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Aaeast P THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 29 IA WXUTER OF GOOD ACT^ AND ACTS THAT. DaAKE GOOD. ^\:5^:i-,^SVi^d™^'**"'** HEW VAUBEVnXE ACTS Bmma Francla and CttmppnT (Stostner and 12 MiM., ONa asd Fdu^ Sxaos, Intsbiob. UArl«m O. H. (July 30)^-:—Aaslst«d, fqr'^anc- IDS purposes only, by Harold KeonedTt'' RmmA Fraocls put o3 a new- "bit different" dauda^- art here and. scored very well, not only with tl)e dancing specialties by each and tbor ones to- gethei^ but with MUa Francis' song golog very ■well. Opening !n one with a medley of songs for- a double and a dauce lor exit. Mlaa Francis dlscardsi a white-fur trimmed pink cloab to a beaded white; and Kennedy the frock coat to dreng-suit, and In. full stage. Miss Francla baa her eong and then go:s to bor wcll-Imown acrobatic danclns, that has a triple r.irtwl>eel for exit. This Is fol- lowed by a good soft aboe dance by K-eancdy, fals forte, while Miss. P. changes to an odd tight fitting sort of Yama aXIalr, tlie front of the panta- loons being laticed and displaying the white Oesli- Ings beneath, £Jid she does. a scarecrow routine of. stepping and gives way to Kenned; again for an accentrlc dance by Iilm. For tli« nnal number Miss Francis wore a blacl^ an^d silver beaded gown. The dance' Is half doubled, M>,'<s Francis breolclng away from Kennedy for some ccrobatic bits atone, and then Bnlahlng up wUb blm. There's spee<1 to the turn, and work will improve it la wearing off the rough spots ao4 re-arranglDg a bit. Tod. Evelyn and Dolly (V«raatUe Slater Ae<>. 10 UiN.. Okb i2ix> Pull Staoe. Ilarlem O. H. (July 26).—iEter»'s a - combinar tiop "way different from ooy so called- "sitter" turn seen in the three-a-day houses la a. good while. Versatile fits them nicely, and although their present routine may not carry tiiem to the big stuft, they'll reap success where they- are. They- open with a double "kid" song, one drawing the other In a toy express wagon. One varse .al»d chorus would be. enough. The glrlq are doing- two and two. Then to full stage, retaining the trtiz make-up they offer some vflry good double work on a bicycle, and the dark odq has a sdngle wheel fpecialty, followed by the otier's good daoctng-blt on Toiler skates. Their final offering, a double saog •and dnncci ia Chlnesa costwroes, could be. eUailn- ated and substituted with ntraiitbt - costuming. aa4 a change of song. The.modern- bit of dancing-tha;: close v!\th is gracefullv enough executed to keep. "In." Or, the girl dorl|i« "boy" could: make the. chaage to a domestic suit moati ao: qui ok. aa. ahe>i dooa now to Chinese rig. It took very-■well: in Harlem. Tod. Jaitnem Oantwoll- (Soosa). 10 MIN., IK OKE. H^lem O. H. (July 19)-.—A plump. rothtfeeHer- tvpie^ of. alneing camedian, ■who poaoasses- -a -good l>arltone voice end a pleAstng personalUy. Hla. numbers included '•RpmrBomDayj'' 'It .Wo Cap't-Be- tbc Saiae.'OId.Sweethearts," "When -SuacjBT-Comea to asjwn." thU put over In -a. verjt- goqd-comfidy Ti-ay; aad "I Think We've Got Another Wjuhlng- tcn.'' Cantwell will do wall-In- tJie-.three-a-days. Lut tvin add to bis appea'.-ance ■with a cleaner cut diess suit than lie wore.heriv Tod. TOD'S TIPS OLI/TB 'WOOD ■was inad« a "permanent" otter for. lloffalo, but favored tum-Ing it.dotra to stick to the "single" trick. "Bnster" is now: oa. her Courtli Brovtnle. CUFF RTDB, tho "funny, little fellow" ■with youthtul Charlie George's comedy - company, received a prcsa. notice In a Waynesboro,. Fa., dMly- recently, via: ."Cliff Hyde sang, the music and did tile stqgp work, of . "Dick Dead Eye,' in n most extraOrdtnary manner." Cliff missed three nights sleep-and two rehearsals woni^eilog U It was a. boost or. a knock. VXOLl^ CAUFIELD. Is spending ajWCefe. or ao with friends at UomclU N. Y., In an effort to somewhat recover .trom the loss of her linsj>nn.d 9be has no.-definite idaoa for. fu> turc stag? worK, but will. return, to her home ta BensonJinrst, L. I., from Homell.. Sliny, AERIGAN DIPS QET THE HONEt Picnics, Patto; .Carnivals and.Fairs. Oomplele'oatfif- dlrtotfromthfl nuwinfawnror. including cariylag-trunk,' COOXJ3Y, 656 W. MoPToe, Ohicage Theatrical Lawyer CijMEROH LATTER. XO 90. ifA. SAIil.B .ST.. CUICAGO Pnctlce In aU State and-r. S. Conns. ConsnlMtlon andAdvlce Free anCfDIlIJD, DONNELLY Is playlnff ■ Siiprwooa, engagement at ibe an- Indefinite' StevensvlU*,' QHCA60 VAUDEmLE (Special icirt to Xsa .CLippeb, JhIj/ S6.j"_' ' Antldpatlna^glflota that would be permeated by Mrs. Leslie Carter's dramatic -oottiQrst, the Ma- Jcstlc'« ■manngement provided'supporting bill char- ^ 1 ..uiuir.. ji-iiur actenzed by-all kinds of dancing^-.-.There was serl- manv, many of'us'tecJ. deep; the loes of JohiL' ous -dancing, frivolous dancing. Ojarlcsque dancing, D. (SnWfs one of Qie 'lieM fell5^^^ ^I"" fhf niSZnm pv»r m-ide 'em laueh the Gipheom Circuit Travel needlr, Lou Lockett ever nwde. em taugn. JaSk Waldron cracked a few Jokes and showed what - they-, could ' do as ccc«l)trlc dancers, which was conaiuerable. Then Joe Keno and ^osle Orem, wlth.full stage, and ended In. one, doing tbcic best ■ work--w]iBr dancing. Kc<nd combines ncrobatle ■ stunts ■with' hlB efforts, producing thrilling novel- effects.'. Their finale ■n-as'fdir of ginger and snap, one .of tha.best c-xhlbltlojls;ot fast clean work ever ■MAT-H 4Vir.TON •wlm niavi anil tho mlr of • Chicago. Tom- Smith, and Ralph Ansttn ^^'wS^?i"F?S«as"^^^ 'i^-^'i,:^^^ r»i-: ^^nnftT^^^ Wnl^^ ^uo^f^' - other .props., including. laugh provoking ctb. and' with: aommics' for. tne iilevitable dance. Their - mock ::vent£lIoquiaI act got eamdd applausn. The- young Jady-put onsong act. made nice , appear- ance-'and jsang in sv^eet, though rather low volcQ. Irfiog Tack.: Sany.'nod his. company of wonder workeBB: cannot be praUed. too highly. Magtc feats of -daring .and unbelievable acrobatic twist-: Ing farm- the fojindallon of tills oriental preseb- tatloA-In .confusion ensemble of breath-stlirlng ac> compllshments. .'Everybody in act does sometnlot; astonishing, bvil Long Tack Sam himself Is here, - thece and eyetywhere defying gravity- and com-- prehension,:''Clever comedy comment relieves aero- - oatlc aspect.^ act. Eugene Damond rendered violin selections with rare skill .Nla'.Bppearonce van splendid. - Mrs. Leslie Carter's curtailed offering of "Zaza" "HAPPY" BBNWAT'Says the present one Is the most tmdestrable-season he has put up iwlth Mn hla twenty years In show business. A. P. la always Cbe usna], "Happy." thoogb'' wife to Fred Thomas, both "on'-' and- "offi" re- spectively, wants to pot a. real babe "In" In place of the dolt thqy uaa In the-act. (Onod- in ck. Ma y,!) JBAN^'ETTE CHIEDS, that Wgb falutto* "slnglf." Is at. Jne Ward's Harlem Cdllige IDO' now. CSbe did^ an awful painful' BDiBh to a cart- wheel In her rube nnmt>er one rdcent evening.) NO-W wo can look- for Mknile- Fulton, to come through with, a single, seeln^ ■ as-■ how Billy Rock^nas decided to do one over the' Pantages time. WAS down near Wolfe- Gllbert^.'bangalow during "the vacation," but couldn't r find . the key- (There halslt no. key. to WiSJti'6r-yer Jub' blpw In.). PRIE>T>. OBd DOWNING are Keadid: B4st, atter a boncb bf anccesa on thelr. Wfttern. dats- RAI-,rH-RIOGS. and .KAIffAKINO^ WiTCmEi atfc-.> l»ftil:seset4l fine moiiuipts near end though he^ saying, farewell at the. New Brighton-i thlB'. week,, He coaple^has been cngaged'iby-John;: Con for lettdlns roles In "Princess - Pot." J. FQiANCUIS. O'BEJI.bY, who Is managibe pteb- mond HUl's (L.. I.) Maple. Tbcatrei "bawled'*- mc out_for calling, him "Daniel." It's ..J.. FrBnciri! it: Is., and J. FronclSj who. ha^bcffl-- termed. tho original "Ml8Glon.iTy.of'Mlrthrmy9 hla tbctdre Is: open-nil: Summer, sttlctly for th» tnneQt o£ the performer, booked by .Byrne & Elrby. NOBLB- and. BROOKS are bart from Australia nnd■ are^ reatln: up at tbelr home In.-Venice. nloff ..seMtie^'rather, hard to understand. Franlc Cellrep ployed exacting .role, of-.mifaltlrful bus-, band naturally and -with force. Dolaro- Bctanro filled the-requirements of Maid's role acceptably.- But Sketch was really all Mr?.. Carter...-Tbow.-. who came, for thrills must have met with complete satisfaction'. Pat £oeney. lived up to bis ivputBtloo in DctS'?-. stand sketchf-^arion Bent posing .irouud in pretl7 gawne, accompanying mm In sqv-^ nr two a;; trefore - r^t devoteil much time .to imitation of orchestra leader, Imt got best result?" whe^ tv used 6tas«»' hnntL --Mortlmiv McRae and. Gertrude Clegg closed . exhibition of trick , blcyCle- .. - - . 1)111 with' Interesting Cal. (They brongtrti mc a big. bundle of rer >< riding, . OcrtTJide-s physical cbarm does uracb to eards- from- Bdna< Reeley,. who ■ has. been ..ove'rt .make th«> act accepfablf, ' In Kangnroo-land, for sev?n years, ■vrtth. thrf . Next-week,..Mrs. Leslie. Carter (second week), Allen Doonc company. Thomas Egan the PeVlo Mysteries. Agnes Mahr. ¥r>._^ ^<.i.i..,^_ assisted by Mickofsky: Walter Shannon and Marie •mrit Rn«*.Tif<».. rwS, »nrtTnJm?^ f t«. A^d's- Morrlssey and Hackett, Harris mid Manyon, naBnoSiiVlSS- (Anns, andi Blmc) are.notne-at tpo... .p_,.. comedv .L'lrcu«! Braakem at. Lakc» Michigan -.Park.- ftoeiSBaB^r w a:^omcg;.,Lircus. . VATOEmE •MiIIXilB,' In "The Circus In his-tour wlt_ .-—, — - — . world, died at Mra. OUflen's, in PhUaraeIphla,,ca, July 17. The dog, which was a uirtverBBl. fBr vorlte in the profession was given a funeral.which was attended by a number. of professlonalB. Midgle was twelve years of age, and ^vlll; be-re:, membered- as ■tihe dog which headed the. circnar parade. JA-MES; J. LEE TAB. MUS. COM. CO. opened July 12, an indefinite engagemoit in Phoenix, Adr. A clipping sent us from one. of the newspap^s there speaka. very favorably, of the funny come- dl.m, James Lee, and his excellent coinpai^y. KDDIE HARRIS and LEW ERODSE arc being presented, by A1. -Hawthorn and Jack. English, in "The L.tttl« Stowaway." The act has made good, and Is booked-solid for-a long atrlog of time. WM. J. McIN'n'RE and ROSE open for their vaudeville tour at Philadelphia this week, LOUIS DENNY, who has been spending the. i^iiinmer at his home in Wilmington. I>el., formerly, nich Vogel's Minstrels, has signed with Nell O'Crlrn'ii Mlnstr^lB for the coming aeason. BOB YATES, formerly with Bnd Mack'B Amal- ;:nmated Minstrels, is now In the loan business tn < lii'stcr Pn. Old frlneds "short of the long green" .*.re Invited to call nround. THDlliL^N F. BRAY Is pending the 3nmme» months at Wlnslow, Ark., In the Ozark Mountains. !(•■ Is rc-onsaf^d for his second season In Dollar. Tor., opening in Septomber. TIJE VOVH BOISDS arc .playing a month's en- gafrcment at the Tower, Blaclqiool, Eng. ItOSE SHAW, of the Aerial Shawa. broke: he/ ankle last 'wock In her home, and Is how imder Iroatment at Bellevue Hospital, New York. KEITH'S BUSI'TWICK nnd the Prospect dosed Aut;. 1, to re-open on Labor Day.- The houses, as n'(>:i as the Orphenm, are being thoroughly reiio- ^'atcd and redecorated. STELLA- MATSEW- is back- In- vnudevlBe, •■- listed by Blllle Taylor. MHi,-and--ftlRS- HAIIBY. OPEL ■n-cre CLTFreB absence', of Ml^>: ■where, there's' a- gran' IIP "Actor 'Cohiiay-- t ar the Snmmer:. BIUIp. and. 'E^ Fa1!«ttA wleto. are. sUIl .iiiernMiJdlng-,',and.>ddnclnff,/but ,..-.--vi' o„'F'rsaiiv Juiv to after an S^"^t5*'M^'=.^&?;5^^v*'H?il?i 'Hl&^^';*,^^^ ■ b "'veiw^rom.'ehc ."'5.<.fB\fl°c SSS5„V^£5™?^:J^^i'n-R^5 JV^iV?r.» THE-HIP!FODnOME lobte^la undctgoing wany .•Bnnter. KeatOD-and'-Bill Biisalrrfaskefl.'Klsle-'.v-npij- dp/>orntors'hpInE hnsllv en-'aciM In t^BBl■• f;Te?^^.""-^^-A?»'f.'^;^;^K^ fomfng' It" Olh>r pir?b"^^ aV'alw- 'ernon Castle" MacKny too'k th;»>prl2«; Il.Mrr;3 and voy. KAUPirAI*. at Mitshrojmi, are. two hret bets'In Muskegon. Ella, In berCharllc Chaplin Imltatldh being a-screhm. and Billy' cAtcMiig pike, orhcss.'or cold.'.or anything. : iSD' GRAY,- tlfe Tall Tale Teller, has been -nick- named "Hermle" by Elfllc. l-Tblletrc. EJ Is living In a place called Pigeon Hill and -has. a trick, bouse of four rooms..Unrt .batb, 'Wbere be does: his own- cookin', wasbln'^aod Ironln' and wommln has never ent-'red: But Elsie .■'ays ,<ibe has an-Invite^—but-must:'wnlt for J'ack's consent. "PINKY MABSHMELLOW" WICKS Is what, they're calling Jack. IIow did it come about? One day Will Rawls and Jotf KMton walked around to Elsie and Jftck's cottage on the big lake and caught Jack - toasting Mnrxh- mellows before a big ban-are, Iwsldes scorcbln' some-of: Ja«lc- ^ ALP; JA>IBS HOLT sent, his "prop, list" here last week 'stead of to the town ahead. (Why the five empty tin cans Alf. ?) CLAIRE ROOHBSTBB. th6t.'"deD>on good single." looks .chajialnclT- At for .that, coming high dive she's going, to make at Atlantic City this week.: Then Claire Junps back to a. retnrn date at Henderson's. Coney Island, where she ■wolb sQch .a craabln* hit. Iei»s than a month ago. UPTON and INGBAHAM have split. H. L, Upton will p^ay his "ahigle" for the coming eeaoon. INNES and RYAN heard from. And another uHte sheet has split this act about el^tcen dif- ferent times. (Can't he did, I guess.) . Sure they're 'workjn* together. For Pantages. Just now. HARBT STTTFT. manager of ■Keith's Harlm O. Bl ., was rumored to be on the verge of acoeptlnc '5 bolnR altered, . I(ICH.\IU> OIJDY.NSKI goes with "Sumurun, the Gcrtrcde.Hoffmann production. LEW. COOPER, will .work single next week. Joe goes into the Irving Copper agency. W. C DOWNS has slgnpd.as ildvancc -jvlth Guy Brothers' Mihstrels. which opens Aug, .16.' r^>LL aud-HOEY. the" black face rom»dran,<« an<l Instrumentalists, will open tbelr vaudeville season In t he S onth.. -CHELSEA, Mas.*!., held a big firomnn's muster July 29. .the leading feature of thi> parade, being Yankee Rubi' Alvin Green, from ••'Way Down East." NOEL TRAYEBS. in "The Man Bf-bind." sup- ported by Irentf Douglas : Stldney Pa>-Ti<: and .A|lc« Condon, In "Neutral:" Charles .Mason, In "Rndolph and Adolph:" the KInknUl Klltle<i. In a Scotch revue: Owen McGlvniiy. In a now.act. and Clarice Vnncc, In a fhuslcal revue, am results of' FelDberg & Cooper activities for the coming season. THOS. DEnMOTTI is back in the U. 3. A. with a new act of jnaglc and sonttutlonal illusloDH. AT THE Shelbumc. Com-y Island. Jack Kraft and Helen de For^t are .u'.iUA features to "Sp(a.-)h Me," Lillian LeT\-ls plays a rorcpt so'o. TUi3 COLE FAMILY of wire walkers are one of ' the free attractions at Lusa Park. Coney Island. tho management of the One Uundi'cd and Six- teenth Street Theatre, -when John Cort takes over the former Saxc house next month. Swift Is "at home" In Hnrlem. and being very well satisfied with his Keith berth, the riimor XallB flat. WHITNEY BARN1ES is the new end man -vltb Norlnne Carmen's Minstrels. J. J. UUBDOCk. has "barred the shoirlnc' of Kaittond disaster in moving picture fom SI anj- of the Keith houses.