New York Clipper (May 1915)

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18 rPitE TST&W' Yt^felC OTiTP • r ■ Mat s EVERY HOUR ON tHE HOUR From Liberty St., 7 A, M, to 10 P. M. and ait Midnight with Sleeper* ' 10 MINUTES OF THE IlOUn Prom W. 93d St. YOUR WATCH IS YOUR TIME TABLE ComuH P. W. HEftOY, E. «*. Agt I«40 IHOAPWA ¥, BBW YftfrBy ... Gillette, Lucy, & Oo., Orphenm. Jacksonville, Fla. Olllierl, Veeta, A Co., Empreni. Kansas Oily., Me. •■(IllI In the Dork," Lyric, Ilnbokcn. N. J., 0 8. "Ulrl from Milwaukee,'' Pslace, • Chicago. Gordon, Kitty, A Oo., Orpbeum, Mlnnespolla, Golden & Weal, Hhuberl, Bkln.. 0-8. Own* A Llvsey. Bhubert. Bkln.. 0-8. Golet, Hurts, A Lafayetlo, Orpbeum. N. Y. 0., 0-8. Ooldlng A Km ling. Howard, Boston. (Iprilon, Harry A Deri, Bowdoln Sq., Doetoo. Oolilcn, Claude. Palace, N. Y. a Oprdnn A While, Wat. Penn, Phlla. . •, Grant A Oreenwood, Orpheom, Kenao* City, Mo. (Iremley A Droylon, McVlcker'a, Chicago, u Oray A Orafaaoj. 7th Kit.. N. Y. C, 3-5; Boule- vard, N. V. 0.. 0-8. Grady, Jan., A Oo., I.oow'a, Newark, K.^ J„ 6-8. ilrapewln A Chance, Orphenm, raorla, 111., 0-8. Grrnvllte, Bernard. Oolonlnl, N. Y. C. Granville. Taylor, A Co., Prospect, nkln. llarriaon-Weat Trio, Franklin Park, Dorr.heater, . Ilmia.. 0-8i Dowdoln So... Boston. 10-15. Hacked, Norman. A Co., Orpheum, Jacksonville, EFFIE and BILLY HALL YALE BTOOK 00., BROOKTON, HASH,, INDEF. Handera A Mllllsa. BIJou, Savannah, tin., 0 8. Hawthorne A Inglla, MuJeMIr, Ohlcogo. Ilnrrnlil. Orvlllo. Majatlc. Chicago. Ilavllnnri A Thornton, Mnycallr, Milwaukee. Hayes, Ilrenl, Orpbeuro, Ml. 1'itul. Hnjilti. HiKlon & llaydn, St. J union. Boston, 0-8. rjinaon, Alice, Ix>cw'n. Toronto, Can, Il.iDilllon A HnriK-M. Orpheum, Peoria. 111.. 0-8. Holo, Willi, A Co.. Orpbeuai. Peoria, 111., 0-8. MARIE AND BILLY HART v Id "THID CIIICD8 GIRL.".. Direction JAMBS E, PLDNKETT. Hart, Marie A Hilly, Grand. Phllo. Hall A Oolburn. lOmprw*. Grniul Itaplde. Mich. Iluolils, The. Poll's, Now Haven. Cods.. O S. llcrford, IMnlrlcc, Maryland, Baltimore. Helm. Dial A Nr-lllc, Iwit'i, Rochester, N. Y. Ileimnii. Dnnilhy. Huiilicrt, Ilkln., (1-t). Nei-ry. Ilulli A Kitty, Ornnd. I'hlla. 1'enHi, Hobby, Ouhhioh, Washington. 0-8. lllrkey linn. CI). KcHh's, Cincinnati. Hllilchrandt. Fred. Lincoln 8q., N. Y, 0., 8-5; • llonlrvar.1, N. Y. C. 0-8. IHi>l>odrunH? Four, l^iew's, Rochester. N. Y. Hilton A Ko'jcrtH, Keith's. I,owrll. Man. Illllycrs (3), Orpheum, Grand RbiiIiIj. Mlcb. ilogan, Qua, Ernie Markx Co., luJof. Keane A Window, Temple, DetrMU Kol'y. Walter.C.. Majestic, Oblcags, Kent, Annie. Delnncey flt, N, Y, 0.. 3-5; Amer- Ic/ui. N. Y. 0., 0-8. Kclacy. Joe, Delancey-St., N. Y, C, 0-8. Kelly A Oalvln, Palace, Ft. Wayne. Ind, KELLY #GALVIN Direction HARI1Y SPIWOOLD Kirk A Fogarty, KoJuYa. Toledo, 0 ' Klmiiall A Kenneth, Orphcum, Orand Raplda, Mlrh. Knowles A White, Amalcan, N. X. 0., 8-S; Uh- coln Sr, II H. Kronold, Hnna Kflth'a, ClfToland. Kramer A Murtui), Cnlonlal. Y, 0. Krerr/)llna A llnrrna Ikrm., Maleitle, ChlcajD. JUimk/i IIroil., Oniheum, Dululli, Mloo. I^wrenc!, llert, Hun Circuit, lnilef. l.a Prance A Unlet, KclUi'a, Indlana|iolla. I,one A O'Donnoll, TemMe. noehealer. N. Y. La Vara Dancing, .Shea'n, Toronto! Can. 1/on.bfrll Orpheuni, Kntian^ City, Mo. I.aruont'a Onwlnya, Orphcum, New Orleans. , l.a Oonnt, Ileaile, ICrapma, KnnMa City. Mo. La Pollklla A Partner, Delancey Bt., N, Y. C, 3-5: Oreeley «Q., N. Y. C, OS. Laulry Uro'i., 7th Arc., K. Y. O.. 0-8. 14 Valla, Aerial, Orpheom, Boston, 0-8. Lander, George, Tlowdola 8q., Eoalon. La Toy Ilroa., Nixon, l'blln. Laypo A Benjamin, Poll's. SprlDnVId, Masa., 6-8. 1st Oroha, The, Bhea'a. Buffalo., . l/manl A Rnaaell, Empreia, .Orand Baplda, Uich. I* Boy. Lylton A Co., Atbambra, N. Y. 0. l^ach-Wallln Trio, Kellh'a, Toledo, O. ]-». Hoen A Du|ireeee, Orpbeum, Urmpbla. IrfKli A aillwrl. Victoria,.I'hlla. Lerera A Allyn, Poll'a, Hcrantoa, Pa., 0-8. Leoaardl, Caalno, Waahlngton. I.tghtner A Jordan, Alhaabra, N. Y. 0. l.bitcn A Lawrence, Orpheum, Merriphla. l.lebert, Sara, A Oo,, Delancey Bt., N. Y. 0., 3-6; Palace, Bkln.. 0-8. Lloyd, Alice, Knipreaa, draod Raplda, Idlch. l/jckert A Waldron. Prospect, Dkln. Long Tack Sam. Kelth'a, Cleveland. I/orralne A Dudley, Lyric. Richmond. Va., 6-8. IxiIim A Stoning. Orphcum. Mew Orleana. Ixwlon, Loul*. Ortilieum. Bt. Paul. Ixiyal'a Anlnala, Orpheum, at. Faul. J»pokva. I.yrla. Majeatlc. Milwaukee. Ixiiler, Chaa,, A Oo.. Academy, Buffalo. Lndwlg A Htuart, Orand, Hcmleraon. K. 0. Lyona A Yonco. Kelth'a, Oolinnbufi, <). J.tcIt. Ik".ii. Ornhenm. Peoria, IB., 0-8. Madd en A Fltfpfltrlck. Kelth'e, LonlaTllle. FRANK MACKEY DOING "DDTOH" WITH OBAS. RODIN SON 8 0AHHA TIOH CEAUTIEB Maek A Walker, Temple. Uocneater, N. Y. Marx Bron., Hben'e, Toronto, Can, Mario A Duffy, Bhea'a, Toronto, Oan. Maeslro. Km\,rtm. Ht. Paul. . - Mack A Vincent, Iloalerard, N. Y. 0., 3-5; Amer- ican. N. Y. U.. 0-8. Mack. Albright A Mack. Na-Uooal, N. Y. O., 0-8. Maeka (2). Victoria, Pblla. . . Mailnillllan Uroa.. Oryalnl. Milwaukee. Maxlno Dm. A Hobby, Keltli'a, Boalon, ARTHUR MAYER GERMAN COMEDIAN JA.CODB and JEMJUON THE ELBOTRIC 9PA11K QAIWTY OIKI.a CO. Tlonaton, Henry, Tonrlng Aualralla, lndef. Holt. Alf.. Hliea's, HulTnlo llorellk Troupe, Orphruni. Memnhla, Holinan. Harry. A Oo., lloyal, N. Y. 0. Honey Hoy Ulnatrela, l/oew'a, Toronto, Can. Howell, Ueo.. A I'layera. Colonial. N. Y. 0. Hoffmann, Ocrtrmlc, ll uahwlck, nkln. HARRY HOLMAN In "ADAM klLUITi" Direction TUOS. J. F1TZPATRI0K Wook Hny s, nojol, N. Y.; May 10,Temple, Hoolicaler, N. Y.j Hay 17, Tumiilo, Detroit, Mich. - TJowc A Howe, ■Orplieum, Orand Ilanldn. Mlci. Jlurst, Brandon, A Co., Orphcuiii. 31. Paul, llyinnek Orpheum, Duluth, Mlhu. Irwin. Flo., A Oo., Temple, ltoebesler, N. Y. Jai.H'ii, Hugo, A Co.,' Kelth'a, liiwoll, Mana. ■leffiT Jos., A Co., Kellh'a, I)o.ilon. HURST, WATTS & HURST PLAYINQ WESTKrtN VAtlDKVlLl.E TIME. Dlrootion HAitiiY w. ai'iNOOLD. Jowell'n Mnnlklna. Lyric, lllrniliik-lmtii, An.. Jonu'lll, Mine., Orplieuiu. Dulnlli. Minn. Jonlnh OlrlM, Oriiheuni, Mlnuen|Hilln. Joyce A Weal, Nallnnal, N. Y. 0., 3-D: Orpheum. N. Y. 0.. 0-b. .luluiHoii, lloiie.v, Oreely'H. Portlniid. Mo,, fl^. "Jimt Halt Way," Aiuerlenn, Clilcago, 0-8. AND LI l>lrrctl«i UNITED TIME PAT OA8UY KnJIyama. Temple. lVirolt. Katliryn. Jimepulne, Lluenln Su N. Y. 0.. 3-5 ■ lloiilevnnl. N. Y. O., tl-8. Knllrh. Herthii. Alliniiilirn. N. Y. O. Kciiniily A Mac. PaiHrtKes'. Vauvourer, Oan. Keuo A Green, Kelth'a, Dun ton, • ;., BAl 8TEEL CUD WAROROBlE TRUNK Q4S D.m'ilc Trolley. Steel Dountl, Klhre CoVcrctl nnrj it (■ nuii.T nv nAi, . . , A of. Our Oiit-of-Town Anrciltn) « W: A. 11ACON A CO lloslon, Mnsa. OUAltA.NTBH TIU1NK (XI... URi tCord, Conn. 'J'flF, 'iWINK SHOP Now llnviu Conn. .>YIIAC!'S15 Tltl'NK CO....". Svyncnse, N. Y •JilK RMPOKIUM,... lliifrnl.. N.T. MANDKI, HlllVr»F/Ua OMobro, III. KDWARI) MOYI.K Savannah, On. W\OKS T-KIINK CO Ksnt>n« City. Mo. (j. W. I'lllTZ CO Sirnnton, Pa.. K. .1. OAHSKI'OIH Imllnimpolls. Intl. J. 1". DTK] AN A-SON Troy. N. Y. MACK 'PUTINK CO: Nsw Orleima. I*. HIIY UU)CK MHUCAN. CO.. MenjpUU. .Tenn: r. , ^^^i^ K .^^■.^&;,£ 0 , , :^ < ^: , WIUIAM BAL COMPANY ' WILLIAM 0 CLARE AND SHAMROCK GIRLS liililuiii 1 , Iak^t'ii, Torunio, Can, O'Koele, Hob, l.yrlc. Turuet'a Kalla, Mam., 0-8; Lyric, AUiol, lUl^i Dliuichanl, Houthbrldge, 13-1S. OUvera (0). Kullun, nkln., 0-8. Oilier A Olp, Orplieum, MlntieiiunUfi. O'Nell, IXic. l'oll'a, New llov.n. Conn., 0-8. "On the Sebiiul Playground," Omhrum, Hkln. "On the Veranda." Oreeley etii.. N. Y. C, 8-5: U'lanee/ St.. N. Y. C. il-H. On-hard, 1C. h\, HUou, Huaton, Oxford Trio. Kellli'ii. ClnelnnHll. PnttermmH. Houmlliig, Vli-tnrla. O., 0-8. l'ngc. Hack A Mark, Kelth'a, LuolaTlllc. I'nntiyr Dun, Omnium. Dululb, Minn, tv.tterwn, lliinlelln. Orplieum, MlnneapollK. Purlw. DelniK-ey SI., N. Y. 0.. 3-Si Flatbtuh, Hkln., ON. P.ilrlmla A .Meyer*. Till Are., N. Y. 0., 0-8. Pnytnu A llreeii, lUimloln Si)., IKnton. Pnrhlan Oi>ern Co., Colonial, La>m-nce, Masa., (i-S. Palmer. Oiialon, Wui. Penn, Phlln. IVal*im A (loldle, Aiuerlenn, S. Y. 0., 84; irri'lioiiiii. N. Y. C. O S. Pepplno. (\iliHilal. Lawrence. Maa«., 0-8. Pense, Jluimv, Palace, Tiihilo. ii. Phlllppl Qu.irlt-tte. Colonial. Chicago, O B. Pottera. PeerUim. Colonial. Chleaco. OH. PoUlu lira!., lyric. Hnhokcn. N. J.. 6-8. Prullt, Win., A Co., Konytli, Atlanta, Qa. - Prultt, .11111. Ortilieum, JacksonTllle, Kla. Princeton A Ynle, Hipp.. HalMninre. Puck, HnTry A lttn.. Kellh'a, Phlla. i'ureella ltroj.. Olohe. llonlon, tl-8 ti.illnm Spcetor, .\|U:!roui-», N. Y.. C. - • EnyriKMid 4 CriTcdy, Majestic, Milwaukee, CABBIE BETNOLDS UNITED TIME Hojab, prlucea*. lloyal. N. J. C. Iteddlngtoo A Onnt, Eoprccs, Kanagg City, Ho. "Ken HcadB, The," I'roapect, Hklu. "1UU Ucttlc, Tho, American. Chicago, 0-8. nigga A Wltchle, Kelth'a, Olnclnnall. ltlchinond A Mann, Delancey St., N. Y. O., 6-8. Illrhmond. Dorothy, A Co., Nlxbo, Phllk. niecl. Orpbeum, Orand Rapid*, Mich. Rltcble. Willie. Palace. Chicago. noblna, Kellh'a, Boston. lloye. Rutb, Kelth'a, Pblla. Roman (7), (lrand,,PIttaborgh. ■ lloebei'a Monka. Bljoo,. Sarannat, Qa., 0-6. Rouget. Albert, Rmprea, Ohlcogo, 0-8. lloae A Kills. Qreeley Bq., N. Y. a. 0-8. May Roeder "THEmiT." New Act flttbrtly. Rolland tiros., Bowdcdn Bq., Boalon. Rook. Helen. Palace, N. V. a FOR LEASE—On tteasonable Royalty O. E. Wee r s Well Known Successes •'TUB COCMTY BHfiHllT'Jr" "THE AniU OP THE UWV TI»B"qlBL. UK OOCliDrl'T BUY" "TUB TOWN HAR0HA1.L.O •'A GIRL OF THE UOUNTAINS" The above 1'loya are Montj-Ucltcra.. Cast Ave to clRbt people. Eaej Prbdnctton and play well Kiee Unci of special printing, photon, etc:' Now ovallablo fdr too Night Siarfdfl. Stock and Hcpcrtoli ' easjtensa.' ur lurt'l'icr partlculare apply to CUAB. H. BROOKB, SnllO-185,1400 Broadway^jS«wV<>'iK. Harrison Sisters Direction M. Truffurt (Pat Casey AYgeney) Beheila, Best Girl Banjolst In the World Will, Uoahwlck, Bkh). a. Buffalo.. »~v-w A Rent, Shea'a. . . rtoaoh, SoMghan A 0o„ Academy. Bnllalo. Beeifter, Klaa, .Orpbnira, Mlnrmpolul, , Raaaell's Mlnatrela, Shobert, Bkln.. 6-8, Backer A Winfred, Aoademy, Kali ttlrer, Bnnto'n, Prince, A Co., Howard', Boalon. Rndnlpb. Henry .0., Boabatreij, Bkln.. : Ryan A Ilbhfleld. Orpheodi, N, Y. 0.; 8-0 i Or- plieum, N. Y. C, 0-8., Wakefield, WUla Holt..Lyric, niebtnand. Vo., 8-8. Warner, OenevlCTC, A Oo., Forsyth, Atlanta; On. Qa- Walton A Rutland. Qreeley- Sq.,- N. Y. O.. 0-8. Walton, Ullliui. Orpheum, 3-5; BIJou Bkln. 0 8. .Ward, Frank, Boulerard, N, Y. 0., 3-5; Fulton, . Skin., 0-8. Walton, Jot. K., Flatboah, Bkln., 6-8. Wanda, Emery, Prorldence, 6-8. Walab, Blanche, Palace. N. Y. 0. "Way Out, .The,"- Empress. St. Paul. "Wall Between. The, " ■Orpheum, Minneapo lis. rUVE YOU SEEN I1EN HARRIETTS , . Hf*?*! WWW px-aili ryan em lee WEBER & ELLIOTT? FcrguaoD, Rlch'd Lane, Leopold French, John F, Llndcl A Fox Frank, J. £.. . .Lombard Bros. Forcpaugh, Oil lee, U, W. " Kinney, ,C W. Lambert, Foley, Rddle Frankfort Bras, Flalf, Aug. H. Feldman A Chris tie flood. Oene Plnran, Johu Graham, Ferd. Gardner. Will Gregory. Prank L Qroneyrnoyer, B. Gordon, Btere Mack A Wllllanw, Orand, Pblla. Marina A Oletieixa, Keith's, Lowell. Maaa. Manning A Sterling. Orpheum, Orand Raplda, Mlrh. Mannarda, The. Poll's, SprlsgfleM, Maai., 0-8. . _ XT 1 J ■. "Mayor A Mniilcure," Emery, Providence, 0-8. fWI CI. A mm flI f% All MoDermott. Illlly. Keith's, CloclnnaU. MAmMI %S ***^JkW* VU McConncIl A Slmpiion. Temple,. Detroit. McKay A Ardlne, Palace, Chicago. Mcl'uyilen. Alvinniter, Orpbeum, Dea kfolnea, la, McFarland, Morle A Mary, Orpheom, Kansas City, Mo. MrNutU, Oycllng, Greeley Bq., N, Y. C, 0-8. McCarthy, Mylea, A Co., Qlobe, Boston, 0-8. McMabon A 01ia|ielle. Poll's, New Hareo, Conn,, 0-8. Meehan'a Doga, Kellh'a. Oilurnbna, O. iMeltille A lllirxlua, Orplieum, Kannas City, Mo, Meraeruu Uma. , A de Hell, Lyric, Ft. Smith, Ark. TWO-BOTS AND BIX TABLES , . MENNETTI &SIDELLI Those Lqdloroos Aerohata. Booked BOlld. Meiedlth A Snooscr. Lincoln Bo... N. Y. 0., 0-8. Mlllurd Bros. (Bill A Hob). Kailc Mills, N. Y„ liidef. Miller A Mack, Pnlaco, Chicago. Miller, laalielle, A Co., Lobw'u, Toronto, Can. Mllo. Kellh'a. Lowell, Mass. - Moran A Winer, Orplieum, Ukln, Monarch Comedy Four, Lyric, Ulrmlngbam, Ala. Mosouil llroa., Temple, Detroit. Morion, Uluri, A Co., Shea'a, Tprunno, Can. Morrow Allele, JleVlckcr's, CtileSgo. Muwre, Brownie A Ohrlatle, American, Chicago, 0-8 MotIh A Allen. Lincoln Sii.. N. Y, C, 0-8. Mvuru A Young. Win. Puno, Phlla. Molrla A Wilson, C»alno. Washington. Moure A Elliott, Acudomy, llurfa[o. Morley, Victor, A Co., Poll's, SprhujOeld, Mass., U-8. ftlorrow, Wm., A Co., Kugllsh's Inillnns|iolls. Murphy A Lachmar, Howdoln Sq„ Hoaton. NuclmoTn, Kelth'H, Washington, Needham A Wood, Tango Shoe* Oo., Indof. Ne.ilill, Kvelyn, A Co., Kelth'a, I-oulnvllle, Newbouae A Buyder, Keith's, Waahlngton. Newlioff A Phelps, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Nelson, Juggling, 7,th Are., N. Y. C, 3-6; Ameri- can. N. Y. C, 0-8. Neh*. Jnhu. Oreelcy Bq., N. Y, 0.. OR. Nealaml, Wulier, A Oo., Kelth'a. Lowell, Uaaa. Nenklrk A Rrgus Slatcni. Colonial, Indianapolis. "Neptune's llanlen." Ondieum. Hklu. Klcbola. Nellie. Marylaml. naltlmore. Nlek'H Skatlnp; Olrla, Temple. Detroit. Nlu A .Tuck. Aiuerlenn. N. Y. O., 3-0; National, N. Y. 0., 0-8. Klcbola-Nelaou Troupe. Orilheum, N. ,Y. 0., 6-8. Noblo A nnwkti. Touring Aiwlralla. liulet. Norton A Ir). Orpheum, Bkln, Norton A Nlcliolsou, Pruanect, Bkln. North, Frank, i Oo., Keith's. I/OuIbtMIg. Nugent. J. C. Royal. N. Y, C. Onklmul. Will, A Co., Temple. Detroit. OImt A Diiniont. American, Chicago, 0-8. "If yon. lee.tHj do It. lt'B ounff- ■ Saoayoa. ProsMet. BklZ ' Bar) Slaters. Colonial,-Krle,. Pat- Hale, .Chick. Palace, N. Y. O. Salraggla. lytt, Orpbeong. Near Orleana. Sawyer, Joan. A Oo;. Orphecan. St. Paul. Hahbolt A Wright, Etopreaa, Oolcago, 0-8. Sampson A Douglas. Qlobe, Boston, '1-8. flantley A Norton, Keith's, Indianapolis. Scott A Marke, Kellh'a, Boston. Scotch A Lassies, Qrsnd, Plttaburgh. Schooler A Dickinson, KcUtTa*. Washington. SchefC, Krllfl. Pslaee, N. Y. 0. Scbrodcs A Chappell, OryaUl, Milwaukee, tsckmerlnne. The, Alhambra, N. Y. C. "School Days," Academy, FaU Rlrer Ifaaa., 6-8. Afcley. Blonsom. Temple, Detroit. Reman, Qhas. F , KeUh's. Toledo, 0. Ben Msl, Lidr. Shea'a, Toronto, Oan.' Selblnl, I-ala. A On.. American, N. Y. C 3-5; Fulton. Bkln., 6-B. ■ , .. ...... Senhurya, The, American, N. Y. 0., 8-0! Blloo. Bkln M 0-8 .. . HABBL>L> ARTHUR SHERMAN^ UTTRY Shirley, Jeaale, A Oo., Nikon, Phlla. Sherman A De Forest, Poll's, Se.rautos, Pi., 6-8. Suvrrow, Klbel, Keith's.*.Iiowelli Mass. Singer's Midgets, McVIcker's, Chicago. Blrhs, Rouble. Orpheom, N. f. O., 3-5; 7th At*., N. Y. a, 0-8. fc'lmpaon A Dean, Poll's, Scrsntnn, Pa., Adk; Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 10-12; Poll's, Hart- ford, 13-15. UNITED TIME Blmonds A Weston. Caslnbv .Washington. Slsjmaa All's Axaba, ■ Delancey St.. N. Y. O., 8- 5; St. Jsnies, Boston, 6-8. - finillb, Kd. A Jack. Bmpreas. St. Paul. Smith A Farmer, Loew's, HewarkY N. J., 6-8. Smith A Demarest. Colonial. N. Y. 0. Borettl A Antoinette, Temnke,. DctrolL Rolls (4). American, Ohlcago, 0.8.. "Sorority Qlrls, The," Orand. Pblla. Weber, Dolan A Fraser, Rlk'e, Braefleld, W. Vs.. 6-8; Academy,-Lr/nchtnjrg, Vs., .10-13. Weston. Willie. KeHh'a. Ft. Wayne,- Ind. Weber A Klllott, Groeley Sq.. N. Y. C. 0-8. Weber A Wilson, Columbia. Bkln., 0-8. Wewon,; Grace. Poll's, Scranron, Pa.. 6-8. W ebb, CTlfton, A Co.. Oolonlsl, N. Y. 0. WEtLtN«-LEVERIH6 TROUPE i^OBDlesi Cycre Act In Vandctille White. Oarollna, Shea's. BolTalo. Wblti A Jacoo, Ilojal, N. Y. 0. ■ Wheeler, Etrt, A Co.. Casino. Woablngton. Whlpple-Houaton A Co., Palnce, Chicago. "While Lie," St, James. Boaton 0-8. Wil'Jnms A Segal, impress. Grind Rapids, Mlcb. Wills A Hassan. Keltli'a. Plilla. Wllla. Nat, Orpheum, Dulnth, Minn, Wilson, Jack, A Co., Orpbrnui. Minneapolis. Wilton llroa., 7th Are., N. Y. C, 3-S; Bljon, Dklo.. 0-8. Woodward,, noma In I,.. Ix-vltt Droa.' Shows, Indef. Woodall. Jlaiurie, Carthage, Tex., Indef. Word. Brill, F.itaprea3. Grand Raplda. Mich. Wolgas A Girlie, Colonial. Chicago, U S. Wood. OTIIe. Oolumbla, Detroit; Star. Muncle, lud.. 10-15. WoTtnwood's Anlnmln, Uoulcrard, N. Y. C, 3-5; Palaco. Bkln.. 0-8. "W<ronn Proposea," Orpbenra, New Orleans. Ywimsn, George, Eknpress, St. Psul. Yearer-fr.Kempt. Bow.loln Bq., Boston.. Clipper Post OlflceT In order to avoid mistake* aid to InMnre tbe. prompti dellTerf of -tbe letters advertised In thle list, a POS- TAL CARD inUiat be sent reomeittnar as to tocvrsjrd yoar letter. It mast be aligned with roar fall-name and the address to vrhlch the letter is to be sent and the'line of business fol- lowed by tbe sender should be men- tioned. Please mention tho date (or bom- ber) of the.CLIPPER In which the letters sent for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. "DURING OITKia UPI LOEW CIRCUIT SOLID Sprague A McNeese, Boulerard, N, Y. 0.. 8-5: Loew'a, Newark, N. J., 6-8. ■ Spring Faablon Sbow, Keith't, Phllai Slsrrelt,; Howard 3., Jr., Zlegfeld FolHes of 1614, Indef. ... JE88IH 1 ' JAlfBS STIRLING and CHAPMAN SCOTTISH VOCALISTS Direction STOKER and B1EBBATJEB Blaart A Douahue, Kelth'a, Olcreland. Statues (6), Keith's, Phlla. Stephens, Usl, Keith's, Toledo, O. Steven*. Kdwln. A Co., Majestic. Ohlcaga Stafford, Frsnk. A Co., Oolonlsl, Chicago, 0-8. Stantona, The, Hipp., Baltimore. Stewart Slaters A Escorts, Boulerard, N. Y. 0., SI & MARY STEBBINS ORIGINAL BARN OH A BAILEY ROBES., . U. B. 0. Time. Dlreotlon Of OLAUDB B08TO0K Btepp. Louis. Trio, Globe. Boaton, 0-8. Stan Stanley A Oo.. Orpheum. Peoria, IlL, 6-8. Stephens, Lona, Cosmos, Washington Stevens Troupe. Bugllah's. Indianapolis,' Sully Family, Forsyth, Atlanta. Ga. Sutton, Mntyre and Seta THE PUMPKIN GIRL DIRECTION BAIUtY J. FITZQBRALD Svengall, Flatbnsh, Bkln. Swor A Hank. Or|ibeum,' Bkm. Taliaferro. Edith, A Co.. Koltli's, Oleveland. Tanguay. Eva, Grand, Pittsburgh. Tabor A Urecn, American, Oh (coco, 0-8. Taylor, Jock, Colonial, N. Y. O. "Tarrcr. The," -American, N. Y. 0., 8-5; Na- tional. N. Y. a, 0-8. Terry A Dupont, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., 0-8. TcmpeFt, Florence, rroapect, Dkln. Thompson; J., A Co., Orpheom, Memphis. AlevanJer, Mrs. (leo. B. Aahwortb, •Hint Arnold, Gladys Abbott, Miss E. Anderson. Hllma Addis, Lucille Anker Slaters Anderson, Marlon Arthnr, Grace Archer, Adcle Audley Players Bovla, Mrs. Wm, Bnrt, Mrs Frank A. narry Mrs. Billy Baker, Masle Haron, Mtrto Hra^g, Anna Uond Bunny Oleveland Hatel Cnrleton, Kleanoi Campbell. Edith Onrr, Merle Coventry, Florence dinging Blanche Courtney Pauline Clark, Mtrtle Oaryll, Dona Oartrr, Fsnnlo Ousblng Margaret Clark. Mabel Clnyton, Zella Uwk, Mamo De Follart. Evelyn Dnntter, Maldle Davla. Mrs. Q B De Young, Rose De Monde, Lillian De Forrest Corlnne Domarcst. Margie De Vise, Claire Doyle, G*ace D'Ormond, Fuller. D. Delmar, lleleue Everett, Fannie Fdwards, Mails FInlay, Martjn Foster, Kthel Flaher, Emily Greene, Mary J/jvej Orant Mrs. C W OUd, Irene Ollmore, Shirley Ooltry, Mrs. Bra M. Gr.iy. Mono Tluirtle, Myrta Howard,. Bnbe Hatfield. Fannie Havllaud, Rena Hartford Slaters Unfile, Uvra 0. Hlttner, Mrs. D. 0. Haley, Lucille Helneck, Anlts Harrington, JOBcphlno Harding, Ruby nail, Aleta nail, Bessie Irving, Bessie Johnson,. Genevieve .Tooins, Ktta Kerns, Use Klrksmlth Slaters Leigh, Mabel Lee, Mabel La ltnv Beatrice Uvcrldgc, Millie Tiiflus. Beatrice. Leo Bisters A Willie Mack Leonard, Sunan La Porte. Mne Milton. Lola Murphy, Marie Mack, Hatelle Morris, Rose Miller, Katie Marlines Gloria McVay. Erelyne Newton. Doda Onra. Belle Cteilta, Cecilia Orr. Mrs. HkTvey D. Opal, Mrs. H. Pnrla, Helene Telham, Una Peek, Vndi Reed. Pearl nemsen, Rets Rockwell Maude Rbiella. May Starr. Mabel Sheldon, Dell Smith, Fanny Scott. Ivy etorrs. Msbelle Sutton Mrs. H J Short, Frances Stanley Dorothy Scsrth, Frances St. Clair, Mny Tcnney, Mrs. Franklo Titus, Anna Talbert, Glady9 Trousdale, Winn Underbill. Alice Vincent Gwennle Worscner. Belty Wilson, Corlnne Wnlte, Mildred D. Wlllard. Miss J. Wood, Ett> Wills, EstcllcX. Wood, OHIO Wiley, Edith Voong, Pearl Yale, Anna Zarneld, Mrs. Z. B. Zlnn, Perl BOOKED V. D. O. ROSE & CURTIS MOST UP-TO-DATE. COM DDT ACT ORIGINAL FUTURIST, DANCE Thomson, Harry Greeley Sq., N. Y. O., 8-5; Loew's, Newark, N. J., 0-8. Tlghe A Ilabelte. Keith's Washington. Tlerrey l'Viur, Orpheum, N. Y. C, 8-5. Tosca Bisters (4), Temple. Bocbei'ter, N. Y. Tolver A Darrell, Dolancoy Bt., N. Y. a, 8-3; Palnce, Pkln., 0-8. Trevltt's Dors, Orpheum, Dca Moines, la. Trovato, Nixon, Phlla. Tiucino Urns., Keith's, Toledo, O. Tucher. Sophie, KniprcsB, Chicago, 0-8. Van A Schenck, Forsyth, Atlanta Qa.. Valerlo. Ilosc. Sextette, Keith's, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Vale. Olive,- Blyou, Savannah. Qa., 0- 8. VAkM HOVEN TUB DIPPY HAD BfAGIOIAN . Per.add. VAN UOVklN. NBVINS* OORDEN FARM MASONVII,LK, N. Y. Valenteens (4). Empress, Ohlcago.. 0-8. Van Brunt, June, Colonial, Indianapolis. Vernon. Ilopo, Temple, Itocbetter. N. Y. Veldl Trio. Orpheum, N. Y. a, 3-6: Delancey St., N, Y. 0., 0-8. Violin Beauties (d). Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Volunteer*. The, Keith's. Phlla. Vox, Valentine. Crystal. Milwaukee. Ward Bros., Orpbenra, Ukln. SPENDER WAnREN TUMBLING WITH LEO- KARRBT/ij TBIO. TOORINQ ORTBB17U CmCUIT. Aratln, Edw. Allen, Claude Adams, Billy Anderson, Pknl Armstrnng, Will Allen, lJUly Adams, Low Arehbald, P. Arthnore, M. A. Ansley, n. B. Adams, Van B. American Comedy Four Auremla Aubrey A Mack Avlellas, Tbreo Anger. Lou Amlck. Jack Anhond, .Prof. Allen, Jack Ashcroft, P. Adams A GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Alvo. Ernest Birrnham, Chic Iklmont, Mr. Mrs. Boy Reach, Ouy L. Hrovrn, Geo I.. Barclay, Lee H. Burrett, Oeo. llrntrbl, Sam Bembe, W. Hnmes, O, B. Herlln. Dan Hllsae Bros. Brown, W. O. Hronn. Wm. E. Baldwin, Kddle Bryan, Tom B. Bsrrelt, Pat'k S. Barry, Rich. T. Bennelll. Wm. Hinld, Harrr H. Brant. Edwin Hrcctcnrldcr, 0 Barry, W. F. Bailey. Geo. Barton, Joe Bennett, Leo Barker,' Bob Beall, Biujene Raker, Dr. John Bernard. Mlko noyd A Veola Drowning. Tod Brlgga, Floyd R Brown A Sheridan Boo the. II. H Bncklcy, Vim 0 Rurke. John Blondln, Leo Brown, Dick Brown. J. Ed, Bocne, F. E. Brown. Ben], H Ohagnon, Fred Senator OrbVon, Wm. Caalano. M. D. Culhanc, .W, U, Chasen, David Clayton, Howard Qrotran, Jsa. A. Crolln^. Rlchd. Crow, Pat Cohen, Manny Clark, Illlly Carter, Itiiaa Carhcry Bros. OHflord A Ray Clark. Geo. A. Collins A Hawloy Coleman, narry Crawford. R, D Carpenter, Wm. Cortland. Dr G. E. Clss-k. «ed Qatxme A Amelia Crane. ITnrry Duncan, Dan Di'we.v A Dnnclug Girls De Long, richer Dayton, Okas. Darla. Prof. F. Donovan. Jos S. Draper. Bert Diamond, Chss. Dcmpscy, Jack Donovan. Jus. B. Demlug, Boh Do Kalb. Ernest De Fra, Mr. De Oanraev, B. Denton, Lord E. Dakin Dial, Eugene Dlxon^ Joe Dick, Oeo. L. Drlnkwater Stores Co. Donnelly, G. C. Do LorrIs, Jnhn Dale, J. A n. De Wbir. Linton Thinning, B. Durliom, V J 0 Edwards, 0. F. Krooictt. Leon Klectrlcnl Venas Everett, J. Win. Elliot, Max C. Hrwln, W. S Klllott, W. n. Kverett. J. Wm. Emerson, Joe Enoch Bros. Edwards. Joe Elks Trio- Eatnond. W. E. Franklin. II. H. Fields. Harry Franer. Cbas. Fountain, - Bobby Happy Jack Lawser, Walt Lawrence. Ray I-eo. Mark Lawrence, 0. A. Ix^rle, Sam Lcarltt. Ray Lanbnm Players Lnrhley, Hugh I.ambc, Lee .. Lewis, Henry Ij<ne, Terry Oroh, Edward Lea, Mark Green, Sam Looiuls, Doc. Grey,. Byron McCarthy, J. M Graham, Ear) Mulknnax, B H Garfield. B. If. Mnyne, F. A Co. Gordon, Jack Mnrrlasey,- Thoa. Glrmore A CastI* Morrlssy A Rich Grace, Frank Mardo, Torn Garden City 4 McCarthy & Griffith,. F. L. Barth Orostman, Al. McDermott Grandl,- Robt. A Wallace Grayblll. A. H. Morpby, Eugene Gllnes A Lslor Moody, Ralph Gorton's ' MnckJe. Jas. D Minstrels Meyers, Sol . Golden, A. W. McDorman 0 W Hutchinson, H. Marks, W. B. Tlsll, Dow. R. Murtln, George narrlBOn, O. A. Manvllle, Chns. Harrison, Joe L. Mmigleys, The ■ilson. Arthur Melbourne. Billy Qecklow A Maddox, Dick . Rollei Maclln, Joe ' ■urley, W. L. Mnrlon, C. A. Hayes, Oeo. F. Manning A Palco Hartman, Louis Molt Addlaon Co Harris A Meyer Mills, Jot. B. Halsey, Beth O. Miller A Hltuer, Otto D. Laclirann Harris. Wm. Mr.rphy, Ilornco Uartmann A Moore- Wallace Eddlnga Oo. Hames, R. E. Moran A Wiser Healy, Dan Mack, 0. M. nayea. (lordon Murrey Harvey Trio Stock Co. Htrtlgan, W H Mockle, Jan. B, Hall A Adair Merrls. Theo. Holke. B. Montrose. Howard Am. Oo, Female Imp. Hunt, Jay Nlhloe A Riley noward. Go. 7. Nelson. Walter Hottentteln- N'euberger Harry Barton Oo. Nlner. Edw. Howard. W. S. Nenbnuer Henry limit's Show N. Y. Produc- Hlte A Reflow Hon Co Hilton, John Neiron, 0, B. . Hirrley, N. S. North Bros. Hugo, Harry Nugent. Wm. F Holbrooks, O'Brien, Nell Musical Oliver. Otis S. H A K Stock Oo Opp, Joe Henry, F. O. Peterson, Lair. Hughes, Chas, Pearson, S. A. Irteon. F. O. Pearl, George Jones, Bennie Pnge. Geo, R. Jesson A JesSro Piedmont James, AJf. P.' Novelty Co. Jerome, Edw. Pollock," E. E. Jack, Burt . Piedmont A- Jones, Bert - Barrow Johnson Oeo. O. Pnmplln, H. J Jewell. Jert Phllll|is. 0. A J X L Ranch Phillips A A nsrrlB Show Brennan King. Thos. J. Quality Sign" Katson. Nan M. A Norelrv Co, Keane. Edw. Raymond Frank Knight Perclval Jlnfferty. Jnmea Kane, 0 Francis Raymond, F. Jr. King, 0. S. Rlehennacht, F: Keno Mayne Kapler, John - Krlck, Eugeno Roy, Walt. ICInnle Circus Rlnnldo, Brnee King A Rucker Dr. H D Sylvester Hoco. Great King Bros.' lteil Uends, The Wild West Rnvenscrott 0 0 Kane, J. M. J. Richards, T, J. La Salle. Abner Rogers. Geo. ltusscll, Edwin SEE NOTICB AT HEAD OF LIST. Rntscll, Freii Rose A . ■ IloymililJ Btuscll, I). ):. Rctsley. Jnrk Urtey, J., K. Held. Ilnridil Dram. >',>. Read, Rav M. Ryan. S. j Steven*. Kuhule Schroeuer KrnMt Blahl, Geo. K. Steppe. Henry Steam. Mr. A Mr,, r,. fttelnmctz. c. •). Bkxar*, Triiinnn Sullivan. Kn. J. Slellisin W. (I. Scowden, Je<. Snlllran. J. I'. Sohacfer. p. Smith, Sam Swift, Jan. Stnckton, Suro'I Sheridan A SUorl Sbarpateen Com iily Co. Saroar Tn-lns ScbnelTer, D. St. Clair. Harry Sheridan, How. Shei-sley. J. M. Slawson C. A. Stanton. L. A. Stanley, S. II. Sheridan, W. It. Stanley, C. R. Sidney, Arthur Sights. J. W. Shewart, C. 0. 8ronuird, J. Smith, Tercr I.. Shirley Rnhl. (i Thlele, W. A. Tipton, Ted Travera, Roland Tryon, C. J. Two Tumbling Tons Trovett Quartette Telle-. Jack TwImo Tephoa, Ofalrf Taylor A Tlowsr.1 Turner, Jay O Trip to Paris Oo Todd Show Updike, Earl Updike, Tnrk "t'Dderdog. The," Co. Udell, -Chas. K. Volts. Dr. J. Van Foaaen. II. Von Hoff. Oeo. Valle. F. Vogel, John W. Wllllimiwn. II. Weston A Clan; Ward, :Htppy Welch, O. I.. Winter, Jos. t. Ward. Geo. H. Welch. Lewis J. Walton, -Fred. Whitney. H. S. Williams A 'SteveiiH Weston-A Kellli Weatcott. M. l». Wrlttht. 0. Work. Thes. Wilson. Frcd'k Winter, Bsnkn Wllcoi. Dwleht Wilkinson, 0 T White A ' Grosjein Whltneld, J. T. Wythe. Chas. I' Whitney, A. P. Yersnce, 0. T. Zsrtonv Zell, -Herman WANTED—For Lowerr Bros. Shows, Olrcon and Vaudovlllo Acbaofall kinds. • Make all three day stands: munt bo able to change; no fancy sal- aries. State Jnst what yon can and will do. This Is a tent sbow. Address OEO. B. LOWERY, 011- berton, Pa., Ma; 10,11 and 12. WANTED FOR HALCYON PLAYERS UNDER CANVAS BARITONE, doubts 8tag» or Orchwtra; GOOD SPECIALTY WOMAN, thm or four changes All woek stands. Join dn Wire. Open May 12. Address THOS. H, SBWBLL, Petersbarg, JHIob. II OrciicBtratloDs In ovcry »ey-QnarteUo At- Ml "Oftnentgready. MaloanaMlxcdVolcefi ■ I uptown ProfcBsloDnl Rooms: HiOOU'way m ^-w^ vu .. H w,vua iuutvii toy—UUKIUIIWAJ- rangomentgready. MaloanaMlxcdVolcea. ~"i»n PrefCBslonnl Rooms: uoou Ohlcago Ofllco: Schiller Bldg. >>VlTMAr\kS»N'V-