New York Clipper (Nov 1915)

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November 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 43 m AND AROUND WEST COAST STUDIOS. BT COKlOir. BoixiM S. Stdboeon, the Vltaerapli producer, 1b Henbt Otto ta secnrtnx some unusual nnder- filmlne "God's Conntry and the Woman," by Jamei water effects by the uae oC glass bottoai boats In SCREEN aUB BALL. NOV* 20, ANNUAL EVENT IN PICTURELAND. Oliver Cnrwood, In die Great Bear Lake regloo Kell Shlpman, the well known scenario author, la the leading woman, and William DnDcas, the man. Tbe tpst of the company tnclDdes George Holt, Georee Kunkel, WllUam Balnbrldge, Helen Clark, and Cdmr Keliar. 1>wo truck loads of extras well Hjulpped for arctic weather will soon follow to the deep snows. DioBX Be^l, the vandevlUe taeadllner, has nearly completed "Father and tbe Boys," at -UnlTergal City, and will soon dq>art for New York. Joseph De Grossc's work In the production of this feS' Lis' production'of Oie fantasy, "Undlnn," at the l^^m.'^l^<iir\T^o JL^J,^^ Jy'"on« FORTHCOMING FDWCTION AT HOTEL sal for this feature, ta pcrfonnlns remarbabia water feats tor the camera. « Maut AiTDERaoN, the Tltagrapb Ingenue leading woman, broaght a queer lot of souvimlra and pets back fitun the desert During the taking of 'rnie l<''lower of the Desert," Miss Anderson collected two tarantulas, one Jack rabbit, one horned toad, lino big lizard, and two snakes. The jack rabbit ASTOR TO 6£ BIGGEST AIH) BEST EVER HELD. The Screen Club ball last Thanksgiving evening, at tJio Hotel Aator, Is supposed to have been the Uiost classy theatrical event that has ever been „^ . , , given. It completely eclipsed any prcvlonji recep- „^ „w . ._ — r — — Is the most popular, for the players are casting tlon of ony theatrical organization, and was cou- ture Is regarded as amcmg the fastest work ever innglng eyes toward Ma rabbltsnlp with visions of sfdered a master stroke on tbe part of thoue who recorded. illoner tempting. Little Mary la guarding her pro planned It. In a Ilnanxrlal way It also ecKpiied any 9 tegc Jealously °f' tte previous Screen Club dancfs, even thoaxn Marie Dobo and her Pine Arts Films company A the price was advanced from $2 to $6. "C^osf S'^lSaS "f'or'eTt'loS;'??^ M'ka*n* llfr* Hoppeb's pet diversion Pla?*"!/ol'. whr:i";^.l"be''th'^ou'?fh*?^u53'oSU;;S>,S'"o? ,,ii.Hrnn MnnVit.iTio Soi,- Bnvin^ su* tetweeu sceues he regales tbe players at tbe the event. Saturday. Nov. -H) la the d^to stm? T'T%lJ^''v^i:^ini''uirJ^^pJ^rk^il^i?i S5^etf%f^.?S2'°nJ^\^-'NSJSS.° T^liS'"}^ BaS'roSlT'lko'jS'-Artor.'^lll" on« ■mo°,5 Frank Campcau, Wilfred Lucas, Cora Drew, P. A. J?, J^Ii^Jlit^i-r,ilii^ tj^^ fb^ct^ 5^" 5* mos: brllllint a.r.emblage of Tuiner and Charles West. proving her veraatUlty byplaylng both character Eu>tlon picture actors and attresnes of the yea.-. vuaricB r,«,t. Ingenues, and Dorothy Glsb Is sending if the tremendous success of last years event Is scores of postal cards from New York every day, anything to go by. It can b.- aald without aueatloo forgetting no one In the studio. that a splendid evening !s In store for those who C attend this year's functlini. James Montoombbt, famed as the author of .,J^^ ,6''°?™,'.. arrangements for the Wg affair "Beady Money" and other Broadway successes. K!,'° Jff,,??°ll "^-!LP°^".L'=*?°'*?*J "'.'^''^^^ and r^nk Tannehlll, a well known playwright, fh!?*.,,??^? rfinf?^-"^.i?I^f'*'"'? "v"/J°"v'"'Sl ?' are the latest additions to the scenario bureau at ?£L^,?„9'"!'iJ»Tp.?**'ff*°- Oef''«'dt »» the Ince studio. The others who are turning out Burnsteln Is chairman of Bbssib Babbiscau is enJiKring a brief rest this week wUlo her leading man, Wm. Desmond, Is lead- luc dAShlng bnsaar charges In the new uce war picture. Aimored care and aeroplanes an tbe film battlefleld suggest "somewhere m France." EMSABCTR BtrBBBtDOB, the exceptionally beauti- ful girl, who baa been playing * feadlng roles at 'Jii^ «r« o nVrdnp? Vnlii™ 5 O mating arrangements. Nearly all the~b5» Incevllle and the Morosco studio, departed for &US?v ltike« SS^^ have b*en subscrllSd for by prominent tSrton^ Chicago this week, where she will pl«7 leads with Sl^^^""" Spencer and Monte M. Katter- photoplay profoMlon. %e lit of^i hoW- tbe Essanay compaity. California flun fans loath to loso Miss Burbrldge, for she Is one of thi' mcst popular players In the Hollywood film colony. ^ Anna Held and FLOBBNca Bockweix are fie latest sensations at the Morosco studio. The "nau^ty cypd Partsenne" was given a moniter reception, and Is already displaying ber dainty charms before the camera. « Florence Rockwell Is appeariair In '*He FeU In Love With His Wife," and the >. A. tells us that It cost Oliver Moroaeo $400 to telegraph the script from New York, tiius avoiding nnneceasary delay. Next. I"'"'- ^ era includes: MAE MABSH has retimed to the Fine Art. Co".''kS!' olrt^7 Wll ^^^I^S^^o^^ sra«.rrro2di^°/: "S.i'sts^'sais: i'™-_^i^w|^^Mm^K^^^^ that she y ' ' sunshine _ _ - Yooag, Loots rlslt to Broadway. Ulss Marsh accloivs willldjn Quirk Pathe Fr»rM T»» KS-mnTrl . if^lS* ' CUfomla S.'G'^^^r S^jj* 'l^en'winS'n.^^'K • - Hsrfy R.^Baver, Worid Wm Corporation, Qlara * Kimbnll Youag, LooIb J. Selrnlek. the Bnnitable, Cleo ItCadison was painfully injured dnrinir the Metro (2), Peerless, Vltagraph, Marshall f^mtiml erodnctlon of "A Man^ a Maid and a Uar.^' at Ed. Rosknm, J. C. Graham, Wm. Fox. Edison CaT niversal City. The plucky director and leadiaa Gaumont Co. 'rhanhonser Co.. Harry Myers. Lonla woman was removed to a Loe Angeles IiOQiltaJ^ .Hall, iTn^h Hoffmnn, A. F. Kelly, Qeorae Tenrll- and It win be several days before she will be able 'U-er, Thomas G. Wiley, HenJ. Ooete. Only three or to resume work. four boxes remain unsold. ^ Some nnnsnal decorative sehemea for the big hall W. Qtiaith and Hany Har- ^qJS'"''?' by Charles Greene and ^Doc" EioiiT years ago D. Wb ANNorNCC pretty Vivian Blch as tlie record bolder for work. Tbe dark haired American star !s now enjoying her flrst vacation In two years, at the exposition. Vivian is taking In the sights of the Zoae and 'Frisco tofitrn, but back she comes to work next week. vcy were working in pictures for the Blogra;ph J***^ ''f'^.i?' I* •>* known that everyone CMnpany, In New York'on "extra.." When Ma fk IJ/'L''?snrPr'^-'<l^lth the resalt that they expect DlntSfBBs opened the Champion Plhn Company ''^ C. Smith, assistant manager ... .. ^ . .1 Power Company, will, as usual, be studio, around the comer, bott applied for a Job Itt. —"»•• -v as actors. Because they asked for the then ex- '? charge of the spotlights. Illuminations and the orbitant aalary of $25 a weet the employer saW, electrical end In general. Wm. J. McKenna will "nothing doing." To-dny, Griffith la reputed to be "i"'.^"^**."'.^ musical numbers with tho the highest paid man 'n fllmdom and one of the *"Jf' f/^'?*. ^.'^V Orchestra. The mnalc ^ . ^ , organisers of a gigantic picture making eomblna- Hotel Astor main ballroom la always helped CiLiroBNLA rainy season started this week, and tlon, while Harvey Is a fluccessful director of Bal- gr^tlyby the One organ that is installed in the therein lies a tale. Hal Cooley, the Universal boa feature dims, at Lonjr Beach. orchestm balcony. The grand march will be led Juvenile lead, blithely sported a new sartorial " 'Orir and I nad t>een working before the cam- °7 Kimball Yonng and the club's new prest- uream before the morning sun one day this week, «ra at the old Blograph for a doUar and a hall WlUlam Quirk. thus awakening Jealousy m many manly breants. At a day, for some time," said Harvey, In a remlnl- , ^e Srreen Club building will be open for ladlea the behest of hin director. Hal Jauntily drove his acent 'mood, recently, "when we heaM that Din- '""J} noon Nov. £0, and there wUl be open honse new "fllwer'* forth, seeking locations for a new tMifoas was engaging people for a new company, unttl dosing time, Sunday night. After the ball feature picture—and lo, came the rain. When the It was Just around the comsr. So we hurried It Is customary for the dancers to gather at Screen afternoon had almost waned a very muddy fllv over between scenes and applied for a Job. Being ' ^"'^■l^ > merry time is alway:j a certainty, careened Into the Dnlversal lot, and a sadder 'experienced,'we felt entitled to the maximum that The. reception at tbe Hotel Astor will be offlclaUy ' ' ... being paid screen actors In those days. <"> affor 8-30 of the evening selected. The admls- " 'Twenty-flve dollars apiece7" roared the im- »Ion price is $9 per couple, and it la certainly presario as If we had Insulted him. 'Whv, I the mon<>y. There Is no seamy aide to any- wouldn't pivo that for the two of you.' Crestfallen. 2}'°? J° *he Jlotel Asrtor. It Is Just as richly looking man emerged. Troupers peeped out of their dressing rooms Joyfully—the sartorial dream was no more. Fay Tinchbs. the popular comedienne, now wo returned to our dollar-and-a-half-a-doy job, fnrnlsbM on tb^ reverse side as It is on the front aying prindpslly In the support of De Wolf t:ncertaln as to what the future had in store for »'ac, snd on acronnt of Its substantial and lavish upper, bi '•Don Quixote" has aigned a lengthy us. Mr. OriPlth soon got on regular with the Bio- ^?S"I^'''^ furnishluCT it has long been con- contract with the Fine Arts Films Company. Miss fraPj. fnt not as an actor. He was given a chance a^i^,'°^''i^t,,^l'^'^'^;LJ^'Sl:S:^^n. Tlncher Is a pupil of D. W. Grlfflth, aiKTbecame & the producing end and made good. But Mark ^7i^^,?v*«!LM,9?t^ r^Lf Jm-'5^' ^' ^ **• famous for her deUneation of the stenographer in Dintenfaas proved in that one Instance that he was uaie. wnich wiu bear repeating. the "BUI. the Office Boy" series. Fay made popu- no Judge of men." . „ „ Subsequent steps In the upward career of D. W. Griffith are too generally known to require narrs- tinn here or now. Wbfle not so meteoric, Harry Harvey's career has been none the lens creditable. After gaining all around experience he Joined the Balboa forces almost two years ago, and has been thene ever since. As a director be has to hia credit the "Who Pays" series, in which Butb land and Henry King were the featured players. KIght now he Is putting on the last episodes of ".Veal of the Navy,'' the patriotle photoplay serial the "Bill, the Office Boy" series. Fay made popU' lar the noisy black and ^blte stripe dress. Thouah a. Edison, the great inventor this week laid the cornerstone of tbe new arclflclal lUht studio at Universal Qty. With Henry Ford, of Jitney fame, Mr. Edlavn was gneat of honor at many affairs In Los Angles this week. Webstkr Campeelu the VTtagrapli leading man, is betog advlsel to otndr wrltlnir. since the ..o ^-ixj, >.u«: l,.....^.^,.- -n,>«>. return of a picture which he had addressed to which Balboa Is filming for Pathe. The featnred Paris, Tenn. The post office authorities sent the players sre Lillian Lorraine, William Conrtlelgh photogniph to Ports. France, and it was retnmed jr. and WiUlan Conklln. with a choice collection of Frencb cotmnenta on ^ ^i^ii'^^**"'"" envelopes type- jjeli, Shipman has demonstrated the Talue of -nrines now. writing for men and women stars alternately, * ... . claiming It broadens her stylo and permits the Fob the past ten days the Keystone stadlo has development of more unosnal situations in the eon- been absorbed In the atmosphere of tlie Alabama structfon of the photoplay. cocton fields. Ford Sterling Is playing the leading After writing a number of features for 3. War- i rcrmedy role In black face, supported b y some of the ren Kenrlean, at Lake 'Tahoe, Miss Shlinnan con- most famous old minstrel men of bygone days, strueted stones for a prominent star, and by her Sterling was well known as a singer with Haverly s law of alteration, has completed and delivered one Minstrels In Chicago ten years ago. Folly Motan tlTe reel feature to Fronds X. Bushman, and la iDtroduced plekanlnnles to London and Paris in now busy on a star feature of similar length, en- titled "Wanda, of the Bed Street "Wanda" has been purchased by a prominent feature firm which is Inaugurating the sure-flre policy of flrst purchasing the origlnsl play and then selecting stars to suit its requirements. Nell Shlpman will next write another feature 1802. UoRB than two thousand women attended the mammoth peace celebntlon held at Incevllle this we<A, and incidentally appeared in a great feature picture. Producer "Thomas H. Ince treated tis — v n—i-^vf-i. v. cueatH to a true Western barbecue after the cere- story for Francis X. Bushman, in which he wiu mnniM "cpvci- make a daring departure from the conveotlonaL A Miss Shlpman says: "It Is much easier to con- ToM Chattebton former leading toon wltli struct a photoplay for a star of Mr. BuKhnnD'a -N'ew York M. P. Co.'and Universal, Is now direct- standing and popularity than for one of leaser Ine and playing leads with daring,Anna Little, at magnitude, as, beyond the performer I seem to the Ame'rlcTn stidio In Sa^TSartara. These Xeel the 'puU' ""fierce and the^rt^ iwo nlavera wlU be featured in Western storlea, «nd more pronounced the 'pnll' the more cootfl- rS?alrt'5ndertte MurtSS^biSid oTtt^^ MutS dent I t*come In The constmctlon of nnuiwal and prosram. » daring situations, commonly called "punches.' VAMOUS FIiATZRS— CHART.M FROHMAIT CO, PRESENTS Pauline Frederick IW AN INTENSELY THRILLING PICTCRIZATIOSOFTHE CELE- BRATED NOVEL AND PLAY. "Bella Donna" By R09ERT RICHENS and J. B. FAGAN IN PIVB PAB.TS Saleaaed Ilov. istli Produced by the FAMOUS PLATEB8 PILl CO. • » ADOLPH ZCKOR. Pres. DANIEL PROUMAN, Managing Directs BDIVIN B. POKTBB:Treas."4 S«n.Hg?: ExecutlveOfflces: sot Fifth Ave., N. Y* OonadUn dlstribators. famous Ptoyars Film Service, Ltd. CALOARY—MONTREAL—TORONTO