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Aaguat 7 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 21 SHOWMEN and AMUSEMENT PARKS QUADRUPLE YOUR RECEIPTS Advertise wltll • DEAGAN UNAPI Greatest Ballyhoo in tbe World 83 imita. size Uz2axU in. Better tUan a Brsaa Band. WelgUa sbont a hnndred poonda. Plajed from FUno Keyboard. Soperb lone, enormoos Toiame. wnte for Catalog "F." J. C. DEAGAN Oeagao Boildiog, 4203 Rafenswood Aveiue omcAQO, nxreoiB GAS STIMPSON DA BirrTIEBT OUT ON EARTH Care HAOEBBECK-WAiaiACK SHOWS mile Jnmp and ire arrive «arl; Into the home town oi our own dear Cant. JacK. He surely received a grand ovation on bla arrival. Every one In town nas leoIilDs for lilm with tbelr best regards. Ha vaa presented with a beautiful bouquet of ro^es t> a token of brctberly frlend^lp from tbe Elks. Ibef tarred ouc to a body tor blm. At the night be wai greeted at tbc overture, with a stand dcmoDAttattoD. ■trnx 22. Aledo, 111.—Flfty-eeven miles over tbe C. B. & Q.. Into town earl;, and a short, earl; narade. Bodreaux and .Ironson are still beldlne tbe town folka Epellboimd In earb town wltb tbelr perfect skill on the wire. Harry Lenlnger 13 very ousy these days prcnarlng for bis We'Whiter circus. Oqr baad!<ome barlK-r bas no^' Joined the ice cream EOdle clab. It does one good to se« bdm on tbe water waeon. Ji'i-y 23. Davenport. la.—Fortv miles ov<er the C. B. & <i., and mto this real town. Long drag out to CTOunds and a late parade and sbow. Same record oreaklng business. Heavy rain at slebt. Mrs. Brock, better known as "Edna," Is recovering rapidly from her Injuries. JUL! 24, Maquoketo. la.—mUrty-sever! tslles over tbe C. M. and SL P. Slnelo track sistem into, tbls burg got us la about 10.30. Late parade. Big Saturday unslneas. NVe lose ono, of oar b'g drawing acts tc.<lay, Mr. anil Mm. fipellman leave for .tbe falr8,*wltb tbelr real collection*T>f trelned bears. July 25, Ma!^}n City, Ix—One bundred and ninety-seven mile;, over the C. M. and St. Fan), end tbe tbird sectlor. arrived In town at six p. m. Tbe boys ore playint; the iCeeJcr Hotel to-d<L:F. Lot Is about ten til<Kks from the csrs. Cool, tlu^aten- tng weather. Small crowd out to greet us. RIRGLING BROS. ORCnS. ifooy people well known to tbe circus world ware visitors during the week. In Bloomlnifton. W. B. 'rmnkiin, retired circus aeent; E. L. Hownrd, a non-profe&slonal. but fast friend of all circus poeple, wltb bis family, and tbe Aerial Smitba Between tbe matlneo and evening performaneaa In Bloomisgtcn, the .\erlal Smltb-t onttrtaloed Ui« fottowing people .it tbelr bonie. Hey all declared It "WM tbe fceit home cooked meat tbey bad ever bad tbe pleasure ot being tnTltcd to: Mr. and Mra. Geo. Hartzell, W. AI. \Vblti^. D. C.: Eddie Nemo, F. J. Foley, 'Mr. and Mm. John Agee. Ernie C'arke. Josephine Clarke. Mrs. Melnott and Jules Tumour. The flrst real Sunday run of tba scison'-was th» movement from Rock Island to Kansas City, and much disappointment was felt all around, for tbe reason that the sliow was delivered into Kansas City too late for the "troupers" to take In any of the perks, theatre*, dining and other places of entertainment. I>urlng tbe run tbe sbow passed through Brigh- ton, la. (tbe home of Dr. Al. Whltel, ivlthout stopping. AJ.'s father, mother and several Irlends, however, -waved blm signals. Kred I/iomis was a visitor at Kankakee. E. L. Howard, of Bioomington who has endeared himself to so man.v show people by the kind at- tentions he has i^bown to people from different shows who have been confined in the bo^lta), en- tertained several of tbe execntlves at fds bomo wltb an after-tbe-sbow Inncb. In Kansas <1tT, William Ko5ln» better known Hiram (one of the scenery men>. observed a <-^<^wd of rough nei;roeit laaking things obnoxious for tho ladicR of the big dn-viiing rnom and ballet t>nf. and cam<^ to their rescue. In tbe mU-up tbat ei.&i:ed one of the segiocs iiUsbed blm deep with a sharp knife, and tbe last reports we have bad is that 'be bas a bare obancc for recovery. His bene is la Baraboo, Wle.. and be bas been in iiie employ of the Itlngllns's in verious departmeuts for years, a fellow trcu liked by aU. Charles Rooney baa purehaaed six more dappie grey percberons of an average weight of 1,700 pounds. Mra. Jlffl WUllans asd Mrs. Prof. Itiebaids vore vlUtors at Kansas City. Max DUlac was busy en- tertatDtsg bis friends. ioT rahct h otes. BT Ik r. BOSSELIi. wltb tbe World at Home. Captiia Tom will handle the big lion act. taking tli» plmce of Peter Taylor, who is 111, while UUa. Vttglala ^" tbe leopard act. wUl wori: PBOVIDBNCB. R. L The 101 Baneh Wild West, wltb Jess WlUard, ■bowed here Joly 28, 27, to good business at tear performances. The show in Itself is up to the Mtiler Bros.* ttlgh atandanl, as asrul, and with the addition of Champion Wiilard as an extra attrac- tion they are pullug enormons crowda SpeaUng of Mr. Wlllard, the writer bad tba pleasure of a little chat -with the "Bis Teiiow," and when aeed about bis plans, .Mr. Wiilard said be bad offers from Australia and South .\merlca, but would flgh( agnln Just as soon as tbe rlsht man and the right money could be found Relating to the pubUsbed acconnts In many of the news- papers to the effect that Johnson said be "layed down" In his flght. Mr. Wlllard said, "Just say that I wish be^d made up his' mind to lay down sooner; it took me one hour and forty-four min- utes of hard work in tbe ring to get blm in that frame of mind." 'RocET Mountain Bauk is visiting bis nncic in Indiana, and was missed by his many friends In Providence. Some Moose Is Hank. Frvmk Talbebt, assistant trainmaster, and Fmnk Marrlan. a Providence youth about sixteen years of age were hit -while rldtiu; en top of the "Bats" end killed. Tbe accident happened betwea Foil River and New Bedford. "Lu DioH Cat," one of the Indians with the 101 ontnt, ran a nail in his foot in Newpon. Blood poisoning set in, and be was xemored, July 26, to tbe Providence Hospital, where it was feared airputatlea of the foot wo<i]d be necessary. "BusTEo" Mack's horse fell on bcr and bruised her foot quite bidly. and tbongb she was unable to work in rrovidence, will soon be In the baddle again doing that neat little sister act wltt "BJUle," In the concert. JlANAoea C. A. PuiNRor. of the Scenic Theatre, pl» city, eaye a spedal performance to the mem- betB of the 101 Eancb Wild West. Toesday morn- ing, July 27, In which he featured "The Rain- bow s End." a 101 Ranch film. A large dslejtatlon or the outfit. Including cowhoj-s, rowcirls, IndiaaA, Coesarks and sidesbotr men, ht^Ssi by **Old Friend" Joo Lewis, filed Into the theatre ahoat 10 A. M., and were shortly followed by Mr. MJ)!cr. Tbe performance lasted un'.ll 11.45, and was lht>- rooghly enjoyed by oil, who departed, praising Mr. I hinney for a very pleasing program. -Lestek Walibb, direct trora the Aavto-Amertcaik BxpoEltlon, is being featured la brooco ridbu la an Australlon pad saddle. Clabe.vce Scuuuz, on Oklahoma covboy la now assistant thief o? the corwboys CHAjipioN Jess Willabd is riding Mr. Miller's horse "Ben Hur." Some horse, some rider, some owner. WhatT AUAKB Ci.ATrear is thrining tbe andlenee at eacn performance by his daring broncho riding. U F. FosTEB. an old-time cowboy. Tlslted tbe Bhow here week of July 26. "The BrNCH" have voted Jack Bay, champion roper of Germany, tbe Beau Brummel of tbe 101 show. Toe side .shows did good business here. Among the performers arc: Geo. Devere, tattoo man: Feltona, bag puncher: Mrs. Cunnors Fortnms-Bo- man Herrlck, Juggler; Bans and GrcteL midgets: Amalie Scbulte. giantess: -Capt. Claude, and Ba- ker's Band. JOm BROTHERS' SHOWS. Jones Brothers' World Toured Shows arc coin- pletlng a two -nrvks' tour of Long Island, to highly pte4tchle btwiiiets Tbe shew, mkdep the akle raan- ac«n»tnt of J. Ausustos Jones, baa been dotne a IpUsdtd bu»lnecs tbrougbnut tho Tattern Stxte;, especially, at TTtlca, N. T.. where capacity tents were the rule. Tbe Long li-lnsd tonr began at Flush- ing. The writer vislti-d tliu shows at Uempatead. L. I., on Saturday, Ju!y and spent a moat en- joyable daiv. 'Ae lot at Uempstrad was a beanti- tJU, le^el field, two blocks from the centre of the tc^rn, and Ideal drcus w-:atber prevailed. Ibot elreus tialn arrived earlv a;id tbe teats were an by 9 A. it. At 10 the pariilo wmdmt Its way o5out the plcturcsqi-.e streets, and was wlrnssscd by largo crowds of -vlUngers and Summer rpsldcnts. The niatirep boslvcsa was fair, but at nlitht tbe crowds come and (he big top was well diied.' ^e per- formfnce 'n'aa a Eplea>II>l cne, evory act being a feature act. Wm. Wallett is equestrian director, end the program embra'.'cs such acts a» the Wallect Femily, John Ducandor and wife, with their, pos- iag and menage horses, late of the Banunn & (CoIIey Circus; Mobcl Unll, daughter of Pop Corn Ccorge Hail, and her high Jumping horses, and other celebrllleq. Tbe trained wild anbnal acts include Capt. Tom Wllmuth and his group of fonr male lions In the steel arena; Captain Herbert's tmlned sea lions, a wonderful trained elephant act. three in number, wot^ed by Cbocrful (iardincr and others. The big top is a 110. with three 50-foot middle pieces, wltb three rings and a steel arena. A wild West concert is given. Botobv Fonntalnc has tbe side ebow whieb bas been doing a land ofllco bnslness, while uenlal "I'ec!:" .^msdel is the "fixer" and handles the privileges, besides ttelog Mr. Jones' rlxbt hand man aroun<i the lot. Captain Tom Wllmuth and bis wife. Mile. Vir- ginia, left the show Jnly 30 at Lynbrook. L. I., to Join tbe Wilson and Taylor Wild Animal Sbowis Bev. Robert Rein, of the Coney laland Gospf>l Misstim, visited tbe abo^ at Hemstnd and con dncted a gospel service on the lot after the matlnrc performance. Fverrbody around tbe shows attcn«- ed the unique service, tter. Mr. Ectn paid a high tribute to tbe worth of the circns p?ople. and many Joined in prayer at the conclusion of tbe acrvlces. Walter D. Nealond, who trouped with the Walter L. Main and Sig. Sautelle Shows, visited the sbowM In Hempstead. Mr. Ncaland and Marion Durll were entertained by J. Augustus Jones .md IVck Amsdell. They have been ploytcg a cims sketch. "Tbo Pixet," in the KplLh theatres this srason ur .<. arranged wltb Mr. Jones to take moving pictr.io •reoes for a five reel motion picture feature. Howard Damon is the steward of tbe Jours Circus, and tbe menn wus a splendid one. .Mr. Damon was with Walter L. Main for mnny yenr>. Jerome B. Flynn, who conducts a ticket brok- erage In tbe Hotel Itector, «Mnt a pleasant day with the iihows In Lynhrook JtUy SO. The Jones ■'brothers circus train consists at fifteen cars, imfce sleepers, four stock can), and eight steel Onts, Bett Butberfotd is general agent of the shows. Walte» D. Urthk^. NEWS FROM TVYANDOTTE]. »ICB. 'Robinson's Famous Clrctis showed here twicr, 2.".. to good sized audiences, the night performance being almost a full bouse. The big sbow gave ex- cellent satisfaction, the Nelson Troupe bang tho headline act. with the bareback riders ana per- forming seals close seconds. The sbow drew from all over tbe suburbs which was well advertised. The Great .\merlcan Carnival Company plays here the week of 26. All tbe big factories here are working full time, and money Is plentiful. Robinson's was the first circus of tbe season. The lot is rlf^t In the heart of thee Ity and a short haul from tbe R, R. Geobo p M. Adams. COL. wji. F. CODT on Ang. 1 led the automo- bile parade (riven at Cody. Wye. in honor of thi- opening of the roads in YeilowstODe Park to prl- Tately owned autos. Other festivities preceded the parade. PLAYERS. WALTER 8. WtlLIfi after closing stock emgage- BMBt in Detroit, 3£lch.. took tn-o weeks baths st Ut. ClemeDs, Mich., and is now (n th« Northern peninsula of <M}cblaan on a two weekn fishing trip. Re will ratom to New Tork around about Aur. 11. A 'fine headstone bas been erected over the gr.iv<> of Walter's father. John B. Welle. "THE HIOHEST COON I'N OEOBTrlA" CO. is aenr plajleg the Canadian provinces to big bus!- sets. Eddie Rivers Is In advance, and through bis clever work the show has cleaned up while the majority of shows through Maine and the Prov- inces have been left by the wayside. BOBT. E. AZBMlElN'r and his wife. Myrtle Hurl- burt. have been at tbelr cnttsge on Pine Lake. Pialnwell. Mich., since June 4. and expect to leave there about Aug. 1. W. B. PATrON will open th<> cemtng season Aug. 20. In his saKcsBfal road attraction. "The Good 6amar.'tan." TTie Itinerarv covers Mr. Patton a uruai route throuph tho r^lfirtlc West and South. lEANCBS -SCARTH h.ns signed with Gas Hill to play the part of Her:ha I.olghton. a prliiia •Vnina heavy, uuone of bis 'Mutt and Jeff In Co<- lege" companies. She I.^ok^ forward to a prosper- OQS season under this popular maongcment. ARTHUR .MATTHEW^ has signed for seaM>n wltb Gas HIM. for ono of tbe "Mutt and Jeff in Coi'.ege" companies. The versatile young actor la Ibt/klng forward to a pros^ierous Reason under Mr. Bill's management. ROBEIBT L. HOWARD, for the past two soa- Bons treasurer of the Comedy Tbcatrr, New York, will act in the c.npaclty of n?tslstant laionager ana trea«nrer of the Bradford (I'a.) Theatre, this sea- «0D. for Clna. C. Stnmav Mr. Stnmtt, will, bow- ever, po'sonally conduct the theatn;. which ho tokea posscasion of on Au?. i. Hl$ bookings so far ore very satisfactory, and steadUy .Inrrnnstnf. THE COLONl.VL MlV-IDA MtJSICAL COMEDY GO., which has taken tho oriirinal name. .XdhtI- caa Players, is a repertoire compan;r prescntiog popular playc In tabloid form, wltb late song hits. Manager lUcbmood rednccd the size ut his show to seven peorplo witbont tmpalrlo!; the quality of the sbow. Bnstncss with this .show .•iiace May has been holding Its own. Everrone is well and pros- perous. The roster: Vtn Richmond, manager and juveniles; Mackl.vn .\lljn, director ond characters: Billy Rendon. .Mona Dachner, Charlotte WInas, Thelma KIger and Irene Kecdon. ffpecialtlea. Tnc Ou> Reliable Is always looked for wltb anxiety each week. JERE McATTI.lPFT?. of Homan's Mnslml Revue. Is busy shaking bands with old friend.i. In St. John. Can. This is Jire's first appearance there in sev- ornl years. The company opened an Indefinite cng ngeuv nt «t tho Opera House, there. July 20. •THE JnLHON DOLLAR DOLI.a" wUl open the eecond s?asnn Aug. 25. This was one of the most snreessful musical comedlen playing tbe Cen- tral States la^t Meason. Played full season to ex- cellent business, and gave the very t>est of satW- factloo. The company nnmbem thirty-five people and carries a c<7mnlcte production for three acts. Tbe Aow is now booked solid for tbe entire sea- son, .playing mostly return dates. The company will be under tbe management of Uarvey D. Orr. GRTKUDE BOBERTsTls at her Summer bome. in HsTwirbporr. Mass. VIOLET kiltSDEN !s vltltlng friends In lllddlc- town. o. AUCG CCLlIfiOX and FRANK L. BOOT bars teen Simmicriog In Canada.