New York Clipper (Aug 1915)

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30 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER CfflaCO NEWS lantf PaDd. h*ldioIs dedicated lila theatre to tliis paipose on tlie day be Iieaid ot'tbe accident. SELIG HONORED. Jm^V YORK ciiPraa. -SsPEB RATaAH. HVE^TEHN M/CSloKR. The Hearst-Selle News .P.letorlal ttos presented witb a bronze medal, by Director Frank L. Brown, representlne the 'Kxposltlon's official board. In >!)e UOND&T, Aug. 2. ^siKO's great need of a flrst class Btoct cJia- <•■• . TSJeeentlng two doilar. plays (that merited »anji. J^ns in ureTloua eeasonaj. at low rates or lonK ■ la bein;: filled temporarily at the >3- admlsl. ^ere Lflla aSftw and Albert FhiiuoB tlonal, 3r known In loail rtock centres) bcgau v? we«li3" engagement yesterday with H. thelt fiVK ^. yehlcle. "The Ghost Breaker." This B. Wame ^ ^ New Yorsi opening, and, Inaamiicn playJia« b ,ond fault with It only because It was as cntlos U >naelv melodramatlr action, there u tloniti *I>«>S- every reasou to believe that, this weeks, there is isagement an <vporl»inlty to test will give the m ^rg^of sto;k, and probably result the drawing pow . jjjg for form ol entertain- In a . new lease ot ^^i, meat et the Natlo. uid inspiring to note the ready ' Aars now being featured at icoirv—^ °! volunteer the Baat- ■ Chicago theatres for - - - ■- Tesponse made b Chicago theatres for f„ -^^^ Auditorium to- tand Beneflt, • scheou^ Tternoon. Every loop star, morrow (Tuesday) ^^.j to appear as soon as without. e.Wp:lon, oiii ^ nradltlonB of the the beneflt was annonn. „ upheld by the men anJ theatrical world have be, ^^^^^^ boards at local play- ■women now appearing on volunteered pcr- iiouacs. Were everyone vi would be much too BElttPd to appear, the prog ^ ^;a»«/and tragedy Is long. Local Interest In 11. ■^jj disaster since Sreater than that evlncea ^jjg ii^neflt baa been the Iroquolo Theatre flr?. ^ ^^sale to date (Mon- wldely advertised and tne sea .^j y,g atupendous dayt- threatens the capacity Audltoiilum. burlesque season, I.oop fans or ° ,ced to a form, of entertainment, will competent ■how full of'"pep." pretty girls ana i igd upon end this year-9 abowlng of the 3ociai^.ontd^^^^^^^^ iSJe'^CgtX^^^lu^eTsSii'l.ii?'^^^ •^-KSSaSi- (J. p. Barrett, mgr.)^Ul week « ^=<;S'B!cl'Tio?„''"i."&l'rrlty. mgr.,-"All Over' (H^irry Hidings, mgr.)—"The Lady In Bea. *"cobt''?d: J. Herman. mgr.)-"Peg o' My MrSc'H^ (Mort H. Singer, mgr.)- "''ii^%.t^:^"^i^ur^^''c.V-^'- and Motorcycle ^WHITB- CiTT.—"Football" . and other attrae- " hIVwia Pabk.— Grand Opera and other attrac- "°B?a»ULncK GABOESS.-Mahrs Philharmonic Band and other attractions. °U..uvo.B-"The Birth of^a NaUon^j^ ^ ^^^^ ^*"c^T NOBTBEKN HiPPooBOME.—Bin week of 2: B.Vl^ratera Redwood and Gordon, Lohsc and i?prtinK -t^'c Blg^ Four. the Broadway Beyxie, lili'^rton aifd Tale, Mc(3ood and Tates. P«nthtf- |l?Srtk SS^^°aSS\ W /.'^'Snrco^re? '"IrSlS.'^MTEBlAI,, VICTOBIA, CBOWN. ESOLE- wooD and COLOSiii-—Moving pictures. ■ TSnwr'aa' rniscEss. Olympic, Bi.ackstokb, Au- nrwaTSS! 'sSa Sd 'GinTEB. Columbia. mxuAB- anii Gatext are dart . EXOAHATIOH POMS. -vaudeville for Sbturday an i Snnday, and Is be- lieved to hane payed the pliiyers jnst the same aa 'If they had'worked. The 'Cleora Miller Trio re- ceived full poy, and cann<it speak too highly of the management. SaANNON WRITES. William Shannon, the minstrel, writes an inter- esting letter of boating, .lathing and fishing in Canada. WhSe doing the ^ enjoyable things, ac- cording to h!s Jetter, hhan pon Is also reading The New Xobe CLXFPEBj.of coarse, which has been bis news mainstay for forty-blx years. DespKa the good tliue be 19 having, St^saon la eager to return to God's connti7. < BOOF^jD The Acrl&I Patts are luobed over the 8. & C. time, having staited In StJ Iteul, week of July 26. i BOOM fk>n IT. Ever since the-J., I^. S. forces took hold of McVlcker's and tamed li; Into a vaudeville thea- tre, public speculation ha^ centered upon the ques- tion of providing a loop house for standard road shows. In Its day McVk ^r'a was the "gold mine" of Chicago's popular p rlced theatres. There It was that Chauncey Olcott brought bis Irish plays that played to packed h oases, while " 'Way Down East' came once every jicar to make big city folks cry over the story of Itit small town people. Even "Uncle Tom'e Cabin" w; is always accorded a grand reception in the house \rbere a dollar procured en- tertainment that could Ibc found nowhere else in Qilcago. But the people of the preeent day mnsc be satisfied with chan-:e bookings for loop ehow^ logs of the old time favorites. If J., L. & S. could be ln4oced to Bet the "vaadevlUe every- where" bug <ait of th< lir bonnet for a while, and turn this theatre back jto Its old policy, the action wouid make mfiaj Chi ^go homes happy. If Mc- Vlcker's cannot . be e pared, some otner theatre should be chosen for ilbls good work. There cer- tainly Is room for one ; lomewhere in Chicago'^ loop. ■ BEET' AROUND. Bert Cowdrey, the detective sergeant who for- sook the police depart meat In favor of song plug- glng and the show business in general, droppra ito the Western Bnnpu with the same old happy smile and cheerful Unp of talk. A L&NDMABE. Charles Kllpatrlck,. the famous cne-Ieg cyclist who designed the original "loop-the-loop" for a bicycle^ on which Crazo. Diablo and other artlst^ of yesiterday thrUIcd fair, carnival and circus audiences. Is now celling acddent inanrance to perform ers and moetlng with conalderable suc- cess In his new undertaking. Kllpatrlck Is re- plete with anecdotes of the old days, taking pleas- ure In : rcdtlng 'the- dlfflcultles encountered while his loop> thc-loop was etlll In an «zpenmental stage of dev^opment. •, ^ THE ' WINDSOR, Cbk:ai;.> which had a chcck- «ied ca4:er last season, wl'.! play the best of W. V. M. A.- vaudeville the coming season, under mnn- ngement lOf D. L. Swartz. Many big headline tea- ;teres have been booked. MORT ;SINGEB, manager of the W. V. M. A., re- turned to (Chicago last week, after business trips Ka ct and WesL He declined to be interviewed In ftg.\rd to' the. rnmor that F./M. Barnes would be with' the association fair department nest season. It ItC presumed, from Mr. dinger's attitude, that the matter ) >as not been (insily closed. Mr. Uorncs admli'w that an attractive offer was made hlni. TH ^ COL ONIAL will not open Aug. 9, with vaadei'Jlle, ai: announced. There was a cliange of plans after B'rank Q. Doyle had started laying out the shews. Instead. "TtiB Birth of a Nation" moves ttiere /rom the IllUiols, and will have en IndoOnlt^ run. H. S. .^OWB . formerly manager of the Norrls & Rowe Cltcns, I'as taken tdie management of the Hugo Brc'«thers' Show, having been engaged by Victor HuTO. last week. THE bC^RSIN I TROUPE, now with Ringllng Brotbera', w'lll play W. V.:M. A. time next season under the direction of Oarry Splngold. HOLLAND asiii DOCKBILL were to have opened on the Paiitages tbne this week, but there was some hitc%. i FINNEGAN'.S CIRCUS struck hard luck In ^^RO^SA^UoSAWNt'. rider with Sells-Floto, made a big hit on the T^:ent .appearance of that show 'n Chicago. DAVE JARBEITT, iiup erlntendent of the Famous Boblnson Show, keepi everything spick and span around that comin g ^ggiegation. B^OEi SiAVINGS. ~ yam. Here are the titles of . some of the photoplays eniovlng runs this we<*: "Silver Threads Among the Gold," "The Bllndn»\ss of Virtue." "The Second tent." SPEtUAIy. TtifclTBicAL people In Chicago feared Oint tte terclhle BaatUind disaster would serve to keep command." "Sev«i Sfisters," "T*e Melting Pot," people, from going to shows for a day or two, but p^, .^jbe CTne" and "The Isle of Con- Wt' was not the case. It was nnnonnced that soma of the parks were to be closed owing to Oie acSdent and this report Interfered witii the at- at some of them. The Sells-Ploto Circus did^SS business at White City, " 7*? trlbnted to the disaster. The Majestic had the big- gest Sunday afternoon (July 25) In some months, and bnslneii was big on Saturday, also. McVlcker a hod tremendous business on^ those days while ont- iTinr vaudeville houses reported good buslnesw. ThS^lcture theatrea also had good business on hoth^aaya. Some people contended that anmsement places should close their doora following aueh a ierrlble"'accldcnt. but others Insisted that It was a time when people needed entertainment The NwtU^-Amertcan cabaret cpt put t»e tansic apS In accordance with th» beneflt spirit now pre- valUne in Chicago theatrUcaF circles for the relief of victims of tne faatland disaster, the Illinois Theatre declared Saturday morning, July 31. "Benefit Day," and turned over, the entire proceeds to the Mayor's Relief Fnpd. Inasmuch as "The Birth of a Nation" proved .one of the biggest draw- ing cards of the present st^son, the special show- ing did much to boost the t»)tal of the fund. FIRST. Jj D Nichols 835 Washington Boulevard, claims be was the Brat Chicago itlteatre manager to con- trlhut^ t&e j>tp£eeda «t an entire doy to the Batt- Court of the Universe of the Fonama-Paclflc Bxpo- sUlon, before an audlencu of ten thousand enibn- slaBtlc people: The edutatlonal arpcct of T^e Hearst-Sellg productions influenced the directors In determining features worthy of permanent acknowledgement AMERICAN RELEASES. There is an air of Irrt.'preeslble excitement In the American Film Co.'9 plant at Ravenswood. K. It. Nehls and his big stall are working sight and day, getting ready for the big Fall releases thai the firm wU> soon send broadcast. Tbeir recent production of "The Diamond From the Sky" Is generally conceded to be the greatest eumple of a unlveraally-plngged movlu In existence. -Every avenue of i<ubllclty was worked to a point of ex- haustion before and after the subject appeared, so that It had hardly started on Its way to succpi>s before It was aa well known to the lalety aa it had I bten to Us prodnccrs. Before it was released it Tt-as booked so solidly that It showed earmarks of proving an ' cvemlght hit" in the-realms of pic- tures. But after Its release, public interest grew tu sach an extent that It was dlfDcDlt to seep ezcbanges supp'led with this feature. It will prove ajx epoch-maker In cinematography before its mn is completed. REVIEW DAT AT SEOIG'S. Friday's regular run for exhibitors disclosed eome migbty one examples of photoplay construc- tion and photosraphy, last.week. Among pictures revealed for the first time to the critical eyes of exhibitors was "The Quest" a story which gave Sdlg's Jangle Zoo a chance to leap Into the lime- light A young Indian prince runs away upon his favorite elephant, In search of bis mother^ who had died, inasmuch as they could not break the sews to one of his tender years, they tell him she has gone to a peaceful clime. How the young chap la picked up by bandits and later rescued by the wife of the American Consul, forms the nucleus of an interesting tale. "In the King's Service" Is a thrilling moonshiner stoiT, replete with plenty of action and gnn play, set in the great Northwest The story, wherein a former turns to moonshlnlug because toe farm docs not yield a profit encountering the representative of the law in the form of his sister's lover,. Is not particularly novel, but the plot Is worked «ut well and the photography is excellent It la In three reels. PRICES. The prices of admission to moving picture shows In the Allddle West are coostantly rising. The almost obsolete nickel show Is passing away In favor of moving picture exhibltlans with ten cents as the minimum price of admission. The ten cents is gradually cUmplng to fifteen, etc. We even have the three-hour thriller at two dollars. Will the future show an era of moving picture development wherein the nldcel show shall have been a thing of the post? ANOTHER BULLSETB. The Easanay CompnnT has a habit of hitting tiie Y>ull94>ye of capacity nadlenc« producing films every now and then. Its latest scat filler has been fou34 In the film .version of Cosmo Hamilton's "The Blindness of Virtue." Though built on sex lines, tlie play ci<ntalns nothing coarse. It is now one of the best money makers Phowing in- the WeRi. The story of the play circulated so rapidly ■while it was staged aa a drama that the film version finds a ready response at the bands of a-udlences who like the graphic rendition of Its pitiless moral. HOSPITAL NOTES Mas. Waltsb Meakim, wife of the well known theatrical man, <la still making wonderful head- way on the road to recovery. It will be necessary for her to stay but a short time longer at the American. Mr. Meakln la a dally visitor. Mas. John Milub also la making a very won- derful rescovery. following the serious operation performed by Dr. Thorek a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Miller la a constant visitor at the- Instltntlon. Mas. Cox. wife of the well known scenic artist, who was entered at the hospital for operation sev- eral days ago. Is now on the way to recovery, fol- loiflng the operation. She Is getting along beauti- fully, and tne doctor predicts an tmlnterrupted convalescence. Mabie Allgbton, of the Allerton Sisters, singing and dancing specialists. Is still at the hospital, in room No. 3, where she holds dally receptions of her many friends. Her bed is surrounded by flowers, and she Is all smiles at all times. She will no doubt leave thi» hospital In a very few days. Marji the "wonderful little violinist," npon whom Dr. Thorek operated. Is another of the patients who is expecting an early discharge from the hospital. She Is the dally .recipient, of telegrams and letters from her dear friends, the Stewarts. MBS. Max Sello. an old friend of the doctor's and one of hU stannch admirers, has t>een kind enough to furnish some clothing for a little in- fant tiorn at t£ie American Hospital recently. Her goodness Is very much appreciated by both hoa- pltal and mother. Mas. Mabv Swax, wife of the Swan of the well-known "Alligator Act" '<vas confined at the .\merlcnn Hospital several days ago and present- ed her husband with a handsome baby .boy. Mother and child are doing nicely. Waoted for Lowery Bros/ Show ' Ciicns and VandevlUe Acta of all kinds. Most be able to do two or more acts; make all three day stands. . No fancy salaries: eveiybody paid In fan up to here. JaoT Fiontz write again. Aadress OEO. B. LOWERT, Trko, Pa., 6, e and 7; Beaver Meadow, Pa.. 9,10 and It. J