New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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22 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER February. 21, 1923 CIR C U S WIFE SUES FOR 1100,000 . Los Amceles, Feb. 19.—Sarah Jane Hartigan Stondionse, wife of AL G. Barnes Stonehouse, known as A. G. Baines, circos man, values her husband's aSections at $100,000; for which amount she has filed suit against seven defendants whom she accuses of alienating her hns- tand's love. She alleges that the defendants did everything in their power to induce_ her husband to leave her after the marriage, and that th^ opposed the marriage in ue first place. ' . ' Stoncfaonse filed- suit for divorce- m Ne- vada about two months ago, charging she chasedvhim aroimd the circus lot, tried to run over him with an automobile and taught bis children to swear. She is his second wife; The seven defendants named in Mrs. Stonehouse's snit are: Albert T. Stone- house, her husband's brother; Richard Bnsteed, her husband's attorney; Harley S. Styler, Murray A. Pennock, William K. Peck, drcus attache, and W. V. Hill, her 'husband's friend. INDOOR CIRCUS FOR BENEFIT The MiUioD-Dollar Marine Circus to be put on at the 104th Field Artillery Armory, 68th and Broadway, New York, March 17- 24, inclusive, will be without a doubt one of the largest Indoor Circuses ever put on. The entire program will be furnished by Wirth, Blumenfield and Company, New York. The circus will be put on by the leading society women of New York in co-operation with naval ofiScers, and at the initial meeting heW February 17, several boxes were sold, among the purchasers be- ing Mrs. &rico Caruso, Miss Ethel Barry- more, Mrs. Oliver Harriman, Miss Francis Alda and others. Mr. Rodney Benjamin, brother of Mrs. Camso,- will be manager of the affair. CIRCUS MEN BACK FROM ENGLAND Clyde Ingals, with Merle Evans, side show manager and band leader with the Ringlmg Bros, and Bamnm and Bailey Combined Shows, arrived back from Eng- land last wedc, where they were putting on the big circus at the Olympic. London, ^irmg - the second year that Mr. Ingals has directed same, and again reports that show was a huge success. Mr. Ingals has gone to Canada to join his wife. Miss litzel, and Mr. Evans has gone to his home in Kansas City. Mo., for a short rest before tlie opening of the Big Show. WILD ANIMAL SHIPMENT ARRIVES T^mf Ruhe, animal dealer of New York, received last wedc a large ship- ment of wild animals, which mduded Indian Elephants, Camels, Polar Bean, Thibet Bears, Zebras, Antelopes. T tjmjj and a large number of monkeys. Tins i* the first shipment of animals to arrive-tins year, and it will be followed by anoifaer large one, due here next month. ACTOR FAILS—ASSETS $2S Douglas J. Wood, actor, of 129 West Forty-eighth street; has filed a petition in hon^uptcy with liabilities of ^725, and assets of $25. The principal creditors arc Charles V. Gordon, as administrator of the otate of Harriet V. Finch. $1,122, and the Algonqiuin Hotel Company, $732. FREE LOT FOR MAIN,SHOW Walter L. Main stales that if the Walter L. Main Circus. (Andrew Downie, MaiB0er) plays - his' home town, Geneva, Ohiok' Ae Mayor will issue free license owner of the arcns lot will give tjhwf free. The town will also -promote a big "Waher L. Main Day." MOORE SHOW FOR DES MOINES John W. Moore Indoor Circus.XWest- em) after finishing its engagement at Jacksonville, Fla., this week will make a jump 'to Des Moines, Iowa, their next stand. The (Eastern) Circus is now at Roanoke, Va., with Baltimore, Md., to fol- low. . . MAIN AGENT IN CHICAGO F. J. Frink, agent of the Walter L. Main Circus, was in. New York for a few days on business and returned to Winter quarters at Havre de Grace, Md. With Gov. Downie he is now in Chicago, where they will attend-the-Showmen'-s-Ball.- WEIR BUYS ELEPHANTS . Charles Weir, manager of Charles Weir Trained Wild Animals, which includes Tigers, Leopards and Bears, has just pur- chased a pair of Female Baby Indian Elephants and will have them broke to do ah act this coming season, and will add them to his above show. CIRCUS AT GARDEN ON MARCH Z4 The Ringling Bros, and Bamum and Bailey Combined Shows will leave Winter quarters at Bridgeport, Conn., for Madison Square Garden March 19, and the circus will commence its New York engagement March 24. CAMPBELL BUYS UON ACT William Campbell, late of the Campbell- Bailey-Hutchinson (Hrcus, has purchased from CapL William Purchase of Peters- burg. Va., a Four Lion Act and has had them shipped to his Winter quarters at Tarboro. N. C PATTERSON SHOW FOR EAST James Patterson, manager of the Pat- terson Trained Wild Anunal Show and Gentry Bros. Circus ccRnbined, will play the Eastern territory this coming season. McFARLAND WITH SELLS-FLOTO William (Pop) McFarland, who has had the side show with the John Robin- son Circus for several seasons, will have the side show with the Sells-FIoto Gr- cus this year. AZTEC FREAK BOOKED Steve Mills has again booked his Aztec Freak (Slitzie) for the coming season with Sam Gumperts' Dreamland Side Show, Coney Island, K. Y. THE DUTTONS ON KEITH TIME The Duttons, Society -Riding act, which has played vaudeville and fair dates for the past several years, arc now playing the Keith time in and around New York City. BIEYERHOFF IN WEST Hairy Meyerhoff of Meirerhoff & Taxier Enterprises, New York, has started west on a business trip and -will be at the Sbow- moi's Ball, Chicago, this week. MARCUS IN WEST W. C. (Bill) Marcus, general agent of the Brown and Dyer Shows, -was in New York on husiness, and left to look over some western territory. FILM ACTRESS ADOPTS BABT Dallas, Tex.. Feb. 19.—Barbara La Marr. motion picture actress, adopted an infant from Hope's Cottage, a baby, hos- pital, in this city. SEA UON5 IN VAUDEVILLE Fred's Trained Sea Lions, last season with the Walter L. Main Grcus, are play- ing vaude\-ille dates aronnd New Yoirk. OUTDOOR EXPOSITIONS CROSBY WITH GERARD SHOW ... E-. C._.Crosby,. geacral. agent signed to handle the advance of the Gerard's Greater Shows (which will be known this season as Gerard's Novelty Circus and Hbcposi- tion). Mr. Crosby ^yill iiave,. a special billing crew, and four promoters, including two young ladies, to handle contest work only.. Mr. Crosby also states, that there will be .entirely new.Jnetbods the ex- ploitation of the show, with a great deal-, of attention-being paid to special advertis- ing along novel lines. — The concessions' will . also, be handled in a different man- ner. There will also be carried a spacious white top, where in to free admission will be displayed the varied exhibits of liier-. chants and manufacturers. This comes' under the listing of "Special Events" and is expected to have a-virile.appeal to local business concerns. The show this season will carry Five Rides—Four Shows—Including a high ' class one ring novelty circus, also Air Cal- liope—^J. P. Kisker's Dixie Land band will furnish music for the showl Marvelous Mellvill—the sensational aeri- al gymnast—will' be one of the feature Free Acts. The show's new ofiSces are located at No. 16S8 Broadway. NO. CAROLINA FAIR MGRS. MEET A meeting of the North Carolina Fair Managers -was held at Greenville, N. C, Feb. 13, the following showmen being pres- ent: George Kline of Zeidman & Pollie Shows, George Hamid of Wirth, Blumen- field & Co., John P. Flannigan of Austin Wilson's Auto Polo and Racers, G. Rieno of Schenedy Fire Works Co., Robert A. (Whitey) Josselyn of the Greater Sheesley Shows. Mr. Dale, president of the Green- ville Fair gave a dinner at the Rotary Club. The next meeting will be held at Raleigh, N. C. Several Free Acts con- tracts were given out, but no Exposition Shows were contracted. FAIR MANAGERS MEET At a meeting of Fair Managers held at Greensboro, N." C, Feb. 9, the following showmen were present: George Hamid of Wirth Bloomenfield & Co., Robert A. (Whitey) Josselyn Greater Sheesley Shows, John P. Flannigan of Austin Wilson's Auto Polo and Racing, L. Macabe of Lew Dufonr Shows and Harry L. Small of Smiths Greater Shows. Some contracts were awarded for free acts, but not any as yet to Exposition Shows. HICKS AT WEST ALUS W. R. (Red) Hicks, John Sheesle/s .assistant on the (jreater Sheesley Shows, has left his winter home at Pine Ridge, N. J., for winter quarters at the Fair Grounds, West Allis, Wis. • Mr. Hicks attended several fair meetings in the east vrith their general agent ' Robert A. (Whitey) Josselyn and -was called west to start getting the Shows lined up for the coming seasons. WOLF TO PLAY STATE FAIR T. A. Wolf, manager of the T. A. Wolf Shows, passed through New York last week on his -way home to Buffalo from Winter quarters at Augusta, Ga. Mr. Wolf has been awarded the contract to play the . South Carolina State Fair, at Columbia, next Fall. UNDERMAN BACK FROM ACHMOND Max Linderman, of the World of Mirth Shows has just returned to New York from a visit to Winter Quarters' at Rich- mond, Va. Mr. Linderman reports that work at the Shows was about finished and with their new tents and with all fronts; wagons, etc, newly painted. The Shows will make a very favorable appearance wlien set -up: • FISHER IN NEW YORK Zibbie Fisher, of the Zibbie Fisher Co., Chicago, exposition supplies, was in New- 'Vork last week on business and has re- turned to Chicago to get ready for the big round-up of showmen who will attend the* dinner and ball of the Sho%vmen's League, Chicago, Feb. 21. TO DO "DREAMLAND" SHOWS . Johnny Wallace and wife, wiU. return to New York this week, after spending most of the Winter in Miami, Fla. They , stopped off at Jacksonville, Fla., on' their way north to look over the John. W.° Moore Indoor Circus. Mr. 'Wallace is- putting out his own show this season with Irvin Udewitz, under title of "The Dream- land Shows.'.' STANDARD EXPO. ORGANIZING : The Standard Amusonent Exposition of: New York, with Phil. Hamburg, general manager, James H. Lent, treasurer, and Peter T. Slaine, secreta.ry, are now or- ganizing and when ready to take the road will have several new and hovel features.' Besides several attractive shows they will carry several rides and a nice line up of concessions and will feature several free acts. SMITH EQUIPMENT RENEWED Ralph Smith,' who has had the rides on the Bcmardi Show, formerly the Francis Ferari Shows for a number of years, is in New York on business and reports that all his equipments are overhauled, painted, and ready to start the coming sea-, son. WILSON HAS "TEN IN ONE" Harry G. Wilson, who has had his trained Wild Animal Show on the "World of Mirth Shows" for the past two seasons, will have the "Ten in One' with this show the coming season. Mr. Wilson, having sold his Trained Animals Show this winter. INDOOR BAZAAR AT NEW LONDON Sam Glickstein left New York last week with a small party of concessioners to play an Indoor Bazaar at New London, Conn., for I. J. Polack. Included in the party were Harry Goodwin, Louis Stem, Mike Herman and Ben Smith. KROUSE SHOWS AT PORTO RICO The latest reports from the Krouse Greater Shows now playing the Island of Porto Rico, shows, rides and concessions arc all doing nicely and the show will ar- rive back in the States on or about ."ipril 1. SEAMAN WITH WOLF SHOWS .Adolph Seaman, one of the oldest show- men in the Exposition field and who has been superintendent of the Rubin & Cherry Shows for the past several seasons will be with the T. A. Wolf Shows this coming season in the same capacity. LEE BROS. TO CHANGE SHOW Lee Shafer, of Lee Bros. Shows, winter- ing in Harrisburg, Pa., is in New York on business and is considering making quite a change in his style of entertainment this coming seas^. EXPOSITION SHOWS Johnny J. Jone« Exposition Shows—Tampa, Flai (fair). Miller Bros. Sbows—Peoucola, Fla. $1,000.00 REWARD To CcbccmIos O^KnlDi^ Grind StSfO. For ^arilcsWn m. Kiltm. O. Stock P. O. 1