New York Clipper (Aug 1915)

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14 THE NEW YORK .CLIPPER MOTION PICTURE DEPARTMENT EL&BB.T' ERXis, ^lOTIOIT PICTUBSI XIIXFBOB. •Mbloe big affidaylt WORLD FUR ISSU ES FIRST ANRUAL REPORT. 8£IiZinCK HIGHIiY COMMENDED BY EXECJTIVI: BOARD. tures. ahomlng- Orme«. E. Mackenzie Sinne In 'the African JnoKlcs. Wndfl'. .... stated that^numerouB Itenia ln tlie acroosta ol tht ccmpaoy marked "J. Wa.lksr & Co.," meant money exveuiSti neravundly by Lady .Macksoiie tor qiitin- tlties or Jolmny Walker-Scotch. " Tbe affidavit sets forth. that the hlg game hnnter wns extremely wasteful, and that baslnesB was car- ried on Id a very careless manner. N. T. liBAQinES'S BIO PrCLiD DAT-LOOKS PROMISING. The Motion Picture Ezhlbltora' Leagae Of Orenter Kew York has ensaired Joe Humpbreys as master of ceremonies for the gala camlyal ana The executive committee of the World Film will be assigned the direction of an important Corporation, headed by Milton C. Work, of series of features. • : ' Philadelphia, including George E. Cox, George Mr. Dawley is among the oldest directors Held day exerdaes to be given "by the New York A. Huhn, Jules E. Brulatour, Joseph L associated with the motion picture art, and "o^ °''SV°Hn^h«v^?*la^e"'hs^b^^^ Rfainock and Briton N. Busch, has given to was one of-the first in the United Stktes to identlflef* with every great ntLletlc and sporting Lewis J Sebnick its vice president arid gen- undertake the production of features. His ac- movement that' has taken place In America for eral mai^ager. quite the strongest commendation ti>aties in this direction cover a wide range of "'^'"Vo^k'dSne'bV'the New York eiilbltors m that any motion picture executive has ever subjects, many of which have been recorded preparation for the cnia carnival and field dav at ■ ' - • - • ' ■ J • - _-.-t.i- r.-. -•_ Brighton Beach Is bet" - • .. ... two weeks' of prodlgl are commencing-to pour In at the Leagne rooms. received In the first annual report issued by among the most notable feature successes in the motion picture corporation, the committee the annals of'the screen.. He contributed a said, "With the assured continuance of the ser- great part of the success achieved by. the Fam- vi^es of Lewis J. Selznick as its vice president ous Players third release, Mrs. Fiske, in "Tess and general manager, the possibilities of the of the D'Urbervilles," and subsequently created World Film Corporation are now most poten- a number of the epochal, productions which tial." '"; ' established the then unprecedented artistic ginning to show results, after [lous' effort. Communications - „ .n at the Leagne rooms, not only from ezhlbltora In Greater New York, but from theatre managers In -distant cities. Already Chicago has been heard from. William Sweeney, firesldent of the Chicago Exhibitors' Leagne, sends a a letter , of encouragement, and says that tbc Chicago exhibitors are preparing to send a dele- The letter in detail-that was sent to the standard of the Famous Players in feature ptlon to New York to attend, the field day gather P. Masters, proprietor of the Elite, Alhambra, Lillian,'Princess and Majestic Theatres, of Bowling Oreen Ey. - has written- that he will be present with Mrs. -Masters and a delegation of Kentucky exhibitors. Bamorl H. Trlsger, general chairman of the.carnival and field day committee. Is going to Chicago to bring Charlie Chaplin back with him in person. Hie Mew York exhibitors are going to defray hU entire expenses back and forth, and it Is probable'that Mr. Chaplin will be the big draw- stockholders of the World Film is as follows: producinKi a policy of which at that time the "This covers the first year of the operations Famous Players was the'only exponent, of the World Film Corporation and its pro- Mr. Dawley's first-production for the Fani- ducing ■ companies, of which it owns all the ous Players iii his new affiliation with that capital stock. The figures'show that the total company will be . of Marguerite Clark. . in profits were $329,02S.(», practically all of whicn "Helcne of the North," an: unusual romance was earned during the second half of the year, that presents this dainty star in ■ the most It is obvious that it reqtures considerable tim-j unique ' impersonation' she - has yet assumed to place in running order an organization so since her first triumphant association with the ^"4**'<* ^^y- complex; it is. therefore, most gratifying that screen. The subject combines in a decidedly .-S!-r«?i7'i'¥'J'/°'-,"'9.siTl?« l-Lif all expenses were met during the first six novel manner the cultured atmosphere of aris- months, and th'at "each monthly report during tocratic society circles with the ruge'ed environ- the-second-half'Of the year improved upon its ment of the-trackless wilds of Northwestern predecessor. Cana.da, between which far extremes the "The World has allowed-the - sum--of» drama swa^s.with'uninterrupted fascination. .$371,279.34 and the Peerless-.'$80^4.65vfor de--^.''Helene of the North" is scheduled for release prcciation. The Peerless has not figured-as of_; on";.the Parampunt Program, Aug. 19. any value, properties used in'a completed pic-. ■ •■ ture which may be utilized .in . fiitpre'plays; rAwi'-AtlV WArWlTTIl? with great resultant saving in cost .of produc- KCLUVllK. TUK . LAl/I JuaUkcIf^lJl tion. The earnings of the World and'the . com- FDLH'GO panies owned by it are now. upon a-basis o£ ' - ^-vv. ■ „ - _ J ., -.u *i - ^ After hearing BnchtleoBtby.-.evldcnco aiid-.arcu over 5500,000 per year, and with-the present Trent tHot. It-was necosaoryito conUnue. a session of the Court.of Chancery, at.Wilmington. Del.;'far Into the night, . Chancellor Cnrtls, on Jaly. 27,.'ap- ■ ' " ~ . - • yj John fV line of business should steadily increase. Thr. World will not, however, lirriit - itself io/thc —•c- yi'^j'-'y^:^-^"^ , . f L « - pointed; Hoy-.A..ualney,>ot^rtOW;XorK. and John •character of business carried on dunng its im- S'eary, "of Wilmington, as receivers of'the-Lady tial year. Contracts for foreign opierationsrMockenzle. Film: Company, Tbe company was in- havc been concluded, and the returns from this pccrporated. at Dover. Deh," !ai.t May ond the hill. \r ,J . V _:_ : *~ ■ xvioc/. asUng for a receivership .wns-flled by WlUlam B. new field are just beginning to come in. Inesc '-Joyce.-who alleged: that he was: a creditor of tho contracts are for pictures previously^ usied, in-;ctmnany .to the extent i>f .570,000,.and-that It -wna this country. From them the ,World, during its ^•f"'^*''*-- ^'v ,,.,„ „,;,„•, • ^ next fiscS^year. will receive a niinimum' net .Vj^.A-.^a^.^.^ ;j-?,^y^^ carnival and field day Is to raise funds to protect the Industry from adverse censorship and other legislation that Is coming, up at Albany this Fall. It Is a very vital Issue, and If something Is not done' by someone to prevent It, there wllToe a lot more restrictions placed upon a business that is already overburdened -with handicaps, such as tbe _ recent troublerabout' carrying films on street car::. ' etc. - :.- V Directors,-scenario writers, exhibitors, film ex- changes,-Iniposters,. and, In fact, almost every branch'of ^the-trade which can be made to suffer by censorship,-shoQld be vitally Interested in the success':of .. the I;eague'Field Day. Little ' by''little'-&' «nlendld program Is being . worked up. and as novel contests are thought out, the commonprace"'effalr8' are being dropped. Th* - Leagne la still desirous for rccelvlnr sussestloos , for novel and camlcal.-contests for photoplayern and tbe public. All.such communications should be addressed to Motion. Picture Exhibitors' I.eagqe, 110 West-Ji-orUeth Street,' New York City, ' WaxT la'the nso of'having a pretty home when one Is.working on a-gerlatf Grace Cunard avfcii the 'qaestlbni navlng : spent tbe last few months between'Xba-Angeles. San Pedro, San Diego and San.'Francisco. ' She nas certainly seen sometblng former'pub-r of Callfomfa country, but after" oil, sbe~ploes~fq? , —-__ J —, — _ . jiciiy-aitector. 01 lue mm cumnnjiy, aroused -cen-°^ the home In the bUlS.'snd Is olwoys glad to get profit of $200,000. As soon as business condi- slderahle'interest,-as did an'exhibit of still pic back to It. " * ^ tions abroad become normal this amount' is sure to be greatly increased. A number .of other new features, including a weekly-release of high grade comedies and a weekly news service are- about to be introduced.'.-. "The most important, however, of the. recent extensons of the World is a contract concluded within the past few weeks with the Equitable Motion Pictures Corporation, a $3,000,000 com- pany, recently formed, with the financial back-.' ing of Messrs. Ladenburg, Thalman &^Co.,:of New "Vork, and managed by some of-the most able film men in the country. -For a period of ten vears the Equitable will release through the World one feature and'one. comedy per week, the World to receive a'handsome per centage of the gross receipts' as compensation for the services of its matchless distributing organization. This contract' means that the World, without any risk on its part, and with- out appreciably increasing its overhead, - has acquired a new department, .sure to add materially to its profits. In accordance with the understanding reached at the time'of the making of the contract; Lewis J. Selznick, general manager of the World, has. been made vice_ president^ and advisory! director' of the Equitable. This assures complete harmony'be- tween the two corporations." ^ '. DAWLET RmomS FAMOUS PLATERS DIREQORAL STAFF. J. Searle Dawley, conceded to ;be one of the foremost feature directors in the'world.-who joined the Famous Players Film'Co. shortly after its inauguration in I9ii2, remaining 'with that organization until the - formation of the Dyreda Film Corporation.,.which.he.iTffas«in-^ strumental in starting, and-of which his name supplied the first two letters', has'now'.returnsd to the Famous Players frodmiyctSs: ^taiF^.aad k Irt or TBE 99 In - Five - Parts Beleased 'Aiis. 18 FRODtlCBD- BT ;.THB ' FAMOUS FLAYERS FILM CO. ADOJ^PH ZCKOO, , President - DANIEL FBOHMAN,'Managing.'Dir. EOWIN's. POKrEB,''nreasnrer ft Oeneral Manager BzeeatlTe Offices, ai3-aa9>'W. asui St.,'He'cr.Tork Canadian pistni^ntoiB, Famons'Players Fllm'Servlce, Lidl. CALdART—MONTREAL-TORONTO -'' ■ ' ~ -