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24 PARAGON BOOKING AGENCY w int to hsar from all A'Jta, large or Bmall. Wr THE KEW YORK: CLIPPER. 11 230 TREMONT STREET ^ir.r«»w— — —nuSTUN w.int to hsar ft«m all A-rta, large or email. Write, wire or phone W. H. WOLFFE, Manager "THE EMPEROR OF MINSTRELSY" AeTHUR DEMING Permanent address Maplewood, Mo. ^AVES COSTUME CO. THEATRICAL COSTUMERS ilunaf«c(ureri of All Kind* of Stage Cnatuiiiei uiiil Uiiiroriiiii. 226 West 41st Street, IVew York AFTER MAY I we will be located In our own building, 110 WEST 46th ST. H. TARR Theatrical Photographer 665 8th Ave. Near 42nd St. PIIO.NB 708* BRYANT NEW YORK lOO 8x10, 810.00 (Orlginils) lOO 8x10, $7.00 (Rtproductlons) 100 6 X7, $3.60 (Rtproductlons) BEST OF WORK GUARANTEED Plays, Tabloids, Sketches LBASE ON SMALL WEEKLY BENEFITS Vaudeville Acta Written to Order. First Class Only WANTED"Partle* to Co-operate In the Prodaction of two llrHl clnn* Pliiyii N ORTHMtW FIAY BPREAU, 533 N. 13tli St.. Room 3, PhUa., Pa. SINGERS! GOOD SONGS SONGS THAT FULL THE HEART STRINGS AND TELL A STORY WORTH WHILE "MEM4HIIB9," (Icslliicd 10 ticc-oiiie imc of llie (jrculcsl Imlliids cvi;!-wiiUi-ii; "I'M NEPTKSK. TUB KINU OF THE SBA,"ii(Criiliil t)assiii'liHrlloiicsoiin; "MV KILKENNY ItOSE," a l>e»iiliri]l Irish liMllRd: "DRBaMINO DflBAMS OK YOll," hii cnci'IIi'Iii "LUVINti TinE" iiliil •■IIBRT ME W THE MOONLIGHT. CAHUIE," nilciiy i'iiiiik; suiikh, nriil Im<iI, but not li.'a<;l, "SILVER TURBAOS AMONG THE COLD." Mot HHWILTON S. GORDON. 141 West 36th St.. New Yorii. REAUIITS ARE W MADE. They are an Inspiration WE HAVE ONE I'm So Glad My Mamma Don't Know Where I'm At. " Prof. Coiil«R and Orclifalrntloni now rvud)-. SYNDICATE MUSIC CO., 3818 Laclede Ave.. St. Louis, Wo. WANTED FOR THE Wiyi. F. LEWIS STOCK CO. i:nild-iMn\;is. Klirlil iikjiiIIis work lo Kooil puoplc, who arc- laihc.< iinil Kciiik-incii. I'eiiplc In iiM lliii's of llie Mniiinitli' Imsillca'i. TliOHU <|.iii:(r .S|iccliillics cU cii l.rcrcii'm.C'. llciivv Mkii, i:oo<l b|ii.Thill.v osi Ciiiivnmmii. Y si liiivc kooiI wnrilriihc iiiiillic iiiilr iii Hri. l.unil Tpkiu, AiIvhiu^u Mniii |;ooil llos: rcaiiiiciii 10 Kooil people. .Money Hurc. Adilrcss \VM. F. LEAVIS, Kedi'loiid, Neb. WANTED, FOR TELEPATHY ACT LADY PIANIST ttliDoi ly l.ATK. CI,AHSICA1., I'OI'ri.All or OI'KIIATIC SKI^KCTIO-SS WITIIOl.T HUSK-. Miuy n,. ,',i,j,.ci ir you .idlvcr llic (joods. Wiirdrol.e ncrcs.s,iry-(lr ..I i.nc ,<!'-^i'''lK /V,:,'' Miisl,«l A. i, iiiiisl I.C llr^ilchiH.'., mid lllRli Cliifs It.illiid Singer, show now i o i e ^i'>'\ » ' Itr. .SLiM pliolos. Ucfoiciicc, uiiy UHUk 111 llcrrlii. a. It. llll.l., Mb'r. Oi-cni Uuiisc, lleiilii, 111. KM MB! paw m. 0W IF YOll ARE NOT PLEASED YOUR MONEY BACK with these h-min. acts For \!i;iir,,r Ith.ckf" T?a"i"l)li^ Sluler T. ;un. foincdiKi, S^/rSorrs Soiiliri'iu-.StrulL'hr (m.orr.)nn(lTrHiiipiuid Slriilirhl inidllel.ruw. Also KIGll I-MISUl h Mi'fX"'""/ [-^ ror RuU.'lilHokfMcc tVh I ;, Irish. Silly Kkl. llehrew ,.nd Ohl * M' Oilier rii:iicrl.>l. CttlulogiiCHHndcnnor/eiiieiilB VV.V.\'.. MAIt> K. T.TIIA^ hit. 2l90lli-ui>d St., 1 ro\., It. I. IP YOU WANT A GOOD BRASS BAND ^^rile ORPHAN AID SOCIETY. li'i'iinklin SIroel, CliarUatun, 8. C, The .IKXKINS ORPHAN PICKANINNY llANI>i.;lhe liiicesl lUid licsl OrKiiiil/Jilloii In Mio U S. A. ..r snniM riml hirgc Iiovh Tlicy pliiyed iil llii! A^^iii AincrlcMin K.>cpo«lilon. l,ond ii. Insl Sum •. riicy can he (jotlen In Aiiicrleii only dnrhii; MilH Sninnicr, for PhrkK, ChiiiiliiniiiiHH iiiid Wicr ■.- 11 lierliiKB of nnniHcnieiils. NTV-Kimi SKAaON UNDKK CANVAS " l'K()PI,K—AM- MNKS.wllli iip-lo diilc Spccliilllcs;I,lVli AliKNT: Al I'lANI.ST; II, WilliSliorl Casl Strlpl.s; .Miinwiih I'le- lilnc and Itccln for week. Simill rtfi'i.^. \NVAHMAX. iinil h Cd.MKllIAX, HIniiilf " reuiurc. Wttrdrohe. ulilllly iind Hohrlciy > CHsenllHl. Send plioioii. Stule loweHi. I- .Mhv lOlli. Open mil. Om Cook. Inive T, write. Tin-; PKMIAMS, rcrm iiddre.-y', l ie Co., I'a. TWr ... HiV!i:i) DIIIK. tiire V. ill).*.-. llljSDl,, llclii., KihkI . rim,-. WANTED met, Baea. Saxophone ■ Mmli iin doDlilc In Rlrlnn preferred. ^iii-:u.6oi>;cciiiral Ave., l,oiil»vlllc. Ky. i>, II. M'ANTKO GOOD RELIABLE MAN '^''^ FIrHt ciitHM ViinUcvllle and riclurc ':i> e full piirllciiliii'H iiiid Finle Kiihiry. C. A., lUO, (.'arc o f Cl.l ITKlt. i on "Tlpiicrarv," "I Didn't HiiIrc My ' Uoy 10 lie aSoldlcr." "lloii't Take iiiR lloy Away," and "Kniiawiiy June." AclH. I'lajf, KkeU'licR wrilleii. '!AUI1I,K, Plnywrlghl, Endt I.tvcipool, O. II- ),. New Songs- Great Songs-ForYou Mv BcBiilIfiil IJidy of Dri'iiiiis-ln llic (.'ardcn of Dcsiiny-Kis.s, KiB.H. KlHB-ranKiiio-Tliey Can Ciii Kv'eiylliliiK-Our To Moirow—Kach Hose llaH a Thorn Thai Is Hidden Away-Taiiito Uw-I'or l iii A Ncnlnil.Man from a Neutral hand—My Sailor cm and I -Ma.\y-Aloiiir llie Trail That Uads to Love, l.yrlc of nil Ihesi; exi oplloiml miinhcra hy '^'fiI'kk'ms. CoriHS of llicne New, UiipnIill.Hhcd Sciinrs Hf 111 on leiincsl of any rerocnlzed proles- kIoiihI. KMGKEKBOGKEK Wmm STIOIOS. Gilety Ttieatre BItlg., »547 Broailway, N. Y.C. HIGH GRADE POST CARDS HiiMiple, lOr. Liir(!<. Aoorlment We have a i:n r of wlniiera forMiill lieali i-s, Aoenls and .MeiThaiilH In Ph-lures and l"<'"" '[""Ij;- ijitc.Hl In War n. lurc.>^-Mon..y CctU'ra-seiid 2oc. foi i lur^r samples and prlci-si. TAYLOR DKOTHKR.H •iVM CimonAvi'. g iilti»Up p«..tli'cii go "wanted at ONCE Plrxt Cl«« .novliig PIclure Pianist, Violinist and Cellist »""'"l:;l;r^h«ldf"o^;;s.^ \dilrc."-. Willi fnllesi iMirlk-uhirH. salury, fic PONTIAC THEATRE, Snrnnuc Liikc. Nt'W lork. (Adlroniluck iMoiiHtaln.). VI01.I1V LKADKR ;;;:^%.j^i^r"=^.asr^i::i^s"n;;:i:?:;rnT^i:: VAN FLEET 4T WEST 28«h STREET, NEW YORK. Deaths , Eben riymitlnn. I.Wii Plynipion (rlBht nam* DruJlM.^ dIM (t ■■-l.'M. Mj«, rVc 12 laid. nlily two jc«ni. II" iiiHilp Ills ilpbut In ihMlrlchls In Sicranioiito. L"-.!!., ur.ilir Jovi'h I'mclor'a in.inr.inTOPnl, and l)." John MacCiilloiith for Ihf (fcllfoniln Tlipatrc, In .Sa:i l'-rancl4(a. IIo w,i« for Iwo MntBons at Wjillack't Tlionlrc, In Ihlii 'il.y. On Auj. 17. 1874. hf apiwarnl In "Wli: mill noun," nnd l>«r*lllc In ••Tlio Wcjiom." wl.on Kalo Field mads hor dohut nl llic lUiolh rhi nlTO. .Mr. n.rnpton •pwarM n» ."tlr Clinrloo Prniian- il«T. In ■•.Moskg and Vtcn." Nov. H, 1874. On April 21. 1R75, be aolPd at Willn(-k>. In "The Itokd In Itnln. On Not. 23, 18711. he nr.-<t n'.- rraml at (be Union Squnrr ThMtrr. In "nosf Mlrlipl." dIro at the aamr thmtrr. aa Olsr Haw- l;:ii». hi -Thf aihlM A»e." When the Knule I hei.Ue wnj opcncil ns the. Stamlnnl. on Ki-'j. 20. ISiS. ho nrlcd Walter Dalryinplc, In "Oar Itoanl. 117 Hoiw." Mr. PlTmplon alu ae.leil In "(ii>»n \ inllct." "A Koko Title" and "Almoat a I.lfo." ilnrhri; Musnn of 1878-79, at the Slandanl. lIi- vent 10 Kurope In April. 1870, rcliinilng to AiMflea to aet with I,awi»nco P. lUrmt, niiil WHS al the Madison Squarr Tliettro an lendlni ainii. nrtliiK r)aT« Hardy. In "Bflini'Mlda," Oct. 20. IBSl. lie acted wUh Harry Pllt al the I'.llon Tlienlrr. In "The Two Hows" "ForRlven." nni! again «,illed for Kn.»iic lesdlnE ;n«n f.ir r.<l«ln noolh. Dorlns thp fc.i^on of l.S!>.1-Kt he neinl Dc Maunrat, In "IllchrlleuKdcar. In "l^ar;" logo. In "Othello;" TlasKanlo. In "Mer- ihonl of Venice;" Ijiert0!<. In "Ilaniloi," and Mi'CiliilT, In "MaetieUi," In anii|>orl of l-yw|n llooih. Ill- Hn« the Oeorto Drand. In "Tie WrkVs of Sin." nl the Pourlcenlb Sln^jt Tlienlre. nnd plo.ve,! i«nl Muntlnehin In "Qncena." nn.l Vic- tor. In "l..rnm)od," at the Union Siiu.irvv Wlih Minnie Maddern 'now Mm. Kl«ke) lip pr.idure.1 ".■^plle." Sopt. IS. ISBJ, nl the I.vrciiin. .Mr. Plymplon ecle<l Onrol Clandennlnp. lie Jiilne<1 Cl/:rtt .MorrLs In Oclnhcr of Hint year ami ivrnt to Riiflcrd, and pmduc*d "Jack," nl llie It-ivally Tl.cplrc. I/indon. Ihirlnir the Piimmcr or is.sn. he mailc a tour of Amerlen wllh flcnrtlo Drew Harryinore, and acted "Jack" at Mie h'lfili Atv>- niio Tlieatre. New York. Then ho went to Sin I.'YniicHea and becnino lendtii; ninn for Ailolnhle Nellcon. nnd on .May 20. 1877. aclol Moihia. In ■ The Ihinclihnck." with Fanny DnveuiHiri as Helen, and Adclnlilo Nollron as Julia. In Iho Fnll (if 1377 ho rvtame<l to W'allaek'a Tlicftre. .Vw York, In "Marrlagp," on Nor. 12. He Inler seted Claudo to Mary Andenon't Paidlne. al Iho I'iflli Arenuc llieairp, and llicn followr.1 a ahort ainrring tour In "llclphecar." lie was rloieri weeks wlih Mary Anderson. Diirlnc sr.nwn of l8Sn-nO he was wlih Julia Marlowe, then two rrw Fons .nt Ihe Hoston Mnsenm. and then Joined Minna Cnle Ifaynes al the ,Stnr The.ilre. Mr. Plymplon had also appeared In "The Man from llonip." "Onrden of Allah" and "Twelflh .vijht " Kiiiiernl <iervli-es were held nl Caaiplx'll ChuH. on Wes; Tvienly-llilnl Street. Wi.ihiewlnT inotii- hiK. 14. nnd the lo.ly was Inken lo the Orenin- lorr. ni ler hin wIhIi. at Union Hill. N. J. The tirii enninltiliii; his ashes Is lo lie rent t'o lt.)Sl.>n nnil Imrlcl In Ibe family plot, where nlB.i res: Ihe iinis eoiii.'iliilni: Mie nslien of his ninthiT n.i.l liriithi-r. i,Mil Ihe l«nlr of his f.ilher. The pall- lienrer.* wi-re: V. V. Miikny, .Mark Price. Rnlph I><Ini«re. Waller Womlall. Oscar Kncle. Kdsnr Il:il s'e.iil. Hnrry Franklin. Ohas. n. Welles. Wm. II. Voiiic and Tliomas McOralh. Other* present wen": CIns. Dickson. .Mlllon Nobles Chns. .M. Wiilcolt, ndwnrl T«., Frank Rnssell, lIow..ird Hall. (ho. fjr.nway. Wni. J. Dernliir. Geo. Maelntyre. Win. C. Andrews. Mnry Shaw. Umlly Itpli.-el. Amy Anie-^. Ohas. A. Stevenson, John K. Kellnnl. .ln«. Omn.ir 11'Wi.Hi. i:. nice. Mrs. Ralph IVlranre. Mnrim ShiL-'T. I.lzile IteHhelle. Oeo. .Morion, Adn ,Morliin ami m.niy others. Luke J. Mnrtln. l.iiki' .1. .M.irtin died In New York, April ,s. nl hM hunie In 'i'hlrty.lhlril Street, aged neveniy ;ejrs. lie was horn In the AdelphI Tlicaln- liidhllnil. l,iiniloii, Kiiff. On account of poor health he w;is sent lo Aasirnlla to rialt en uncle, anil after n reiiirn lo Iiondon, he went to l/oni1oii. Caiis.ln. where he served as a printer. In Hie fall of 180S, he lolae<l Ihe stock cnin- pany of John O. Myera, at Toronto, and In IHilO, was wlih the Ilolinan Troiii>e. 'ITie next year lie was wlih M<mh llros., In IlulTalo, N. Y., at fl3 a week. He cante to New York and jnnik^ his dchnl at Hie Orond Opera House, March l.s. 1872. In "Ullo Ilookh." lie Ihen Joined Tony IViiIer's "Three Ulind Mice" pantomime comiiany, CHir.rley Fox, pantaloon. The next seoimn he went lo Ihc Aciiileniy of Maul';, Neir Orleans, 1^., and niiinliied there two Peubons. Then he went lo McVlcker's Theatre, In CHilcBfM, and renuilnnl U;(rc uiilll 1977. I.sler ho plnycil Gn'piK), Id "Tlie Illnek Ofook," but he/ore Ihe week wai orcr, he plnyeil Ilerlzo;; nnd nearly every role In the pleo*. He joliioil I'^rcd Jtoblnson*a company In Pltts- liur^h. as sir llcnjninln llnekblte. In "Tlie Bchool for Scandnl," nnd then was enKaited at Fred Ames' Miiidc \*ur!etles, whero he san^ Irlsli pones nnd imt on Ihe nfterplece. lie reliimevl to Mc- Vlcker's Theilre. later and look the Mlllnullans, hi "Jack Ihe OInnt Killer," (Jommoilore NutI Ihe ^Inr. nil n Iniir. I/ater he Joined Joseph iltirpliy mill was the orlKlnalor of Mr. O'Drlve, In "Kerry (low" and Waildy, In "Shawn Ilhue." He was Willi Miindiv for three aeaions and Ilicn wos eii. Knped hy John Stetson to piny the "ci»n" in ' Ilot Oirn Olrl" .11 Ihe Globe Theatre, lloston. Durliik' the follovlnic three seasons, .Mr. .Varlln was wlih .MeKee Rankin. Wlien Cliarles Tliorne plnyed '"llie Ooralenn Ilrolhers." at the Itonlh 'nienlre. this cl'.y, Jan. 8. 188.3. he was rn- ciivimI ns stBEO innnoKer. He then went on the ron.l Willi "Romany live" and playeil Host Knl* veil. Tliat'nenwn he nisrrled Klla Doker, who WAS plnylnf; Qerllo llee'iett In Ihe same piece. The next season he pla.ve*l the Clilnsman rnle In ".My Partner" i.nd then went with Ituse OouK'hlln. Ill "Our Joan," playing the .Sliaughraiin. For lliree seasons lie wan wlih .Miss OiHrhlnn. In "Tlie Power of Ihe Press." and then fnlloMcil Iwo iriir,oiia with Chnunci-y Otcott. playliiK Hunt, In "Deneon nrodle," at Wsllack's, and Ihe Eenernl. In "I.ndy llarler," at Wallack'a, April 27. Iflftl. Ills Inst enpnitement ws« at the Mule Theatre, Mils eliy. In "Pninelln." Ida nipnn. Ma Oleiiii, affeil forly-nlne years, ais<jchleil Willi iiisny iiotjiile coinpHiilcs durlnit her nistie cnreer. Iiavliii{ idayed fur many years, lending imrla In the Slnirt IlohHon-Wllllam II. Oane eoniiianv. lii "The Ileiirlella." "Tlie Oheruln." and others, dletl of heart f.illare a I the Poly- rllnle Hospital In this elly, .March 20. She was formerly Ihe wife of Frank I/. Perley, and H iurvlTt.*I. I»y one non. Waller I.. Perley. Klie waa a member of the old Boston Maseiiin Stock Company. crealliiK many roles In-Its proiliic- tloiis and for three years she was with "The Mmi nnd Ihe .Mouse." Among the players wlih whom she npiieared were: Jsmes II. walllck. Harry I.sey. .\fr. and Mrs. Oeiirce H. Knighl. Ilarney Mncaiiler. KIsle Ferguson and Mrs. f..aiiKtry. Hlie made her deliiit on the Kiigllsh since at Mrerpoul ns Ura. Ill "Uncle Tom's Oahln." .Snliery Doraell IMrs. Jolin U. Nnijeiil) dinl In New York. April in. .MIhs Ikirsell had Iilayed le.MlIni; parts nt Ihe New Vork lllpi^i- drome. and aim nppenreil on Ihe I^-ie-.v c'rcull of Taudevllle theatres. She wun iKmkcd to Ofien st Wnshlngloii. D. C. A;irll 12, hut woa alrlrk-ii with pneumonia n week previous, rimernl sertlcs were held nt Ihe Ri'iadway Talieniiele. Ilrnad. wu.T and FIfty-slxlli Htre<>t. ihls clly, April l.t. aiiii lnlerm*-nt made in Wirfwilnwn Oanelery. Evn Allen, wifo and nsriiicr of Geo. Clay- Ion Frey. known an Frey and Allen, dIH In I'hlladelphlB, Pa., April 8. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frer were rehldtula of .MIIf<ir.I. Mass.. fop many year*, linvliig a farm In Ueerhrook. Mr, Frey had licen Mnf n alngle aet this season, and was In Kau. F.i. CIlT. .Mo., wlieii his wife dM. TlioiniKiou. of It,? Thomiison k Wi^kI. ('/)iiii-niiy. wl.o nre leshci^ of Hie Oier4 I|,iii-M^ nl SI. J'din. ('an . dleit In lloslon, .^fl.s . .\prll 1,1. He had lis'n an mtahl'slicl factor I'l .SVw F.nL'Innd llienlrlcals for yearn. Tlie body \i!is Inken, hy his In-nilier. FInvl Tlioniirson to lilH r.iiniirr himie. Teinrkann. Tei . for liurlal. *'.Hnni" Wjitaon, well knonii In liiir|e,-r|iie. .Il.'d April |i;, nl Ills li>iii>e, 140 Siiulli lln>ii'l .*^ii'el Trent,-n. N. J. He was n in«Tnls'r of the l'i:.wifi[; Itr-vlcw of ICIi I eonipniiy. lie wan Isipn Ir New tn-lenii^, I..I.. nnd lesrr^ a widow, in Ti. i.iiiii: Ills fnlher nii.l throe brothers. In Itrur^k- l,;j\fii. Mi*-" Curl Miller, who died al Aiiror.i. III.. Afi.'ll !1 .ii:i-l cli'lily IWO years, ""rreil In Ihe Olvll W;ir ni.l ,wns' nNo the ortfoiilp.er an.l dlreefor ..f Mil. flr-*t Aurora cornet linn.l. Mr. Sillier MTTCI ns hindmasler In Ihe Thirty sixth llllrols liifaiiirv during Ihe Civil War. STEIN'S' COLDGIIEXM ■''runklyii l':rii<.at liitldlnur, Ihe vl.dlnlsi nml KM.Isi Willi .Mine. .N.tr.llc.i In lirr In^t wnrld lour, dli'il s(id.l(.iily In l'r..vldemx'. U. I., April ,';. of neiilo Hlli;lit.i ill*.>nse, nge*! Iwriily-liliie v.-ars. He h.nl iii:ide his lintiie In thai elly aliire Inst l''all. coiineried wlih the Ithoile Island Scho.il eT Music, ami had phyt..l many eniingenieiiln there, liirliiillns one wlih Maurice nnd Wnltmi, the dnn- ecr.-<. on l-Vh. 2.1 Inst, at the Provlileiice Opera Iti.use. Ills Inst iMiIiIlo ri'cllal wan al tlrare Church, lhal clly. .March 27. lie had ls.en pre- paring' for a five months' tour of 121) ronccrts, with Alice Ncllsnn In the South nnd Weal, whkli was to beiiln A|irll 22. He was iKirii In Fall Itlver, .Mass, Ihe son of .Mr. and .Mm. It.diert S. Hiildlng. He recelvnl hla aclinol eiliienll.in Ijien. and iH^gan Kliidylllg iiiunle al the ni;e of Irn .^■enrs. In New lUslfunl, .Mass.. and laler hi l.4.n-ls* Inn. -Me., and llosloii, under I.oeilt.r nnd .Mollen- haiii.r. AUiul aeveii yenrs ai;n, 3Ir. lliilitliiR wt.nt to Ati.lmlln ami siiiilli.il fur nkire thnii a year will; St'vclk. and then two yenm In Ilerllii. under Anlo:i Wliek. t.rem.|it (xnieerl mnsirr of (he lt.is- tiiii Sriiijiliotir Oreheslrn. 'Phen folh»we<l Ida en- cnjfeiiii'iit wl:h .Mine. Nordlea. which en.te.l .o Iru7le.illy. (In this Iniir he allrscletl msrkeil sl- ti-nll.iii fn.in niiHlcnl i-rllle. for Ida hrllltaiil plny- liiir. Iti-sMi's Ills ]Miri'iits. he Is snrrlTi^I Iiy a lirollier rinl sUler nii'I oilier dlslant relsllvi-.. 'I liiMiiiiH Kdwin I'nilfpy, a well kininii n.ii.|i-lnii of Pnivl<lelie<', II 1.. ill*..! April 7. nl hk ii-^l.lenei-. 8.1 Vernon Slreet, that rllr. n;:ed f.-rly-Ilve yenrs. .Mr. Pii.lley lind li>iire«I Uil^ .■unn- Iry with rnrloiis iiiiislcal orgnnltatlntis, nnd was n iiii-ints.r of the f.inuais II1S.V4.H* Ainerlenii Ilainl. He wna clios4ni h.ailer of Ihe Pruvldeiiee NnMoitiil Ii:ii:il In IOIi:i. nii'l held Hint iioaltlon up lo Hie flme of Ills dentil. He war ntao IresHiirer of l.oeal No. I!)M. Ainerlcnn F(..leralloi) of Milsli'lniis. i.inl wns an I'^Ik. lie was a coniel plnyer. .Mr. I iiillcy wr.B n nei.hew of the late l^Ierlek P.1.I- Icy, the well known flute snlolsl. also of Pr.ivl- ilerre. He lenvrs n wlik.w. .\|nry F,. Pnilley : tn<i dniuihlera, Fnshi W. and llnsel M. Pn.lley, iidiiM.I IcRchers, Slid two hihis. Ilolierr ri.. n slndeiit nt I rown. nnd Hnrry I-;. Pnilley. Hla fnlhi-r, llidi.rl Pndley. lives In Pnwtiiehet, and a «-.lsl<'r. Mrs. John Itudce, In Fnll Itlter, Mass, THE LATE HEN ROSE.NTIIA L. Illtr lltrn lloufntlinl. The above la u Hplendld llheni-Hs of Ilia late lien ltoHi.|illial, wlio enjoyixl llic ropula- IIdii of bcin? one of Die hcsl fnlr Imoklnc iejiri:H(..nlallV('a In Ainvrlca. JmIiii llolea. Iwenty-Kven years old. died nl Ihe 8liei|oo Hnullnrliim, In Wjlerlmrr, . .Mulch 211. Mr. Ilo!ci wos formerly a iiipini.er «f the TeU-jtraph Four, In rniulevlllo. doing hhick face pmiedy part. lie wna a clerer eeppiilrte dnnrer nirl poanossed n C'hI hnss voice, lie hoil nlwi been In vauiLsvllle wlih Jnek O'llrleii. A odd. contruclP<l In .'Norfolk. Va., two y.-ars ng", r(-i.ulte<l la liilierouliinls. He was a iinllrt. of I'-rl(]gr-|iort, Cbiin., aii.I later of Waterlmry, where he oang In a <|uirtetie. of iwlilcli JaiiuM (;Tr>y, iiow of the 'I'elegrnpii Four was nlso n in:.iiilier; Ihe Otheri la'liitf .la:k Allinan. of Allmaii nnd I'lime, and John Peuc'sk, of Ihn Ileal llWer Trio. He Is siirTlve<l by a slater. In llr|ilge|»rt, hIiitc Hie remains were sent and Interred In Hie lloir.an Cnlhiillc Crinelery, Match 2V. I'l-lrr H. RIttNalii', a well known iiresa o^ent mill long distance iwlmnw.r. drotijKNi dend (.11 Saliirdny, April 1(1, oil the' deck of n ll^hlng pelimiiier, which was lying off (llmin'sler. .Msss. He was a brolh(T of John J. .Mc.Sally, Ihe pln>- wrlghi. He made many long swims. In .Inly |f(P7. lie nlleinpted the F.ngllsh Channel an.! got wllhlii three ;nllea "f Franr*.. He wos j.rens ncent for Forei»aiiKli Sella Ilros.' Olrriis. ihe ftkilie Tli'.-ulre. Ikmpni, and other fKde.1 Inlerfsls and was widely knrnvn In ImiIIi thin roiiiilry nnd iilirosd ff/r his pre«-ii!iiitoii of a swiniinlnv ni-i In which inniiy Is-aiillfnl young wimi-n were vi-i-n. He wns niarrl(..I. I'l Agiu-s V. .Murphy, i.f l.iiw- rMi'-e. .\ra..s.. In MMt':. nn'I hU wife sod Iw.. rhll- dien Kiirvirp lilin nt llii. Ii'iine In iHiri-lii-step. .>Ins.. Ills'linril Miiiii'rlf.f, n velcriin aeh.r. ill'sl Aj.rll >l. nt the .|ld Pmiile's Ihnoe. In '(1. I/miIs. .\h... ngisl M-reiily-flve yenps. He wns well kiviwii In llicatrlenis twenty .M-nrs nj;.!. nii.I h-id onee plnicl will) ICilwlii lldHi. Alfred ili>n(pliiie, who wns a meni1.er of ".Mlc. In W'm.l.-rlotid" r.nnt^ny. nov idajing at ih'r llndvni 1'lieairr. dle<l In ihls rtly April 1. \irred (.'linrlex .Iiiinll, a^l Ihlrly-nlne .vi- irs. n i:.Miiiinsi, of fii,. t,-nm known In vjiide- till., r-i l.<-s Jiindlp. dh'il Aiirll in, III ntdlgrue li.»i).lijii. N*i.iv Vork, r.dlowhig an n'.Iaek of lipiistr* rhng'') of Ihe luilgH. Ills falher. AlFrnl I). .Iniiilt, tif (X.luniliiii, ()., was Il0lllh.1l of Ilia sou's H-rl.iiiH llliii'oH. and came nii lo this city and was 111 e.nishiiil nllendance. day nn.l night, iiiiill Ihe en.I raiiie Mr. Juiiill's iKst apia'sranep was at Hie Nl w Vork lll|))Hslixane, diirliif the en^aue ni. nl of Ihe "Winter Olrena." The remains were laken to Dayi.in, (i., April 17, imdrr the ansplri-a of III.. .Mystic l»ilve, V. nnd A. M.. and funeral servlixa hehl lil Hie Mnsiinh' Teniplf, tltal ellr. lulenneiit was made In Ih-. fnnillT pint, nt W'snl- Iniid (VuiPtery. Ikshles his fnlher. (lecnSKHl 1. survived hy a al<l>r hi Oilnmhiis, O. He u as a iiiemlvr of the Whllp Itatn Arlurs* Union, and .\'e.lliin Temple. Hclirliiers, nf Olilcsgo. 111. Vnlner Slrennier, llhrnrinn of thn Pla.vers iMuh. nnd former nclor, diril nt AinllyTlllf*, I . 1.. April 14, ngnl slity ihris* yean. IIo had snpiiorled Kilwln lloolli. lie was for eight years emidoyed hy A. U. MeCling nnd (V>m|inny, Inok- M-lleni, In Chlengi), and after niniliig hi New Vork waa lllerarr adverllH..r at llrenlnoo's. Ilu i-..ni|.|lt.il eight T.niinieK. niiinng iheiii: "In Krlisni- ..lilji'a Name." "Volrea of Ihsitit" antl '"rnial." I'niii.rnl pervlcs were hel.l III. In Ml. detn-ir'* I'hnjiel. HliiyvesnnI Hiiiiare. Ihe llev. Karl milaiid. le.-lor ot St. IIi.iilKeH, mill Ohnrles I,. .Saffniil. I lii.lminsirr nnd orgnnlsl, nilh lallng. The lionornr/ pnllls'.irers were: Jiilili Dri-w llatilel Kruhninii. Francis Wilson. (Ilia Skinner. Itnward Kvlr, Wlll- liini Sniniisnn. IJhss. II. Wells. Ilnliert II. Kfwarrh. l':Terl JniiM.n Wendell, HsrrlNin II. llo.U<-s, Kd- wsr.l (I. Kriinnly, llnroJd W. (hmhl, (lenrge K. lieniiy and Hiiniplirey Turner Nlelmls. Nndle llellnn, at one IIiihi ■ well known l.lllliiiilinn neln-ss, for inniiy yean 1 memlier <ir Ihe l.llllpiillan (>|iera (hanpany. dipd April III, it Ihe leinie of Mr. and Mrs. I,<iiiU Yoiiiig, In Wonii x.s'kel. II. I. Her only elsier. .Mr«. Jeiinlp (>ile. iif Wnlhlns N. Y. wna wlHi Iiit when Ihe end ennie. In lhH2. when Hip l.llllpiillan (>|iera Cmii Msiiv wss re orgiiiili|.,l. iiinler llio maiigeiiieni of A. P. (niHd, nl Ih Ingloii. VI., Ihe nnnpany gave Hie .'i-eieMa "Cliidet'lln.'' alileli wns alleml and e-is*- elally adapleil f.tr Ihe iMiiipuny, and MIsb llelloii |.l.i.vi»I Ihe title pan. She sloal ihlrly-rlglit Im-lie. In hrlghl. nn.l welghi.l f.irly eluht laninda, and hnil liis'ii eYlitl-ltt..l In iiiii!M>iinM and clrriiHea all ovi-p Hils niimlpy. She wns horn at Walklna, N. V. .Miiv 21. IHil, Hie ilniigliier of ;he late Ahljnii mill I,avlos Pellnii. iir Inlr years rfie ha.l made her honiP nl llnrrlsvlMe, ,W. Y. EdsTord Knley. n well known luvenlle lead- ing man, fur spvprul si.-iwinn wlih Al. II. Woods' allrnell'ins. tiled Miiddenly uf heart failure In >lllrs Clly. .Mnnl.. Manli 21. Me was plarlng tho lead In '"Hie Vi.lhw Tiekpl" at tlio lime. l.ast ti.as.in .Mr. I.'.dey replier<I Jolin Ilari-yinore In Ihe nll ainp i-nsl nl Ihe Bliln.itf Thealpe. New York. I"iiiie.-Ml B<-rvli-ea were held In Mllei Olty, In rhnrile of Ihe Klks. nnd inenilaTn of "Tlie Vrl- liiM TliI.el" iiiniimny artist as pallla.BTers. Mr Fi.hy wns nii I'.lk of lleillamls. (Jnl.. No. BH:|, and wns Ihlrly fiiiir ymrs nf age, llreldea his parmiln, III InlMlo. (I., he U mrrlveil hy his wifp Mande KrskPip, n priifisisliinat idnnlst, who li.id lieea IrnrelluK wlih her Iinshand. and waa with blDi al Ihe end. 'I'oin .1. I.eligli, <aip of Aiiierlca'a oldrat acliira (iilnely-fonr years) dint at Waahlnglnn llelglila. N. v.. March 21. IIo waa Inpn In llnlllniope, .Md. ami had sittpiI In Ihn UItII War. sn ail nidn In flea, dioharl Ward. Is^vldet lielng a prlsoii'-r In AnderMniyllhi Prison, fnan which h» eai'iisHl after tlilrly-lwo days' eunDiiemenl. lit »<aii '111 Hip alagn when eighteen yeara of age. siul apiienriHl at the Knst ahrn tlnuilrn, the Chal- linni omi Old llowery. IIo waa a prominent ■Masiai and Is'loiigisl lo .Mivca Temple and all of the higl'.esi Masimlp organlcallona. Ihirinl waa nin.h. Ill F.yergrwii Onielery hy tlie Matuiia lliid Woodtlironr, an ni-lor and atage inan- mir Willi "Ihe New lleiirleitn" eoaipaliy, dli-.! In 1:111 Sngli.nw. MIrh, Appll H. He dpuifta-d denil 1,11 III.. siTivt from heart failure. He waa llfiv .le.ifM or np. nod well known In Ihenlrleala. Fur yinrs he Irnrelrd with Nat (loodwhi as Btagp dl iielin-. and early Ihia seaaeii ncled III Ihe same ini.nrlly f..r ".My La.ly'a Dreas." Ilia wife. Zetlli. I llhiiry. a well known aclriss and danghler of l.tiMa TlniMlpson nf llrlllsli llluiiilea fame, was 111'" Piiiber of "Tlip New Henrlella" cmnnaov. Ihe iHuIr was r.<-iii to Iielroll, .MIrh., for burial. <.'e<ir|ge II, ,le«a»|i. Hip well kiiuwii iilnr- wrlk-lil. died In l.<aiil<Mi, F.ng., March 'gi. Mr .le.»,i|i reliirne.l lo ICiiro|ie afler liilierlHlig ron- nlih.rnhle wenllli nnd lived Ihe life of • eoimlry L'l-nileinnn. He was the siiHior (»f "Samuel nf P..«eii" and rollaUirnted with Drander Mallhews. e, r;ih.g "Oil pridinllmi." and v.-Ith AiigiisluH I'lioii. fur "llie Irish Arllai" and "Tlie Powpr .if Hip Press, "Hhsmiis trllrlen" and ",My I.ndy M.dli" prialnrcl at Daly's 'llienlre In Ihls elly 111 IIiOI. (leorice A, 11, Jnlinann, who died sl I/w A.-fclis, Cnl.. IKs:., Ill, 11)14, of lidierci|l'"il«. whi.-h he eunlrnclefl while anting aa an engineer on the Piinnmn Oanal cnnstniellisi, wns at dif- ferenl lloien lend lo HaWlnl. Janiea O'Nell. Fre.1 Wnrde. I.<iuls Jn.r.ea and (lign Nelheisulf Ills Inst niiis.iir.ioen on tho singe wns In ''When KiilidilhisHi Was III I-'lrnvi-r." In 1010. He had nlso .ipis'.iinl with nwllon plclure coinponlet In Cnllfnrnln. .IrnneHe Wny (Mrs. OnrI H. Way) d|p<l *l SI. Joseph's ll.ividlnl. Syracuse, N. Y.. April Kl. fr'iin pneiini'Mil.-i. following no lllni.ai of three liionllis. Mrs. Way had unne lo Syracuse to Join Hie Wieling Hl'iek (Vi.. and waa taken 111, The Issty wns Tiroughl lo lier forna-p Inane on West (Ml" Ilnlidreil nml SlilmiHi HIrert. this clly. AVnrr«'n rorey. ni;isl Hilrtr-foiir rears, for M'vernl >enrs roiile n.ti.!it fur tho II. W. Tavlor nteriolre company. w,is f'aind dead In hit lied. In .S'ew 1,'niilon, (>ain., A|irll 11. Funeral rer- \l'<-;i were hehl 11 nnd Inirlal made In tbat cl'y- Nrllle l.'lipreile, well known aa nn« of hiir- lf.o|iie's h'adlii,f sliigrrs. aiwl for aereral teasona ullh Jicolsi A Jermwi's allrsrllona. died April i;i. nl Clileiico. 111., Pioiii iiitierniloala, Ti'K I'ATiiKn of Wlllhm fkirleton, of the Klaw A Kririiger slalT, nni a |ironilnent stage manaoer. .Ili.l nt St. dnhiis. N. II., Cnn., AiirH 18, t ?ew li'iiirs liefore his a/in nrrlred In thai city, after n fiv-liig irlp. 'Ilip fiiferil took idace 10. flcaldea William, one iluuifhier nnd twii .illier aona our. >l>e. Hip IntliT Isdiiit Iter. (t. P., ind Ounoly (V'tirt Judge John ,.. CsrIi'loM, liolh of whois IliiTP ll.nliy frleii.ls In Hie pnifertslon. FtiTr. TiisTrii. who enlrred the National Soldiers' lloine, Jnhnann Olty, Tenn,, Jid, S4, la>l. died there Fell. 10. and waa iMirlcl In that elly. III! wut well known lo toany old litu* nrhir:!.