New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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February 14. 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 27 MT. VEUOV, S. T. (SccoiKl Rail)—LjwU & Pani—Valda, Moore t Vnlda—Sljow 07—Emma Halg Co, BEVABK, V. J. DODcao Slalen—Uboaatl—Era Shlxlef Co.— nollaud 3e Ba7—Sinjder St Coaro7. SCHEHECXAST, B. T. (Secood Hair')—Alva Doxoai Co.—Fotco St Wil- liams—I'aal HIU Co.—Jean Sotbeni. TBOY, B. T. (SMODd naif)—E. * H. ZleTieer—North * Sootb—AndenoD & Oimvea—LrdeU ft Macy— HeniT'a Uttoij SU. Y0HX£B8, H. T. (SecoDd Haiti—Parrel & Oweot—Tboa. J. RyaQ Co. —Chas. & M. Duobar ' POU CIRCUIT Week of Febniavy 12, 1923 BBIDOEFORT, COTTS. Palace (SccoDd Half)—Lcaeb La Qolnlan Trio— Vorke & .Majelle—Paul tt O. Hall—Frank Tinner —Manneln Slaters. PoU'a (Second Halt)—John S. Blondr Co.— Sandj Stiuw—CliBS. Keating Co.—Staolej & 8ter- «iifi—Itaal Hck. RABTFOBB, COSH. Palace (Secund Half)—Splder'n Web—Tb« Carol GlrJa— & Cnntton—Uorgao It Bay—Innia Bioo.—Conner's Rerue. Capital (Second Half)—Clifford Wayna Trio— Man Off the Ice Wapon—Adams & Grlfflth. NEW SAYEH. con). FaUco (Secowl Half)—Bobble aordone—Melroy Slaters-Tuhor & Green—Janr & K. Lee—StlUwell Si Fmzer—lliiloff Sc Elton. SCBABTON, PA. PoU'a (Second Halt)—Tbe Adrollo—RoUock & Erann—Juvenile Frolics—Nellie T. NIchoIa—Sonnj- ^oni|t!*on Sc At. Brysoo Ent. SPROfOFZELD, MASS. Palace (Second Bait)—Joe Roberta—Fairy Tule Follies-Victor Graff—Cameo Reruc. WATEBBUBT, CONN. Palaco (Second Halt)—Denianls & Uets—Hun- sell ti Hayea—China Dine Plate—Haynea St Beck —Uesio Ketter. WILSE8-BABB£, PA, Poll's (Second Halt)—Dunedin tt Play—Sell OTonnell—(ieoree LeMalro O.—Clinton St Booney —Local Band. WORCESTER, MASS. Poll's (Second Halt)—James tt Bdltb James— Monroe & Stmt —nnrron St Burt—Dress Rebeanal —N'lpl McKlnley-Wllklns & Hughes. B. F. KEITH BOOKING EXCHANGE •Week of February 12, 1923 NEW TORS CITT Broadway—Howard & Lewis—Ernie Golder Co. —Noel Lcmer Co.—Barrett & Famum—Marino & Martin—I'. J. Sidney Co.—Bob Rellly Co. Fordham (Second Halt)—Carle Campbell—Bitter A. Knspp— Texan Four—Jim Thornton—When Lore la Vouut:—Ruby Norton. Jeffonon (Second Holt)—KelHO Ilros.—De Lisle —Bison City Four. CoUianm (Second Half)—Stanley St Blnons— -Jbm. McWllUms—Oolnin & Morvaerlte—Mra. R. t'alenllno. Bacent (Second Halt)—Kenny Sc Bollls—Brent Hayes—Lone Tack Sam—Newboff St Fbelpa—Olb. son £t Price. Franklin (Second Half)—Welch, Mealey & Mont- rose—SUvn Rrann Co.—Baer St Irwln—Ruby Royce—5«) Mllea from Broadway—Learltt St Lock, wood. Ormnd St. (Second Half)—Harry LaUoorc— Vonc Wunff Bros. Hamilton (Second Hilt)—Rocktrell St Fox- Barrett & Famom—Roland T^Ters Co.—Alice HamUtoo. DRY CLEANED Theatrical Gowns and Costumes Repaired and Dry Cleaned OVERNIGHT We Work While You Sleep Criiwns Called for After the Show Delivered Beforr Noon Next Day. PHONE CIRCLE 2913 OVERNIGHT CLEANERS at 756 7th Avenue Between Otli and SMIi Stmb. WeDer'* FRENCH FOOTWEAR SoSaamrDOsn^ Tk Navssl raris Tariawii S*hcltaa BaU HASRT WELLER 793 Sth At. open evenincs BMOKLTB, M. T. Elatboah—Crals CampbeU—Mcas A Fry*—LIUIan Shaw—TrsTon Dontlti Co.—Warden Bn*. Onanpolnt (Second Halt)—Marie Cavanangb Co. —Oeo. Holland Co.—John Burke. Fioiptot (BMOod' Btlt)—Jos. J. WInnIo Ben- nlnfn—Bl Ba Bo—Howard K^'le Co.—Mack A Lane —Bddla Nation. Rlvaim (Second Halt)—Creations—Paramount Dancer*—Four Camerana. Far Bookavay (Second Half)—Weber St Rldnor —Ballea A Day—Harry Stoddard Band—Franklin Afdell Co.—Mary Haynea. HondanoB'a. Conay Island (Second Half)— Ptionognpti Four—Allen A Candeld—O'Neill A Plonkett—Zelda Santley—Haoreen Oolden Co. AIXXMTOWH, PA.' Orphanm (Second Half)—WUIIama A Daisy— Tnpa—Mnmy A Gerrlah—Bnrfce, Barton St Borke —Ben Itarton's Berne. AI.TO0HA, FA. Oiphanm (Second Halt)—AdonlH A Co.—^Thorn- ton A Klne—Barrett A Cuneen—Follies of "23. AMSIEBOAM, N. Y. (Second Holt)—Peel A Corrln^oUnny Murpby —Chan. Harrison Co.—Jimmy Lucbm Co. —Trella Co. ASBDBT PARK, N. J. (Second Half)—The Norrelles—Salle A Iloblea —Gene .Morgan Co.—Indian Rereriet. BAXaOR, ME. (Second Halt)—Brown A Demont—Kelly A Rowe—Jean Mlddleton—Clayton, Dre Players— Walmsley A Kcatlog—The Newmaoa. BATOMHE, M. J. (Second Bait)—Ruga A Rose—Stevens .t: Brun- nclle—Tlie Lore Bo(r—Willie Solor—Den Metoff Co. BntOEAMTOH, N, T. (Seconil Halt)—Ulletta Co.—Rolte'a Rerue— Knnazana Japs—Draromon A White. BOBTOS, XABB. Boston—Koracs A Goldner—Smythe St James— Harrv Jobne—Kceoc A Williams—John lloeay Co. Soollay Square—Holden A Graham—John (Reiser —U. A C. Shnrock-Sbrloer A Flttslmmons— Justa. Maniball Rerue. WasUnston Street—Cooiier A Lacey—Ethel HopkinK—low Seymour Co.—McCrath A Deeds— Hems A Wlltla. Howard—Geo. A n. Perry—Geo. Morton—Qlrlle A Her Dandles. BowdolD Square—Zeno Moll A Carr. BRADFORD, Pa. (Second Haiti—The Sccbacka—Blanche A J. CrelKhton—Kennedy Bros.—Uart4ed Again. BROOKTOH, MASS. Strand (Second Half)—Antui Mae Co.—Ntsb A O'Donnell—rinto A Boyle—Nalhane A Bnlly. OAMBRIDOE, MASS. Central Squaro (Second Half)-Fanl Nolan— Tlvoll A lAVere—(Hiarlotte Lansing—Fero A Marec—bcamon A Grace. CAHTOM, O. MIcbon Broa.—Oren A Drew—Dotoon—Stop Thief—Polly DDmpllnc—Royal Oascoynes. OaZSTEB, PA. (Second Halt)—Dancing McDonalda—Ahearn A Pearson—Smith A Parker—Caesar Rlvoll—Bohby Heath Co.—Out Caeaaring Caeaar. OURKSBimO, W. VA. (Second Half)—Warner A Cole—Monte A Parte —Leroy A Mabel Hart—Stone A Hayea—Thirty Pink Toes. EASTOV, PA. (Second Half)—Wyoming Duo—Jack Sidney— Besaalan A Wbllc—Morgan A Binder—The Drug Clerk. FT.IfTRd. N. T. (Second Half)—Dorothy Manning—Jvnnlocs tt; Domey—fierce ft Ryan. FAISIIOHT, W. TA, (Second Bait)-Fnnk A C. Latour-Murray A Bert—Allen A KIrby—DnckrlJge Casey Co. FALL B'TEB, MASS. (Second Half)—King Bros.—Municipal Four— Herron A Oaylord—Bailey A Porter—Holland A Oden—Slatkos' Rerue. FITOEBUBO, MASS. Cnmmincs (Second Halt)—Paula—Jack Little- Moore A Elliott-Hodge A Lowell. PRESORT, L. I. Kaufman Broa.—'Earl Mullen—Frank WUcox Co.—Dell & GUaa—Jerome Mann—Walter Man- tbey Co.—Mnllen A Francis—Innla Bna. OLOTEBSYILIX, V. T. (Second Half)—Wanda A Seal—Van Dyke A Vlncle—So Tbia la Broadway—Al Sbayoe— MInettI A SIdollL OBEEHBBTTRO, PA. (Second Halt)-Beradt A Partner—Mlghtower A Jones—Eileen—Boyd A King—^The Bolaroa. HAVERHILL, XABB. (Second Half)—Matle Lunette—Mallnda A Dade—Raymond Bond Co.—Johnson A Hayea— Mystic (Tlaytoo. HABRIBBVRO, PA. Majsstlo (Second Half)—Anna Bros.—Wm. SIstli—Rellly A Rogers—Big City Fonr—Rerue La Petite. His andleneea antliasa over hla peiaon- allty. SpotUghta and footlights never reveal the maka-np on his face. He Is an artlat — and hla cbaimcterlxatlona are always perfect. Be aare ynu use Lelchner'a Make-np. Whatever yonr part In the cast—yoa will find Jast tha make-np yoa want in the Leichner line—always ready to use—always tha finest quality. Specify Lelchner'a and be snra. At jnar JmggiMt or tappfy Aeac IL. LElfC/HfMEJR. TOIUrPUPAIUmOM8»md THEATIUCAl tWIKUP Sole DImlribater*: GEO. BORGPELDT ft CO., Wlh St.and trvlnaF1..N>wYorV HEMPSTEAD, H. T. (Second Halt)—Rert I>e Barner—So This Is Droadwa.v—JolmM.n A Hayes—Craurli RlcbanU Fonr. HOLYOEC MASS. (Seconil Half)-Lew Nelson Co.—Oiley A Jaxon—Manning A tlnll—Eddie White—Ona Mnn- son Co. ITEACA. N. T. (Second Bait)—Waldman llros.-Snow A No- rtne—Four Block Eyed Suiains—Ted A B. Healey —Four Casting Stan. JAMESTOWN, M, T, (Second Half)—Summen Doo—Aleiander A Elmot«—Uptown A Down—Bobby Randall—Eleta Gardla Co. JOHNBTOWX-PITTBBVaOH CllffonI A O'Connor—Brown ft Neannan—Mar- tin A Blake—All at Sea—Wilbur A Lyke. FITTBBirROS-JOHireiOWH Cbadwlck A Taylor-^mllea—Johnny Coulon— Jack McQowon—Bro«*n*s Dogs. * LAWXEHCE, MASS. (Second Half)—Johnny Reynolds—Wills A Robins—Flashes from Songlond—Dob Hall—Fred Gray Co. LEWIBTOH, MX. Xnalo Hall (Second Halt)—Weaton A Mailoa— Dixie Hamilton—Rich Hayes—Harper A Clark— Ward Blstera A Hacomber. LOKO BBASOH, H. J, (Second Half)—Caating Campbellea—Jaa Jubi- lee—Horace Laird—Flnk'a Mulea—Al A E. Fhr- belle. , LTHH. MASS. (Second Halt)—Crane, May A Crane—Enapp A Corael—Jones A Bay.^7anes A Stepa. MCHEEBPOBT, PA, (Second Half)—Loretta—Biown A Newman— Capp's Family—Lennle Naco—Lntoa Broa. MAHCHEBTER, H, E. (Second Halt)—Boberta A Demoot—Tylor A St. cnair—Saxton A Farrell-Snlly ft Thomas— Fred's Pigs. MONTREAL, CAV. Prank Wilson—McCarthy A Stonard—no Bndy —Mna. Geralds—Trip to HItland—Psge ft Gray. BUCK DANCING HAS COME BACK BUT IN A DIFFERENT FORM Professianals, why live In the past? KEEP UP WI-TH THE TIUES. WHY ARE YOU NOT A STAR? WHY ARE STARS, STARS? BECAUSE THEY STUDY. HARILYNN IflLLER Haa been danaog on the atage since ibe was a babj. She is still talcing leasons. ARE YOU ANY BETTER? DONT BE A HOOFER. BE A DANCER. JACK BLUE TEACHES EVERY TYPE OF DANCE. foraerlT DANCING MASTER for GEO. M. COHAN and ZIEGFELD FOLXJES. 233 W. Sltt ST. (HRCLE 6136 MORPHINE ^m^OF ISDRBMOaMIKJN .«< MADBONMO I ft I ONE I MADISON'S BUDOETNo. Uy lateit and gmteit Inoe; and that^a going some. Contenta Inclode an almoat endless aasortment of bright aare-fire monolognca. acta for two males, and for male and female, paiodlea, 200 single gaga, mlnatrel 6nt parte with finalo; a aCotdh for four people, a tiUoid farce for nine cbaractera. etc. Send vonr dollar to I- J. K. HEH- H I MsMgsr el MORRIBTOWS, V. 1. .MlactthOB Co.—llsano A Landantr—Joe Brown- Ins—.4nn Francis Boya. MAXnCOXE. PA. (Sceood Haiti—Temater A Smith-KerlU* ft Panlaen—Gny ft Old Rose—Lura Dennett Co. HEW BRITAIN, COHH, (Second Halt)—Three Odd Chaps-Wood A Wbtto—Ariaona Four. NEW BBVHBWICK, M, J, (Second Half)—McComlck A WInchlU—Lot- nmo Scienadcrs—Cecolla Weatcn Co.—Clla Brad- na Co. HEW LOHDOH. COm. (Second Ualf)—Welgand Troupe—I'escl Doo— Franklin A Hall—Cook, Smith A Cook—O'Brien A Joaapblne. NEWPORT, R. I. Colonial (Second Halt)-LaFleur A Portia- Sharon Stcpbeos Co.—Lew Hawkins--Boatoek'a Riding *BebooL HO. ADAMB, MASa. (Second Hair)-I.«ahy Bras.—Holer A Aylott- Alt. RlpoD—Elm City Fonr—Bnth Jean FIter. [Contiruud on page 29) JUST OUT BULLETIN N0.0 Price, Om Dollar Par Copy ai^-dlglaal nudnllla sbbs^ Balsttf. that aa b> or IB lo Ua Ul.ln bUa hs Bay ngdia. HcNallr'a BrilsUn Nft. « Is Hiv in ^ bsttar ta maUty Ikaa snr btfki, tka ■alaa as stvaia. ons dsDor pm mm. ■alAUr* iSuETM la tess lag fDt-tdB>. ^Ift-i1stt coast ai icuiuiTia ■•■•iscsa. 12 IMIlie ACn 1m tea ukm. sjnilsiM ebiaa. U tliSIMl ACT* ftr aak 8^ y» taifTiK PAUOID <a an « eicAT vtmitMiitr act attllid am imf—Wt a tm. MF-LimsS FEBAU ACTT Bik M k a M tanL mn-»n hit. UTiLiis iMnmc ACT. nk M k ifti . vilh tansr «r the rtb-tkkttag 4 cKAunn csBEOT unea. a naa taa > eiUACni iOIUMRE It's briiilt, bnevand l^ililm aw 12 ■iiniii. riisT-p«m «iik « aUlO ■IMTKL f IMU aatlM < bibl" mn or uaAs. ■UDIEDl ^ . ■UIOES ether to the rsndioflls pullsmu . ■iMisliii lbs vhm <r ■sBAUrs ■a 8 b only ooa aoar va mm sr an SHtf Sny'la^aBiaaSi WM. McNALLY 81 E. 12Sth St, New York "SCOTTI" fVIOLrr 8TUAHT) m Wtm «a Sl Nmm Mi Oi,