New York Clipper (Jul 1915)

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Jaly ,3 THE NEW YORK . CLIPPER 29 HERE AND THERE IN FUBIDOM. MAURICE: TOIIRNEVn VOICES A FBW cavu;]! tn fcIzo it. He madO tbe most of It All OPIMONS. ollicrN siitfor by ci>u|iarlsoii wltb hint. Ue Btands In tbo rapidly ciiuuKln;; panoruiua of tlic inovius ulon?." picture prouuvtlon livid tuere looms u new aud Im- M. Tuuriiciir'x ambition U to pcoduco atrong iioruuc (actor, u pvrtuoallty wblvli -will U« felt, cud appealins dclcvtlve stories. He b«Uevcs Uiey lie Is Mons. Mauriee Tourucur, the latest addltloa intcrciit the greatest number o{ people. Uu has lo Ibe World Kllm direction corps. M. Xmiineiir • ' ' ^ . was bum In I'arls tblrty-elgbt years ago. and edu- cated tlic-rc. Ue attained some degree ot liimc as a painter, and U> this trulnlug may be attributed the artlsUu manner in wlilcb bis pbutoplaya are put on. Keeling tlic call of tbe clo«er touch irltb bis fel- low man, M. Tuurnvtir abundunvd tbe pulctt^ and brush fur the stage and wurkvd under the master hand uf Andre Aucolue, the Uclasco ot I'arU, play- ing Importact parts with Mmu. Uejalnc In Knglar-d and South Amerlea and ud tbe continent, and assisting In tbe stage direction. In one or the other capacity, be participated In .four hundred pluvs. Including Shakespearean and other classical preVIcutatIon<^, before leaving the epcaklns utago lur iJiU ot the silent drama. already produced J. Storer I'louston's "Tbo Lunatic at I^rire." ami Is Eccktng for material aloni; that Hue. Hit) productions with tbe World Film In tbe last clgbt montbs bavc be»i "Mother," trltb Jrlmmn !>unn ; **l'he Knco In the M >oalIsht" and "The Man. of tb» Hour," -wltb Itobert A'arwlck: "Tbo Wishing itlng." with Vivian Martin; •The rit," with Wil- ton Larkaye: "The Boss," "Trilby," with Wilton I^ckayc und Clnni Kimball Young; and "Alias Jimmy V»lt>ntlue." with Robei;t Warwick. Uc Is iiutv producing "Tbe C'ub," with Uobcrt War^vlck. TUB NOT IN "INPAKCV," BUT CHILDHOOD. "1 consider moving pictures," said M. Toumcur, In n recent Interview, "tbe most Importiuit In- vention for education since tbe prlntlnfg press. It Is absurd to say It Is lu Its Infancy since so mucli has developed In It, but truly It is In its cblldbood, us Is cvldeuced by the almost dally .strides fur- ward. It stands alone to-day, os a growing In- duiitry, and so great la Its promise. Its future can- not be foretold. I do not favor the comblnatlcn of tbo plctui-cs -with the spoken drama, as cxpcrl- mentally put forth la "Xlie Allen.' The sHent stago la a thing as much apart from tbe -so-called 'legitimate' stage as Ice ekatlns Is from roller skating. "What we need for the cinema to-day Is authors. There are few real sor<!'.'n authors. Wbothcr uc- knt-wledgcd or not, ue-.W.y cvcrythlog worth wiillo la the pictures Is on udap'allon of a. book, a play, a poe'Ji. A new sort '->f creative lltixary brain must develop for flimdem. There must be « better and a more natural sbi>wIoe; oc human, lu ■H'hlch the eonSlcUng Kldos. both good and bai, are shewn fn their true combination. Our screen heroes and heroines to-day aro saintly; there arc no su.-h people In lite. Our vi:>Lln3 ore so bitterly bad and deep-dyed In their ■n-kkednss that nothing so £tU can be found thU Let our horo digress occaxlonally CYRn. M.\UDE FOOLED LiPEGU.lRUS. Cyril Maude is the Hon of the hour -nith t^e Morosco-Udsworth flim players since his de<<p sea dive at Catallua Island, In "I'cer G}-nt." In tiic ecene -Mr. Maude had to leap overboard from an «cean salllpg ship, but because of the heavy sea then running ana the dangerously powerful tides at this iiolnt there was mucli anxiety as to whether tt were quite safe for the noted QigHsh actor to take -tlie chance. Lifeboats hcavll.v manned wcro accordlnslv stationed about tbe shiu, and Just out of camera's eye a score of llfeguaruu ■were told off every few feet alone tbo rail wHh cork lifebelts and preservers which they were- to throw the Instant the owner and manager of tbo famous "Playhous<!," in I<ondon, gave his body to gravity and the brine. 1'bere was probably not a single breath drawn by ai.y one of all the llftv people Tnitchlnc from the uerks when Cyril M:iiiac. In heavy Teaih'.-r boots aud lieavlly skirted Colonial fro:-k <N>nt Jumped luto tbe Pacl6o, aud disappeared under tho fiurlMCC In a boiling mass of bubbles. Whoo his l>ead appeared, minus Its black sonkbrero, there wus nn Instant rush ot the "rescuers." But, glvS^ I^vca." iog t'ud lough to the boats and dodging the shower Match,' of cork belts and preservers as though they were missiles, Cyril Maude struck out "on his own" rnd with ft tine, kslfe-IIfc ovcrhar,<l st.'oke brought up Alongside In no time. Going nimbly up a ruiic hxind over hand, he was on deck ccala before tlie "galVry" could come to, and speedily dlscitponred Into his rnbln where he commended his drenched cx.d dripping pcrma to The bands of hia skillful Gcner:! Monagrr nowlaud, of tbo Metro romi>any. oonuuuiTs the acqulsltlou of n'Jmrrous new plays, amonc which arc "I'lcu In Clover," "lUcbard Car- ▼el,"- "K->semary for Ilemembrancc." "The Purplo l«dy," "Baccarat" and "n'hc Silent Vole*," all of ivhtch bavc been procured during the past week and aUotted'to stars on the Metro roster. KlTc new players of stellar positions hoTe been procured anil.Installed 'at the bead of special casts for Immediate work In Metro productluns. Kmtny Wobleo. the'famous Viennese actress, last seen at the Casino Theatre, under the management of tbu l.leblcr Company, will make tarr app<>aranco for li. \. Roltc In the principal role In Charles Iloran's romance, "When a Woman I.ovok." 'MIks Wchlen recently returned from a long tour of Contlnenlnl Kiirope, where she is, a prime favur'te.. .\ well known male star will play opposite Miss Wcblen, In "When a Woman Loves." Ralph Qerz and Lola .Mc-edltb will .tl»> li: a Rolfe production ot Sid Uosi-nfeld's\ "Tho Hurplo l.ady." I':inlly Stevens, last seen 111 the Itolfe production of '".;ota." will make her sec- ond appearance «n the M>'lr<> prosrum. In Ilotfe'-. f.rodi'Ctlon of "The Llar.-<," Ir. whi-h »b<j wilt b-? supported by Hamilton Revelle. '"The Ijirs" 1* nu original manuscript possc&s^ug many vnluable situations, and Is admfrnbly adapted to M!s;i'Sltc- ■vens' talcota, Kor the Popular Plays and Plaj-(?r». Oall Kan* will make her appearaui-e on the Metro pr^igram, In. the production ot Ol.vde KUch's famoun play, "Her Gwat Match." Miss Kaoe was last so.-ii on JJroodwav. In George M. Ciihan'-T picturesque iila.v, "The Miracle Man." and l^fore that starrnl for two yiars at the Astor Thratro, In Cohan's o:hi.-r success. "Seven Keys to DnIdpato." Edmund llrcc!>c la working In the final stages of his second screen effort for the Popular Plays and Players, In Robert W. Service's famous poem riasslo, "The Spell of the Yukon," while Ann .Miir- dork began work this week In the screen versln:! Of Charles Krohman's stage play, "A Uoyal fam- ily." This will be Miss Murdook's flrst appearance on any screen, William Nigh, until a few weeks ago associated with the Callfurnla !dotlOD Plctur': Corporation, Joins the II. .\. Rolfc forces this week, and will hove charge ot the production of 'A Royal Family." Charles Horan will stage "When a Wnmno Herbert DIache will produce "Iler Grrat with Gall Kane, while Jack Nobtr will direct "The Purple t,ad.v," In which Ralph Ilcrx and Lois Meredith appear. The above prodnctlons arc now about to go Into work at tbe various Metro studios on Tblrty-flfth iStrcet, SIxty-llrst Street, Kort Lee and Lus An- geles. side of hades. — —_ from the flowery paths of virtue; otherwise ho is diesM-r. for trom human. Let us find a redeeming tmt, a The ilfcboat men and tbe lifeguards wore about kindly Impulse at least ^mce In a while In our vll- as sheepish a crew as you'd sec in a month of Sun. Iain , there's a ray of good In every human breast.' days. PR-^ilSES GRIPFITH Ain> OCTXINES ^. AMBITIONS; "Who Is, In your opinion, the foremost director in moving plctiiresT" he was asked. The .inswer came wltli a smite and 'without a moment's resl- tatlon. "Mr. Grifllth," said Mr., Toumeur, "he had tho flrst uig chance and had brains enough and coumso METRO MAKI?rG SOME NOTABLE SCRBEX PRODUCTION'S. The activities of tbe Metro Pictures Corpora- tion and Its live producing allies arc assuming wider proportions with each fleeting week. Within the past few days many new engagements havo been obligated by the directors ot the Metro Com- pnny and the heads ot the Uvc allied concerns. CLAIRE WHITXEV TO I>L.\.V SI.IGD.U.EN. IK SAKDOU PL.W. Claire Whitney, who has starred In many of tbo Fox rilm Corporation's moat notable successes, will have tbe role ot Magdalen, In "La Tosca," Sardou'n trsgcdy. which Is to be plcturlz»d by the I'ux KJIm Corporation, llie majority of tbe exterior scenes wi:i bo screened at Saratogu and Lake Cbamptiln. i:nd<>r the direction of J. Gurdun Udwrards and ile: lu gram. "Iji To?rn" marks the eighth feature MIsi- \Vblt- r.ey has appeared In under the direction of the Kox I'Mlm Corporation. The film Tells Ihe Truth ' eJ>oui TheWorld the Resh 'Oiia<ln«Mlta Gcealest moneyqetter eyef. put, en the acre en Letters on opposite paqe,|ig:ove it, So^qgTH . Publi^tir .oliiee /WOVfest Street ^ new vonn.icr. 'Studioi ooi KortiOcddatai BVb lO)/UKZliC;. CM.