New York Clipper (Aug 1915)

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AugQ^ .7 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 27 All People Engaged for Season 1915-1916 Repost for Rehearsal on MONDAY, AUGUST 9^10 A. M. At the Harlem Casino 116th Street and Lenox Avenue KOTKi Anawer tMtlm c»Il In penon or l*^ letter to BOB MANCHESTER, B«W Vletorla Hotol, 47tb St., near Broadway, Bvw Terk Oltr Pbomet BrysBt M THE BIG REVIEW OF 1916 It FlUI mm, 58lb 8L, iidir leiiigton Aie., 11., HOIVII, IDS. i, 10 L I. Kindly acknowledge. HENST F. DIXON, Boom 7oe Colnmbls Tliestie Bldg., K. T. BSOAOSD FOB SAM HOWE'S "KISSINe filRLS" KlHDliT BSPOB.T uiife Rir.Hina R g* i. AT TERRACE GARDEN, 58tb St., near 3rd Ave., NEW YORK, AUGUST 9, at 10 A. M. Acknowledge coJl to GEO. R. BATCHELLER, JR., Room 410, Colombia Tbestre Bldg., New Tork. MISS JEAI^ETTE OUPliE presents THE LLIES WASTED—Good Looking, Toong Cliorna Girls, Piano Player that can airange (Union Han). AdORSs JEANETTB DCPRE, Room 212, Gaiety Tbeatre Bldg., New Tork OUf. BRE EZY B ITSe BY SID. Bdn Eabn' will continue to run "tabe" at the TTnlon Square, using extra features. Last weeK and UiU. Kjn, the Oriental dancer, is featureil trlth the Cabaret Glrl& DuDLBX Clxments, formerly treasurer at the Crescent, Brooklyn, and manager of several com- Sanlea, will be a member of Blanche Shirley and Im Crane's dramatic stock company, at the Mo- hawk. Schenectady. Mbs. W. B.. Brooklyn.—The Barrows can be found at 110 Bloomfleld Street, Newark. N. J. Jess Bubns, manager of printing department, Columbia Amusement Company, also the owner of a valuable piece of property near the railroad station at Greenlawn, L. I., arose at five thirty last Sunday morning, with a chicken appetite; he told Mrs. Burns not to so near the cblcken yard as he was going to kill one of his feathered broil- ers for dinner. It seems that Jess caught the chicken, placed its head on the block and as nc was about to swing the axe with his might; arm the little cblck. turned np Its head, and as Jess explained to his better'half later, "looked at me In such a pitiful way with his little blue eyes I didn't hsTe the nerve to kill him." So that was one Sunday they had no chicken dinner at the Barns home. A hired man la now doing that bmtal work. CiiAisE BocHESTEB Tisltpd a numlwr of nut) sliops on Broadway last Wednesday, with the In- tention of purchasing a car. When - last B<>ea hsdnt decided which. She has been offered ten w«eks of Orphemn time. Wnx BoGEBS stopped araand the Palace long enongh one day last week to tell ns that he wa^ the rather of another Iwancbig baby twy. Botli ma and 'baby are doing nicely at WDl's Summer home In'Frceport, L. I. Joe HowABD, of ttie TaudevUle tnm of Bom- M 'ud MflCoaa, will Uaadt «iiatlMr DUlcal show this season, entitled "When It Happened." Jack Mabtin Is back a;aln with Andy Lewis' set which started working ogaln this week. i At. Simoeb, of Joe Jermon's office, has a new roll top desk he purchased last week from Lew Watson. RuMOB hAs it tSiat Bettlna Sheld(ni was married . recently to Kred J. Wendt, a non-professional. Tnx roster of .Sam. Bowe's Kissing .Girls >n- clndes: Sam Howe Vera Desmond, Mildred StoUer, Nona Forbes, LUllan West, Chas. Moran^ Hal Plerson, Butler Mandevllle, Tony CortelU and Harrr Prescott. Executive staff: Geo. R. Bslch- eller Jr., manager; B. Benjaminson, musical di- rector : B. A. Clements, carpenter; Wm. Sehnltz, electrician, and Joe Fisher, "props.'' Ltcubgus received Fred-Jle a letter; will write later. Uaipb or AmiBicA started rchrarraJs Monday. Kverytblng points to this show tielng one of the biggest and best In burlesiiuc this season. It was announced last we<>k that DaTe Tine and Liiella Temple will not he with Cluis. Boblnsoa's Flirting Widows this season. Au E. Hau, sold his-Overland car to John G. Jcimon several weeks ago. Geo. N. Bbown, the professional champion, who closed a very successful week's engagement at the New Brighton Theatre Sunday nlgnt, left New York Tuesday evening for his home In Auburn, N. Y., where he will go In training for his race from Philadelphia to New York In September. Brown wan booked at the Garden Pier, Atlantic City, for this, week, bnt cancelled on account of the heat Manager Robinson at the New Brighton booked Brown for his house for a retnm engage- ment, the week of May 30 next season, he wag so pleased with bia act. Eddie Habtbt, of the Winter Oardoi, Is pat- ting on the Maids of America Company. ARB KHTNRR Will manase the MlIitaiT Maids; (Morris Walnstock soes Hhead. RUBS BEBNSl'ISIN'S FOLLIES OF PLBAS- TliBB an «8 sttt MOBday ier-M steu BURLESQUE f<EWS STOCK CIRCUIT OFF? According to mmors, the deal for a stock burlesque houses did not go tbrou ji H ,« Tt ua »' the Henck houses will bo operated Indepenti milll;" as will all the other houses playing stoca. Daly^ ' In New York, It Is said, will open about 16, with« Billy 9p*DC«F as chief comodlan. Sam Boblnson was to manage the Victoria. Pitts' burgh, but other arrangements are about to.^bor'^ maoTe for this house. ' ,' THE PEN»I CIRCi;iT. This year the Penn Circuit, playing the ,ib»«M'. from Cleveland to Baltimore, takes In-Ne'^'^vtl*',' Pm'.; Beaven Falls, Pa.; Johnstown, Pa.: Altoona,'- Pa.: York, Pa., and Reading. Pa. ' . : ■ ■ Stanbenville, O., may go In In place of BHMRl Falls. trfcc-T- RnODES WAS RULES. ' James B. Rhodes has Issued a statementtsMs wanting, to managers and performers playing the house for the coming season, covering the kind oC material and action that will be tMooed at the Empire, Albany. VIRGINIA WARE. PROfil. DO!(!VA. - When the Boseland Clrlo started rehearsing at the Tuxedo Hall, Lillian Fitzgerald, prima donna, tailed to put In an appearance, and Virginia Ware was engaged In her place. BASSO FOR BURLE9QVB. Bmannel List, operatic basso, arrived from Eu- rope laat week, and will be one of the many star features of Fr ed Irwin's Majesties next season. STOCK FOR UNION Bf^UARB. . " . « Negotiations are under way which would arroanx* for a series of stock productions at the Union' Square, New York, In opposition to the Olympic;. BAYING given up the Idea of closing thaBeh- man Show, this Summer, Jack Singer has been tak- i Ing a rest at Atlantic City, and be picked out a good ' time to be away. It Is positively stated that the show win continue at tho Columbia until Aug. 14. and open at Hartlg k Scamon's, New York, la. The Columbia will remain closed from 14 to 2t. THE LADY BUCCANEERS will open Ang. t4 at Baltimore, with; Will H. Cohan Hughle Flaherty, J. B. Cunningham, Edward GrllBn. Jack Reddy, Johnnie Guise, Aruur Bassett, Flossie McCloud, Marie Lumley and Joale La Booth. Dick Zelsler, Capt. J. Stanley Lewis, advonce: Jack Porter ma- oical director. * IRVING BECKEB wUl not be at the Miner's Bronx, next season. Be has not yet signed. BEN WELCB Is at tho Palace, New^ork, thin week. THE GIRLS FROM THE FOLLIES open 23, un- der direction of Gus E^hn. as manager, with Lou ' Lesser In advance. The cast Includes: Barry Steppe, George Ward, Georse Martin, Hedge. Holmes, Harry Van, Gertrude Ralston, Laura Houston and Virginia Wilson. THE WILBEN AMUSEMENT CORPORATION will run Daly's. New York, provided the license can be secured for an early opening; JACK LEVY will manage Jack Singer's Bluo Ribbon Belles, on the A. B. C. THE TANGO QUEENS open Aug. 8, at tho Cadllllac. Detroit. HASTINGS' BIO SHOW opens at the Star, Cleveland. Aug. T. THE CACARirr GIRLS are playing « series of Pennsylvania mining towns, cn route to Grand Rapid B. MANKATO, MINN. Waterloo, la. Maraballtown, la.: Oscaloosa, la.; Ottumwa, la., and St. Jo- seph, Mo., are the new series of jump breakers between St Paul and Kansaa City on the A. B. C. THE TEMPTERS will include: Max Fields, Sid- ney Uogers, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beltts, Chas. ^akei^ Beulah Shaync, Bertha Gibson, Rntb ENeret^ >i;ft j Wm. Harris. Charles Baker, manager: Abe.-Kln^i berg, advance: Nat Hoffman, musical director-;- A. Newcomb. carpenter. They open Aug. 30, at ^e Gayety, Baltimore. THE GAY NEW YORKERS, opening 14, at tho Casino, Bo.qtOD, wUl Include: Danny Murphy, Joe EcrtoD, Ted Evans, Ed. Jernme, Newklrk and Sul- livan. Miss Blllle Hill, Babelte Alma Fleming. Frank Brooks, musical director; Al. Spencer, car- penter: Milton Hammer, props, and Charles Rosen, electrician. AL REEVES has engaged Frances La Tour. THE YANKE DOODLE GIRLS, using one of T. ' W. Dlnkbas' former titles, under his own direction, ptesent: George W. Milton Mul Clarke. Hairy Beam, Fred. Reese, Anna Meek, Louis Marshall, Jennie Delmar, Ed. Bentz and Dottle King. Chat. Crofts, In advaji^c. Henry P. Nelson, manage;'., Or-entng Aug. 7. In Mllwaukpe. CHAS. and CHUBBY CRAFTS have «lgDed,.Kltb Itiy Welngarten'.R September Morning Glorias.on the number two wheel. At present they are work» ing for the W. V. M. A. and are Qnishlng up thellf- last contract before rehearsals. ' A PETITION signed by employees was flied U , the District Supreme Court July 27. a.4klDg the court to adjudge the Bijou Amusement Company. Washington. D. C, a bankrupt. The musical di- rector, two of the performers and some of tho stage crew join In the petition, alleging that tlid corporation owes them more than S700 In the ag- gregate. They ask that a receiver be appointed to operate the theatre nntll the farther order of the "^Q^bBOB A. CHBNBT was returned to Detroit from Rochester on rMolsltlon papers sigied br Governor Whitman. Chenet is charged with laa- larcoiy of $800, the amonnt put up as secnrity by Charles P. Adams, who acted as ticket seller at the ^ Oayety. Detroit while Chenet was manager, whlOl, Ctenal Defected to retain wluui he left tbe bob^B*;