New York Clipper (Aug 1915)

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Copyright 1015, by tbe Frank Qaeen Publlshliig Cmnpany (Limited). Foundo4 by FRANK QUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK. AUGUST 7, 1915. VOLUME LXIU-Ne. 26 Prlea, 10 C«nta. NOTES BELASCO'S PLANS. David Belasco announces the openine of the regular Bclasco Theatre season on Tuesday » rr \xrf\r\T\c u . j * i " evening, Aug. lo. with "The Boomerang." k j.,^; ^?.?^f, 'k"=*^'** new American comedy, in three acts, by W |. ""Yr te'.-t?^ » V*? chell Smith and Victor Mapes. The cist wiU Sf'^frf.V'°?«t.^"^ ^^'^^"^ 3^'?' include: Arthur Byron. Wallace Eddiiwer. ^^^^r^^S'^V^'^^'^'T Gilbert Douglas, William Boag, Richard flal- *i'.J^; i"'}?,' J'^l'"' chien. Martha Hedman, Ruth Shepley» Jo- l&'^t'A ^^^Z i^' *»' Harvard prize sephiue Parks, Dorothy Megrue, Mrs fl^et P'^/rrHAun.i, » -4 . Otis Dellenbaugh and several other well known ^-j^Jl ^^X.^^^i, "c'*** players. director, who originally produced Sumurum' About the middle of November David War- country for Max ReiiAardt, at the field will appear in a new play specially written * »Kp. has been engaged by for him by Mr. Belasco. This will be the Hoffmann to stoge her production third play which Mr. Belasco has written for ^. *n '^l'? *i **** S"^'v?" Mr. Warfield, and it will be the fifth play that I"?'",' - ^'-ftSP *?**^V' "j- , ^l'"' Mr w,rfi.irf „,~,r»«i „«A.^ Ordvnski will be the sUge director of the Pavlowa ballet next season. THE STRAND, Walnut Beach. Milford. Mass., is showing pictures. The house seats 8oo, and is under management of Martin C. Spreitzer, with Henry £. Reilly, musical di- rector. IRENE DUKE, last season with "High Jinks," has been engaged b^ Perry J. Kelly Mr. Warfield has appeared in under the man- agement of Mr. Belasco during the fourteen years of their association. Frances Starr will begin a tour of the prin- cipal Eastern cities in her last season's dram- matic triumph, "Marie-Odile," late in Sep- tember, and early in the Spring will be seen in a new play by T. Wigney Persival and Horace Hodges, the authors of "Grumpy." > ^. , . t- . • n • - Ha^^•ng presented Miss Starr in the greiter for the role of the French maid, in 'The Pnnce emotional roles of the drama, Mr. Belasco °* . t l^DtT^ t^i- », a xtdv v e n i > now will show her in another comedy role of ^^^^^ MANBY, a member of Daly s distinct and lovable giriish charm. theatre Company, of London. Eng. and the For eariy production Mr. Belasco has se- O'?^'^?' ^ord Amersham, m "The Girl from cured "The laughter of Fools," a comedy by Utah has been engaged for the Julia Sander- H. F. Maltby, which was recenUy presented son, Donald Brian and Joseph Ciwthoni com- with much success at the Prince of Wales *<> ^PPf**" "»o"??"*' m The Theatre in London. Mr. Belasco's other plans t.'^' f™"" Utah, at the Kmckerbocker The- for the present season include a new play by ^Si?bir „». George Middleton, a new play by Frank Man- ™E THREE apartments at the del, a play by Mrs. Wilson Woodrow and ArchibaJd L. Sessions, a new play by Mrs. Frances Ligbtner, a poetic play by Maurice V. Samuels, and "The Love Thought," a com- edv by Henry Irving Dodge. . Mr. Bclasco himself will contribute another play from his own pen in addition to his play for Mr. Warfield, in an adaptation of "The Czarina," a play of Russian Court life, whidi South- weA comer of Forty-second Street and Eighth Avenue, will be turned into a motion picture house. FRANCIS McGinn has signed with the Elsie Janis Show. KATHLEEN KITCHENS goes with the Ravmond Hitchcock company. HARRY LAUDER will open in New York WM. COLLIER will rehearse the May Ir- win company. GRACE VALENTINE and EARLE MIT- CHELL go with "Brother Masons." JAS. W. MATTHEWS, manager of the Hippodrome, sailed from London,^ July 38. after a farewell dinner tendered him by his many friends. „ , , ETHEL GRAY TERRY will be the new Upon the completionof the run of the im- , , j j "Search Me," which will have mcnsely successfuLZiegfeld "Follies," at.the ^rformances next week in Stamford.. is scheduled for early production. In conjunction with the Charles Frohman Co., Mr. Belasco will present a new play hv George Scarborough, besides other plans al- ready entered into by ^tese two leading the trical firms. * t » BE:RnHA1tI>T>S AMBRIOAlt TOCB. Conn. "THE MIDNIGHT FROLICS" will con- tinue for two weeks longer. A. H. WOODS will ship the company en- New Amsterdam Theatre, on Sept. 20, Mme. Sarah Bernhardt will inaugurate her Amer- ican tour at this theatre, in her latest success, "Jeanne Dore," which ran the entire season at the Theatre Sarah Bernhardt, Paris. The au- __. j _t„ ••Kirk In" in London " Aue 7 thor, Tristan Bernard, has already alwut thirty ^^^^^^e S-fLwl It inclSdJ^^ Wilton comedies, melodramas and novels to his credit, j Harriet Burt. James Heenan, Harold Vos- Jeanne Dore" i» taken from his famous noveK ^"J^ Ejjy, BToWning, Theodore Mitchell. "Aments e Voleurs" ("Lovers and Thieves ). jj^^^ gennet, Helen Hdmes, Josephine Will- and IS a thrilling drama of Pans life. To !^^^ p^'u^ „f,j ,4 jhe Vaudeville Theatre Aug. 29, under direction quote from a Parisian critic: "Mme. Bern' hardt's Jeanne was the living symbol of ma- ternal affection for her wayward son, Jacques. Pathetic, sorrowful, but always gentle, the great actress thrilled the audience, who ap- plauded her again and again." DANIEL FROHMAN, H. D. Kline, Chas. of J. M. and R. Gatti. REHEARSALS for "Chin-Chin" will be held on Fred Stone's ranch, in Amityville, L. I., N. Y. The show re-opens at the Globe Theatre, Aug. 18. WALTER TONES has been engaged by H. H. Frazee to head a road company of "A Full H. M«^ltzer and Townsend Walsh are ba^k House," which goes on the road early in Sep- from Bermuda. i tember. HELEN ELEY succeeds Frances Demarest. p. RICHARDS is still located in Berlin, and in "The Passing Show." is acting as special correspondent for a num- SARAH BERNHARDT will open at the ber of papers in the Western U. S. In an in- New Amsterdam, . New Yorl^ Sept. ao, ia terestiog communication, he sets forth much "Jeanne Dore." '^information at first hand. V GEORGIA CAINE has been engaged by the Savoy Producing Co. to ^lay one of the prin- cipal roles in "Two Is Company," a musical comedy in three acts, from the pen of Paul Herve, with music by Jean Briquet. The American adaptation by Edward A. Faulton and Adolf Philipp. "1 wo Is Company" will commence rehearsals shortly, and after an out of town presentation will be brought to New York for a Broadway hearing. MOFFETT & PENNELL have engaged Ethel Gray Terry as leading woman in the new Augustin MacHugh farce, "Search Me," which is now scheduled to open at the Gaiety Thea- tre, Wednesday evening, Aug. 11, instead of Monday, as originally planned. LAWRENCE HAYNES. operatic tenor, has beeii engaged by Arthur Hammerstein for his new operatic production. "MY LADY'S GARTER" will be pro- duced hv the. Monarch Producing Co. "THE PUNCH AND JUDY" THEATRE, New York, will not open until Oct. 11. IRENE DUKE goes with "The Prince of Pilsen." LEO CARRILLO will be with the No. I "Twin Beds" Co. RUTH SINCLAIR. Carr North, Adrienne Bonnell and Sylvia Radcliffe go with "Under Cover." AIORRIS GEST, who recentl:^ purchased "The Clock Shop," a one act musical comedy, b^ John L. Golden, shown at the Lambs' Gambol, last Spring, has sold his rights to the piece to Sam Chip and Mary Marble, who will use it in vaudeville. "SOME BABY" opened at Asbury Park. N. J., July 29, with Frank Lalor. Jessie Ralph, Ernest Stallard, Francine Larim'ore, John Ar- thur, Sam Edwards, Beth Franklyn, Olive Murray, Gilbert Clayton and Robert I..awrence. "TWIN BEDS" closes Aug. 7, at the Harris, Mew York. A special matinee will be given Aug. 6, for the benefit of the Bide-a-Wee Home. VALESKA SURATT plays the title role in "Sapho/' to open Aug. 9, at the Majestic, Bos- ton, supported by the stock. ELSIE FERGUSON announced, last week, her engagement to Thos. Benedict Clarke Jr. (non-professional). The date of the wedding was not made known. "THE BLUE PARADISE" opens at the Casino, New York, Aug. 4. MARGARET ANGLIN will open at the Greek Theatre of the University of California, with a schedule including "Iphigenia'in ."Kulis," Aug. 14; "Medea," Aug. 21, and "Electra," .Aug. 23. Walter Damrosch will direct the or- chestra. In Miss Anglin's support will be Ful- ler Mellish, Lawson Butt, Ruth Holt Bouci- cault, and Pedro de Cordoba, and two hundred extras. ALMA TELL and STANLEY GROOME go with "Search Me." MAE MURRAY, Lucelle Cavanau^h and CatI Randall put on a new dance with the "Follies" last week. ehu. pathe abrives. Emil Pathe, of the Pathe Freres, arrived in New York, July 30. Accompanying M. Patl^e was Russen Hunting, leading director of the company. , In an interview Mr.iHunting said, "M. Path^ will locate in Jersey City, N. J., for a while Before we return to France we will leave a $3.S,ooo,ooo contract in this country." .'Further than to say_ that the contract con- .cemed the motion picture business of th: Pathe Freres. Mr. Hunting refused to go into particulars. -