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^hme S THE NEW rORK CLIPPER 21 enied. Iben tliey west' to' ter North t^0», called for additional membenL and took a epla Urongli Bogera Fuk, Braiiabaa and WUmeEte, 'tftloK tbe aandwlchea and taking snapabots on tlie way. After rldlog thronglk ue greater por- tion of the afternoon, dinner vas served at me Blsnuirck Oardesa. The pai^ Ineladed: EL Cltaiton Eelthley. Mia. E. CUsiton and Mrs. Boti- ert K«ltl>Iey, Casper Katliaii and Jeasnetta Stabl. AX I.AST. J. B. Shannon, Forster's profeadonal toanAser. tried Us best to liold Mcb "Under tite ^euoxr Aiahlan Moon" until the beslnninff of the Fall season, but so many acts flocked In demanding the Gons (wMcta liad prerlously been onnoonccd as re- leased! that Iio found IC ImposelMe to refraia (roiD ooootlns It, So Qie "bis plag" liaa starts last 'week, <thc piofesslooal force on the third floor of the Grand Opera House concentrating on tt^a number. Shannon declares dt yAM prove one of the qnlcke^ Uts on record. EajgUAN EAUN OETTINQ XBBBJL Herman Eabn, who will be remembered as a prulUlc iyrldat of a few years aco, baa gone Into sketch, writing Id earnest, and has some mighty olco' acts lined up for FaU. Lew Fuller an4 ymnk-Miller are golns to do singles, whereas sev- eral seD)l-dramatlc acts have been contracted for by recp^ilaed stars. BONO PLUaS TO 6XAT. Billy Thompson annonnces that most moving plctaxo shoTv managers have foand published cabaret performances such good trade boosts th^t toey will retain the elnglng features all Summer. DSUONSTBAm faODCCXION NDUBEBS. I '^Then iBamptaax Durand retained to Chicago, last'week, -with lead-sheets for "A Blodem Clndar- cUa," Joecs & Crane, producers of the show, ar-. . ranged to hear the numbers at the home of Lioulea DeFogle, who will play the Cinderella, role .wlQi oompany number one. Casper Nathan sang tiie fifteen numbers constituting the score, while Sampton I>arBnd stroked the keyboard. Othera present during tlie demonstration were W. II. Quleley, Mrs. Hampton Darand and Jeannette StaoL If the Initial lecopitlon accorded It maiy he takes as a gauge, the score contains many hits,' 'WiraiABK WORDOGOAPHS. l4 going tax panada, and the wvy tbfi music storca are fllUng their windowa with It showa that theros' <me thing you can't Bt<R> at the border, and that'a 0 real {lit. "Sprinkle Me With Kisses" Is the grea^ hamipoek nit this Summu. Qonne andXlve- ley^orA'amone the latent to aJd it to their act Xanffmnn' Bras, rmort doing more than well 'TClth "AW>^ Sklnnei 8 Chicken' Dinner." There's ^ coon song wltl^' a cooatltutlon that'a good for i^ra: fudging from the way it la forging aliead 1 shan't be a^ ^If surprUed to read on the i^enu cards of the Imjn^dlate future a new chef d'oeuvre iprnle $4)1, 'wl^o never loses a chance to add tho _ --- ^B^eJ, - - .... ,.lIllCO fhls week, wlfiTln'l .nd latest to his wonderful alnglag act, ' "I liove Them All" In PhUadiolphi^ Tend hardly ezp^t on act like the Hoyt Quar- tette to take that sopg-lnto their own particular fold, perhaps, but they^ have, and with wonderfol Tcsfulta. Their music-haa been of the distinctly aoutheiQ &P6, bat It haa turned out a wise and eSecttvo moTe t6 have "I Love Item All" as a fall (uod a con/ttaat and q. clbnax, and whatever goB call It—anyway, it's a hit 1 OUT OF BX AL. COOK. Snsun^r, in the beautiful 'wotds o( the poed ShoFtch^, has came. y To the b«78 -who constltnte ilie WUmark profea- ■^rtmni Staff that means merely a change of venae. The all too brlof reign of the eirdome and the sea- side the&tre has begun. Hhere will be no le^up to our campaign. We liave boUi tho men and the ammniiiition enough lo lost u9 through the hot months and plenty left over for early Fall. In the meantime onr arsenola TrtU be kpt going oa full lime so that Che novelties and hits may be fortheooilng whenever they may be needed. All this past Spring the ships have been building, and iK>w we have a fleet of song hits that will take aood care of 'the WItmark tDterests through the og deys. Our dKeadnauzht squadron is poitlcu- larly strong. Ihe latest launched "I Love Them All,'' Is br>;aklng all records while the target prac- tice of "Sorlnkle Me With Kisses," has resulted tn more hits than ever Its enthusiastic builders expected. That powerful cruiser. "Sweet Kentucky I<ady," has sailed Into every baroor of music In the United States, and truly her -welcome at each has been phenomenal. Her cruise will last Indefinitely, for the calls for her appearance are increasing dally. Pursuing the simile (please don't print that "smile," Jock};^ the WItmark torpedo flotilla has tot every one'on'the Qui vlve. The damage they ave done among the Glooms has been stupendous They have sunk Depression -withont warning, and there hasn't been a kick coming from anybody; they have torpedoed the Blues, chased the Crouch from off the fac3 of the earth (or aea), and have suffered nary a casualty in achieving these bril- liant feats. . ^ The names of the most conspicuous of these craft Include such distinctive and well known units as "A Little Bit of Heaven." "In the Garden of the Gods," "Runaway June." "Dearie Girl," and otbers In the same class. They are here, there and. everyn'brre. You can't get rid of them. The people want them and ■ft-lll have 'em. Observe, I call these Wdoders our torpedo flotilla. We have no submarines. Kone of our numbers needs to hide Itself. They work In the open. They are welcomed, not shunned. . Earl Carroll, 'who was the hero of Pittsburgh a week ago, returned to our bourne unspoiled and full of honors. Alas, 'he came back only to pack up again. Tils time he's off .for the Paclfle" Coast, 'Where, In Los Angeles, he -will coHaborate In the making of the next musical show that Oliver Mo- rosco puts on In the cafeteria town. As Earl de- parts wltb the comfortable knowledge of leaving behind three sma^lng hits to work for Wm^ln his sleep " ' - •-• - -> iv, Pullman Skinner's Chicken iDlnner'^ aren't a tad record for one short season- By the way, Harry Armstrong bos rejoined our forces. Be has had a very successful season with BUly Clark as his partner, ahiging WItmark nnm- bers In vaudeville. James DouKhcrty. bo long associated 'With Evans' Honevboy Minstrels, and now doing a sln,7lc In vaudeville, has Just added "Sweet Ken- tucky Lady" to bis prosram, and says he's mighty Rlad of It Another act that fell for this lovely ballad In a hurry when they heard It la the Three -Musketeers; also Bums and Kisses, who feature •'I Love Them All" Into the bargain. Earl Carroll Just got a letter from Will Waid and' hla Piano Girls, at least the letter was from Will himself. The girls are too busy sprlnkUng kisses to wdte. bat wlU aaya the way that ooug CpLBinilA (Feed O. Berger, mgr.)—'^he Girl of tly Dr^vna" was dcllghaully song by tbe Co- lonfblfi anualcal Cp. wec^ of May 24.- Peggy Wood was charming, and It la regretted that It was bor lost week. Lebhore Novasio Lucille Saunders and Dorothy Walker were excellent Harry Short, Carl Haydn, Wm. J. McCarthy, FhlUp Sheffleld, David Andmna, Fred C Palmer and Otfee Tanasee were capital, and the combined efforts of the whole cast and good support from the excellent chorus helped to make an enjoyable performance. Big biialneaa n)led. "MUe. .Modiste" week of 31. '^Ullam' Praette Sr. has been secured to play the eirt of t^e Count, which he orlgUiated. "Mllo. odlate" wlU also mark tho return of Eleanor neniT. who has fully recovered from her illness. "The Gingerbread M<ui" follown. JfATiONAi, (Wm, n. Ropley, mgr.)— Tlo make the scnounAlngB as much Japanese as possible, the lobby of the theatre was decorated -with lanterns, etc, and was served tj the pretty Gelaha glru, and wltb the addition of the Kokl Troape of Japanese dolla With this Introduction the Aboma gave "The Hlkado," which proved to bo tho beat thing done <by the company this season. Helena Morrul. Edith Bradfon], Javne Herbert, Hency Taylor, Cbas, W. Meyer and Frank Wooley Wero all good. Good bnafness ruled. "Snntnle^' week of 3C "The Fortune Teller" next Foil's. (I. M. Cone, mgr.)—"Polly of the Clr- ens" -was sncceaafully produced by tho Popular Players week of 24. Albert Bo8eo&_Loata Halno, Bnasell Fillmore, Oavin Harria, Charles Andre, John M. KUnc Robert Lowe, Maude Gilbert, Teresa Dale, Ni^non Welch and Rose Macdonald Weie all excellent Director Harry Andrews is deserving of much credit for the excellence of the production. Good bualceos ruled. "The Divorce Question'* week of 31. "Kitty MacKay" next Cosmos (A, Julian Brylawakl. mgr.)—BUI 31- June 2: Lady Retty, "The Four GaUerlnl," Meny Mtaustrel Misses. Oare-Austin company, Herbert and Dennis, and new pictures. Sunday concerts, with music by 'I'hat Orchestra," do capacity. R F. Kf.ith's (Bolord S. Bobbins, mgr.)—Bill week of 31: Elizabeth Brlce and Charles King, Johnny Hyams and LeQa Mclntyre, Claire Roch- ester, Chas. E. Evans and company. Van ajid Schenck, UAirlson. Biockhank and company, Donald Kerr and Effle Westcn, tbe Le Grohs, the Pothe Weekly New. plctoriaL 8nn.day concerts do ca- pacity. KOTES. Satdbdat sioht, 9t the final curtain at Co- lumbia. Peggy Wood, one of the most delightful prima doDnas. closed I'er short engagrment with the Columbia Stock Co, Tub Belasco Is dark. Makaobb I, W. Cone, of Poll's, Is busy. Paint- ers and decorators aio at work cleaning and paint- ing. WAsnixoTONiANS will greatly appreciate the efforts of the management of the Columbia In se- curing WlUlam Proetto to appear In his original role In "MUe. Modiste," and bis friends wUl be ou hand to 'tielcome. hhn, as this la bis home, and 'they want again lo hear him sing "I Want what I Want When I Want It" Hardy Amorsws, director of Poll's, during the performance of "Folly <ft the Circus," appeared in ihrc>! parts and gave an' excellent performance of each. I.ATi:ST wireless from Nllcs, Mich., from on* Jeppe Delano, Informing Fred O. Berger that his favorite dog Is dend. Diar.CToa Habbt Andoews, during the perform- ance of "Polly of the Clicus," evening of May 27, was presented ifUh a sUver cigarette case from the Sacred Heart Dramatic Association, Arthur Carroll making tbe presentation. A NCUBEB of citizens and Julia Marlowe and E. H. Solhern have become Interested In a beneflt to be given June 11 at the Columbia, for the sur- vivors of the Ill-fated LuMtania, and will take part In the performance. Other attractions bare DeejQ ofTered and more will be on hand. Ellnorc Henry, of the Columbia Musical Comedy Co., will be heard: Mrs. A Julian Brylawskl will Sing-; Temple Noyes Lodce No. 32, F. & A. M.. will also assist In tbe W'ortby cause, and many otbers. Leonobe Novasio and Philip Sdeffieu), of the Columbia Musical Comedy Co., are as fine a dancing couple as one can wish to see. Tbelr dances are watched for and much enjoyed by tbe audlenree. and one strange feature Is that this Is the flrst time they have danced together. WAeBINGTON has enjoyed many ftne comedians In mnslcat comedies, and none has given more Sleasnre than Wm. J. Mc(7arthy, of the ColnmblA [nalcal Co. Atlantic Cltr. N. J,—Apollo (Fred Moore, sngr.) a Sunday concert of phobcniays and vaude- ville acts. May 30, Included: Al. Herman, Kensey and HolUBi.tho Wonderful Jojalia, Review Comedy coanpanv, Watson and Little, Gallerlnl Four, ana Fred Manne's Song Revue. Al. 'Woods presents "See My Lawyer" 31 and week, with T. Roy Barnes, Hal Russell. Junes Spottswood, Walter Wilson, Walter Borton, 'Oeorsla O'Ralmey, Grace Valentine, Pcnrl HauUn, Cal Ball. Harry Lllford, John Daly iMurphy. John Flood, Wilton Richards, and others. -CioaT (formerly Savoy) (Ben -Harris, ourr.)—^For week of Sl„.Boyal Orond Opera Co.. with chorus from Metropolitan Gipera House. New Vork, In reper- toire of operas, Including: "Lucia de Lammer- ■noor," Monday and Saturday; '<I1 Tiovatore," Tuesday matinee: "Trarlata,'* Tuesday and Fn- day evenings; ''BaDo In iMoschera," Wednesnay evening; "BIgoletto," Thursday matinee; "A'da,' Thursday evening and Saturday matinee. OancsN PiBB Tbhatiui (Chas. O. Anderson, mgr.)—Vaudeville 20 Included: Vic Burns and compiaay, Lawrence Crone, Carson and Wlllard Melody Maids and a Man, the Three 'White Kuhns, assisted oy Buford, Bennett and Buford; the Sbel- dons, Jewell Sisters, Alex Porter, Black and Mc- 'Cone, Terry Sullivan, and a Charlie Chaplin com- edy. Feature pictures 30. A beneflt musical by tbe Misses St. Clair was given 31 In aid of tbe Bplclan Relief Fond. 'VIBOINIA, Cbitebion, Bijou, Libebtt, Citx SqcASE, CoLONiAi., Pabk, Cozx and Centbai,, mo- tion pictures. ■ The BUou Theatre, on tbe Boardwalk, tnicalled a $10,000 Kimball organ. Danc»o and motion pictures on all of the piers. Roller skating on Million Dollar Plar. Trenton, N. J.—State Streiet (Herman Wahn, tngr.) for May 31-June -J:: Elala Janls. In "Betty In Search of a 'llulll" (picture). "Trtcked." Frea- orlcks and Venlta, Weber ukI Blllott, Em and Clalrc. For 3-5 : 'The Uou<w of the La*t Court" (pictures), Bromley and Snow, the Floiaucs, Jules Heios, and "Tho Inspector," St. Paxil. 3Ilnn,—^Metropolitan (L. N. Scott mgr.) Elelo FergDsm, in "Outcast," Mair 91 and wtck. Mrs. Patrick Campbell week of June 7, and "Evciywoman" week of 13. Tbe 'benefit tor tbs cvllef of (he Belgians netted over $2,000, and was ^rtlclpated In by - local society young people, -aatrnsBT (Frank C. Priest, mgr.)—Irene Sum- Belly and Frank Thomas, supported by Ernest Fisher's Flayers, in "Friends, ' May 31 and woek. Eui>a£ss (OuB S. Greening, mgr.)—RIU weok of 30: "The Birthday Paity,'nsowman Btot., Mario ocd Tievette, Lew Hoffman, and Betmont's tSuA- PamcEsa (Bert Goldman, mgr.)—VaudevIUe and moving pictures. iStad (jwn T. Etrk, mgr.)—Olrls from Tlp- peiary week of 30. September Moinlng Girls next week. Majestic. STaA.vo, Stablamd and Qaiett, mov- ing pictures. Tackb,' put>Ilc bath and lake reeorts are very late ijf, opening this sason on account of unusually cold weather. Indfannpolla, Ind.—Keith's (Ned S. Hasting, mgr.) bill week of May 31: Moseman and Isaac- son, MllUcent Doris, Ward and Fay, and Violet and CSiarles. English's (Barton & Olsen, mgrs.)—Bill week of 31: Creole Band, Gllroy and Corrlell, Tom Kuma, Leroy and Cahlll, and Dcrtle Fowler. Lybic Ulnrton & Olsen, mgrs.)—Bill 31-June 2: Paul Klclst and company, tbe Bimbos. Abbott and Mills, Sl^ Jenks, and Grace Chllders and com- pany. For 3-S : Natbano Brothers, Mott and Max- fleld, Coval and Adams, John (jelger, and tho Peerless rotterit. CoLi'MoiA (G. E. Black, mgr.)—The Dainty Maids week of 31. Colonial, Alhambba, Ketstone,- Isis, Pai.mb and MAJIItATTAN, fcatore pictures. Babnuu & BAII.EX CiBci's will show here June li. ETansTllle, Ind,—Wells Bljon (C. Lar Offutt, mgr.) feature films. ORPUfcUM and NoBTHsiDC (Charlcs Sweeten, mgr.)—Amateurs, vaudeville and motion pictures^ Cook's Eixctric Pabk (Otto Meyer, mgr.) — Cabaret I'BINCCSB, SAVOT, CbITEBIOM, RIVEBSIDB, NOV- ZLTT, COIJDNIAL, FHANKLIX, VIBOINIA, COLUMBIA, Fi'LTO.N, Valada, Stadium, Covebnob, Alhambba, JEFFEB-MOV, WOODIJ^WN, WaLNI.'T, FXVOBITB, CASTLE Hali, and Ai.imo, 'motion pictures only. Portland. Ore.—Hclllg (W. T. Paagle, mgr.) "KvcpywODaan'a Road,'' by wrnnvn of Reed College, June 1, •-. Blllle Burke, In "Jerry." 3-3. OitPiiEVM (T. n. Conlan, mgr.)—Motion pictures only. E.MFBEKn (H. W. Plerong, mgr.)—BID week be- ginning June 1: niree Alex. Lee Bartti. "Her Xome Was Denula^" Wllkens and WlOccns, aud Three DIxoD Slstera PANTAUE3' (J. A. Johnson, mgr.)—Bill we^k beslnnln^ Jime 1 : "Richard the Great" Winona Winter, Ranous-Neleon company, Barnes and Robin- son, I'loronce Rayfleld, and Fem, Blglow and Mea- ban- Pfopi.E H, -N'ATioNAL, Stab, Columbia, Mwesti.? end Sunset, photoplaja. Hot Sprlni^, Ark,—Whtttlngton Park opened for the Summer season M.iy l."!. the pupll» of tie public schools giving a May pole dunce- Baseball oud flag drill. Concert» any given every Baaday evening. The roller coaster, carrousel and other attractions have all been remodeled and repainted, and put in good wotklng order. New Centdal, Ltbic and BoxAZ,, moving pic- tures. Pbvcsss —VandarBcL