New York Clipper (Apr 1923)

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April 25, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 29 TOW FOUR Flowery Kingdom Songsters DIRECTION: A^Ue^plS^e} ^- ^' KEI™ CIRCUIT A BREEZE FROM THE ORIENT NOW PLAYING B. F. KEITH CIRCUTT Jack PoUdain7 Jack Fauer { LOEW and INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE BILLS {Continued from page 27) JOUET, ILL. Orpbeam (Pint Ilalf)—O'Connor SUtcra—Cbora- bCrlllD & Eirle—ColllDl Ic Burt. (Second Half) —Biaun & Scboll—Jack George Duo—Jarrla Berne. jOPLOr, KO. Baotila (Pint HaU)—Walter Baker Ic Co.— Monte & Ljoni. (Seconil Halt)—Focb Poor. TTAKHOB CITT, SAX. Zleotile (Pint Bait)—Walmao Ic Berry—Paie. Hack & Hack. (Second Half)—Bobby JockKon A Co.—Lnbln Sc Lewis. KASBAB CRT, KO. Olnko mm Half)—Sinclair ic Or«7—HoUr- wood Prolica—La Salle Trio. (Second Half)— Trenell Trio—Rlcbardaoa Bros, it Cherry—Jlouny Aebler—Sylvia Dayne & Co. LA OBOSSE. WIS. RiToU—Prank Parron—Leona Hall's Rcrue. LEAVENWORTH, HAIT. Ofpheum (Sunday) — Treiioll. Trio — Rlcbardioo Broe. & Cherry—Jimmy Ashley—Sylvia Dayne A; Co. LIHCOUr, SEB. LlbsTty (First Half)—Tbree Melrlo Boy*—De Lorto & Blcbnrds—Billy Miller & Co.—Leo'Haley —Birds of Paradise. (Second Half)—Miicli & dalle—La Graclosa. IDOfWAUSEE, WIS. Uajeatle—Grace Ayers & Bro.—Rose A Tbome —Rodezo & Brown—Die Jim—Jobnson -Bros. .Be Jobmioo—BrowDlee's BlckrlUe Fellies—Cbandoo Trio. xzmiEAPoLis, iinnr. ■-BeTentli Sfaeet—Tbe Earls—France' A Jerome— Otto ' 8c Hammer—Revue Resplendent—Hickman Bros. . . VOBFOLK, IIEB. . Audlterlun. (Sandsyl-^-Tbree UelvlB Brattaer*— Leo Haley—Birds 'of raradlse. (Friday & £^tur- .dsy)—Dn Ball -Sc McKensle—Gordon A Spain— Four Songster*. • ^; OBbSOBK, WIB. ^ Oimnd^Qpers Honss—Boattlno A Barrette—Lam. - liert & FUb. PEOBiA. nx. Oirbenm (Pint Half)—Jobn & Nellie 01ms— 7.ocal—Jack George Dao—Gladys Delracr A Boys —Four Tamakls. (Second Half)—Spencer Ai Wll' Hams—Catherine SJecUIV & Co. auiMcr, ILL. Orphenm (Flmt Half)—Stnnley, Doyle A.Reno —Simpson A Dean—Jordan Olrls. (Second Half) —Will. J. Ward—Favorllea of tbe Past. RAOQIE, 'WIS, Blalto—WllAon Aubrey Trio—Gsffoey A Walton —MIddleton & Spellmeyer^Fonr Glrton Olrla. ST. JOE. MO. ' Elootrio (Pint nair)—Mack A Velmar—Lnbln .A Levis—Four Roses. (Second Half)—Page. Hack A Mack—Tbree Minstrels—Leo Haley— Birds of Paradise. ST. LOUIS, KO. Colombia (Plist Half)-LeVere A (Villas—OaS- mey A Walton—Bobby Brewater—Valentine Vor. (Second Half)—Hollywood Frolics—Jones A 8yl< Tester. BUlto (Pint Half)-Wilson Anbrey THo—Love Twins-lyitr A Crollus—Blckcy A Hart Bovne. (Second Half)—Bolllday A Wlllett. OxBsd — Alberto — Hager A Goodwin — Allen's , Minstrels-Moore A Fields—Ned Nestor A Co.— Miller, Packer A Selz—Annsbelle—Cowla A Verdi —Peggy Bremen A Bro. aionz CIT7, IOWA Orpbenm (Plist HalO—Aerial Valentines—How- ard A Clark—La Grasdoaa. (Second Bait)—BlUy Miller A Co.—Poor Fords. BOITTH BEHD, IVS. Palaoe (First Half)—Coulter A Bose—Byama A Mrlntyrc—Sunley Chapman. (Second Halt)— Robinson A Pierce—Lea Oellls. BPB07GFXELD. QX. Kajeitio (First Half)—Pere* -A Matsuerlts— FIsber & GUmora—Wlllaid Jarvls A Co. —^Tbe Floicnls. (Second ' Half)—Tost A Clady— Twlna—BIckey A Hart Bevne—Poor- Tamakis. SPBIHOriELS, KO. Elootrlo (First Half)—Foch Poor. (BaeoBd Bait)—Walter Baker A Co.—Monte A Lyona. 'r t-' M TTT* SAUTE, XHJ). Hlppadnaa (First Halt)—Tost A Cl'ady—Bn- blnl sisters—Les Oellls. (Second Halt)—Peia A Uargnerlte—Desley Slater* A Co. TOFEXA, XAS. SoTaltj (First Half)—Trenell Ttlo—RIcbtrdsoB Bros. A Cberry—Jimmy Ashley—Sylvia Dayne A Co. (Second Half)—Le Lorto A Richards—Mack A Velmar—Four Boaea. MARCUS LOEW CIRCUIT Wc«k of April 22, 1923 HEW TOBX CITT Amsricu (First Half)—Uaxlne A Bobby—Botb Davis—Verdi A Glenn—Dlnus A Belmont Bovne— Harris A Holly—Marston A Manley—Fern. .Blge- low A King. (Second Half)—Same G. Mann— Bayes & Smitb—Joe Stanley A Co. —Stevens A Brnnelle—White, Black A Useless—Sweeney A Walter*—Melnotte Duo. Orpkeom (Pint Balf)—Criterion roop—Mason A Cole Bevne—Cella Weston A Co.—Boy A Ar- tbnr. (Second Bait)—Mabel Drew—Phil. Baker Amaranth Sister*. national (PUst Hsif)—Billy KInkald—Bteveo* A Brnnelle—Jofdan. Saxton A 0>.—Berry A Lan- caster—Klrksmlth.'^sters. (Second Bait)—Archie. Onrl A DoUy—Flo A OlUs Walter*—Prey A Jor- dan—Emily Daireu-Billy Oerher Revue. Gr*ele7 S^mii* (Plf*t Half)—Hashl A Osal— Artie Noinn—^Bayea A ■ Smith—Loolse Carter A Co.—Leitr A Kennedy—Homer GIrIa A Co. (Sec- ond Half)—Radium Vision*—Ross A Edwards- O'Connor A Clifford—Dinna A Belmont Bevne— Sossman A Sloane—Uobert Dyer A Co. Delaaoer Street (First Half)—Badlnm Visions— SImms A Wynne—Sara B. Hann—Cbu. Bosen A Co.—Bernard A To«-oca—Carlo* Clrcns. (Second Half)—Barrls A Holly—Lebr A Kennedy—Jordan Saxton A Co. —Barry A Lancaster—Stanley A Alv«. Bonlevard (First Half)—Paynes-White, Black A Useless—Laurie Ordway A Co.—Evelyn Phillips lA Ce: (Second Halt)—Billy KInkald—Stut* A Blngham'.rTJack nallen A Co.—Moss A Frye— Homer Girls A Co. BUt« (Pint Half)—Hubert Dyer * Co.—Dreon Sister*—Sossmon A Sltene—Stars Record—Clifton A DeRex—Amarsntb Sister*. (Second Half)— Fern, Blgelew A King—Brttt A sCliaocd—KUIer A Bradford—Clifton A DeBex—Jack Connor'a Revoe, Avenno B (First Half)—Kr*yono Radio Co.— Stntx A Bingham—Trovoto—Basil' A Allen—Day at ContT Island. (Second Half)—^Ttoylaod FoUle* —Roy A Arthnr—Al Wilson—Walter Manthey A Co. r|pi**i" Sqoan (First Half)—Fletcher A Fas- qnale—O'Connor A Clllfonl—lack Ballen A Co.— Stute A Bingham—Isblkawa Japs. (Second Half) —Faynea—Dreon Sister*—Lonise Carter A Co.— Bernard A Tovmes—WIU. Stanton A Co. VIotorU (Flnt Halt)-Melnotte Duo—Bidden Voice*—^tniDdvd—Bert naolon—Jack Connor'a Bevne. (Second Half)—Isblkawa Japs—Delbridge A Gremmer—Vine A Temple—Jennings A Domey -Five KIrknnltti Slsten. Pallsado Park (flatorday A Sunday)—Ecko A Keyo—Recoycle A Oskford—Pelei* A Le Bins. BBOOZLTB, H. T. Palao* (First Half)-LlUan Steele A Co.—Al Wilson—Mor«n A Wiser. (Second Half)—Basil Girls A Co. KatfopoUtan ' (First Halt)—Leach LaQolnlan Trlo-^Flo-dc- Oille ' WalUr*—NrwhoS A Pbelps— Jennings A Domey. (Second Hslf)-Hidden Vdlte*—Money Sister*—Mason A Cole Bevue. Oatas (First Halt)—LeHoen A Dnpreece—Boss A Edwards—Miller A Bndfofd—Vine A Temple -^oe Stanley A Co. (Second Half)—MaHne A Bobby—Laarle Ordwny A Co.—Stranded—Nawboff A Phelps—Naomi A Braslllan NuU. Fnltan ■ (First Half)—Areble. Onrl A Dolly- Delbndge A Gremmer—Gr«y A Byron—Moaa A Frre—Billy Gerber Bern*. (Second Half)—La- Boen A Dnpreece—Bert Hanlon—Stat* Becnd. Warwlsk (First flsif)—Berdle Kraemei^In the Pntnre—Clayton A Lennle—Toyland Pollle*. (Sec- ond Halt)—Krayono Radio A O.—Sperling A BeU —Herman Bemns—Day at Coney laland. Aatorla (Firat Bait)—Stanley A Alvn—Mabel Drew—Frey A Jordan—Phil. Baker—Gordon. Gir- lie A Gordoo. (Second Halt)—Leacb LtQnInlin Trio—SImma A Wynne—Manton A Manley—Chas. Rogera A Cb.—Cella Weston A Co.—Evelyn Phil- lips A Co. BALTWOBZ, KD. Blppadranw—Maod Ellet A Co.—Chick A Tiny Harvey—Matthews A Ayi*s—Lsrry Harklns A Co. A Allen—Trovoto—Alexander, la last word of daoclnf. FEATURES AT PARADISE Rye, N. Y.. April 23.—Paradise Paric. which is but twelve miles from New York City, has one o( the most magnificat frost and entrance arches ever placed in front of a park. The park also has over 800 feet of board -walk. There are fifty-six stores and concession stands, nearly all oc- cuined. A Whip, Carrooselle, Circle Swings, Dodgem, Race-OWay and Pony Track are some of the other attractioos. Miller and Baker are now bailding a Giant Roller Coaster, which is said will be the most sensational ride ever put out by this firm. THOMPSON & COVAN „ aful sMsiwi la vnudsvUIs, sbIUbc witb Flaatatiaa RaviM to open at tba Pavllloa, l<nV»i, Eaglaad. BOSTOB, KAB8. Onlieam — Lillian Morton — Tuck A cure — Tooner A Day—McCoy A Wslton—Alex. Hyde's Orchestra. BUFFALO. H, T, Biato—Alvsre* Duo—Jean Boydell—Mr. A Miv. N. PhllUps A Co.—Clark A O'Neill—WUI. MorrU- sey A Movie Star*. OUEVllLAin), OHIO Loow'B—Plckard's Seals—Green A Hyra—Frank Ford A Co.—Alton A Allen—CosmopollUn Danc- er*. HOBOKBg, H. J. loaw'a (Pint Balf)—Bob Carney—PrankUa A Peggy—Fletcher, Janlta A Dolan. (Second Half) -^Berdle Kracoer—The Broken Minor Cbas. Leonard Fletcher—Tbe Dnponta. LOHDOH, OAV. Lo*«'« (Pirat Bait)—Uttle Plpplfax A Co.— May McKay A. SUtera—Barr, Mayo A Bonn. (Second Half)—Maurice A Girlie—LaVlne A Mayne—Banban Orob* A Co. KOBTBEAL, CAV. Lo*w'»—Bell A, Eva—Norton A Wilson-BeU Bros.—Nsncy Boyer A Co. —Thoa. Potter Dnnna— Edw. SlanlsloS A Co. ' HFWABX, H. J. Btato—Ford A Price—PUher A Shepiartf—How- ard A Boss—Lane A Mono—J. Boaaosond Joba- aoo A Co. OTTAWA, OAS. Btate—Prevost A Goelet—Stevens A Lanrel— Overholt A Young—Jsrrow—Greenwich VUlager*. PROVISEBOE, B. I. EmsiT (Flnt Bait)-F. J. Sidney A Co.—Con- roy A Howard—Joseph E. Bernard A Co.—Fred. A Tbminy Harden—Dolly'a Dream. (Second Balf) —Monroe A Gnnt—Martelle FaDet A Co.—Amo- ros A Jeanette—Boys of Long Ago. SPBIBOFmS, KASS. Bmadwny (Flnt Balf)—Monroe A Grant—Mar- celie Pallet A Co.—Amero* A Jeanette—Boya of Long Ago. (Second Half)—F. J. Sidney A Co. Conroy A Howard—Joseph E. Bernard A Co.— F>«d. A Tommy Bayden—Dolly'a Dream. TOBOBTO, OBT„ OAS, Tonga Btnat—Zsra Csrmen Trio—Burt A Lot- tie Walton—Young A Grant—Hanson A Barton SIstsi*—Harrlseo Moss—Tanan. WABB3B0T0B. S. 0. Btnnd—Dial ' Monkeya—Fox A Skelty—Carey. Bannon A Marr—Barry Abrams A Co. PAUL TURNER RETURNS Paul N. Turner, chief counsel of the Actors' Equity Associatioii, who recently recovered from a siege of illness and has been recuperating at Galveston, Tejcas. has returned to town and Is ready to eontinue hisioSt^ duties. RUDLOFF BROS. OPEN Rudloff Bros, opened their ExpositioD Shows with Rides and Concession at Tot- tensville, S. I., New York, Thursday, April 19, °and will close here the first week in May and join the Standard 'Amusement Exposition with their rides and concessions. BOOM AND METZ OPENING ■Morris Boom and Heddy Metz left New York City this week with their rides for Niagara Falls, N. Y., to join the Knicker- bocker Shows, which open there Friday, April 27. Mr. Metz will also have his ten in one and a string of co n ce s sions. MOORE SHOW CLOSING The John W. Moore Indoor Grcns will close the season at New'Haven. Conn., April 28. The circus has had a wonderful wmter. Last week they closed an engage- ment at Altoona, Pa., and turned them away at every performance.- FITZGERALD IN N. Y. Harry Fitzgerald, an old-time circus man and now connected with the Keith House at Greenville, S. C, passed through New York last week on the-way to his (>Id home in Ogdensburg, N. Y. . STANDARD SHOWS OPENING The Standard Exposition Shows, FbiL Hamburg manager, which was recoitly organized by Phil. Hamburg, James Lent and T. Slaine, will open at Yonkers, N. Y., Saturday. May 5. RUBIN AT HAVANA PARK A. Rubin, who left here last winter 'with the World's Standard Shows, Hughes, Kiu and Hamilton, managers, for a South American tour, has left that orgarization and is now connected with the Havana Park, Havana. Cuba. Mr. Rubin is now in New York looking over several novelties which he will take back to Cuba with him. GERARD SHOWS START The Gerard Greater Shows opened their 1923 season at Yonkers, N. Y., Saturday, April 2S, making the third show in Yon- kers this season. Gorgeous Gold Baronette Cyclorama. Large, fireproof lined, border, trunk; Also Gold Baronette drop in one. Both new; Bargains! BROOKS, Pfysmth Hotd, N*w Ycsk Qlr ROY LUCILLE BOB AND in a Dancmg Direraion Written and Produced by ROY SHELDON After Playing B. F. KEITH'S PALACE, NEW YORK (AprU 16), and Acclaimed by the Daily Press of N. Y. ms Being Ona of the Ontstaodiog Successes on the BiH u Well as One of the Seaaom't Beat Daneior Offeringa in Vaudeville. Direction ROSE & CURTIS This week April 23, B. F. Kath, Washington