New York Clipper (Jul 1915)

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4Z THE NEW YORK CLIPPER July 24 YOUR OLD FRIEND 16 IDSICAL mm WILL PLAY THE STAIR & HAVUN CIRCUIT, SEASON 1916-1916, OPENING EARLY IN SEPTEMBER SnInI John, Cnn.—Oixra House HV. C. Mc- Kiiv, iMKr.) tJic Kmpirc Miislral Comedy Co. con- IIiiIm's to KOOil business. I.Mi'Liii.u..—Vaudov-lUc and movlns pictures. l.vr.ic.—VnudevlIIo ond pictures. <;k3i, U.vique, Stab ami HitruEaiS, moving pic- mn s oily. WiMioB A. SliRA, DianaRor of Opi'm House. Ksst- l>i>rt. Me., and St. Croli Oixra Ilmise. Cnlals, arrived In town July via autom'Mille, nccom- pHnlcd by IiIh wife and a party of friends. iMr. Mlica Is a son of I'ete Leo. tlie old time mInK'.rel, who in the early "TO.s condUL-tcd the I'ctc Leo's (JpiTa House, In Oils city. IfARBY SI.OAN, Id advance of *'TIie (?hoccInte S<ildler,'' arrived hero and reported Kood bunl- nfTj throneh the Maritime I'rovlnccs. He left, 14, fur KredcrlctOD. N. li. Trrro Ilonte, Ind. — Grand ((.lias. Smith, Tni^r.) feature pleturrs. 'Nkw Coi,oniaij (M, Lrei^, mgr.)—Vuudevdlle and Ijleturcs. Ix>i8 (E. n. Sheets, mgr.) —Slock and piclure.s. MiiiicA.s and Smitu Aiuuomi:, vaudeville and l>i( turos. .'VMKRIL'AN. I'OUNTAIK, IMP. Oltlt.-!, roPULAll. SA- vi»Y, COIJ'.N'I.M., GARDKN, I-YCKUM. l*niNCKSS, I'AUK, Swan, Ciiescb.nt, liii.-*, OuriiEr.M, I'ai.ack, I!oval, Hauit, Twelve I"oi.nt3 and Vauieties, lUd.ureL- only. NOTKS. liAaNKV Oli>kiem>. In auto ^^lHKHl trlriL*, and 1V> Ixi.vd 'rhoni^ison. a\ialor, were altruetlon-i at the fair prounds. July 18. I-'iiank ItEALR. of the (Imr.d, l.-s In ChleURO, at- fi'iullni: tile I. A. T. a. ci)uvcntli>n. .^^A.^■AGEIl CllA.s. i$MiTiI. of tile Cirand, odvlxcs be will open with Nell O'lJrlen's .Minnitrels, Sept. XfASAOEii T. W. Hauuvdt, of the Illppodrotue, left here for New York 17. Ills houtc will open the vaudeville season sjept. 0. .Mc.\IPH(er. Okla Star Alrdome (A. Ilort I->ites, mgr.) Queen Mulda wua tie attructlun July 15-17. Sa.ns (R <J. Walker, mtzr.) —A masked skatlns eonteMt was held here ir>. lurRely attend<K]. Yai.k-Maje.stic (D. a. MacDonald, mgr.)—Mo- tion pictures. The Chwbiw Hallway und I.ilBhtlnK Co., which owns the fltrect nillway anil IntenirUm system II nd owns and oiperntea Hans Soucl I'ark, here. eli>ote<l the following otllcer.-) and directors. Jul.v P_': llnssell I'almer. New York, president and treav^ iiriT; .Tohu T. Si-hley. Mobile, Ala., son of Admiral Sciilc.v, vice president: It. It. Sti>pliens, Me.Vh'ster. seiTotury : I,. R KlscJii-r. St. I»uls. jrenerul maua- Ser. and directors: Uu.-vell Talnu-r, Jolm T. Schlev, r-. K. I-lschcr. J!. U. Stephens. M. IMuukett. U. I.. SrhelR und J. M. Tutnum. St. Loiiln, Mo.—Mannlou's I'ark. the S|iinilsb Sio<-k <•(>. present "Kr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" week of July la. I'"i>i:kst I'akk IIii:iii.aniis. —Sln;;er's Mldsets ixntinue tlieir slav at this ixtpular auuiseuient |Kirk for anollior wo^'k, together wllli Itert Swor. the blackface cunKsllan, niul others. New nnANP Centhal. —"The Itosiiry" la the lllm featuro Tveek of 18. I'ARK.—The Milk Whitt! Klas" week of IS. SIIE.VANIK1A1I.—Closed Sunday ni^bt, IS, for the Summer. Ai.i. of till? moving pleture lionses. as well aa alrtlomes are dniA'lns eplendld crowds. Hoelirnter, \. Y..—Temjile (J. H. T'lim, uilt. i Vae.iilian (;iaKer Sli<ek Co., In "What llapiivned to MaVv." July i:> --'4. I'AMiLV (J. 11. t'enncve-s.-'v, uii;r.l—(ius .\moM s Tabloid Co. .NOTES. TiiritsiiAV MiaiT.s at the I'amlly are Clsaplin nlu-hls. and prizes ar<.> awarded for the bi»t iml- tatKkli i)f tbe st'r««i>n cum«Hlkin. (lUE-VTEu '■)sr.\uio 1;i:acii held the best masipie of the seasiMi when Mauaicvr Waltere put on the .Masqne of Nations. (;cni'vu, N'. Y.—Smith (i:. It. Cuti-iudt, ui;:r.) plrtr.rt'.^. Temim.e (Krank C. I'lerce, m^r.i—I'ktures and vaudeville. JIoTiox WoiiLi> (C. E. Lyon, mpr.t —Picture-:. The New dnera House, on UxclKinge Street. Is foIn>; up laplal.v. and will -bo rend.v by tJie late 'all. It U to be used for pictures and lilgb clas^ EDWABDS-WILSOX COMPANY 4th Season 'WA'MTCS AT niffriT GOOD HKAVY man, eapHlile of playing Bome leads; also CiOOU GENEKAL BCSI- »» imXO ill NESS MAN, who can handle a good line of parta, prefer one with singing and dan clng specialties. Wardrobe, experience and sobriety absolutely essential. Boozen closed without notice on this show This Is a long, sure engagement for good people, wlili .salary every salary day. No holdbacks. Open Aug. 9. Re hcarsals one week earlier. Send photos and progranm If yon want an answer. State all first letter, height, weight age, etc. We pay no fancy salaries. Address KBEIIT EDWARDS, Ugr. Edwards-Wilson Co., I^alngsburg. Michigan Griffin^s Canadian Theatres Brock-ville Belleville Dvrlin Owen SoanH Woodstock Sttrnla. North Bmy Oabawa Uaelpli Stratford Cliattaam Welland St. Catharlnea These are the cream of Onc-Nlghlers In Ontario. Sliowa wishing to break Uiclr Jumps In any of the above towns, address I'ETRR F. GRIFKIN. Urinin Theatre Bids., Toronto, Canada, or AARONS ASSOCIATED THEATRES, Inc., New Amsterdam Theatre Bldg , New York City. WANTED—TABLOIDS To run one honr and a half. Write full particulars first letter how many people, lowest salary. Full week stand; Musi carry own scenery, etc. M. S. EPSTIW, 434 Putnam Bldg., 1493 B'way, New York City M. A. BR1]WKB Leads or Heavies GLiLiKN JU. ANDREWS Heavies, Characters, 6en. Bus. FIRST CLASS. HELIABLE. STOCK OR REP. PEOPLE. Wardrobe, appearance, «tc, Adftreaa BI. A. BHKWKR, F'reedom, New llampalilre. Wanted—Stock liOcation NESLO S CO--WORKERS ONE OR TWO BILLS A WKKK FEATURINQ THE CAWIVATINO STAR _ Address all communications by teller only. JESSIE MAE HALL r only. CRAIG NESLO, 90I--J 4 a Lougacre Theatre Bldg., New Y Bldg., New York City. vaudeville performances, und will seat 1,".!00 peo- ple. MnnohrHter, X. H Star (U. J. Caron. mgr.) I'urumoiinl features. r.'ijcE (Wm. O'Nell, mgr.)—Musical pictures and Imllet danein;;. '.MuUEii.s- (J. L. '/Aug. mgr.)—I»letures and vaude- ville. ri.vE l.SLANU I'AiiK (C.ruves & Ilamsdell, mgr.s.) —IlanU coiiterLs, li reworks, boatlui;, bathing, dan- cing, etc. .Ma.snaiiesic Lake Tiikatuk (J. J. Flyun, mgr.) —Klynn s Musical Coimily Co. AiM'AiiiA I'—Ihineing onlv. LVIIIC, AUI)tTllltIf.M, (il.dllE, ClHIW.N, QUKE.N, CiiAMTB Sg., HiifinK and N.vtio.vai,, pictures only. MIIwiKikvc. WIh naxidsoii (Sherman Itrown, mgr.) "llie Klrtli of a Xutiou"' (plctues^ la bavins uii exccptlonnlly good rgn. Shl'bebt (C. a. Nlggeinayer, mgr.)—The Shu- bert Stock Co. po-sents "To-CHy"' week of July I'J. • Dime" w«<k of -.Ml. C11V.STAL and OitPiiKUM arc running Summer vaudeville und pictures. Majestic. .\i.]Ia.miiii.\ and Straxu are packing thiTU In witli first run feat'irc films. rAiiaT I'AitK. with Chief IJghtliawk and In- diana and Sandow. the strong man. la druwiug Iari;e crowds. Kaven.n'a rAUK Is also doing a good busluess. Nnalivlllr. Tenn,—rrliicess t Harry Siidckum, uigr.1 vaudeville ami pk-luivs. Vll-rolilA, I'AltTllENO.N, .\l..\MO. CnVSTAL, Cl.ITE, I'lrrii AvK., .Vt.lfAMBRA, Ittx, CnEscEXT and Ve.\- i-i>:\iK. ]>letur,>.^ only. The ()rpheiim closed July 9. The .\lrdomc fol- lewc«l suit JO. 'riiE.CouruN I'l.AYEUK, Ip "The Y'eUow Jacket.'" "Ui Iiniu'i'Mairc"' ar<i ••.Macbeth," on the I'eabody campus, did uice business l'.'. \7t. ClinrlcM<oo, S. C.—Haoipton Park Alrdome (Chas. It. Maltbews, mgr.) .M.-schattnn TheatrQ'Co., Ii'definlte. VicToKiA. I'liiNrESS. Mailstil', Lvnjc, Klcu. CuESCENT and Dixicla'ko, pictures only. WANTED tjulck —Balance of Summer and 'Winter Season for Big Callahan Dramatic Co., under canvas, three day stands, Man for Heavies, donble trombone; Trap Urummcr, double stage: Woman for Heavies, some Characters; Clarinet or Cornet, doable stage. Other Use- ful People write. State lowest salary, rosltlvcly no booze. Add. Mgr. niQ CALLAHAN DRAMATIC CO., Varna, 111., July M'J, 23, 24; Mazon, 111., July 25, 2fi, 27. FOR SEASON 1016 AN'U 18, B. ARCHER, Character Actor UKAVY CHARACTER or COMEDY OLD MEN. Prefer one Dlghter or Btnck. Unu bill a week. Address 310 WEST SEVENTH STREET, ATLANTIC, IOWA. A SECOND HAND OPEN DRAPE PLUSH OR -VELiOVR 8TAOE DROP Purple or green; stage opening, 30 ft. wide and 33 ft. high. Answer by mall L. P., m Fulton St., Bkln., N. Y. AT LIBERTY BERTHA For Season I'tl.t-is For Characters and Gen. DAVIDSON Has. Rep. or One Bill a week. Stock preferred. Addreaa Lewiatown, Illiaol*. WANTED QUICK CORNET PLAYER, Double Stage or Specialties. Good Hep. People write. Can use Dog and Pony Tnlner. Will Buy Animal Act. U. I.A ROY. Fredrlcksborg, Ohio. wies For STREET and STAGE WEAR Made to order from >6.oo to $100.00. We SpeclaUce In Stock Wigs. The WIggety n nTsSiU suClilcago fin onsKerlna (ids. please mention Clippeb.)