New York Clipper (Jun 1915)

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'Jana 19 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 11 ;TEE NEW YORK OIIPPEIt U FoBBded Im 18S8. { THE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHINfi CO. (UtoHad^ ALBERT J. BORIE, EniToniiL .'iNo BnsDtxss Uamiqi NEW YORK, JUNE ift 1915. Entered Jane 24, 18T9, at the Po«t Ofllce at New York. N. T.', as aecond elan matter, under the act of iMarch 3, lbT9. AdrertlslDS Bates faralilied on ipplleatloii. . SCaSCRIPTIOX. One yenr, in aOraDce, f4; alx mratbi, f2; three ■monlhR, ft. Canada and foreign poatage ertra. Single toople* wUl be sent, postpaid, on receipt of 10 cent*. Onr Terms are Cash. THE CI.IPPEB la lasned ereir WEDNESDAY. Tbe Forma Cloalns Promptir on TBcadayr at 10 A. H. riease remit t>T express mone; order, check. P. O. 'Oriler or Rrglntered Letter. All casta enclosed wltb • K-tior at risk of sender. Address All Commanloatlona to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 2Mth Street. New York. ; 'IVl.. 2-JT4-.\ladl*on. Reglilerci Cable AMreu, "AoTBOUTr." 'I' H li! WESTEHU" BDBSAU of TnK CuppEK Is loc.itnl at Room 3(M Aablaod Bloek. iciilcjso, Warren'A. Patrick,, manager and corccspondeat. OMAHA B&AKCH Utile Marsliall. mnnauer'. and correspondent. Booms ';:O9-3I0 .UcCj^ BuliainC' Omaha, Neb. « SOXTTHWESTEBB BUBBAU :ai. UnklniiOQ. manager and correspondent, 112B Qrand '.wcnue, Kansas City, Mo. ■ Tnr; CLIl-rKB OAK BE OBTAJNID WBOIXSAUB AND BVrAlL. .at our agents. Daw's Steamablp Agencj. 17 Green Street, 'Charing CroHS Road. Loailon.iW. C, BngUod; Btentano** .Nou'J Depot, .17 ATenae de I'Opera, Paris, France; ' Manlln Book and statlooety Oo.. 12S Bscolta, Manila. I*. I.; Ooplon It Ooicb, 123 Pitt Street. Bydnef. ■N. S. W., Australia. ANSWERS TO CORKESPONDERTS. DRAUATIC. K. & a.. New Vorlc.—^The last perfonnaoco At .Mblo's Garden tvaa eWen Uarch 23, 1895, "Biy Aunt Bridget" beln^ the attinctlun. M. H., St. Louis.—^We do not know bla present whereabouts. Address him In care of this- ofDce, and we will advertise letter In- Clipper letter list. •"Miss M. E. S., Fltchborg.—They are two differ- ent sketches. We do not know whether he ta with either sketch. K. M.. Westdeld.—We have no means of knowtng their value. Perhaps BreotAno k Co.. New: York, can give you the litiorniatioD, ' ADEIiB BLOOD A VKTTIIC. Miss Blood, who is now leading woman of the Teck Stock, Buffalo, was attacked in her apartments June 12 by a robber, who suc- ceeded in snatching her mesh bag, reported to contain $3,200 in bills, which was suspended from her neck, also a diamond ring from her Anger. A' former chaulTeur is suspected by Miss Blood. > s » M'EST POINTERS CAFTURB ''OHnf-OHtR" aiRLA. June 12 was West Point Night at the Globe, and the entire evening was full of militao'. ^u''' prises.^ At the finale the boys rushed onto the stage in a hody, and each one seized a girl for a dance. Flashlights of the scene vfiere taken. The house was appropriately decorated. ELSIE JAjna TS POUEDT. "The Missing Link" will be the title of a new comedy hy Paul Dickey and Charles God- dard, in which Miss Janis will appear next ' season. She will sail from England about July la ^ ACrrORS' FCKD THAKKS LAMBS'. A special meeting of the Actors' Fund board of trustees, presided oyer by-President Daniel Frohman, was held Jiine 12, and resolutions thanking the Lambs' for the aid extended through their gambol were passed. • »» NEW TOlUC atPPODROMB. INC. ■Frederick M. Sanders, of New Vorfc; John r\ Buck, of New Canaan, Conn., and O. Win- snr, of White Plains, it is reported, have formed the New York Hippodrome Corporation. < » » PHIL. BmiDilj RBSIQNS. Philip Mindil has resigned as press, agent for the "Lady Mackenzie Big Gune Pictures." ZIEGFELD'S FOLLIES. The "Ziegfeld Follies" were announced to open Tuesday evening. June 15, in Nixon's ApoUo, . Atlantic City. The company, which left New York June 12,-consisted of Joseph Urban, scenic artist; Channing Pollock, Rennold Wolf and Gene Buck, authors; Louis Hirsch and Dave Stam- per, composers; Ina Qaire, .^ae Murray, Anna Pennington, Lucille Cavanagh, Justine Johnstone, Helen Rook, Kay Laurell, Olive Thomas, Carl Randall, Vivian Oakland, Dag- nar Oakland, Bert Williams, Leon Errol, Ber- nard Granville. W. C. Fields, George White, WiirWest, Phil Dwyer, Sam Harrison, man- ager ; Julian Mitchell, William Schrode, Frank Darling. William Torpcy, Arthur Rose, Joe Light, William Leahy, Jean Bamett, Mabel Benelisha, Helen Barnes, Claire Berirand, Fawn ■ Conway, Ellen Cassidy, Peggy Dana, Ethel Davies, Ethel Delmar, Evelyn Pes- roches, Marcele Earl, Gladys Feldman, Olga Onowv-a, Dorothy Godfrey, Nine Goulette, Lola Hilton, , Etnina Haig, Flo Hart, Agnes Jeppsbn, Evelyn Koemer, Dickie Kendell, Gladys Loftus, Laura Louise, Stella Leslie, Lulu Martel, Stella' Chatelaine, Muriel Mar- tin, Elsie Murray, Muriel Miles, Dorothy Newell, Besiiie Nelligan, Anna Pauley, Mae Paul, Leonora Ramacca, Margaret St. Qair, Dorothy St. Clair, Juniper St. Claire, Betty Tourannie, Belle Thomas, Lottie Vernon, Daisy Virginia, Rose Wcrtz, Nany Wallace, Katheryn Wilson, Edith Whitney, Anna Wen- dell._ Dot Wang. Grace Langdon. Etta Bates, Addison Young. Jim James, Arthur Whitman, Roger Davis, Clay Hill, Robert Gilbert, Will- iam Cohan, Paul Lester, Frank McDermott. Harold Davenport, Archie MacKenzie, Ralph ■ Shipman, Harold Starrett, Roy Lewis, Charles Minton, John Ryan, Arthur Rose, Jack Evans and Melville Stewart. After live nights in Atlantic City, the com- pany will open at the New Amsterdam, New York,. June 21. TO LOWER RATES r The Theatrical Managers' Protective Asso- ciation, at.a meetinp'held recently in New York, passed 'resolutions to call a meeting of representatives from all branches of the busi- ness' to formulate a plan of counteracting the increased fares and baggage car rates adojii^d by the local railroads east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio. It is claimed that these rates are exorbitant. If the railroads do not heed the protest, formal proceedings will be started with the Interstate Commerce Commission in the proper way to cause that body to take action. REISENWEBER'S FINED, John Wagner, of Reisenweber's Restaurant, New 'York, was fined $50 in West Side Court, June 12, for presenting a theatrical revue, "Too Much Mustard," without a license. Simi- lar fines for that offense were imposed last week on Rector's and Wallick's. George Martin, attorney for Reisenweber's, asserted the restaurant did not present the production on a stage. Magistrate Krotel . ruled the show was a theatrical production because the actors and chorus members changed costumes several times. George H.. Bell, commissioner of licenses, has secured this and other convictions. »■ » PICTURES AT PHILA.'S LITTLE. The Little Theatre; Philadelphia, will open with pictures, June 21. PAIRHAVBNITR9 Onn.%NIZB. ne Falrhaven Colony Isi now In fall workloK order for tbe Smnmer eeaaon. The Players' Bone Cub hare elected: Tony Fluntlng. president: Charles Merrltt, vice-president; Lew Huntlnir, tteasarer; Arthur Mueller secretary; Hap Handy and Dick UcAlllirter, triiatees. The merry "ch<ig- g\na'' of the'motor now echoes all along tbe shores of the Shrewsbury. nie i>lK't>e]ieflt for the c'lib will be held July 1, at die Lyeenm, Red Bank, and a lot of other ermtB are scheduled, including tbe big aniual clambake on the beach at !?ondy Hook. "TOD" ON THmD. On May 29 "Tod" Colvln. mannfactorer of Tod's Tips ' for Tm Clippeb, . helped. out the Sbeedy Vandevllle Agency baseball team by playing third acalnat the u. B. O. tribe. The trial waa Tcry ■aflsfactory, Inssmucb as Ur. Tod welted the pellet for tlie handsome avemge of .9fl7.' .He was at once "booked" - for a return engagement against the aamo team at Lenox Oval, June 12. HARRY RICKARDS' TOUR. » •• n. ..V SiDinrT, AOS., il!»y 15. Nella weob, who ttecame so popolar on the occa- 'sioD' of her last visit to AuitfallA. lome three years ago. relumed to this country by the Sonoma. on Me.v -i She wtii welcomed . by lira. Hugh 1'- .Mcintosh, Clirton Clarke and manv of her friends, ODd a cloematogmph pu-turr of "her arrival was token and.screened at the principal theatres the same evening.. in the aftemonn she was tendered a reception at the Hotel AuMtmlla. aJl the leadlns members of the theatrical profesKlon t>elne present, IE. addition to numerous society folk. Sne -wnn to make her first appeararce nt the Svdney Tl- Toll the day the Sonomti allied for .\ncrlca. car- rjlng this letter. Her .teason promises to be even more ^uccessfal than hor last, ail the scats belne tiooked two wecka ahead. The big scoop of the month was Hugh Mcln- tiKb's engagement- of Julius KDigbi. the well known EngUsb actor, who has been appearing with J. C. WUnamsoa, Ltd„ for a - goodly number of yirrs- The. eminent English actor was engaged at a special fee of seventy-Qve guineas for .seven performances. This-he-Jonated. without dcduc- . tlon. to Hi'gh J. Ward's> Belgian Dn.v Kiind. Tbe popular artist was heard In n line series of rccltn- tlons. Includ:tig "The .rortralf' and "Tbe Da.v." He was an Instantaneous success, ond a pon-<>r(iil drawing card to the entcrprlslDg Tlvoll govcmloc director. The Tlvoll ."Follies," who create a-.positive sen- sation wherever tbey appear, followed up tlioir Melbourne apd Sydney iiiccesi^C!! In .\(Iol:ilile. pla.v- Ip? to record bu<ilnesH. ccUpslnfr even that done by .\de Reeve, which Ik going some! They roovp oi« to the Brisbane 'nroll to open tlio luxiirlnn.t new theatre belnKTbiillt In that rity by Hueb .Mcintosh. This structure U the first theatrp of Its kind, with a roof garden, and the management propose glvln;; two performQpces nigbtlv. Hugh Mclnlcsh spent (be last month llvlne In Limited Ripjssaes. Re frequently made rneoril Journeys trixa Brisbane to .\iloIalde.'and very sel- dom. Indeed, docs the head ofllce see'lts governlii;' director. Mr. McIntoBb Is devoting a great deal of timi- to, other Interests; particularly to Tnr Orcen Kontn Uanasine, a theatrical monthly, which Is now- looked upon as the' leading stags piiblU-atlon lu Australia. The only new play produced during tbe month was "The Man Who Stayed at Home." It l» woii done by the Williamson manngrment. -wltb LUettr Parkes and Fmnk llarvey In the prlnrlpal role'. Arthur Cornell, VIotet Paset and Tempe Plgotl. -who have been promlnentfy assoclotod wltb tb>> Little Theatre,'In Australia, have Joined the Wi::- lamson ntnnagctnent.. T-bey, t.-w, nre osmelated In "Tlie Man Who-Stayed ot Home." The now play is a patriotic affair based upon the Oerman sny system. . . William AndersonTs . pantomime, "SlDl>ad the Sailor,"' disbanded after Its tour, at the Sydney AdelpU. Allen Doone has been playing "Too ^fiich John- sou" to. capacity tiouses. The popular Irish come- dian announces his Intention.or becoming a factor In the motion picture world. Already he has hail "The Rebel.".one of bla biggest dramatic succpshp''. filmed. Bis Other plays are to follow. Rrennen-Fullera aonounce that Roy Murphy, tlieir Australian repr{|flentatiTe, in hooking Ameri- can acts by the score.- "These, will shortly be area in Australia. Tbe Baltur Trio,- tjLe Stanleys, and the Arcu Brothers, who arrived-by the-Kenfuro, have made good In AnstraUa. ' CHAMBERLAIN BROW.V NOTES. Lynne <>Termon Is palylng thc Frank Craven role In "Too Many Cooks," at Keith's, Providence, this week. .Adeline O'Connor has written a play, to be pro- duced In Lynn, Mass., shortly: . 1'he Bert Lytell stock wUI close In two weeks In Albany. Howard Egtabrook has entered vaudeville, and at the Prospect last week, scored heavily In his slnsle turn. Mr. Ilstabrook received several offers for revues and productions after Mni; seep In hU act. and will shortly he featured In another film. •Vllce, Brady will play "Tos^' of the Storm rnintrr," at tbe Majestic, In Brston, the week of July 15. Florence Short has taken Gertrude Dallas' part In "Sinners," at the riayhouse. Noel Travers and Irene Douglas closed tlieir season suddenly at the Casino, and are open for productions. Eleanor Oordon. in the Edgar Allan Woolf art, is in Boston this week. Felix Krembs In her lend- ing 'man. Clifton Webb Is tonring In vaudeville with Gloria Goodwin as his partner. TO RE-WRITE "THE SCnATCHEII.*' Charles Dickson ;wlll rewrite and bring up-to- date "The S<•^attten" (a Hebrew marriage broken. It la the flrvt play Mr. Dickson has written, and the late M. B. Cartis starred in H. Tbe late Charles Kletn.'the ploywrlgfat. made bis first ap- peanince on tht stage In tots play. Mr. Dickson nas decided to give the play a ne>7 name, THE SnrSTIC SHRINE. Madge Rennvdy and tbe rast engaged for Selwyn A Compfiny's "Tbo Mystic Sbrine," Btarte<l r->- JiHirsals June 14. The plav will be produred nnder the stage direction of Edgar Relwvn. In the cast t>eslde3 Miss Kennedy are John WesNy. Con- way Tenrle. Ferdinand Oottschnlk. John Cumber- laaid, and-Mary Cecil.. . AN APPEAL TO ALL. Arthur L. Von Deck, the well known musical director, lies at the present ttme (In his fifth week) at the General Hoxpltiil. in Cincinnati, almost penniless, and .be asks his old friends to assist hfm. General Hospital, Cincinnati, O.. Ward B. 3.