New York Clipper (Apr 1923)

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April 11, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 29 RALPH ROGERS AND DONNELLY Completing a Most Pleasimt and Succeuful Vaudeville Season on the B. F. Keith Circuit. Thaiilu to Our Personal Representa- tives, MORRIS AND FEIL mmzAPOus, xm. BaTUtli BiTMt—I>*Te & TkuI*— nitlBia—Buiy HoBman A Co.—Blidi ot PandlM—Oltat Uitar— McOoods, L«iucn & Co.— Brnftr A Goodwin. VAUDEVILLE BILLS iCentiniud from pagt 27) Scdila (Flnt Bain—A Fair of Dtocw—Ktoo. Kern * IfelroM—WUilamt & Claik—La Oraeloaa. (Socosd Half)—lAwtoB—AnuboUa—Bender * Amutrong—Rcddlofton & Grant. Amedcan (Fliat Halt)—Bamett & Lnnaid. Xineola (Pint Half)—Beddlngton & Orut— Oladra Delmar * Band. (Second Halt)— OUt* * Hack. Snstowaod (Firat Halt)—(%nUer * Baae—Par- orltaa ot tbe Past—Matraret Toanf. (Second Halt)—Hngh Jobnaton—^Maigaiet Ycmt CeTene Tkoope—Earl * Rial Beroe. Oipkenm (April 21 and 22)—Mack tt Salle— RIehjiidwHi Broa. & Cberry—Trenell Trio. BLOonnroToir, ill. Majeatlo (Flnt Half)—WUbnr * Adama—Pilm- nae Four—Tbe Oolden Bird. (Second Halt)— WUaoo-Anbrer Trio—Will J. Ward—FiTorttce ot tbe Paat. BOOHE, IOWA Xyrlo—Fagg & Wblte. oKAioAiov, nx. Jack Hugbea Doo—Hemmond'a Wblteway Or- 'Cbeetra-Frank Deroe & Co.—CoUlna A Hart— WUIIe Higgle. DATEBFOBT, IOWA BmrDs Cama * Co. —Tbree Weber Olrla. smraxTB, iowa 'KaJeatlD—Natalie Harrlaon A Co. —Goman Bna. FAXOO, H. S. Grand (Flnt Halt)—Mack & SaUe—Blcbaidaon Bra. & Cberrr—^Trenell Trio. (Secood Halt)— Tlie Bkatella—Boae ft Tbom—Stoart Glrla—Toa. cano Broa. rr. XASIBOH, IOWA OelsmUft—Hanr Garland—Ollre & Mack—niK« Weber Olrla. n aT.nim iiiii TT.T. Oiphaam (Flnt Half)—Cbrlatle * Bennett- - Foot Bnblnl Slaten. (Second Halt)—Barmood WUbert—Ctumberliin & Karle—San Flteb Utn- atrrla. GRASS ISLABS, VZB. lUJeetio (Bonder)—Ulller, Packer * Bel>— Bat>bT Brawater & Co. (April 19, 20 and 21)— Bndr ft Maboner—Sylrla Dsyne ft Co. 0B2EH BAT, WIB. Oiphenm—Jerome ft Fnnce—George ft Fnol Hickman—Tbree Melvln Brotben. joLiET, nx. Orpkaam (First Halt)—Lawton—Dealer Slaten .ft Co. (Second Halt)—Jack Boabler ft MoSa— Boecoe Alia—Kate Fallman ft Co. fopuir, xo. EleoMo (Flnt Halt)—Earr ft Barr—Moore ft Vlelda. (Second Halt)^oe Allen—Bndeilck Wrnn A Co. iTAWBan OITT, KAK. EleoMo (Flnt Halt)—Paol Babn ft Cc—Ttnt Alex. (Second Half)—Foeb Fonr. iraunaa oiTT, MO. Globe (Flnt Half)—Arcb Woodr—Starllnc ft •Gold—Broadwar to tbe Boverr- (Second Etolt)— MaaoQ ft Scboll—Lerere ft ColUna—Bobbr firewa- ter ft 0».—Trier ft Crollna. LA GBOBBE, WIS. BlToli (Sondar. Moodar and Tneadar)—^Tbe :SkateUa—Boee ft Tbom—Stnart Glrla—Toacano . Broa. IXAVZHWOSTB. XAV. OrpkenD—Maaon ft SchoU-Lerere ft CoUlna— Tocb Foot— I>ler ft CroUne—Wlkl Bird ft Co, XCTOOLV. HEBB. Ubertr (Flnt Halt)—MlUer Packer ft Sels— 'Sobbr Brewiter ft 0>.—Silver DuTal ft Klrtr— .Jim. (Second Halt)—Hackett ft Beach. XASIBOH, WS. Oiphenm (Flnt Halt)—Jack ft Jeaale Olbaon— liar ft Bdnn Tt*ej —Vanltr Qoartette—Nlobe— •Mlnateel Monarclw—Stella Marbew. (Second Halt)—^Tbe Floreols—Volano Gamble—Flicslde 'Bererlee—Spencer ft Wllllama—Dancing Kcnnedja. XABSRAIITOWV, IOWA Caalno—Lobln ft Lewla. KILWAVKEE, WIS. Xajeitlo—Zelda Broa.—Erana, Uero & Brana— Jobnnr'a New Car—BlUy Miller ft Co.—Leona Ball Berne—Frank Farron—Ijdj Allce'a PeU. HOBTOIZ, AndltarloB (Snndar)—Sllrer DnTal ft Kltbr. (April 20 and 21)—Carre ft Uoio—Hack ft Yelmar. FEOBIA, nX. Orpheam (Flnt Halt)—DaUaa Walker—Boaeoe AUa, Kate Pnllman ft Co.—Wllaon-Aadnr Ttto. (Second Half)—MIddleton * Spellaarar—Prlm- roae Fonr. . auiHOT. nx. Oiphemn (Flnt Halt)—Barmond Wllbett— CliamberUIn ft Earle—Dan Flteb Xlnatnla. (See- 'ond Halt)—Cbrlatle ft Bennett—Foor BnMnl Sla- t«a. BACIHE, WIB. Blalts—Pranc« ft Juome—Frank ft Btbel Hnlli —Coolter ft Wnee Ta Gradoaa. BOOKFOBB, lU^ Falac* (Flnt E(aU)—Tbe Flotenla—^Toland Gam- ble—FIrealde Bereiln—StKncer ft WUlUma— Dancing Kennedra. (Second Bait)—Jack ft Jeaale Glbaon—Bar ft Bdna Tncr—Stella Marbaw— Mlnatrel Uonaicba—Nlobe. sr JOE, xo. EleeMo (Flnt Halt)—Franda Bona ft DnBoaa— Monte ft I^ona—Crratal Bennett ft Co. (Second Halt)—Sinclair ft Gnr—Areb Woodr—MUler, Packer ft Beta. BT. LOUIS. XO. OoiombU (Flnt Halt)-Wbeaton ft Bord—Frank ft Etbel Bella—Sermoor ft Jeanette. (Beccnd Halt)—Lntar Barmond ft Co.—WMtlng ft Dnnn— McKlnler Blater»—Barrr Garland. Blalts (Flnt Half)—Ward ft Beotar—Jack Hngbea Dno—Oerene Tnnpe—Ned Neator ft Co. (Second Half)—Bodero ft Brown—WllUama * Clark—Foor Tamakla. Grand Opata Bona*—Once Ayen ft Bro.—flun- ler. Tripp ft Mowatt—Bob Untpbj—Weir ft Crest—Barmond Bond ft Co.—Stanler Chapman— Henrr Catalano ft Co.—Alexandria—Page, Hack ft Mack. Eovz oirr, iowa Oxphenm—(Flnt Bait)—Lore SUtero—Uarrr Ue —suit CoUlna. (Second Bait)—Big Jim—Fnnk Whitman—Benee Boberta ft Band—Fierce ft Bran. sotyrR jUEjis. ivs* Falasa (Flnt Halt)-Fettr Beat ft Bro.—Tango Sboea—Emma Cans ft Co. (Second Bait)—John ft Nellie Olma—Walla ft WlnUmp—SchwarU ft Clifford. Xajaatlo (Flnt Halt)—Jolrn ft NeUle Olma— Stan ot Tean Ago—Bodero ft Brown—Will J. Werd—CoUlna ft Biart. (Second Halt)—Chandon Trio—Ward ft Dooler—Aotomn Trio—Jarrla Bema —Ned Neator ft Co. BPsnron£iJ>, xo. Elaotrio (Flnt Halt)—Joe Allen—Broderick Wrnn ft Co. (Second Belt)—Earr ft Barr—Mooi« ft Flelda. TEBBX HAtlTE; IBB, HIppodnma—Antnmn Trio—Hammond'a White- war Orcbeatim—Scbwarta ft Clifford—Chan don Trio —WUIIe Higgle. TOFESA, KABB. Voraltr (First Halt)-Maaoo ft BchoD—LaTCte ft o>lllna—Fteh Fooi^-Tyier ft CroUoa. (Second Half)—Panl Bahn ft Co.—SUrer, DnTal ft Klitr —Monte ft Ljona. "CAPTAIN AND KIDS" AGAIN Gus Hill and George M. Gatts have made arrangements whereby the Walfred Amusement Company will send on tour the cartoon comedy, "The Captain and the Kids" again next season. This attraction which has always been produced in the past by Hill alone was not on tour the past season. <<FOLLIES" GIRLS RETURNS Phoebe Lee and Helen Worthing, the two "Ziegfeld Follies" girls who took Palm Beach by storm when they went there on their winter vacation, returned to the cast of the show at the New Amsterdam Thea- tre. Jaclc \A/alsh & "AS YOU LIKE IT" CAST The full cast for the American National Theatre's production of "As Yon Like It," which opens at the Poli Theatre, Wash- ington, next Monday, prior to coming to the Shubert Theatre on April 23, was made last wedc The cast as to characters is: The Duke, J. Malcom Duim; Duke Frederick, John Craig; Amiens, Fraidc Aroundel; Jacques, A. E. Anson; Le Beau, Edgar Norton; Oliver, Jerome Lawler; Jacques de Bois, Walter Abel; Orlando, Ian Keith; Adam, Arnold Lucy; William, Perdval Vivian; Touchstone, Ernest Lanrford; Silvius, William Wil- liams; Coria, John S. O'Brien; Rosalind, Marjorie Rajaj>eau; Celia, Margalo Gill- more; Phoebe, Gwyneed Vernon; Audrey, Hortense Alden. Perdval Vivian is the general stage manager and is assisted by Earl Redding. The costumes and settings for the production are being fumi^ied by Lee Simonson, art director of the Theatre Guild. BUT TWO OF ORIGINAL CAST LEFT Only two of the original members of the cast of Tride," a comedy drsma by Tbomptou Bntuianan, now in re- hearsal, which will be prodnced by Oliver Morosco, are lefL Hilda Spong, who was to have been featured in the flay which was formerly called "Mon 'apa," withdraw last week, lea%-mg only Bob Fisher and Juliette Day, as the only original selections. Besides them in the cast are: William Austin, Dorothy Slaytor, Herbert Belmore, Eugene Rea- ding, Herman Lieb, Harold Van Rens- slair, Camille Dalberg, Fred Martellc, Beach Cooke, Kenneth Dana, Mary Fisher, Claire Greenwood, and Jsne Hope. Morosco intends bringing the play into the Morosco Theatre at the end of this month, following the four- week stay of "The Wasp." FORMER ACTRESS SUES. Edith Williains Draper, former actress, who aroeared m "Apple Blossoms" and other Dillingham productions, filed suit for divorce last week against her Inuband Paul Draper, tenor soloist and grandson of the late Charles A. Dana. The papers filed in Ae Supreme Court are sealed and allegations made ■ by Mrs. Diaper could not be learned. Miss Williams came here from London about six vears ago and marri^ Mr. Draper in May, 1920. Paul Draper has. appeared as soloist with the Boston and ' Philadelphia Symphoiiy Orchestras and is noted as a German heder singer. He is the son of Dr. William H. Draper. EQUnY PRAISES DRESDEN The Equitv Deputy Report last week contained a laudation of A. L. Erlan^er and Alfred E. Aarons, compUmentug them in profuse terms for having given the comfort of the actor a tfaooriit in the constinction of the Dresden Theatre, the rejuvenated ZiegfeM Roof. The new dressing rooms installed are spacious and commodious. They proved such a revelation to the members of "Gnders" that th^ could not restrain themselves from forwarding the good news to their organization, who promptly dispatched a letter of appreciation to Messrs. Erlanger and Aarons rtunlrmg them for their interest in the comfort of tiie players. NEW TITLE FOR INCE FILM The title of the drug picture based on the life of Wallace Reed which Thomas H. Ince will pr<xluce will not be "The Living Dead." Arthur C Aiston recently notified Ince that he had a play by Louise Curtis Brown of that title which was copy- righted on November 8; 1917. Ince replied to Aiston that he knew nothing of the play, but having beoi advised, would change the title of tine picture "The Aistoq play is not based on the drug evil, hut is a melo- drama which he will produce next seasoiL WhU N. y. CUfPtr Svn: Jack Walak In n tnhUd (otuical eonedr, "liltia Hlaa lata WnUam Dnoler, and geta orcr hia onnadr OoonaBr a ut asotfacT ttoe." Wal ah U a aort o( staff vltli ^inch wul pcpk mat •( «• HQ TOM POWERS FOR STOCK Tom Powers, who closed his engage- ment with "Why Not" at the Equity- Forty-Eighth Street Theatre last Satur- day night has been en^ged by Stuart Walker to' appear with his dramatic stock company at the Murat Theatre, Indianap- olis for foor weeks beginning May. 7. Powers will appear with the stock com- pany in "Rolfo's Wild Oats." "Banco" and "Why Not." FARRAR HEARING POSTPONED Justice O'Malley in the Supreme Coort has ordered a stay of all proceedings in the divorce suit of Geraldine rarrar against Lou Tellegcn iwtil April 20. Stella Larrimore, meanwhile will take an appeal to the Appellate Division from Jus- tice O'Malley's decision refusing a jtny trial in order to dear her name, which was brought into the divorce proceedings. ICss Lammore was identied as a "Miss S. L," as one of three corespondents. Justice O'Malle/s order autonatkally postpones the final hearing before Referee Tbomas H. Mdioiiey imtil April 20, or until Miss Larrimore s appeal has been ar- gued. Miss Larrimore appeared in Tellegcn's last starring vehide "Don Juan," whidi played a short engagement at the Garridc Theatre. FLORENCE REED FOR STOCK Florence Reed who dosed in "Hail and Farewell," a play by William Hnrlbnt, at the Morosco Theatre on March 24, has changed her idana regarding sailing for Ettrope shortly and wul araear as a gnest star with the Henry Duffy Players for three weeks. Miss Reed will appear in "Haa and FareweU" at the Academy of Music, Baltimore; Pit Theatre, PitU- bnrgfa and President Theatre, Wa^iingtoa. She will open her engagement in Balti- more next Monday. WO(M>S TO DO THE NEXT AI H. Woods dedares that he and not the Selwyns will produce the next editicm of "Potash and Pearlmutter" which' will be based on the radio subject next season. Woods says that he only turned orer the "P and P" productioa rights for "Part- ners Again" to the Sdwyns but kept fu- ture production rights lor himself. He expects to make the new production late in the Fall with Barney Bernard and Alex Carr playing the title roles. JARVIS SELLS BOOK RIGHTS Sidn^ Jarvis completed a deal last week whereby he sold to Joseph Sdiendc the motion picture rights to the novd "Love and EKana." by Concordia Merrill. One of the Talcradge sisters will be starred in the film, which will be pro- duced in the near future. The Sfory fb* Petals Told A SMTIEtl UVC B/tUAS. TU^Sa ne-iadauiU r a wag far inmgpaala. tnaa AlnAhlpa an ^*^"T fvflad and Ufa Ba^tosa cbbs& Raa ID l aunul ied Artba. rsHbbtd-br BJIUIIB ITOX- Bim ma t m. ui wot isi« s&att. hi* Taik