New York Clipper (Jul 1915)

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30 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER July 24 OUT OF TOWNUEWS WASBmGTOH. Columbia (Fred Q. Bergcr, mgr.)—^Fli<otDplaT6 ceBtlBUK tioud busUuss week of July 12. Char- ISne Walker, In "KlDdUne," And Violet Heming, In ■'Ttie Biumljw Flgbt,*' divide week of 10. Laura Hope CrewsTlii "The Figbtlng Hope," and Lenore Ulrich, In "Kllnieny," next, I'OLi'8 (J. W. Cone, mgr.)—'Hie Popular I'lny- ers. In "Milestones," TV4jek of 12, met with their usual good success. Albert Boecoe, Loola Haines, Cecil Bowstr. Uobert Lowe, Uussell FUllmore, Eatbbrlne La Salle, Terosa Dale, Bessie McAUlster and Bose Macdonald irere all excellent. "The Miracle Man" week of 10. House closes 24 for lunr weeks. The motion pictures, Sunday, IS, Indaded "Wormwood," "The Diamond from the tiky," "Charlie Chaplin," etc. Cosmos (A. Julian BrjIaTrsld, mgr.)—The Dn Pace Of>eia Co., full week of 18. for id-2i: uule >il nfi Jean, Harry and Anna SeTmour, "The Com- cOjT BoBserratory," Bush aiul Falls, and Morris aid Snks For 22-24 : Leon's Models Plastique, "lUU,q)aTlg," "liUIy WUeon," and Aloyslas,- O'^felU and Callagber, MoGulness Brothers, SI Kltchle, acd up-to-date pictures. Sunday concerts, wltH mnalc Ojr •"That Orchestra," do capactt7- B, -l', Eeith's (Roland 8. Bobbins, mzr.)— Bonlta and Lew Heam, Marlon Weeks, Gene Uods- klna and company. Wlll.J. Ward and'HU Musical (ilrls, Solly ward and LlUlan Fitzgerald. Stan Stanley company, Sam B. White and Lou Clayton, the Novelty Clintons, the Fathe Weekly Newa Plc- torlaL Sunday concerta do capacity. MOTES. . At the final curtain'at Poll's, Saturday, July 10, the popular leading lai^, Maude. Gilbert, with jrrip In hand. Jumped In her anto and speeded away for a much needed rest. At Poi.i's, Monday night, July 12, there were two jiewcomers In toe cast of 'Milestones," and their'work was fully appreciated. They are Eath- erlne 1^ Salle and Bessie McAllister. The; were well received. Habdie Meakjn, another one of the Poll Popu- lar Players, returned and was oeen In "Mlle- etones." NoTBis'o having been Iieard from Nlles, Mich., by wireless or other well known means of com- munication. Manager Fred' G.' Better has'become anxious and wants to know If Nlles Is still on the map. Nqtwithstamoino assurance made, the Poll management has decided to put the shutters up ' for four weeks and place the house In- the hands of carpenters and decorators, and In snch numbers that tne'housr can open Ang. 23 with a new com- I>tny of Poll Players.: aUItord, Maaa.—Lake Nlpmuc (Dan J. Spragne, mgr.) motion pictures and vaudeville. BUI week ■ of July 19: Harcourt. the eiowlng man; Sadie Bodcers^ Beam- and Butter, 'Tom Keene, tiie Three ZeckB,' Ed. McQinally. the Great Permaln, Xony WUte and Fred W. Elemmen't. The Sunday at- tractloa Is the Worcester Brass Band, In concerts. Opkba House ('F. Tompkins, mgr.)—War pic- tures ie-24. Ideal and Ltcedm, motion pictures and sougs. The Opeba House has a large display of relics from the Anglo-German War, consisting of explod- ed shells, captured machine guns, German helmets, «tc. The Ideal management, in addition to ioi other aim^ are presenting the N. Y. Hippodrome spec- tacle, '"America," In six sections. Ax TUB Ij>.ke, the principal features last week w^re the EUte.Trlo, musical artists: Geo. Laven- <ler monologlst, an old timer; Lester' and Moure, and Welton and Marshall. Habbt Setto^ Is spading the Summer at bis borne In West Medway. He Is organizing a stock farce comedy company to make one week stands thnnish New England. It will start out about OeuX. . laixiAN CinBT Is pending her vacation with her <i«latlves here. . SprlnKfleld, Haas.—Coart Square .(D. O. Ull- ■adre,'mgr.) Corse Payton Stock Co., In "Bebecca of^Sunnybrook Farm," Jnly 10-24. '. POLI'S Faijice (Gordon Wrlghter, mgr.)—Bill 19-21':. Hyperion Players. In "The BedempHon;" Moore and June, Chas. Kenna, Dody and Allman, "Tha Clown Seal." Sari Sisters, and pictures. Complete change bill 22-24. f£aza (Goldstein Bros., mgrs.)—'Vandevllie and pictures. Bijou, Bboadwat, EtoisoNiA, Foar, Qaibtt, Globe, Gbaj(d, Hudson, Ltbic, Mibboc, Noyeltt, Paucz, Bexl and Sdbwat, motion plctares. KOTES. Ths audience at the Mirror were disturbed by a slight Arc In the machine booth last week. After the ore had been extinguished they returned und tbe' ibow continued, with but the loss of one film. F*"'» Williams, the moving picture star, will ap^ar at the Palace 26. .lioweU, MasB.—Keith's (BenJ. Pickett, mgr.) feature pictures. ■ MTTiir So. (Black & '(Thlte, mgrs.)—^Paramount pictures. COLONIAL, Jewell, Owl, Boxal, Votons, plc- tnres culy. liASEviEw Pabk (Balph Ward, mgr.)—Pictures dn theatre. '7an Norman Is the outdoor attrrictlon. C^dOBiE Lake Theatbk (Graves & Eamsdell, ■Dgm.)—Vaudeville and pictures.. Portland, Me,—Jefferson (U. J. Garrlty, m^.) the Portland Players (condocted under tnc com- mnnlty tlieatre plan), havUig decided to perma- nently close, this house Is now dark. KBITB'S (Harry E. Smith, mgr.)—^The Keith stock Co., anpportlng Plortoce Carpenter and Ed- HatdiE, Horton, presents "T^e Story of the Bo- etaf^ 1»24. Begfiiald Cairlnston Joined for this (iMdcetkai. New Pobtland (M. C. Blumenbere, mgr.)— 'Vaudeville and motion pictures. Bill Tn-21: "Springtime." Kara Klrl, William Cahlll, Chorcli Sisters, and Anderson and (^Ines. BlU 22-24: The Aerial Ballet. Ronair and Ward, Morton and Bnssell, Hooper Toler. and Buth and Kitty Henry. Gbeelt's (James w. Oreely, mgr.)—'VandevlUo and motion pictures. Bill 19-21: The Three Bnbe Kids. Frank Morton, and the Baynos. New bill 22-24. Cafe Theatbe, Cafe Cottage Pabe (Boyster ft Dudley, mgr&.)—The Boyster-Dndley .Opera. Co., sitnportlng Florenoo Webber end James Harrod. offers *'Tbe BohemUn Girl" 19-24. "Bobln Hood" week of 2G. Rivebton P\bk Thgatbe (Boyster & Dudley, mgrs.)—Altbongh considerable rainy weather has t^n manifest since the opening of' toe Royster- Dudley Moslral Comedy .Co., the patrons have been well protected from sudden showers by the canop.v covering Installed by the management this season. The compan; presents "The Hasty Wedding" 19- - 24, with William- Fruette Jr. and Eva OUvotti as added attractions. Strand and EupiBE, motion pictnrea only. Tub Gem Turatrb, Majestic Rink, Pavilion and other attractions at Peak's Island and oITer- Jngs at Old Orrhard Beach are attracting usual good attendance. .AlbaoT. N. Y.—^Harmanus Bleecker Hall (Bd- vard M. Hart, mgr.) Comstock Flayers Stock Co., lieaded by. Jock HallldaT and -May Buckley, -will open Its a?ason here Aug. 2, with "The Miracle Man," to be followed with "Tne Third Party" and "The Big Idea." Pboctob's Gband (Jos. P. Coyne, mgr.)—.Vaude- Tllle, with moving pictures. Bill July 10-31 : Schooler and Dickinson', Kirk. Bessie Browning, Walter D. Nealand and company, Subers and Keefe, and Capt. Treat's seals. For 22-24: "War BrMes."* the Glllys, Edmunda and Farrell, Ldghter and Alexander, Al. Coleman, and Smith and Farmer. FnocTOB's LEUkNO (Wm. Hatch, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Majestic (Bmll Delches, nigr.)^Vaudevllle and pictures. • COLONTAL (n. S. Moss, mgr.)—^Thls photoplay theatre Is closed until Sept. 1. MinwAY BEAcn Pabk (H. B. Bodgers. mgr.) — Continued hot weather baa boomed attendance here and attractions are all doing well. ELECTBir FABK (C. W, Calkins, mgr.)—.Excel- lent attendance, with the Bustle Theatre crowded dally and nlzhtly- - Clinton Squabr. Broadway, Stab, Phoctor's Anne-x, Palacr, White Wat, Faibtland. Dela- WABF Avenue, Paueway, cbntbal. People's, PioABL, Hudson and Obfheum, moving pictures only. Syracaae, W. V,—Valley. (Philip Honold, mgr.) Valley Opera Co. presents "The Spring Maid" w-cek of July 10. Business continues excellent. TEMPLE (John J. Breslln, mgr.)—Vaudevillo ' and pictures. Stband (Edgar Well, mgr.)—Hlsfh class photo- dramas tnly, Btnntnithniii, Ala.—Orpheum. — This house opened Jnly S with tbe Cosmopolitan Stock Co. for an indefinite engagement. Between the acts vaudeville Is used. On the bill for 10 and week are: Dick and Fanny Mason. Betty McCraney, Walter Hoggs and Johnny Williams. AMCsr.-lJ (H. M. Newsome, mgr.)—For a sec- ond week, beginning 19, Billy Blddle's Sunshine Maids. Best (E. L. Lcahart, mgr.)—Holty Tolty Girls, indefinite. Grand (Roonc Kelly, mgr.)—Opened B with burlesque, Sid Cox and his Tiger Lilies, featuring Princess Inez, the Hazlettes, Edna ' Flynn, Al. Bnsh, Mae Suttle, Gladys Goldman and Lillian McDonald, and Eddie Hanlon. welterweight South- ern champion. In . boxing exhibitions. It is repnrteil that the Bljoa will oi>en shortly with dramatic stock. The Lyric -will open early In August. Majestic, Jeffeb-son, Lvbic and BuoD are the dark' houses. East L.uce Is playing to good bnalness, ^and with Prof. Brown's excellent band and other free at- tractions promises to break last season's record for attendance. Hartford, Conn. — Poll's (LouL<! J. Fosse, mgr.) the new Foil Piayers, In "The Dairy Farm," week of July 10. "ifhe Ghost Breaker" 2S-31, "Seven Sisters" to follow. Stband (W. A. True, mgr.)—Mammonth picture ?iley of "After Dark" week of 19, -with otticr big catures and orsan recitals. Palace (WIlHam D. Ascough. mgr.)—^Vaudeville 19-21: Monarch Comedy Foar, CamllanI iTlo, Frank Mdlane, Wilton Sisters, Havlland and Thornton, and Selblnl and Grovlnl. Bill 22-24: Moore, Gardner and Rose, Everest's Circus, Charllo Kenna. Sari Sisters, John Dllson, Harry Bewler and Harry Ohler. SIajestic (.4. C. Morrison, mgr.)—.The film ver- sion of "Kindling," with Charlotte Walker, end "The Rurntng PIgbt" week of 19. HARTitraD (H. H. Jennings, mgr.)—"From the Valley of the 'Missing" pictures, 10-24. Princess (A. C. Morrison, mgr.)—Margnerlte CIsTk, In "Tbe Crose Girl," is the chief photoplay 19-24, Cleveland. O.—Colonial (F. Ray Comstock, mgr.) the Colonial Stock Co. presents "So Much for So Much" July 10 and week. Miles (W.-F. Gallagher, mgr.)—Bill week of :D: "The Wav Out," JOe Fanton's Athletes, Aah- wcll SIsiers, Lawton, Olga De Baugh, Three Da For Boys, and pictures. Prisoilla (P. E. Seas, mgr.)—Closed for clean- ing and rc-decoratlng. LcKA Pabk (Col. C. X. Zimmerman, mgr.)—Six big vandevUIe acts, tiand concerts, hilarity halU the Jack' rabbit, bathing and many other attrac- tions are drawing big crowds. Liberty (M. L. Dentseh, mgr.)—Tandevllle ana pictures. EmCXKBBOCSXB, AT.iTAlnn^, DCCBBS8, SXABD-: 'ABU, Beel and Gordon Squabe, feature films only. A paoea^t drama, "Hiawatha," under the city's direction. Is being anown on tbe sbofes of-Shaker Lakes by a band of full blooded Indians. The Indian village has been also open for visitors. During good -weatlier the attendance has' been excellent. Alcron, O.—Colonial Oliols .Wise, mgr.) Felber & Shea Stock .Cc. presents "Under Sputlieni Skies" week of Jnly 19. ■Lakeside Pabk 'Casino (iHarry A. IHawn, mgr.) —Bill week of lU: Ed. F. Reynard, the Flying Kays, La Toy. Bros.. Ethelyn Clark, Shall and Cole, and Sadie FondeUer- Bane. Waldobf, National. Eufbess, Plaza, Winter, Maine, Ideal, Thornton, .Gbotto, Ma- jestic, Obfheuu, Nixon, Pastime, Dreauland, Arcade, Ideal, Spiceb and Pantaoes', moving pictures. Seranton, Pa.—Lyceum (E. H.- Kohnstamm, mgr.) feature pictures, changed dally. jPxjli (F. James Carroll, mgr-'V^jpor -week' of Jnly . 10, the I'oli Players, with Mae Desmond.and Selmer Jackson In tha leads., present "Tbe Little Mllllowilre." Aerial Gabden (M, B. Comerftord, 'mgr.)—<Plc- tures, changed dally and musical program.. Lu.vA.PARK (T. P. Babson, mgr.)—All .attrac- .tlons are In full swing. Free open air concert b.v Bauer's Band, also apedal featares at dancing pavilion. Bijou Dbeams, Becent, VicroBia, 'Manhattan, Hippodrome, CotmT Squabe,.. Palace, Wonder- land, Orpueuu and Wobld, .pictures only. Readlnvt Pai—No theatres but picture bonses are open. C.vnsoNiA P.Vbk la drawing crowds. Billy Kent Is al.^o drawing tbe crowds to his dancing casino at this park. Tbe famous DUIe Banjo Orchestra furnishes the music. Auditorium, Cozy, Empire, Family, Grand, Gem, Lyric, I.^rREL, Majestic„Olivet, Pbincess, PlCTt:RELANP. PEKN, PALACE, BkX, ROYAIi, StAB, Savoy, San-'Toy, Victor and Victoria, pictures onl.v. Manaobb J. Hansen, of the Gem, has taken over the Laurel picture theatre. Peoria, III,—^Folly (Harry Turbervllle Jr., mgr.) Grace Fox, BUllc Jones, and a good cabaret show. Al Fbxeco Pabk (Seaver Amuse. Co., mgrs.):— Vaudeville, 'bend concerts and outdoor amusements. BivEBviFW Pabk (Barney Wood, mgr.)—Bthal West and ctbcra Dancing and a cabaret aho'w aru good features. Apollo, Columbia, Duchess, Empress. Gab- den, Lyceum. Ma.te3tic, Fal-U'e and. Pbincess, pictures only. '. ■'■ ' -Rice & Dore's Water C:ncus and tlie Hagcn- beck-Wallace Shows are due here In .August ' Bessie Mouoan, Peoria's rival of the Cherry Sisters, Is seen weekly at the Princes; and - Al I'rcsco Park. Hot Sprlmys, Ark.—^Bentfrow's Clg "Tent The- atre. "The Devil's Gold Mine" Friday and Satur- da.v, July 0 and 10, rounded out the -aiBt -of thla favorite company in Its . own canvas' thea^ie. Business has been very good, and steadily Increas- ing.- The company Is above the' a'vCTage' and is £resenting the latest and best,, -with vaudeville :tween acts. ... Lybic. —The management lias ' taken advantage of the dull season and closed for two weeka to moke some Improvements on the interior. It - Is to re-open on or about the first 'week In August, under new management. (Antral. Boyal and Pbincess, movlne pictures only. Atlanta. Ga ^Forsyth (H. L. Cardoza, mgr;) motion pictures continue to draw good business. BoNiTA.—Musical comedy and pictures. ' ' MONTGOMKBY, ' STBA.SD, VAUDETTE, SaVOY, TWO Alamos, Victoria, Alpha and Alsua, pictures. . The Southeastern Fair la: progressing steadily towards its Fall opening. At present the opening date cannot he announced, but Iddlcatlons are that things will hrlghten up soon, and something defi- nite can be aimonnced. Mr. Strlplln Is 'manager, -n-lth offices In the Chamber of (Commerce BulldTng. this city. . Macon, Ga.—Grand CD. G. PhllHps, mgr.) Sam and Edna Park Stock Co. Palace, Pbincess and Macon, pictures only. ^ Cbarlotte, N. C. —Academy (Jno. L. Crovo, mgr.) Is dark. PIEDMONT (Ed. G. Gldley. mgr.).— Piedmont IMaycrs in stock. "Lena Rivers" July 10-21, "The Morning After the Night Before'* 22-24. ' Broadway (J. B. Craver, mgr.)—Feature pic- tures. Edisonia, Amoseu, Ottoway, ' Pbincess and IDCM.. pictures only. The Hornets Nest Minstrels did good business at the Casino. Lakewood Park. Irf>ndon. Can. — Grand (J. B. Mlnblnnlck, mgr.) continues to attract good audiences with vaudeville and plctares. Majestic (Tuos. Logan, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. . ■ , • Stab. ITniqce, Empire and PbIncess, moving pictures- Spbingbank Pass. — W. L. Stewart has with- drawn as manager of this Summer park theatre. The place is now ran on the commonwealth .plan. The many other attractions erected at tbla park' hurt, tbe attendance. Montreal, Cam,—Orpheum (Geo.- Drlseolt. ' mgr.) "Zlra" week of July 10. "The Boss" 26-31. ^SoHUEB Park (D. Larose, mgr.)—Vaudeville week of 19: Dunedln Duo, RosedaTe Singers; . Paul Pedrlnl, and Lynch and Zcller. Parks'^ Military Band Is a feature In conceits. Hamilton, Can,—Grand Opera'. House (A. B. I/ondoo, mgr.) high class photoplaya. TEJfPLB (Fred Crow, mgr.)—^or week of H>, "WdthtnUie Law." "Wbai Happened to Jones'*.'; aext week, -