New York Clipper (Aug 1915)

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August 14 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Fronds Wilson, Ann Mardo«k, Crraham Browne. This attraction will bo oucMcded by Ethel Oorry- n'ore, wlio tvIII take po/wesston of that theatre for tbe test of the season. Her opening pley will be the commly, "Roost D«ef Mcdloio." The Knickerbocker had Its opening on Aug, 9, with Julia Sanderson, Donald Brian and Joseph Cawthom, in a new Terslon of "The Olrl From Utah." Among the other plays that have been delivered to the Charles Frohman Corporation and for which players and theatres will later be announced. Is "The Coup," by Haddoa Chambers, who will Ball from England on A-ug. '20. to attend the rehearsals. This piece gnts Its tUle from the fact that tb« heroine, reared by on uncle and aunt In an ex- tremely "sporty" life, suddenly finds herself the turning point of a conp attempted by her footer parents to retrieve a lost fortune. Also on the list of delivered aji<t accepted plays are: "Our Betters," a new comedy, by W. S. lAIaufTbam; a serious play by Henry Arthur Jones, and "Kings and Queens," a comedy, which had a long run last season at the St James Theatre, London ; a comedy by Michael Morton: a new threo net comedy by Alfred Sturo: "The Flying Dutchman," a modern comedy. In four acts, by Paul M. Potter. New musical comedlej which have been, accepted have been written by Remiold Wolf, Channing Voi- look, n. B. Smith, Jerome Kem, Max Brady. Kranz Martos and Victor JacobI, the latter the authors of "The Marriage Market." '■'"■.■■■^as^""! Ii. WOLFE GILBERT'S PROSPECTS. V/Lcn we say tbnt Wolfo Gilbert Is one of the hardest working song writers Ir the bu.<ilness we know we are not trending on any one's corns, be- cause al! of his competitors admit this fact grace- fully. When he signed with the Jos. W Stefii Co. thcri] were, as tliere Is always, a few skeptlox who doubted that he could handle the professional de- partment of this large and conservative Qrm. Uiit Benin his most skeptical competitor must adult that he has made good with a vcugeance. After tumlB;; out and making (of course with the sup- port of the firm) the season's selling hit, namel.T, "Uv Little Dream Girl," nobody can doubt the ability of this untiring young man. The song to date has cold way over the half million mark, and tbere Isn't a question of a doubt but what It will sell a million before the first of .October. Then Gilbert concedes the unique Idea of wrltlnir what na calls a twin sister song to "Dream Qlrl," and honcj the iiew one by Gilbert and ITrledland, en- titled "My -Sweet Adair." We want to go on rec- ord as saying that this song excels Its predecessor, and should live for a long, long time. As Gilbert BO ably puts It: "Qnartettes and duets on the street comers and parlors will soon bo singing 'My Sweet Adair" as well as on the stage." A clever newspaper and magazine writer brought an Idea to Gllhert, and together they have worked out what looks like the last word In mother bal- inds. entitled "Fainting That Mother of Mine." His lively song hit for the season Is entitled "Open Up Your Heart." In collaboration with S. B. Henry, the composer of "By Heck" and "Parlum D Amour." they have turned out Anna Chandler's coming Winter Garden hit, entitled "Quecoi of the SoDth Sea Isles.*' We are happy to predict a wonderful season In this coming one for Gilbert. He wants us in thi? notice to thank all who have helped him on the road to success this past season. He Is grateful to the members of the professlmal department, members of the trade department, members, of the orchestra department, and. In fact, everybody aon- nected vrlth the house of Stem. In cnnclnMon be wants us to extend a real hearty thanks to Messrs. Marks ii Stem for their support In his every ef- tort, and he only hopes that he will turn out suf- nclent hits In the fcture to warrant all their con- nuence and support. PITTSBURGH DRAWS. The Smith Greater Shows played nttabnrrii last -week, under the auspices of the Nortli Side Board of Trade, and did a good huednesa. The dhow la one of the beat we have seen for some little time, and la carefully managed by the Smith Brothers; C, who Is general manager; C. M., bnal- ness manager, and E. K., who Is general director. On Wednesday night,' The Clipper representative from Pittsburgh was on the grounds, and was warmly welcomed by the management, who ad- vised that business had been fair and good at dif- ferent times. Next week the shows go to Carnegie, which i» a suburb of Pittsburgh, playing for the Volunteer Firemen. About eight shows are carried, together with twenty concessions. Tho feature free act, which takes place twice dally. Is a claasy high diving act. by May Conroy, who has a fair claim to the title of "Queen of Female Aquatic Performers." Her various poslngs and dives, and her spectacular high dive, are v.?ry cood, and brought round after round of well earned applause. ^Oss Conroy is a very pretty girl, handsonioly formed, weighing on hundred ana fifty-seven pounds, and In-her wMt. fleshings, makes a decidedly pretty appearance. In a few weeks the shows move to west Virginia. .. 4 » » GRAND AT ELWOOD. J. iH. Fihe, lessee of the Grand Opera House at Elwood, Ind., has made some extensive improve- ments In this theatre so that pictures can be used during all dark nights of the Summer and also the Winter seasons. A fireproof booth has been placed In the rear of the balcony, and Is equipped with two of the latest Improved projecting macHilnes, a new silver llbre screen has been Installed. A new.organ or- chestra has t>een placed In the orchestra pit. The Paramount, Metro and Patbc arc furnishing the picture service. Frank H. Mackey looks after the local manngemcnt of the theatre. WHm RAT HI BBLKe BY VlCTOn VAS9. Bryant frSO. Job DOI.AM and Crawford aud Montrose, formerly of .McDonald, Crawford and Montrose, have Joined hands Id a new singing and dancing act for coiDlng svason In vaudeville. Vkuy attentive to his basl- nvBs la Jiweph -Ferris, yonng man who attends nllllard tables. He has been employed by the order for two years. Jack Wilson, kindly communicate with Dr. Max Thorek, he has some very Important news for you. Kduih Leo.VAaD opens about Aug. 20 In an act cBlled 'Tiic Minstrcrs Rc- tnrn." There will t>o two 0 aen t>osldcn himself. lluAU Jo« Whitehead Is playing Orpheum Parks. Write In. Let's bear your healta's dandy. Ou, <ES, Willie Solar Is again telling It to the freguentera of "Shanlcy's." QEO. II. NicHOias writes rac that hlf Jovial pnrd- nrr la spending his vaca:lon In Vermont. Frrnl. Aigears Is hW pardner. msn.nger of the Mystic Ihi- alre, Brooklyn. Funny, Fred, you never drop a fellow a line. Do NOT forget or noglj:t to send your dues f.r <£e dollar to Chas. M<:l'h<y?, rare olnb, for Amslgn- icated Relief Association. If you are not a mera- ter. become one nt once. Write Charles. He may ■walk somewhat slow, but boUevo me, you will re- ceive a tpredu reply to Inquiry. Fadl Baabon. after several weeks' away, homo now, takes dully trips towards Central Park. That's a damly little son you have. Mr. Ross. Sailor suit Just Qts him. Kind of envy you, Dave, Chaolib Bibd, with plpo and CLirrcR, thinks cur cool reading room Immense. ROLLiN Bond, leader of Mecca Band. Is now well and happy. You know he has been 111 for many weeks with nervous breakdown. ItocuESTER, N. Y., misses Fred Ttllman, for he Is certainly a card anywhere. No, he vras not playing, J-jst visiting the folks at hooie. ILabie Russell and Tou Rdsbell, after many weeks West (working), are back home, and are Just tickled that they are. Fbank Fbkedeb, cne would not know htm, for he la as dark as a hazlennt from exploits while splashing or trying to stop the Atlantic surfing It up at Atlantic C:lty. Told him would be a good trick if he did It. Gkoboq should d« his exhibiting In one of inker's drug stores, for In these shops they soil goods for SQUium. Can you Imagine bim usin;; vinegar. O. B. says It's great. I>Av>; Ferouson, now an Kik, sports the cutest ilttle Elk button yon ever saw. Ji.u Dolan, ESddl« Castano, Jlmmle McDonald, jroxwell Reynolds, Andy McClond and Joe Bln>3s rustled much to make Bcainper a success. JESSIE BI.AIR STERLING. NOTES THE POX THEATRE, Aurora. III., closed Aug. and will reninln dark thirty days. During this period the hon»e will nndergo a thorough renova- tion and be redecorated, when it' re-opora the same policy will prevail, that of tablold.«, vcnde- vllle and pictures.-' , CflAS. tA POUD. "The Insane Comedian," writes : -■arrested while doing "Charlie Chaplin Impersotia- npn In ClneLnnatl, an^ taken to police stjitlon. Tiioy made me cut out two tricks. Am now dis- playing a sign which reads: 'Pa&sed by the Police I- ori-c of Censorship.' " CRAFTS and WESTON, formerly Chns. and ( hubby Crafts, have decided to adopt their old uiime again. SIDNEY ELLISTON, who lately came over from England to produce the Julia Sander- son, Donald Brian, Joseph Cawthom trio, in "The Girl from Utah,' as well as to re- hearse these stars in the new Tipperary num- ber, "Molly Dear, It's You I'm After, sailed for London, Saturday morning, Aug 7, on the St. Louis, to produce, in that city, the Ameri- can musical comedy, "The Only Girl," which will be brought out by Managers Loillard and Grossmith. "UNDER FIRE," which received its premier Aug. s, at the Broadway Theatre, Long Branch, N. J., opens .Thursday night, Aug. 12, at the Hudson Theatre, New York. FLORENCE E. CLARKE has dropped her breach of promise suit against Horace S. Dc Camp. TWENTY-TWO ICE DANCERS, accom- panied bv Toto Novello, a clown, arrived in New York, Aug. 6, from Berlin. They are to appear in an ice ballet on skates, at the Hippo- drome. KLAW & ERLANGER and GEORGE C TYLER have engaged Louise Rutter as a member of Holbrook Blinn's Co., in "Moloch." which is scheduled for presentation in New York next month; JAS. J. CORBETT will be seen in a boxintr bout on a film in his new play "Home Agaia" UELElt GRAYCE. Stock star, Gloucester Theatir, Gloucester, Mass. WINTER GARDEN GIRLS notes: Just closed a sncce4sful two weeks' engagement In Owosso. Mich. S. a. O. sign ont every change day. This la oor seventh month with but one day lay olf. Show opened seven months ago In Anderson, B. C. aud there has been few changes, Eoster: Fred Godding, part owner, comedian and producer; Douglas Fullen, comedian Billy Kane, straights; Irene Kcnney, leads: lEdna Heed, loobrette: Thel- ma Ponton, Cyguet Heed, Evelyn Eenney, Helen IrwlD, Jimmy McDoDgal snd Alan Qoddlas, the five-year-old comedian, who la a big feature. His Cbarle.v Chaplin Imjtersonatlons are a knock out. Emmett Moere, Mr. Goddlng's partner, oor genial manager with the diamonds, is on the door with a pleasant word for everysody. - We openn] a tw i weeks' engsgemcnt at Keewabdln Park, Port Hu- ron, Mich., Sunday, Aug. 1. Best wishes to all friends. .BORN, to Mr. and Mrs. Fre<(erlck Stetxman. a baby girl, on Friday moraUg. July SO. Ma and babe are both welL Mr. Stetsman is now with the "Millionaire Tnmp" compuy.