New York Clipper (Jun 1915)

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\ io THE . . NEW : ■ TOHS^. . CL.iP.P.BR June 8 THE- NEW; JOBK CJLIPPER TRE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHIHQ CO. (Umttsd) I'jiiiniiiiroBS. ALBERT J. BORIE, g i i» xi ii i«T. isiK Bus^STESB Muuoat. : ^'NEW YORK, JUNE'-s, 191S ' York. V.'Y.^aa aecood Much 3.'tb1«. . at tlie Post Office at New oattsr, .under the act of . AdTertlslng Bates tonilaliea-on-eppllcatloii.'- SUBSCEilFTIOIt. Ooe jm. In idrance, H: s>x rnoDths, Dontbs, ^1. Canada and forelen postage extra copies -hIU :be..scnt. postpaid, on .tecelpt:af. 10 cents. Our Tensta' are C nnhl . THE CUPPER l9 Issned evet; WEDNBSDAT, U. B. 0.; 4~-SHEEDlrS, 0. U. B. 0* DEBlAin>S PHOTOS* LeneXi Oval, at °Otie Handred and' Foftr-flfth .' Tlie.i. trnfted, BcoUog .Olflccs .baye inserted a Street and Lenox-Awonne,'•paa the scene of a clause lii-s4lie contracts tbat artists playing its ' tbrlllloB' baseball' game last 'Saturday alternoon, thaitrea next season most sapply a certain-nuiufaer May 29°.tbe partielpsnts-'belns the "oSsprliKB" ot ■ of pbotographa, free from, eopyrlglit restrlct'onsL the TTolted BooMng'. OlBoes ana - a- prime' tsft ot . fr« of cEoige. •inanazers"'an-I employees <of the She^y Yanae- TUle 'Agency, whose - palatial clobboose decorates . the. comer of Fortieth Street and Brpadwaj:!-:; . , A larxe-following of-each team-was expected at the oTaT t» root for tbelr-favorites bnt* a cloody. .' rainy lotSdns ££7-kept ipaiiy.of tlie leas enllmslaa- ■ tic aWBy. 1 \ ' \ >9*tVW lAF y^iwwp vi¥«»kj-k' , . , , , ■ The ChaiEes ot Harry -Weber, under tlie frowny, thirty,' and _over a weekly salary__ of $2,500 the guidance «<f Bench. Manager Artbar Blondell. re- ' • tricved- thcmselvcB' for U6o-23-to S lacing the-. a ■ ft ■ ' Sheedy boys' handed 'tli:em up at Dal-HawUiiA . .. «Ti\ naccB/\'B<re> eAn ifaanra*!* estaie^ln Westchester Avesue a f)>rtnlgbt previons. - PASSPORTS FOK CANADA. jmd came throngh on. the blff end.of.a -t.tO.O acore^ • a-elrcnlip baa been issned hv the (Vnadinn P« cmlrcd by. tonrlBts or other ylsltors to Canadn. _ innces tbat Its , with bona fide tonrlst traffic and tbat persons desirous of visit- ing points of Interest-In Canada or passing tbrongb qSie nnmber of. photographs will be graded ac- cording to 'Salary contracted for. Ac^ recelvbig nnder. $260..nlll be called npon to deliver six per- fect 'jihotoa to every U. B. -O. theatre they play. B^wee3i!$2S0 and $500 In salary the nnmber nm . be twelve; -from $500 to $1,000. eighteen: from t 91,000 to- $2,000,- twenty^four:- $2,000 to S2,500, thirty,' and over a weekly salary of $2,500 tli( nnmber required for each honse wlU be thlrty-slx. • served- ont by their twlrter, who -wnc on the score- ■ o^*"^ • «irds as .VHappy.". TboosbiBeveral. bnndred yards , a. Single jiom resembling the title, he -was "Happy" never- ■ .heless. ax«nK"t^%:i^ ^^^^..^U^a ; ^^l^f^^T^ lZ^TA^°^^^.?.l^.^J^. lilrd'6-eye maple desk and chair, and-a eoUd gold : cuspidor alongside, for' pitching - snch a heady t Wy.^^rflo^'v£e^^.^ in;mOADWAT GABDER FOR OSCAR H? fray, trimfd with 'r^d. - "nnles," and Arthnr Blon- • it -was "reported aloe? Broadway last -week that ell was canght red haaded; smiling when the ' ~' — - '■" . t)at3 beld-b; ■ He Addrcaa All Commimlcatloiis to THE NEW YORK CllPPEB, ^'^■'^,^,*^f,S^^iu^*^.,'^*'^^ . dell was caught red haaded; smiling when the ' OKar Hammerstehi,. who stlU possesses a francbise B.»uterriCabiB^ddiif^°^maosTrz" gray '•unl": clattered across the plate - from the-United Booking Offices, that be baa taken ^ mS^^^ ea'ly 1" game.' Benny Plermont tried to argqa : a lease of the Broadway Bose -Garden (now dark). a'HJJ WESIPEBIff .BUBSATT tbe point.' bnt AL PlantadosU-that bloomln' good Fifty-second Street and Broadway, New York, anil of Tna'OLippxB'ls'Iocatcd at'Boom SM -Ashland Bloet. - looker-of-a song'composer, assured'blm It- was; ■nrlU';transfer It'lnto'a vaudeville theatre. . ChlcogD..!Warren.A. Patrick, manager and conesgnDdent. positively / » » » OMAHA BK&ITCH' . \ The Sheedys catoe close to a nm In'their.tirst • buth HOTT PROTEISTS Dale Manhall, manager and • correspondent. Booms ; tline at tat w^M, wlto two doira.-m <'Di:Aa'.Cl.iPPEB: I have been Informed that a """"^"^^'OTI^-OTraiAU • i ^^^^ "^"-^ ^"y *<§^ ^%??Sr°^?t^Sre: ; islnj^^an/pjayig: tbe_FoxJlme.^l3 using W BOUTHWiJSTiiBJV HUiL^U ..J5„j the next man flled ont, and sold third seeker- AL'UaklnwD, manager and eorteapondent. 112S Gtana jnerely had to pick np his-nearby glove, and saved > Avenoe. Kansas City, Mo. . . _ _ ^ '. himself a lengthier-walk from the:bench had ha ' not cranked np the-tbree. bagger. —»mTTi<><!P<i^ ' The game ran even-steven from' tlien on to. thars*^''*! f; ' seventh,-when,^-with -two ont and men on second - and -third, Benny-Plermont-committed a crlmo : tbat Jim Sheedy and. Broadway will'bound hlmi' ■ about fur many days to come. Benny, who was playing aeoond base for the - champion' Sheedy's. nackea oQt into ehort centre for a ekyball from a - U. B, 0..bat, but mnlfed,'and bcfor.e.vIt was-res- . cned from Its flight across tbe green by another .- Sbeedylte-the two mns-were In. Score,- U.- 9. O., "• 3;..Sbeedys. 0; and-Blondell chargcd-witb'another . Uo. - . • I Ttrm CUPPS CAK OB OBTACTD WSOLESAXB ajn>'Sn'AZI* atoor agents. .Daw's Steateshlp'Agenc;. 17. Oreen,Street. Cbarlns Cnwa Bead. Lkmiod, W. C, Enslond-: Bteotano'a NewaBepot, 37. ATenae de I'.Opera. Parts. Prance; Manna Book and Statloneiy Co., 128 Escolta,. Monlls. P. I. i .OordOD -ft Gotcb, .123PittStreet, -Sydner, N. S. W-, AMti^lU: •. • name, :Buth Hqyt. have been - the only" one known'as anch for the post fifteen'years, and do not carevto-have my friends get me confused with tlila yonng woman no-w using my name for billing SSrposea. . Sincerely yonrs, Bdth Hon, Province- ■town,-Mass." EDITORIAL ' —^hearty smile this time-) Nothing Ikappened to'crack'the'goose egg. of the tfaat falllnf <ihampl(ms In-their IiaTf of the eighth, biit tbe'u. B. Os. were-presented wi'ih -another counter on a bit of careless fielding by Colvin, the Sheedy's tliird base caretaker, 'with a.. man on first and one-oat be had-a-cbanceifor an easy doTible play, hut Instead of """"g the .play to Beroal. Stat^ have' appelated ' official' cojsors «f flima, 'and''ln other States'-the question'Is*belngl •(ttated. -.The object of- tlils censorship Is to snrevent Immoral and other-otdectlonahle'produe- tloBB—"a consummatloii - devDQtly to be.'vilslied" by all respectable, people. --!But 'th(B.-.power, vested _ in people-of-Umlted cdacatIon,-wItliaat any-«xperU'. Piermoni at. second., he lobbed , tlie ball -to-'flrst ence in «tase work, or in the Jiands of polttlclans, » "nln„ln^. nrt nnA t7,» mnnnr who tlie renK47 may trorEe tlian-the'disease; Hh9 vwtt .featQie of the censorship'is that: a prodncer may esjiend'thousands of dollars'In' tbe piiqiaiatlbn' of' a film, and ' ttten' be ~ told', that' lie 'cannot exhibit It. If.cemsor^p ever amonnta'to ianjthlng bat a oslsance-^lt. most be'& 'National ':affalr an^ should be In ".tlie hasds'of men*ot *nn- '-^effttonakle Integtlfy, men of'lwrnlTig-TriQi liberal Ilka a newbom ."slnitlo? act, and Qie mnner who '\ras OS first contlnned, Iiardly taking time' for a ■Gtolen "bow" at second, eir the way-to - third, from whence -he scored- on"U. B.. Oer^s Blsgle throngh Smith. .in'the Sheedy's half of the.ninth the first'man (was. paaced, and-the second and-fonrth singled, the third tetter striking ont. It looked like a srand-finish-for the Bheedys—4t tro9.-as tar as , fSsB enUh. part waa concemed, for "Happy" oIgo eet down the next two on strikes. ' -It-was a groad sort of boll game-thoaQh. for pittsbubjgh, pa., notes. The only downtown 'playhouse now open and pre- senting ."real .life", performers. Is the Harris, and. this' very-popular place of amusement continues . to.crowd-them. In at every performance. MaTiag<>r Cli&rlea BucLelt, has arranged a very classy bill ' of vaiidevlUe for tlie coming week.-leaded b,T a stellar-tablold'moslcal comedy, entitled-"The Merry . aiakcrs.". Superintendent Dave Smith Is as busy as usual, and ever on the Job, while the boys b» hlnd the- scenes, Incliullnj; Ceclle Bojle, Wenddl Ortb, Eddie McAifee-and "Slim" Burbe are pre- £:irlng for their nsual all Summer session,-ss the [arris lias .not closed for a day. other than San- days, 'since the opening more ♦'"an three and one- ytaif 'years ago. CeclF Boyle is now figuring on wbere to spend his vacation, and no doubt will ; steal, away, to'.New Tork,. where he has a leeicn of good friends wlio taavo all invited lilm to while away.the time. Sam Harries simply -walked away -with tbe bcnors at the- Harris lest week, where ne convulsed large andlences -rltli songs and stories- of tbe highest da&s. 8am was In extra good voice, and he "pot them over." That personally of his bad them calling him- ont repeatedly. He has many Crlends-here. . On Tnesday and Wednesday nights of last week, at:the- I^oeum,.the DnqneEne Council Opera Cos- vlein and'nafalased mfTt^a and - the-rallnag'they tiMma .were! evenly matched, and Bammy Smith ' paoy, of the Kplgbts - of Colnmbus, presented iTl »ir r^*^^7^-k.' » " ^^^^' -pitched «>od-enough boll for the losers to-win most Oscar Stranss' opera, "The Chocolate Soldier," to tnmke ahotild apply to all the States. 1 The ptodaeeTS should also be allowed to-tmbmit ^he scenario of a film before they-hate spent.large emns of mcoey In Its prcltiaratton..'If. thls '-bnsl- neas Is lntmsted-to politicians ^the question of the jgtn<>8s ot the'censor wlU. not]'be considered, bat 'xather hlsvalnc to the'political-party: that, gives ■Tifia the Job. Then asaln a political .'board of censors' wonld that they bad to do.something to bdldidown their Jobs- and x-wonlJ. harraas the .managers .and producers..In every Imaginable .way,, -the. some .as onr basln$ss m^n' are . being .harried. by ■ thei army ■ot tnspeetors. - ot ■ various' -kinds;—^yia:; Insarance, Paetoty, Bnlidlng, Labor, 'Health, et&, wbo are .contlnnally seeking for- some trifling- cause . for romplolnt-fn-order'to'ezerelse their anthoolty and 'Ghow that "they are djcdng something." An' iot -these Ihsipecttons 'are. desirable (and - i>to- dncttve of good' results -when• theyvare^conflded to accomplishing the objects for which thiiy - were created, but. in the hands of:isnoront. and . nii^ e»y old Dall eiiTne. It was.a' case of :the V. B. O. club getting tne "breaks," as errors led np to eaeli of their tour mns- But the WAer <^rg^: showed up better In team play, and,-with 13ie atWcsald •"breaks'—well It was •! to 0. ' The eerles now stanfds one and one. aid anottber -tassle will be arranged for the "rahoer" gamg by law UeaaiB. Weber and' Bhe«iiiy> this'weeX* tor oa cady date. • A l. 'l'tj B\rA .rTT^ At the conclnsloa of the gome a real cabaret nenformance-took place In the Co/e Dolphin,-ad- joining the grounds. - SasiMT Smith, tbe versatile song -writer, elnger, ball player and Jewish, "opened" and . sang eome vopoiar- ntmbers from the - Joe -Mwrls -catalogue, assisted at the - piano by that^boy wonder,' Arthnr I-nnge. - . . , • Ai.. PiANTAnosi and Abthur Lamod fonnd fol- lofcrlng Sammy easy, and did their little dnets bit oa the Overland-piano. Edna 'Bobinson and Benny Piebhont were lecognizable next,-when they weren't-whirling to<> epceuily.' in some varied ballroom steps, nntll Edna ecreeebed for help, and Ben-had to make-a 31017 exit, after being leift "flat." Jefv.'Bbahbn, everybody's ttlend, diongfh labor- ing nnder a severe sold, did "five and five" ot bis "Bride' and Groom" song. A -veiy tastv- nnm- acmpnlons men, as they frequently are,' tbey^be-*. feer,-'foU of love, ginger and'laaghs. He was the come a menace and a nightmare to bpsln'esi'men. .I:lt_pf the.diow'. ^le continual agitation'ot this' question'of cen- soring ifllms.and the various opinlcois'Tesardlng It tn different localities has created' more [ or. less tmcertataty and nnrest amongst manosera and. producers' In' one of oar largest Indnstrlea'. and ooght to he settled -wlthont delay in an-lnteDlgent manner. The sooner the better! £(rob. ANSWERS TO CORRES*0m)BlTS, opera, . capacity andlences, and -by the high class manner tn which the. performance ..was given, were tbe recipients of numerous offers from various sourcsi for -the. tntnre ipresentatlon of this and otber operas, as well as receiving the commendation ot the - best dramatic critics of this city. Dnder the caiefol direction of Ed. Blebl, Walter ATe^ majm- and Carl Beratbaler, everything went throng- -without tbe semblance of a bltcb. Tbe dances were ptodnced nnder the direction of R. S. Jacqaes. Tbe : leading - roles wero admirably cared-for by sacli well known local persons as Ame- Knsbaek, as Nadlna; EL P, Rlebl, a* Bnmerll; Marie Sybert, as 'Uarda; Will A. Bbodea, as-Alexias; F. Q. Rodgers, as PoppoS; 'n'alter Avermann, as Mosacroff; Delorea Beed, as Aurella. Other principal roles were cared for by Helen Tra- g«sar and O. B. Smith. The. chorus work wng »• ceptlonally good, and the .volume ot voice as given by tbe sixty members could not be Improved upon. Tbe Important members of the chorus Included: lEBUONT were iBena Logue,-Hilda DriscSv-Margaret. McCsdd. Kts rwhirling too -Fox, Grace Wabl. Helen Bnrke. Pearl Uootlrerde, Margaret Carmody,. Nell Carmody. Frank Murrsy, J. J. Dalton. Louis Oellnus, Ed. Daley, J. Sbea. and Ollle Morrison. Joseph Copley I9 business manager. 0 a » BIO DANCING ACT FOBSJED, Arthur J. Levy, well known as a motion picture director, -will shortly- present a dandng act v^\n foarteoi. people, - beaded by Natalie and Jfartln FarrarL A musical director will also be IncludHl In the personnel ot the company. A spedal set Is now belne painted. Tbe act win be seen In .N^w York about Aug. 16. W. H, G. TTIchlta.—Hnrtlg'&: Seainon. Strand -■ tome'of'.^ne Then Al. PiantAdosl got Ininsiy. and ererythtn^, ■uid'bra&e up'the party. > JUi SSEEOT Is going to risk the slilrts of every I mil on. the. Sheedy vaudeville Agency's salary lW. Tipott'^the next , game-with "Chesty" Harry m^dto's old ball clnb. . Tod. ' \ ■ o» e > «KOBODT aOBIB» TO HOVC Tb9'jnoflIcaI play, "Nobody Home," moves to the „ _ (Haxine'i BlJlott..Jfe.w Totk, Monday June 7, for a haarsal aboat.the first-of July, under the direction nm tha' expected to tnst.ontll August, when it ^ TeaL Already- engaed are;. Natalie -Mt. ^rlU'be AatK-m-to' AtilaBUc City tor a short stay, and Fred-Walton. Grace Leigh and George Boldtrtai. then to'-Bo3.ton for a ram:.L: . ~ a i a -'Some'time. In July the company-Rill be taken to Newport' R.. K-.-for one-performance, cither at the *TBB GIRI, 'WHO smZiES.' ^e above-, named musical show goes Into <^ tbe mllltonalres who Smomer-^ Newport Theatre Building. ^ New York: James Cooper, there, or'-It presented . at tbe Newport Jacobs' ft Jermon, a'fid'Bnr'Iesqiie'-''PrbdncInir'Ca Casino.' la or&^r to do this'one performance at ColofflMa Theatre-Bnlidlng, ■ New Torb . the Shabert>.WtU'^T«-tO b9 vmltted. TO STAR UtUNU FEWWICFC. At'-the conclnslnn of-her tour next season in "Tho Song of SonEO," Irene Penwlck wUl be starred by A. -H. Woods In a new play written cspeelally for her by Edward-Sheldon.