and .Marlln Van Rergen. Th.mi-lc (Jobn J. Ilreslln, mgr.)—Bill 19-24: "A Drenin uf Ibe Orient," Two Throwing Tatwrs. Julia Ring and couipany, lUnrlo and DniTy. Field Vliruea, llrooks and Ilowen, and a Chaplin Comedr Iilclur;-.' ■ ■ ■ • - BiHANu, Riat.NT and Ecxbl, high class picture*. noolicnter, N. Y.—Lyceum (M. E. Wolf, rnvr-) the Passing Show of 1014 April 20, 21, Forbes Robertson 20-28 TKurLa (J. 11. FiDU, rogt.)—Bill 10-24: Bell Family, (Jondon and Devercaux company; Oilef CniiiAillcan, IIuDllog and Francis, tbe Heren llrccks, .Meyako SUters, tbe Kills, and CoaUcy. Hsiivey and Dunlevy LuBw'H (1. Kuen, ugr.l—BlU 18-24: Jenklni and OiTcrt. De Witt and Stewart, Atvlo and K<r,iie<ly, Gcorgo Ytorann, and Mastro. (Vrlnllilnii, (J. Glunnen, mgr.)—^Tbe Big Sen* snilnn. burleaqucrs. 10-24. VicTouiA (J. Farren, mgr.)—Vaudeville and phbluploys. KOTES, WnisTMs-a will follow each performanoe of the Rig ScKKStlon. A. Fe.vnkvbssi baa closed at tbe Winter Gar. deu, Toronto, Can. — Princess (W. Mulhollsnil, mgr.) Mrs. Patrick Oant|>bpll, lu "Pygmalion," April 10 and week; "Tbc lied Lady" wiwk of 26, lienrv Miller, In "Daddy Lang-l«gs." to follow. Obano (J. W. Oowan, mgr.)—Ieal>elle Lowe. In '"nie Troll uf Ihe lonesome Pine," 10 ani week; Knnna Bunting, In "Help Wanted," week of 20. Ai.KXAvnnA (L. Sokimon, mgr.)—Percy Jlaa- will. In "Nearly .Marrle^l." 10 and week. BiiKA'B (J. Shea, mgr.)-lllll 10-24: Uniee La Rue, Ik-rt Ix>vy, !loi>e Vernon, Rayuu,nil nnd Ciiverly, .MclUc and Olegg, Jobn and Mae Uurke, unit ona to dll. I.niiw's (J. Bernstein, mgr.)—nill 10 24: Frank Hush. John La VIer, Sprague and MeNecce. IHiipo- ilroine Four, Melnotle Twins, Six Steppers, Helm' Children, and Keniwtly Brothers. Ilii'lMiiHiiilB (F,. A. .McAnlle. niur.l-lllll. 10- 21: Van and Oarrl? Avcy, Six I.lttle Song Rlrila, Parian and Green, Denny ami Doyle, and Wllllama and Si-gsl. OAT»ri.(T. R. Henry, mgr.)—Star and Oarter Bbona- 10 and wwk. American Beauties week of 2(i. StaX (P. W. Stair, mgr.)—Watson'a Orleiitala 10 nnd week. Rig Seusallon week of 20. Ntiunii (L. Bcaljalnger, mgr.)—Alary Plckton) l>hoii>playa 10 and wrek. ¥m\k Jaula, In "The Caprlcea of Kilty," 20 and week. New IlaTen, Conn.—.Shuhert (E. D. lU- ilrliljie, thgT.) "Peg o' .My Henri" Aorll 10-22, "lloldn Hood" 2a, 24; "All Over Town" 20, '11. llYi'kiiiuN (Henry U. Mengrs. mgr.)—^The 9to;i( roir.pnn)-. In "The Yellow Ticket," 10-24. 1'014'B (Oliver O. Kdwanls. mgr.)-RRI 19-21: "TTie lU'gulnr Anny Man." Tniy and Rehlnaon, IMerlot Ferlicr company, MnManus and Don Carlos, Dunlinr nnd Turner, ond Wonderful Csdlux. For 1.2-24: Four Society Olrls. Frank and (leoriila, Oalherliie Cameriai and company, Irwin and Her- BUSINESS INDEX AdnnlMMats Bot aoMdlaa CM Ua* la laftt wlU bi pobUiM. praparly elaoiUed la tkla tain at Ike nt* of «10 toi obm rear (Bl laaaaa). A eoffi tt Tn Haw Toac Curm will ba'aaat CM to taek idTertlaei while the adr«rtlsea«t li i». ubig. ABBEST08 CUBTAIRS AUD FIOTURB BOOTHS* 0..W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 75'p«ail St. BoatsD, OABRIVAIi FBORTS AUD IHOW BAIflfBIM. D. 0. DtmqibrTS Co., 013 Arch 8t, Philadelphia, ■UIIOAL BBIXB AND HOVBL/TIBB. BdwlB B. Street. 28 Brook 8L, Bartfort. Omul a B. KayloBd * Boa, 84 WUlosiktv BiooldTa, ttt T* maiCAL IPBOIAIiTIBI. „ J. a OaaaoD. IfiOO a. Olttk at,, aieage, m. MMIOAt. OLAMBI. A. BiaaadM, lOIS Hapiet At*., BMkmoad BOl, B. I PRIIITI1T0 OP AI.I. KIITDB. "Plaaat" Sbow Print A Bag. Booae, Okatkaa, Oat SCBNBBY AKD SCENIC PAINTERS. Howard Totlle, 1202 Center St.. Milwaukee, Wis. echrll'a Pceiilc Studio. S83-5BS S. High St., Co- lombni, 0, BCBNBRT PGR HIRB AUD 9ALB. Aawlla OralB, 819 Bprlos Oardca St., FhUa., Pa. TBB SllfOIIfO AUD BPBAKINO TOIOBU Tbeo. Taa Ten. 21 W, tBIk Bt, Mnr Tetk, TiL. OiedCT KOt. THBATRIOAI< 000^8. Boatoi Begatta Co., 887 WaA. BU, Boataa. HMi THBATRIOAL PROPBRTIBB. E. Walker. SOO W. <30th St., New York, VBNTRIL0«III8T RIGURBB. Ben nobson, 000 W. 1841b SL. N. 1. O. xnaa, bbardb and hcstaohbb. Ptter Bwlng Bopply Hooa*. Decttor, III. WAMni<n AT OIVCB. QBR. BOS. VlAnlCiU KKN and WOHEH wltb Blnalna aad DanclDS Speolaltlea. Fit own wires, WKIGBT THEATRE CO., Elk Point, Bo. Dak. rnd Pearl. Dreano nud Goodwin, Little and Al- right, Teed and Lazuli, and Faltomor, Minnrapolla, Miun.—lUetropolltan (L. N. Scott, mgr.) JiUlsn KIthige, In "The Crhiolloe Girl," April 18-21; Muude Adams, in "Quality etrcet," 22-24; Zlegfeld's Follies 20-May 1. SucBxiT (A. (I. Ualnbrldge, mgr.)—The Bain- bildge Players, In "The Frisky ilrs."Johnson," ll=-£4. OupnauH (0. E. Ray.-noud, mgr.)—Dill 18-24: Dlckel ami Watson, lillznbetb .Murray, Renee FluTlgny, Els and Frrncb, Jack Konr.eily and com- pany, 'fom Kumn, and Urpbeum Weekly. Gatbtt (Wm. Koenig, mgr.)—College Girls 18- 24. Zailab'a Own Bhow next week llJ<iQUii (Jnck Elliott, mgr.)—Wllklns and WU- klna, other acts end pbolonlays, week of 10. New I'AijkCB (H. ti;. Ullllngs, mgr.)—Oontlnu- ouH vaudeville and photoi>lays. N«w GiiAND (Wra. Koch,- mgr.)—Cbnilnuona voudevlllo and luollon pictiitee. I.VBio, Stband, New QAnnicK, Bu-ioalow, Cilr HcvN, iei8 Pbintbss, SotnuEBN and CnrsTiL, pictures ooiy, .St. Pnnl, Minn,-Mcltopolltan (L. N. Scott, mgr.) Maude Adams, In "Quality Street." April 10-21. House will be dark 22-24. Zlegteld's Folllea 2S-28, Bllllc Burke 20<,Slay 1. SiiuBXBT (Frank 0. Priest, mgr.)—Ilunllngton PIsyers, In "Wbat Daiipened to Mary" week of 18. Obpuxdm (E. 0. 'Burroughs, mgr.)—Bill week of 18: Els and French, Charley (Irapewbi, Anna Chance company, Boey and Lee, DronsoD and Baldwin, tbe Davits Family, Browo-Fletchcr Trio, aud Torn Koma. Eiu-Bxas (Oua S. Greening, mgr.)—iDlll 18-24; Lawlon, Klein Bros,, "On the nivorla," Willie Smith and tbo (^avetla, I^voodre and company. STAB (Jobn P. Kirk, mgr.)—Tbe Prlie Win- ners week of 18, The College Glrla week of 2S. FBiNcasa (Dejrt Goldman, mgr.)—Vaudeville. GAirrx, Majutio, Stablano and STaAND, mov- ing pictutca. Portland, Me.—Jelfetaon (U. J. aarrltT, mgr.) Tbe Portland Player* present "Widow by Proxy" April 10-24, wllh a cast Including: Frances Nellaoo. Cbarlea Coleman, Uartha Mayo, George Tllton Jr„ and others. "Tbe Fortune Hunter" week of 20. KeTn'B (Loals E. Kllbr, mgr.)—Tbe Keith Stock Co.' presents "Tbe Yellow Ticket" 10-24, with Florence (Carpenter and Edward E. Horton tn the leading roles. Nhw Pobtland (M. 0. Dlumenberg, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures Dill 10-21: Prim- rose Four, Mllo, The Lelands; Wm. II. Piatt and company, and Qerlle Demllt. Bill 22-24: Wil- bur, Uarrlngton, Chubby and Harry Murray, Em- luelt and Emmctt. and others. OiiBBi,T's (James W. Greely, mgr.)—VandcTllle and motion pictures. Dill 10-21: Tbe Dippy DaSy Minstrels, Bounding Johnson, ond Pesce and Ter- mini. BUI 22-24: Tbc Four Macninas. Bessie Ixmnsrd, and the Druees. Tbe new Scobnrg or- chestrion has been Installod here, with Lolda Bloodgood aa the soloist. CiTX IIai.l. —Tbe closing concerts In tbc munici- pal organ course will occur 20 and May 0, when Ch.-inJIer's Band and the .Men's Singing Club will ajipeor. Stband. EMrins, Oasco and Naw Niokel, mov- ing pictures only. Mll^ankce. Wla.—Davidson (.Sherman Brown, mgr.) "The Yellow Ticket" week April 18. Majestic (J. A. lllgler, mgr.)-Bill 10.24: Lulu Glaser nnd coni|iany. Cross and Joseplitne. Tbtodore Uendli Players, Willie Weslon. llrenivT and Wheeler, Mnr^ot Krancola and Purlner, aud Hcrtman and Vnrady. Pabbt (Ludwig Kreiss, mgr.)—The German Stuck 0». presented "Dor Mraonit" 18. SiiDOBBT (C. A. Newton, 'mgr.)—The Shubert Slock Co. preseot "Gct-ltlch-QuIck Walllngford" 10-24. UAinr (J. H. Rhodes, nier.)—Ctolumbla Bur- lesiiuers 18-24. Frtic WIniicrsi next week. KuPBESs (J,- W. Whitehead, mgr.)—Oriental Maids 18-24, pmeulcd hy Empress Burlraniie Oo. CiTSTAi, (Wm. Gray, mgr.)—Vauderllle and pictures. Ohi-iieok (Wm. E. Mick, mgr.)—Salisbury's "Wild Life." feature PIm, week of IS. . JPNiAU (J. WanI Kelt, mgr.)—^The Juneau Slock Oo. preeent "Tbe Jnmee Bojs" 18-24. Racine, IVIa.—Orpheum (C. L. Iloylsnd, mgr.) Otis Oliver Drama Players April 18-24, ' opening with "Fine Fcstbers." Change of play for 22-24. WiiiTK IIoUBB (Wm. Draeger, mgr.)—Vande- vllle and movln.T pictures. Majestic. Oranp, IIacinc, Buotr, .Ahijbb, AuKnu-AN, nwx, Oabimo end I-'oubteeiitii Stbeet, oiovlug pictures only. Atlanta, Ga.—Atlanta (Homer George, mgr.) closed April 12 with Pavlowa. AuoiTOBiuM—Metroiiolltan 0|iera Company of New York, In "The Hiigueiioln" 20 (evening). "Tales of Hoffman" 27 (matinee). "Carmen" 28 E»g. Johnson nnd Buckley, and Plliil and SeoOelil. liijou (Kug\'ne Wilson, ii«r,)—Vaudrrlllo and l>kluna. nnltlmorr, Md.—Ji-ord's (Chas. E. Ford, mgr. 1 Aborn CVmle. Upern (X., In "Ite Cliocolaio ,s<)hller" April 10-24, "The .Men Who Owns Uroml- way" 2il and we^'k. AcAiiRMT (Tunis l>ean, mgr.)—Roliert Illlllard, In "The Argyle Case" 10-24, motion |ilcture* iiixt w«vk. I'oi.i'B AumTOHiuu—Poll Players, In "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" 10-24, "Tbe Man of the Jloiir" next week. I'AUrn (Win. Uallauf. mgr.)—Girls from IIop- pyland 10-24, Hastings' lllg Show next wn>k. Oavktv (M. Soullierland, mgr.)—Cracker Jack llurlcsiiuera 10-24. CItr Hiiorta next week. .MAavijkNP iFre<l Scliainherger, mgr.)—Rill 10- 24: Catherine Oslvert and coniiwny, Oecll <3un- iiliiKliani. Four .Marx Ilros. and compsny, 9wor nnd Mnek. t'nnlo and Noll, Will Rogers, Kajlyama Kiid Wills snd lljKRan. llirronRd^m (Cdas, H. Uwls, mgr.)-—lllll 19- '-4: Roysl Onaeolgnes. tlfnrge and Mlv Onnlnor, Ronnir and Wnnl. .Mark Devere, "liclles of San Orbrlel." and pIclnrcH. (lASnrN (Um. Schnelih-r. mgr.)—Max's Circus, I<niils I'ldtll, Hinv Dancliie llplles. Molt ond Max- Held. I'MIs iiihI Vnlrv. .M.nrlln llennctt nnd com- piny, nnd Mile. IVdlo D'Ahiert. ..-^I",''"'!'*.*'-'*'''"- I'»"'H. mgr.)—Bill lO-Mj SluiijEiiKA, DauAUiaiiu and Siianu, niclurce Vii-klauO, Jeauelte (laiduer and company, TofcT^uly, I (matinee), "Carmen" 28 (evening), "Rlgolello" 20 (mutlnee), "L'Amore Die Tre Re" .10 (evening). "Die ZnulierDote" May 1 (ntatluee) and "Madame Bans-Gene" (evening). FOBSTTII (IL L. Oardoin. mgr.)—Rill 10-20: Houdlnl. McConnack and Wallace. Mack and Wal- ker, Klhel Green, Jobn D. llymer and company, Dooley and Rugel, and .Smilb and Kaufman. DoNiTA—Musical comeily ond pictures. Mii.u (A. K. Junes, mgr.)—.Musical comeily. .MUNTnilUEaY, (IBAXD. STnANII, LTBIC, ALI'IIA, Savot, Two Alauoh, VAimrrrB and Alriia, pic- tures only. CiiAHnE of managers of the Montgonierr. a very iwnnlar houec here, from R. 11. UeHruler to Mr. Logan. Ansaatn, Ga—Grjnd (R. B, Tant, mcr.) the 1020 .MInatrv'la (liKal) pla.veil two nlghli. April l.'i, 10, breaking all recurda (ur attendauee al thia thentre. Wllhin one hour afler the Imx olOce opoortl for tlh' caU- o< wils. (he entire liu'.ise. I:i- eludlne standing ruoni, wss auld out. .\ "klr- inesa.'' with iironilneni locnl iieoi>le Inking part will be the atlrncllon 20. 21. >• i • IliJoii (Sparks k Sehtamech, mgr.)—This house ch^wl for the ae.i*»ii Iti. WANTED-PERiANENT STOCK Bommtr Park eogagemsnt Two bills a week. TiroinaUnees . SCIOR PLAYERS Full AcUng Companr. Mention very lowest Mloij fliBt letter Send ph^^^ -^m bo renin , d Vereattllty and wardrobe poelilvcly egacntlal. DOM LODIS, 10 K. 9th St., Clnclnnau, Olii''. For the Original VAUDEVILLE AND MUSICAL COMEDY People for Summer Stock Park work; full Suminer's work, tlonal Acta for Free AtlrsctloDB. former wanted Immediately. Also Concert Uall Olrls; mast be young and good looking s, n i>. Wagon Show People write. State all; mention snliirT iinr JOHN T. McCABLIN, r.ia E. Ualtlmore St., lUltlmor" .m'l WanM to Join on Wire for Permanent SM GENERAL BUSINESS MAN and WOMAN Most be capable of playing and dressing the latest stock releases. State Summer salary. Also Y,iiiii<r MAN. I'ljnl/iii no<-i>iitorv "•'"lllg, Single HEAVY MAN rbotoB necessary. JOHN ADAIR, JR., CO., Sun's Alhambra Thiatrg, Marlon, Ohio, WANTED, FOR ROY E. FOX'S POPULAR PLAYERS URDEH CABTVAS, GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAN, that can do ume leads; GE«IERAL BUSINESS MAN ORCHESTRA LEADER, CURINET, TROMBONE AND TRAP DRUMMER Orcbejtrs work ooly. Other good MnslclaoB and useful Repertoire people, write. State ir voii do epeclaltles. Those who wrote before, write again. Show never closes. Will send tickets. Address ROT B. FOX, Sweetwater, Tex,, week of AprillO; Post, Tez., week April 26; Lubbock iex week of May a Stlecleln, write. °' LAWRENCE PETERSON Owing to Compasxy Oloalns April 1<4th " IVY sTunz Leads and Heavies. QenersI Bun. Excellent Cbaractor Wonisn nelght, 6 ft. Weight, 200. Height. 6 ft., in In. Weight, 146. Experienced and capable. RcspoiiBlble Managers only. Wire quick. Care of EAHLE SLOOK CO., LAWRENCE PETERSON, Spencer, West Va. KIIDCDTV CHARL.OTT£ TBJHPI^E (POTT.S). Age 31. wrightlto, be g ht &ft. 4 In. lleav' LIDEn I I les, Ingenues, Secoid Business, Eccentric and Comedy Chamctcrs, Single Singing daily. Fine appearance una handsome wardrobe. WAI/rBR 1,. POTTH. Agc40, helgiii6fi S'lo,, weight 176. Eeccentrlc and Character Comedy and general lino of parts. Read music, Uonlile sroall drum In band. \Vc do NOVELTY MUSICAL ACT. Long cxpelence and relhtble, jolnatonco, Tent repertoire preferred. Address POTTS AND POTTS, 1C8 South 4th St., Reading, Pa. Can WAHTED-For ''Ten Nights in a Barroom''{23r?or"M'!'^.''M!frVr'd'o^b'i^ mond. State If you do Specialties. Comedian, with Singing and Dancing SpeclalllGs, to play u i'un. Pianist, to double Stage, Must join at once. UaUs Summer fnd Winter. -I pay Hotel and R. U. .'imie vety lowest quick. TUOS. L. FINN, Uoosic Kails, New York. nOBIO 00HP08BD AND ARKANOBD for any InatToment or nnmber of Instnunenta. Songs, Words and Mnilc, Sketcbea, eto. Send stamp. OHAB. L. LEWIS, 42» Richmond St., Olnclnnatl, 6. FRBB.-SIX MONTHS —INTESTINO FOR PROFIT. A Monthly Onide to Money-Making. Tells how tlOO grows to (2,000—bow to get ilcb qalckly snd honestly. U. L. BARBER, Fob., 42»-32 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. PliAVB BCPPLIBD—All classic plays, come- dies and ap-to-dateiplays. Most of taem Kcper copy. Others 2>c snd Uc. Also recent royalty BQCcessea. Bend stamp for lists. Bennett's Dra. matlo A Mnslcal Ezc, Suite 802 Delaware Bldg. Chicago, m, A. Mllo Bennett, Fred A. Byera, Proprs WB MAKE JI700I.IR0 AND CIRCUS APPARATUS, Ball Bearing Swivels, Punch A Judy figures, props for novelty acts, wire walking apparatus aodpara- ShemalU. Bumps for price IfsU. VAUDEVILLE A IRCOB OOO DS C O., M So. D e arborn, C hica go. Ml BKBTCHEB written to order on commission basis. SendBlaiDD.for puticniate.'Add.-MICHAEL J. FLOOD, tfflO W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, Pa . 100 B07latoa St., BOSTON Want now and Stunmer season, Prfaictpaia Bnd Cboros for Uuslcal Comedy, Tabloid, Quartettes and Vaudeville People adaptable for Musical Comedy. LBBT TOV FORQBT WB BAY I'l' YBT GROSS LETER HEADS Oontraota,^ Tloketa, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc STAOB HONBT, Ito. Book Of Herald dots, 210. CROSS «,'!<s>rr: 8< Chicago 8-GREAT PARODIES-8 FOR ONE DOIXAB Everyone a Scream. Funny and Clean. •'Tlpperery," ••Tnllp«Ro»e," "Boy Sol- dier," (2 ou this). »ReBl Moving Picture," "Snnnrlirook Farm," "Mandalay," "Candle l,l«ht,*> and "On the O.IS." Order at onccT No better Parodies ever ofTered at any price. Address FIIANK 0. FRENCH, St. Johusbury, Vermont. PEOPLE IN ILL LINES For sixteen weeks stock, at Des Moines. la., two bills per week. Rciicaruals May 10. Robert Blay- lock, director. Send photos. AIRDOUE COBIPAinr, BOB sixth Are., - - Des Uolnea, la. AT IaIBEBTY BERT.CAHNOLn Juveniles and Heavies Wardrobe and oxpcticncc. Address until U Hub. bardstou, Mich., then 016 W. Mich, Ave., Lansing, Mich. . * ■ - iiniiiii An All Round Musical Team; can do singles aud doables. can uso a good novelty act. state If vou play a piano. Wilte your lowest In llrst letter, I pay R. It. utter Join." wunted Indians for No. 2 Co. Company opens up May 10. HAMMOND MED CO., 1303 W. seiU bt., Clcvclond, Ohio. AT LIBERTY. ED. COKE CIIARACTERB, OBR. BUS. Ut., 6 ft. 8 111.; wu. lOOlh. Alto In band. KINGFISHER, OKLA. WAKTED-HED. rBBFOBHBBS ofallkindH. Week stand, under canvas. Live on lot. WAHT—lliiBlliiio I'luiio Pinycr. Must road aud fako. CL.ARKB it L>A VBHE, Liamont, Oklahoma. BILLY SHANNON MinSTRRL. Address CLIPPER. For the LEONARD PLAYERS Canvas DRAMATIC PEOPLE with specialties or double orchealru. State all flral letter, with prugraiiis. Tills .show has not closed In two years. Harry A. Sturdy, v\te. WILLIAM R. LEDNAIII), Manager the Leonard Players, Rldgeway, Ho, WANTED QUICK For WOMAN FOR INaBNUES. Must do Bpecialllcii. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES WRITE. We never close. Tickets If I know you. Just got stung. Hake saisry rlgbU Week of April 19, Deposit, N. Y.; Week of AprU 26, Hancook, N. Y. JOE ANGELL^ Manager. A. F. of BL - Most be good sight reader. No library, rciioircd. Vaudeville and PTutures; steady work. G. B. ODLUM, Manigtr Grand Opera Houit Bt. Catharines. Canada - WANTED QUICK B. and O. LEADER Prefer one donliling Comet and VloUn. Others write. Also Cornet Bass Player and Scenic Artist. Those doubling Stage given prcfcrt-nce. lloss Can- vaaman, sober and reilalile. Frank Kossei, Qeo, Hampton, Andrew Mghtfoot and Donoy Weils write. Mustluinon wire. Address PULlENS COMEDIANS, Kokomis, III. ROBT. B.-WILSON lOLCOHBB-lORIIIA Versatile Comedian, D., Javeniles - - Ut, & ft. H in.; wt., 136; ago, '26 Ingenues, Leads, Sou- brqttes,'strong ciioiieh to feature. Ht., 6 ft. 'Jli in.; wt,, 116; ngc, U Everything cssentlsl. Wardrobe Al. Per. Stixk preferred. Address ROB r. R. WILiSOR, Ha milton, Te». '■ BIAN OR liADY PIANO PLAYER MAN TO DOUBLE HAND) . Bister Teami and Single Women. Pleasant.■•uninicreiiirugeinviil. other People writs. Mention all and lowcHt In lirSL letter, I^BIPB BROS. SHOWS, .Perth. Amboy, N.J. WANTED WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED MAHAGER For vaudeville tbcntrc,' In a city of 26,0(10 nopuls- tlon, costing $1(0,000, to he ojieued Soon. MaiiuKcr must mi tho lllll in cycry way. Stato salary, give reference and experience. Address M. T., euro of CLiri'ER, New York. AT LIBEBTY ZELIA BOIME - Versatile leads Age, 26; bu 6 a 6 Id.; wt., 18« Wardrobe, experienced, JACK GORDON Leads,, Director, sonic bcrlpl?. Age, 36: hl.,5 t.8ln.; wt., liiii rcliulilc. Stock or Hip. Irohc, experienced, rcliunic. biocK or i" JACK OORDUN, Plaqnemltte, ha. KELLY t BRENNAN WMT COIHET INO SLIDE TO DOUIIE something else in orchestra; Heavy Man to sink' with hand; people in olhur lines. Tell all first ici- tor; be ready to Join <iii wire. „, , KELLY A URENNAN, Lnlngsbnrg, Mlcb. AT LIBERTY, Strong Med. Lecturer For llrat class Co.; or will take partner. Il'i»'' coinpleio ontm, also Wis. State license. AUilrc- D. UARLOW, Lone Rock, wi--i- WANTED ^Vufr^Jord^V^?.""""' STOCK. AND V\I>DRVII<kB O. El. MBBKEH, Hcr., Stamrord, Jonas Co., Texas. TABLOIDS AWCB "OW^*ff"'.no 603 W. Slat Pi. , i^WVA""