New York Clipper (May 1915)

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If THE ISTEW-YOItK OLIPPIER. Mat i ™»VAUDEVILLE ROUTE LIST WASHINGTON. Hkwhiii (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)—"The I. llnc Domino" plnycd a return dale wnk <>r lit, lu good ImslnesH. "The MohK and Wle." Club <if I lie UnlverHlly of Pciinsyvniila, In "Pnrn- disc Prison," one night only, Monday 211. '"i'lio Opium I'lpo niul Hit' Pence Tnhlt'iiui." by Mrs. II nick, for *thf City Pour Hoclcly hn* lhl« In IiidiI anil II will be a regular dress society alTnlr, Tuesday nlghl, 27. Joseph Hnutlcy ami company in "All Over Town," rotil of week of ail. Oil,UMniA (Kr-.i! O. Hcrgcr, mgr.)—fl'hc Co- lumbia Musical Comedy Co.. In "The Tender- foot" drew good bnnlnewi week of II). 'Die iKIierlnl dclltilit of thin production whs the rare- fill manner In which IHretlor Frank M. Ilnlngcr prmluoed the play. Kllnor Henry wan charming. Lucille Saunders, Ignore Novanlo. Dorothy Wal- ker. (Jarl llaydu ami Harry Short were eicellent. ■■The Spring Maid" week of 20. "Bright F.yes" ".NiTinHAi. (Win. II. Ilnpley, mirr.)— "Diplo- macy," with William Gillette, Marie IMro and Blcnohc Maxes oud Ihelr excellent nsaoclah's, was e«>))«<l by. lame niiilleii^va week of 10. The Alan opera aeiiwin o|ien» week of 20. wllh "The Ouocolate Soldier." "Knbln Hood" next. I'oi.i'b (l^wli J. Koine, mgr.)—The ronulsr ri»yem, week ot 10, (rare «n Interesting pcrform- nm-e of '"lire Misleading I,atly." Allien Hoacae was aacUeat. Itoliert Ixiwe la ricesrrlng of crodlt. I^ula Haines, (Invln Harris, Urahnm. Wei- H7. Mauile OUIierl, Nanon Welch, Tereaa Dole and Ituar Macikiunld nil did well. Oood business ruled. "Ho Uiich for So Mueh" week of 24. "Nearly Married" next Sunday, May 2, Albert Iloroe, tlte new lending man ot I lie Popular p'l.fem, will he keen In luollon iilclurru. ami will gl\e a plrlvie- talk. Oaavo (Harris W. Wntklns, mgr.)—lllll week of .0: Newport, and Sllrk, Murphy an.l locluunr, l.orty nelly, Howard Onne ami company, Murle King !>«>lt. noil Clara Kimball Youiik, In "The Isep rurpte." Hianlay cnm-erlH do well. Cosmm (A. Julian llryluwskl, mgr.)—lllll 20- 28: Hilly l-JIwood. Fern Marahnll :iml 1-ouIh (Unrulier, Knowlcn ami While, Iji VIii» Clmeron Trio. Alrlglil. Manila Washington (Julnieiic. and new imYiiii-om. Siimlny i-oiuMTtH. well featured, «lin ■'Ufk- by "'nml Orchestra," do cipnclty. llAttr? (Ceiiiw I'eek, mgr.)—The Social Mnlda had good hiKliM"* week uf 10. Ulrls from Ilsppy- lend week ur 2*1. Ivmhi'h flhdiind H. Itulililns. mKr.)—IIIII week, of 211: Charlotte Walker ami eompnuy, In "The .M lull I Mnvc-lk-cna;" Hilly II. Van mid nmi|iauy, Clr.irc Uin'lii'i.ler the Hell Family, ihe Volunteers, t'liiiih'H Ahcnrn frounc. Hurry nml Kva Tuck, Iho I'our MghiuiiH, tin' I'alhe Weekly News Pictorial. Hi'iolny concerts Uo enpni'lty business. NOTKH, AfliT nlircnce of fconio time Ihc Ahorn Open On. return*, no I In crini.l ojM'rn n» formerly, but In llghl 4|H'ra and munlrnl cuiu"dli-y. The coin- pnn.v ..Includes: Ks'.ell Wentworlh i:u'7' llinu'r, • li|\le Illnlt. 1 .IIIlull '.'"in.Tel. Tlllle H:lllni;«T, Kdllll l'r.'dfiird. Ullilreil It'Ue.s lilu llrookH.Hnni, Frltrl ini. llaMlni, tfluYi'ii iJii.'IIi'h. (llndyK Chandler. Itidi 1:iho New bold. Nelvjn Itlley, ThitHlore Murlut,' iiiia Buell, William l'lnet If Jr., Juim-n Carter, .MbiTl I'nri. llror^.- SlileldH, l'hll llrunuon, Ulin.i. llowera, Jmm Ru.Hiell I'-mell, Martin Olwcwninli. Cluirlea .M. Joueii. Donuld Mcech, Forreat Huff, Itnliert lell. (Irorue O IKjiiuell, Sol Soluaann. Jai. Mev«M ami •ihrra. Tibe V.ijrrm ofTe's itinKraliilatlonn to Hlere t^inier. the piitiilar treasurer .'of 1'oII'h lu daya p'oe by. He In prouil tallKT of n liouiii'lug boy, »h» baa aeea aamul W. 11. Uosler. Tin yauDgHiers' di'llghl. ihe lllugling llros. Cin ur), la hoc May 10 aud 11. The clly la cxreed- lni:iy w«ll coTereil with new picture*, which draw crowd*. Sooefhdna; new U worlh looking at. Anna Comjn, of l'hlladelphla, win a Tlnltor to IhU e'ly a few dnya ago and while here waa chnitfToiicd hy ICtlillo Alljert ami while doing the "hIkU," they IhiiIi hart ao eye to bualaeaa— looking for a "IIIlie lint built Jnat for you and inc." 'IV evoul will occur hi Auguat. Tin Knlllpolla (Initio eulerlnluetl a large Diun- Ih'i of MaaoiiK and innny notablea were on haml t» «n)«y lUeandvea anil to llnten to H|H-et'hea, elc. Amiaig Uiikh.' preeenl wan Col. llohert Howell, of Ihe Coluinlihi. , Owing to the large Hat'of apaakern. hi* mime wan nut reached much to Ihe tHmpimlntnieut of oilier*. Don't mako nay mh'take. Col. "Hob" was preparetl, be hail his Hpeecli wllh lilm. Tiir Columbln manugeinenl In to he congratu- lated on Ihelr lielng able lo necure l.rooore Novialo. She la a great lower of alreuglh fur Hoch n Utile jewel. She In winning the liearla ■a* nil and all ahe haa done ao far thin neaaoa faa» luiii ezeelleut, her iK'rformnuce of I'aUv-y. in "Hie TiiulerfiHii," woii fnvorable eiHiuneut. Tut OnUMirrau reevlvlug canlrilmllouH for the eiauhig parmlc of Ornnd Aroiy of the Itepuhllc,- ItaTc been very aucivnnful. Kelth'a ami the Co- Innliln tuire' added their nniuen with a good nam. Pnrr IdPHGOt H, 1.—Oyera llouie (Kellx Wsaitelaekafer, iu«r. i Alairu 0|H'ra Co., In "Mn- tlaaa* Uutlenly." April 21128, "II Troriitore" 29- Mar 1. Ooi.i niai. (A If. Spink, mgr.)--Colonial Slock 00. preaeat '"llie While HIkIit" 211 and week. Kutii'i (OIiiik. UivenlH-H, mgr.)—The Albeo RMek Oo., In ".Seven Keya lo lloldpale," 2(1 uuil veek. K»:ioiv (MiitIIii Toobey. mgr.)—IIIU 2U-2K : R. T. VUfr -mid i-empniiy,- IIiiIiIh' uuil Dale, Oildone, M^kotT nml Vnully. mill Ihe Ji\well Slnlern. h'or 20-.May I : ".ti'lMMl llnyn." Semilor Kruucln Mur- phy. iMhnnrc nml l.lflit. Knrl nml Our IN. and the Ci.lie* liniM. V mon (((nia. Allen, mgr.)—lllll 2(1 and week: "The (llrln of the Knr Knsl." -Mile. Hdiin Votn. Al. Hayi'or rnd iMiiipnny, nud Orouch niul Hlch- ards. SllKNIf. 'Mill'." WllHTMlNHTMll, HUMICK'H, Oa- himi. Niukki., lluno nml tlAiKrv, idcluren. "I-'ini: FiCMiiiia" WLin plnyeil b.v the Colonlnl Ktoi'k t)o. IdKt week, mid Ihe pre.ii uminlmoualy ITiaimonvil II one of the Ih'.ii ahows Keen. In Ihe tv lig.lnl thla mason. Oupaclty Iniilncsw prevalliil nil wivk. Akron. O.— (I<ml< Wlst>. mgr.) I' A SIioo'h "Are You n Mukoii?" week ef April 'Jil. iMiihii' ll.M.L.—Horn Nloek Oo.. In "Tlie Mar- rlnire tJnnc," week of 2il. 'I'MUINTliK, I'AI.ACK, tll.OUk', Sl'U'k'H, Al.MAUIIIIi, 1.IINA, (Ini'llAM, I>llk'.\ULAMII.' V'lUHIUV, NATIONAL, Ruraiaa, Unnrro, \UjtbTic. Noiika uud Dank, nan ,ng* |ilclureD. Ntrrnt. ,1uni:h Iiiioh.' Ciiii'.uh, unihT eniiTna, 28. IIhwk'm Uhkat I.o^pon Simwa weiv at Unrber- tlil. O., 211. Soath Dt'Btl, Inil—Oliver (ft. W. Picker- ing, ■wi'.l Al. 11. l'lcld'B MUintrcln April 20, "The Olrl frotn Utah" liny :i. The lVnrl Stock 01. left for liviuMuii. 111., April 2.1. imrunijl (U. .1. Allnnlt, mirr. 1 - -lllll for 2A- 28: llyile ami MhcIoii. the lli-eiil Henry Kerln'iel. ileoroe rrlearotH'*H •MhwltvfH, lXirvlhy lirewer. und tlluirleH Mi'iloode uud company, l.usl hulf: Hick- licit. Kuinli.v, llu.ih und llublnwii, Sid l<ewla, lieu- ki'-,- nml Mnlnl, llimlou Dro.i. ami eouitiany, and plcluiva Majntii' 11'. J. UURonl, uigr.)—"Chnrley'a Amu" week tit 20. ArmnniH'Ji (S. W. rickcrli«, mgr.)—High cbi^v pbotoplnyA. Ci.ij.mai., la S.VLLB aitd Suoi'BlNB, plcturrn tinlx. S.'.o.iUHi wtirili of ntool of tbe Kulr Ainocln I Ion. for Kail Hiei'la. has already been aubnerllwtl for nud work k lotted. Crnntl Itnplda, Midi.—I'owera (Horry (I. rV»n:i.erK & CO., nigra ) "Tlie lllrl froin I'tr.h" - M iy 4. S. Majkbtu: (Orln Rtalr, mgr.)—Kcr wivk April 2ri, Ihe M:iry Serroaa Cti.jire*'iila "The Misleading ljidy. 1'lie Hhwii of Tti-morrow" ne»l. i:>ira»Ma llian'l Mct>>.v. mgr.)—lllll wwk of ill: Ileum' nml llalrd. diaries llowunl Merveilci. Will Oiiklmnl nnd ivucuMry. Itiwe Vuleile Seitette, Charlen Scimm and T'iisi-iuh> DrvH. ilui'iii:i>tl lllanrcy Acl^igtoD, uikt.) —lllll week i.f 2il: The (Mnalnn. C4K*.M(:b .Ulrla. tMlnper Trio, Hi- Ivotu Trio. Charlca nud Anna Oloeker, Clr- ilcllu'n ilogn, Mendel .mil TtakVl, Te^gy Jouen, ltiwe end Severiih. uud Sylvesicr. <-hDr1e>ai(on. S. C.—Victoria (Pasthm> Am. Co.. insira.) bill April 2II 2S: Cycling llmucllf*. lAirrlne .mil Dialley, Wnnl ami . I-'ay, uud I)nua niul llenu. Kor 20^Mny 1: llrwhs and lAirelbi, lllll I'nitll, Irrowu ami ll.irrunn. Van nnd'!t. and the Sully Kamlly. I'lllNCKHH. MAJKrtTIC. I.TRIC, |lNO, Kl.eo, CaK*- iim. I I'Aiinn niul Pixikianp, picture*. HcorATii'n I'HATAigiA. April lO-Ul, enjoyed eivwiletl ienta at each iierforiuauix'. TtJ^fcrfifgri When no date la -ID V J. R\jMli mm lt i v< .„, the wcelt Of April 91-May 1 U renreaenttd. / llmnlil 'Irnupc, Odiimlila, St. l/iuli. Aoelalde tc llughcx, :irpliinni. Kiniftu City. Mo. Adler ft /rllnc. Kellh'a. UlcTclnral. Adler. Flo. Crymal, Milwaukee. Akin, Vlw & Duffy. I'tiiilagen' Circuit, lndef. Alviu, Yaukee Ilulw, Clly 1'olut, Maxs., lndef, ALOHA TWINS ha^JSIks In their Wonderful llarefoot IluliA-lItila Dances FcBinrcd with the "Mlndiluf Makers' Allmnnn Stone, Odomal, Krle, Pa. Alvln & Kenny, Hipp., Halllmore. Althea fllHli-m. IlammeriitelD'a, N. Y, 0. Ameta, Allinmbra. N. Y. 0. AtuoroB & Mulvey.. St. Jumen. Koaton, 29-MlT 1- American Daiiccra (ill. I'alnec, N. Y. 0. Aniiu|H>lla lloyn (.''I. Kellh'». Ojlumbua, O. Ankers (3). Coloulnf. N Y. C. Andernou St Hurt, Kju'ircnH, Kannaa City. Ho. Annelle, Oreely'a, Cortland, Me.. 29-Miy 1, Apdolc'a Anlmala, lOoiprenn, vhlcngo, 2U-HS7 1. Arnnul Ilroa., Columbia, St. I^oula. Ashley & Canfleld. Kulton, nkln.. 20 May 1. Atoii CunHTily Pour. Orpheum. Ilkln. Avolloa, MuHlcnl, National, N. Y. C. 20-28. rmluura, Aerial, O. II., Illddrforrt, Me., 20- ■May 1. CLARA BALLERINI T1IF! I DON'T CARE OF THE AIB UNITED TIME nnmea, Stuarl,-. Kelth'a, Ikwlon. liiiiry, Mr. k Mrs. Jlmmle, I/frle, Dlrmlngtim, Ala. Knll ft Weal. K<)J)r , n. Ixinl:irllle. l:nrtl. Arthur, KcWi'h l.'iulnvllle. Lnnien A Crawford, Alhnmbvn, N, Y. 0. r.nyen, Norn, Keith's, l'hlln. Ui.iier HlMtera, (Irnnd, Synicuse, N. Y. 1'nker. Ilellc. Ornnil, Syrnciwe. N. Y. Ilnlnlalka Orrhestrn. Oridieum, N. Y. 0., 20-28; NaHornl. N. Y. C, 20Mny 1, LEE BARTH SITLL TJT DIAIiECT lli.lilwlo, Uritylon & C.irter, Wm. I'enn, Plilla IWvirly It MMi-key, (IrlDlu Circuit, lndef. l.iiiiMi rhijr,-s. Teiiiiile, Uelrolt. Ilergere. Valerie, tlrplieuui. Din Moines, la, Kiresferd, llnirr'^'Co., Orpheum, New Orleans, Drrreiui. The, Uruiiil, ' Syrucuso, N. Y. I>lleclalre lima., American, Chlcngo, 211-Uay 1. BiH. Iloy Trio. Dclnncey St.. N. Y. C, 20-28; ' Shulierl. Ilklu., 211-May .1 Ilen ard St Harrington. Lccw's, Newark, N. J., 2S- May 1. Ueck A Henry, l'ulnee, l'hlln.. 20-Mny 1. Iicni. Hon. Krnncls 1'., Poll's, Scranton, Pa„ 26- Mny 1. I'enway, A. P.. "Happy'' Wm. Todd's Show, ln- def. Itell it ICva. 'Hamnierateln'a. N. Y. C. llci:x>c A Uilrd, Kiopreaa, Urand Uaplds, Mich. IJjIniout A Hare, Temple, Syracuae, N. Y. "lvlla of Sun Uabrlel,'.' Nixon. I'hlla. I'lilnell A illl.uey. Proctor's 12Bth St.. N. T. 0., 2i; 2S; l'roclor'H 2;hl St., N. Y. 0., 29-M»y 1. "Illrthdu/ Puny." Uh?w'h, Toronto, Can, lllicli Droa.. Pnwpcct, llkln. lllniichard A Co.. 1'roctor'n RSIh SI . N. Y. 0., 2U-28: Pnclor'a 12Sth St., N. Y. C, 20 May 1, Itli'iidya CI), Mtjeatlc. Milwaukee, "lllnck Shetii," I*roctor'», ■ Porlchestcr, N. Y.. 29- May 1. Bowers, Wallers A Crooker. Orpbeum, San Fran- cisco ; Orpheum, Oakland, May 3-8. • Ilouillnl Tlroa., KellU'a, Ft. Wayne, lnd. Koiii.nnT Troupe. Kellh'n. Toledo, O. Boyd, Oeorge, Tlowdoln Si|., Boston. Ilornrt A Nelson. Orpheum*, llonton. 20-May 1. Boyhl, Ilalph, A Co., KncMsh's. lijillanepolln. llrown Bros., Montgomery A Stone, N. Y. 0., Imlef. FRED ft MINITA BRAD Pint Vmeant Week, M»y 3rd. 1015 Mgr Otias. A, Pouchot, Pal. Thcutre llldg., N. Y. 0 Uromlway ('guieilr Four, Harlman, Columbus, 0. ; Ourdon So., Clevelaud, May 3*H. HroiiHon A llaldwln. Majestic. Chicago, llreeii, Harry, Hamnienteln'a, N. Y. C. llrnnks, Harry, & Co., Lyric, Ulcutuond, Va., 20- Mny 1. Jlmwn-Ktetcbcr Trio, OrplK-um, Mlnueapolls. Itrltv, Fnnnle, Orpheum. Memphis, llrnncllo SlHlera A Stephens, Orpbcuin, New Or- leuna. llruch, P'rlli A I.ury. Orpucnm. St. Paul, llrowules (J), Prvctor'B 58lh St., N. Y. 0., 2H-2H. llrviinls |2), Imiv'i, ltocliesler. N. Y., 20- Mar I. llrown, Oeorge. A Co., tlraud, llilla. :s wmi i wm — YB OLDBN DAYS AND PRESENT WAYS 1IOOKKD BQ1.ID ON B1Q TIME llrnwulng, Uennlc, Orpheum, Peoria, III., 2»- M;iy 1. Iliiniltnm A Irwin, Forsyth, Allanta, Oa. llurr \ Hum 1 , Keith's, Cleveland, llu'lds, Aerlnl. Kellh's, Columbus. 0. Ilnrke, John A Mne. Orpheum, Muntreal. Cm. Hums A Fullun. Urand. Syracuse, N. Y. Hums ft Klaaeu, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 29- t Mny 1. liiii-h llros.. Orpheuni, N. Y. <!.. 2U-2S. Iliiih A Sh.iplro, 1 view's, Newark, N. J., 29- Muy I. llurke A Harris, l/ww'a, New llochelle, N. Y., ■Ill-May 1. livnl A Knrly. Miishwlck, Jlkln. Cusnd A Do Verne. Uaylou, O., lndef. diner A Waters. Forsyth, Atlnntn. ltd. Curr. Kddle, A Co., Kelth'a, lloslon. Curler. Mrs. I**lte, * Oo., Keith's, Cleveland, Culvert, Catherine. A Co.. Temple. Detroit. - Canlor A I/tv. Orpheum. Monlrenl. Cnn. Crilupliell, Misses. Itoynl. N. Y. C. Cards A Noll. (Xdoulal. Norfolk. Vs.. 2Q May 1. Carlllo, T.eo. Colonial. N. Y. O. Olllarl. Veata, rioalon. Inilef. C'liletle. I.acy. Forsyth. Atlanta Ot ... (lllllngwater. Olandc. A Co.. Keith ■- L«il>»'»«• (lllmoK'. Frank. A Co.. Orpheum. Montreal, Can. flllroy A Corrlell. Crystal. Milwaukee. Ollbert, Kotherlne. Nlion. Pblln. . Olrilella'a IJoga, Orpheom, Grand Banldn, Mich. "Qlrli from Keuo," Bowdoln Sq., lloBlon. RAY GONLIN gharles gilleh Direction MORBIS «fc FB1L. With GRACE JUA ROB UNITED TIME lugea', Ceattlc, Woao.; Pantages', Vancouter, Can., M«y 3-8. Courtney t'lnlera. Proipect, Dkln. Cock, Joe, Temple. Ilochestcr. N. Y. <V>oper A Smith, Temple, llortiewter. N. Y. Oonnelll. Heglna, A Co.. Temple, ttocheater, N. S. Onifort<* King, Shea'a, Toronto, Can. "•"'iV'.«'""V T v'"H"'" mXi.V I Ibnway^SiMer.. Procter',, Pl.lnOe.d. N. J,, »- °w'e1,%Soon.'!: I frtfWtt 1 Ccnlln. Ray. American, K. Y. C, 20-28; Lincoln Si|., N. Y. C. 29 Mar 1. Cooper, Dona, A Co., Ore-ley On.. N. Y. C, 20- 28; American, N. I. O., 29-May 1. Oladlalora, The. Kellb'i. Boalon. Gleaaona A IIoollhBn, Shea's, Toronto. Can. Cllocker, Charles It Anna. Orpheum. Orand Baplds, Mich. Gtrdon A Bica. Maryland. Baltimore, (lolet, Storts A I.ofayelle, Lincoln Bq.. N. Y. O., Gordon A Whyte. Orand. Phlla 'Ootomd, Boss. BIJon. Boston. Oordon A Marx, Howard. Boston. OoliVn. Claude. Howard, Boston. Qoldsrulth A Ploard, Orpheum, Altocma, Pa.. 28- ifay 1. OranTllle'. Bernard, Albambra. N. T. 0. OranTllle. Plerpont A Co.. Royal, N. Y. 0. Oray A Oraham, Shubcrt. Bklo., 29-May 1. Oraila A nardlne. Wm. Penn, Phlla. Crerty, Jstnea, A Co.. St. Jarnee. Boaton, 29- tATTT 1 . fJOWLBV O."" 7 0t.. Alhnmhra. N. Y. 0. W Al it 4 \Ji\JVi MmlMld X Unrriann-We.t Trio. Moslc Hall. LeomlonteT, Mans.. 2I)-May 1; Feileral, Salem. 3-S: Frank- Ur. Park, Dorchester. O R. Cbrsos 14), Dclnncey Bt., N. T. 0.. 20-18; Lin- coln Hi|.. N, Y. O.. ID-May I. Consul, Peilro. Oross Ken. l'hlln.. 20-May 1. Conners. Wakefield, A Co., Cordon's Oljmpla, Boaton. Connell, Jib. B„ BIJon, Boston. The Dill*- Bandar of VnndeTllle United Time Direction JOB HARRIS L'nvaim Duo, prvcior'n 2:inl St.. N. Y. C, 20- 2S; ITis-liir's. KllanlwHi. N. J.. 2li-.Mny 1. Chjiiitoii. Devlu A t\>.. lK'Iniieey SI., N. Y. 0., 2U-2S; Nullonnl. N. Y. C, 211 May 1. CiissaihM. l/es, Ibmleviinl, N. Y. t!., 2U-2S; Fol- lou. l'.klu.. 2UMn.v 1. Cannrls A Clm, l.lnctdii So... N. Y. C., 2H-May 1. Cuidln. Mr. A Mrs.. Fhilhiish, llkln.. 2li May 1. Calls llros.. rimcry, I'rovhleuee. l'hlln.. 20 May 1. Carson A Wlllnnl. l'ulnee." l'hlln.. 2l>-May 1. Cnlve, Kuiuia. Kellh's. lloslon. Carle. Ulrliard. S IVi.. Pahnv. N. Y. C. Cus<lns. Orpheum. llrnnd ltaplAn. Mich.' tVrvo. Orphcmu. Kansas City. Mv. Cbsllou. J'ean, Keith's, Columbus, O. Chi-vnller, I/iiuls^A Co., Ilowdoln Si|.. ltoslon. Chnln A TVniplclon. Poll's, Scrnnton, Pa.. 20- Mnv 1. Chi'slelgh Olrls. irrimcum, Crnud ltnplds, Mick. Chn-H'.- Howard. & t^i.. Casino. Wnshlngluu. "Cliealers. The." l'n>ctor's, 'I'roj. N. Y.. 20- May 1. t'llniou A Pcalrhv, llrennun A Fuller, Australia, h ilef. THE G1IM.S UIHIIND Til 10 t;|l\S CLINTON and BEATRICE nilKNNAN A FULUflR. Anatralla, Indeflpito Clsuile. T»diy A Co.. Fomylh. Atlnn'.a, On. Clhr. Uddlf. Temple. lMroll. Cl.iv ion. lle.-sle, A i\i , adonlnl N. Y'. C. Clnrk A Vi'iill, Crnud. Plttslmrirti. rlndlus A Sfciirlelt, Temple, ltocliesler, N. V. Clnrk %^ Hon'. Kmpn'ss^ tHilcngo. Clnwn Seal, Pnu'lor - '!, Troy, N. Y.. 2«» May 1. I'levelnmls, The. l'aln'.v. llkln., 211-May 1. CIHTord A llurke. Maou, l'blla. CUre. K. K.. Olohc. lhvlon. 20-Mny I. t'lhiions. Novelty Keith's. liHllnimiiolls. Cllp|ier Trio, OnMicimi, Ornnil Itnnlds Mu'h. tvil.urn. Jennie, lllllv "Swi-de" llsll A Co.. lndef. O'ltoii, l.olo, S.-iii Uli'co. Cnl.. Inilef. Cu^uu'a, Cora Vountlilivd. lusiruuicntallstii, Paa- Conroy A Le Malre, Bmhwtck, Bkln. Cole. RukscII A Datla. Lyric. Indianapolis, 29- "Cn-lidB'.'The," TroctoCs, Schenectady, N. Y., 29- May 1. n t Ot»ay A Dayne. Orpheum, Los Angeles; Orpltcnm, Sun Diego. May 2-4. Cross A Jcwpblnc, Majestic, Chicago. Crusmau. Henrietta. A Co. Palace. Chicago. Crouch ft Welch, Teoiple, Detroit. Oroliihton IiroB. A Belmont, Orpheum, Dee Moines, Cully. Klliabclh. Amerloan, Chicago, 29-May 1. evelyn cuiinn IN VAUDEVnXB Cuiiiilngliam. Kvelyn, Shubert, Bkln., 20-May 1, D'Amore A Douglass, Uoyal. N. Y. O. Danubes (4), Palace. Chicago. Dnrrel A Conway. Kelth'H, Boaton. Davis Family. Orpheum, Dulutb. Minn. Daniels, Slewart A Co., Proctor's 23rd Bt, N. Y. C 20-28; Proctor's. Plaludcld, N. J.. 29- -May 1. „ „ Dnnrlng Dolls (0). rroctor's, Bochester, N. i., 2U-May 1. . ., „ .„ Davis A Matthews, Greeley Sq., N. Y. a, 26- 2S; 7th Are., N. Y. C, 20-May 1. Dalley, Ilobert S., Orand, Syracuae, N. Y. "Day at Went Point." Cordon's Olympic. Boston. Dcvereani. Jack. A Co.. Maryland, Baltimore. DeMar, Grace. Alhambra, N. Y. 0. De Mont, IloM., Trio, Keith's. Phln. De Winters, Grace, orpbeam, N. Y. 0., 29-May 1. Ifeniarest A Colette, lieUncey St., N. Y. a, 20- May 1. Del more A Light, Emery. PrOTldence, 20ATay 1. Desvalli. Olympla, Patace. N. Y. C. I>e Long Trio, Orpheom. Grand Bapldn, Mica. Diamond A Grant, Orphean. Montreal, Can. Dluchnrt, Allan. A CO;. Rhea's. Toronto, Can. Dlnmend A Breunan, ColoDlal, N. Y. 0. Diving Girls, 71h Are.. N. Y. 0., 20-28; Oreolex f-q.. N. Y. 0.. 2»-Ma» 1. . Dixon A Dlion, Iloalerard, N. Y. 0.. »-Mar 1. D'I»rn MainJe. Proctor's 58th St., N. Y. O., 29- May I. Deree, Mroe.. A Co., Prospect. Bkln. Doyle St Dixon. Maryland, Baltimore. HBADlsIHIHO IsOKW'S CIRCUIT DUDLEY DOUGLAS a "LOTH IN A BAHTTAItlOM" Doeley. Hny. Trio. Shea's. BntTslo. Ikrech A Russell. Proctor's, Troy, N. Y.. 39- May I. Dtlee Sisters (3), Boulevard, N. Y. C. 20-28; Flatbusb. Bkln., 29-Miy 1. Dui-edln, Queenle, Boahwlck. Bkln. Duffy A Lorvnse, Prospect, Bkln. Dunbar's Bell Blngera, Colonial, Krle. Pa. Dn Gallon, Royal, N. Y. O. „ Dunn Sisters, Proctor's 38th St., N. Y. O.. 20-28; Proctor's 125th St.. N. Y. O., 29-Msy 1. Dogan ft lUyn^ind, Fulton. Bkln., 29-May 1. Dudley A Merrill. Lyric. Indianapolis, 29-May 1. Dynes A Van Epps, Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. C, 2C-2H: Proctor's SSth St., N. Y. C, 20-May 1. Karl A Ourtln. Emery, Prorldence, 29-May 1. . l'^lna. Iluthe. Olean, N. Y.. lndef. Mlmumls A La Telle. Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. O.. 20-28. l';is A 1'renrb, Orphean), Dnrath, Minn. lUluore A Williams. Orpheum, St. Puul. 1'hlrlilge A lltrlvw, MoVlckcr'a, Chicago. Kike Duo, McVlcker'a, Chicago. El Oleve. McVlcker's, Chicago. KMou A Clifton, Kmpress. Chicago. 20-May 1. KlMclt A Mullen, Hlnp., ltnltltnore. Kl Oota, Palace. Hkln., 28-May 1. F.mcrson A Baldwin, Lyric. Blrmliighnm, Ala. Emu-ell. J. K., A Co., Greeley Sq.. N. Y. O., 20- May 1. KTrol, llert. Keith's. Phlla. Kugrne A noberla, Proctor's, Plaludcld, N. J., 20- Mny 1. Kvans, Hilly A Olora, Galely. Chicago, lndef. EVENS & SMITH— Presenting "BETWJLBN BATTlsBS" SiHiclal Scenery A. Effects PUy)pg D. B.O. Time vnns A Wilson. Lincoln Sq., N. X. 0., 20-28; Orpj.Miu), N. Y. O.. 2U-.MST 1. HverybeOy." AuutIcui, Chlcngo. 20-May 1. a|io.4lilni) Four, Hununerstoliru, N, Y. C. urber Sitters, Ma>.'sllc. Chicago, 'aye, ICirle, A Hoys, Miijcatlc. Milwaukee, ny. Kva, A Co., Proclor'n OBIIi St., N. Y. O. FusliIon auov of lOiri," Colonial, N. Y. O. erry, Keltli's. Cincinnati, 'cm. Hurry. A Co., Keith's, Phlla. on I on. Murle, HIJou, Saraunab, Oa., 20-May 1. Iltglbliou. nerl, Orpheum, Jackaonrllle, FU. lls^llilioi:s, Marie, Orpticura, Memphis. Isher A Oreen. Orpheum. St. Paul. Fired from Ynle." Fulton, Bkln.. 20-May 1. lorlgny, Menee, Orpheum, Dea Moines, la. lomicc. AIIhtIb. IIIJoii, Boston, oy, Kildle, A Family, Shea's, Buffalo. EFFIE and BILLY HILL TALK STOCK CO.,POWTBMOUTH, Ig.H. 'iltrtman A Vnroily, Palace, Chicago. Iialperln, Nan, Oridieum. Kansus City, Mo. ■Unvoman's Animals. Orplieum, Mlnueapolls. Hal A Francis, Onilieum, Now Orleans. Hartley A Pecan, Hipp., HI. Loul9. Ilnrrold, Orvllle. Sheu'H. Toronto, Can. Hart. Marie A Hilly. Sth Ave, N; Y. C. Hawthorne A luglls, Columbln. St. I-onl-:. Uarmon, Zarnes A Dunn, Proctor's 120th St., N. N. C. 20-28. Bathaway's Dogs, Proctor's, ElUabcth, N. J., 29- May 1. Hardeeo, Proctor's. Albany, N. Y. Utnhon, Alice. National. N. Y. C. 2C-2S; V7or- wick, llkln., 2U-.\lny 1. Hawkins, The. Cross Keys, l'hlln., 20-May 1, Hayes A Alpolnt, 'Nixon, Phlln. Haydn, Burton A Haydn, Globe, Boston, 20- May 1. Hamilton A Barne*. Kngllsh'a, IndlanapolUi. ilutliaway ft Mack, Portland, Portland, Me., 20- May 1. MARIE AND BILLY HART In "THE CIRCUS GIRL." Dlrcctlcn JAMES E. PLUNKETT. Hnn Blng Chleu, Temple, Syracuse, N. Y. llirtert, Haiti, A Co., Orpheum, Kansas City, .Mo. Ilorfcrd, Benlrlee. Kellh's, Boston. Herman, AL, Grand, Pittsburgh. reman, Dorothy, Victoria, Phils. Heath, Bobby, A Co.. Grand, Phlla. Henry, Margaret Miller. DIJou. Boaton. limber A Oolda. O. U., Gllbertsvllle, N. X.: O. K., Morris. May .1-0. "Ue Couldn't Bememuer," Orpheum, Boston, 29- May 1. Illnea A Foi, Orpheuni, Bklo. Hlckoy Bros., KelUi's. Columbus, 0. UIMehrandt, Fred, Greeley Sq., N. X. 0., 28-28; 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 21)-May 1. lllgti Life Four, Gordon's Olympla, Boston. Hogan, (!us, Rmlo Marks Co., lndef. Houston, Henry, Touring Australia, lndef. Hoffminn Gertrude, Ornheum, Bkln, Houdlnl, Maryland, Baltimore. Howard, Chas., A Co., Kmpress, Grand Baplds, Mich. *" Mae Holden THE ELECTRIC SPARK GAIETY OIRLS CO. . . HowarJ's Ponies, Alhambra N. Y. C. Iloey A I*e, Orpheuni, Bniutb, Minn. Howell. Geo., A Players. Prospect, llkln. HowipI A Chose, Proctor's, Schenectady, N, Y., 20-Mjy 1. Howard, Eddie, A Co., 7th Ave., N. Y. C, 29- Uay 1. HoIdcs A Riley. Boulevard, N. Y. C, 29-May 1. llolmau. Harry, A Co., Blh Ave., N. Y. O.. 20-28: KeJtu's. Jerser Olty, N. J., 20-May 1; Boyal, HURST.WATTS S HURST PLAYING WESTERN VAUDEVILLE TIME. DlrecUOD 11AHRY W. SPING0LD. Hughes, Mrs. Gene. Kellh'a, CUiclhuall. Huraey A Boyle. Orpbeum, Dee Moines. Ia. llune, Kthel. A Co., Proctor's 23rd. St., N. Y. 0.. 20'May 1. llymer, John B., A Co., Orpheum, Jacksonville Fin. UAllllY- Direction UNITED TIME PAT CASEY EDDIE FOY AND SEVEN LITTLE FOY8 Direction HAltltY FITZGERALD Fognrly, Frank. Ilnrumersteln'B, N. Y. O. Forrester A Lloyd, Delnnccy St.. N. Y. O.. 26-28; Lincoln Si|.. N. Y. (!.. 20-May 1. Ford's Ilevue. l>ehincey St., »). Y. 0., 20-28; Ornheuni. N. Y. O., 20-Mnv 1. Frlnilnl, Us. Merino. Wyoming, Pa.. 29-May 1; lien Nnulleoke, :l-8. ' Francois, Maredt, A I'nrlner, Majestic, Ohlcago. Francis, AdeMne. Orpheum, llkln. Frldkowskl Trou)ie, Maclnnd. Baltimore Franklin A Urrai, Keltli's, Indlonnuolls. l'>aos. Pig.. Troupe, Prcetdr's 123th St.. N. Y. O., 2')-ll«y 1. Francis A Jones, Orpheum. N. Y. O., 28-28. 1-Vsze-. Huiico A Morrill, IIIJou. Bkln., 1 20-May 1. Franrls A nosa, Itoulcranl, N. Y. O.. 2»May 1. •lahrlel. Master. A <>J.; MaJesUc, Chicago. OBscolgne. Cleo, Kellh's. Olevclanil. donllaer TTIo. Keith's. I.Milstllle. Ganlacr Jack, Co., OrplH'oui. MemphlT. Ganlajer h ltevere McVlcker's. Chicago Qollagtmr A Mnrtlu, licctor's, -Schenectady, N. Y.. 20-May 1. annle.1. Ceo. A Lily, Iwi'i, Ilochestcr, N. T.. 20-Miy 1. Gnby, Krnuk, I/iew's. Newark, N. J., 20-May 1. Gasch Slilera. Isjew's. Toronto. Can. Oamlsmlilts. riio. Grand. Syracuse. N. Y. Oer.inl ft West, Lyric. Flohoken. N. J., 20-May 1. Georire. Kdwln., Altoona. Pa.. 29-May 1. (lernlds, Muslrnl, Kugllsh'*, Indlanspulla. "Ucirmiu Janitor. The." Wm. Penn, Phlla. GILMORE & CASTLE UNITED TIME, DlrcctlOD, PETE MaCK "In Old Tyrol." Wm. Penn, Phlla. JonTeys (4), Kelth'a, Cleveland. Jewel's; Manikins, Orpheum, Jacksonville, Flo. Jeffersoo, Joseph, A Co.. Boyal. N. Y. O. Jeanettes (3), Proctor's 120th St., N. Y. 0.. 20-28. Jenkins A Covert. Loew's, Toronto. Can. Jomelll, Mme.. Orpheum, Minneapolis. Joyce A West. Lincoln Sq., N. Y. a, 20-28; Fulton, Ilklu., 20-May I. Jones. Peggy, Orpheum. Orand ltnplds. Mich. "Just Half Way." McVlcker's, Chicago. Kallch. Bertha, A Co., Bushwlck. Bkln. Kr.ufman, Vemle, Orpheuni, Montreal, Can. KaJlyama. Keith's, rklla. Kalmn A Co.. Proclor's 2.1rd St.. N. Y. 0., 20- 2S; lToctor's. Scbnectady, N. Y„ 20-May 1. Kaufman Sisters. Gordon'H Olympla, Boston. Kay, Marlon, Bijou, Doslon. Kays. Flying (3), Orpheum, Peoria, III., 29- May I. A Mac, Pautagvs Circuit, lndef. Keno A Green. ProMiioct. Ilkln. Keane A Window, Grand, Pittsburgh. KELLY #GALVIN Direction HARRY SPINGQLD KellotJ. Chns., Orpheum Dululh, Minn. Kelly, Wnltor 0., Kelin's. Cincinnati. Keystone Trio. Proctor's, Elljalwth, N. J.. 20- May I. Kelsey. Joe, Dclnncey St., N. Y. a, 2028; Sha- bert. Ilkln., .29-May ,1. Kent, Annfci' Globe; IV.slon. 20-May 1. Keller, Bill A Maude', lull's, Scrontou. Pa., 20- Miy 1. Kendall's Auto Doll, Poll's, Scranton, Pa.. 20- May 1. ■ King Bros., Dominion, Ottawa, Can. PHILADELPHIA m New Jersey Centre! EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR From Liberty Bt., 7 A. BL, to 10 P. m. »nd at Midnight with Sleepers 10 BIINOTBB OF THE HOUR From W. H3d Bu YOCB WATCH 18 YOUR TLMK TABLE Consult P. W. HEROY, E. P. Act M40 BROADWAY, BK.W YORK Kramer A Morton, Prospect, Bkln. Kronold, HsnS, Keith's, Cincinnati. Kremollna A Dsrr Bros., Orpheum, Des Mnlm.. la. Kremkn Bros.. Orpheum, St. Paul. Kurt Is' Boosters, Orpheum, Bkln. Kuma, Tom, Orpheum. Des Moines, In. Kyle, Tom, A Co., Temple. Syracuse, N, Y. l.awrense, Bert, Sua Circuit, lndef. La France A flruce. Keith's, Clereland. Lane A O'Donnel. Temple, Detroit. Loogdons. The, Keith's, Ft. Wayne, lnd. Lai Mon -Kirn, Urand, Pittsburgh. I* Mont's,- Bert, Cowboys, Orpbeum, Memphis. La Co»lo.-'-Mr. A Mrs., 7th Atc., N. Y. C, 2«. 28; Bijou. Bklo.. 29-iIay 1. Laudry Bros., Flatbusb, Bkln., 29'May 1. La Vails, Aerial, Loew's, Newark, N. J.. 2-.i. Mny 1. Laurie A Allen, Cross Keys, Phlla.. 20-Msy 1. Jjimplnls, Orpheum, Altoona, Pa., 20-May 1. 1* Orohs. I'rosnect. I'.kln. I*nrh. Wsllen Trio, Kellh's, Cleveland. I<onnr<1 A Rnsscll, Keith's, Ft. Wavue, 1ml. Lelpblons (3). Orpbeum, New Orlennr. I« lloen A Duprecce, Columbia, St. Louis. Le Boy, I.ytlon A Co.. Cclonlal. N. Y. 0. Ix!C<.ardl, Proctor's 12"itli St., N. Y. C. 20-May I. J.tlghlon A nohhlson. 711. Atc, N. Y. C, 20-3K; I'latlmsh. Bkln., 29-Mu.v 1. Icon's Models. Ornnd. Phlla. Lee, Solly. Hnmraersleln'K, N. T. C. Lewis, Al., A Co., Kellh's. Lowell. Mas<°. I*ster, Horry B.. Ornud. Syracuse, N. Y. lAlghtncr A Jordnn. Keith's. Bcton I.lnd. Lyric Richmond, Vs.. 29-May 1. Lloyd, Alice, Majestic', Milwaukee. Txiurhlln'fl Dogs, Orpheum, Kansas Olty. Me. Lent Tack Sbm A Co.. Keith's. Columbus. 0. Ixbsc & Sterling, Orpheum, Memphis. Lovrnlnc A Dudley, BIJou, Savannah, (Is.. 20 M«y 1. T.oiilse's Monkeys, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y., 2!i May 1. I.oln, Proctor's. Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 20-Moy 1. Ixiwees, The, Bowdoln 8q.. Boston. Ltyal's. Alfred. Pets. Orpheum, Peorln, III., 29 May 1. Lockttt A Waldron. Keith's. I»well. Mass. "Love In a Sanitarium," Hipp., Baltimore. Lunette Slstcra, Kellh's, Phlln. I.ullier, F.lln, Flntbush, Ilklu., 20-May 1. Lyi ns & Yosco Keith's, Toledo. 0. I.7lell. Wm., A Co.. Cross Keys, Phils., 29 Mcc'cirdy, James Kytle, A Co., Tcderal, Salem. Moss., 29- May 1. FRANK MACKEY 110IN0 "DDTCH" WITH OHAB. ROBINSON 8 CARNATION 1IBAUTIE8 Mssou, Barry Lester. Majestic. Chicago. Matlbtws, Shayne A Co., Prospect, Bkln. Mario & Durry, Keith's, Boston. Marie, Dainty, Hammersteln's, N. Y. C, .. MacDonough, Elbel, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Marx Rres. A Oo.. Orand, Plttsburgb. Mnng A Snyder. Shea's, Toronto. Can. ■ Meilerla A Chase, Proctor's 125th St., N. X,. C, 26-28. Mary Ellen (Elephant), Proctor's 125th St, N. Y. 0.. 29-May 1, . . VIOLE™°M U A§COTTE Howard and Bowdoln Sq., BoBton. Spring and Somthor stock: 'Martini A Moimlltlsn, Proctor's, Plalndeld, N. J., 20-Muy 1. Msyo A Tally, Orpbeum, N. Y. C. 20May I. Mcyor A Manicure. BouleTsrd. N. Y. C, 20- May 1. Mahoney. Tom. Ixiew'B, Toronto. Can. Mab A Weiss. Alhnmbrn. J'hlln.. 2U Mny 1. Mudden A Fllnputrlck, Orpheuni, Pcorh, 111.. 29. May 1. MarMisll, Sam. Portland, Porlland, Me., 2U- ARTHUR MAYER SERBIAN COBIEDIAN JACOBS and JKKMON ^ McWattcrs A Tyson, Palace, Chicago. McCounell A Simpson, Keith's, Oolumlnu. O. McLallan A Carson, Kelth'a, Ft. Wuyne. Ind. UcCormack A Wallace, Orpheum, Jacksonville. McMalion A Ohapclle. Hamemrsteln's, N. Y. 0. McDerltt, Kelly A Lucey, Kelth'B, Toledo, 0. McOretrey, Mr. A Mrs., Kellh's. Toledo, O. McFayden, Dare, Proctor'B, Pla,lnfleld, N, J.. 20-May 1 McNuIs. Cycling. Orpheum, N. Y. 0.. 20-28: National, N. .X. 0., 29-May 1. MoCarlby, Myles, A Co.. BonleTard, N. Y. 0., 20- 28; 7th Are., N. Y. 0.« 20-May 1. McOowan A Oordon, Wm. Penn, Phlla. McOood. Charles, Lyric. Indianapolis, 29-May 1. McDevlt. Jno. Jay, Poll's, Springfield, Mass., 29- May 1. Mcyako Trio, Oolonlnl. Krle. Pa. Median's Dogs, KeltliV. Toledo. 0. „ _ n Mertdltb & Snooxcr. D elancey St. N. Y. C. 20- TWO BOYS AND SIX TABLES MENNETTI & SIDELLI Thoae Lndloroas Ao robots Booked eolld 28; are*ley Sn., N. Y. C, 20-Moy 1. Melnotln Twins. Delnucey Bt, N.Y.O.. 20-May 1. Mellor A I>c Paula, Lihtv'b. Toronto. Can. Mcudelsoi Four, Allminbra, Phlla.. 20-May I. Mtndel A Kegel, Orpheum. Grand Knplds. Mich. Mercedes, Empress, Grand Baplds, Mich. Mlllanl Bros. (Bill A Bob), Kaglc Mills, N. 1.. iLdcf. - Ulgnoh, Bushwlck, Bkln. Miller & Lylc Orand. Phlla. Montgomery, Marshall. Folaco, Chicago. Monqrch Comedy Four. Forsyth, Atlanta, aa. Morrlsney A Hackctt, On-idieum. Ilkln. Muiton, Wars, A Oo.. Pbea's, Buffalo. Mooro * Young,, Montreal. Can. Moiiuraowrj A Moore; Orphetam. New Orleans. Morris A Allen, lituprcts, KaiiBns Olty, Mo. Morris, Ellda. Shea's, Toronto. Oan. Monro' A Bl^lott, Loew>, ltocliesler.. Y., .0- MoVrSli 1 Frank, Boulevard. N. Y. C.. 20-May 1. Monroe, ltoy, Fjigluih's. Inillsnopolia. Morris A Meeker, Lyric, Indianapolis. 29-May 1. Moure, Oardner A Bosc. Orsnd, Syracuse, N. x. joe KENO uo GREEN-MSiE MUSICAL COMEDY MANAGERS INVITED TO LOOK 118 OVER IN RECARD8 TO NEXT SEASON Week ot April 10, Ilammcrffltln's; April 26, Prospect, UrooUyn _ May :), Koltn's, llogton; May 10, Alliamtira, N. Y. 0.; May 18, BoahwlcJf, Brooklyn Kli»ls?rly A Mohr. Oilonlnl. N. Y. C. Khm-Ners, Tbe. Proctor's, I'ortcbcster, Si. Y., 20- May I. Klrslnke's Plga. Greeley Sq., N. Y. 0., 20-28. Kluratxrry A Muuson, Orpbeam, N. YJ C, 20-28; DelnLter St., N. Y. O., ao^Mny- I. Kllner, Hayes A Montgoroery, Loew's, Toronto, Can. Knight, Perclval, A Co., Palace, Cblcago. Knight, Harlan D., A Oo., Wm. I'enn. Phlla- Kolb A Uarland, Keith's, Ft Wayne, lnd. Mullone. Frank, Keith's, Oolambus, O. Muridiy. Sen. Francis,, Emery, Providence, Muflcn A Ooogen. Keith's, Lowell. Mass. Muriiby A' I.ochranr. Casino, WsBhlngton. "Muslral Obef," ProotorVB 23rd St.. N. Y. O., 20-May 1/ , Mtkoff A Vanity. Olobe. Boston, 20-Msy 1. Nor.nrro. Nat Troupe. Temple. Bochester, N. x. Nnsh, Julia, A Oo., Temple, Bocheater, N. Y. Nopoll Duo, Kmpreas, Chicago, 20-May L