New York Clipper (Apr 1923)

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n/l W Ti{t:\nuc \!. \ll (:■:,::,■:.■ nil \ .'.-i.-:-,^ kV./^ Inn \.t <l:,iri l '.-.' ; — April 25, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER E. F. ALBEE Pmideat J. J. MURDOCK F. F. PROCTOR Vice-PkMident B. F. Vaudeville Exchange (AGENCY) (Palace Tliaam BnOfaf, N«w York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F. PROCTOIU-FOUNDERS Aitiita Can Book Dinct by Addrtauiac W. Daytoa Waca&rfk PLAYS For STOCK. REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Boola for home amiuemcnt. Nesn plAy*. Papcr, SceneoT, Mrs. Jailey's Wu World. Caulogne Frcel FrccI Frcel SAMUEL FKENCH, a Wot Mth St, N«w YcA Insure Your Material Against Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL I THIS COUPON win be nufflbered and attached and a certificate will be retnnied to Ton aa an admowledcmeat and for future nfcrencc The contribntion should be alined plainly hy the person or firm sending the same, and should be endorsed by the stage manager of the show or of the boose where the act is being used, or other witneaics. Further aelmowledgmcat will be made by the names and numbers betng published. Address your contribntion to The Registry Bureau NEW YORK CUPPEK, UU ' Date NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU EbcIomJ find copy of mj. •ntMad far Ragutralioii. Ni AtUnia CERTinCAns ISSUED 1735— Harold A. Keme—Sonc 1736— Three Kcairdi^Act 1737— MorxiB & Bernard—^ong. 171g— Pott Clasa— Sodr Poenu. 1739— Real & Blalic—Bbteria]. 1740—Jenniiin & Mdba—NoTdtr Coctune. 1741— Brian M. Jewett—TlUe. 1742— Wyie & Bros—TiUe. 1743— R. Brewnlec—AcL 1744— Harrcr Sanfsrd—Poena. 1745— Lon AttcU—Sons Title. 174<—Anton Lada—Orcheftra Titlei. 1747— Donna Darlins—Sonff. 1748— Sidney B. HoTcomb—Ljrics. 1749— ^Thomai Sicnrdion—Lyrics & Htutc. WORTH WHILE Toupees Make-Up S«I for Prica Llat G. bHINDHELM 108 W. 4Mh St., N«w Verlc CENTRAL WARDR06C Eqaal to aaj 1)60.00 Tmk I Ceilnl Tmk Faclsiy ISOlONSftCO. Pblla. MONEY WRITING SONGS sic jOalB . noxa. CoDtntsi CutiaUiiu Your Faultii, Wrftfaw ■ Malady, OIncllu tta ' ~ Tladbac TOi» •ad poUUiBr Bafora tlw PlAUe. Lbta mr SM Mnalc Da£ m at Baad and Orchaatra Iiimlwa. Yea naed tUa book, only ona of Ita kkd « tte oaikit. ObIt tlM Postpaid. Monar lack If nu so. UNIOff MUSIC COMPANY, SU East Fifth St., r-fc—»—-M, aUo. Every Manager and Agent SHOULD OWN a cbpt of THE JULIUS CAHN-CUS HILL GUIDE contaioinff All tho EiBcntlBl Faeu of the Slow Bnalncas. 20tli Edition, Price $I.0O net—1921 21it Edition Snpplement, Price flJO net —192Z. $4J0 Comptete JUUUS CAHN—GUS HOI. GUIDE IT, 711 Tih ATSh, Nev Yaek Cl^ BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES Ale SAN FRANCISCO Str««t and coacMtlea mm mmkm bis meaar ■ellins A-UlBOt« Babbv Patch, lb* patch tkal dea*l coma off. Uias cbamb-aU inslcad of camcnt. Ne« affaclad by baat. The heller lha road ths tlcblar U itklu. Llbaral prepMHloB to asparlaeod maa. A^MlNUTE SALES CO., St. Pkul» Kasi. WIGS ■sal Hunas Ealr Impertsd: Uih Cemadlaa, 7«w, Bntsb' naa, Olovn, |IM rnoh. Necro, SOe., SOc., (l.CO. Lad/ wis, OM. TUhta, tt.20. Hair Moataebe or Ooate*. SSc. Crape Hair, p. yard. 2Ee. BILKOLINE TUhU or Bblrta. (2.29 aadi. Tkke Dumood Rlnc or Flo, 26c. Qold BUtorle br- rlaa pp. OOe. Paper Hati, SOc. doscn. Catalog free. OUB aXIPPDT, fa Oeopar 84., Vaw Tork. STAGE SHOES Entire companies and indi- viduak capably aerred in a couiteoiu manner. AO ladebi Sqemttd Vj L liltr L MILLER & SONS New York 1SS4 Broadway at 46tli St. Chicaco State and Monroe Streets Lar«jt UammftturfTM •/ Tkimtl li'at Fm*- wr mmi Bslltt SUffrt in U» WmU. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX ANOIALS Henrr Bartela, 72 Cortlandt St^ New York. Louis Ruhe, 3S1 Bowery, New York. Wm. Bartels Co., 44 Cortlandt St., New York City. BAZAAR a EXPOSITION SUPPLIES Bloch Prsnium Sales Corporation, 28 West 22nd St., New York City. LAWYEII5 F. L. Boyd, 17 No. La Salle St.. Chicago. SCENERY Kahn & Beuwman Scenic Studio ISS W. 29th St., N. Y. City. Chebea 89J«. SCENERY FOR RENT Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St, Philadel- phia, Pa. TENTS J. C. Goal Co., 10 Atwaler St., Detroit, Mich. Send for Second-hand list. SCENERY Dlamd Dya. OQ or Wklar Cakn SCHELL SCENIC STUDIOt COLUMBUS, a Ninety percent of the theatrical professlaa nse TAYLOR TRUNKS Write for our theatrical catalogue. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, C78 N. Halsted St. diicaso Ma kr the Fd WATCH THIS UST «BOW NKW YORK CITY. William Bsl Cmi William Bsl Ckmpany, 0 Wast Stk St. Edward Cropper, Inc., UM Bmaaway. ALBANY. N. Y. Weeks Trunk Gompuy, 511 Braadway. Ika PleeadBIy aop^ M Boylstea St. BUFFALO. N. Y. Motan Brothers, 387 WaaUagtoa St. CHARLESTON. S. C. Charleatoa Trunk Company, M Xlav Sc CLEVELAND. OHIO. Otdo Horse Goods C&, 1744 East Utt St. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Grand Raoida Trunk Col, 39 DlrWoo St, Sondi. rOmVILLE. PENItA. H. R. Knapp, ZB Soatb Coatio Sl SYRACUSE, N. Y. S^cnae Trunk Works, 444 Ssotk Uiaa TOLEDO. O. Tbe Wilmlnston €&. Z>S Summit A**. TROY. N. Y. W. B. Frear ft Obmpaay WILKES BARRE. PENNA. Brecar & Ycager, 9 Mala Sttast. woRcasm. mass. The Bsnafe Shop. S7I Haia I ti sa t WnJUAHBAI. coin^Y NEWARK WKS-'BBUIDS In AU Styles and Qnalitias THEATRICAL JEWELRY AND SPANGLES. TIGHTS, OPERA HOSE AND STOCKINGS. FANCY BRO- CADES. GOLD and SILVHt TRIM- MINGS, and all Goeda T^MtricaL Hl((> Grade QnUHaa at SAMPLES UPON REQUEST J. I. WYlf S BROS. he. SIECMAN a WEIL 18 a 20 E. 27lli St. Naw York Subscribe for the New Yorii Gipper LATEST NEWS ON ALL Departments Reviews Vaudeville Dates Ahead KA111-3 $2.50 for Six Months Send orders to CLIPPER CORPORATION. 1658 Broadway. New York Priatsd ty Tas TkcaaiciL Pna, Haw