New York Clipper (Sep 1915)

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8 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER September 2S VIEKRA.DE FOLIART. It ts Just clrculatlnK that G«aTge W. VIcrra. mamgcr ciid jcint arwaer of PatersoD & Vierra's Royal Mawalian Dramatic aad Concert Comp.iny, and Evelyn De Fotlert, weU- known as a Iradlng woman irsre married at Los Bancs, CaL, Jnae 11. last. After their present honeymoon they will agnln take out the Buyal Hawaiian Co., Miss De Follart retiring from the stock field for good. STOCKLETS." FRETD. BY13R3 has leased hts new four act play. "The Frame Dp." to Clarence Brune & Co.. Lcrdon. ISng. Mr. Bmno vas In Chicago loat «T«k looking for plays, and throngh negotiation with the Bennett Dramatic Ezohange, put a deal 13iroagh. "The Frame Up" ttIII be produced In London not later than Easter Sanday. Mr. Brune Galls for IiOn<tat with the ir^anaocrlpt and a com- plete cast of American actors. "The Frame ITp" •waa first produced Oct S. 1 !'•].'). at Glodbrook. la. JAMES P. HOnSTON has been engaged byThos. W. ICyley to play Juid In 'Tfhe Troll of the Lonesome Pine." Mr. Houston Jnst flnlshi>d a neason of fifteen weeks with Douglas FalrbarJcs. In James Forbes' comedy, " ITie Show Sli<^." "The Trail" show opened Ang. .30, at Stamford. Cons., end Is J>ooked to the Coast thtvJgh Nortlrweac Canada. ELEANOR M. LYTJ:, formerly Mrs. Chas. Ksn- ney, entered the Uomeopathlc Hospital. Albany, N. Y.. Sept. e, to become a trained norse. Miss Lyle Is well known to the dramatic line, having played with several dramatic companies as ingenue, and also did an act In vaudeville with Mr. Kenney. They seporated four years ago, and she has been nursing since, with Dr. Pitts, of Provlncetown, Maas. (Cape Cod). Many of her theatrical friends In Provlncetown saw her off, and when thev fiur- prlsad her with a shower of rice and confetti, Nell Bwore It "the. happiest moment of her life." WILSON Bi TODD writes: "The Jole Canada Co. opened' Its season ac the American Theatre, Davenport, la.. Labor Day, to the largest business la thu history of the honse, and bnslness up to Friday was the biggest ever doze by a st^^ck coci- pany at this theatre. Miss Canada was accorded a grand re<<eptlon, and was prcspjited with seveiul beautiful bonqnets during the week. The opening bill. "Tp«« of tim Storm Country," proved to be Ttry p»i<i<i,-ir Willi the patrono. Mr. Todd is put- t I V.I <i '• 'ir r .,ii|iaiiies In the next three weeks at <^i:ii<>. I ' ; r.irt Wayuc, Ind.; Lansing, Mich.; Dunv.Ilf. III. .MHs CauAda will work three weeks in each, town, supported by the permanent com- pany. CECIL DBUMMOND replaced Robert Dempster as Ulysses In the Greek Pageant, "The Adventnres of Ulysoes," given at Cnmberland Foreslde, Port- land. Me. A clipping from The Portland Evening Bxprcta follows : "The role of Ulysses was taken by Cecil Drummond and In this act (act 1), as rnrougbout the whole play, he did splendid panto- mime acting, putting into the pageant scenes a degree of vividness and reality seemingly almost Imposiilble without the spoken - word." VI:RN0N L. McRBAVY. playing leads with "The Cowboy Preacher" Co., writes that conditions in M'InneapollB are very prosperona and that more professionals are Summering there than ever before. •1ME PRINCE OP PILSBN" cast Inctadps: Edward T. Mora, Jess Dandy, BlUy Arnold. Earl McHoffle. Geo. L. Myers: GnrnvlUe Haye.i, Frank MacBwnn, Dorothy DeHmore, Edna von Luke, Gobrlelle Grey, Irene Dake and Helen PlVzpatTlck. KREDBItICK II. SPBAJtrE, who created the role of Boris AndrleS with the original "Potash & Perlmutter" Co., has been re-engaged by A. H. Woods to play an Important character in the new production of "Potaso & Perlmutter in Society," to be produced at the Cohan Theatre this season. ROSTER of the U. C. V. Philharmonic Concert Co., which win tonr the United States: (Seo. B. Holland, manager: Jno. E. Haskell, Gfso. L. Clark, M. J. Pankey and Lacy Boone. GEORGE and STELLA DONAHUE are with Halton Powell's "Henpecked Henry," Southern company. Mr. Donahne as manager and playing Phil, while Mrs. Donahue Is playing Mrs. Bowser. Itostor of company: George Donahue, taanager: W. A. Junker, bnslness' manager; Max Bagley. ipucilcal director; Joe Murray, stage manager; Madame Schnellcr, wardrobe mistress; Fat Barret, Nora La Velle. Harriet .McAllister, Bonny Russel, Martha Tlmmerman, Jac Woods. Olga Woods. Snrah Raye. Cella Deerwester, Susie Clayton and Paddy Xoorle. DBMOREST STOCK CO. NOTES.—We are now In our eighth week at the Colonial, Snilsbur.v. N. C, and business holds np very nicely. We have Jen acting people. Ona Demorest, our .leadlug lady Is a big favorlto everywhere. At Salisbury she la Idolized. Tbe Old Reliable is \7lth ns weekly. OALBURN' MUSICAL STOCK CO. principals, at tbe Hippodrome, Reading. Pa., Includes: Ar- thur Barhley, Nelson Riley. Detmar Poppln, J. F. McDonough. Florence Mackie, NeUa Brown and Elmer McCune. THE STOCK season at tbe Colonial, Cleveland, had to be extended an extra week, closing Sept 11. to meet the demand of patrons to witness tne pew play, "The Eternal Magdalene." PEARL TOUKG elalnu the lUstlneUon of being tbe youngest leading woman In stock. Her youth and pleasing peraonalltT haa won for her many friends and admirers throni^ New Ehiglond and the Middle West. HAZEL UILLEB, In Stock. TIDLET B.liRNBY, The talented and beautiful leading woman, wlo Is under the management of A. H. Woods this sea- son, ploying the load In the "Potasih 4 Perlmutter" company now touring the SouOi. J^J^J;'^ Sey ha3 w^ on envlons reputation as aMeadIng woman in stock, aa weU as having played sketches in vaudeville successfully. JAMBS ADAMS' FLO.VTING THEATRE NOTES. —Kathleen Wanda and Walter Sanford are now In their thirty-fourth week with tbe James Adnms Fioatlnc Theatre, this being tbelr second waiftm with Mr. Adams. They have been re-engagod for the season of 19ie# Miss Wanda has been play- ing all the leads, while Mr. Ssnford has nenn puttbiz on all the shows. This comfohiatlon, with a desire to please the pobUc, and the ability to back it up as has resulted In two of the most pros- perous seasons that Mr. Adams has ever known. An this Is the first and only floating theatre on the Atlantic coast, it might Interest the theatrical world to know what we are doing. Our present season opened March 1, at Elizabeth City, N. C wlUi the following: Jamea Adams, owner and man- ager ; Mrs. Gertrude Adams, treasurer: Harry Van advance; Lyr.n D. John<!on, electrician-; Edward Markham, leader of band; Wm. Thies, leader of orchestra Kcthleen Wanda, leads; Walter Santord, leads and director; Hsrry Onne, Doris (Tianc, Ju- leene Talbot, Jas. Shadrock, Packer Docegan, Hamp Axledse, Bob King and Leslie Waldor. Com- pany, all told. Includes twenty-four people, band and orchestra. We have made a few changes, and company now Includes: Edward BellowB, Dollle Temple, Bulab Hunter and Charles Hunter. We glay all of the coast towns on the Chesapeake ay and the rivers. Oar present season will dose about Dec. 25,:. and will re-open again about the middle of February. We have been agreeablv sur- prised during the season. First with a big ban- quet, given by Mr. and iMrs. Adams, on die twenty- hrst anolvemary of their marriage. Then wa were entertained by the Jas. T. Catlfai Shows, at North- east, Md., and at CeuterTlllc, we were entertained by the Frink Robblna Show. These little side is- sues, with our regular bathing, flahing, speed boat racing, have made this one of the most pleasant seasons that we have ever experienced. Sir. and Mrs. Adams deserve all that they can^et, and It Is a pleasure to see them do so well. Tbz Old Bb- LIASLE never falls to greet us each and every week. ^AT BAINTES and CHARLES GUNN are mak- ing a very big hit at the Princess, Des Moines, la., end are supported by an incomparable company. Miss Balnter was exceptionally good as tbe shop jrtrl in "Within the Law," week of Sept. 6. Mr. Gnnn .who Is a new member of this company this seison, has -won a warm place with the Princess pa trons . THE vaudeville rteam of Summers and Emoisc have signed with'the Norene St. Clair Stock Co. for the Winter season. Miss Emolae as ingenue, and Mr. Snnuners, comedian. This company is ou its eighth week at the Majestic, AahevlUe, N. C. where there are forty or fifty performers, some visiting the mofuntalnii and othen In stock and moving lectures. The Clipper Is at a premium there every Friday, each dealer selling out before aU_performers are supplied. WALTER WILLS, RALPH SIBPBRLY and FRANK McKINNON joined the Colbam Mus. Com- edy Co. at the Hippodrome^ Beading, Pa., Sept. 1^. Mr. Wills was formerlr Tvith a Montgomery and Stone show, and Mr. Sepperlr with Jeff De Angells .ind Sam Bernard. LELAND WEBB and COMPAITT 'will opeD in a series of scenic productions Oct. 14, imder direc- tion of N. L. Royet er.' KAIHERINE DAVTS will go to Chicago for a four weeks' visit, and will then return to New York to stage her new act.