New York Clipper (Jun 1923)

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June 6, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 31 E. F. ALEEE Prmident J. J. MURDOCK Ganeral IMaiiKgvr F. F. PROCTOR Vic»>Pmidant B. F. Keith Vaudeville Exchange (AGENCY) (Palace Theatre BniMins, New York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F- PROCTOR—FOUNDERS ArtitU Can Book Direct by Addreuing W. Dayton Wegelarth PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES lIaRCEST assortment in the world. Boota for home amusemenL Negro plays. Paper^ Scenery, Mrs. Jarley's Wax Worlu. Catalogue Freel Free! Frcel SAMUEL FRENCH, a West Sitb St, Nt» Yorii Insure Your Material Against Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS COUPON will be numbered and attached and a certificate will be rctnmed to TOO aa an aclmowledgmoit and for future ivfenncc. The cantribatfoa ahould be alcned plaiur by the peraon or firm aendins the aame, and ahould be endoraed by the atase manager of the (how or of the honse where the act ia being tued, or other witneatea. Farther acksowledgratnt win be made by the namca and nnmbcra being pabliihed. Addrcaa your contribution lo The Regutry Bnreau NEW YORK CUPPER. t«t Btoviw^. Hmw Yaik Date NEW YORK CUPPER REGISTRY BUREAU EBcIoaed find copy of enlillod for Re gtatia tioa. Ni Addraaa CERTIPICAIES ISSUED 1735— Harold A. Kccne—Song 1736—Three Renarda—Act. 1737— Uarria & Bernard—Song. 1738— Peny Glaaa—Song Poema. 1739— Reed & Blake—Material. 1740—Jenningi k Hdba—Novdty Catnme. 1741— Brian M.Jewett—^Title. & Br, - 1742—Wyae -Tide. 1743— R. Brownlce—Act. 1744— Hamy Sanford—Poema. 1745— Lou Attell—Seng Title. 1746— Anton Lada—Orchestra Titles. 1747— Donna Darling—.Sonff. 1748— Sidney B. Holcomb—Lyrics. 1749— ^Thomas Sigurdson—Lyrics & Music NAZI WORTH WHILE Toupee* Make^Up Sand (er Price List G. EiHINDHELIVf 10* W: 4M»i St.. New YeHc CENTRAL WARDROBE $45^ Eqaal fa any ^.00 Truk Cnlral Tnak Factor; smoNs&co. TM Arch St. PUh. MONEY WRITING SONGS A suooasful male mn^io ser and wrttaa a book •aplalnlna bow to mako pidiUibar ko Bn«r pnbllalibig saiga. Contents: Co i i wJlu g Yoia> Fmdf, Wrttln« a Melody, Dlractlng ll» Am. YocBC Conpoaer, Pladna Yotir Scnaa lha Piddle LUIS ovar SM Mudc Daal- • Band and Orchaatra Laadbrm. Yea aaad tUa book, mly one of Ita bfad « the 'at. Only tlJtt Pos^mld. Moner hack U gea^ mr mo^ UNION MUSIC COMPANY, SU Fifth St., OnrbinaH. Ohio. Every Manager and Agent SHOULO OWN ■ ow ol THE JULIUS CAHN-CUS HILL CUII« containing All the Eaientlal Facta of the Show Business, atb Edltiait, Price ^.00 net—UO 21st Edition Supplement. Price flJO net -1VZ2. ptM Complete JUUUS CAHN—GUS HILL GUIDE RooSB ZiT, 7*1 7lh Atk, Nav Yok BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES Alcaaar Tkeatre BoIlfBc SAN FRANCISCO LET US PROVE^^^* IT IS BESri rriS BEST 113 West Mlh St.. New York WIGS B«sl Bamu Hiir Importad: Zrlib nnmsdlaa, Ihrtdi* mui, OlovB. $1.U mah. Ktno, SOe.. BOe., 91.00. Ladjr wlf, t2.S0. Tlchtfl. Hair uostache or Ooatce. 25e. Onpe Hslr, p. yards 26c. SILKOLINB TlcbU or Bhlrt*. 92^ cacb. nika DlamoiUI Blnf or Ptn, 2Se. <Md Historic Bkr- rliiv pp. 00c. Paper Hata, 80c. doaan. Ohtaloff Cra*. OVB KUPPQT, M Ompv Ba., Vew Tnk. STAGE SHOES Entire companies and indi- viduals capably aerred in a courteous manner. AU JIo^Ebi Saptnixd hj I MUkr L MILLER & SONS InctrfmltJ New York 15S4 Broadway at 46th St. Chicago State amd Monroe - Streets Largfjt UammftturtTt tf Tktatrifl Ftt- war and BalM Slipftrt in lh» WtrU. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX ANIMALS Henry Bartcls, 72 Cortlandt St.. New York. Louis Ruhe. 3S1 Bowery, New York. Wm. Battels Co.. 44 Cortlandt St., New York City. BAZAAR a EXPOSITION SUPPUES Block Premium Sales Cotnoiation, 26 West 22nd St., New York City. LAWYERS F. U Boyd, 17 No. La Salle St., Chicago. SCENERY Kahn & Boawman Scenic Studio 155 W. 29th SL. N. Y. City. Chelsea B956. SCENERY FOR RENT Amdia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St., PhUadel- pbia. Pa. TENTS J. C. Gesa Co., 10 Atwater St, Detroit, Illch. Send for Second-hand list. SCENERY Dlansd Dya, OQ or Wktar ndiaa SCHELL SCENIC SlTJDia COLUMBUS, O. Ninety percent of the theatrical prtkfcsska nae TAYLOR TRUNKS Write for oar theatrical catalogae. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, STB N. Halsted St, Chicago Sold by tha FoOawtag Doalwai WATCH THIS UST GKOW NEW YORK CITY. William Bal Company, 0> Weat Mth St Edward Gropper, Inc., MM Broadway. ALBANY, N. Y. Weeks Trunk Company. 511 Broadway BOSTON MAS.S. na PkeadDy Shan ai Boylston St HUtFALO, N. Y. Moran Brothers, 387 Washington St CLEVELAND. OHIO. Obin Horse Goods Csl, 1744 East Ulh St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Grand Rapids Trank Ca. KV DirlaioB St., Soath. POrrSVILLE. PENNA. H. R. Knapp, 3(D South Coatra St SYRACtME. N. Y. Syracuse Trank Worka. 444 Saath SaUaa Street TOLEDO. O. Th« WilmlngtoB Co., 2U Sammit Ava^ TROY, N. Y. W. H. Frear * Company WILKES BARRE. PENNA. Brcesr tt Ycager, * Maia Sercat WORCESTER. MASS. The Baggage Shop, 57J Ilata llraat. WIUIABl BAL COMTANY NEWARK Tights Silk Open Hom and StofkingB An Oar SiiJJtlB QUALITY Ike Wmimi PRIOa «• LOWEST G<dd and SOnt BrecadM. IWaM Jawdrr, Spsnslsa. Etc Gall aad w Trtnuamaa, Wiga. Bsatda aad aB Good* TbcatifciL Samflca apsa niagifc J. J. WYLE A BROS.. lae. (Socccsaon to akginaa and Wall) IM E. fJlh St. Naw Ya* Subscribe for the New Yoi1( Clipper LATEST NEWS ON ALL Departments Reviews Vaudeville Dates Ahead D A TTC $5.00 per year 1 $2.50 for Six Months Send orders to CLIPPER CORPCHtATION. 1668 Broadway, New YeHc PrLnted by Tna Ticrsical Paxss, New YoaK