New York Clipper (Jun 1915)

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June S WHITE R4T NIBBLES. BT TICTOB T. TASB. Phone S7S0 Bryant. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER rlvcJ In the city from bis home In West CoUlfSS- wood, N. J., wbere be bas been conTaleselnK since he left tlie Atlantic City HoepltAl some montng ago. Jack, -while somewbat reduced In weisnt, Is looklHK very well. ji'ST heard from Ilro. (Iiarlte F.urell, who l!i a life member. Pens liiat FarniU Bkos. ft Wag- rtr's Players arc doing gaod bnslnoss. BHly Han WagBCr and Dlggs ate wltn the troupe. All -well iiud happy that they miai i^radTTiy's deM^ts. goes without csylntr. .TrMMiE Pltkn and Frltze l/clgbtnn dellgbts gaesis and member!) who hear thorn warble Thursday nlshta at scsmpets. Clni> tluinks yoTi both far Kind- nes-j. AcTOBS who have se cured a two weeks' card are Sndlng oat by their daily TlaltB that "Club" is the vnnn —made to ordec for tho TandcrlUL'uia. Ion can rest If you desire, play pool If you ■wish, utlUze best swtanmlng pool In New Tort talk it ever In readarg room, visit cafo, and In ratsbeller meet aujone of note on vanderllle stage for small amount /if three cen^s a day. Besides the nrotcr- don one gct^ not forsettln;; a home nddrcsx. Write our Hr. Bill Cooke. The best proof Js this: Anyone visiting our ratskcller once Is certain to return, brlngloi: a friend, and Oielr trined tells their friend. Do JBD wonder why scampers nlght!> are packed There s a reason—oar refined, original entertain, ment. Ark Dr. Harry Creoman. Lawyer James Tlmony. Society prevails throughout the evening KDDin Cartano is stUl chairman of bouse com- mittee and must be compUminted for hla interest taken. Ed. Is much appreciated, and deserves I ho kind remaiss said about Iilm that he does not hoar Have you seen WlUle Wosion's orlglna' encore.' Get him next theatre you sec Bill billed. Those present at house committee, Friday. May 28, were: Ed. Castano, chairman: Pearl Bros.. Murray Clayton, Arthur Williams, Fred Tallman Victor Vass, Jack Bancroft, chairman. MeetlnEX on usual F'rt<lfys.,at 4 p. m., of house committee will be omitted this Friday, owing to the fact that those Interested will be busy flnng the traveling scamper, and by the way, brothers, when Rat snow visits towu help boost, coats naught and helps much. Meeting of honae committee was called at 4.1 .J p. »t. Music cabinet presented to dub by Mr. BernstelD will be placed In ratskeller near "Peace" piano. Mlnotes of last meeting adopted as read by Bro. Tallman, seconded by Bro. Arthnr Williams. Bro. Jer.n Redding appointed as member of house committee. Bro. George Mitchell excused from duties of house committee. Requested by H. C. that action be taken as soon as possible regarding the lights around card tables. Meeting closed at 5.15 P. M. BANXKn business last scamper night. Gee, what a dandy crowd, and what an artistic entertain- ment. We bore some artists that appear at onr s<amper<i would not think of doing it other- wise only for club's benefit Bo and So, again, when Max Reynolds an-noances -the appearance of sm'.c entertainer. Kindly huih your mouths, fu<e(- —extreme quietness, these artists of merit mny refuse their taleat for the reason there Is DO attention. Can yon blame them? No. So If apvoDc who Is trying to entertain, remember the old townpike sign, Btop, Look and Listen. Anthony Wabob, after many weeks a guest of SIARSILAXI., club, sailed to England on fl. S. St. Pout, an Amerl- peaturhig Shapiro, nin liner. Boys all trust be arrived safe and 'eaturmg ounp r , sound. up r)j*t In the open Is Jack Prlngle, pud ss a clown he Is on« Jbn Handy. Jack Is lO(;nted at Stceple<2base. C<Hiey Island. VoD really must not mles th4s colnrnn and If yoQ like It. tell your CrlsndSL "ThnnJa." "Empties" —And believe me. Lew Pearl 1a a (Samp, for as soon as a glass wan drained Bro. r.ew had them. Oar Jovial barkeeper will tell yon nis worth scamper nights. Bbo. Chas. McPhie left club May 28 for Hnd- sen ,Mlel>., to visit Uls beloved mother, who Is In her eighty-second year. Here Is hoping yoo and her well and happy. Messrs. Fo.<»teb (Bai,l. George For, George TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Waqneb's, Bridgeport, -Conn., opened the sen- son with Larry and Llzrle Smith, §oUlns arid Welch. Pete McClond, Mr. and Mra. W. B. Bde- son. the Healeys, and Emily Melville. Wit. H. Oiufm -ma aerlooBly 111 at Hart- ford, Conn. ^ , _ Pathikt Hali. purchased a house In New x*''- "Tub Sonq or tbb 8tbspi.b" was first played CD the steamer Long BrancJi. _ ... Mapison Sqdabb GABPEy, New York, received a license. THE Five A's held a benefit. MoBnin opened a Summer show nt A NOVEL EXHIBIT. The biggest attraction cm the Zone, kt the ranama-Padflc Exposition Is the Panama Canal. This wcoderfal reproduction of the waterway which connects the Atlantic and Padfle Oceana Is causing more favorable comment than any similar MiACO & MoBnin opened a Summer show ni causing more lavuraiMo cwumieBi. uiau ou/ oiuniBi the London Now TorCTwlth May Howard and show ever pot on at a worlds fair. Qiclneers and liTulae^SbsOT. Harry Morris^ J. A. Harrington, laymen marvel at the skill displayed V the de- Loulse Dempsey, Harry -. — —ri-—^.^^ -7 i ..^11^ _ nilly Buckley. <!;arrle Palton,Tj«y Eeynolda. Dan slgnersand builders. Regan, Fltz and Webster, and Ward and Lynch. r^^r^r,^ fl~ JOSKPH BnooKS contracted to manage Helen Dauvray. . Horace Weston died In New York. Rrs Hill and Cuas. Hoet combined. Wm. Selxs a.vd Chas. Anpbesb put on a show. Covering five acres of ground, with the topog- raphy of the co uuUj accorately laid oot In ac- cordance with t3>e original plans of the Panama Canal Zone, together with a panorama of the conntrr and the two oceans, the spectator has brought to his vision of 6,000 square miles of land and water, and It Is an Inspiring and Inter- esting sight to bee a ship travel apparently under Its own power, from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, being lifted Into the locks and safllng ma- jestlcallv through the water wlthonc a bitch or stop. Seated on a moving platform having a seating rapacity of over liOOO, the spectator Is flven a half hour's ride over the Canal Zone. )nrlog this trip, one listens to a vivid descrip- tion of every point of Interest as It comes Into view. Tills Is done by a new Inventlnn. Duplex telephone receivers are attached to each chair, aud by a phonetic connection the Information In con- veyed to each cpcctator as tbe platfonfi pas8e<i the city, lock, lake or body of water which then lies directly In front of him. Tbe canal Is lined on each sloe with buoys snd lighthouses, marking the pathway of the vessels. These are Illuminated In exaot accordance with tbe originals wbleh they represent nt (be Isthmian canal. It Is without doubt one of the most entertain- ing and Instructive attractions of the entire expo- sition, and a trip to the fair wonld be considered Incomplete without visiting and viewing this mam- moth show. It represents an expenditure of half a million dollars, and nothing has been overlooked In lt<« erection that serves to enlighten and Inter- est the world at large on the greatest piece of engineering ever conceived. — * I THE Four Italian Commissioners at the Panama Fair have left San Frandaco for Rome. VAUDEVILLE DEAN AND REBVES, Bernstein's New Song Hit, "Jane." JMpps. Rcllev Wilson and Mr. frwln surrounded sir. ntzserald, agent —Mr. FltsgeraJd seeing that tuere wns no ch.nnce with a bunch of mirthers of w stnnd^rd repntatlons, paid for the drinks. It o. n. .«vu.<=. ovf.«> >». ——. oellj.'hti'd Geo. Cripps so mnch that he told me IiOhr. and Roland Paul; a saxophone soUo bjr aig- bis right name, and that he Is working for Cbas. nor Ranlo Pameglanl.^ and the_sln^ng of "Nearer, FROHUAN SERVICES IN t.09 ANOEI<BS. . Los ANfiELES, Wed., May 28.—At the Mason Opera House more than one' thnnMnd persons gathered to pay trlbote to Charles Frohman. Maude Adams, who Is playing In the city, was eo ill with grief that tfhe cm\d not attend, but the members of her company were present. Trlbtrtes were paid to Rrohman's memory for his genius, his kindness, his lofty Ideals, and his Indomintable spirit, by Bahbl S. Hetiht, of the Temple B'nal B'rlth; Raymond Hitchcock, and the Rev. T»r. Francis, of the First Baptist Church, and prayers were offered by the Rev. Baker P. Lee. The mnslcal features Included numbers tiy an orchestra of thlrtv pieces, noder tbe direction of B. H Melne: solo? bv Omst&nee Balfour^ Alice Howard, who wUl shortly present a goialne langh- nblo talking act. SixcERELv trust E>velyn Nedbit Is again enjoy- ing good health. Jack.' please write. On r,t\f>D terms again. Sfaurlce Abrahams-and nert Cooper. Wonder If Dessle Clayton Is aware of this fHOt. P.r.ssiE Srtuottb thanks Dr. Harry Freeman for hlo Mndness In Interceding In- her behalf secur- Ine tbe Insurance doc throngh the loss of her hns- band. M.\.v.u:roB Alloater. of Ttfystle Theatre. Brook- jvn. tendered n banooet to Oie performers who helped make his anniversary a sneeess last Frl- n^y night. Max Reynolds acted as master of cere- monies. Jfuf ned. "EHT- Jordax. of Jordan and Doherty. Is now no "111 nmnnd after on illness of over a week which f_->nGnj>d him to bis bed at tbe Court Hotel. In tills city •Tonv Kegnan. confined to the Polyclinic nos- plwl. has greatly Improved the past.week. .Vi,. Woon. of Rockwell' and Wood, arrived In ^|'w York tills week after a long trip from Van- •niiver, H. C. Bro. Wood bad a lone spell of 111- ness. The latter part of March, while playing In vancoiver. he was stricken with appendicitis, and ■RTiK operated upon In St. Pnnl Hospital, that dty. f'erltonltte set In and he was In a critical con- dition, but will probably resume work next week. We hap the pleasure of greeting Bro. Jack Simons at the clubhouse Hay 26, he having ai^ My God, to Thee," by the audience. ■■ I » IT'S A I ..yP-SKYDOME. The name of the new open air theatre at Aurora, III., is the Hlpp-Skydome. the opening to occur T>ecoraHon Cay. Harry 'Hargrave, who also con- ducts the Orpheum Theatre, there, will manage the now venture. Tho seating capacity is two thrrasand. . . Clrons hippodrome and vaudeville acts will be plavcd. and the newest feature photoplays. Ar- rangetnents have been made for a large stage, a thlrty-flvc foot drcos rlng. ^ and pict ure screen. VArDRVILLE REPLACES PICTURES. Stimme- vaudeville and pictures replaced a ■itrnlgbt plctitre pollrv ot the Orphenm. Milwaukee. h<>glnnlng ,<»nii(Iny. Moy no. with Jack Teo, formerly manager of tlie there, under Oie S. & C. ■nisnagemept. arriving from New York to manage the honso for Thomas Saxe. The pollrv will be from It a. M. to 11 p. M.. With motion pictures from 11 A. M. to 2 p. u. and vaudeville from 2 to 6 and 7 to 11 r. M. 4 t » ON AT MIDNIGHT. J. Bernard DyUyn appeared recently with tbe Midnight Frolics, going on at midnight lo the seme hp appeared In with r,ee EJrrol, In tlie "Pol- lies." iTbej replaced Bill W«»t, who was taken HI. HOWARD THURSTON presents "A Mile a Minute," on the Poll CIrctut, opening at Water- bury, May 31. During the action of the playlet the sensational race scene from the- "Honeymoon Express," which ran for twenty oonseontlve weeks at the Winter Garden, will be Introduced. The cast Includes Geo. F. Hnnis and a selected com- pany of elghL irr.TiTl. PAtFLINE DONAiLDiA, the prima donna soprano, who was with Oscar Hammerstein dttrtng his first season at the Manhattan Opera Hoaie. will be seen at tbe Palace, New York, at an early date. FRAXKIE HEATH 'AN<D GEMBtSTE PBBSiY. a new vaudeville comUnatlon, after baving been breaklog in some new material onit of town for several weeks, will appear at Keith's Bnabwlek Theatre week of June 14. CRA'CE OAMiEfiON will booq be seen hereabosts In a new singing offering. NL\nD RAIJL itACy. who has been In reUre- ment for the past two yean, wiU re-enter vande- Wlle In the near future under the direction of Alf. T. Wilton In a new one act comedy playlet, en- titled "Mary Ann Butts In." KITTY AiNiD FANNY WlAfTBON popplarlr known as the Watson Sisters, are at B. F. Keith's Bushwirk. Brooklyn, this week. May 81. OJHARTJtS A. LOCKER closed hU vaodevllle tea- son In PIttsbnrxh. May 22. U>10N'3 MOZHEIjS are meeting wtth trtfr success at Keith's Hippodrome, Cleveland, O. Tlie act was held over for a second week. A'BBA'DEXiL'EVANS has been stndrlnc music for the last year. In San <Franclsco, and expects to otny there until after tbe exposltlnn doses, at the Peralta 'AnATtmimts, 204. Oakland, Cal. TIVA TANGUAY wUI fill an engagonent at tbe Pala?e. New York, June 7, If her voice mends by that time. NAN HALPKRIN Is held over for another week at Henderson's. Conev Island. ANN.1i niNBHART has recovered from a serleos Illness and left the hospital. She Is spndtng the ■flrjmner In Lancaster. Pa., nt the Anchor Hotel, and woirld like tn accept engagement for charaetri. FRED C. IIOLYNBAUX fi at the KoA Hospltsi. Koch. M.I.. nnder treatm-mt for tnbermlosls, and would like to hear from Ills friends. MOLLY McINTYRE. Molly Mclntyre, whose portrait appears on the cover of the current Issne of The Clippbb, first attracted the attention of iNew York theatregoers as a member of the "Bonty Polls the BtrlngB*' Co. Her work In that play broagbt her to tbe DOtlcn of metropolitan managers with a resultant demand for her services. At present she is engsged In portraying eon- genls! roles before tbe camera as a member of the Centory Film Company's stock.