New York Clipper (Jul 1915)

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July 24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 39 THE CLIPPER'S HEALTH DEPARTMENT BT DB. MAX THORSIK, OkleSKO. 8nxgeon-ln-C1ilef Amextna Hoapltal: Conanaltliig Surgeon Cook County Hospital: Conniltlng Bnrgoon Sheridan Park Hoapital, Cbloago; Burgeon Wblte Bats and Aoton Fond, etc, eta. raoBAlIy r InillTldiial dlaeasea. TlieM mrtlcles mre written •xcIaalTCly tar the NBW YORK CIjIPPKB. (iBestlana pertotninf to hvKltli, diawae, liyglens, avlf- preaarrstiom, prevaBtlaB at dla«aaM »t>d mMttara of ganaral latsreat to liwltlt Will be SBawered In Uila colnmB. ADORKBS AI<1j INUVIHJBB TO DB; UAX THORBK, AHEKICAN HOSPITAl., VHICAUO, ILiLiB. Where apace tvlU met permit or the avbject la not ■oltable for an open anairer, letters will be aeat to the appllcont Dr. Thoreic ahonld not be expected to diagnose or preacrlbe In theae aalannt GAS IN THE STOMACH. The rorniatloD ot gases la tlio slonrnt-li it a nor- mal (•oiulltlon li> a certain extent. It nei onipnnles the protess of (llK<*stJon. Howevei. tliore are tlwusnnds of poaplo wlio siit- fer from an uiemslvc g«M foniintluii. 'I'Ik-mi- ip'.Bi's ar« due to fermiMitalloa uf fiiod stulTs In the digos- tlve apparniiis. M:iny ii>>oplt' are rendered mlsernhlo as a result of excessive Btis-l'onnailim. 'Some <«nipl:iln of pal- pltailun uf tUv Jiwkrt ami Imagine they i.iiroly art* etHletod wllh heart dh<eU!><>. When, an a milllor iit faet, tho v'hole trouble Is due to pressuiv ni;nln«c tlie huiirt by u stunttcb full ot ga^. OLiu-rs apiln belltiVe Uiey have liver trouble on ai'roiint of !wn?l- tlver.asa of tlie llvor region—Uie result ot gixs pros- sure fruni u dlatcndt^ bowel. Still ot'iera are bloated all the Mmo. They beluli, tiliey are distended Jjke baav-dnniu, :>nd suiu<> of them leet like "hupiC- lou s?c, In Inipreiislunablo people. Mi? various Imaginary tni'ihu-.s (frinn whieh Uiey often suffer) t*Q In lunny lnsiar.ces Ik^ trneed tx> ""s-ix." I ro- ceutly hud a wumau travel to seo me, from Sau Krunclseu, who broke down niid wept bittorly In my i.\jns>illatlim rcMnn. She ImaglniKl "she surely had heart disw'.s.'." Why, her heart "was so pul- pllatlng" -nnd with that "consiant l>aln, especially uftHr eiillng." It could possibly he nothing cUc than "h'.'drl ti'oublo." A thorough examination re- vealed an iibs4>lnti-ly normal heart without the Bllghiest trace of nrgunlc trouble. But, there wna a balloouiug stouiucb full ot gas, pushing the diaphragm dim-tly against the huart and Irritating It. A re-a!tsurance Uiat notdiiug was wrong with her heart, and n i.-orritHon ot the diet, together w^lth a. little "coniiDvn -sense ndvlce," brought ohout a complete cun^ for the lady's "heart trouble" ( V) In my ronstuot contact with members ot tne thentrlcHl prnfe.sslun, I lliid .1 great nuiDber to h« Blmllnrly nlTected. The cause In thrae Individuals can be dlrccil.v traced to lmiirui)er eating and the taking of nn exi-css *»f "gos-forming" foods. Kernientatliin with the produetlou of gasci usually takes iin two forms. The trouble Is either !n the stomach, when we .speak of "gas In tho sloniach," or when tho trouble Is in the bowele wc term It "Intestinal I'ermentntlon." Instead of thc*:^. tcrnw nisny pliyslclans us(» the word "tlatu- leuc.?." Many i>ersou8 swallow air almost constantly, and the swallowed gases munlfct>t themselves by eructations (belclilogs). These people are easily cured by polutlng out to them the cause ot their trouble, and with the cessation of the habit the uupicHsant symptoms promptly disappear. Other people swallow the air with Improperly masti- cated food. This Ifl often the case with people who have lost tlidr tc*cth, who arc BupplUiil witii Inefl'.clent artlliclal ones, or who eat their food tuu (jiilekly Tho rational treatment ot "flatulence ot the stomach" is not by giving a lot ot mcdlolnos, but by a rational Investigation ot the cause, lt» Arompt elimination, and by dietetic correction. Th.-y must avoid a diet that Is rich ia bread, beer, potatoes, sugars, apples, pastrlcx, cakes nnd dcs.scrts. When tile trouble Is In the iKiwels eriictatloriS are as a rule absent. The distention and un- pleasant alMlomlnal sensations give tJie due to the situation. While tho kind of food pliiys an Important role In Intestinal llatulcnce, coiwllpa- llcin Is one ot the most Important criteria In Its perpetuation. Of course In nervous cases (Ihere are ca.<M<s where the gas formation Is purely n nervous plii»- noinenon) the nervous .s.vstem riHiulre.^ att<mth>n at the hands of a trained pliyslclan. .\s a general rule, people who are subject to flatulency should take particular care to avoid all sweets and slarchv foods. Above all take no llulds with meals. ]>rlnk Imlf a. pint ot hi»t water before meals and again two hours after. Do not eat vegetahloe nnd meat at the same mi>al. Try cream livsieud of milk In cglTei'. and .niwhujln Instead of siigur. Avoid tea and alcohol, especially malt llipiors and elTorviwcIng -miters wltli meals. IJii-r Is eHl)e<:hilly Inadvisable In thcjc conditions. Many of these cases are due to catarrh ot the bowels—the so-called Intestinal Indigestion. In this form ot the trouble, the food, after leaving the stomach. In two or three hours after the lout menl, ■Iocs not properly digest In the bowels but begins to I'emient nnd forms ga.<ws which dlsteml the In- testines und couse dlsirL>ss by pressing on the ncrvi« of neighboring parts. This trouble may vary In degree. Thus: It iiuty nmulfest oa'y In the form ot a slight fullnc*s.>i of the stuiiuic!i, or It muy be a certoJn degree of d!i;comfort, amounting sometimes to agn<alng iialns. I'olso'is produced by the fermented food Is often absorbeil Into tho sycilcm and cause a variety of troubles, such as mainlse, headaches, dopresnfon 4if spirits, dl7.7.lneMs. neuralgic pilnu and .1 tlious.ind nnd one iiliiiormal siiisatloii. I>letellc trtutmcnt. In thi>se cases, Is, n» stated «4iove, the keynote to sucicss. The great mistake- often miuli' is to whip nu Inactive hftwel or stomach Into excessive activity by the Injiidlcloiis use of c-atharilcs and niedlc-lnes. In moderation, and used with common 8pn)».', .ntharsls will do a Mt nf good. Hut here, as In an; thine else, a "good ililng ' may be overdone to ihc tU'trluient of the pat'cni. The dollcntc mechanism ot the bowels and stom- ach are marvelous, and when you reflect and think bow wonderful the functions of these orga:>s are, how delicate their construction, how vacillating and Busccptit'le to a lliou.sand and one Inllneiiccs', cno Is often surprised how nature will tolenitc the gross Insults m> ufti-n Inlllcted on this delicate or- ganism by j"co|»le who iidliei'e to the dicta oi: civilization ( V) In inaitors ot feeding. Itenmrkabie hfw tew s.-ivapes suiter from stomach disturbances. Isn't iL'f Tiicic's a rmsun ! ANSWERS TO COKKESPORDENTS. IjOOK IXTO M.\TTER at O'CB. M., nostou, .Mns.s., writes; ^ Dkab IKH'Tim: I am a vaudeville performer. Not long auu my weight was around two hundred and llfty pnuuils. 1 have lost considerably In the PR'jt six months. 1 have no palnn or aches any- where. The loss ot weight and great thirst worry me. I'leasc let me know what your oplnloTi ot my truiihle Is. Will be eagerly watching Tub New Yoiik ('i.iim'IMi for a reply. KL'PIA'. T.O.SS of weight and thirst |ln an otherwise healthy person casts strong suspicion on the ex- istence of dlnliPtes. Have your urine examined at once in a competent laboratory. And If sugar be found Institute proper treatment. If the urine U niirmal you need not worry. Let me know the results. ntSJUVEXATIOX. H. M. M., Chicago, writes: Dear Dhotoh : I aui sliort. blonde, sixty-one, normal welglit, temperate, smoke, married, daddy, active worker. 1 went to pieces at forty from over work and worry—liver, iwwels. stoinu<ui, "all In." and fell to one hundred nnd liftiM^ pounds, yellow :>kln, weak, trembly cold extremities, etc. This condition lasted for Uttcen years. At fltty-flve I began to pick up, and now at alxty-one I feel flne, sleep like u hnbo, eojoy life and feel Just "great. Kwl liaiip.v over nii' Improved condition. I read an article which In tact said that this "rejuvenation" at my age is really a sure ludlcatlvn ot lilgb l>lood pressure, due to hardened arteries. It the writer of that article tells the truth. It Is fun while It last& Itut, da<>s he? An .trtJcle from your i>en on the above would prove valuable reading to thou.s- anda who have passed life -meridian. A man is as old as he feels. Many arc old at a .voung age. aiiil the reverse is also true. There's INERS more goo<l work done by healthy men advanced In years than by young invalids (and Ooil knoWM there are Ihoiisunos of tho lalttfrj. 'ITiat this "rejuvenn- tlon" Is due to calcareous arteries I nm Inclined to dishelleve. M l«ist I did not tlnd It so In niy expirrli-nces. Continue to lie happy, as you are, nnd mind not the "tlii-orlsL-*." .\ge Is not all djHiiv ! It Is the ripening, the .swelling of frctli lite within, that withers und hursts the husk. XBRVUVS ni.ADDBU UIKTL'RU.WCE. P. S. I'., Itolm.'>sburg, Pu., writes: Ub'An IKjctoe: Two years ago my ixickets were picked, all mv money lost, ami a terrlllc s'Kick given me In tlie bargain. I have been an athlete all m.v life. Some one operated upon me (I was never told for -what) and I was nine weeks In the hos- pital and dlscliiimed as "curwl.' Two weeks later I was utrlcken with "nervous paralysLs." I went bock to the IhmiiKuI for two more weeks nn«l wa.H discharged agiUn. Most physicians sny It is "rerves." .My general condition lino. Kitrenioiy nervous nil the lime. l htvc a deal of -Cn-.n- lly trouble." Am sixty.Uiree years old. l>o .voii believe In Christian Science'^ (."an you suggest Mmething for me. I am very anxli.tLS to get TlIK IM.ii-i'KH to seo ■H-hnt you luvo to say to me. i have been an actor all my life. nui'i.Y. since all physicians agree (after examining ,ti»i:) that your trouble Is nervousness, the best tJiirg for you to do Is to get rid ot everythln,-? that will have a twidcncy to irritate your rM-rvous nystrm. In c^ses like yours "mental ealniness'* or freedom fropi Intro.ipw'tlon (you can cull It .scle.i.^e It you like) ought to do some gOiid. Nerves arc responsive and sensitive structures, 3'our niind cou Inlitienctt them. Moral : Iton't think about them. Masiuigi'. warm liaths and ten drops of tincture nf henbane thi;ee times dally after nuclei should do ,V4>u some good. Try It. It may Ui that your wh-jlc bladder Irrltalilllty -will disappear as soon as "fiiiully troubles" arc ndjustod. KRMIMINR CII.-Vlt.\CTKRISTir..S. MIIS. K. li. G., Detroit. Mich., writes: Dkar DtiCTOB: I havi? bivo ii* the jirofosRlnn for ninny years. My boy is twenty-four yeors old. lie displays great fominlne characteristics. Can any- ihliig be done for him? Otherwise he Is bright, niert nnd highly Inrtelilgeirt. Your answvr through TiiK C'l.iiM-ki: will be appreciated. nBprjV. I would have answered this by letter, but you falh'^l to give iiie ymir address. Ppiiple with lou- ihiry sexual chanii-t-rlstlcs should l>e pitied ID- sli'iMl of scorncil. as Is nfien tlic cane. Ue.eiKi.'atlou oilers a great deal of p'ospcct In some Insutnres. l.i-l me know more nboiit the case and give ad.lrck^. t^AXCKU OP THK TON'GIIK. MR. r,. K. Mel)., i'hllndelpbla. Pa., writes: Dkau IKh~1'oii: 1,4-c me know at once thriuch TiiK l^f.iri'Ki! the foilowiiig: la cnncer of 'ne lengiic Inciirnlile'; If it Is curable, by what means'r Would an operatlou mean loss ot spr^'ch'^ ui-;pr.Y. It all depends iiism the degn-e of InTOlvement. It the cancer Is small and has not luvolvetl lin* porliuit glands, an •Miciutlop olTers the iiiil,T way to cun'. It tiHt far tioiie. the outlook Is gloomy ami olTers t'Othliig. The letentlou of K|»'e,'h de- pends upon the Mr." of the piece that has to l>e taken nway. It small, spceih Is n-taliie<l; If large loss lit proiH-.rtlon. nAnv's Foun. Jins. I. D.. New York, writes: Dkar Doctor : I tun a young mother nnd would hp plea.sed to have you tell me, through Tiik Nkw York Cl.U'l'Kn, whether Kagle llrand condensed nilik la n proper food for niy hiihy. At three mouths the baby waa puny and sallow, and welg'uM only nine nnd one-bait pounds, althnugS I nurse<l her myself. I am fcwlliig her now on the food meiithmird. nUPI.Y. If the baby thrives and gains weight on tint fond, keep it up. Any fn>Ml Is good which the baby digests. It soon tells on a clilhl whether a particular kind of foixl agr.-cs with It or not. As loni; as yniir baby Is doing w«>ll do n*»t make a cliiiiice. POT.\TOES. MISS C. I,. Mcfi., Minneapolis, Minn., writes: Dkai: Uiirron: rieiiHc tell nic, through Tub Pi.H'I'kk. whether ijotutoes ore n health-giving food <ir not, iu:i>r,v. A rocinit niithorttv reinncks: "I'otAto ii.'ia a high nutritive value, oiio )M>iin<l of bak^-d IHilnto lias the same fiHMl value at 'I'A ounces ot beef, one pound ot chicken, ten pints of beef lea or 7 ounces nf hread. The potato Is not rich lii nrotein, and this should he supjilled tn the ration liy the adill- tlon nf milk and eggs. Half a Mint of rich milk will thus balance a p<iund of baked potato. The pntatit Is- the most valuable of all known foods In fumWiIng alkaline salts to iiurlfy the l>ln;^d, aji-l tho fri-c use of |H>tiito comlmts rheumatism and gout, which ate the ri>.siilt.s of chronic tntestlnal Iiolsontng. < CAT-\KACT. MISS F. O'B.. I.Ittle Rock, Ark., writes: Dkau Du. Thoiikk : I am a performer nnd .sup- port inv molJier, -who Ls KUtTorlng from catarsct. .\ physician told her that he might euro ber by an operation. She nb.solutel.v refuses to be operated <:pon. Some of her frh-nda t<rfd her of pome d<K- tor wlio treats cataract by mail. She 'ins dwiih'il ti> try him. I wrgp<l her to wait until I hear vour n|il:ilon In the matter. Can i^ilarni'l lie eiinKl liy Illfll:? please let ine know llirotiKli Tlir Cr.iri'Klt. It would l>e a lll^•^*slng If sin- cuiiUl \f rejleve<l liiat way. UhJPIA". Yea, Indeeil It would 1h? a ble.'islng If catnrnct could be cure<I by mall. It -n-nuld be a ntlU greali-r blessing If im.scrupuloiis ipiack-s who prey iiihmi t'l- minds of the unsiis]»'ctlng eoiihl. 1m» put <nit of harm's reach. I regret ti> say that the fellow who iimmlsod to ciire mother cf hi-r catinirt by m.iU Is after hi-r money and that is nil. Tliat is a jihy- sleal lnii>*>.ssll>lllty. Can .voii rf^mt»ve a wart inim anvnnes nose he nrill'/ Impossllili-, nf e(«ir.He. Now (, llt'ure It nut. If that Is liii|iossllile. how foolish !t Is to atti>inri>t such a tblnu on an eye. Your physi- cian adviseil j-oii correctl.c. Iti-a.son with mother and do not permit her to Iw nnilctcil nf money for which you have to loll. poiNOXor.s .MTOcKixns. AinS. n. 1'. I.. I-'ort •'Wayio. Ind., -writes: IiKAii DncToii: Can anyone l>o ptilsoned by wesr- liic o<»lori-il RtiH-klngs? Y.-s. M.It." n. ir.. Chlcnso. You l»ettor'l)e careful. FM) K.. New Y«»rk. I i-iiiinnt hw* nnv rt.ajM.n wli.r yiiu should worrv. I'.K.V <!.. Mll«niikeo: MIIH. F. I... roronto: MISS K. C. 7... Keokuk. Ia.: Mil. V. Q. T, l(i>elie«ter, MWin.: MUS. I. T. fi., Memphis, Tenn.: Mil. T. I-. Mi<:.. Tiimpa. Fl:i.: K. I>n<'.. Ilnltlmnre. Md. : MiIRS D. D:. ItriMiklvn. N. Y : MltiS. T. r... IlilladolTihla. Pa. Have answered bv mall. MR. V. II., Indianapolis. Ind.. send me dupli- cate. '