New York Clipper (Apr 1915)

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16 TH^: YORK ei.IPI*ER. Apbil 24 ATTENTION OWNERS OF BDRLESQDE SHOWS Party would like to bny ONE HALF INTEREST in Bur- lesqne Show. Address INVESTOB, Clipper Office. GEORSE DUPREE & GERTRUDE EGAR COMBDIAR AT LIBERTY PHODUCIRO BOUBBETTB Hlotmiom' Hotel, CUrk St., Ctalc»go, III. WATSON SISTERS CO. RATING. Ilnok ChnruK Scciicrr Wardrobe lOU 100 lOO 100 PrliicliiBl. Nainbcr. Oomedr U5 10O 100 Tliln Hlirnr, In "Morocco IViund." hm Iwn irril wnrlli Holllng for. I'roin llic limp tlip clKhtrro Kiria, III cprlH? coloml ilromii'ii, oiH'iiril iiroccollnga, In llip flnnl low of llio r«in|inny, ovpiitH wiTC In- iiTMiInK mill I'liicrlaliilni;. Tin- MIwn W«l>on Kilt n good liami on rnlpring, nlxiiit nliip r. u., Hill! n'orkliig lliraunnoiil In liii-lr cnH.v, yft oBqc- llrii riiuiiivr, Kiivc full viiIik, Tliflr tfownn wrre in.ii:iillli'>'iil, nK utunl. .Iiii'k Mi'iimvui, nil llir .ilrnliilil. hiiH inxiil |ht wni.llly iinil n lliip ttniiii; vnln-, iiimI wIiIi a iii'iro iMilliililc M'li'L'll f HJII4II III liU yiH-cliiltjr UOIllll linvc Ih'cii pimlly n liniiilml ivr rout. |iiU|iosllfc>ii, III' iiIhii ilrt'oM'K nnil iioIh well, anil la a welcome iii'i,iiMil<>ii lu llip fiircpii o( burlesque. 1.1'v WMIInniH iIdph nnl overiilay Ibc Jew, anil l.'<l Mil llii- i-niii|i:iii.v nllolleil blin In itranR juilB- I<kIIIoii Io Iivn riercp, tlio funny Diilclitnon, v-hii now iiM'H II hIIiIc In uitdlllon to )iIh other iiiciiiniillHltiMriitH lu (lip fnnniiiklng Uiip, IIIh iiutn* Ivrs ivllli tlie rliiirut nil Hctireil. I'm' t>nrllni( illil fnlrly well with tbp Horocco fflrl. Ihuujfh Hlip mitflil hnvp lippn a little more riiriWul III lipr inirKuU of Jack Allien. Oliarli'4 M. llluiiHi iloiiltlpil na n liail raao from ilip Woal lu Ihp iHillcpuinfi number ilonp by Plprrp mill IVllllnniH, iiinl oh Hip Morocco pnilutiurj, mi-l iii.iile ji tfinil liiijtroaiilitii. A. llllller was n llTply bell boy, witb Kiwi ilaiiplDK It'Ba. uliii 111^41 I;ik0fi a trip to .Morncco, niitl nhiiwfil np wi'll In huiup Uaitclnp and elnulng PjllHIHlpil. Mblipl Muliliini hlioweil o nunilier of enlcliy ishiiiiiip rliiiii4:4*H 111 her cburncter of the InillpA' iiilIiI. Ill liiT anlliir Hull ami In tlip Drlrnfnl KiiH'ii. Klie WfiTi jiart Iriilnrly iillractlve; niiil ilio pxiti-ImiI a an'<H*t hiukIiik volet*. Till' cliuriiH u.'iH I'vpiil.v malcheil as In ImkH and vlgur of arlliiii, nml iiolhlni: ivaa HllKbliil l>y any iif llie iiuHiilH'r.i, wlilrli lucluilei*: Nellie .McNanico. Ili'la I'>rnaiiilec, Mup U'uvllt, Kiliin UrIaloiV, lliin'l Wine, Jp'in d'oluiiiil. Ktennnr Tull.>'. AiiUt McOliiakey. Ilplle Oiiurl, Allele Allien, Lucille C\iiT\- iiiliM', Lkirulliy iltaiilpy, draco Ulakc, Lrooa Court, Ullly Unrr, Juacpblno Mack, Leota Ueanr, Kilnt lli'laiiuiT. The niualcal niinibvra Included "Let Ttilv Do Mi.llK'r'a Day," Iiy Ullll.'r anil Mian Mnliluni, wItb iIbiiit: "I'm n Nul," by lien IMerce, wbo r*?* •Tullrtl fmni the eboriiH hi-vit.iI alngiTH In Irluli, limvb, llelirew, llapliii;, auil Kreiicli elylc; "Alu- liniiia Jiilillee," liy Jack .Mili'll. willi auini' tpithl full wiifk; "PolU^.'oieirB Troiililtn," by Pierce and Wllllanm, with a run In with n aulTraiiTlt*, anil a Hcrjip Willi 0 euwlwy, liicludliiii aoiue funny inin iilay; "VouiiKHlera of tbe t:. S. A.." the millor i<iy iiuiiilvr III iiretlj' nnlforniH; "Hack to IHilO' Iiinil." by llie walBoii (flrla; "llelle of the liouU- Minl." Iiy Kllly Wnlauii, ulth tlie Klrl* In awnioipr bliifk tliihlH; "I<ovp Me or I^-iive Me Almii'." well witrlail up by Kllly AVnlroti tiiiil Jiirk Mellowaii; "'riH' WliiiiliiK' WbliiwH." leil by riuiiiv WalMui, Mini ilip bidlpH III bini'k. and "Mu^K'>'u IImiiiiI, the oiH'riillr eiiMPiiiliU*. 'Pile \Vai!«<'ii Slrtierri otrproil llii'lr MiH'clally In llic Bn'oiid :iil. alUKlni; "Ilni'k to Ibe Kami," "Ilird uf i*NraillM>" mid "1 Can't Slop from I.hvIuk Yon Niiiv.'' A iwp man ciunel. rlildeii by Wllllania, and IP'l liv I'Ipri'p. «'n» llip cniiw of niuph inprrbiiint. '"Ibe Orli'iilnl Ui'verle." .luiiir at Ibe opening, u'ltli tho pretty H'ltliiK, waa well llke<l; nhi> "tlo- nH'cu l.Miiil," liy Kitty WiilHon. Jack MciliiwaD*a K 'UKH Included ".'4be t'lied In He the Mluwest Qal III Tiiwii" well iiiil over,- and olliers, 'I'lie Oonuily Qniirn'tle aiiiiu :<i'vi ml aelecllona, id vvlilcb "niibllii lliiy" Weill parlleularl.r tilrotig. "Mllo" wuM ti rteiid-iirlenliil iniiiiber, and called for a llulit liiiirli of HWiiyliit; by llie ulrl-f, as aang liy riiiiiiy WnlHin. "In Aiiii'ricn'' win nicely liiiu'il. iiiid led III llie (liinlp. Tlie eolnedy. wltb I to- ibiiii'e tlekelH aihl Ibe liobl*iip, ^vi'iit well. 'I'lie MtnlT; Owi. K. ll<<IfraKe. iiinnnger; Krank L, Siiilih, Inmlnes'i nnnnper; Ohan. 11. Kuebler. am- Kleal direclor. UiH D.IXUY fiini.N. Harry .T. Siiilib, impul-ir iiiiiiiiu^er of tho Aca* iN'iiiy, I'lllibiii'iib. 1*11., Hiepintl liilo Ibe rule iif a l-niihipi-r liial wtH>l:, wlieii be preM'ittiil IiIm pMlroiia Willi an eiillrely new pr«Mlui'iloii, eiilllled Ilia lini'dy (ilrlH, HhiKfl by Mini elevir eiimi'iljaii, Willlle llnMika. wliikalrto iihlHleil lu Ibe full liuiklilg, Mr. Siiillli biiM 4,'iillii'Teil I'lm'ttier n very I'lerer cnn- pfiiy of eiipalde irt-rfiiriiiiTa. 'llie '-.i-lllirjn of Ilia llrnl iii'l n>|m^aeiilpil Ibe fiinn yard, llie iim'aiarj lumiii. iif sevenil lialiw of bay, plleliforki', Oblek- <*iiH, piKK. bariieaa, ele. NVnlllc llmokrt. In Hie uart of n nilv kM. emld mil lie liuproved uihhi, und (he nvelved iiiauy rounds of laiiulin for bla eceeiilrlcllb-i. Kred <liilllaTil, na ibe SlierllT. alxo ns:<lHleil lu Ibe fun making, while Ibe aeeiie Ix'lneen Oidllapl and Ik* <lllvep, lu ttlileb Ihey eiillveiieil tliluKs wlib a feir flMllriilTa, waa funny, ilwyiiet Dortiey eliaraelor- Ired Ibo jinrl 4if'au old eoiitilry woiiinu lu pleiiMliir wlyle, Biiil rrnilen'tl ber hpvernl niiiulK'ra lu Kood viilei'. May .Mnl'lierwui bad everylioily raining Willi ber. WalHe llrookn anni: "lie's a Small 'I'owQ Spun." Ileiie I'Mnnrda niid Helen lllylbe 4-ni'b luid one aiiiig. Tlic «wuil purl look place lu an olllco of & Ibenirlenl nL'eul. luid Ibe viivIoiih elTorlM id i>pr- foriiiera npplylii'.: fur Job.s wni bulli'n'ns In Ike uiw, lirlnelpally Ibe work of .May .Mel'heraon and Jninle DIeaon, as the, "llnni and l-iv Mlalorj." Iko Oliver. In niitly vn'ani i-idonsl miIi. baikisl >ind aeled for nil the world like a "ri'KUlar air.ilirht liiali," HUnielliliii; wi< Iinve nol U>eii niiy Inn wc\l favcpeil with for m>iih' iPne. iiiid be aiiiig "everal iinuilK^ra In u'inhI Hiyte. •rllo shivhiK "f "A I.IMie Slnirk of I.iiTe Still Hiirnlng," by Helen llliibe. liier ai-ilHid br Iletio KdwnnlH nml ii i,-i»iip fniiii ibi> eliorua waa tlie tuMtf lilt, while "'riinl riihrlev ain|,liu Wnlk." n>. aunc by Ike Oliver, wllli Ibe eiillr^- ehn'raa 4bet:Ki d na llie itupiiliir iiiovle tiiiiii, ereali^l ih> end <if kiHid humor. Tim rostiiinlni; allowed pinl laale. W, J. V^clk- >ni fiirnlHbi<il a iilii^ iirocrMin. The ebuniK liieliiilea; .MiK' ^lorl<<>. Hert. nna.ell, Hal* Kriilerleha. Trlsle llodliH'. Marvle llopkliu, Helen lllylbe, lleiie IMwnrila, I':ibyl Kdwaiili, I'l-fc'By (\uroy, ilerl Harria, May Viiii. Anna I.eiiike Vivian Jewell, Jennie Oleaon. llnrrv J. ^•ui'.lli 1m 4,1'iiernl ninnnger. TIIK .Morrlam-y Slatora clow.1 wllb the iJnT •New \orkirM. April 111. Till-: rrlio AVhijiers will elinii' nt I'lilinro May K. S-'I'jil^K boTleeiiiK. will N- |invpiifoil al ilio n.'ndlllae, Drlrolt, wllh John J. Illnek aa iiniliu'.'r. TIIK burlesque B»'n»oii at the NIvon, .Mlnnilo <illy. clim'il wllb the IlolieinbiiiM. InsI \v»vk. Tla> liiMiae will give Snudav nmi-erla imlv. TA'YI.OU'H TANdO nilil.s closed. April 17, al I'lilladeli'hin. I'lIK IHcb I.lfe OlrlH will lliilsli. JI. at rhlla- lU'lphla. "I'm'J'niUlOlI roi.l.Y" AUI»XM«»N wni l.-iek to Ibe Smoky Oily laal week wllb the (Mrnn'ou lieiiiillea. Riiil waa kept biiKy wvliig lih laaur Imnl frlMidh, I'KI'IM.AIl Sin IIANKIN, ubaid of llie Mlllbal m>;iar Dolls wna In Imvii last wivk. looking after Ibe nilvaiiee work for Hint alerling nllraeil'iii. Kill wi.\M be baa aoine allow, and the title doci mil over edliuatc tbelr value. MADRIXR TAnKRIl HlflNKn. mily llk^rf Tpial) Walaon has signed Mabclle Parker for an tn^iiorlnnl Kite In one of bla at- tracllnna for next eeason; also for Samnwt alock In I'olenion, M, J, Lilian her rrccnt rcalgnatlon tmm the Otimt Maid Co. ahc wua offered a Oallerlog ccalract for next aeoton b^ niulch Cooper. tVII.LARD A PBATIIRE!. Je«B n'lllaril le a apoclal feature at (be Oalety. Kauaas City, Mo., April 21-24, en route to hh lioDic at Los At)g<>lea. "liABB" \VIIBEr,F,R, cloHing wllh the Cllj nclles. In KaDsaa CIt/, thla week, will open t Hummer atock engagement In lihlladelnhia, Slay X OAi^R8 OP "UbBW" are fumlahM Ibe atock liiirlrai|ue comfian.v ploying at the Academy of Mualc, I'ltlsburirli, by a local brewery, and after eacli mntlnee and nlgiit ahow o bottle li pneaed to earli of the company wlio la In need of Ibe re- rreabnient, Kml Oulllard, Ibc Dutch coinic of the ahow, Is In the lead, bnl claims the boiilra oie entirely loo dlmlniiilTe. Jerry Colllna, tlio prop- ertr man, la one of thoae aeosntlve chopa who baa Uvn running to the protection of Jennr Oleaoo every llnie'nis feellnta are hrulaol by his asao- clntea. and tbey do eay It la avrloim. Jack West and Irr. Mvluiralon are recen: addlllons to tbis company. Joining April 10. TlIE ColiiMililP.. New York, Is lieliig frealiencd up for the Summer by the lllierjl iipplluntlob ot new paint. TIIK Drenmlania closed for (he scBHoa April 17. a I Ibo l''niplr<>, llrouklyn. Till': (Inlely, Uoaioji, and the Weatmlustcr,' I'lf/vbleiico, elowd Ihia week, IIAItlir DUTCH WAllD. of the Winning WliliiwM, will present tabloid burlemiuc la vaude- 'j!le. MRS. MILLS, molher of Jane I-e Ileiu, died April M, at her lioine In New York, and waa burled In Woodlawn Oeniclcry, April 10. TOD'S TIPS BIII7 HancT' flame. Dear "ToUSluce giving up my rotitc In tuc I-^at la January, on account of my lieallli, I have been bere nt 117 State Street, North Vcruon. Inil., trying to regain It. 1 oni .sulTorlng from tonauniptlou of the bowels and, Ibu' uliowlug no ImitroveuieiK, I am llgbtlng liard Juat (be sniuc. I ilou'C uccil DDy help, but you know many ot my friends may want to drop me a line to cbecT me up, enpcclally the "lloofcrs" tliiit hung around "tlie Corner." Hest ot luck to you, Ullly llaney, ot llnuuy aud Long. LILLIAN nilADLEY will give d concert aud dani'c at tbc I'Inza Ilotel, Wcducuday uveulug, April iB. DOC O'NEIL and DOLLV lOLEKN arc not ■niirrylng about heliig "•booked," now thui llicy've vlgucd a lite coutrurt. TIIOSK ItOttlE and ItOBIIi; girls Imd big uiiln.i; ut rruetur's Uuu llundrcil and Tivonty-lltth Street, I'J-l-l. Tbe Kimt Side Ilarlfniltsj suru thought tbeu nbout us neat 11 couple ot "slsturii" a« has hit thut iivlKlikorhoiid In aomo time. •FREDDIW HKCQDK will open his Congers, N. \'., pletiiru I11111.SP, Mny 1. The hoj BU'tui'C Diagnutc has booked Charlie Cbaii- u comedy teutuics rljbt up till June S. OKimiliniO MITCIIEt/L, "(ho Ultlo blonde" ■tt'ltli (be Uackotit I'lnyers, nt Snse's t)no Hundred aind Sixteenth titreot, U con- iUderliiK doing n "<louklc' In vaudeville, or going In for the pictures, after tho «umiiiiiiy closes In llarlum, OAUIl Kir.VYYAM, thft tliree liimdrt^l ami fnrly-llireo pound tauKolst, diiui'i'il with many of tho guoatB ot .Mux Vulls" Al- liiiiubi'u Gurdeu, lant Krldiiy evenlug. It wua I'lilled "Ouinr Night" anil Ih-sIiIpm Hid «lvliig iiwiiy of a silver loving cud prize nr the winner of the "lucky number" coiiti-st. Dnmr cigiirpttes, pnckod In nent leiillier cases, were dlstrlhuted .iiuung the .imtiiiiiH. liy courtesy of the American •Tobacco Co. ORArE KI.I.S'E and LILA OlIBSTKll (ot the roriner 'niniihuuser "Million Hollar My.slei'y". feiilure M'i'ecn serial) broke lu a bniiid-iievv doulile iiel up-S(nle last week. II hioks gnuiler I linn any llnii u Ims vniidevllled hr Hinee slio ulsii was a "ilulv.TliiK plelure" luviirllc for the 'J'bnulioiiscr people. JOE WAIID'S Iniinclilug Into nlTiilrs and re- I'piplK of Ihu College Inn, uii Ono llun- dreil and 'I'wonty-Uftli Street, luis niiidu business Ixiuui up wonderfully.- The phuo liiis been re-dci'oriiti'il Into a "beauty spot" now, and -with Joe, Davo Koi, Vlllle BeliftolTer nud (Jene La Tour lead- ing iiumbcra In the "revuc.s" (wlil<'li will lie ''huiigcd every iwo weeks), the Inn la drawing lluely. A group of good lookers Io make liackgriuind and add life to the "sliiivv" Includes I.llllan t'larkp, (MTlruile .Mason, IVggv Norton. Klnrenie He Vere mid llelle Oyer. I'hll Colien Is nl tlie pliiiio. There's real eiitertnlu- iiieiit al the liin. LI'm.K MAimC EI.INK, "The Thanlionspr •Kid," gave a special nertorniniice of her act while playing In Washlnglnu reeeii'lv, for the orphans of the Caidtnl Cltv, wlio were chuiieroiied by 'lirs. DaiiloU, wife of the Socretarv of the Navy. After Ibo iierforinanco, .\1ik Daniels and I.ltilc 'Sfiirle "received" on the stage. Mrs. I). Ktatiil tliiil Mile liotiisl to live lu mcc the ilay whcu Marie ISIIiie was In lights ns tlie stnr ot the Amerlcaa otage,—aii-l didn't forget to heap some coinpllnienta upon MI.S9 mine'R leading luun, ten ye:ir old Kiigpuc lIK-sslng, imrtlculnrly Inter- ested lieeiiuse ahe Jia^a four of her own. I.lttle Mario liad the honor ot meeting I'resldent Wilson at the White lluuso .diirlng lier eusngpiuent. and was also pntorlabiiMl by Mrs. Kennedy Stout (Mrs. Tliauhonaor'a slRter). ULOasOM SKHI.WV Just na proud of Rulie Maripiord'a no •lilt victory of last week ns any loyul New 1'orker. Is maMng her return to vaudeville at IIaminerstc4n'8 this week—lier llrprt since closing at th© Winter C.irtlen. Niw If "Itube" takes a "how" wllh 'MIIoss," why,—er— FRANK ritliMI'l'S hurry call Into the Co- loHlal bill Inat week was biM'auNC "llrriu" 'I'lndiprg care<l nary n bit nhout Hie bllllnir he hnd. K0I3I. KAIINKSTOCK haa replnrctl Carl ItouduU ud Kmuia Carua' partner. TWO DANCINt BOYS flood appearance for recognl7x:d act. Apply KICUHONU UDSIO CO. MS W. «llth St., N. V. 0., beU 1 aatf 8 T. M.niurgday 6-ROon mmm iPMiEfr Modem. All conveniences. Piano. At 391 W, 4i)d Ht., one nifflit, frouL It«aBonable. Inonlnol JTOBttAY OI.A'rTOI|,--WltIt« Bats,. M9 W. 4atlf Haw York, JOE McANALLAN, "Th« Irish Tenor,'' Till close bis comgomcnt at the -Hotel OHIsy, Id Cleveland, April 29. He has reor- ganized a "Four*' to open in vaudeville In Detroit, 2a THE FOtm BOSARS (Pa, Ma, EUecD and Ulldrcd) report "cnioylng splendid sea- son" with tne Dllly Allca Uuslcal Com- edfc^Co^ IRVINff FIART Is singing "Virginia Lee" at (be Ilarlcm Upera House this week, during Sol. Levoy's sojoura for health with tlie Mrs. aail babe. In Lakewood, N. 3. Manager Swift returned from that "Idleaesc" place last week, but Mrs. Swift la Nllir there, adding to her Im- proving health. BILLT OLASON Is Intttta Elitb week at the Bhawqiut Tbenlrc. Uoijjury, Mnas., under the mai(Bgeuient ot J. Lowrle. He Is contractea for a fttty-two weeka' run, al- ternating In Mr. TA>wrIe'a four theatres, the Sbawmut, Deacon, Modern and one la Nathua, N. 0. Olason's way of 'putting on popular aongs aid dressing tbem, has made bim .1 ponnlar laa throughout the Nev lilcgland Statca. BETH STONE and FRANK nUOHES, "a couple of ncwlyweU*," arc "going" great guns on Ibe Orpb>nm Hme, wirb tbelr "Hypnotic Klsa"" dan'elng Bet, HAZEL KIRKE. who was recently out on (he "lilg dmc" bousep wItb her trio turn, Is now one of the drawing featofps of Diistanoli7^s'"i£eej> SmUbig'^mldnlgbt NEXT WEEK'S BILLS V. D. O. CIRCniT. Alirll SOritiiiY- 1. ATLANTA—consYTD: Uqnatcb Oooiedy Four- Toby Clande * Co.—Oai'lflr i Wolera—Llie/ OlUette & Oo.—N^soa & Kelsoa—Bornham & Irwin, ^ nnoOKLTK, N. y.—OBPnSHJMt Otrtrade Hoir- maun & 0>, — Avon Oomedy Fo»r — AdelUie Franela-Momaaf.T ft Hackett—Kurlls' Kooet- erf-^'Ttngo' 'Shoea" —Hin ts ft F^a, BROCKI,'YN. N. T.—BU.SHVICK; HtnnUie Shone ' ft 0>.—Uyal ft E^rl.T-^teaon—LorraU)e ft Rurka—Que^nle Dbnedln—Pl^ax ft Panla— Uertha Kallach ft' Oo.—Trbtle Frlgansa ft'Oo. —White ft Jsacn'i. BOOOKLYN. N. Y.—PROSPECT: Duffy ft Lorens —KrJn>er ft Mortoo—Tbe 1* Orobs—Ciurt- ney' Slsten—iMattbews, 6bayne ft Co.—Keno ft Green-Mme. Dor«e & Oo.—^Tba Stebncks —Ulack Urjj. DAI.TIMORT:— MARYLAND: Prldkowakl Troupe —Iliirr.v lloiiulnl—Cliick Sale—Cordon ft lllca—Jack Ueverenux & OD.—Do/la A DUoii—Wllla Holt 'WakeOcld. DOSTt>N—KEITH'S: Tho niqdlators—Roorn-T ft Dent—Stuart Harnes—Udrrell ft ODawuy— Kddle Oarr ft' Oo.—Samoya—LIgblner ft Jordan. BliFFALO—flHKA'S; VlolIn«ky—Ray Dooley Trio—1..Illy a™ Mel—Olara Morion ft Co.— .Viirlo ft Uuny—Kddlc Foy ft Foya. LUILMiKGIIAM—I.YRIO: Smitb ft Kaufman- Emerson & H.-ildwln— Mr. ft .Mrs. Jlmmla Ilarr)'—Uoundlng I'dteraons. CINOI.VNATI—KEITH'S: Hans Knuold—Wblt- Held 4 Ireliiiid Co.—Evelyn Neabll ft CO.— lleynolds ft Uuoegau — ferry—Urs. Uene llugbcs ft Oo. CLEVELAND—KKITH'S: Rurr ft Rope—Oleo (lascolgnc—Ailler ft Arllnc—l,cacb, Walleo Trio—lllEk's & Wllchle—l,.i France & Druc« —Four Janleys—.Mrs. Leslie Carter ft Co. COLU.MDIJS—KBITR'S- Jean ainllnn—Five An- nnjiolls Hoys—Long 'fnck .Suto Co.—Soilcb I.ada I.assies — Frank .Mnllnni'—Awlnl Uudda—lllckey Iltus.—McOoiinell ft Sluip<on. CIIARM'STON-VICTOniA Flr^t.balf: Mrraliia < A Dudley. Last half: Ullt I'rullt—Mplca'a Uaiid—Solly Fauilly'* DI'7rH()IT--TBMI'LE: Une ft O'Donnell—Uo|ie Veriioi - lk'iidl.\ I'lii.vers—Orthcrlw Colycrt I..idille CHIT—Crouch ft Welch—Four ToMca iilblera. KltlK—rOLONIAL: Oxford Trio—Afpyako Trio— Uiiuliar'M Hell Klngcra—lliurher ft Madleoii— Allmnu ft.ySlcue. I'ORT WATN'K—KRITH'S t Leonard A Hii-vpII— Mel.olliin & Carsou—Uarry TboiIi- Kulb ft llnrland—lloudinl Bros.—JToo Laugilons. OIWNP IlAPIDit—ORPnEUMl.Chaa, F. Senion— Uosi> Valerlo 3r.Tletle—Obaa. Howard Co. —^Tuicano Uro:.—Alexander Kldi. INDIASAPOLia—KF.ITIFS: BrlU Wood—Irene Frinkllii .11 Co.-l'a(,'e. Hack ft Mack—Frank North Co. JACKilONVII.I.K —ORPIIRUM: Jpwpl'a —McOormack ft Wallace—llert Fllrclbljou— \Vobcr, Uulan ft Fraaer—John U. Ilyiuvr ft Oo. IX>iriSVILLR—KRIIVl'S: Glgiida Olllbimvater ft Co.—Uanl|ncr Trio—Ball 31 Weal—Kva Tan- (oay—Frank TuryT-^thur Uarat. LONDON, OAK.—liBITira: Six Song Birds. It UlL IIONTRRAL, OAN';—OnrmtllM; tfooie ft Toiuig —Oinlor ft l*c—Veriilc Kaufmin—Jolin ft Map llurke—Frauk Ullmore ft Oo.—DIaiuoud ft Uinul. N. T. CITY-irAaUlKRflTBlN'S: Uoran fts Wlaer —Will IIOKPn—KtUel. Oreco—McMiboii ft Oiapiiflle—Fruuk^ Ftjprty— JIoiiod. ft lipo— Dalnly Marlp-^AaJah — Eiposttlon I^onr — O'DrIrn, Ilavel A Dx' N, T. CITY—OOLONtAL; Chlei CapaollcaiH-. Ileaale Clayloii ft Oo.—^Wblte 'ft King—Unrry lltteo. To (111. , N. T. CITY-^LIIAMnnA: Ttola Gllletlr ft Oo. —Bhrnra ft Crawford—Ota Ojgl—Schnnrta Bros.—Donnib Olaas ft Oo.—Ilawaid'a Ponlea —Swor A Mack—Th* acbmetlans—Qracc Da Mar—Bernard OraBTllle—Ameia, N. T. CITY—ROYAL: n*Ainon> ft Doojdaas— Du CHllpa,—Jowph Jorevtaon ft . Co.-ITcnry Q. Itudoir—MIsaca CanipbcU—Oliree Ankers. KCRFOLK—WLONIAL. First half: Many nrooka ft Co.-91 ft .Maiy. Strbblnik-IJud- Wlllon nma. ft Dnnnam. Last hair: Carilo ft Koll. To mi. CTTAWA OAN.—DOMINIOX: Ckil Rmloe ft C3B. —Mcwarl ft Itonahue—Hlbol MncUooougb—. King Bros.—Slaalrr Qabrlct ft Oo. AT LIBERTY After May I for Musical Comedy Wli.l.lAIVI8 Prodaerr Bud PlATwrlght, CharMlers aiid Bualcaal BoTelties. Three vears, . Tel., »t Old mil, Orpneum and Happy Uonr Theatres. T^ohonilred Ublolds on ban ' **• OUIVE M. WIlLUIAIS/IS Chatrseters atnd apoclaaltUt, Pianist. Rapid Sight Reader.Tranapoae. Menu,, Wo can handle largo or snutU producUong. Addrcaa 2oa Chlhnahaa Street, Kl fn^ ■■• Tex. ■ WANTED-STAGE PEOPLE AND BAND TOcomplolo PITMAH STOCK Co, Opening In tent rep. Hay 20, Northom Iowa; rohcareaU \7TV Two Strong Comets, one to lead band; Clsrinot. Trop Urummer, Baritone, VloUn to le^?, Yonng, aood Looking Oen. Biz, Woman, speclaltlct necessary; flood Jnvonllo Leading Man ' "1 necessary; Oonvasman to doulilo band. All men mast double band aod own their InatruaiPi.i .'.•"* only vctaatllo, well dressed and well behaved people. Acdng people fend pictures nod nr oer,'';'. .",1 say Jnat what you can and will do. B007.C, positively no. Tickets If wo know you or Tou ri.i, , ""' yoa'ie saiisre. Salaries In money, not promlsca, no name right flguro. .r "lou M,uir m Address PU VOYLE ft PITM AN, Korthwood, |..'.i:,. mm QWCI-Forthe BIQ CltWRABf DRAMATIC (X). 2°.ii"te,^^j«r' for Leads and Heavies, to nirccU Double Band If po.islble. Woman for leads. WomanforOhnr ..'i;:"" Bos., with Bpeclaltlos. Violin, double Comet or Baritone. Trombone, to doable Stage Tmn ii'r,, '"'' doable Stage. Comet, double Stago or Piano. Char. Man, double Tubs. Advance Man dSn ,i > "^i- Olhernscfnl People wrKe.stodng lowest salary. Pay own. No Imjozo. All People eDgsffcil rpnr.iV ll''' hearaal May Ist. Iddiess aU maU Mgr. BIQ CALLAHAN DRAMATIC CO., Oen. DeT., Chlm go iicitf"": 'lo" EMPIRE SHOW PRINT BOONVILLE. N. Y. nBST-OLASS WORK LOWEST, PRICES PHOMTT SERVICE 8«nd ns yonr ordew and save ftorn lo to 20 per cenu on your printing. Harrrson Sisters (Pat Oaae^ &geno]r) BtBglta, >Mt airl Banitlaf la Hie Wtrld IBOUT MOHOMeSI Every Honologlat has i» hard game and as tar as material goes, he shonld provide blm- self with THE 'VERY DEBT. MAOISON'S BU0GEnio.l5 fOntamB U "TwcntletU Centory" Ifono- logaes, pat together on tho "every line a langh" principle. Tlioy are bright, funny and original. The cuntcuta also Include 8 wonderful Acts for two males and 7 Acts for. 'CLBle and female, 10 Parodies on I'opubir Songs, 3 great MIn.itrcl Ilrst-psrts, a aide- splitting one-act farce, bcaldcs hundreds ot new gaga, jokes, crosa-flre bits, cto. Price of MADISON'S SVDaBT, No. IK U OHX) DOItLAR, and moncT back If yoa Dsyao. JAMES MADI86N, lOtSTBIliDAVEHUB.ABWTOB'V WANTED QUICK m us MiTii; mm Also Vonnc Leading Hkn and Best People In tb« Dramatic Ijine' Alrdome time. Slate all In-flrat Ict'cr. IpayHll after-Joining. Never close. Uoozers and t-rouble makers don't answer. AONBg OEVER STOCK CO., liyrlc Thentae, Sherman, Texaia. STRONG OOMEBY AST FOR SALE Male and Female Ohamctera, Scenery, Bnl Tmnk (almost new;, scrip, Music, Ualf Tone and Pnotos, If desired. $100 takes It. WIU take $M ilown; bslaacc 111 payments. This Is u snap for some 011^. Have other Acts to dJsposo of. Leaving liuklni'K!, Address BOB and BERTHA HYDE. ma Worth latia St.. PhlladelpMn, Pa. ORCHESTRA LEADER, Violin AL LIBERTV—May 3 flood references. AddrciiS CLKM, A. LAWRENOE, care CUPPER OFFICE, New York: LADIES' EVBM GOmSfS used. Latest designs. I catiir especially to the the- atrical tmdo. downssent'C. 0. l).,brlvlLetro of In- spection. Urs. A. ISNEIt, m 9Uth Ave., N. Y: BASE BA1.L National league POL O CROU 'iiPS American league Opening April 22 I'lULADKM'niA — Kmn'.S: Pert Krrol— NoiiilU'—rtiihl. 1)0 Moat Trbi—Kn]lv:iniu— llnrr.v l''i'rn & Co.—lU'iiirlro Ili'n'nnl—Nora llayrs—l.uuiH'lte ^jlaKTs—J:iiiii'.<i Uoiiiilo 'flioriiloii. riTTSnuitail—GRAND 0. n.: Carolliio While —•Marx llroa. ft Co .Mini Kliu—:<;Uirk ft Verdi—Wills ft Hunuau—Keoue & Window ' —Al. Hvrniau. HOOIll'STBR—TEMl'LF: Claiullni: ft Scarlet— Joe Cook — Oiwjyr ft Sinllh-"The Red Honda"— Sitl Naiarro 'I'roniic—Loulu Stone— llocliin CouneUl ft Co.—Julia Nagh ft Co. RICHMOND—I.YllIC. VIrst half: CarilA ft.Noil, 'fo till. Last half: SI ft Marv Stebhlua— Many Drooka ft Co.—Lliid—'Wilton Bioa. ft Duubaiu. OnPHBUlU CIUCUIT. April liU-May It CIHOAOO—MAJESTIC; Mcrcwlps—Cniaa ft Jo-' acphla4:--MaBl«r (".abrlel .V Co.-Harry Lester Mnsoa—Karbcr ,Slslcn<—Urunaon ft Daldwln —.Miirgnt Krancold & rarlner. CUICAno-^PALAaE; Iltnrletle Cromnaiin ft Oo. —I'etclfal ICnltfht A &>.-McWuttcra ft Tyson —Millie Weatoii-Four Danubee—nnymoud ft Caferly-r^arahall 'Montgouery—Ilartmas ft VartdT. OOLOnADO SPHINCS (anllu wllh Lincoln!: firant ft Greenwood—OHvlvlIlp ft UIkbIuk- K1I1.V of Uie World—.Moore ft-Jesklna—Duoler- It Kvclyu—Wright ft Dlclrlcb—Tbc Croin- wclls. KANg.\S CITY—OEPnrcuU: longhlln's Doss- Nan, ilaloerin—Rlgoletto Brw.—WUtlju ft Dun—Aik'lalde ft Ilugbee-^ugh Herbert ft Oo.—OetTO. LOS ANOBMiS. OAL—OUPHRTJU: DranM ft: Melnlyre—Korvllle 'Kninlly—l>arlllo ft-Frablto RIdler ft riemlii*—Ilanley Troupe—Ucnila ft I^w Ilearn—Uaralnion l4>wtlier—Oieasr ft IHme. LINCOLN-Oni'IlKUM: (Spllta wlUi Colo. Sprluta) WllUaiu Morris ft Co.—(Irant ft llnenwooil—KdKc of the WoiJd-r-UelUUIe ft Illcglna—^Tlie CtooiwellA—Moore ft Jeoklna. DBNJFR—ORPUBlfM: Ma Helle A Dalirt—RiT Saaiuela—Illg city |i\MU^IWrll«h—P«flle!a Dunn—Uooil ft Wyde—^ack Kennady ft 0>. DPS MOINBS—ORPHKIIM: Valerie Btrgere ft Co—Tom Kunia—"Tbo Wall n»twf«n"— trclghton Ilro». ft DcIoMnt-Kraaollna ft IJarraa Ilrai.—Iliisaer ft lloyle—ltpn>.'« Flo- rli'.n.T. DULUTH—OlIhUKUM: Iloey ft Lee—Darlca Paai- Clipper Post Office . In order to avoid nlatnkes and (0 InHnre the prompt delivery i.l'd" CAKD nauat be aent requpatlnu' na to fornrord yoar letter. It muai }he addreaa to which the letter U » be aent and the line of baalneiM fol. luvred by the aender ahoald be men. lloned* Plcoac m«ntlon the date (or num. ber) of the CLIPPBH In wSilch Vli. lettera aent for 'were advertlned. LlADIGS' LIST. Atutin, Katbryii Archer, EMna Ackeirmann, . Aiaistrong, Mrs. D. a. nceoo', KOle UotIs .Mrf. Win, nnaa, Freda lluase, Mlas Kerger, Mrs. Dorhcau Annette Darclay, .Van Bollotliil, Clira. Iloiver, Mlaa H, llrundoge Bessie Compton, Dixie Crafts, Otanhby Caotwell, Corhine Chestik Cherren Claik. May Connor, Delia Campbell Mamie Everctte, Crelgbton, Courtney. Paulbie Lie Forreat, Corlnne De Forrest, Sadie De Nord, Mabel De Follart, Jiv-dyn Domont, Evel^ Diamond. Jean Darloy, Flo . Diivls, Stella DlckJ, May Kllsworth, Dot Lee Dufree Jeanctto Emery, Lillian Hale 6ertnule Fdwln, Jaae Ford, oiace FlMpstiick, Helen Foliier. Myrlam Fielding Pauline Ooodwlo, Hue OagDun, Mrs (Haude Ornnvillo Marie fla^il^r, .'Ura. 3. M. HatllPld, Fannie Jlivrrly, Ida nntlics, Adcie Hilton, Marble Ifolden, nuib Hdlmes Norlne E Hones, Grace Barbara Hoirmon. Ulld.i ridtt, Mrs, !.«« Ainette Haneachke Kitty Iiii^Tabnui', Leo Dale Jobason, Oenovlotc Knowlton, Pearl La Croix. E.He Little, Mis. OT La Vane, Mrs. t>eonii;d, Miss .M Lynch, lilma Phillips Louboresui. Mme. La .Mon( Mlllan La Bcrgere Elsie La Tour. KatbrlMO Lloyd, Aniti Ilelmrl; Meliiottc. \iWt Mickey Dorolh/ Uumfonl, Sirs. T. s. Mock, Sanib Mack. Ksilicr- Ino I.*iv)j Uasten, )Iec O.iHood, Annl'.i Paul, Mae K. roMor. Mrs. P. W. Piels. S'jillc E Rockwell Maiiile Rayinoml. Flslc Betel, DoroUij llyaii, Duroiliy Hose, Siidlc Itlch. Annie Spaelli, Gra<>' Si.;der. .MaVI Slewort,'t .''birley. Kva Tultlc. Liiu.'4 Virginia, l):il>'.v Vincent liwi uiili.' Vnliler. .Miiv WaKon. I.i'iil«e Whitney. Kdllli A. Walters, llcli'ii Wells. Lnari Walker. Au:vlic WulWili. 1-1'Jinia Wittliigloii. l''Iurfiu'^' Warden. Mlsri .Vim WilBon. Oirliiiic Wllllanm. I'«'ll Zulek.i, rrlin"*! OENTLBiniN'S LIST Arnold, Bert Austin, Edw. •iiiiiuiiii, !/.•.. Alices ft Glllam Uoirlson, Joe L. Andrcyeff Waally Hutchinson, O. Adama, J. K. Austin, T. W. -Alton, Tom l.'ernard, (<eo. I'.arrelt, Charlie JlcrrUi, Geo. F llurclay,. Lee 11. L'oniictt. J. linker, David IliaMtt ft Scott llcllgurdt. U. K, ilryout. no/ Iluxter, Nell llell, Arthur Unrry, Billy XIuDiinoiid, Chaa. Hoops lUllnun, Cbaa.. lllnmaD Cant. U llonland, O. V. .Icswn ft JossOD Jacques, John Johnson, Larry K9ISU, M, Kiirry, uiiiy Kaisu, oi. koui'uh. llnrry ft Mildred Klngtiland B, D, Itouluml IMIIInin: fnn. Hinip Hiiniinim UllllUBB, — <;iiurcb, Edwin Curlelou. .Mci. Coyle, Tom U. U-jdey, Fred W, Uciilon. Edw, De Mar, Paul Duvla, Al, W. Drew, Clay Duvla, Illchard Duniout, J. O. Doll. Bert Domis, W. 0. Do Mar. Paul Desmond, Lem Dteano & Goodwin Danlcia ft KarbKto Ezieli, Ileo 1-Mwnrdn, Jack Kcblln Prof J T Elwood, Prince Fllfnn, Bob riyiin. Maurice riniicy, O, F. Klynn, Jaa FtTgunou, R. Fnucis, Harley Flake, Chaa. Fiirtb, Seymour Korde, Edmund Gieen, John Glynn, Kick Gorman,' Jack Giirilcld. II. M Gnne, Wm. . Gray, Julian Gray, Bohcrt Gocdwio, Bm Gillette, ralmer llodgklna. Gene Mojle, Ashley Ilonland, O. V, llaynes. Al. lluftle. Jobn Ilnrvey, Leo Holmes Clyde G I Lllon, Clia- lllllman, F. V " iioTvard, jobn Hone, Geo. 3. Hall. Alan Hntvey, Leo Pcrcoliri, J:i>'k I'rincc, ili-o. Piuellicr, M:. ft .Mri. H ill' Helot, Krvil A. P&^aiinrt. \\'. L. Palmer Um.-. Pomiilhi, 11- I- ,1'vck, l'''.iiiii 'nt-ldel, ll;i:';' Itiillln. C'l-I'ii lloiiberl. Will. Ituiofildl I'. I> Ileilwooil Ki-.'-l II'? Itecd, l''r.iin-'', llowc, Joliii '- Itollwia. Ji: Kins. U. Karlton, Avery Kendall, Cbas. Kelley. B. 0. I.VWI11, Aftle I^neiford, H, Loonils, Doc _ ~ IX!mu«la Wm. E yymonil' Ix'vy, Jack " ' IxwmW, Doc, T.evli)con, L. H. Lawrence, Mr. ft. Mrs. Ed. ;x>KTenla, Cbas. Lludcn. Geo. Lee Iton'lond v. .Mor'.liner, Hoht. Blortlnmcr, 0 B McHwwn, Bert MacGoverp, A. .Mayo, Norwin Mlnnettl ft Slilelli MoDtgontcty, .M. Marks, Cinrencc Mainell. Jno. B .Marlon. Ilenrv Merrllle, a. B. MUler, Jos Dau McCoy, Jos. J. Munlock, Al. Marpbys, l-'iyloB Mclntyre. Mr. ft- Mt«. Jo; MecDounld D 0 .Mlllor. Wni. V. Manrlee. B. J. Mesbainvy ajnsy Trio Myle, Sam Aey, Ned .llioimiHi. IIHI' .IwalTonl. 1. ]- Spooncr, H. l^- Smrlu, Jim Sohn, (iro StClllKUS l>i" Stevvaa Ji'l" » .|;ia Mcbolls. B. I>. Nolan, Ton NoTlUe ft Ni'tllle ..v..... -- iinrrrj, i-n. KfateU. B. IL WjT'i''Jl"', Ilownnl. nenrr O'Donnel O. H. Walsh, ft ;" Illckey, Chaa. O'Hora, Eilir. llarcnnrt Frank Pottcr-Marsb nart Odd Sb. OamlTil (to, Fttton. W. B. Illckey Bros. I'Islrf, Ixiw _ I'enCM. Itnnk.D SEE. nOTICD AT - HEAP OF USI II Scney. Wn Scbnu, *il Savoy *.' Ilr.T. i 111 Bchnllk. I'" 1 '' Sachav. ('In- Rluyveaniii r.^ii* Stone. S.v'!'!-^) .Stevcas. Ji' -J i> Shulllcv.orM.^ Swealnian i' I' Trtcey, U-V.' Toild, W. l Telch, Ti'l'b *,l,., i:l Tli-ne. Kil» . Tnllor. -I. > Vokca, lb"- Vincent, i " V«J, AI1--1' Vance Ar" . Waller ft 1' - Wmdmoii. J' Weber. J"" West, -I<''"'„" Wanlc. A. " WII1ISUI1. .-' Walt. W. \- Wbltft Dfii Walcotl. »• 'Wtlte, V'mI'- Wenls, It-' Williams, 1' WIntun * ^ Weleh, f--w I) KvviMii r •r-.Ajan'u- Whitney. >' Odd Shows Wall. Mr. — - .Mrs. "'.V" J Yost Col. 11' Ily—Chaa. Kellog—Els * French-^:' ScMndlei^Ulrea ft IlarrUoo. ^Continued on poffo to.)