New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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22 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER February 7, 1923 CIRCUS LEAGUE CANDIDATES Chicago, Feb. 5.—Three tickets have made their appearance in the annual elec- tion campaign of the Showmen's League of Amorica. Yet there is little difference Edward P. Neuman is the candidate for tmsident on all three tickets. Fred Barnes and Charles Duffield appear on two, on one numing for vice-presidmt and on the other one is rmming second vice-presi- dent, and on the other ticket the positions are reversed. The Board of Governors on all three tickets contains to each other yet there are sUght differ- ences in the complete list. TANTUNGER CONNECTS Ceicago, Feb. 5.—W. Van Tantlinger, who was eqnestrian director of 101 Ranch Wild West when Fred Beckman was man- ager of that company, will be with Mr. Beclmtaiy again this summer. More re- cently Mr, Tantlinger, was for several years with the.Wortbam enteiprizes, but net with the show Mr. Beckman purchased. Cliff Wilson, with bis monkey circns, wilt also be a featore with Beckman's offering. John T. Rarhman will direct the wild ani- mal drcns ^th Worthani's World's Best Shows. SHRINE CIRCUR IN DETROIT The Moslem Temple of Shrine in De- troit, Mich., are putting on one of the big- gest Indoor Circuses ever presented, start- ing Feb. SA and it will be presented twice a day for two consecutive weeks. The Circus will be furnished by Wirth-Blumen- feld Co., of New York, and will be put on under personal direction of Frank Wirth. The program will include the fblk>wing well-laiown acts headed by the Great Riders, May Wirth with Hnl. and the Family, the Seigrist-Silbon Troupe, The International Troupe, Aerial Shaws, Hai Ynng Chinese Troupe, Hills Comedy Cir- cus, Raymond & Mason, Silbon Sisters, The Wmdiesters, and large Company of Oowns under direction of Spader John- son himself with Hart Bros.. Kid -Kennard. Frank McStay, Herman Joseph, Paul Jerome. .OAKLEYS DAUGHTER ON STAGE Verona Oakley, only daug^iter of the late (Slivers) Oakley, a famous down, has nade her debut in die professional field this season. She is with Arthnr Hammer- stein's mnaical play, "The Wild Flower." Miss Oakley is a very beantifol girt not yet out of her teens and last summer was ooe of the picked beauties in Vogue Maea- tnu and while the show was playmg Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Fisher the cartoonist in- dinled Miss OakW in the pen and isle t k c tUics of some of the company. ROBDISON AT CAIjGARY Chicago, Feb. 5.—George Robinson, formerly general agent for Wortham's anrascmcnt enterprizes, and now holding the same jposition for the Wortham show that is going out shortly with him as one of the partnets, attended the Calgary ses- sion. Mr. Robinson is known as the "S^iinx of Showdom" and at Calgary he pl^red the part, not even appearing to quote figures, but stood solely back as an observer." ONE sax SHOW WITH RINGUNGS (From latest reports there will be only one nde show with the Ringling Bros, and Bamnm & Bailey Combined Shows this year and it will be under the direction of Lew Graham. Last season the show car- ried an annex show directed by Gyde In- galb. HALL ACT WITH INDOOR SHOWS WtUiam P. Hall. Lancaster. Mo., writes that his .Troupe of Performing Elephants will play several indoor circuses this win- ter, ^ying return engagements in several cities they flayed last year. They played for die Shnne Circle in Fargo, Dak., last wedc MYERS IN LIMA Harry Myers, last season with the AL G. Barnes Wild Animal Circus, is winter- ing in his home town. Lima. Ohio. Mr. Myers will be back again this coming sea- ton on the Barnes Crcns. T(Mf HART «GNS To Hart, the well-known clown, will sgain.Ais coming season be seen in Clown Alley with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows were be was the past season. : FRANK SPELLMAN ILL There is a rttmor on Broadway that Fraslc P.- SpeUman,-.wen-known promotor, is scrioasly ill in a hospital -in .Buffalo, N. rY; . - ■ BIG VERDICT FOR CIRCUS RIDER TwzDO, Feb. S.—Hattie McCree, circus rider, received a veidKt of $100,000 dan>- agxs in the Federal Court here last wedc in ber suit against Walker D. Hines, former Director of Railroads for a broken back suffered in the Michigan Central wreck on June 22, 1918. She was permanently in- capacitated. The aoddent in which At suffered her injuries was that of the big wreck of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows in which seven- ^-nve lost their lives and nearly two hun- dred were injured. A troup train of empty Pullmans crashed into and plou^ed its way through four sleeping <ars of the seoood section of the circus train at Ivanboe, six miles east of Gary, 111. DOWNIE IN MT. CLEMONS Andrew Downie and wife, after .a visit to his home town, Medina, N. Y., are now at Mt Qeraons, Mich., for a couple of weeks, after which Downie will return to winter quarters and put the finishing touches to his show, the. Walter L Main Circtis. OUTDOOR EXPOSITIONS MOORE SHOW IN RICHMOND The John W. Moore Indoor Circns (Eastern) is presenting the following pro- gram now m Richmond. Va.: The Nelson Family of Acrobats of nine people, the three Flying Millers, Mike Cahill, the Act in the Oouds, Aerial Cromwdls, La- Ciere and LaCierc, contortionists, Raiidow Comedy Trio, Plesse, the head balancer, Ali Bai Hassen Ten Arabs act. and Rose MAY WIRTH RECUPERATING 'May Wirth, the well-known rider, went under a minor operation in New York last week and had her tonsils taken out, after wtiich she and die family went to Atlantic City, N. J., for a short rest before opoiing their present engagement in De- troit, Mich., this week. LOOKING FOR GRACE HARDING Charles McCarthy, of 253 West Wash- ington street, Syracuse, N. Y., wishes to know the present address of Grace Hard- ing (sbge name). She was coiinected with both stage and circuses. She was on the stage in 1896. RINGLING IN FLORIDA Richard T. Ringling. son of the late Alf. T. Ringling, passed through New York last week on his way to Florida from his ranch in White Sulphur Springs. Montana. He will return to New York shortly. NEISS RETURNS EAST Toronto, Can., Feb. S.—Victor I. N'eiss, of the Canadian American Shows, and three members of his staff, returned last week to the show's ofiices in Yonge street from the Pacific Coast, where he had been unusually successful in arranging some of the best bookings under the most desirable auspices in that part of the country. While en route to the home office the party stopped at the Winter resort, Banff, for a short vacation. Every indication, Mr. Neiss and his staff believes, points toward an unusually prosperous season for their caravan. CIRCUS ACT IN VAUDEVILLE Valdo-Mears-Valdo are playing vaude- ville dates in and around New York and will again be with the Ringling Bros, and Bamoin and Bailey Combined Shows this coming season, having been with this show for several years. CHEFALO BACK FROM EUROTE Nick Chefalo, of the act looping the loop on a bicycle, has just returned with his wife and three children from Europe. Mr. Chefalo went abroai. over a year ago with Clyde Ingalls, who put on the show in the Olympic, London, and in which Mr. Chefalo was one of the principal attrac- tions, and at the close of the show he toured the following coimtries, France, Spain and Portugal, returning to this country by way of England on the S. S. Rcgina and will go to his home in Chelsea, Mass., for a short vacation. WORTHAM SHOW SOLD San Antonio, Tex., Feb. S.—Mrs. Qar- ence A. Wortham, widow of the outdoor showman, as admim'stratrix of his estate,' has sold the property and title of "Worth- am's World's Best Shows" to Fred Beck- mann, B. S. Gerety and George E. Robin- son. These men were connected with the show they purchased during Wortham's lifetime, as manager, assistant manager and general agent, respectivdy. Mrs. Wortham announced after the sale that she would dispose of her husband's properties one at a time, as he left no will, and she felt that the most revenue would be obtained in this way from the properties he left UNGER MAKES MANY SALES Morris Unger, of the Unger Construc- tion Comi»ny of Pittsburgh, Pa., reports the following sales he made for his com- pany last week: Giant Pin Wheel, Ball Bros.. Olympic Park, Newark, N. J.; Giant Pin Wheel, Mr. Silverman, Monti- celk) Park, Monticello, N. Y.: Whirl-a- Gig, Crystal Lake Park, Eagle Rock, N. J. STATE FAIR AT AURORA Aub6>a,' IU., Jan. 22.—^The second an- nua] fair of the Central States Fair and Exposition will be hdd here from Augnst 17 to 25. A stock issue of $250,000 in seven per cent bonds is being sold, and practically two-thirds of that amount has been closed, almost entirdy to stocldiolders. RAPPS AND TIFFIN IN NEW YORK Abe Rapps and Sam Tiffin, two well known concessioners - last seasons with the Rupel Shows are in New York looking over several propositions for this coming sea.son. WHEELAN WITH STRATFORD A CO. Ridard M. Wheelan an old time con- cessioner, is now located with the Strat- ford Candies Inc., N. Y., looking after the Bazar and Exposition trade, he was form- erly with the Auerbach Co. KEMPF JOINS KENNEDY Chicago, Feb. 5.—The Kempf Brothers, Irving and Bruce, builders of the model dty, a long time with the Wortham shows, recently disorganized, will be with the Ken- nedy shows this coming season. ANDERSON IN NEW YORK Sam Anderson of the California Shows of Boston, Mass., was in New York with his partner, Harry Hall, on business last week. The show will have a new Cater- pillar Ride with them this season. CONTRACTS FOR STOCK WHEELS Sam Glickman has contracted with I. J. Polock manager of the World At Home Shows for all the Stock Wheels on the show for the coming season. TRI-STATE SHOW AT SAVANNAH B. K, Hanafonrde, general manager of the Tri-State Exposition, announces that it will be hdd at Savannah, Ga., October 15 to 20, inclusive, 1923. RETURN FROM SOUTH AMERICA After an extensive tour of West Indies and finally locating at Venezuela for a few weeks, Morris and Irvin Merson, with Harry Goodwin, finally returned to New York for the remainder of the Winter. They left New York with the Harry Witt Shows the early part of November. The boys returned to New York on account of lonesomeness for the States and being very poor sailors dedded that the U. S. A. was good enough for them. 'The Merson boys are now located at 785 8th avenue, where they have a general merchandise store. They report that the Harry Witt Shows were enjoying failiy good business. TRACY HICKS IN N. Y. Tracy C. (Jimmie) Hicks of the Pan- American Doll & Novelty Company, Kan- sas City, Mo., manufacturer of dolls 'and novdties, was in New York on business for his company, purchasing imported nov? elties, etc, Mr. Hicks has patented a new radio outfit complete that can be attached to metal parts of an electric car or phbne or electric light wire and receive very dis-^ tinctly any broadcasting. He will annoiince shortly this new invention through .the Clipper. MYER TAXIER IN N. Y. . ■ Myer Taxier, who has had for several seasons the Hides on die Wortham's Shows was in New York for a few days last week on business. Mr. Taxier will have his rides on the Morris and Castle Shows this coming season and on his return south he will stop at Buffalo to look over his new Caterpillar Ride recently ordered. WHERE IS GRACE MENSCH7 B. Merger Hartman, attorney, 406 New Kern Building, Portsmouth, Va, is anxious to locate Mrs. Grace Mensch, last heard of on the Cloth's Greater Shows, Novem- ber. 1921, at Monroe. Ga. Mr. Hartman has information of interest to Mrs. Mensch. WORLD SHOWS IN PERU The latest report from the World Stand- ard Shows, Hughes, Kitz and Hamilton, managers, at Lima Peru, is that they were having very good business and were un- decided as to just what date they would return to the States. WINTERING IN FLORIDA The following show folks are wintering in Miami, Fla.: Mr. and. Mrs. Qyde Hippie, Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, Mrs. Emma Frcari. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Wal- ace and Bill Wyatt. EXPOSmON SHOWS ROUTE Johnny J. Tones Expo. Shows—(Fair) Tampa, fu., Feb. 1-10. ^ Miller Bros. Shows—Penucola, Fla., Feb. ^ jSnapp Bros. Shows—Sao Di'cse, Cal., Feb. $1,000.00 REWARD To Coneean'oa Openton, WUeetmea.' Stock —^ . Griad Sum Tor puticulan addrca P. O. Boc I97y Halts, O.