New York Clipper (May 1923)

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May 16, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 21 AustiD—Mc- B. F. KEITH BOOKING EXCHANGE WmIc of May 21, IB23 nw TOBx mil ■ Pal><»—Ftnk's Midca—Kerr WMtoD—WU- llioi A Tt7loi^Hr. * Mn. Jimmy Banr—Wil- ton Slaun. ftlnnU*—Dooler * Bales—Luter Bra.—Helen StoTer—Bmo & Bmjeilck—T6m Bmltta—Ttie Boo DadRer—Jiek Bob* OUffard—Beleo Wan—Featoo Sl Fleldf, BoTml—Al Strlkeiw-FIorenc* Bndr—I4e Uar Chtdwlck & Did—Wilten & Walten—HowHd Kjle A Co.—Uel Klee—Dooler & Silee—Cbick Sale. Slat Street—Ben Beyer—Perrene A OUrer— Moon & Freed—WlUlaoa & Wolfua. Colonial (Flret Halt)—Senator Ford—Nellie Ar- oant & Co.—Van & Sctaeock. (Secood Half)— Bort Pltaglbtnos—Ueetaan's Dofa—^oo Brownlof. Broadway (Fleet Half)—Dare Both—Al. & F. Steadman—Yorks & Kln(—Sally Been. Jeffenon (First Bait)—OUrer * (Hp. (Second Halt)—Goinn II Marguerite. Franklin (Flrat Half)—Moody & Duncan. (Sec- ond Halt)—31>jrny & Alan. Bofent (First Belt)—Montana—Blondes—Mary Uaynee. (Second Halt)—Bob Albright. Collsenm (First Half)—Docl do Kerekjarto— Leigb St Jones.- ^' Ferdham (First Halt)-Bob Albrlsbt—Victor Moore & Co. (Second Half)-Duel de Kerekjarto —Lelgb & Jones. HamUton (First Half)—Van fc Sctaeock—Bob flail. (Second Halt)—UonUna. BBOOKI,n, H, T. Oipheum—W. C. Domfleld—McKay & Ardlu Borktt & Durfcin—Lerlathau Band—Moigao Danc- ers—Al Herman. Bushvlok—Four Aees—Lytell & Fant—Herbert Clifton—Bbnw & Lee—Frank Dlion—Booney ft Bent—Dnvls t Pelle. FUtbnsh—Dlsle Fotir—Seed Laucbllo ft ETina. Far Bookaway (Second Half)—Moody ft Don- can—Hartley ft Patterson—Mary Haynea—Victor Moore & Co.—Ben Bemie ft Band. BAXXmOKE, IHD. Maryland—Bailey ft Cowan—Al. K. Hall ft Co. —AUeen Stanley—Valerie Bergere ft Co.—Deagon ft Mack—Tbe Zlesleis—Zelda Santley. BOSTON, MASS. Keith's—Vincent O'Donnell—Tliank U Doctor— Jack Osterman—Mlllershlp ft Gerard—Suor ft Cooroy-Power's Enepbants. BUTFAIA, N. T. 8haa*s—Carter ft Conilsb—George* Dn Franne— Davla ft Darnell-Vincent Lopei Band. CtHCmrATI, OHIO Falaoe—Horry Watkbis—Alia ft l*nllman—Alls ft Bsnd. CLEVELANS, OHIO Palaco—Weber ft Bldnoi^AIan Rogers ft Leo- nora Allen—Rome ft Gaut—Bert Hughes ft Polo Team. lOStb Btieet—Dotaon—Owen McGlreny—Walata ft Ellis—Dert ft Betty Wbeelei^Wm. ft Joe Mandell—Tbe Wager. DAYTON, OHIO Keith's (First Halt)—Desley Sisters. (Second Halt)—Pair of Deuces—Lew Wllwn—Ralb Bros. —Bird Cabaret. DETBOIT, laCK, Temple—DuFor Boys—Edwards ft Beasley— Sturs of Yestenlay—Geo. Moore ft Otrl*—Hackett ft Dclmar—Bay ft Emma Dean. msiANAPoua, no. Palace (First Halt)—Sally Sisters ft Itltn— Mllllcent Mower—Weaver ft Wearer. (Second Bait)—Desley Slstcra. LOVIBVniE, KY, National (First Halt)—Wills ft Bobbins. (Sec- ond Hslf)—Sally Sisters ft Blu—Mllllcent Mower —Wenrcr ft Wearer. LOWELL, MASS. Keith's—Jack Norton ft Co.—Carr ft Berry— Watta ft Hawley—MIcbon Bros.—Harry Jolaon ft Co.—Kurt ft Edltb Ruehn—Mabel Burke ft Co. 1I0NTB£AI,, CAK, Imperial (Slay 30)—Marry Me—Gertrude.Bames —Bense ft Bslrd—Roma Duo—Jack Lavler—Leon ft Dawn. Prlaeeas (May 21)—Olcott ft Mary Ann—Bloom ft Scher—Sunlcy ft Burns—Homer Romalne— Mabel Ford ft Co.^ullna Tannen—Four Pbllllps. PHILASELPHIA, PA. Keith's—Flo Lewis 4 Co.—Bob Anderson ft Pony—Creole Fashion Plate—Irrlng Fisher Paul Sydell—Gretia Ardlne ft Co.—Maye Yobe ft Band —Lowe ft Stella—Ilall ft Dealer. FITTSBTrBOH, FA. DsTla'-El Bey Sisters—Teo Bych ft Wiley— Jim McWIIIIams—Bader La Velle Tnupe—Preaa- ler ft Klalas. FOBTLANS. ME. Keith's-Bill Robinson—Sevan & Flint—WUIIe Hale ft Bro.—PanI Decker ft Co.—FIske ft Lloyd —•■ Stanley. OARL MacBOYLE EXCLUSIVE IfATEJUAL. OF EVZMY Ue Waal 4SIII Bul' N«wVoplc -IF IT larrr ugkt i irBHBfr* yaVDEVlLLE SOJS For N^xt W00k BTBA0T7BE, V, T. *'--• Keith's—Four Readings—Buntlog & Frsncls— Babb, Carroll ft Byrell—D. D. R.—Crafts ft Haley. TOLEDO, OHIO Keith's (Flrat Half)—Kellar Sisters ft I.yocb— Lew Wilson—Bath Bra.—Bird Cabaret. (Second Half)—Ed. Lovrry. TOBONTO, ONT. Bhaa's—Amy Dean—Bryant ft Stewart—Mollle Peltier & Co.—Itene Roberta ft Baod—Batb Boye —Donli'y & Morton—Hanako Japs. WASKINOTON, S. C. Keith's—Hires Whirlwinds—Demareat ft Co- le! te—Franklyn CTiarlea ft Co.—Flenratto JoSiey -■Crrsv ft Dtyne—Adelaide ft Hnghea—Bert ntiglbbODB ft Co.—Thos. E. Shea ft Co. PANTAGES CIRCUIT Wetik of Majr 21, 1923 WmnPEO, HAN, Zlska—Spanish Dancers—UUa ft Clark—Jack BtroDse—Healey Trio. BEOINA AND SASKATOON Petlaman—Lewla ft Brown—Knowles ft White —Haiiy Downing Co.—Marlon Claire—Long Tack Bam. •» TBAVEL Adonis ft Dog—Pool's Melody Malda—Yonth— France Bra.—O'Meara ft Landla—Downing ft O'Boorke. BFOEABE, WASH. UcBioDB—Connolly & France*—Telephone Dtn- alc—Oallerlnl Slrtets—Warren ft O'Brien—Los Oladdina. BEATTLE, WASH, Leon ft MItal-r-Tbree Falcone—Callahan ft BUss —Pnrcella ft Bamaay—Juliet Dlka—Clay Crouch ft Co. ▼AMCOWEB, B. O. Laura DeVlne—Early ft Light—Harry Seymour —Kmns ft White—Frankle ft Johnnie—Oantler'a Toy Shop. BELUNOBAIf, WASH. Martlnelll—Conn ft Albert—Ivlass ft Brllllsnt— Dsnco Evolutions—FVancIs Renault—Geo. Mays. TACOKA, WASH. Detroit Trio—Spcedera—Nao Balperlo—Cbnck Haas—Cnnin ft Hart—Reno Sisters ft Allen. FOBTLANS, OBE. "Whirl of the World." TBAVEL Fbli. La Tnska-Stack ft Cistleton—Olga Mlch- ka Co.—Charbot Tortonl Co.—WalUr Weema—Six Sheiks of Amby. . SAN FBANCIBCO, OAX, Paequall Bros.—Dummies—Prlnctoa & Vemoo— Alpine Three—Ed Allen ft Taxi—Buike ft Batty. JACK CUFF THOMAS & HAYMAN ECCENTRIC DANCEKS Hava Stgml for N«w York PraikictliB— rhatfiherialn Brown** Offio* OAKLAND, OAL. D« Lyons Duo-^lm ft Jack—La Pine ft Emory —Marrlaco versos Divorce—Begal ft Moon Co.— Horl Trio. LOB ANOELXS, OAL. Togo—Davis ft McCoy—^Twenty Minutes In Chinatown—FInley ft Bill—WlUle Bra.—Chaplns. BAN DIEOO, OAL. Bojti La Balle Co.—Joe Jackson—Eqollla Bra.— Lewis ft Norton—Chick Sopreme—Rose & Bonu. LONO BEACH, CAL. Schepp's CIrcns—Caveman Love—Barvard, Bolt ft K.—Hope Vernon—Dewey ft Rogen—Jack Doran. SALT LAKE 0IT7, TJTAK Foxwortb & Francl*—Fire Janseya—Uotln Bis- ters—Chas. Howard & Co.—TOny ft George—Ada Earle ft Lewla. OODEN, UTAH Sheik's Favorite—ZIntonr Bros.—Barry Bloom— Man Hunt. DENVEB, COLO. Bra La Rue—Rial & Undatiom—Bogeia, Roy ft Rogers—Vliclnia Belles—Morrlssey ft Young. COLORADO BPamOS AND PUEBLO Eva Tancuay—La Dora ft Becknan—Grace ft Eddie Parka—Oklahoma Four—Bert Wnlton. OMAHA, NEB. The lAvolIas—Three la a Crowd—Ford ft TVoly —Stephen ft Holllster—Vatdon ft Perry—Belle- clalro Bros. KANSAS Onr, HO. Santiago Trio—White ft Bsttt- Hariy Hlne*— Bsnnetozds—Maud* Leona. MEKPEIB, TENN. * Til* Lnmars—Valleclta Leoparda—Sherman. Van ft Hyman—Butta Bndd—Phllbrick ft De Vo*— Untah Mastermsn. ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Weak of Mar 20. 1B23 OHIOAaO, ILL. Palaos—Four Fords—Van Hoven—Mclallen ft Catson—Jean Mlddletoo. Btato Lake—The Canslnoa—Beaale Barrlacale— Stars of Yesterday—Jack Benny—Bdltb ClUtord —ITie Heltons—Moore ft Kendall—Four Tsmakla. SUVKB, COLO. Orphevm—Little Cbttage—Yarmark—^WyU* ft Hartman—Fred Hughes—Ralnbow'o End—Joe Bol- ley ft Bald—White Brotbera. DBS MOINES, IOWA Orphsnm—Six Hassana—Doolsy ft Story- Howard ft Clark—Billy Olason—Pedcatrlanlam. XANIAB CITT, XO. Xaln Bt.—Land ot Fantasy—>Donr Kay—<Ub- aon ft ConnelU—Stepp* ft O'Neill—Call BBimy** Pet*. LOS ABOmZB, OAX. Orphanm.—Aunt Jemima—Walton ft Biaodt— Garden Pryor ft White—Leon Varrar*—Boy* Mayev ft Eberie—Ooidon ft Rica—SylvU Clark. Hill Btf*«t—Sargent ft Marvin—Fotif Caioana* —Ernest HIatt—L* Hands. ' , mLWAUKEE, »^np<*»"^ Falaoe Prank Faranio ft' 'Baod—WeUlogtoo Cnaa—Cras ft Santera—Lady Tkea Met. mnreAPous, iinnr. Bsnn*pt»—Kokin ft Galettl—^Mra, B. Valantiiia —Polly Moras—Lncas ft Ine>—Eddto Boo*—Tem- pest ft Dickinson. OABXABS, OAL. Oipheun—Hal Shelly—J. ft B. Connelly—^Whlt* Enbna—Morrla ft Campbell-rMcDonalda nu««— Shell ft Vernon—^The Sheik. BT. Lonm. MO. Oipheun—Irene FmnkUn—Joe Cook—Al*Tand*T* ft Smith—Harry J. Conley~:8now, ClBlnmbns ft Boctot—Pesiaon, Newport ft Peaisoo. .. .. BT. PAUL, Xm. Falao*—BensoD'a Orcbestia of Chicago—Hocknoi Cow Quartette—SbelloD, Ballentlne ft Hett—Ned- Nortbwortb—Oautler'a Drlcklayeia—Gene Adair ft Co.—Ltdj TScn Mel. BAN FBANOISOO, OAX. Orphsnm Fannie Brlce—Clayton ft Bdwaida —Bobby McLean—Delro—Fiiesld* Bayetle*— Tony ft Norman—Snell ft Vernon. Ooldea Oat*—Calltomla Ole* Clab—Clara How- anl—Cbas. Imin—Sylvester Family—Don Valerlo Three. CHICAGO KEITH OFHCE Week of Mat 20, 1923 CBiUlNNATl, OnO Palace—Al Barnes Co.—Harry Watklna—Cook ft Oatman—Alls ft Co.—(>ysUl Bennett Co. CLEVELAND, 0^30 Bead's Hlppodnm*—Gmce Ayer ft Bro.—Aaron ft Kelly—Lambert ft Flab-Valentine Vox—Clay- ton ft Lennle—MIsa Myatery. SATTON, OHIO Xalth'a (First Halt)—Orren ft Diew—Snow ft Norlne—Deslya BIsten—Rath Bra. (Second Ball) —Pair ot Deuces—Law Wilson—Bird Cabaret. DETBOIT, inOH. La Balle Qarden (Flrat Half)-Al ft B. Prabell —MeCormIck ft Wallace—Ed Lowry. (Second Rait)—Daahlngton'a Doga—Keller SIslera ft L.— Heary Catalano Co. EVANSTIUJE, INS. Strand (First Halt)-Valand Gamble—Suoley. Wilson Slaters—Stanley & Cbapmao—Broderick Wyoo Co. (Second Half)—J. ft N. Olms—Jack George Duo—Jimmy Dunn. INDIAVAFOUS, IND. Falae* (Fint Bait)—Sally Sister* ft B.—Ben Ne* One—Weaver Bra. (Second Rait)—Jobnaon ft Baker—Mllllcent Mower—Deslya Slaters. xoKOMo, ms. Strand (Flrat Bsif)—CUia Campbell—BlU ft (Umeron—Ellnore Peaice. (Second Bait)—Stuart Girls—Stone ft Baye*—Stanley Chapman—Beiaac'a Circus. T.KHIBIOTON, KT. Ban All (Flrat Balf)—Tyler ft CroUos—Pair of Deuces—Nesi Abel—Walter Law Co. (Second Bait)—Friea ft WUsoo—WUls ft Bobbins. LonisvnxE, kt. National (Flrat Bait)—Johnson ft Baker—MUU- cent Mower—WUIa ft Bobbins. . (Second Halt)— Sally SIptera ft L.—Ben Nee One—Weaver Bro*.— Caol Blstera. FASVCAa, KT. Oipheom (FInt Bait)—BUver, Dnval ft K.— FVIes ft Wilson—Jack George Duo. (Second Halt) —Barry Abrams Co.—Dlaa Monka. BIOHXOHI), m. Xuny (FInt Bait)—J. ft Nelll* Olm*—Stoart Girls—Stone ft Bayes—Beraae's Clrcos. (Seeood Bait)—VaUnd Gamble—Ed ft May Bmle—Thn* Alex. TEBBZ HAUTE, INS, Ubaity Olrat Half)—Tbre* Alex. (Second Half)—Koapp ft ComelU—Broderick Wyoo-Co. TOLEDO, OHIO Kalth'a (Iliat BaU)—Kellet Slat«n ft U—BM Chbaret—Lawtoa. (Second BaU)—Omn ft Drav —Snow ft Norin*—Ed Lowry-McComlek * W(l- lace—Batb Bra. WESTERN VAUDEVILLE Waak of WUy 20, 1923 UHIUAOO, TTiTi Xsjestlo—Dave ft TVessle—Bodcro ft Brown— Gonloa ft Day—Mont* ft LyoB»:-yip Yip Y*»- banketa—FameU ft Florence—Lady AlMe'a Peta. X«Iala (FInt Half)—OUlett* ft Bin-OaTla ft Bradaer—Coolter ft Bo*e—Hunt- ft Vogt—Aos- trallan Axemen. (Secoad Halt)—fThsnrton Trio— Wllllama ft Howard—Bradway to the Bow«it — ' Bob Mnxpby—Art Landry & Band. a—rf— (Flrat BaU)—Grac* Mlanlov* ft Co. EBgkwsod (nivt Half)—Fisher ft Onmoro— Oen* Oreene. ABERDEEN, 8. D. Orphanm (Saturday and Sunday)—Load W s f a s * ft Harvey. BLOOXDfGTON, HX. Majastis (Flrat Bait)-Bdwaids ft Dean—Bandar ft Armstrong.^ (Second Bait)—Flahee ft OUmot*. OOUNCIL BLVm, lA. Bnadwar—Mabel Barper. TABOO, N. 9. Onnd (Flrat Bait)—Land Slaten ft Barrey. OAUSBUBa, XU. Oiphaom (FInt Half)—8peoc«r ft WUUama— Jack ft J«aals Olbaon. (Second Balf)—^tetl* * Edwnrda. OBAXB iBLANitk anx. Xajastla (Sonday)—B«rg«r ft n iaiixni 1mm Hall'a Bavoe. (Secoad Half)—P*nl Baha * O*. jOLiET, nx. Oiphaom' (FInt Halt)—Bay ft Bliia Ttaear— Bob Murphy. (Second Half)—Coolter ft r ElsatTla (Flrat Bait)—Oladya Delmar ft Beya. (Secood Half)-Fraoc* ft Jerome—Betger ft B*a- mon. Oloh* (Flrat Bait)—Du Ball ft McKenile—Cop*- land ft Bnytoo—Fnocio De Mar ft Belmont— J'nnk Farron—Barmonyland. (Second Balf)— Two Earle*—Bell* ft Van—Aotomn Three—Oeosg* ft Paul BIckman—Pulton ft Mack. KEOKUK, IOWA Bacent—Jessie Miller—Evans, Movo ft Bvana— Catherine Sinclair ft Co. TB. U*S BBYANT E. HEHMENDINGERe INC. JEWELERS U VEST MTB BTBEET rrrr tobk LEAVENWOBIH, XANB. Oipheum (Bunilsyl—Two Earle*—Bell ft Van— Autumn Three—George ft Paul Blckmaa—FQlton ft Mack. m,WA1TXEB, WIS, Xajastlo—Toat ft Cady—MUtoa ft Lehman— Gibson SIslera ft Grady—Fred Lewis—Fitch's Min- strels—HolUday ft Wlllett—Coscia ft Verdi—Mel- vln Bra. Seranth St,—Hughes Musical Duo—Wllaon Aub- rey .Xrio-^Iack Roahler ft MulTa—BIckey ft Bart Remr—Ned Nestor ft Co.—Psge, Hark ft Mack. NOBFOXS, BHiWi Auditorium (Sunday)—Mason ft Scott—Seven Flashes. (Friday and Batuiday)-Dallaa Walkar —Gaffney ft Walton—Loola Love ft Co. aUINOr, ILL. Orphanm (Flrat Bait)—Earle ft Bdwarda. (Sec- ond Bait)—Spencer ft WUllsm*—Jscfc ft Jes*l* GlbKo. ST. LOTUS, MO, Colombia (FInt Bait)-Grant ft Wallac*—Thn* Strolling MlnstRls—Ssndell Slaten ft Aubny— Rowles ft Gllman. (Second Half)—Lottie Athep- ton—Mack ft Salle—Fnncia Delmar ft Belmont— Bvana, Hen ft Evana—Wheeler Trio. {Continued on page 26) Th9 GuarJUan ot m Good Comph STEINS MAKE UP V^S^STEIN COSMETIC Ca HOLDS THE CENTRE or THE STAGE I