New York Clipper (Jun 1915)

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12 THE NEW YORK CLIPP THE HEW YORK CITY THEATRES craniHUED AiiSAcnoiis. BOOTH—Louis MaDB, la "Ttae" Bubl)le>" tenth COKT—••UDiIer Cover," forty-tblrd -week. COHAN—'"It Pays to Advertise," fortieth «reek. CANDLER—"On Trial." forty-third week. CASINO—"A Modern £ve." fifth week. FOKTV-ElOHTn STREET—De Wolf Hopper and ' Gllbert-SuIIlTan Opera Co., elghtb week. CAIETV—"She's Id Agala," fourth week. 6LOB1::— iLuutSo-mety and Stohe, In "Chin' Chin." thirty-fourth week. HARBI.S—"Twin Beds," forty-third week: aecoud at tbl3 house. LOXOACRE—"A Full House," flttb week. MAXI.NE ELLIOTT — ••>-obody Home," eighth week; Drsl at this house. PLATHOtiSF—"Slnnera," twenty-third week. nEPUBLIC—'The Natural Law.^' tenth Week. THIKTV-NINTH STIffiET—<Jeorge Nash, In "The . Tcree of Hearts." secooo week. %INTBB GARDEN—'Passing Show of 1915," sec- ond week. Harlem r\^„^ TT^^^„- fifth Street Is m al Iffi^fS. flOlISS Suffliner finery now. VyVLA AAUUtSW orchestra pita (Harry Swift, mgr.) — Harry Swift's house on One 'Hundred and Twenty- fifth Street Is m all lu with rail converted Into a veritable flower garden, with (nany small fountain like arrangements that elve its entirety a cooling aspect, while the house stair and musicians look' remarkably neat in their White serge tuxedo cut ttolforms. Mir. S>wift is going farther atlll IB bis effort to make this favorite old theatrical land mark of upper New Tork atlll more attractive by decorating the Interior, boxes, etc.. Id draperies of a flowered "clothing"—and he will likely do away tvlth the two chandeliers that obstruct the screen plays and one reelera from some of the seats in the lower boxes. The show Jnne 3-G was one of the best "the Harlem" has had In many weeks, and there waa a baaz of satisfaction going on among those In range of our hearing at its conclualon laat Friday nlabt wheh Marie and Billy Hart, the O'Brien Havel. Harry Glrard and Grace Fischer acts ran a "blanket" racfr for drst honors. MARIE and DILLT HART'S camlVal of artistic foa, with BlUy doing the "barker" and Marie dis- playing oer \-«ry ekeellent soprano when albBing, aou the same brand of figure v^hen on the alack wire .lad in a Frencby song and dabce, While their barlesqne mlbO reading stunt 'nras as rcllshable to the patT«D9 aa anything else they did. 0'Bat»N BaVEL abd COMPANY tvere the chaibplOD fun makers of the show. In the same bit of farce thu staunchly eatablltbed vaudeVUlft team name ban b«en a great success in for many seasons PQ!<L G-RACE FISCHER (New Acts) Was a One llttltf hit }t\»t after a Charlie Chaplin reel, called "Laugh- Ibt aa^" nnd BA&RY OIBARD abd CUUPANT, lA B high class singing pradnctlon, In two acebca, Closed up the rattling good show m big time style. Olrard has an aaslstlne company of six men and a Woman, and a clever ilttle plot is amusingly un- rolled between songs, with tat second scene laid in a Northwestern mining camp. OU> HOMESTEAD DOdBLET QUARTETTE was at the "drst end" of the bill. And started things toward "a. great show" with their singing. (New Acts.) HL'MB and COMPANT scored many good laughs in the "sketch spot" In an old one, where the laughs are derived from a silly EugUsb ess tTDe of husband, and his getting "Iveat-up" br a plumber hired as a "protector from mashers" by the wife. The "huiband" role Is too farfetched, and detracted from the turn's possibilities of get- ting over in better style than many like it as It stands. BOGA&T and NICHOLS, a "double," were well treated, mostly fur the man's yodiing specialty with a prop baby. The girl is good to look at, Ivt lacks personality, wblle their final du6t was rather shrill. Thev need a fresher line of talk also. WALVEA ML'KRAi: offered his interesting lec- ture on a Florida, Paramount Travel series, wnlle a pleasant surprise came In the singing of the ani- mated song by IRVING HART, a former attache of this theatre, but now located up at tbe Royal, iB the Bronx, and singing the Treble Cleff pro- ductions. "Little Bouse Upon tb: BUI" was tbe song, and "the groom-to-be" Sir. Hart sang It lb a C^od baritone way. Tod. * <Ben Sahn, mgr.)—^I%c osUaI biff 1111 fnil cron'd wis on hand for the first of VUIMU the three shows. "The Beauty Spot" 0_ Is In two acts, with five prlnclDsU jOu^TK chorus girls, headed by Nat ■ ** Jerome, who does his well known Yiddish character. Steve Paul does Irish, While Joe Ward works straight. Dorothy Barnes, a- pretty blonde Is the prima donna, and Norma Brown, shapely and attractive, played a French soubrette role. Walker and Wiley give a modem dancing specialty. "The Eieauty Spot" is made up of bits from bnrleique and numbers. Some of which are: "On My Way to New Orleans," by Miss Brown and chorus: "dheltrring Pnlma," by <Mlsa Barnes and girls; "JIartinl." by Miss Norworth and chorus: "Beautiful Band." by Joe Ward and the. girls; "Venetian Rose," by Miss Batnes and diohis: "Meilcanna," by Nat Jerome and Girls, and "We Take Oor Hats Off to Too, Mr. Wilson," by Miss Brown and the girls.- In this numbei Miss Brown wore black tights, pleasingly filled. If Miss Barnes and Miss Brown were given a Ilttle more tr do with lines, an Improvement could be made. Tue chorus Is attractive and sine Well. nia allow sot «var all right and aeamed to vitiM. aa. k • (dMiae.- Fotidam. mgr.) — It tKTTXPTlCyLTl eeema as though Monday Is the mUVXAWmA ,|,fflclal day for the patrons of the American to attend the theatre. E>very sent In the aadltorlum was filled by tfro o'clock, and there were a cumber of standees, but Manager Pots- dam's efficient house Staff Is fully capable of han- dling tbe crowds. The bill the first hal£ was unusually good. A Georsc Ade comedy, produced by the Edison Co., was IntertatUie- _ "Truth StrangfcrThan Fiction." A Bloerapli com- edy drama, was good. GBBTKUDB CuOART, twelve minutes, la one. Opening position on a long bill, eVen thougb it is continuous, is a hard position for a single woman, hcwever Miss Cogort, a cbapel^, good looking M, with a fair voice, held her own nicely. Ber bby songs are good. She sang "If You Can't Get a 0:rl In the Summertime," "Why Don'c Theji Do It Now," "Jane," and for an encore she rendered "I'm Going Back to the Farm." Five bows and an encore. ■■The Spy's Sister." a. Lubln war drama. Was intense. SCHWAR'l^ and WOOLEY, fifteen minutes. In one. These tiro men have a clever turn built along somer/hat new Hues. The nut comedy Is good, and produces many laughs. The Dut:h comedian has a good dialect, and the Hebrew comedian Is tunny. Tbeir material Is well written. Tbe boys have f;ood voices, and their special • sOngs haVe clever jrlcs. They are good dancelrs. Four bows and a "Charlie Cbnplln" earned tliem an encore. "Tbi> Exploits of Elaine" held tbe nttenUnn ot the aodlence. PHILLIPI QAUBTETTE, twelte mlnntee, In three. A drawing room musical act Usually makes a good feature, especially WbeB. att ot uie four performers are gOod nlualclans. Tbe platio, tho 'cello and the Violin ^araionlzed beautifully. While the ycunc lady who sang poiisessed a good voice. The muAlc was well arranged. The act did n-it drag at any time. It is a high class act, and would at la any kind ort a. bUI. "QoOA-Byj;" and "A Little lilt of Heaven" were liked. Fodb bowa. WALTON and BOARI>MAN, fifteeki mlhutes, la one. This good looking couple mnOe one of the bits of thA bill. They know Ubw to silt dVer sonzs, and have very nice voices. The girl Is |r:ud looking, aiii cah West clothes. The man, although a little talU presents a nice appt&arsmc4. The imi- tation of Charlie Chaplin, slnglhg "Thoia Chnrllo ChapUa FCel^'l Wa« good. JlScj &lng ''LoVe Me, or Leave Me Alone," "It t &ad YoU,'^ "t'ta Going to Make Yon Love Me," and for an encoVfr, "That Dramatic Bag." Five bdWa and aa encore. "THE PASdlNlATlNQ FLIRTS," IWcnty-fivo minutes, ilk tilTee, epcclal eet Thla tabloid U Ur.- DsuxtUy Kbod. It bubbles over .with fnbtty comedy and good singing, and the company includes pretty giria The Dell, boy and the elongated, eccentric' comedian fnmished the fan maklag. The act is well costumed, and the "Girl We Take" number ;s very well done. The comedy bits ore plentiful.- The seres that w»nt over like shots Were: "All For the JLoVe of a Girl," "Virgbtia Ue," "Fatlma Brown." "Just Bring Tulips Alon*." "If loii Ever Come Down to Vireuia." Sit bowd. "Ham in a Mat Factory," a Eoleffl eOffle4f, Was very funny. RDCKBR and WiNIFRCb, flfteeen miiidtes. In one. This colored duo haVe n very lunby turn, and their comedy Is fast and furious. The- Cblba- man I'.as an eicellent dIa'ecL while the neg^o co- median Is extremely comlcll. The opening dia- logue Is Very clever, and their material Is excep- tionally well written. .They made the^hlt of the bill, and fclrly stopped tbe show. Their Voices harmonise well. The "Why Dldh't It Bain Un Me" number was funny. Seven iloWs. STDAUT BLACK and COUPANY, fifteen min- utes, In three, special set. Tbe aketch af ScotcU home life was given the headline position afad. Judging from the amount of applause at tbe fiDal ourtuin. It fully earned the bohoni. The Acting ia vcri- aood and the Scotch dialect U carMed through- out LQe sketch. Tbe fatber is a tery cleVet char- acter actor. Tbe daughter Is a good ingenue. The boy Is a good >Uveolle, and his actlnir Is sincere. Five bows. .\i,vIDIE D& LO.XG, fifteen minutes, in one. Miss De Long Is a very fait cbarnctcr coniealenne. but she was tar from a hit with the JlondAy mati- nee audience. Her mohologue, dressed as a bell- boy and a Swede, passed. aII of >her sobgS are specially written. Their lyrics are good. Her mak«vup Is clever. At times her enunciation Is very bad. Three bows.. WARD, BELL and WARD, eight ininUteS, open lu one special drop, cldse In full. This four act wait very Well received. The openlil£ dabce the woman Was Very good. Tbe meh are very good ath'.etes and tbeir acrobatic feats are VerV clever. The comedian gets over some good comeuy. Tbe undressing stunt ot the Woman Is good. She la a good contortionist The act moves very lively, and they have a aure-flre fini sh. Four b owa. iii/Ief. Terrace Garden ^Tbe OberammergBuer (Ba- varian Peasant Troupe) began a three weeks' en- gaganent at Tetrace Garden, Jane 3, with a per- formatce of "Jagerhlut" ("The Hunter") by Benno Rauchenegger. The various plays were well taken care of, and especially Herr Gustav Olmar (at the same time the stage manager) made & decided hit with his portrayal of the vlUaee barber. During the intermissions song and either recitals were rendered, which, together with the Inevlcable and ever-delightful "Scbuhplattler" broogbt strong rounds' of applause. The second offering, "Die Zwlderwur?:en'° ("The Grooch"), by Herman Schmidt, was equally well played, and received an enthusiastic welcome. The troupe has plfiyed all Winter in the West where they scored triumphs and did very well financially. Libertr (J. w. Mayer, mgr.)-^'The Bltth of a Nation!' continues to do a large bnslneis. It la a wonderful pietaie. ER Jane 12 'THREE OF HEARtS*' iitirtr'titDtb ^U«et (Ataynard Watte, bus. iagf.)^^T)We of BUtrXa, a play In four aelij by Martha Morton;' Produced by the Messrs. shit- betts on Thursday night, June 3, with this coat: Bhippy, valet O. M. Takahash Judson Cecil Magnus Haggerty ^......., Frank J. Woods Hairy Ui.mllton George Nash Williams William Dcvcieux Mrs. uamilton-Btowu: Eihei Wiutbtop 'Mrs. Comstock Blanche Ynrka Dick Comstock Schuyler Ladd Ci'Bcc Ma^thome Jttlld. Hay Col. Uaythome ..Robert Rogers Smith ' Afthar L. Cogflser Andrews ...George M, Shelton Gerald Schuyler .Balph Collier Levy i WlUfam Caryl Hedges '. Maurice Schonfleld Head Walter Al^thur Jordan Walter Arthur Rbw Woman Detective Lonlse Macklntosb Miss Wadleigh tUilrley Carer SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. Act I.—Hamilton's Apartments. The Uibrary. Act II.—^A corner ot the Trapeetty Boom, Knicker- bocker Hotel. Act m.-^Sbadowbrook Sunt Club. Act. IV.—Same as Act I. George Nash n:ade. on the above date, bIs d^ut as a lull-fledged dramatic star. The authorship of the play la credited toUarthi Morton, the well known play^lght. She bos liaaed this play upon Harold McGratn's novel, ''Hearts and MBBka.''^ BellevinB with Warden Osborne, ef Sing Sing priron. ana Henry Ford, the aAitomobile manu- facturer, that crlmlnala ccn be saVed, Grace May- thorne devotes a good deal of attention to tba unfortunates. She Is greatly admired by Henry Hamilton, a millionaire, who bos met her In Paris, where, as an adventure, Iio posed aa a batoh. Later, when he meets her In New York and liams that she Is deeply Interested In criminology, he pre tehds to be a crook, aiid. In order to learil the tricks of pickpockets, he employs as secretary a recently released "dip," who wants a chance to "go straight." UUs Maytborhe is also admired uy DIcb Com- stock. who. finding himself unable to eilDPort bis mother In good,style, tokes to stealme, lie pre- sents Miss Uaythorne with a costly necklace which he had stolen. H ugB » ily . a detcctlw. Is va Dlcli'o trail, mil for the sake of tbe boy's mother, whose friend be 1^, Hamilton'decides to eave the boy, although in doing BO he is savint a rival for tpo girv^ affe.-;- tlons. Hamilton employs his convict secretary to steal the necklace from the girl's neck. Baggarty; who had bSen on Dick's trail f<^ tbe past six tdonths,.decides to arrest hUa at a house piirty on I.oDg Island, but la prevailed dpun by Uamiltoh to let htm go for tbe motbefp sake. But in order to make bis search for tbe criminal result In an arrest. Snippy, tbe Jap vaiet ot Hamntoa. ogrrcsi for two thousand dollars, to go to Jail for teh days, after which he will be released tor lack of evidence. Miss, ilaythorne then learna that Hamilton la ndt a thief, but a twenty-Ume millionaire, and tbe cartaln faile na they Are eugaeed to be married. It Is a dilOcalt matter to classify "TUrea ot Hearts." One mlbntO it is melodrama, another farce, and occbftidually it eomeS ver^ iisar to bur- lesque. But for all Qlat It: Will give the theatre- goer an eVciiing of pleasure, which Is oae ot tbe rcascnS Why people go to the playhouse. Its story is impossible, but It holds your Interest. -Qeorge Nash acted with dqsb, humor and polish, abd Scored a success lii a role that Would have been ridiculous in the haUds ot a less clever actor. It Is a pleasure to see 'thta gentleman act, and his Uromotloh to stellar hobors is well deserved. William bevereaux, ae Wdlllams, tbe ex-convict, played With fine simplicity and restraint. It was Che of the fibest performances seen this season. O. M. Takaha«h. Who id, M Ills Hadie ImpllcE, a Japanese attor. scored lieivity as Snippy. He was responsible for much of the play's humor, for tome of the best Hues In tbe pisy fall to him, abd he sets them "over" like a shot. Julia llay (Mrs, (^tash in real life) played tbe role of Grace Maylhorfae, aUd charmed ny perion- ality and voice, Sbhayler Ladd. a capable yonttg actor, had the thankless role of Dick Comstock, and played it wen. Blanche Tnrka made the role of Dick's mother stand out by giving it a touch ot kidivldualjty. Robert Rogers was highly satisfactory as Col, afay- tborne, a aouthem iTnancler, and Lonlse Mackin- tosh had very Ilttle to do as a woman detective, bat as usual, she 'madelicr role a telllBs one. Prank J. Woods, as Haegerty, the detective, wag a commanding figure. Ralph Collier, who gradu- ated from tbe Aibetucab Academy ot Dramatic Arts this year, made his professional debut In this play, acting the role of (jer&ld Schuyler. "The play is well mounted, add We should hot be aarprlsed it it run all Summer. Keleev. iTetv Tork (Abe Botchlld, mgr.)—^The pictures selected here for the week are all excellent. On Monday there was shown tbe twenty-fourth episode of "Tbe ExplolU of Blaine," "Mrs. Jarr nnd the Beauty Treatment." "Tbe Bight to Happiness," "The Gilded Cage," "The Tear oh the Page'' and a Keystone comedy. Tuesday's prosram consisted of 'The Diamond In tbe Bky'^ (sixth chapter), "Man and His Master," "He's a Bear," "Ham at the Fair," "Tbe Six Cent Loar* and ."The Bedemptloh of tbe Jasons." Wednesday the feature picture ,ls "FlghHrtg Bob." vlth Orrin Johabon and Olive Wrndnam In tbe leading roles. < VltavrapB (FtataK Lbomi9, mgr.)—^The new bill at this honae is one ot the best that has been offered here in some time. Tlie feature picture this 'week Is "Meet He at Bc^en." n» otteta are up to tilt vltacia^ elandard.