New York Clipper (Mar 1923)

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March 14, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 31 E.F. ALBEE 1. X MURDOCK P. F. FRocnm B. F. Keith Vaudeville Exchange (AGENCY) (Palace Tliaatn BuildiBC. N«w York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F. PROCTOR—FOUNDERS ArtitU Can Book Diract by AtUrMsfaw W. Dajtoa Wasafartli PLAYS For STOCK. REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WOULD. Boob for home unuKpient Negro plsTi. Piper, Scanny, Un. Jubr'* Wu Worit*. Catalofoa Fml Pnct TntI SAUUEL FRENCH, a Vfmt MIk St, Kmr Ytmk Insure Your Material Against Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS COUPON wiD ba Bmnberrd ud ktticlied ud a ccrtiEuta wUl b« rataned ta jvm u mn admowIedBmetit and for fntnre ffcfcreioc Tbo oootiibutaon ahonU b* klsncd pUsly br the penon or 6rm ecfidlna <he ume, and ilunld be endor«ed br <b* ttrngt menager of the thow or of ^« home whcra the act (a beins nicd, or ether vftneaaaa. Fbrther ■cknowlcdsinoit wU be nude b7 th* nainei ud miDiDeri befaic pabllikad. AddrM* Toor cootribqtjo o to The Re^utry Bureau NEW YORK CUPPER. UH Bitadwar. Na* York Date NEW YORK CUPPER REGISTRY BUREAU Encloaed find copy off my. •Blitlod , for Ra gi a lia tion. Nun* AiUroaa tf2>—Hope Viiiiiai Tinii KflacL UM—Harrcr Taiifiinr Tian ins—Hairy WUls—Act. awttdl—Plar. im-Johii J. ICeCuth7>-lUt«flaL ITas-Geo. A. Kciikaw^Act. uuTii lOATn nsuB) UV-Wlan Billta 1730-Getald GriSn-SkMCk. im—K. B. Tamnbiila Tim, Va-IL B. TmiMTOmla—Lxri inj—Jelm R. layda—Boiliie 1T34—Shiart Darrow—Tlllea. WORTH T^jj^j. MJ-p-Up WHILE O. SHINDHBi AC 1« W.4«h Mw NOTi VoHt CENTRAL WARDROBE $45^ Eqaal to maj 160.00 Truk Ctilfd Traok FacloiT SIMONS & CO. TOO Arch St. Phlla. MONEY WRITING SONGS A successful music corDptMcr and pubUsher writes r book explainiiiB how to malcA money publtshinr songs. Contents: Correcting Your Faults, Wrtlinr * Melody, OirectJnff the Am- bitious YouBc Composer, Placbic Your Sengs Before the Public. Lists over SM Muaic Deal- ers—290 Band and Orchestra Leadcrm. You neod this book, only one of its kind on the maricet. Only Si M Postpaid. Mocw back If you say so. UNION MUSIC COMPANY, 3lS East Fifth St. Cbicianati. Ohio. Every Maoager and Agent SHOULD OWN a cepr c( THE juuus c:ahn-cus hill guide eonlaimni; All the Essential Facts o( the Show Business. 3>th Edition, Prire ii.OO oal—1921 21st Kdition Supplement, Price $1.50 net —1922. i*.SO Complele JUUUS CAHN—GUS HILL GUIDE Room 2*7, ni 7th Ava., Now Yoric CItjr BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES Alcaiar Tbeatra Bnadiiii SAN FRANCISCO Watch The Letter List WIGS Saal Hnman Balr Importod: Irish Comedian, Jew, Dnteh- man. Cton, *1.2S eacb. Ne«io. 30e., SOr., tl.OO: Ladr wic, $2 30 TUhta, tl.20. Balr Muitaebe or Ooatea. 23c. Ciapa llair, p. lam. 2Sc. SlLKOLlNB„Tlahta or Shirt* »2.lB <-acli Fake Diamond Bln( or Pin. 23c. Gold Blatorle Ear- rina pp. noe. Paper Bate. 30c. docen. CaUloit free. CXTB SUPPEBT, 46 Cooper B«.. Vav Tork. J.&ASSBEites SHORT PsIcDl Calukla vUk doD kU •a«d« Willi kid tite- ■Uagt to mstch. ,AIie brown sal In wllk aaada IrLnuBloti to mstch. OUier nedsls la cross sr dUIb itrap •fl'«cU b all laalhsn. Vat 1 ti 9, A t* EE. SMi t» Citalil C 290 Fifth AvOelBedi httm^ M > Slat Sb««te Sll Siscth Ave. 1 N«v York CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX ANIMALS Uenrr Bartda, 72 Cortlandt St.. Nsw York. Louis Ruhe, 351 Bowery, New York Win. Bartels Co., 44 Cortlandt St., New York City. BAZAAR A EXPOSITION SUPPLIES Bloch Preminm Sales Corporatian. 2B Wcet ttad St., New York City. LAWYERS F. I. Boyd. 17 Na La Salle St.. OleaaoL SCENERY Kalm & Bouwman Scenic Studio I5S W. »th Sl, N. Y. aty. ChaUes S956. SCENERY FOR RENT Amelia Grain, 819 Sfnins Garden St, PhBadel- phia, Pa- TENTS J. C Goaa Co.. 10 Atwater St.. Detroit. Hleb. Send (or Second-hand list. SCENERY Dlm^ Dy>k M ar Wktar scHEU. SCENIC sTUDiOk coHimiua a Ninety ai the thaatrical TAYLOR TRUNKS Wtlte for oar theatrical TRUNK WOMXa. SIN. HalMad iHlMM. TAYbOB udSt, Ckka«« IB. Sold by the FiJIowIb« Dealmt WATCH THIS UST GROW NEW YORK CITY. William Bal Company, 239 West ]9th St. Edward Cropper, Inc., 1390 Broadway. ALBANY, N. Y. Weeks Truiik Company, 311 Brodamy. BOSTON, MASS. The Piccadilly Shop, 80 Boylston St. BUFFALO, N. Y. Moran Drothcrs, J17 Washington St. CHARLESTON, C. Charleslon Tnink Company. 27D Kii« St. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Ohio Horse Goods Ok, 1744 East 12th St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Grand Rapids Trank Cbi. XO Divlakn St., South. POTTSVILLE, PENNA. H. R. Knapp, 202 South Centro St. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Syi acute Trunk Works, 4M Sooth SsUna Street. TROY, N. Y. W. H. Frear & CorApany WILKES BARRE. PENNA. BiTcsr & Yeager, 9 Main Street. WILMINGTON, DEI. Joshua Conner & Son. 23S Market Sl WORCESTER. MASS. The Baggage Shop, S73 Main Stmt. Mw)a and Cuaisntaed by WIIXIAM BAI. COMPANY NEWARK NEW JERSEY WIGS mm In An Stjrlae mni QoaBlSaa THEATRICAL JEWELRY AND SPANGLES. TIGHTS, OPERA HOSE AND STOCKINGS. FANCY BRO- CADES, GOLD mad SILVER HUM- MINGS, and an Goods ThaatrtcaL HI(h J. J. Wnf&JROSs, Ik. sisauAif a WBiL 18 a 20 E. 27^ St. Nw Toth Subscribe for the New Yofli Clipper LATEST NEWS ON ALL Departments Reviews Vaudeville Dates Ahead D A 'FCC 95.00 per year KAI E-O $2.50 for Six Months Send orders to CLIPPER CORPORATION, 1658 Broadway, Naw Yavk Printed by Tin Technicai. Patss, Nrw Yosk