New York Clipper (May 1915)

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MAT 8 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 23 m int cttmmj BY the MOONLIGHT IN HEIR DID TENNESSEE I'M LONGING FOR OLD VINGINIA m rou -|-* HOURS I SPENT ' WITH THEE IN HONOLULU BY THE SEA WORDS AND MUSIC BY JACK FROST THE TREMENDOUSLY POPULAR WAR SONG HE KISSED HER ON THE GANG PLANK IS THE SHIP SUNK WONDEEFUL NIGHT IBS? VOU TOLD IS/IK YOU LOVCD rVir- WW SENSATIONAL WALTZ BALLAD SUCCESS H E KISS THAT HADE YOU MINE WORDS BY J. WILL CALLAHAN. MUSIC BY PAUL BIESE AND F. HENRI KLICKMANN fHf\M 111 Al |m CHARMINGLY BEAUTIFUL BALLAD "ANNIE LAURIE ' WHEN tie BELLS AT EVE STREET GAR RAG IF THEY WANT TO FIGHT, ALL RIGHT, "NEUTRAL" IS MY MIDDLE NAME NEW YORK OFFICE, 80 FIFTH AVE., McKINLEY MUSIC CO.. E Clinton keithley, Mgr. Prof, Dept., CRAND OPERA HOUSE BLOC.. CHICAGO SWKKTHCART, DKAR, JUST YOO AND 1 WHITE RAT NIBBLES. Br ricTOB t. ri»s. Phone. Bryant 8780. Dubino (be month of April our organization se- cured some fifty new members. Easily one am see tbat the profession Is realizing (Lot lue W. K. A. U. la lila (ill), raltar, and now tbnt Summer Is at hand, you should belong, for club- bouse has many attrac- tion a ; for Instance, swimming pool, rats* keller, etc., and when tod reside In club jou are Ave minutes from any renowned mint In Manhattan. Oit to Bridgeport went "The President of Ihe Thirteen Olub." Thla la title of act In which Ijirry Miller, Carl Mathews and George Linden act ont In. George does the comedy. Job Daniels, who monologues In evening dress, after many weeks cf steady woric, Is now making merry about the clu*>. Thobb charming girls, Ida Olcincnt and Jacque Bsulow, hove Joined "Clownlond " a l.nski pro- ductlon, Act Is booked rolld for some time. Piccolo Midoets, under guidance of Tim Mulli- gan, bare had much tucevss, sml while In Fall lllver, I trust they tun across J. Fred Miller, niazoser of Music Uall, Tliey will Ond Mm one JWitce. Would like to hear from CCC! do not quite get the postal's meaning. No, I cunnot forget occasion. I think Abraham Splti C«q., was the corgenlal itanager nt the time. Timouoii severe HIucsh of Mrs. Drcutr, mother of the Four Everetts, many weeks were cancelled. They can be addressed, 2:1 East Seventh dtrect. Fob an amazing novelty act you should acc the Azlmos on their rotary apparatus. Faro ALatKBS, manager of Mystic Theatre, Brooklyn, la now a full fledged lay mcnilwr, ex- pect Geo. 0. iKuesler, pianist of same Theatre, will cue shortly—and by the way, George la the champ at America when It comes to play many acts weekly—playing music for ono hundred and ninety acts—how he does It I know not, but It Interested pen bin care of Mystic. Geo. Lans, of Empire Quartette fame, visited Club's Ratskellcr, Wednesday, last, with a hand- some Boatonlan; understand his Intended bride. Oan too Imagine an orchestra of one whole phonograph playing Incidental music between acts —out old friend, Daniel A. Andersen, vouches for same, whilst touring last season wltu "Seven Keys to Datdpate" Oo., In Columbus. Miss. Kbbnan Obippb, late connected with The Al- cazar Theatre, Frisco., Is stopping In Club Tlouse. Well, boys, Joe Kelso, of the Kelso Bros., has gone and done It—married—the prise was Florlne . Carroll, of Oblcago, April 20, In St. Mnlachy's Church. N«w York. I wish you both a long and happy life. ■ Dixon Peters writes that he Is doing nicely with Fred La Delne. Thanhs for nrtlmlc en- velope Dixon. Regards to Fred and troupe. Fun one solid rear have William O'Clare ami his Seven Shamrock Girls entertained throughout Hie U. S. A. Their nlfetlng Is an extreme uocvl. ty. Amon*; the enchanting numbers Tendered a r c: "Come Hack to Erin," "Paddy Darliii'." by Kath- leen O'Doniicll; "A Tonst to l)enr Old Krln." fcuiig by Win O'Clnro end coin|iany. '1'lie Indies with set nre: Madeline MrDoiinhl, Cells Hey- word, Kathleen O'Donnell. Gcrtrndo l.orrnlno. Gcrsldlue Alexnndcr nnd Ilrssle Wlckens, sll real t< nosier* ond lookers. Neat nuii unique Hat bullmi' nre for sale nl desk—look nifty on lapel, send for one. It Was a great shock to us all to hear the sad news of I lie sudden death of Anns Cualileld, be- loved wife of Brother Word Coiildcld. and our sincere and heartfelt sympathy Is extended to til in In his bereavement. Lew Morton never tires visiting and consoling Brothers who are III—one grand lellow it Levi. linn. Jaues Caset, of Casey and LeClalr, pnsscd away nt the St. Rose Home for Incurables, this city, April 28. He had been 111 for over a year with cancer. We sympiilhlze with his wife In her deep sorrow. Dcut MELnoBB csn bump, you who know him will admit, be also can piny pool. Muxwcll Rey- nolds knows this to he a fact. Wa Abb pleased to hear Ilro. John Keensn, who underwent an operation at Die Polyclinic Hospital two weeks ago. Is gelling along nicely. Hope we will soon have the pleasure of meeting him at the Club House. Van Eppb and Dtnu* hnvo a new act. thev (ell ire It surpasses their old one. They are working steady. 1 Alt n'ensal to mention, on Information re- ceived this week, that Itro. Mike McDonald, who hns been ill a long time. Is now Improving. He Is enjoying country air, which Is hcnentllng him erectly. The boys are all gln.l to hear of his Improvement and wIbIi lilm n complete recovery. Actions speak louder tlinn words. Will say Eddie Cuatono, as our cbulnnan of House Com- mit tee. Ib getting best results with Ills pleasing personality SPRINKLE* ME WITH KISS £Sx WiTMARKS Orchestrations In every key— Quartette Arrangements now rcrtdy for Hale and Mixed Voices. I'ptown Professional Rooms: 160O Hrooilwiiy Chicago onicc: Bclilller llldg. OUT OF TOWN HEWS CliVCIiViViVXl. Gentle Spring—so late In srrlvlinr—has been quickly ellowed out of the way by Summer, and ilie mercury hit the highest April mnrk recordeil In two generations. Tbeatrlcully tho season Is ilmost ended. Tho Graad Uoern llnu«e has one more week, nnd Summer vaudeville, at "cut prices," will Boon be the vogue at U. F. Keith's Roth burlesque houses, Olympic and Standard close May 8. Tho burlesque Interests really had the news-call of Ihe week when oiflclul announce- ment was made tbnt Ihe lease of the Standard, which expires May 31. would not lie renewed, and that the Olympic will hold the Bold alone fur the Columbia wheel In lOlo-in. Hurlerquo hns seen many changes In Cincinnati since tbe Umpire Cir- cuit held the fort alone, nl 1'coole's. At one time, after the eld "Gold Mine," over the Rhine, dropped cut of tlm roiiildn.itIon, there wcro Ihrvc Icicnl houses catering lo burlesque pitn'iis—Olym- pic, Onycty nnd SlairJurd—next season wllneiscs the return lo one, Cincinnati men, It. K. I'.ynlekn, Horry Hart nnd Edward Hart, wore among Incorporators of the Theatics Oin-rotliitf Ccmpuny, which wus InconiOTated at Columbus. April 2(1, with u paid In conllol stork of IJuMiOO. This corporation bus acquired (lie Oolonlul, st ('< lumbits, operated by the late Jnires V. Howell, mid will ploy Coluiu'jl.i wheel builesque there rext season. A lot of stories of a new vaudeville circuit were In circulation—most of them pure n.eculatloii. Murcus A. Ia>cw gives up the Bni- press May 1, ond Ihe liniue revcrd lo ths Sulli- van nnd Oonsldloe Interests. While Dame Rumor woo playing battledore and shuttlecock with all these yarns, Cloclauotl wss experiencing on attack of clrcusferer. Three ui'igiilficiMH dors witc grouted the Carl Ilagen- l«ck-Wallace Shows for ihelr sojourn at Carthage. Otimmlnavlllo and Norwood. The cllmux of local Ki;ccesa was reached nt the latter place—Ohio s Magic City—where the great tenl woo tacked ond several thousand "overflowed" ond squatted on ennvns stretchers on both sides of the rliiits. It wns a record-breaking turnout. Mannger C. H Cory nnd his army raoveil on to Mlddlelon. delighted with (he Inaugural ot the seaaon—|ien lilctures of which ore drawn for Tin New ^oiiic CLUTF.n constituents by "Pal." Oliiclnnall s ver- dict Is that the ahow has hit high In brilliancy nnd Interest. On and OPEnA nousa (John II. Ilavlln mgr.) — Ovrll MbuiIo cornea May 3 lo Introilure "Grumpy. LH-iplto the hent, (he telurn of A I. II. woods coiumny In "Polsoh * Perlmulter" was success- ful The seoson closes 0, then for Ihe I'lnures. Libio (Csrl Hubert Hcnck. mgr.)—"Uncle Soin at Work" did not attract the crowds deserved. Olnelnnotlano 'have so ninnv five nnd ten cent houses that they shy nt a qiiArter tariff. The Henry W. (lavage picture closed 2. and (he Bumniex season of pictures, under Paul IHUmot s direction, st a Ove cent ortmlMlco. be^lco 3. D. F. Kami's (John F, Itoral. mgr )—Irene Franklin who haa not been here for sereril yes- wns. Is the topllner 2, with Dnrton areen, Hen- rlella De Serrls ond her comoanj of Dfteen models In living works of crt. Billy McDermott, the trsmir comeillan; Rings and Wltchle. Agnes nVott and flenry Keane, In "A Perfocl Dsy;" I^rrtla f'dlius. li..- 'I'lin-e HU-k<-y Itniiln-rs. ninl the (>x- ford Trio. wIhi jdny ti:iskr(b.ill mi l,u-\cli*a; I'ntlie's Weekly. ih.vhi-k: (Cileries I.. Wiilicr*. mgr.I Clinrles Knliinsoirs Cjrnii'Joii r>i-:iuil«-Tt .11.1 faiily well, iiuil i'Iiim^I the liiuise. Stamiaiiii (Uliarlt-s II.- Ariinhl. mgr.)—The .Monte Oarlo Girls nre "due" H, mid tin') will Hikc Ihe locul liensoii. I.nst win-k Jenn Ikilltil's •'Krolh-?* of 1U1.V i»ul In ti lively Hcumiu. Clltsrts I'auk (I. S. Martin, mgr.)—The lait of the "1'iellinliinry l're ( .s" ix-curs II. nnd then 8, Ihe regular season opens with Ihe wluil up uf the f.sllr11!ri ot Amateur Day. wlu-n the Iiom-IiiI' mid other Irojdiles won on Keillanil Klehl will be au'urilod nt the tisrk. I.uiilow I.aouon ( IuIiii J. Weaver, mgr.)—The season will heglu a week earlier (linn usual and -:| Is the dsy. Oonet Isund (Arilnir I.. Itlixenlierger, mgr.) —lelnnd Queen slid Prlnccst continue thplr river trips until JO. when they go Into com- uiIhsIoii for the regular kchroii'm srhetlule. Kuenv AuuiTdiiiuu.—'Ihe Olnclnanll Syinplinny (iichestru brought the Humn (o a sueeessful and brilliant cloro April :>U .Mny 1, by a progrntr, devoled exclusively lo the works of (ho grea!r»t ot cympbonlsts, Ilei'lhovcn. Dr. Krnest Kunwshl, who will ssy nu revoir tot the wsmiii. gave a lecture on "Ileetlnven," ot the Woman's Cluli. 211, lo which only Milncrlliers nn>l guuruntors to the Symphony Orchestra were bidden. Ooeon. —The Inst atipeornnce of the College >>f MukIc Chorus anil Orclioilrn for 'in orcnrre<l 27. The Joint directors were I.ouls Vldor Soar and Jehvniiea Merocb, Tbe vocal and plnno solo numbers were under the authoritative direction of Albino Gorno. 'Hie soloisls were Hiwl llraiiden burg and Irene Carter, tbe lu'ler making her debut as a plnulsle with the orchestra. Four young singers were also heard—llolon Stover, Minna Dorn, George Krieger and Herbert Scholx. KuPBtbH.—Tills hoiiso »lns the pholoploy the aires, giving "Througii the Knnny's Lines" April UO-Jloy 2 Tlic German Plovers offer a cabaret performance, 2. HBUCK Ol'KHA HOOBE, STRAND. Olll'll El'lf, I.T- ckum and l'AUILI, motion plclures, MAI nLOSSOMH. Geodob) V. Fibii manager of (he Walnut street went to Chicago at the close of the sesson there, and later on, with Mrs. Fish. Iin'll spend Ihe Summer days at his cottage at Ocean rity. Steve MvLnor, son of Jerry Uulrov. a Clncln- natl celebrity, was ono of the bright Ikhts in the Frolics of 1U1G, at the Standard. DkHT R. i.tOM, who gave up vaudeville lo up music ns a teacher, Inlrwliiecd his cb:os of '15, In h wing recital at Oalde Hall. Tub Cincinnati Oriai* Cuib, with a loree of one hundred singers nnd llfty nieoilH-ro of Ihe S)in- phony Orcheelra, will present "CivallTln Itusil- calm" and a scene from "Faust," at Music Hill. May 12. Mory Froellsli, Amanita Mnull, iH-lmr.-ih Welnstock, Joseph Scbwenke and John Qnliie iii* In the cast. Tub Conservatory Opera Glob Is to prese:,r from iiopular oiwras nl ■ lie- Ivmery Audi (oilum May 7. Slguor Tlrlndelll will dlreet mid Dorothy Nrhmldt has trained the ballet. Kttu V'titllll. llwii, lllwlii Sinllli. M.-irgm-rlle SieKemlller and Kminn Nio ore among ihe prln cl|ials. TiiAVEMKn bands will provide Ihe major j.u-t of the ciiKrtnliinieiil nt Ihe /onloglcol Gnrdeti I. the news Imparled by .Manager W. P. Whillnek. Cmsr Muhician Fbed IC. Gates, of (he aleoinei i'r/nrcM, Is s newly nude Ik'iitillet. Mrn.NA Hmaiiix)W was the soloist st Ihe last concert of tlic Orpheus Club ot Ihe Kincrv Ain't. lurluiii. A sixaphoiie tilayer bos la<en added lo the dnnclhg oreheslrs of the ling ship "Island Queen," of the Ouiiey Island fleet. Kl'llnAM Ziuiumht, the violinist, was Ihe solo- ist at the last concert of Ihe Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Tub Kulcrpc Choral Club presented "In In- dia" nt the Sands' School under the direction of Maude Hnckett. /elhi Young. Sylvia llell tint Marie Young scored Individual hits. Ci.Aiiri Wii.niia an.'i .Maiiki. I.i:e were two m the stars niaoug L'har'.ey ltfililnnai's Carnnilon Pt unties. A Tjiikir iiudlence vnj ivcd the farewell |MTffa-ui- Pl>ee of lhc f..Tiiiiin S'.ick I'la^ers. and into r.rust Mclimlil, the director, innde u lilt 1.- curtain talk oIksiI ih*i( veiir's pinna. I-'vki,yn NssniT and Jack Cmckohh were ol H. I a '. Keith's, hut no i*(arr. can pull 'em In when Ihe mercury Is hovtrlir.' aroiiml (lie *s(h, .Ii:an IlcniM'H "Fnillcs of ifil.V mil on s ciever show at the Slti'ii*3rd. Tin* bathing ooru ninl the "Turkish Hag" were "Inner*. Ths .lohnsioue Ssicr*. Ilmhly l-'ldier. Tisaly I'chrnder nnd Joseph i). Kasm-lmrp, nrovldeil Ihe fal^iret at a btisluess men's Sampii-I, st tlie Sinlon, The Hods sml (>jhs Here Imld-I to mi)ov "Pot- ssh h PiTlniiilter." nl llii'- Cnind. "^hsll nights" nre olwuys signs of n wniilug veu«iu In Clnclnnotl. Anna Dealt Ji:»v Uvax were tup'liier* In the "Fmllcs of I HI! " Cincinnati's I'of.n-i: OiiAHTirrrE made the popular lilt at R, IV Krlth'li. Mav IlntNIIADIir, lo laded n« the i.r'.re henuly of the Cjrnotlnn \U'.v\\\>*. was ue'.nrileil the honor br admiring audli-ucr*. ManEL Itosasi.L, of Norwood, told s folrv tol". "The Rsgs of Quern Oophelri," .it o cession of Hie Wooun*i Rotary Clufi. Babi.b Hbtnomis anii Nei.ub Donman chiseil Ihe Keith bill with o good skallug set. "Ilm U'lS Wav" slid "lllwli*" have lat-n elKtseli for (he class plnya of (In' .Schuster Si-linnl, lo Ih» offmsl Jan.* 7. H. IN "Tiik l-' 'il-* t:ik Imi'H." |iri~*"iilfd nl Wllfley Hall, CatberliH* Mngi-nle '.imss nlaxeil did Mck. l/irr.iluo MHIit, Waller lliii-l-iuiioii mid Jarob Ilyaian jail on a skeleh. "The Mewlvwi^l-i." Iiiikpii li'>lt:.ini prm-Dled Ids drainuh- |,ii|>lls in "The lleveiiL'n of Sidr I tut Su" anil '"lliriv IVnr lrrlcilda." April :i<). l-juher llnmii. Ileh-M (':tiii|il«'lt. .Mnrguei-lle Knos. I^nm i llowurd, 1'na' V. Si-hrlii^, Hudson Young nnd Harry lleiali.trl iilrtt-irtil In the quaint Japaiiem 1 i-omely. I'Alil.lNie Midi, sun was mvii at Hie Mill.- P'ny. house as lllunchelte, hi the F.ic;.':ie llrleiix |nay of that name. Kaiii, I*. I)kit>7. jsvi* a ilrniunilr rending of I^hiIs N. I'srker's ps^vant plsv, "Drahe." la'f.ire Ibr Ih-ama Resiling Club. Majoii Srisiir.i, let In Ihe a|>|,|suse for the Cliieliinall P.illre gnsrleKe nt II. !■'. Kollh's on "City Hall Night." lie voted his |irlde In the organization. Tiim Free Sellers (Jinirtelle uf Oliiclminll. who sre with the Monte (Jsrlu (IIris, arc lo Is' fried during their Incil stny. Wii.UAti IIunki.i.ik will lie (he cndeclurrr with Itay lleicrhlue. Red Cnisa nurse,, when ihe latter shows war pictures ot the Wshrut Mlreet, II. in -KANSAS CITY. Siiuuziit (Karl Htewnnl. mgr.) — Doing cu- psclly Week of Msy 2. (he Kaunas City Grand (.rpera Co.. presents n niHTlulrv of o|»?ra, la'gln- nlng Its regular Spring senaon. Ofanu (A. JndBh, mgr..)—This house will re- 0|s?ii 0 with Maude Adiiina fur a three days' en- gagement la "Quality Mtreel." It si-cms lo make no iUffi'lcuee HhethiT the (irnud tduys Its ol- tractions st f 1.00 or It'J.nii, the business- la si- Wdys the same. Auiiituiiiuu IMela Miller, mgr.)—Slork com- pany. Olii'HEUU (M. l/chinnu, mgr.)—Illll n-l(: Kdge of the World, lllckel and Wulaiui, Melville and lllgglns, Msrle und .Mnry M.-Kurliniil. I.suilvrtl. Donley nnd F.vclyn. bihI llrnnl and ( K'li-liKxa ICy Jacobs, mgr.)— lllll ll-K; I'revoll, Chns. ami Sitllle Dunhnr, Klsle (IIIIstI and om- pany, tlcHKle l.o Count, llislilliigtoii and Grant, und others. Giaiiin (II. I,. New-kirk. mgr.)—Vnuditllle. llirrunii.iuE (Frank CollliilH-rry, mgr.I—Vaude- ville. Gatett (Gwirge Gallagher, mgr.)—Ginger Girls week of 3. notes. CkNTViir TiicvruK Is showing tilclures for Ihe Summer. The Hilton Schuster Graces of Musleol Comedy Co., feotured it the lllppoitruino wi^>k of April it), drew Ihe blggesl builuroi that house lino lisil for several weeks. After playing o route of one and three night standi for a month, Ihe company will open at lllverolde Pork, Hutchinson, Kan., for a Hummer run of slock. KLl.swoiiTit, (Jan., will hove a flue new theatre for neat season. Fred Rice went out ami sto,-ie.l a promotion campaign recently, which resulted In $20.0110 worth of slock bring subscribed, mid ground will be broken sml building operations Hnrtcd immediately. It will be linukcf by the •Southwestern Theatre Circuit, of Kansas Oily. The Uhoh.' lbl IIanimi Wii.h wist playeil a three days' stand In this clly. April 2r*i-27. with the general nduilHsloii put at twenty live rents. The show has severjl new fi'-itiircs, a*■! made a very favirroble lni|m*Hslon heee. Con T. Kennsiiv'h Oaiiniva'. was here uwk uf 211, at Fourteenth and Monlgall, ond did very sa 1 business. It was Ihe llrst carnival hns sh-.uii In Ksiims Clly for severs! years', ond pro-c<l qulle a novelty to the natives. I'l.uui.tioil k Aimsr, wlio have one of the M«<1 succeasful tent shows In lids lerrlto,*/, were In Ibis clly lost wtvk. ilolug business wltli lla'ser A Ixickwowl, the II. It. Kleulrlcil Works, ond pick- lug up a few extra tKvple for their Mirmwr show, ATTKinii.-nv's "Unclk Ton's Caiiin" laid off here last wevk. nil.l litac a fow ovtru baud is.iids nnd gelling rridy for the Hummer season un.l.-r eaavas. They bare s gissl esr, a full cqulpim-nt and will try na.l llu.l i-n.nlgli i<ih-iis when- "llii.-l'r Thomas' iMulclle" has not Is-smi shown for rouie lime. A vouno i.aiit, I^-oiia Giierney, who elnlnis SI- Is-rla sn her Idrlhplst-e. win the decided Is I f of the bill at the Globe Tin aire hen' Inst >vo.-k. In a high clots o|H'rallc nixs-tnlly. SIim | a inarvelfiiis v.u.v of wide range, .in.I u«m-i !t usjsl effil-llvely. A "nsner.'' snr*f euougl:. Ai.. IIoiitom anii Donmr; Haiiksii will launch their musical tabloid show sgalu Hit'. H<n:i.iM'r. Tliey sre now rehearsing llielf reiarlolre of bllli, and will o|s'ii Msy H. ut Seilalla. Ciiashk iliiAHia<:n'a llllllkeii Girls, Allen k Kemin's Avlailoa Girls. Ihinis A 4Jss|s*r's G. X. A. Girls, Kryiuoiire's Tunso Girls, Munchesler's Gnrden of Girls. Kelly-Kneeloild Musical Tabloid, ihe Princess Molds, md hXdle Deloy's Doluly Dndlhie* and Ilie alallui-e Girl companies ore nui.siK the iiiTisleal tabloid companies idaylng lit ihe vicinity ol Kansia Clly. With all these shows fh'inniiding elsrrua girls. It makes Kansas City ilie l*>st ihiIiiI for go«s1 "jioriles" to secure work. Nan IiaM'Riiin. who bmke Into (he game is a chorn. girl In 1IHI7, >ilulng out of Kansia Clly with Raymond Toil's Musical Show when thai show lumped through here to Oklshoino Glty, was lu*rc for the first time since and scored the l.lg hll of the Orpueum, Miss Uslperln bos ot last crme Into her own. Amonu the mauy callrrs ol tbe Southwestern Iiuivmu ..f Tmr (' Inst wtvk. were: Msr- gsret l.lvliigatun, Krnnk DeAtley. h'.dw. Man- .iK'il.-r. II. J. CnrlNI.'. I'.l.ilsi' Allen. George Alter- Inn>'. I\lniuii Tnusey, Illlly Isirrnllie, l-llsle (V.hli, Norllirup, Anna 'I'raulii. I'eggy Noble, Dai .M.-lmte. Ileruanl llrsves, Frank .Myers, T. i). Ilniroughs, J..tin ll.naliiinli. Moule Wllks, Frank .\„rl II. 11. Aekley. Miller I (.'li'telnnd na.l II. II. I'ark The Kill Wltlow" SI. I,iiuls, M<i. \\is>k uf Muy 2. Siiinanihiaii — "AIIsm Jimiay Vsleiilliie" 2-N. . FoUKST I'AIIK lIllllll.ANIis--/11lls TOSorl will ois'll for Hie Snuitaer acaiMin Sunday, lutruiliielory en- liTlalnnienla ore to cuuslsl of high grade vaude- ville In Ilie theatre ami hmid cotuvrtn liy local musicians at (he Tekkn Gateway hntiilslniid. New Giianii Uuniuii. -"The Ifternal l.'lly" re. ii'iilns another week al this (sipiilar iiiovlitg plcla.-e Iheulrc. G.ii.iimiiia- This house, after laidlug lls mast suii'e.sful vaudeville sohmhi 2, hns "The Nigger." ..lie of ihe world's biggest photoplay HiiiMfsses, In which William l-'ariiiuil ntipears In Ihe lending i.ile. fur wwk of II. A two ns-l comisly ami u travel ns-| on* also slmwli. <i iianu. --Hilt Tiaitsl'nkn and her llanrl- li,lih, AiigoiiNls, lllll Foster, 'lliomaa Hwlfl unit company. Arthur Doming. Hie Tliree Amerleaii Girls. Si-uit no.I WIImiii, the Krusadeni and Irving Gmler. IIiitkwiomk.-— 'Ilie feature iilelure, "The lleorl ..f a Pnlnlisl Woiunn" Is iliown hero 2-H. Astnili-AN 'I'll eatiik hns cl.sH-d lln sensini. Mlltrntikpe, Wis. — Dnvldson, 'Sherman llniwu, mgr.) /legfehl's "l''ollles" May 2-H. Majhstiii (J. A. Illgler, mgr.)—lllll :i H: l.ydlo l^i| nnd Morgan Duurmi, Cro.s and Jo- w|illllli', l-lruesl It. Hull, Kayiinsnl arid Onverly. Ilavllaii.l mil Thorn Ion, Arniial llrolliera, Alls-rl ami Irving, nml Gere sial IS'laney.- Niiijiikiit (O. A. Newton, mgr. I- -The Hhllbcrl Flock Oo. prcnciiln "The .Mlsleiulliig l.mly" wis li o( .1. I'aiiht (laidwlg Krelss, mgr.) - - Tin. Germsn Hi,irk <V.. pr.'A"lile.l "Dei- Deulselie Ivwlllg" April :ni, ' Ih-r Feldiiivdlger" .May I .md • Fnueii loi.n|if" .mil "Die ."clsieiic llulnllus'" 2. (lAvtrrr I.I. \V. Whin lies,I. mgai—The (id- lego lihln 2 s, Jink lleld's linn Omipiiuy next wis'k. Ccihtai, I Win. limy, mgr.) -lllll :i S: Mnvl- mllllau, llrlleclnlr llnis., Hehrisles and l'hsp|n'lli', Vslealliie and V..«, nnd KllsnlH'lli Gully. .Iiinkau U. Wir.l Kelt, mgr.) -The Jnuenil Slock Co. presiai(H "In Smisel l,.iud" w.**k of 2. Ohl'IIKIlM.--"Ily|sierllis," fenlnr-.' Mini. .'IN. ItlK'llie, Wis. (Iriiheiiin (0, I,. Hoylnlid, mgr.I OrplU'inu Sloek t!n., ois-n.^l May 2 with "Help" Htnanii (Arthur W. Miller, mgr.)- -Vaudeville und moving iilcliirea. .Majestiii. Giianii, Uaimns.- IIijmii. Ilex, Auinl- rsN, Auhsu and Foiiiivkiintii S'niKirr, moving pictures. NOTIM. WlMTM Hiiuhb Tiiuiiii! has .'liniigiil hninls and la now- known as "Tin* sirninl," by a isiunl of illrei'lors of ivlih-h A. W. .Miller Is chairman. "Stunt IIitz." Ilekel <h»ir man of Ihe Orplicuui has. tendered Ids n-slgonl loo, nfler llilrly years mtvIcp with Knelne Tlnsilre. lit- wns known lo alsiut everylsaly on the road. IrllniieniMillN. .lljiiii.—Melr.i|Hilli.iu ff,. S. Keolt, mgr.) Illllle lliirke. n "Jerry," .Mnv :i .1; "A IVrfivi" ulih llnse Sinhl. 11112. SiiiiinuiT (A. G. Ilalnlsrlilgi' Jr.. mgr.) —Knre- well apiM'nrnuce of Fluri'ii'i 1 Itolnrls with III" ilDlnhrldge Players. In "Zulu" nu.l "The Oiuntry Girl," wisk of 2. Oiiiiioiim (G. If. ILnynuHi.l, mgr.)—lllll 2 8: Ijtlle Gonloii ond ooin|iony. Ju:k Wilson and - einnpniiy. I'.lso tluegger, Oliver and 'llii. NewhonT snd Phi'liis. Thm> Jor.lon Girls, slid Ofidn'um Travel Weekly. OiTirrr (Win. Kwulg, mgr.)-■/.illuh'o Own ."how 2 x. Nkw Giianii (Win. Koch, mgr.) —lllll :|.8: Four Mllos. Kliaie and King, ]|,i/ad Morris, Fred and .Mao Waddell, and laolToa plclliri'S. Noiw Palace Tiumtrb (11. K. Hillings, mar.) — lllll ll-N: I,limy and O/rrlell. Nnms and Klilrld, others snd photoplava. I 'nicjiin (Juik Kllloll, mgr.)—Goulluuoiio mid.- vlils and pboloplays. I,ruin, Ktbanh, Nuw 'UnnicK, IIoisnt, lluNnt- i/iw, Cai.houn, Ibis, Cstst»i., I'hin.usi, Amkh- f'AN rnd HnltTHEIlN, Idettiri'S only. .Mn.i.rn Hans. A Ani.txoTOK's 101 Ranch Wild West Show 10, 11. HI. John, <;«,«.--Ois-ra House IW. C. Mc- Kay, nikr.)—.Mack's Musical II.rue Irgsn Ha fourlli week hi*re Muy .'I. to gissl liiiflii^ss. The ompsny sill remain here liideilnlii-lr. I.rmo—VsiNlevlllr snd moving plcliir'«. Gku, Staii, Umioiiu, ImI'Kiiiai, and l',MI-», uiorlng pictures only, Atlanta, (in.—Forsyth III. U. Cnrdozo, mgr.) Mil Msr il-N: Vin nnd Hehenek, Gene7lcve War- ner oml com|ionr, Mr. mid Mrs. Jhnmr Harry, Hi.lly Fninlly, Win. I'rm-lt and eiimpany, and Gn-al Carter and company. Stiiinii, Month.uii.iiv. V.\inimT«. Havot, Ai.- iiia, (2) Al.Alios, I.vine and Giianii, pictures 'aily, Klirlii, Ill.-Oranl IW. II. Newman, mgr.) "Uncle Ham si Work" (picturesI Msv :i r.. Tho MiiTinnn Players, In "Polly of ths Circus" 811. Htis ami Osi'HOUH, pictures only.