New York Clipper (Apr 1915)

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24 THE KKW YORK CLIPPER. 23 GLIPPEII'S HEIlTn miMEIII. By DR. RAX THOREK, Chicago, suTr-on-ln-Cblel American Hospital; ConBultlne SmMnn gSo county Hospital; ConsuluSg sirgeon Sh«fdfn P«k lioBi-.tal, Chicago; Surgeon White R»t8 and Actors Fund etc., f-tc. Thene artlclai are written excluilvrly for (ho HEW YORK CLIPPEH. «lu«.tlon, p,r(alnl,.g ,„ Jiralth, dUenie, byglene, •eir.pre«<rvntlon, prr- ventlon of dlieaaea and iiiBtterii of gxni'ral liilcrrit to health •will be antwerrd In thla'rolumn. AD- DHESS Al.1. I\HVIHIE9 TO DH. MAX TIIOIIFK AniEIlICAlV HOSPITAL, CHICAUO, ILLS. WhrrJ apace will not permit or the nubjert U not Niiltulile for an open anawer, lellem will be >ent to the applicant perranally. Dr. Thorek ahould not be expected todiugnoae or prearrlbe In theae colunina for Individual dlaeaaea. SMILtS ABD LAUGHTER. Uufiitcr Is day and sobriety Is olglit: a smile Is tlie twllieht tbat liovcrs gently between botn, more bewltrliing tban cither. —H. W. BL'BCilEn. Tbecc is nollilng tbat Is more bcneilclal to ihc wcKnre and pbyelcal wellbelng of the Limian ma- than gmllcs. A groucb Is not a vc'\ person. 1 always find some pbyslcal roiidltlou responsible for grouclilness In lu- jivMuals I encounter In the dally pursuits of my calling. A face ivhleh cannot smile la like a buil tiiot cnnnot blossom, wblch drys ilD 00 tll(! SUllk. Vou may know tbnt the usual "ha-ha Is ilerlved from tlie North American Indians; •Aod lie named tier • • • MIoue-lia-ba -UughlDg Water." . , , . UUglilng Yarlcs much In cbaracter. de- pending npon ilie disposition at the Indl- rldiml. Tlins: Some people possess a dls- tio^t Incllnntlon to laugh; some never laugh lioyond nioilcrntlou; some people never enjoy a Lcurty luugli, while still others are only too reailllv thrown Into hysterical llts of laughter—llic "giggling glrl,'^ for an eiamplo. Some people look tipon loud laughing, lu a ffoman, na rudeness, and the tcllow who tillers yiiu run surely suspect of a liking to "embroider." .1. M. l-'rench says: "A good, nltole-soiiled iaiigh Is usually a passport Into society: Us eouuterfelt Is easily recognized." I'ersoDs arc sometimes thrown Into llts of langbtcr and lose all control to restrain them- s<l*cs. „ , , r4iugliter Is Infectious. \o\i no doubt bare eipcrlcuccd tbis. Often a group of people uro found to laugli, and only ouc or tito know Ihc reason tor the merriment— tbo rest simply contracted the condition from the olbcrs. Hysterical persons often laugh aail cry InlereliaDgeably. Mughing Is a pleasure and persona who nil manage to keep In a happy frame of mind nr-j belte." olt, from every point of view, than iliosc of a "gloomy ' disposition. I kaow of no better medicine for my patients via arc victims of nervous disorders, fan- cied or rciil, and for those who are In- clloed 10 lie morose and Introspective, than to order them to sec a well uctcd comedy play or to read Murk Twain and authors 01 r.lmllar type. 1 know from personal ex- Krleces tlm-: nothing will brighten the face of a pcrsua 111 In bed, or worried, like the illmulatliie eilrctu of your smiles. In walk- lag ibrough the wards of hospitals you will dad exincbslons of despair and siiU'erIng lanl.ili iiku a magic spell under tbo Inllueiicc of the benign smile of a kindlieartcd physi- cian. It helps to smooth out the "wrinkles" of sorrow and xlopoudency ; It turns dark- ness Into light, and Is the best all around tonic I know of. "iJugli and grow fut" Is an old adgc. It Is based ua cxperleuce and physiologic lactB. Iluve you ever seen .1 fat groiicn? Isn't the obese person always of amiable ulsposltlon? Certainly. I'hyslologlsls state llat during laughter the dl.ipiiragm la do- piTsscd and released la rhythmic succession and with It the stomach Is, of course, set •Mio motion, tlio digestive-processes are cn- liu.cul. absorption Is t»afc rapid and the result Is wry bcuollclal. laughter should be ine result of n proper stimulus. 'I'houghts of jour own iiuil ncllon of others usually Incite ougliler. One cannot laugh without the ITopcr silniulus. Of course, there Is one Jicciilloii to ihis stntoineut OJid that Is the laugb re.fiilling from being tickled. I'ari 1 '^^ expression "tickled 0 (Ji-Jtli • eiiiiiuius more truth lhau poetry. '[ Is iituto,! tJiut persons have becu cou- dcn!n„i to be "tickled to death." ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDBNTS. Mice .. ■ *-0.\S'l'Il»ATIO>. II. II., NMW YOmC, WIllTlCS: .„! 'A'iiohek; I am a constant wuer III iiie good old L'Lii'i'Eii. I'lcuse tell me »lia; la good for cousllpatlou V Medl- 1 '•^ii'^ P'"" net only for a short time. 1 «ai suircrlug terribly with headaches au.l "Uueks. Otherwise I am In perfect «,m . „ ' extremely grateful If you wii ti ll me what to do tiirougii the columns ,, , , Ulil'lA'. «e«ulale your habits, liat food that leaves 5,1.1 1*-'' l""'^' •'euns, pumpcrulckel bread, "uu Ints ut vegctoblcs. Urink lots of water. •Vol Passage your obdomluul uiuselcti. ii„ ' " ,'>-'a''Poontul of the following preparu- S'" '""or, but will do you I'lulcl extract of bitter cascaru. .1 ounce. •'Jnip of Senna Compound 1 ounce. HAY FEVEIl. - u., S'l'. LOUIS, iMO., wiirriis li.Aii Sill: Kindly answer through The If there Is any cure for hay-fever, a peilormer. After a season's burd lour yearo ngo, I went to tbc country [lieraie. I was entirely run down and •I that the country nir (wblch 1 was ■ jis from fresh cut hny) began to effect • ly eyes ltdied and watered. I sneezed • uully and my nose was all "choked ^Ince then, every, from August iioptembcr 18, the attacks recur with ir regularity. It Is remarkable; the '■ will torment me for n juonlh, end ivhen the month Is up It disiippears ■IS magic. I had two attacks lout year, on the Fiige. I sneezed for about '.nuets. It swmH that damp air bcne- ■•• Anything I have tried thus far Is of ■ary relief only. I have read that Dr. ■ur Opptnliclmer, of New York, has pi^r- II serum wblch Is said to cure one out ••; and gives relief to others. Would 'ivlso tnkUiB that preparation? Many -. etc. ' "'■0 suiTciIng from a typical cose of -ler. There are thousands who are slml- •iiiecled. You must avoid air con- .Mil. 1 CLin I UMI work to r, . llOlll. tola \ me. coot:; up.'' IS I-, Slui;: iron. Iliei, as 1. Wh!;. tiv,, Ills : len: Sev' foe: of yon ll>,r ^ liav lar" t-v.' III'. ).,■ it r;, til. 1!. . COUGU. .MIt. H. C. McC, OMAJIA, Sm.. WltlTICS: Dkar Sin:-I nm-a theatrical udvunce agent, and huve been suffering for the past three monllis with a liarasslug i.ougli. 1 have tried icany medicines wlthoi:t relief. I uni subjecl tO'chronic catarrh. 1 elipec- torutc much aud have several coughing spells during the night. No pain, but much exer- tion following coughing spells. ICxpusure to cold air starts the cougji. 1 trust you will niiswer. etc. RBl'LY. The cough may be due to a variety of causes. Acute or chronic bronchitis; lung illseascs. throat troubles, etc., may give rise to the cougli. Since your trouble has lasted for three mouths, without relief, I would iidvlse you to stop taking patent dope anil consult a reliable physician for the purpose of making a diagnosis. You cannot Intel- ligently treat any disease without Qrst es- tablishing Its exact nature. While I believe you huve a severe bronchltl.s, 1 would advise you to ^1ke no chances until th^ examlnatlou of your body corroborates tbat assumption. WARTS AND CANCER. Sins. F. H. L., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.: Dbab Doctob; For the past flftcen year.i a wart has been upon my back, between the shoulder blades. It has gradually become larger, until It Is about tbe slzo of the end of the thumb. It has never given me atiy pain nor InconveDlenced me to speak or. About a year ago the middle of tuc wart hegan to ulcerate and I consulted a physician —recently—who told me that the wart Is undergoing "malignant degeneration," and he advised Its removal. Ilcfore doing so I want vour opinion, through Tufi Cl.ii'1'Bu. iiiorr.Y. Ily all means follow the advice of the phynlelau. Ito not procrastinate. Have lb.: wart removed at once. It often happens that warts become cancerous, If removed In time prompt and uneventful recovery Is the rule. ELECTRICITY AND ArrKNIUCITI.H. _ .MK8. F. O., 8B1ATTLE, WASH., WRITKH: ' "'■d with polTcn, which Tn" your case Deaii Dn. TiioaEK: I am a performer, •ibly sets up the trouble The serum nineteen years of age, and I have suflereil '■"" chronic appendicitis for two years. I'byslclans advise operation. A doctor told me that he can cure Jne with elcctrlelly. If that In so please let me kunw through Tin; f'MITEli. I would like to avoid iiii operation If possible. I leak of may be tried. It may do you Kiiod. I hope It does. At any rate, "'° n ''0* ™o knorw If you de- ■enent from It. Keep awhy from patent iiii-H. ;,lnny of them rontain poisonous •iiiuit forming drugs. ... . , lli;iVI-Y. M'Vlrlc trealincnts for nppendlellls arc of lni.isln.iry vnhie. Ho nnt waste vnur lime or iiKiiicy. Try n few trentnipnts' niid run- time yiiiirseir. Ilowovrr, y.iu must nut for- get thai liijiidleloiis fiiollng with nn In- llanied organ N not devoid of d;ingcr. Ibis reminds me. I'oor "Ulg Kd." was brought Into the hospital, desperately III. Aa t le Hours drugged ou he became much worse. We were much Interested In him. A iic- culln.-l y of "ICd." was noticed, which Im- pressed Itself upou his attendants—he al- ways smiled. Ills ward-mates were literally thrown Into convulsions by the Jesting re- marks he made. Finally the crisis came. M.v tclcplione rang at two Jn tbe morning, and 1 was Informed that "lllg KU." hud be- come delirious and was now unconscious. 1 made n hurried call to the bedside. There ho lay, with an almost Inipercepllhic pulse, the "dcalh-rntlle" In Ills throat, and apparently m.iking urraugcments for Ills "departure." lot the smile was there—a smile one could not forget; so sweet and benign tliut, once seen, could not be forgotten. I sat there In silence, the soft light of the room illuminat- ing the herculean body now making a "last stand." A hypodermic of strychnia wan ordered, and the necessary discomfort at- tending the vigorous administration of stim- ulants did not chauge the facial expression ot "lilg Kd." In the least, lie continued In this condition for a couple of days and thcu regained consciousness, with tbe following remark: "It was a tough light, but 1 Just laughed nt them and won." (Kd. was a prize-flghtcr In years previous.) Old hU nntnrally sweet disposltloa have anything to do with Ills recovery? / believe <( did. Indeed, the man or woman who does not smile Is cither physically or mcutally 111— perhaps both. I'crbaps one Is rcsponslole for tlie other—so often the case. The lay public really docs not know how to appreciate the benefaction wrought by the amusement world to their welfare and happiness. Wliutevcr your occupation may be, what- ever your social standing Is, tbe culllvutluii uf the hublt of a "happy frame of mind" will undoubtedly help ynu In many ways. I remember I'etcrsou, commenting once In Collier's nu the question at Ittue, had the following to say: "You practical! You Imalness man! \S1jy you never had a serious thought In life until now—at least not since you were a lud In the country * A * Since boyhood vou have never given a Sfrlous thought to health, heme children, wjife, education, art, sclenee, laclal progress '^r to the high deatlnlty of You are simply a collector of money, for Its own 'sake, with no appreciation of what It might represent If you weie really serious or really a business man or a man uf affalr.i. There are many like you In our asylum wards, where they are known as chronic maniacs. Here Is one who collects bits uf ' glass, old corks aud pieces of string; there sits another with a lapful ot pebbles, twigs and straws.'' reonic who smile and exercise IL-elr mus- cles of pleasant expression of the face, need not worry about dritthig Into this pitiable stage, 'rhough things may go wrong, do not "kick," lor the nrst ouc to be Injured will be yourself, and secondarily those who MIC dear to and dependent upon you. "rberc's somethlDg kind of pitful .\liout a maji who growls, Uecause the sun beats down to hot, Uecausc the wild winds howl; Who never cats a meal, but that the Cream ain't thick enough. The coffee ain't been settled right, or rise the meat's too tough. I'oor chap! he's Just tbe victim of lute's oldest, meanest trick, You'll see by watching mules and men. They don't need brains to kick." —Infer Ocean. A M' OF 'IIII;A'1>IIK: AL TOMCS Tiikliig a sun li:illi on Hie steiis of one of the eiitrn.-iees uf iho Aiiierlniii lliispllnl, C^hleugo. III. lllg Kil. liiiiikliiirHt Is si'nted on the llrst slop niid enterlulnliig Iheni with yarns, lie l« siiiue slorv teller, lie jiiuiseil' fur n inn- iiient wi>lli. .M;iy, of May ninl KlUliilT. simpjieil Ihe pl'.'lure. The olhers In the group are pntleuls will) are convalescing. OUT OF TOWN NEWS OMAHA, TVl^K. l iiANDiK:* (, rillcy X: *A'Jiriirn,', iiujrs.) ""Snrl" April ISH'J. Vi>\u (W. .f. L'ur^P?s. mtr.t-- \lu\-l I'luvilii- SUK-k Cii., Ill 'Tflia 111 rull" IS-'Jl. ('.AVi.iY IH. Jdtnsoii iii','r.)— }U'rl Urikor aiMl Hon Tons, with Kallili<fn MUlor, (Hii'iiKL'Si (\V. P. Ilynu'. iiiKr.»—Hill 13-24: Atk'laltio Qhil Ilu{:lit,>ri nn<l c<Mii|.-iiiy, M'.!| CtillliM, Ix-viil's c:inlnO!<. NVwIkhIT uiiil I'lii-lps. Vrllt tiiul I.ucy lUiirli. Iho l»uulziT Dun, ••\V.>iim» I'ro- |)n(<>if," wKli Until Allr;i :imiI ^'<Miiimiiy. niul Il^re- Ilk TrDuiio. KMi'Kr.HH (I'raiik IIiUilH. in-.T.) —Ilin 10-:;i. Kli'i* :iimI Klppy. Cikt>jicr .-iihI UioiMiIo, Itiibr. K. O'Ct.iiiior mill •viiiputiy. nii<l Jl;illili(») l-\mr. For ir^^*J4 : lliuhrH .Mtixlcnl Trin. IUtIkti Itnatkn h:i'1 i-vN.-piiny. Klllotl. Mid l-'tvc Jukv'I'ii; Mnw.itis. Ilir, L'Aiii^iii. f.'AMi:i:fii.iNr. Ai.iiamkha, llir l oi.iMiMK', Ki.iTi:, I'aiii.K;, Siiiii;rii .\x. I'iiankmn .MiiNiroK, l.oriiKiii' jiikI KaiiNam. in-iMon plohinrs oiily. MOUTH OMAHA.—iJKvMir. .\|a niHl Oiv IiiEi'H. v:miiU>\|I1o and pictures. TiiK new KiiiiH.^Hs 'nic.ilrp, formcrlv llu' Amcrl- CKU, Txy-opvi\v.\ itM tluon Sniidny. April 11, to a cnpiirlty lioux'. 'iliu rcntnro \\nn Tuylnr'rt lloii^, for tlio oitllrt- wivk. Tin* Kniun-S'*. iiK?iiUM iwu hluck?* KrhI 'if iln> Now Kinprot^H. Is in»w UMnn dpcorilcil niid :i icu* inhior nlli'rn'Kin^ nrc Miiir tiiDde. 'i1io Inloiillnu uf Mr. I.n Dmix. pn-Htdrut and ceucral TniiD^or nf (lio Srurhiiul Limited CiU'iilt. II Cnnridliii iind (Mil I oil Siiit'-s i^iiot-rn. li to turn ilie old Kmproys Into iiit oxrlimlvo liU-.'i clnsii niuiloii plcliiio )ioii<-'(.*, ntid cmiilimo t<) run llio vniidevlllo sliii\r In tin* iii*\v l-lii'.nroHs. Mn. I.YKcir, Iho Itlh'li Milnrlofl mid t*i|>nltir leiMlliij; niun al llic Iloyd riioalro. Inis :i ctiintniny uf lih oun oul luiw. Its routo ll'i< uu tliniiii.'li ttU: VoHow.sluno N.-itkmnl I'nrk. .Ifihnnfo l*r!ii];I(j \a .nlicfld of llio shiiw, ninl Mr, r.vitfh'n hileti'Iutm nre (o Jnlii IiIh cnmpiiny iiImmii Iho nilddlo of July, aii4l cnnilinio llirnnsli Iho Siuiunor Hon.^iin, p:n\lii>: loud In "The Wolf." llnnilltoii, O.—l4<rTor.-h)M IJ. II. Ili-oindiall, n.KT.) Sf'Usj mid hin Itiiiid April lit. fJiiANii (John K. Mc<;urthy. miir.)—Vnndovlllo niid Dioildii piciunv'i. I'niKL EMS (Chnrh's llolvoy. umr.) —Vaudovlllo nii'l mollon pIctiiroR. ■IrtvLi,. Lriiic, r.A<:i.i:, Star nitil Koval. niDilon ph.lHrcH only. CLAiiii: iio(:iii<:hti:ii, III V:iii(livl|li'. ATimACnOllf AT THB RBW TORK THBATRnt* ifttl^W«d. Mdluu^ Ll».' KLAW * BRLANOKR, Maiuinn. 0UARLB4 UILLINQUAM PrsMnts • Syooopattd Mailul Show WATCH YOUR STEP Mailo «nd lyrics by imng Berlin. Book by llarn B. Smith. With Mr. A Hra. Varnoa 45astU. r. BKBITIl'B PALACE Broadway A mb St. Bvi. S^M>-Tt-|I■tl.U UallT HkU. U-tO-Tt. BDD.Oono'taa.iM«.l3 David Bispham, .Ibearn'sroinrdyCyeliNta, Jis. Diamond & Sybil Brtunan. ?:ff; llBixiFBaor, Coiiroy t'b ^■^V^SfWI TIIKA., 48th 8U.IC.ot Bway. 1 #t fly I Direction of JOnN OORT. Kve^, 8.n. Hats. Wed. t SM.,1.1». Wed. HaL 60O. to ll.M. SELWYN k UO. prvMnt A melodnma of love, myitcry and thrUIi. Bt KOI UUOPKR HRORnR. B'WKjr dl «Tlli St. Noon lo 11.30 n. m, 8TBAN1> DU8TIN FARNUM In "CAPTAIN COURTESY" other .Siiiierlnr PUlnre AltmclloiiH. .Stninil Ciin- cert (ircliCHlni ami Soloimx. Next week, ".M.VV lll.(W.S()M." .I.MII HI., nr. llrniiilvvHV. Fven- Ihun Hi H.l.',; MiilliireH. 711111-^ iIhv mill SHiurilHy ai '.>.l.'>. CIIAHLKB KHUIIMAN, nan LTCEDI CIIAHLKB KHUIIMAN, naiiiis«r MISS ANGL^N I" mmn mmt,„ Aggsu DMBin Di llrnHilWHy A 4111I1 Ht. KveiiliiKH m.I',. EiUlFin Di .MiilliieeH Weil. \ ^llll.. CIUIII.K.S h'ltllll.MAN. Mniiiiiier Uiiarixa Kroiiiiian Knil David'o'a ALL BTAH CAST III theDritiim A CELEBRATED CASE CliHrleH Krohiimii ami llavlil llrlnseo VeiMlnii. Illincnil Mth St., W. of Bnadway. Krei., nUUdUII B.I8. Hatlnees, Wed. and Hal., Lit BELWVN ii CO, PraisBt THE SHOW SHOP By James Forbes, Author of "The Chorus Udy" With DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS B'WAT A 4Sd BT, RVIU. ».l» HAT. WED. A BAT,, Lit. Popnlar Wed. MaU MM. to t\.W A UAKHI8 PRKSKNT COHAH'S OOHAN , "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" A Parolcal F»ct, by HOI OOOPKR UEORUE and WALTBR UAOKBIT. mim TIIBATRB, WMlUd bL nea Broadway. Tel. Bryant 8844. Evet. 8.30. llaU. Wed. A BaL L«. Nsw Tork'i Newest Pliyhonit. Cohan * Uanl> preuDt (by arraagement with Arthar Uopkloi' h new phiT by a new young American aathoi "ON TRIAL'' By B, L. Relieniteln. B«au 8 w»»ti In a4lT»ne> 4eih St. nr. B'wni BTcnlDga at t.V). Matinees Wednaida) and Saturday LV. BBLWVR M CO. PHBSBNT By MAROARET MAYO and SALISBORY FIK Ll. W. 4and SU Kvos., MbU. Wed. a Sal., LIA. A. U. WOODS Preaonla an Amorlcua FULTON TWIN BEDS BLTINGE PUy ID t ACtA THE SONG OF SONGS By EUWAHU SHELDON. Ussed on the novel l>; UEHUANN SUUERUAMN, with au All HUr CshC nVY A a.r*f\ W»tl44thHU Brei, DCtldADwV Utte.,ThDra.A8at.,Lao. DATID BELAHCU PresenU FRANCES STARR i» MARIE ODILE Ily KDWAKI) KNOIILAUOII. REPUBlli West 4M HI., nesr Il'wiiy. Kvt-H. H.2U, MhIh. WuiI. i HlU. Ill ■:. Ji. >IIN COIIT iirenciiln (Ily HrruiiKement with l.enier A Ilniiioii) A New Tlireo Act Dnimn THE NATURAL LAW IJyCllAltI,F.H BUMNKIt COLUMBIA THEATRE BUOADWAV, 471I1 BTHBBT, N. V. Thia week WATSON BIHTKIIH' CO. NmRAVIULLTHEATRE liHlngtom Arm. and «ad Bt., If V. Thia Weak, irOLLIRB OK I'LKABIIHK ^ ATCTV D'wajr ifc 40 HI. Kvm. K.llt. ^MnlBt 1 Z MiiiM. Wed. Ski., ■i.M>. K1,AW A KIILANIIKH Manngcn RUTH GHATTERfON " oaDor LONa-LEts A now Comedy liy J KAN WKIl.STKIt. XT A1>T>TC XIIEATRK. W. 4Srt 8T. f1 M n. M, I n KvenmgK Kt B.l». Mum. WOll. Hiid 8hI„ Lit. 8KI,WVN A CD. I'RKSKNT MARGARET ILLINGTON M n Wa ±jJLJu ahtiiuk ji)NI'»^_ imiirirDDDllfVDU ■■'"'•ty a anth .St. Kvn. RnilKDnDUl/Knit mmji. wcd. a hhi. ' ('liHlle-4 l-'nillllliili rici-llNll riii> uf AllliTleiili I'lill lotlMlil THE HYPHEN ">■ Cii-I lii,'liiile.'<: W. II.ThniiipsHii. ChII Kmie, lt,,lieil lliiliii"'. HiiMil I'liivill. WIIILiiii lliinrHH. ilniiil ."^lewiirl, llerliiiiii .MnilnirKli. oHiei". nth Ave.. 4.111-441 li >Mi<. IMreetlnii Me.H.Hn4. ^4|llllie^t 4.',. ; Hiid a \\ M. SiiiiilHyHiiiiil.'^iitiirilii.vs. l-.' . ii, -j.-l.',. y.M, 7 iiiiilnr. M. HIPPODROME I. TiuTiv, !■-».:«». --'.4.'. SiiiidHXHiinilStitiinliivs. v: WOMAN and WINE I'rleeH. UK', l.'.e, -J.n , .Mh'. WriNTER QARDEN Phone '^^tmcirelo. Kftt. HlK Mhik. luoa.. niiim. Niid Hit. LUb. The New Winter (liinleii rrniliietloii MAID IN AMERICA LYRIC WITH A lillKAT CAST 4341 .SI. W. of ll'WHy. Phono »'il« Bryant. KVFM. H.m. UhIh. Weil. A Sat. Lit. JOB WKnRK'H HudIohI Uomoily I'riHlucllon THE ONLY GIRL Illh Vi TIIKA. W.(It H'WH'.l'liiiiie.'r'ilfJIlryiiiil, 1-IMI al, MVIIH , H.l.',. MHlH.Weil. ,V .>4iii., •i.\l>. TREIMTINI THE PEASANT GIRL cliVton I'KH, in Hill "TITI.K'' lllll.K. riiiiiiliir ITIeo MHllnie WeiliieHiliiy KIHTIl TIIAVKR ' ll'waf. I'liiiiin nine lirymit. Kvoi,, 8.41, LITTLE UntTl TMKATItK, 44lh HI., W. of U'waf _ I'liiiiin nine liryiiiit. Kvoi UnTTiieeii WeilneHilKy A HHt-., ' A PAIR «F SILK STOCKINflS UVlllL IIAl«:OIIHT'B COniKDV All .Siiatii lU All I'orriirmaneoi l'i.00. QQt-k C4 TliPK., nr. Il'wity. riiiiiiii 41,1 llryHul OatU Ol. KveM. H I.',. MnlM. Weil. A HHt. Thu .MK.s.slt.S. .HIIIIIIKIl'l' iihiiiMiiiee LOU-TELLEGEN TlXINO CNBNCES r* A Qlldn ll'wiiy.t .imiiHI. l'lii,iie:|i|Ji|(lruelny VAQinV KvirH. ii.'.:ii. MiiiH. Weil. A Hiit.,'j.'iU. TIIK MOST woNiif:itri;i. i'i.ay in nkw yokk IXPERIENjCE AAUrnU 4IHI.SI., KiiHiiir li'wiiy. I'hiiiio l.lllnrllT r,lli4 llryHiil. KvKH., H.IA. MhIm., WWIIIkW 1 •i iii.Hiiuy, ,v .smiinliiy, '2.16. The While Feather THE 8 UCCE88 OF NEW YORK <ND lOWDOW ■ ■^k^k'|ia| TIIKATIIK, 4r>lli HI., Went nf M»%w%w m mm. n-wnv. riiniiiiiiiini iiryimt. KveH. H.ivi. .MulH. Wed. A Hiil. J.'M) Tho ,MK.'4^«ltS. .slICIll'iltT iiiiiiuiiiicu LOUIS MANN THE BUBBLE Ily KilWHril l.oi:k« EE rin TIIKATIIK ::lilli Hi reel, iieur I 0 li'iviiy. 'I'lHiiie, I ITU llryiiiit I'lVKH, i>:l'',. MiilH. Weil. \ Xnl. 'J:ir> A Nuiv I'liiy III :i iieiH liy KDWAItli Mil.'KM THE REVOLT III.SKN ANHWKItKII CUIini?RT TMI'ATKK. 4tlh .SI., WcKl iif OIlUDEiIlI iiiiiuilwiiv. riiniK: Ki:ili llryiiiil. KVKH., N.I,',. MlllH., Weil. Illlll .Sill., ALI^-HTAU IlKVIVAL OK* TRILBY Tlio "lliitl *t\ llii! ucn.soii" In ljiirli.-s(|iii'. LoKJiiiHliorl, Intl. Ni-Ihoii (I'^Iw. Niilliiunti. inkT. ) l/Viiiuii IIi^wl-'m iilvliii'tii Ajirll I'l, I'ti hn iiliiiiy MliiHln'jji Muy Ti. i'iii.i>.\Ml. (JliirliMv 1()itI), iii;;r.)--TiHii rutM-H'ii .MhiNlnl.t April Itli:). viiiHlfvlllo 22 -^1. HiiMAiiWAT (JuHt^t'li ?(«'liiiiul, mgr.)—Sclininl I'liivi-- ;. Ill "TIlc Kigii'lliK *'l>rili>:c," l\i 21 ; "11<ikh ••r z ituiK-ii" I'AiuuriUNT (Wtii. If. I.lntlnny, iiiKr-)—runi- motitit plcliiri<s, (iiiANii ( JKtIIiq a (Jill vc-y, mitrfi.) —ricl iinn only. A bi-iicllt fur ilic* Wuiiu'ii'i l-'rHiicliNt' I^'ntt'UL', 10 iilil In PDlulillrtUliiH ri-Hl r'vjni't In ilit* clly. will \Mi ulvcii l-'t, wIm'ii "Voiir (llrl nml Mltic," ilii- mirrratfc iilcluTV, will No *Imi\vii. AbK (W. II. IJniUuy, iiiKi*.)--I'li'liirti miiy, N(ITU. Tilt; Stakk 'ft lUir UnMidwiiy, hIiIl-Ii Junl o|h.'iii-<I nil iKTiiiiiiii'iit Kliis.v(, Id : .M.itinKiT, Joxcjiii >< ImiibI : in-uH'iriT, Ourl llnl'lcii; man*f uiuuui(*'i, Cvi'll I'Hfi-li: i-liirlrk'Inii, Jl. K. .MmittuN; irrffji^, Ihirry \Viili<-ni; "iMTiilor, i;iiu4. Unvln; miiMlnil ilinclor. l-*riiiik Wallmv. IIUIM/, .V JlKl-KUAN'rt CaIINIVAI. Ih \i\\Ui\ f'T Nrilljiial rnrh, wtrb t/t Mn> 10, ('au .No. I iif Itiv lUAltldiuHi'M (.^Irciii, aa In Illlll C'lly II, III vUnr^v of A. K. IWi'Ikt. 'JIm' sliim-f Mill njiiM'sr 'M. I'AfKlM or I.NCOIII'OIIATHm IlllVl* \mt'H nidi f'lr iii<> Cbm9 Ofiifil> Fair AH^nulull'tii, whii'li will li<(li| n c'oiiily fjlr Jii MiIh clly llio InlUT jm*-! of AiiKiiHi, ur Mil.' flrHt of Kfjiii'iiilAT. DmIIiih r>tiM- hT, 31H Mnrlcl Hlr^-l. U Mrri'lBry. If jiri'Miil iiIanR arc oirrkil out It will Ijv out: of llic i.'iri(i-^i l''ulr« vuT lii'M In (In* Mluli*. Till) IlANiiALLH, III ".Svvriilren MIiiiiN>h In Arl- ?:'>iiii," wlio airf^-arnl at llii* Ofloulnl li; 11, hihi ;;r«'Ql njijiliuvr ■( v»rry rtTfoniiiifrf. A I.Aiirji liK-cirr parly frum Kokoiiii oiK^inU'pl !!ii> i*|H'iilii(( |i«rr'jr(iibnc« of th« Hchmal Ployr" .1! \\tv KfoiiilwBy 1^, In honor r>f Ajriictf Holilrii, ilii> IcRilliiK l-ily. wliw forriKT hmnc win Kolwinn. Mat KoIiho.s imU\ a flr«i( vImII io UjIn rUy i:i. :ii>:M-nrliiK ni ili.' .SVlitoii. hi "Morllia Hj llte-Oay." U'lilli* llio ull riiflarjn^ wni not Ihe liricat of liiu Mi.t")!, Mil atlmcilfHi WHY grcotc*! wirli tnore alii- iiTi; or liHiiriy iipplaniH'. IVrrr tlAiit^, ln<].—(Irind (Cliaa. Hnillh, irKr.) Afinn VatUtwn April 71. "rotaOi A I'frl- iituticr" an. llii-roPbOMk: (T. W. Uarhyilt Jr.. U'4fr.)-'Unl lli'Jl: tUriiili nn'l U*nii'l'i, \^>im. cimpMii itimI i;ii-«ii Muy .iii'l Ihlliinl. Iv^. jh-HiiiiiH. .t'fl (ii-*'. WUiiHi. Itlll II'J LTi : WlMh- lliil- 1 Urn., Sl.m- Icy iiimI Ntiiloii. Tlirx' ,Wm'-iI<-iiii lilrN. Ai-rlrd r'/mp.jiiy, I lirx l.\t>\t',M, l-'n'iiK.hi lt<-iiii,i W. Ull^klll'H pliliMi". Nkw (;-if.'"Ni.u, (M. iiii<l jilrfMni*. I t.iH ri:. II mi;r.) Hli>l Jolili -Viii'li-v|llr> Sli")-!", iii-.T.) S(tr(-k Illlll pli'Iiir<>H, Iaij. I I^>m lliilliiKiii. iiit(r. J - -Sun- r|i*nl llif h-'ii'-in li'Ti' 1 I. (; l<'o(iNT*lN, (iiiriiiMiu. Oi'i:, I'KIN' I'liiK. KoTAi., .MAVor. TlMMl'ilir'.'U iiikI Vahiu- roi.)iNiAi.. , Lt<;kiim, I'iM'i.'i.Ai:. t'-i| by .Mii*iirx. I liinii', wlio I'k- I .'i. Till' «:lniiH fif nl Irji;- ilii-lilcl ilp'rO. Mn'lt'iil (ViiiM^lv I'l" ■k 'if II, iir*»viil 01 f ilii- ku)4| vH'ii Iht" II.I-* MniilH-ra i,( lii:ilM,tMA liny iMirliKiim' ,\ MKliM'AM, (IaIIIi»N, iill' i:i> M. TAI ATI , _ Sh aw, 'I'wki.vw I'imnih iiK^. pli-liin-: only. • A NKW iilnliint* N l»-tiiK iii Siiillh A ,\;i.iii. of ,\'.ii:i TiTri )K'rl I'l nji-li iiN^nt .Mil)' t'.*ni* him itol yc( Im'iii TiiK Kfiyrionil 'IVfil -|'«-.-riiitf lit itniiiil, till* iMMt i>rr<M-iiik't of "•«'ii»on, ini'l ln*l piirki'il I — ■■'llic .S'i'W Ili'iirli'llii" iKio'itiiy iith'iiiji^l ihc Hutt <l:iy I l.lit [HTfoiMiniii-c. .MniM'li^Mlfr, \. II. -Shir (i:. J. Cnrori. iiiL'T. I rnriiiiioilMt ii|rliiM"<. I'AllK 'I*, r. SImMI 'lli'-llf" f'Jt., I llf-' t.) 'IIm! r'n-Mili .M<Hli'h AiTll li>. 'J'l. / Miiii'iHiinf (Mmmii'I l.i»nM7^'. iiui"-) ■ I'll''!'* |ilnt<4 mill vri'i'lKvlllf. l'Al..v fU'iii. (r\i.|l, iiixT.) --Vaii'li'vllh'. ThiiWN M*t(i||.irc Itfri., KVifTd.) - I'l-ihiri' pIloI'M pJujH. I.villi', ij>:rAs. 'li.orn. M'tuKUS. '',u.\snv. Sij., |-'\M'IMM l-lnl N'aiio.wai., pICliiri'H oiily. TfOTKH. Manaokii \Vm. O'Nnif,, of (hi.> I'llncc. Iini n-- hiffiMh frmii Svv/ Vurk, win re ht< micei'^ih-'l In :««>kln(( hiHiii' vi'ry Hlroiiy viiii'Irvllli' Adv. Il>; tiiiiKjijiir*'*) iliiit Ihc |K/llcy of til** I'mIkt btn'sfh'r Villi h(> hlifli rInpiH vnii'tcTlllF nnil n/n'l nlirMtlon^. *mw iiUNMiWi ANo I'ji rr of I'l" loirl jI.V H4TI* Iho {(>i(*ilii of .MniMiucr If. f>>ii(l^. of Ihc f'nrU 'l*li(-nl|p, I'Vi'iiliiu of April t'i. lo \vtliM'R' :i I'M'Toinii.M'ii of Ihe rollli'* of I'li'ii^iin* (iiNi|miiy. Mr. CoiMii h'lirr* fhorlly fnr .New .li'r^cy, whtn' lit* iA lo Irikc rl.nrgc of a Ihcatrp,