New York Clipper (Jun 1915)

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36 THE NEW YORK. CLIPPER ■ Jtme 26 VAUDEVILLE ROUTE LIST Is revreaciiteil. Aliworth, Virginia, Electric Park, Kansas City. Mo. ▲klo. Figs & Duffy, Paptag es' Circuit, Indef. ALOMA TWIMS „a-^IIns Id tbelr Wonderful Barefoot Hula-Hula Diioees Featured with the "Frollea of 1915.'' Albet'8 Besrs, Nonimbega Parit, Boston, Indef. Antwerp Glrto (-IK Palace. N. Y. C. Arlington, Billy, Trio, Henderson's, Coney Island, A^"4 Shaw, Uelancey St., N. T. C, 24-20. Austin. Dare, & Co., Mion, Phlla. ATon <5ome(lT Four, New Bri«htoB, Brlghtoo Beach, NT "Ayer, Edna. Villa NapoU, BtatOBl. ttflrf. „ . Barat, Arthur, New BrIghMai, Bllgffiin Beach, N. Y. Ball, Ernest, Keith's, Boston. LEE BART STZUi IN.BZAXXICT Balzer Sisters. Eeltb'B, Boston. BankoS & GIrlle, Temple, Detroit. Baaers k Saunders, Boulevard. N. T. C, 24-26. Baker Sisters, Warwick, Bkbi^ 24-26. Bauweos, Paul, McVleker's, Chicago. "Bachelor Dinner, A," Palace, Hartford, Conn., 24-20. Bernard, Rny. Bert Levey Circuit. Indsf. Bcnwny, Happy. Todd's Vaude. Show, Indef. Bendlx. Theo, players, Henderson's. Coney Island. N. V. Berko. Steffy, & Co.. Academy, Norfolk, Va., 24-26. Beroard & Scarth. Keith's, Phlla. Sertlsb.' Males-tic. Cbicatjo. Bernard & Roberts, Lincoln Sq.. N. T. C, 21-23; Orpheum. N. Y. C, 24-26. , Bntnett Sistirs (3). Warwick, Bkln.. 24-28. Bent, Francis P., Palace, Hartford. Conn.. 24-26. Bell ft Eva, Gt. Northern Hipp., Chicago. Big Four, Lake Nlpmuc. Mlltord. Mass. BIondeM. Edward. & Co., Keith's, Pblln. Blanche, Belle. Pclace. N. X. C. Bowers, Walters & Crocker, Palace, N. T. C. bonlta Lew Hcarn, Forsyth, Atlanta, Oa. Booth & Leander, Keith's, Pblla. Bosanny Troupe, Boulevard, N. V. C, 21-23; Na- aooal, N. X. C., 24-20. Bowers. Frederick V.. Prospect, Bkln. Boitonlan Quartette, Femberton Inn, Boston, indef. Srowo Bros., Uonteomery 6 Stone, N. X. C, indef. FRED e ^lilTA BRAD Mgr. Chaa. A. Pomaot. Pat Theatre Bldg., w. Y. C. Broadway Comedy Fbur, 'Cnlque, MtoneapoUs; Empress, St. FaaL CS-Jnly 3. Branettes, Cycling, Keith's, Boston. Braatz, Selma, Temple, Detroit. Bnco ft King. Keith's,-Phlla. Brown ft Jackson,>Amerlcan, N. T. C, 21-28; Or- pheum. N. X. C.^24-2e. Bryan, Sumner & Co., National, N. T. C, 21-23; Am«ncan, N. Y. C, 24-26. Brooks. Harry, & Co., 7th Ave.. N. T. 0., 21-23. Browning, Bessie^ Nisoo, Phlla. s ntiiE I Mi TE OLDEN DATS AND PRESENT WATS BOOKED BOUD OW BIG THBIE Broadway Mus. Revue, Paragon Park, Indef. Brown Slst^.rs & Cavaliers, Oprdop'^i Olympla, Boston. Btoo^ton & Turner. Princess, St.- Paul, 24-26. ^Uke ft Burke. Orpbeom, N. X. C. 24-20. Snckley's Animals, Olympic, Buffalo. Bndds, Aerial, Colonial. Loganaport. Ind., 24-26. STOS ft Scott. Proctor's 58tb St., N. Y. C, 21-23. CkiUnell & Harris, Pros^ict, Hkhi. Cajc Chas.. Keith 9, WasfaloKton. 0ua» Emma, ft Co.. MaJeJtlc Chicago Castle, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon. Palace, S. T. C. Caallla, Mile., Pembetrton Inn Boston, Indef. Cemctoa, Lawxtmce, ft Co., Henderson^ Coney U1-. mML K. T. Celeste. Once, Olympic. Buffalo. Cboate, Mattle, i Co., 7ta Ave., N. X. C., 24-26. Olttan & Beatrice, Brennan ft Puller Tour, Ao- atralla, indef. Claremont Bros., Prospect, Skin, daik ft Bose, Emery, Providence, 24-26. THE OlRIiS BEHl?ft» THE Gims Cogert. Gertrude. PalaCR Bkln.. 24-26. Cocoran ft Dingle, St. james, Boston, 24-26. Connelly, Jane, ft Players, Prospect. Bkln. . Confoy 4 Le MaUe, JPalace, N. X. C. Colonial Qolntctte, New Portland, Portland. Me., 24-26. Cooper ft RIcardo, Colonial, Logansport, Ind., 24-26 Collins ft Le Hay, Lakeside Park.Casino. Akron, O. Croinlt, Prank, 'Fontaine Ferty Park, Louisville. Crawford ft Broderlck, Boulevard, N. Y. C, 24-26. Crouch ft Davenport, Globe, Kansas City, Mo., 21-20. Culty, Jobn, BcaLwlck, Bkln. EVELYN CUNNINGHAM DAISTX CHARACTER COUGOIEKNE Cullen, James H.. Temple. Detroit. Curtis, Julia, Bamopa Park, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cuanlngham. Evelyn, Boulevard. N. X. C, 21-23. Cunningham ft Marlon, American, N. X. C, 21-'J3. Commlngs ft Oladylng^. Proctor's, Albany. N. X., 24-26. D'Arvllle. Jeanette, Toronto, Out., Can., Indef- Damerel, Geo., ft Co., Majestic, Chicago. Dale, Violet, Maje&tic, Chicago. . Davles Family, Gt. Northern Hipp.. Chicago. Del Mont, Al. ft Kan, Chester Park. CInclnnatL Deland-Carr ft Co., Palace. Bkln., 24-26. Deane, Franklyn, & Co., Emery. Providence, 24-2(1. De Long. Malole. Emery, Providence, 24-26. Dererc ft Malcolm, Proctor's. Schenectady. N. Y., 24-26. De Leon & Cavles, Grand, Phlla. De Gascolgne, Cadets, State St., Trenton. N. J.. 24-26. "Devil's Mate, The," Cross-Keys. Phlla., 24-26. "Dixie Elopement, A," Kunhwlck. Bkln. Dotson ft Gordon, Orceloy Sq., N. X. C, 31-23: Lincoln Sq., N. X. C, 24 20. " Dordeena. The, Greeley 3q.. N. X. C.,*21-23: Boule- vard, N. X. C, 24-20. Dcree, Mme.. Opera Co., Proctor's, Albaby, N. T. Dcnahae ft Stewart, Palace, N. T. C. "Does a Million Interest You'/" Boulevard. N. 7. C, 21-23; Delancey St., N. Y. C. 24-26. Drew, Lowell ft Esther, I.oeW8, Newark. N. 3^ 24-56. Drawie, Frisco ft Bambo NIxun, Phlla. Dreams, aiarle, McVleker's. Cbleago. Du For Bros.. American, N. X. C., 21-23; Bljon, Bkln.. 24-20. Du Bola. Wilfred, Grand, Phlla. Dunn. Arthur, ft Co.. State St., Trenton. N. J., 2458. Edwards ft Heleoe. Globe, Boston, 24-26. El Key Sisters, Sohmer Park. Montfeal, Can. Ellison ft Glenn. Orpbeum, N. X. C. 24-26. Elliott ft MoUen. Loew's, Toronto, Can. Elleraya, Ruth. Rtjon, Boston. BI Cota. Gt Northern Hipp.. Chicago. Emmett, Mr. & Mts. Hagh J., Moss Circuit, Eng., indef. Emerson. Henry. Olymolc. Buffalo. Estns, Ed., Proctor's 58th St., N. T. C, 21-23. Everett, Sophie & Harvey. Buahwick, Bklh. HARBT-EVEKS a SMITH— Preaentlne «DI3TWEEN BATTLES" Special Scenery ft Effects Playing U. B. O. Time Farber Girls, Keith's, Boston. Fairbanks. Douglas^ & Co.. Kelth'9, Boston. Farrel, Margaret, Lcew's. Newark. N. J., 24-2$. Fox ft Eschel, Fulton, nkln., 24-20. Payer, Eddie, Palace, Bkln.. 24-26. F^est. Bert K., Proctor's 38th St., N. Y. C 24-26. Fogarty, Joluuls, & Cekewalkera, Orphenm, Mil- tfaokce. enta tMtnrty BU, V A. HI. TO 10 P. £1. and at Dlldnigltt wltb Sleepers 10 unnOTBS OF THE HOUR From W. a3d 6t. VOVBL WATCH IS TOUR TISIE TABLE, Consult. P. W. HEROY. E. P. Agt. MARIE AND eiLLY HART in 'THE CIBCT7S GIBI/* Dlrcctloii, JAMES E. PLPNEETT Horkina, Jim ft ^rlcn, breelcy Sq., K. X. C, 21- 23: fSilton, Bkln., 24-20. HarlshUna Bros., St. James, Boston, 24-26. Bamllton Bros., Gordon's Olympla, Boston, Bartlngtcn, D. J., Lake Nlpmuc, MUford. Mass. Havlland ft Thornton. New Portland, ^OPtland, Me, 24-28. Hershey & Golds. Graham Stock. Indef. Helene ft Emeiron.'Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. ileath ft Perry,. Bushwlck, 'Bkln. Hebert Harriet, Villa NapoU, indef. Hippodrome Tour, National, N. Y.-C, 21-23; Boole- vfJd. N. Y. C, 24-2G. Houston, Henry, Touring Australia. Indef. RY HOLMAN la "«DtH KllUOr' Direction THOS. J. FITZPATBICE June 24-2S, Greenpolnt, Brooklyn. June 2S-Jaly3, Buahwlck. Brooklyn. Joly 6-10, Keith's, Xos'on. Hadji Nassar Arabs, New Brighton Brlabton Beach, N. X. Holmes ft Bncbanan, Lyric, Richmond. Va., 24-26. Howard ft McCane, Majestic. Chicago. Howard ft Mnson, American. N. X. C.. 21-23. H4Kicy Ol'l?. ^'f,5*|J ^- 21-23; Greeley HURST,' mnS & HURST PLAXING WKSTESBN VAUDEVILLE TIME Direction HABBX W. SPINGOLD Honey Boy Minstrels, Shnbert. Bkln., 24-26. Iloyt's, Add.. Minstrels, Gt. Northern Hipp.. Chi- cago. Hughes. Mrs. Gene, ft Co., Pwctor's, Troy, N. X., 24-26. NiCKHUFFORDnLOURTGIBLS DiroHon VmTED TlfilB PAT CASEY BBS AKD SEVEN UTtlB FOVS Direction - HABBX FITZOEPALD Forpet-Me-Nots (8), Gt. Northern Hipp., Oblcaffo. Frlakovrsky Troupe, llemlorson'e. Coney Island, Freeman ft Dunli'am, Temple Detroit. Fnncis, Adeline, Keiths, W.-ishlngton. I-rotoU. Orpheum, N. Y. C, 21-28; BIJoo, Bkln.. 24-26. Francis & Boss Boulevui-d, N. T. C^ 21-23; 7tb Avey N. Y. C, 24-20. Ft«y 1-wlns ft Prey. PaliV':e, Bkln., 24-26. prank, Mab«l, Lakeside I'nrk Casino, Akron, O.' FuKpn, Jpmes M.. Lake Nlpmue, MUftffd, Mata. Oaracli City Comedy Four. Rocbester, T. OOtdncr, Jack. Forsyth. Atlanta, Qa. GallMfl's Monks. Keith s, Phila. Gallsgber ft Martin. Orphcum, N. Y. C. 31-a8; American, N. Y. C. '24-26. Oahby, Fnmk. Proctor's, Troy. N. T., 24-26. Gay Bisters rs). Globe, Kansas Clty^Mo^ 24-24. Gerard' ft West, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. C., 21-23; Loew's. Newark. N. J.. 24-26. OUIett. Lncy. Majestic, Cbleago. Inness ft Ryan, Pantages', Winnipeg, Can., 28- Joly 8. Irvlngs (3). Loew's, Newark, N. J., 24-20. James, Freddy. New Portland, Portland, Me., 24-26- "Jack ft HU Jills." Globe. Boston. 24-2a Kaufman Bros.. Keith's, washUigton. Kennedy ft Mac, .Ponfaces' Circuit, Indcf. Kelly, Walter C, Keith's, Phlla. Kent. Louise. Keith's, Washington. Keltona (3). Orphenm, N. Y. C. 21-23. Kerslake'a Pigs, Prqctor'a 58th St.. N. Y. C, 21-23. EI^I^Maal?. ft Co.. Fontaine Ferry Park, borils- UNI'TBD TIME. Direction, PBTB MACE JTBT RETCHHBD PROm AOTTRM.Tfl Clayton ft Lenrfe-. PloetWs 58th St.; N. Y. C. 24-26. CUfford ft Burke. Lake Nlpmuc. Mllford, Mass. Clipper Trio. Lakeside Park Casino, Akron, O- CUntons, Novelty, Lakeside Park Casino, Akron. O. oScbam, Jennie. Billy "Swede" Hall ft Co., Indef. Onson, Cora Yoimgblood, Instnimentallsts, Fan- taxes'. Los Angeles; Pantages', San Diego, 28- Jnly 3. OBortnerSIsters, H^ideison's, Coney Island. M. T. Ct^e^Har^, & COw Bamona Park. Gntnd Baplds, Ooeiler. Joe & Jjbw, Orpheum, N. Y. C, 21-23; Na- ^Snal, N. Y. -C 24-26. OMk & Bodtert, Olobe, Boitcm. 24-S6. Gilbert, Elsie, ft Co.. American. N. Y. C, 21-28. Gilbert ft Sullivan Bevne, Palace. N. Y. C. Gladiators, The. Fontaine Ferry Parb, LonlsvlU?. Gormans, Mnsleal (0), New Brighton, Brighton Beacb. N. Y. Gould,- Clare ft Flo, Academy. Norfolk, Va., 24-20. Gonne & Uvsey, Procter's GStli St, N. Y. C, 21-23. Gordon, Kitty, New Brighton, Bridton Beach, N. Y. ' . Gordon & Leavltt. Academy, Boftalo. Grace Twins, EGt<th's, London, Can. Gructtes. The, Nixon. PhlJa. Graham ft Bandall. Kdtb's, Clnclnnntl Harris ft RandaU, Spring Lab?. Mich.,' Indef. HaywarO-Stafford & Co., Bamoaa Park, Orand Baplds, MJch. Harmon. Zancs ft Duns, -St James, Boaton, M-2e. Double Trolly, Steel Bound. nbro*Covcred and Tt ta BimT BY DAI. A Few of Oar Oat-ot-Tovrn Aoents t S.SUver,Brlgcport B. B. Byer, Schenectady En^iorlnm. Buffalo Bry Block Mcrcan. Co., Memphis MarLMalerfiCo.,Detroit W.A.BaconftCcBoston Mandel Bros.,Chicago Syracnse Trunk Co..Syracuse Q. W. Fritz CO;, Scmnton Trunk Shop, New Haven .i;r.Dngan ft Sbn,Troy E.J.Oauscpobl, Indianapolis Edw. Moyle. Savannah Mack Tronk Co., New Orleans Onatastee Tn>h]i Co., Hartford Books Trunk Co., Kansas City